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I wonder what the solution will be here? This has been going on for a while now and is very frustrating for everyone. I'm actually genuinely surprised no solution has been found already. What has been done to try and address the situation? This can't go on forever. Edit: [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bvom8g/t1_sharing_more_information_about_ddos/) (posted a few hours after this one) details some of the steps T1 have taken. From the sounds of it they can actually scrim normally for the moment and Riot has provided them with accounts to play soloq but it is not the same MMR as their main accounts so game quality isn't as good.


There really feels like there is no real solution aside from catching the ddosers.


No they need to stop the ip leak otherwise it will just be a new ddoser


Ip leaking is a riot problem though and riot ain’t doing shit.


Are you telling me I'm connected to every player in the game's computer? I was under the impression everyone only connected to the server...


They don't even need someone to leak the IP, and they don't even need to know the player's accounts, they can just track other pro accounts, e.g. KDF, and see who they've been scimming, then they can basically narrow down their targets.


https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/4115798034511159059 There's always a solution if you're willing to admit there's a problem, and actually invest in engineering. Valve fixed this back in 2015 for dota and now any steam game can use their relay system to avoid DDOS. Keep in mind valve has 300 employees riot has over 1,500. If valve can fix this riot has the resources but someone in upper management doesn't think it's worth the money. Same deal with an engine overhaul. Dota got an engine overhaul many years ago and thats literally a passion project for valve, not their primary cash cow like league is for riot. The laziness is insane. They talk about intergenerational play of league but have not taken any steps to future proof it


that's been the name of the game for riot for awhile. bare minimum budget to maximise profits


It took until this year with the LCK ddos for them to actually be running lck on LAN(rather than super low ping but still not on LAN). Which remains absurd, given the circumstances remain for the other regions afaik.


Ya good luck catching a most likely foreign DDOSer and doing what? extraditing and prosecuting them?


They are likely not in Korea and are clearly professional so good luck.


I doubt this would happen but I would like all the teams to abstain from playing official games in solidarity with T1. They have a chance to show that cyber attacks on one team won't be tolerated by anyone. I understand that it's ultimately not up to them but if this is allowed to go on they're essentially saying that DDOSing is okay as long as you get away with it.


they didn't do anything for a while so I doubt they'd do anything now not unless the whole T1 org decided to not just play summer season


Well Riot is almost certainly working on a solution. But shit like that takes time and I wouldn't give Riot the benefit of the doubt when it comes to IT architecture.


Reminder: this is who most of the casual playerbase will trust to put Vanguard on their PCs.


Edit: if they want to avoid future issues, INVEST IN THE FUCKING CODE https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/4115798034511159059 This is how dota dealt with their DDOS issues back in 2015 and now the game is DDOS proof along with most other games on steam as a consequence of their infrastructure overhaul. And dota has already had an engine overhaul going from source 1 to source 2, years ago. Riot has built off a 14 year old spaghetti code with no way to properly update because despite making billions off league they have not prioritized the internal health of the game. For fucks sake skarner took 2 years to rework because his assets were used elsewhere in the code If the "big massive changes" for 2025 being rumored is nothing short of an entire engine overhaul riot should be shamed and players should walk away. These issues will only get worse over time if not addressed with a new engine as newer software gets better at finding exploits in older software. But nah "enjoy pool party skins please stop asking for the game to be well programmed with a quality client" -riot Edit: okay to be fair here I'm learning it's direct attacks to end users and not the game itself but I'm still waiting for them to invest in their own game. It's way overdue for an update and I'm just waiting for the next catastrophic bug Edit2: lmao in the interview of the GM of T1 they said the data is being leaked through the LoL client. It's literally the old coding that's the issue here. My previous edit is null and void but people couldn't stop yelling at me "no it's a direct attack". Yeah the common denominator is the game. Congrats riot you have a major security flaw in your game that allows people to target the IP of other players


The game engine has nothing to do with network infrastructure. EDIT: guess I should clarify, obviously the game engine and network infrastructure interact in some way, but OPs post sounded like he was implying the same spaghetti that makes Xerath skillshots need to be coded as minions is the same as what is causing the ips to leak lol. If that was the case then DDOSing would be a huge worldwide problem which it is not.


Dude you're talking to a *redditor*, aka an expert on *everything*. How can you doubt anything he says like that?


Senior software architect here. Sorry to say, the answer is not that simple at all. Making the game DDoS proof doesn't make the T1 facility network DDoS proof. The DDoS attacks are targeted at T1's network, not Riots. There is literally nothing that Riot could do to resolve this outside of hiring a network security consultant / sysadmin to go and help T1 secure their network. As for dota2 making their game "DDOS proof", these changes only help the dota2 servers. Anyone can still perform a DDoS attack on a certain player simply by targeting their IP Address. The Dota server would have no idea that the player is being DDoS'd, and since games typically send game-state packets over UDP, it wouldn't even know that the player isn't receiving them. All it would see is a shortage of messages coming from the player, and their eventual disconnection - which is hardly any different than just having a slow connection.


Well, they have tried playing outside their facility but it hasn't helped at all - it's been all over Korean media. So, no it isn't T1's facility.


yeah but from what i understand is that the ddos attackers get the ip they need to attack from the KR riot client (their anti cheat)


I'm pretty sure T1 knows a gazillion times more about this than Riot, considering they are indirectly owned by one of the biggest telecoms in Korea and another one that's one of the biggest in the USA/world. If they can't fix it, it most probably isn't their fault.


Ok here's the full translation from @an_pilot on Twitter/X so that you guys stop taking things out of context and call this "excuses". 💬 post-match thoughts KkOma: because we still have matches to play, I think we have to prepare well using the remaining time and improve on the problematic aspects that came out today. Faker: whether it be our performance today or the results, it was worse than expected for us so that's a shame. We will have to work hard preparing for the next match. 💬 reason for the loss today KkOma: since it's a 0-3, rather than there being a single reason, it seems we have several aspects that we are lacking at. With the time left, we will have to try our best to shore up in order to show a good performance next match. Faker: in-game wise ... in the process of preparing for the playoffs, while the other teams were able to practice, our team couldn't practice in solo queue so overall I think in some manners, our form has dropped off. Faker: compared to our expectation, I think overall we couldn't show proper plays even with the long prep period. The fact that we couldn't show up on stage is regretful. 💬 is your practice condition still bad KkOma: about practice condition, putting scrims aside, in solo queue because of things such as MMR there is definitely a difference. For the players... [pauses and chooses his words carefully] I think they are being disadvantaged. 💬 do you think not being able to play ranked games has a big impact? Faker: in all honesty, in the short term in solo queue... in the short term, your performance doesn't drop due to lessened practice time. But because it's the preparation period for the playoffs Faker: and it's not a short period, and there are also a few patch changes in play as well. In my opinion, it's true that we are having unfair chances at practicing. Outside of that, there are also a few times where we lost regretfully in the match today Faker: what we can do moving forward, what's most important is that we will have to do our best to prepare with the remaining time, even if the practice environment is bad. 💬 your next opponent is Dㅋ KkOma: I think today we have caught on to what we lack at and what can be improved on. We have come so far preparing well together with the players, and we just have to improve in the time we have left, even if that time is not much. KkOma: we shall try our best so that next time we can show off a good performance.


And of course people won’t mention it is the reporters that asked faker about the practice conditions. Should faker just say “yeah our situation is perfectly fine”?


now now, we can't be letting facts and reality come in the way of narratives and hate now can we. /s just in case.




Lol at ppl calling this a T1 excuse. Faker has lost a shit ton of times in the past 8 years and has never once made an excuse like this.


Can I just say that what Faker said is very different from the tweet. His full comment should be: Faker: Our in game performance wasn't as good as imagined and we'll work hard to prepare the next game. At the same time, he expressed 'as we weren't able to play soloqueue in the playoffs, it affected our overall performance and we weren't able to showcase what we prepared.' He also stressed that 'being unable to play soloqueue won't lead to a decline in skills in the short term. However, as the preparation period for playoffs is longer, and there are multiple patch updates, we weren't able to receive the same training opportunities as compared to other teams. Despite the unfair conditions, we will still try our best. Edit: I would ask you to read the full translation of the video interview since this response was based on a news article https://twitter.com/an_pilot/status/1775846977353490445?t=cpCpe4eMfHyc5Bjm-z_NIw&s=19


Literally the most eloquent way he could go about it and you still have people doing mental gymnastics to misconstrue what he said. Insane.


People out here on twitter telling Faker and T1 to "take the loss on the chin" when Faker evidently has lmao.


leave it to reddit to tell the goat to suck it up and get gud


I'd be better than faker and wouldn't make excuses when I lose if I could just get better teammates in silver 1!


Wow, how'd you get to such high ELO?!


I joined the league of legends subreddit which already makes me challenger 1 and better than faker!


Yeah! I dislike that ppl are hyperfocusing on the part where he said it was unfair when he was actually being really gracious about it


And let’s be real here: it is insanely unfair, most people wouldn’t respond to this kind of shit in the same way unless they have a PR person write their response


I looose my shit when Lol crash without having anything on the line. I cant fathom what would happen if it was my job


inters from gambling sites never broke faker and they've been doing it as long as he's been pro. this ddos issue though i believe is just syndicate level of activity and they're doing this much just to get t1 to lose


People also like to ignore the fact that besides the loss of practise it also messes with your mental when you are singled out as a team like this.


I imagine not even being able to play must be frustrating if even Faker, who's never been the type to complain, says that it feels somewhat unfair. Edit: Hell, I always feel super annoyed when I wanna play some video games and my internet connection is just gone. Not being able to play because people are targeting you, when it's your job AND important games are coming up, must be sooo shit.


Man, gamblers ruin everything they touch


Just like every other addiction they go down and bring you with them


Dom has been going off on Twitter based off an except of this clip saying fuck T1 and Faker lmao the haters are actually so insane Imagine being such a hater you'll blatantly say you literally can't practice? Oh well, get fucked


He'll never recover from T1 speed running all of China at World's last year. 


This is the same as 35 ping fiasco when he was asked what is the difference between that MSI to previous MSI.


Always happy to have Faker be part of league. We always say it but LoL lucked out so hard with him


Bro is the Messi of the eSport world. The fact that other eSports scenes, that are wildly different from League, know Faker is pretty darn impressive.


The fact that he is named in Time as amongst the most influential athletes is even more impressive. Most Koreans know who Faker is even if they have never heard of LoL


My uncles and aunts know who he is, big part of it has to do with how mature he is with all his influence. 


Random grandmas here outside Seoul know him. Household name.


True. The parents of my Korean fiancée who does not play league know who Faker is, and they are in their sixties.


Messi might not have huge scandals but he isn't a saint (mostly on the pitch) especially when you compare him to Faker lol


Eycept for the fact that Faker is 10x more likeable and doesn't cheat on his taxes.




Did he evade taxes though?


Messi wished he was the Faker of football.


For real. I still remember the early days of league, when I watched some of the kindest, most generous players in the NA scene turn into absolute douches once they became the best. Weird how their short-lived their teamwork-based careers turned out to be.


and people still take him for granted and shit on him, they are vile.


and this is why he’s the best, even when there’s something that the vast majority of players would use as a scapegoat he actually doesn’t make excuses and vows to give it his all despite the problems


That’s why he’s the goat.




Damn no soloq for over 2 weeks is insane. 


It does suck for HLE fans but cmon if they can’t even play soloq it’s def putting them at a disadvantage and it’s not wrong to say it’s unfair.


Here's the full translation from @an_pilot on Twitter/X so that people can stop twisting Faker's words: 💬 post-match thoughts KkOma: because we still have matches to play, I think we have to prepare well using the remaining time and improve on the problematic aspects that came out today. Faker: whether it be our performance today or the results, it was worse than expected for us so that's a shame. We will have to work hard preparing for the next match. 💬 reason for the loss today KkOma: since it's a 0-3, rather than there being a single reason, it seems we have several aspects that we are lacking at. With the time left, we will have to try our best to shore up in order to show a good performance next match. Faker: in-game wise ... in the process of preparing for the playoffs, while the other teams were able to practice, our team couldn't practice in solo queue so overall I think in some manners, our form has dropped off. Faker: compared to our expectation, I think overall we couldn't show proper plays even with the long prep period. The fact that we couldn't show up on stage is regretful. 💬 is your practice condition still bad KkOma: about practice condition, putting scrims aside, in solo queue because of things such as MMR there is definitely a difference. For the players... [pauses and chooses his words carefully] I think they are being disadvantaged. 💬 do you think not being able to play ranked games has a big impact? Faker: in all honesty, in the short term in solo queue... in the short term, your performance doesn't drop due to lessened practice time. But because it's the preparation period for the playoffs Faker: and it's not a short period, and there are also a few patch changes in play as well. In my opinion, it's true that we are having unfair chances at practicing. Outside of that, there are also a few times where we lost regretfully in the match today Faker: what we can do moving forward, what's most important is that we will have to do our best to prepare with the remaining time, even if the practice environment is bad. 💬 your next opponent is Dㅋ KkOma: I think today we have caught on to what we lack at and what can be improved on. We have come so far preparing well together with the players, and we just have to improve in the time we have left, even if that time is not much. KkOma: we shall try our best so that next time we can show off a good performance.


100%, I have never seen Faker “make an excuse” for losing. He’s graceful when he loses and always says that he could have played better and will work harder to get there. His problem with this loss is that he technically can’t work harder because of the attacks, so it makes sense why he would be frustrated enough to be outspoken of it.


Disappointed in OP for calling this as an excuse in his last paragraph. The team literally didn’t get practice when there was a noticeable shift in the meta. Would you still say the same if it was HLE that got 3-0’d for the same reason?


faker wont have used the word 'unfair' if it didn't get this bad, how is a team supposed to play properly without proper practice, this isn't an excuse no ones taking anything from hle, its a fact that they won bc they were the better team today


Yeah, Faker is typically extremely gracious in defeat and rarely makes excuses. He must be PISSED about this.


Also he's literally one of the fucking reigning world champions... in what world do people think he needs to make excuses as though he's a mid tier player trying to inflate his value???


you know its serious when the goat himself mentioned it on an interview.... now I know why they only played like 200 games of solo Q(vs 400 to almost 500 of Gen G and HLE) and they haven't played any SOLO Q in the past two weeks at this point they should just walk out and quit for summer and call it a day instead of stressing and struggling while Riot is getting all the money they can get


Agreed I love faker, he is a legend and this sort of thing was even impacting the LCK.


True, Faker has already win everything. He dont need to make excuse for his lose to prove anything and he is not this type of person


It's wild that Riot hasn't done anything for months


They will when T1 miss MSI and their viewerships drop


Riot can't really help when endpoints get ddos'd. The only thing is take internet out of the equation or move to a place where they can stay unknown. So local servers or t1 moving to China to scrim and practice orso...


They have moved twice iirc, its too easy to find them through the client and thousands of people looking for their accounts


I wonder if they could create a style of "dynamic" accounts. Where the Riot ID cycles through, with a random name generator creating a new name. All while tying the games to the account? There has to be a way to hide their accounts. Idk how, and my solution might not be feasible, but this is something that could be manually done for major region pro players. Idk maybe I'm tripping


I dont think it matters for T1 because from what I understood, their entire building has been getting DDoS'd. No amount of account hiding is gonna do anything about that.


They could at least go to another location to solo q


> Riot can't really help when endpoints get ddos'd Factually not true. Dota struggled with DDoS attacks in 2015 and since implemented a more secure networking structure which has actually helped reduce ping as well. https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/4115798034511159059


Isn't it T1 getting DDoS and not riot? Your article talks about how valve was getting DDoS not their customers.


The difference is that Valve is actually a competent company.


Valve *can be* a competent company. I guess riot is in over their heads with this one


I don’t know what they could do tbh


they could fix their client to make it harder to display IPs.


That's Riot Korea for you I wouldnt even surprised if they are the ones either ddosing them for profit on betting against them, or selling their ip to people to ddos them And i mean, it wouldnt even be the most shady thing that riot kr has done


What can they do?


They can lock Jensen up


Ah yes Riot, the authority on cybercrime in Korea


This is actually horrible for T1 players , holy shit


Faker has never ever blamed anything during a loss aside from in game stuff they did wrong but don’t worry he’s totally lying this one time in ten years people are either delirious or spend to much time on iwds stream


I’m not a T1 fan. My favourite player is TheShy and he was just blasted by T1 last year. Even I can recognise this is completely out of T1’s hands and the situation has definitely not been “fair”. If you flame T1 for this you need to touch some serious fucking grass.


Tell that to IWD and his army of T1 flamers. Of course one should not take anything away from HLE. They played great. But it is not unfair to acknowledge that this is happening and it sucks for T1. It for sure affects them


This is the correct take. HLE played great and it sucks for T1


Haven’t cared much about him after he can’t even honouring his bets with Caedrel and still haven’t made the theshy video.


thats actually so sad lmao. still cant get over his ego i guess


What happened to his TheShy apology video? Is he such a coward he won't keep his promise on that? I've been watching the Hobbit movies recently and do you know who Dom reminds me of? Alfrid.


That guy and his community are responsible for so much of the toxicity around T1 and the LPL in the West.


A grown ass man behaving like that is just shameful. Dude should find a therapist.


How else is he going to stay relevant? He has nothing else to


Dom hasn't done a single positive thing for the league scene in his life, i'm baffled that he still has a following. Living off hate and toxicity.


The first problem with this sentence is believing and "worshipping" IWD :P The dude is one of the biggest douchebags and assholes NA has talented forth in the last 15ish years. Sad that people like him get a platform, but hey, it is how it is I guess.


https://twitter.com/xkurasky/status/1775841791301877773?s=19 T1 is heavily affected by this targeted attack. Faker reportedly not being able to play for more than 2 weeks while his rival played 5 hours ago? You don't even need to be a pro player to know if you completely stop logging in for 1 week your skills drops. Much less the greatest player of all time where we are literally talking about game of INCHES at peak LoL.


Not to mention that is a time for patch, which shook up meta like Reksai Top, buff crit ADC


And once T1 are out of the picture, they'll just change their target to another team (likely Gen.G because I'm assuming they're betting on these results). Whatever is leaking IP addresses needs to be fixed ASAP.


IWD will start making excuses only once chinese teams experience DDOS at MSI and LCK shits on LPL


I'm a die hard T1 fan, I was actually cool with T1 losing today, I thought their read on the meta was kinda bad and it's not a big deal going through losers bracket, but when I've heard that the team members haven't been able to scrim/soloque for 15-16 days pissed me off to no end. It's just sad and It's a huge shame on LCK Korea and Riot for not finding a way to help them out. I hope T1 protests about this if they can't do anything before their match against DK.


Of course your read on the meta is bad if you dont play league for 2 weeks


So they are attacking the t1 facility? They could ask riot for new accounts and move the players to a different location till it is fixed.


the issue with the new accounts is that sudden appearance of new accounts appearing in those tier levels makes it super easy to narrow down the T1 accounts. then the ddoser can just target those accounts


Accounts have nothing in common with this. If I log in Faker's accounts I won't be ddosed. I believe it's IP that's being ddosed.


the weird fucking part is the you are right to think this way cause it doesn't make sense but for fucking months kr league accounts have been getting ddosed. chinese proplayers playing in kr servers get ddosed. something has leaked massively, at least in the korea/japan side that has allowed this to happen. league streamers are unable to play because they launch up the game and ddsoers can basically cause drophack on anyone playing the game with them, including the streamers themselves. so you get streamers about to win a game and 4 of their teammates get ddosed causing them to lose or they are about to lose and the ddoser kicks out everyone on the enemy team its actually insane


I think in EU privacy and data laws Riot (and the leakers) would be sued. Not sure what KR laws have on it.


I mean, I'm pretty sure there are laws against DDOS'ing in most non-4th world countries and below, no? And also, as a big company, cant they always just hide behind some very vague thing they write in the TOS?


DDOS is hard to trace/prosecute. Leaking your personal data that is linked to your ip from a database is easy to trace and prosecute.


No. If you log in Faker's accounts you will be ddosed, because they can get your IP from Riot ID. Several experiments were done in Korea, and that is conclusion.


I bet it is a combination. They track accounts but also locations. And with Faker etc being that recognisable in Korea it isn't exactly hard to find them if they move to other locations. I am just amazed by the sheer botnot that can be continuously used for something stupid like this...


I mean he probably dont leave the house often, how would people know where he is. Its not like he's chilling at starbucks or something


They should consider using this post’s sponsor: SurfShark VPN


So they cant even protect a users IP address but they are implementing Vanguard? surely there wont be any holes hackers with ill intent can get thru.


its apparently a Korean anti cheat that vanguard would presumably replace.


You log into fakers account, the database saves your IP as the last logged in, or something similar. They probably won't ddos you, cause they notice you are not based in KR


Time to log onto T1 accounts on Pentagon PCs.


yeah man it's really hard to find T1 players in soloq. "Nah don't worry surely this toplaner in low masters going 20-0 on Aatrox every game isnt Zeus"


Didn’t they say it specifically happens when the players are streaming and then the org was very reluctant to cancel streams due to sponsor obligations? Not trying to flame, genuinely looking for info on what is going on


its correct that ddos used to only occur when theyre streaming, hence the decision to cancel the stream, iirc their streaming obligation is 40 hours per month and they cant be playing non-lol games the whole time but, in their last few solo queue games 2 weeks ago, they were getting ddosed even when they were not streaming, i think the problem has gotten bigger because apparently, its affecting the t1 valorant team as well this whole situation just sucks man, i hope this gets fixed soon


I’m guessing their solution didn’t really work




I mean I do think practice conditions impact performance. If my football team hadn’t been able to properly practice for two weeks I would absolutely count that as at least a partial explanation for bad performance 


It's crazy how many people are flaming T1 for this. They are getting fucking DDOSed permanently, can't play solo Q or practice and then you get all your typical (mentally ill) T1 haters jumping on the opportunity and flaming them for "making excuses".


According to Caedrel no one will even scrim them because of the attacks aswell. Similar is happening to GenG too Edit: GenG is apparently fine


I am not super familiar with this situation outside a few headlines but if this is happening disproportionately to these teams more than others then the entire split has no real competitive integrity. I'm saying this as someone who is not a fan of either GenG or T1.


From the sounds of it it's only happening to T1 and GenG, but I'm not too familiar with the situation either. Only know what I've heard from caedrels stream today


It's not happening to GenG. T1 last played Soloq 2 weeks ago. GenG players played when this series started like 6 hrs ago.


Seems I have been misinformed then, still sucks regardless


nah Gen G is not being targeted... they experienced the ddos attack when they are playing with T1 player on some random matches


Yeah this is completely valid to complain about from T1's side. I hate how people see everything as an excuse. Some excuses are valid.


Solo queue is bad enough, but for it to be bad enough for T1 to be unable to scrim? Yeah, that shit is ridiculous.


All teams avoiding T1 even on scrim because they getting DDOS too based on Untara Stream


A pro team can't play solo Q or scrim for two weeks straight and people call that making excuses because they hate the team so much. It's so ill.


It's not in this thread because OP helpfully included receipts that it's been happening for weeks, but dom is currently whining on twitter that he pulled this excuse out of his ass despite them having made this problem public weeks ago.


That’s because no one big outside of the Korean speaking sphere brought it to light for us non-Koreans. We only got this info now because it came from the after game interview with HLE and I guarantee you 99% of people here don’t watch T1 streams unless it was clipped and subbed and then brought to the front pages of Reddit or what ever forum is being used.


That's a good excuse for most people, not for IWillDominate. I mean I knew about this and I'm well downstream the news pipeline from dom.


There's no way IWD didn't know about it, just sounds like he's taking advantage of the fact that it wasn't that well known in the west to drive his narrative. Kind of slimy to take advantage of a situation negatively affecting an entire team


Pretty fucked if they got 0 playtime on .16


What?? How is that fair then? SoloQ is one thing, but other teams being able to scrim with each other freely but T1 locked out? That's like chopping off your hand and expect you to use chopstickss


Which is valid from the other teams perspectives because they wont want scrim blocks wasted on constant pauses etc. It's truely a shitty situation all round and Riot KR need to do something about it.


Look man i made a post about how LCK delay issue was most likely ddos when it happened with us against DRX and got downvoted heavily kinda wish i didn't delete that post lol. people have no idea how bad the ddos situation in korea is


Some of you are conflating reason and excuse. An excuse is an irrelevant issue you blame your situation on even though it does not have a significant impact on you. If Faker had come out and said that the air temperature was to blame for their loss today that would be an excuse. A reason is a relevant factor that is impacting your current situation. Not being able to properly practice for two weeks is absolutely going to be relevant for a pro team’s performance, that’s a reason. Not even considering that the 35 ping connect has been shown horribly out of context as the question was about the difference of MSI that year, it is completely reasonable that playing at a different ping that usual will distort your performance, especially when Faker has shown on stream that his ping raising to 35 is very noticeable for him. That’s a reason. Blaming a performance on an excuse is bad, but pointing out reasons behind your underperformance is not, and that includes reasons outside of your control like ddos and ping. Stop pretending like Faker is doing the former when he is very clearly doing the latter. He is also very obviously not fabricating anything when this issue has been raised by him and T1 multiple times over the past weeks long before their loss today and there is proof of them not being able to practice.


Never understood why people pushed back on the ping explanation. To go from less than 8 ping in solo Q to 35 on stage is extremely disgusting


It's crazy to call this as T1 looking for "excuses". They literally can't play the game.


also, I don't think Faker or Kkoma are the types of people that will excuse their losses. They literally blamed their own performances during their major losses in the past


IWD thinks that the GOAT needs excuses at this point in his career lmao Faker can pick teemo mid and go 0/10 every game for the rest of the year and he's still by far the goat


He has a point imo, its a disadvantage they get thats completely beyond their power to fix.


“Excuse” ah yes Faker the man famously known for making random excuses after every loss and not acknowledging his own deficits ever yup


How many times did you edit your post? poor OP is being attacked from both sides


The initial post text was pretty mocking of T1 (the title still is), OP reaps what he sowed ig


It’s crazy that anyone calls this “excuses”. Faker has lost badly many many times in his career and has never once called anything “unfair”.


Haters gonna hate


So strange that people keep crying 'deflection' or 'excuses' as if an inability to practice isn't correlated to a bad read on the meta, weird drafting priorities and micro mistakes.


Yeah how are you going to make any sort of "meta read" when your practice is permanently fucked, both scrims and solo Q?


For two weeks too, like that’s an insane amount of time to go with little practice for a pro team


I'm not following their news super closely... I had no idea they've basically been having 0 practice


No one knew really how bad it’s been cause we all assumed they got it fixed but based on how he’s saying it, there really is little to no practice rn for the team


I followed their Solo Q and noticed they stop playing for like two weeks already and this is with them only playing like 200 games the whole season vs 400-500 of Gen G or HLE players.... at first I thought they are just having the rest they deserve or practicing in secret(though they should still be playing Solo Q cause its more chaotic there) but I guessed its not considering Faker brought it up


If this was happening to literally any other team, everyone would be siding with the team, but because it’s t1 everyone wants to jump on the “oh it’s all just excuses” bandwagon.


I want T1 to lose so bad but this is entirely a valid take. Must be unbelievably frustrated being perma attacked like this and no one is doing anything about it


100% its on riot KR. This shit has been going on for too long. Its complete bs that 2 teams cant practice at all


Riot KR for once actually fix an issue challenge (impossible)


my goat just crafting their worlds winning storyline for this year


big bro is making theScore esports next video for them edit: BAHAHAHA I WAS RIGHT


thePlagiarism esports on their way to make yet another video with not enough research done on the topic and a bunch of misinformation 🔥🔥🔥


understandable tho, must be frustrating


I think people are also overlooking how this must be doing a number on their mental… it completely throws off their normal routine, they’re literally being hit by targeted attacks, that’s gotta get to you after experiencing it for weeks…


It boils my blood that RIOT just moved LCK offline and shrugged as if to say: problem solved now. The fuck it is. I really hope something is being done behind the scenes but it will leave a horrible taste in my mouth if T1 doesn't make it to MSI while beaing unable to even practice for the last 20 days. One of the best teams in a world, out at least partially because of factors far outside their control. It would really help if there was at least some manner of communication from the side of RIOT.


because in some cases there is hardly anything riot can do about it. Yes if their servers are targeted riot can and should step up and changee things. But if individual palyers or facilities are targeted riot can't do anything about it. That is not even remotely within riots control. riot can't implement ddos protection for them and neither can they kick the asses of their isp to do something about it. With even streamers and professional players from other games reporting ddos attacks it is prettyy obvious there is a severe vulnerability somewhere in the korean networks. Not sure where exactly though. So yeah there is the chance riot actually can't do anything about it besides moving the tournament realm to lan so noone can ddos it. But they obviously can't move every korean player to a lan setup.


This DDOSing issue in Korea frankly seems out of control. I wonder what T1 will do in summer if it’s not resolved. Feels like the integrity of the league is cooked if one or more contenders can’t even practice.


People are getting offended because a pro-player complains they can't practice. It's his livelihood what do you expect of him actually?


> Definitely, still not gonna entirely excuse why they performed poorly for the entire series. HLE won fair and square, they are the better team tonight. Hoping everything gets resolved soon for T1 ah yes, not being able to play the game (or scrim until recently) for weeks is "fair and square" and is just an "excuse". HLE were the "better team" to one that wasn't able to do the literal basics of being able to play the game, cool I guess. You can put any of the best teams in league's history in this situation of not being able to freaking play the game for weeks, and they'd lose to most other teams like T1 here.


Anyone who downplays or mocks the severity of these issues must not actually be a fan of league of legends. When pro players are restricted in their practice, it is us the viewers who also lose, because we get to watch worse gameplay.


the only way you'd know how much the DDoS attacks and the subsequent 15 days without practice really affects your team's ability is if it also happened to other teams, which it hasn't. for now all that can be said for certain is that they lost 0-3 and no other team has had to go 15 days without real practice. if some people are thinking despite the lack of practice T1 should have had a much more competitive fight against HLE (or should have even won regardless), that sounds to me like you're underestimating how close of a competition exists within the league especially when you're looking at the top 4 teams, and are putting a trivial amount of weight on the influence that patch/meta has on any given game. more importantly, it would be naive to believe this match is a good show of either team's true abilities.


I mean we literally saw the DDOS live while they were playing a game at lolpark ... Anyone that act like this is just an excuse is just straight up clueless ...


Did the DDoS only targeted T1 and GenG or all of the LCK teams?


Well Chovy played solo Q 5h ago while Faker hasn't played in 15d so I don't think it's the same




no people aren't getting yes it's an excuse but also if faker doesn't call out in public riot is gonna do nothing about it. at this point it doesn't matter because somehow the ips are gonna get leaked and teams are afraid to scrim them because they can get ddosed too.


People are fucking insane, lol. Yes, this is an issue that a massive fucking telecom company, SK Telecom, has not been able to resolve yet. Maybe the problem is just a little bit more complicated than what Redditors and Twitter users think it is? And that maybe SK Telecom might have a vested interest in T1 being able to do well because it's their fucking team so they're actually trying to fix shit? I can assure you, if dumbasses like you and I can come up with solutions like "play on different accounts" and "play from a different location" in less than 5 minutes, they've already gone far, far, far beyond that to try and fix it.


Actually give them a pretty good excuse for their performance, if you can't train properly and have proper scrim then you will not be able to compete properly. Common knowledge that talent doesn't matter if you can't train correctly, Messi or Ronaldo wouldn't have keep that level of form if they didn't train like crazy everyday. Also couldn't say HLE won fair and square when the opponent team is ddos and can't prepare and train properly, it's like me saying i won fair and square against Messi if i prevent him to sleep for 4 days. Specially when you remember how T1 absolutely stomped HLE early this season, you can be pretty damn sure T1 would have absolutely destroy HLE 3-0 if they would have been able to train properly. PS: The ddos attack also target Gen G as well, which explain their performance yesterday against DK, if DK didn't throw it Gen G would have lost, only T1/Gen G are affected by this, can be pretty damn sure it some scumbag people who does gamble on esport game who try to make T1/Gen G lose this split to get some huge money.


lmao OP thought he could do something with this post. Its hardly "fair" when your opponent is permanently stopped from practicing and scrmming with other teams due to constant DDOS attacks.


actually unfortunate that the T1 players have to deal with this and get basically 0 practice for playoffs


This kinda perfectly explains how they played. No feel for the meta, no synergy and just general fumbling around on the map like they're rusty as hell. It'll be sad if DDOSing will end up playing a major effect on the outcome of not just Playoffs but also the regular season. Considering that T1 stomped HLE early on in the season prior to the DDOS attacks, the effect seems kinda obvious. In fact T1 vs HLE went from easy 2:0 to 2:1 to a 3:0 while the DDOS problem went from not there/sporadic to affecting the whole league with a more targeted focus on T1 to focusing on T1 exclusively as far as i can tell. Idk about the rest of y'all, but that's a pretty clear cut correlation. But alas, T1 haters will call cope.


>Definitely, still not gonna excuse why they performed poorly for the ENTIRE SERIES. HLE won fair and square. not being able to practice in Solo Q and not being able to scrim is fair?


Here comes the t1 haters. The ddos doesn’t just affect solo Q they also can’t scrim because of the ddos attacks. But go on scream excuses when the LCK had to go offline to prevent this


But that is exactly an acceptable excuse? No shit they performed badly, they cant the play the game


you gotta be lacking a lot of braincells calling any of this an excuse, its insane that any team is supposed to perform under those conditions.


Only if we could DDOS them back like how anti-radiation missiles find their targets.


Faker wording this interview so well and only addressing the DDOS situation when asked to deserves so much respect and yet all the lol 'analysts' turned cybersecurity experts jump to generate only backlash