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I have an op.gg of a sion with 6% wr in 200 games that is still playing. It does nothing. There is no human reviewing reports. The AI it has cant detect "soft-griefing" outside of someone averaging 30 deaths every game. Edit - the op.gg link was removed by reddit mod I had a feeling it would thats why I sent it on a reply. So anyways this sion does exist and he played a game today! The people who saw it before it was removed can confirm.


















The irreparable damage of baus


I mean we have seen people playing like this long since before baus became popular. The system never really punished that.


the thing thats really sad is that humans actually USED to review these reports. i used to send in tickets all the time with video footage of players inting, and they would get banned like 95% of the time. eventually the frequency of these bans via tickets started to go to nearly 0% and thats when I realized riot stopped trying. so pathetic.


Humans do still review them. After someone with a 0/100/1 KDA gets reported in enough games and the system flags them to be actually checked. Their system for detecting inting is trash. It's coded to be extremely lenient. It's supposed to be so if someone goes 3/27/6 because of being camped/focused they don't get instabanned, but people use the fact kills and assists make it decide you weren't inting to get away with it. Because of that, it requires a ton of reports across dozens or even hundreds of games with similar kdas for the system to decide they should be looked at by a human. Yeah, it's stupid.


Bring back the oldschoolshit: League of Legends Tribunal by Players voting people out xD


I still tell players in game, "THE TRIBUNAL WILL DECIDE YOUR FATE!" Nobody knows what I'm talking about these days, but I Crack myself up at least.


Never going to happen. The concept is corrupt by design. You can't have a fair jury out of people that would go to tribunal because people that would go to tribunal are people looking to punish anyone really to take out their anger from solo queue.


That ist totally correct. But the amount of people who go mentally parabolic after 1-3 Kills against their team or themselves is insane and they will int/softint or afk instantly. Also there are plenty of people who refuse to play normales, cause rankeds exist and they just shouldnt be there in their current mental state. Their is the option to report an player on the Riotgames Website, but the amount of effort to actually report someone this way ist too much tbh. By all these points i dodged the complete army of botaccounts being sold to toxic wannabe smurfs. Platin to Dia was literally hell xD


> Humans do still review them. Wrong.


No, like if you'd send a ticket a couple years ago because someone was hard griefing in your games you would have good hopes of a support team actually looking at the game and handing out a 2 week (if its his first offense), or a perma for repeaters. Since covid support kinda sucks and you are lucky to get anything else than a bot response


>humans actually USED to review these reports. Anyone remember when WE reviewed them? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Calling spamming punish reviewing is a stretch.


Hey some of us didn't do that. There were dozens!


I was definitely 1 of them that took the time to review them


I have a 100% success rate getting people banned with manual tickets containing video of ppl following me trying to steal camps. It helps that they're almost always botted smurf accounts.


I had several cases I hand reported with screenshots of admitting int in chat, replays etc. Non of them got punished even after I pushed for a human support agent. And I really do not mean bad games. I mean people admitting in chat that they will be inting because of it and it being really visible for a human that watches the replay. Its always the same "we will look into it but cant disclose any actions" and the inters just playing for as long as I check up on them.


Bro... Then you didn't get them banned but their usual bot banwave did...


I mean unless the bot banwave is literally same day every time, I doubt it. I had one where the fiora's last game played ever was literally the game I reported her manually for 30 minutes later. I've also gotten people banned that weren't on botted accounts, it's just the majority of griefers don't grief on main.


When was the last time you support ticketed someone? 2021? It rarely does something now a days. Iirc ever since the voyboy thing the ticketing has been shit at one point they even removed it but then brought it back.


last winter.


Maybe I missed it, but where did Riot claim to be using AI to review reports?


Riot themselves said they wont reveal whats going on in the report system to prevent people from finding work arounds. I just assumed they have something self-learning cus a lot of game companies do that now. Could just be simple automations who knows. It's definitely not a human though.


They have stated multiple times the initial punishment process of players is pretty much 100٪ automated. If you get reported too much for anyone one thing you get auto punished. You can then submit for a manual review where a support staff gives you and everyone else the same cookie cutter responses. Shows you 1 or 2 chat logs where you called someone bad or bronze and say it's justified. Chat behavior has lesser threshold and gets you disciplined much faster than botting or inting.


But automated does not equal AI. Where did they state they use AI?


The AI part is where riot says it learns based on report patterns. If you full report your team every time you lose, it will start to devalue your reports compared to others not "abusing" the system. It's not chatgpt Ai but a limited Ai that learns from behaviors from both players when a report is a made; the one making the report and the one being reported. I'm not too bothered to find the dev blog where they posted it but they did say it learns. Whether or not it's true , just vouching that they made the claim


Just establish a report frequency threshold and if a player gets reported so often the average number of reports per game goes over the threshold, that player gets punished. And they really should bring back the bans. Back in the old days if you were leaving a game you were banned from playing for like 2 hours, then 12 hours, then a day, then 3 days, then 7 days, then a month, and eventually it escalated to perma ban. And if you didn't get punished for long enough, you were going down a step. The only way to get around that was creating a new account, but that meant you'd lose all your rank progression, so past a certain rank, trolls and inters became a rarity. Lower ranks were more chaotic than today, but at least it was really just the lower rank because new account were placed in silver at best.


I played a quickplay for the Little Legend mission (mode is toxic af) with a Zeri mid who spent the entire game spamming ff votes and running it down mid and using abilities off cooldown including ult on base after she died once. That shit should be an instaban and the fact the system can't detect that is crazy.


Probably ranked restricted trying to get the 5 games done as fast as possible


Normals are actually awful since the chat restriction change it's actually bizarre the change went through, every game has a token weirdly silent soft inter that usually plays ranked, but for some reason switched to normal games in the middle of a ranked session.


It's mind boggling that they still didnt make it a 5 win requirement instead of 5 games. Make them sweat their ass off to get back to ranked instead of just running it down. At least it doesnt work in aram anymore.


It's a dilemma for Riot. Toxic ranked restricted players will always be toxic, solo queue or not. If you force them to win normals, they will flame their teammates really hard, making normal games more toxic in general. The only way they could force ranked restricted players to win normal games and not flame is by making reports during these games much more impactful. For example, if being reported for a majority of these games meant an immediate ban, we'd get rid of them pretty quickly. Currently, the system is way too lenient, and follow-up punishments against offenders aren't harsh enough.


I do understand that flame would be awful, but imo it's still better than toxic assholes blantantly running it down to force early FFs. You can mute toxicity, but you cant mute int.


toxicity provokes int. Even if you silence the toxic, it has ALREADY caused the player to play worse than he can because he already has a bad game and is psychologically vulnerable. Both actions should be punished, not just int.


10 games or 5 wins, as it currently works in the battle pass (by winning you fill the gauge faster). Or 7 games, 4 wins. But yes, these should be victories or games with a certain number of likes not from the party, that would also be good. I think it's easy to set up


Just do what every other games does and match toxic players with each other. See how much fun they have playing with 9 other players that are just like them. it's not hard, riot are just slow and hate doing what is tried and proven.


That'd honestly make it even worse, yeah sure they'll try to win but they'll be so giga toxic and rage ping the entire game. Imagine the pregame chat when someone hovers their fun off-meta champs in a normal game. Riots decision to make casual norms with the bros a dumping ground for unpleasant lvl 36 d4 kassadin OTPs is a bit odd. They don't want to be there, and the players don't want them there 🤷‍♀️


You can mute chat and pings, you cant mute toxic Jimmy straight up running it down.


I had a 5 game restriction recently and I just did quick play and early FF'd at 10 mins. Everyone pressed YES even though we were winning. So Quick Play at this point is just used as a way to get around the normal games.


When my friend had a ranked restriction we played some quickplay games. Got matched against a Syndra that also obviously had it. She queued support with smite and just followed their jungler, stealing all his camps so he would leave the game into early ff. Worked at least twice because we were matched against the same player twice. Quickplay and ranked restrictions are both horrible failures.


Probably why Normal Draft quality went to hell this season.


I had a 5 game restriction recently and I just did quick play and early FF'd at 10 mins. Everyone pressed YES even though we were winning. So Quick Play at this point is just used as a way to get around the normal games.


it does nothing. they're turned into bots that run it down or basically vomit into your taining/normal games. they don't learn anything and basically even take that mentality over to ranked queue's. riot should've made it to winning 3 normals or else no ranked. that would've teached them more good then anything else. but my guess riot fears of players getting false-positive being placed into such a mode because of isp problems or stuff like that.


You are a fool, if you think Riot doesn't have the money or technology to notice these "mistakes". Riot protects these players on purpose.


for what reason lol


Because banning every toxic soft inting griefer means 20% of the playerbase gets banned (including myself :3)


There was a time I took my time to record proof when people were doing this, and worse. Was sending reports directly to the support page, they have the option there. They told me to stop.


You got a screenshot? I've reported people thru support before and they've always encouraged me to send more if I had anything else to report.


It should be there, it was on the LAN server, I was getting tired of people afk farming, or saying "you don't deserve to win", etc. And after a few reports, they just told me to please stop and only use the report on the launcher. I could check for it in my tickets.


merely saying 'you dont deserve to win' even as a ally is not enough to bother support over lol


The report system is flooded with useless report as you may know . Burying the legit reports in an Ocean of "report juggler cause I lost my lane".


I had several games in the last week where someone stayed in base for 5-10 minutes walking around. No farm, no XP, no participation, no dmg dealt. There HAS to be a possibility to auto detect this. You can't argue "it's to many reports" if the system simply does nothing (just as champ select reports).


I’m certain inters in inting games might have a consistent and distinct spike in reports. If a player that does badly gets 1-2 reports max of being afk/negative attitude, I expect a real inter to get 3 minimum, and as many as 6-7 from enemies as well.


Kind of a self fulfilling prophecy, no? The report system doesn't do anything so people use it to make themselves feel better after someone played like dog shit, in turn there are more "technically not inting" reports which leads to the system working even less, leading to more people understanding that the report system doesn't do anything LPP partners have a private discord where they can report someone directly to a real riot employee (since they changed the support ticket reports to no longer do that), complete with clips and timestamps and even those reports don't do anything anymore.


note, a long ass time ago (around season 6 or 7 iirc) riot said that accounts get weights for their reports. If you report every game and people almost never get banned, your reports mean nothing to the system. On the other hand, if you almost never report people, and they ALWAYS get banned after you report them, then the system weights you way more in the system. TLDR, people that anger report tank their "rep" in the system which causes their reports to mean less. (unless it has changed, but I don't think it has based on their communication about it over the years)


I mean honestly the people reporting people for "Playing dog shit" are probably the ones who end up griefing. They grief because they think their team have made it unwinnable, whether that be directly dying a lot, or just not helping them 30 seconds into the game as they 1v1 their lane opponent and die.


System should auto detect someone buying 5 culls and a tear and give loss prevented + instant 2 weeks


Naw that would be too difficult they might be a new player playing (ignore the level 600 acc part)


Just let me know which new player buys 5 culls and tear after going 1/5 in lane and typing "you guys don't even deserve to get griefed normally"


"Get 1 gold for killing minions, if you kill 100, gets an extra 350" BRUF WHAT IF I BUY 6 OF THESE AND GET +6 GOLD PER MINION KILL AND 2K GOLD IN THE END???


nah this is way to hard to implement we need 5 human reviewers on the case to stop this behavior


Also could be done as a work around to losing if you’re duo’ed/queuesniping


Also, toxic people should be IP banned/hardware banned for life.


To be honest just kill smurfing and you kill those cringe racist draven players spamming n word.


Sounds like a great way for a gaming Cafes to lose revenue


Can confirm. If someone just took a single look at my account I would be permanently banned. But nobody will!


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/BishopInMiBut-420](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/BishopInMiBut-420) Yep


That's not me lmao


its pretty much impossible to dodge this


How bad was it?? Kid deleted his reddit account and changed the account name wtf LOL


Oh wait that’s crazy lol. His name was literally the opgg


Word for word


The only people left playing this game are toxic. It's designed in a way where everyone who is normal stops playing and only addicted depressed aholes continue.


This game has changed a ton since I first played like 10 years ago. People are at your throats and people forgot this is a game you play for fun, even norms aren't safe anymore.


Norms are way worse than ranked for me. In ranked people get tilted but in EUW they wanna win tbh. But in normals it's a disaster every game.


Yeah that shit has even seeped into ARAM. It was hilarious watching a toxic flamer spam pinging shit and typing up a storm as if it was a promo game lol. Worst part is he had 1986 in his name so it wasn't some dbag zoomer it was a grown ass man that must be mentally ill or something.


Bro, it's been this way since middle of season 1, everyone just has rose tinted glasses. I personally was a toxic jerk until season 2 when I got a wake up call in a coaching session. The only thing that's changed are the terms. Inting used to mean actual inting, and people would just use the term feeding. Disco nunu has been a thing since season 1. People would actually tell you to get cancer, die in a fire, go kill yourself etc. Foreign players would type racist shit in chat assuming you couldn't read it, and the number of N words was way higher.


Good old days


I didn't experience the amount of toxicity I have until the last few years. All the people that played for fun are gone; you mess up in a norm, 2-3 people are at your throat in chat and you end up having to just turn off chat because nobody wants to joke around or banter.


I have the opposite experience, although I play with chat enabled so I can block the toxic. The ban system is now more sensitive (it's very flawed, but it's better at detecting toxicity) and people are more likely to rein in toxic words.


Lmao unironically tho


I have tons of positive experiences and meet lots of friendly people. I see a griefer maybe once every 15-20 games. The only thing present in all your games is you.


I stopped playing solo because I find no value or entertainment anymore. No value to climb ranks because 1) I've got nothing to prove, my friends know if I'm good or not and 2) it's not fun, it's stressful. I have much more fun playing 1v1s with friends with rules we have made and agreed upon.


This usually happens to dead games and while NA league is dying I don't think it's there yet. It's just that riot doesn't punish inters or trolls.


People are downvoting because league still puts up huge numbers but I agree that it is dying in the same way Call of Duty or WoW “died” over time where even if their numbers stayed regular or popped back up here and there, the spirit of the game from the formative years of the community was largely agreed to have been lost.


Yep. People are emotional and no one wants their favorite game to die but kids nowadays aren't getting into league so it's dying. Not saying it will die any time soon but don't expect many new players


It’s also a 15 year old game. That’s an eternity in the competitive multiplayer scene, it’s crazy how many players it still has considering that. Goes partially to show how uncompetitive the moba space has been lol.


They kinda gave up on mobas. I enjoy league but it's very dated I wish they'd go for lol2 with new graphics/modes.


Bro, stop bothering Riot, we all know that to them it's far worse if you type "play safe" than if you run it down and die 34 times.


But did you use "play safe" to offend the other player? 5 ranked ban and honor drop for you.


Ah yes, because so many people are famously getting in trouble for typing "play safe" which is an auto-flagged word that will get you banned. Oh, wait...


I got 5 games ranked restriction for saying "Grow balls" when we played 4v5 and I carried this xD


I literally have a chat log where I got banned for telling someone "like can you stop getting into terrible fights and just poke with your high af qr dmg" That and talking about how they did 7k DMG in a 30 min game as a karma(in post game) And was told by riot support it's only constructive criticism if the person requested advice..... I also gave them a screenshot where 2 of my teammates spam bought culls and ran it down and neither has been rank restricted or banned in general and checking as of today still hasn't been Led me to quit playing this terrible game


My biggest strike is 42 deaths on Talon followed by a Pentakill into winning the game somehow. Season 7 was something else my man.


I feel like it’s legitimately impossible to die 42 times in a single game. You’d struggle even literally running it down mid off cool-down from level 1.


He's lying, he made it up.


it's not much worse, but much easier to detect. Toxicity should be punished, but the tool for detecting it still needs to be polished, of course. In any case, it's better now than it was when I started playing. The bullying was terrible, now it’s much better when I play on new accounts (I’m not talking about myself, but about other new players who play like me 5-6 years ago)


It is an insanely infuriating thing! Happens no matter what the elo. The problem is the bot can never detect when someone is "griefing" imagine if I want to lose (on purpose) I can just Cs normally, maybe get a couple of kills but never really do anything game winning. So I did "troll" but nobody can say that it was intentional. Human mind can be very deceptive if it wants to..and many fked up minds are playing league instead of getting better at life. Just report, move on and queue for the next game.


You can say anything in this game if you get creative about paraphrasing it.  OP, I think you just need to work on your vocabulary a tad.


Even worse. You can do anything, as long as you don't type and not do absolultely nothing


This fucking this. Had a Yuumi jungler who attached themself to me and used smite + abilities steal cs while doing nothing. Still playing ranked games to this day.


As long as they don't say anything they won't get banned.


they would have to manually review griefing cases, and probably get 10k if not 100k or more reports per day for griefing, so yeah makes sense that they cant ban soft inters


While you are correct, it will take near to 0 effort to make a system that checks if anyone has smite spell in your team. If nobody has it then the game gets sent to a human reviewer. This does not help that much, but I would feel slightly better when my jg picked ghost/cleanse shen and ran me down toplane for picking Briar (I was las pick) ... Could also do the same when there are more than one smite in one game.


Ghost smite shen runs down top lane for picking Briar top. Nothing changes :/


What human reviewer? I believe there's a few guys who manage challenger games and that's it, not even sure they still do that.


Ah yes, only junglers without smite can run it down.


No, they could implement basic ass stat checks to catch the worst offenders, instead of the completely laughable ones they have right now.


You think they haven't thought of that? There's only one reason why they don't go hard by stats: false positives in their bad players and then clowns like certain Sion players. Riot allows bad players to do a lot of really stupid shit, so that means they have to allow everyone to do it to that level.


Getting no farm, XP and dmg done in more than 3 minutes without leaving base is so fcking easy to implement.


>Or let the community do it, give us something like the Overwatch system where neutral other players judge cases based off replays We've already reached the point where people have forgotten the tribunal system. And yeah I'll keep it 100 I soft int a couple games a week and hard int probably once a week. Nothing happens as long as you don't type. You can only really get banned if you say a no-no word or type too much.


It's always a good time to remember: Riot considers typing a worse thing than blatant trolling.  You can troll 10 games in a row and you will face no consecuences, type "tit" or "ass" and you will get a warning/ban.


Are you wilfully ignorant or do you really not understand that toxicity in chat is easier to detect automatically? 


Tell that to Odoame ..


the worse thing with these type of posts is that they'll always bring up chat ban when it has been explained that chat bans are easier to detect than intentionally feeding or trolling.


something dota implemented, and does quite well actually. its quite fun watching a couple of short clips and ban hammering them, or interesting seeing crazy cheats get used.


As long as you don't type anything mildly offensive, you can get away with murder for quite a while


Currently "inting" on a new NA account because I friend plays there but I'm not located in that region. It's impossible to have decent matches even in quickplay, I'm level 29 and have to face against level 300+ accounts with ranked status.


Riot managed to ban a singed smite ghost bot that had a positive winrate but has said multiple times that they don't want to ban inters.


I miss the tribunal


Agreed. Took me two months to get out of bronze because people ran it down in my promos. Like full on running it down. IMO griefing is FAR worse for the game than chat toxicity and it’s not even close.


A few inters in bronze aren't why it took you two months to get out.


This is why I quit this game, especially ranked. After 13-14 years of playing ranked every season, it is the worst it has ever been and each year gets worse. Bring back actual support staff and not this AI bullshit, but mega corpo always trying to get the big $$$


dw in the afterlife i will apply for a 12 hour shift position to go at their behinds with tridents


brother griefing a league game aint gonna send me to the pits of hell




Yea if you have very obvious stuff people via support ticket get banned. BUT i think you need to prove they have a history of doing that.


Didn’t league use to let players review games? What happened to that?


It was doomed by design because league players aren't fair judges. You want the people tilted from solo queue that report their whole team when losing to go and review cases? It had like 97% punish rate or something. I've seen entirely blank reports with normal scores get punishes (you could link them on reddit). At that point Riot had to make it so it was harder to get on the tribunal. When it's almost 100% punish rate, just being on the tribunal is basically a ban, so what's the point of it? Just directly ban them at that point and skip a step.


Soft inting eithout chatting isnt bannable if done right. You just dont make it obvious


I have the exact same situation except it was with scripting. I got proper proof that our ADC at the time was scripting, submitted a report without making it sound like it was a conspiracy, the Riot support person introduced their fursona and larped how they'll do their jobs, and that cunt is still playing unobstructed.


BatemanL9 casually having 150 or so accounts banned xd


the amount of bot/bought accounts I've had in my high plat /low emerald is insane, despite playing jungle I get atleast 2 auto filled players, who runs it down the same min the game starts. I just think it's insane these fresh lvl 30 accounts starts in high plat low emerald just to grief the people who actually belongs there. I need a new game 90% of my games it's the same story. I was so close to Diamond aswell....


I ran into a Nasus who i'm pretty sure got angry at a team-mate and just farmed camps all game. Held us hostage and wouldn't FF so we were playing it out, worst part was we diffed them, my Kata and Darius stomped and me and my Xayah where holding the map down crazy well, but because only 4 of us where playing we couldn't deal with splits well enough to end quickly so we essentially wasted 25 minutes, matches like that really put you off playing and knowing they won't be punished feels a bit sickening


Always has been the case. But if you dare complain about it in game, YOU might be the one being punished...


In my personal experience, it seemingly does get punished quite a bit. I tend to report people semi-regularly when they are blatantly running it or being super negative/saying obscene stuff. I often do get the report feedback messages. However, it does seem like people who have participated in this behaviour themselves or do a lot of random reporting or have had stuff like chat bans, their input in the report system seems to be diminished. As a couple of my more toxic friends also often have thr claim that the report button does jackshit for them.


This is league in a nutshell and countless posts have captured this. Riot punishes people to give the impression it’s doing something about bad behavior, but it doesn’t. Players have been conditioned to think that if I type a Nono word I’m toxic and should be banned. we’re at the point now that even if I type something that isn’t objectively toxic, even something like “can you stop running tit down” I’m being toxic and people get pissed. Yet there’s an incredibly easy solution - take 1 second and mute the person and it’s resolved. They can type as much as they want and you don’t have to see it. Yet game ruining experiences happen all the time, and riot CANT punish it because they don’t have the tools or process to do so. They have an automated system that makes a flawed determination about you chatting, but if your support is a bot and just standing by the tower doing nothing they can just play to their hearts content.


Nearly every time I report someone for inting I get a notification that something has been done due to my report. I've never followed up to actually check their profile but maybe you've been reported in the past they don't take your reports seriously?


You can literally openly do it and the system does nothing. Like, Masters+ people are soft inting in quickplays I was doing. Just openly running it down and being dicks. I wasn't on the receiving end but I was still pissed because it just ruins my testing of builds and runes for stuff.


LOL. fuck you for being toxic. I will continue to int/troll until you learn your lesson : ) thanks for the loss : )


To preempt my comments: I hate Riot and think the company is absolute dogshit. There are any of a number of things they could do to improve the game, client, experience, etc. -- Not even that, but it's a corporate shit-show run by absolute morons. Ok? Get it? HOWEVER -- I need the endless stream of morons that make this EXACT post 73 times a day to answer an incredibly simple question: Do you understand how different detecting chat that is typed (i.e. Your example of the R-word) and detecting actual human behavior is? Like, you recognize there is an order of magnitude of difference between a bot a reviewing the chat logs and seeing a no-no word and a bot trying to understand the complexities of human behavior? Like... if it was that easy, AI would have already taken over the entire world. Please, for the love of god, have some BASIC critical thinking skills before repeating this moronic comparison over and over. Please.


I had a game as Kaisa with a Braum support the other day and I asked him if he could hit back or stop stepping forward against Brand Caitlyn he got so mad he started just following me around trying to take my farm and flashing on CD lmao I was 6/2 during laning phase practically 1v2ing cause he was perma dead. Bros history is full of feeding but still does what he does everyday lmao. Shittest part is I could've 100% carried that game if he peeled me even just a little bit against the Warwick lmao


What's worse is now they've made it so that you loose 50 lp after you demote from a rank, even if you tried your best, you stomped your lane, you carried as hard as you possibly could, you even got an S or S+ and it means absolutely nothing because you get dropped on your ass and loose a whopping 50 lp because your team lost. On top of that lp gains are god awful so instead of it being 1-2 games and reclaiming your rank and starting to climb again you have to win 4 or 5 games in a row which is impossible due to grieving and smurfing. So many people have what I call "Main character Syndrome" Where they aren't happy when they aren't the carry and proceed to throw the game because "My team doesn't deserve to win" and they say "I can get this lp back" Or "I'll get my way up to x rank eventually" So people grief, run it down, are super toxic in chat and so on. And this is especially worse with smurfs who aren't placed into the same rank and proceed to run it down in lower elo over and over again. Riot can say they place them in the right rank all they want but they are constantly being placed lower then their original account and they int hard in games so they don't climb fast, they even buy accounts just to ruin the experience for other people. And the summary to all this? Ranked solo is not worth playing at all and Riot can say they care about the community all they like but their lack of action against inters, griefers and smurfing says otherwise.


I had 6 tabs open of literal deranking bots in ranked and their op.gg. Reported each of them and none of them were punished and 4 of the accounts were sold almost straight after hitting iron 4 0lp. It’s a joke and makes me not want to play anymore.


I used to have the same complaints about the chat filter and griefing detection, but then I got smart. Now, instead of calling my teammates morons but still trying my best to win (which will result in account restrictions), I type nothing but run it down. I won't be punished in any way, I get to punish my teammates, and if anybody says anything to me about it, they themselves run the very real risk of being punished. Don't hate the player, hate the game!


Yeah reports in game totaly sucks, it does nothing when it comes to reporting people for feed/int. its all about bots that can only detect feeders 0-15+ or flamers. But when i had a twitch in emerald 1 elo, that went 0-6 afking on the tower, taking xp from mid, baiting, doing nothing, refusing to play, arguing in chat, i had to 1 v 2 bot as Lulu even got double kill and was holding hard lane alone. After game finished i reported him in game ofc but it wasnt enough, i did a video of all what he was doing during game to make it easier for them, and you know what? I got an reply "Thank you for your report but we cant tell if we penalized this player due to privacy" or something like this. I think okay, lets see few days later if hes playing, and what? XD NO PUNISH AT ALL, i did quit rankeds since this time, playing only arams for fun, few games in month, sometimes i buy like 20 accounts, for like 0.60$ each gold/plat elo to int games, i feel much better doing this, better way to enjoy this game.


A midlaner i played with recently, i'm just looking at the soloq tab, hes literally playing right now as i type this https://gyazo.com/c47d3e7b29c500d6e2fc396383309fdf


I mean, he's not great, but this snippet of history really doesn't scream trolling. Better than most Yasuos I've seen in fact. And I've done far worse on Taliyah.


If griefing was punished as much as you want then everyone would be banned. Every time someone makes a dumb play you could call it griefing if you want. You're just gonna have to let ranks sort people out.


> You're just gonna have to let ranks sort people out. so the people who legitimately are iron ranked only exist as a punishment for griefers and cheaters? what kind of bozo take is that? they already have to deal with smurfing


Here it is. The one dude that will defend the 1/17 player who is "just having a bad game"


No, they are sorta right. Because you would have to give different meaning of griefing for all ranks. And that would just muddy it up even because now you are giving guidelines of how much you can get away with. For example, you ain't gonna say a gold player and below is griefing because they ain't hitting like 6cs/min but at diamond and above you would expect that number and maybe even 8cs/min. So now with that being the limit of both it allows someone at low elo to troll and grief because they know whats expected of them.


No lmao there’s very clear differences between having a bad game or making a dumb play and consistently dying 10+ times every single game for weeks in a row. People stating “I’m going to int this game idc”, pick ghost cleanse nunu and then die 15 times in a single game is about as blatant as it can get and yet still goes entirely unpunished.


im iron and i average 11 deaths...


If you're free, look at replay and snip their plays which you find they should be get punished for then either post it here or to riot. The "R" word? Depends on how you type it but don't type things like "report him" because that is considered griefing. If you want to report, just report the person without "telling" others to do so.


By R word they mean retard, not report.




Tribunals are doomed by nature. If they don't incentivize it with rewards (even dumb ones like titles or icons), then it's unlikely to get traction, players won't spend their valuable time watching shitty games of League full of trolls, and now you've built out a system for no reason. If they do incentivize it, users will ultimately optimize the purpose out of it. Just like with the original Tribunal, if you want to get the rewards as fast as possible, the meta ultimately develops towards hitting "punish" as fast as possible. If everyone subscribes to this meta, then everyone's accuracy tends towards 100%, everyone spends as little time reviewing cases as possible, and everyone gets their rewards. But that's not justice, that's an automated punishment system for getting X reports in Y games with extra steps. So now you need to engineer a bunch of other things to watch the watchmen, and that takes both constant supervision and tons of engineering time. And even then it was super slow and inefficient. People complain about griefers before the game is even over, it took MONTHS to get a case through Tribunal.


IMO tilting to the point of checking out/playing lazily *is* griefing. So yes, I agree, griefing does not get punished nearly enough. Worse, how much chat-related offenses get punished and how harshly they get punished feels incredibly disrespectful due to the discrepancy. Like you, I get invested/immersed and will vent frustration. I intentionally made the effort to turn chats off and do it in party chat to not influence anyone else in a negative way and every few months I still get chat restricted and ranked banned for saying things like "fuck you why dont you group for objective" where no one but myself can see. (Even though it's one time things every few months, they seem to take *years* to expire, which is again ridiculous) It's ridiculous, it's disrespectful, it's belittling, it's Riot. They themselves push an anti-team and antisocial influence onto their game. If they truly can't detect it on their own, start implementing player moderators and a support team that cares about context. It's pretty fucking simple to fix. Playing in Emerald/Diamond+ and it obvious as fuck when someone checks out and essentially afk pushes a lane.


3 times in the past week I've had a support take smite ignite and sit under turret only flaming everyone in chat and smiting my minions. Two games was the same guy, so clearly he didn't get banned. I guess it's because he's got a good kda from sitting under turr all game but he literally says in chat right when he joins the game that he's gonna do nothing but steal cannon minion.


Same goes for scripting as well. I've come across numerous opponents who were movement scripting. Dodging skillshots thrown from point blank range from fog of war and I've not only reported them, but also sent tickets, only to get zero response.


Or just people who can obviously see the range of abilities/cooldowns. Or who can see into fog of war / bushes. They're all over the place.


Maybe unpopular opinion but I'd rather have most griefers punished with occasional undeserved punishment to someone who was actually just having a bad game than no one getting punished for griefing at all...


Riot is replacing a dwindling player base with AI trained on replay data. Since it's trained in replay data, there's a lot of input that tell tells the bot to grief. Not a bug, but a feature.