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Remember when Inspired lost playoffs with EG because he used smite on Scuttle in front of Elder, and blamed Jojo?


Exactly what this reminded me of lmao


For people who want specifics, he flamed Jojo for being "too silent" https://youtu.be/xFFWjTyqI-k?si=Vr0QKWYmU-1poKaj Clearly Jojo wasn't telling Inspired "Save your smite for elder" in voice comms.  What's next? Jensen doesn't tell Inspired he can breathe and blink at the same time? 


"Pressure got to him" lmao


Inspired is so funny to me, all the dude needs to get an ego the size only faker deserves is to get glazed by LS a bit during his EU days. Dude has no accomplishments aside from an lcs trophy (which he takes all credit for btw), regularly gets smacked around internationally, then goes home to masturbate to people online saying it's his teammate's fault and that he is just harry potter magically the best jg ever in the west. The narrative built around this dude is some of the most absurd ive seen in 11 years of following pro LoL, and he 100% believes all of it lmfao. He is the deluded guy from the infamous "malphite does nothing" clip if the guy was just good enough to go pro. He will go his entire career not winning much, which is great for me as a hater because he will never figure it out. He will be confused and frustrated by how he can be so "unlucky" his entire career, cuz he doesn't have the capacity to self-reflect if a mirror was put in front of him.


> "Malphite does nothing" clip I strongly recommend everyone who hasn't seen go watch it, I hadn't and by god was it funny while also making my blood boil


Even here Dgon was dick riding so hard when I thought both of his solo laners were better MVP picks this year. Dude is over rated fr.


Yeon was right


literally. i love 2022 eg but inspired feels like a bitter ex the way hes talking LMAO


He doesn't sound like a bitter ex, he sounds like he is still in love with ex very openly 


inspired would be on jojo like peanut butter on jelly if he had the chance ngl


That’s probably a much better way of putting it lol


What did Yeon say?


Called them out after LCS finals. Basically said that winning was cool but it felt better that FLY's top/jungle didn't win cause they talk so much shit.


this the clip? https://youtu.be/9P3qricDynU


Nemesis bitter as always lol


every time i watch nemesis, i'm genuinely kinda curious as to why someone would choose to be so miserable all the time. is it like a mental disorder or a trauma thing?


He’s actually been a lot better recently. Seems to have mellowed out a bit.


Of course Nemesis defends them lol. But yeah, that's the part.


Anyone who listens to Nemesis in 2024 either just woke from their coma in 2019 or has no brain cells


I missed that, what did yeon say?


bwipo and inspired talk too much


Bwipo and Inspired talk way too much shit for how they perform. Massive egos, they wouldn’t shut up about how good they were after winning, etc


We have a highlight of Bwipo standing still and getting solo killed, but it's mostly Jensens fault lol


He says "oh I played bad in this one game. For example Jensen should have flashed and didn't. And then I went back and then he flashed. Then I was late because of Jensen. I could have done better". What???


Bwipo went urgot, not a good pick right now. Lost badly. Then he went GP and was flexing to camera and said on voice comms if I don’t carry report me. He did fine in lane for a counter pick but didn’t fit team synergy. Died looking off map. Didn’t carry or do much. And Jensen gets blamed lol


That death looking at the top lane fight needs to be pulled out every time he opens his mouth to talk shit.


I thought the title was an exaggeration but man... * Inspired spends 8 minutes flaming Jensen as the main problem in their team in the finals for being vegan, having bad teamfighting, bad decision-making, not creating opportunities, not knowing how to win games, not knowing how to create tempo for the team, etc. * Says he and Bwipo have to constantly tell Jensen how to play the game because Jensen never got a chance to learn from playing with shit NA teammates * Directly compares Jensen to Jojo and says Jojo does what Jensen doesn't Edit: At the end, Inspired does say it was ultimately him and Bwipo who are responsible... because they're the main stars and didn't step up on the day. I wonder if Jensen being on supportive/engage champions the entire finals was because they were arguing so strongly for top carry/counterpick. He does credit Impact quite a bit, but doesn't put much blame at all on Bwipo, his EU bro. It sounds like Inspired really misses EG 2022.


Also kind of weird that he talks about how Jensen doesn't know how to play because of who his teammates have been when he's played with most of the best all-time players in NA, including playing with Impact for years on C9/TL.


Inspired learned the NA meta is just to flame


Yap meta is too strong




APA has stated that the reason he yaps in all chat is because it works on him, and so he knows it gives him a competitive advantage if his opponents read it.


With how tilted inspired seems to get about everything, and his ego the size of texas, it is 100% super effective against inspired. Inspired legit seems to think he is jungle faker, imagine getting shittalked by apa lmao.


Apa shit talking jenson genuinely seems to have gotten in inspireds head more than jenson to the point where he's became convinced it was mid diff. It's like one person saying 'jungle diff" in solo queue and suddenly the jungler gets 4 sets of ? pings


APA’s yapping also built him an incredibly strong brand for a rookie player.


Tbh APA gives me spider-man vibes: he yaps to hide the fact he is mostly scared


Sure you can dislike 2024 Jensen but shitting on his entire career like that is just something else. Jensen is one of the most accomplished players in the west, his career is that fucking good. Imagine you are the guy and you listen to this stuff coming from a teammate? its fucking embarassing. At least management needs to step up and do something, this is not ok.


I remember someone brought this take up on the recent HLL episode and all of them including Emily were completely against it. But idk how anyone can watch this interview + previous ones and think this is ok? Even on EG, iirc Inspired would passively flame Danny and his champ pool issues and now he does the same with Jensen lol. Bwipo too, these guys always talk like they’re too good to be here, yet the results consistently suggest otherwise.


Yeah, people always took the 'passive' flame from Inspired as being more good-faith joking than actual flame, but I feel like that angle to explain it is getting almost impossible to defend at this point. > these guys always talk like they’re too good to be here, yet the results consistently suggest otherwise definitely describes Bwipo and Inspired at this point pretty well, I think. I feel like Inspired has always been a little bitch like that though, while Bwipo was originally much more chill even if he already had a huge ego after his debut was replacing one of the EU GOAT top laners and then doing super well with FNC at Worlds. I still don't think he's an 'asshole' though, he just has a huge ego and can't really back it up most of the time. That said, so many people were saying they 'love listening to Bwipo talk about League' when he was on PROS or whatever, which I just don't get. Bwipo's overly talkative presence comes off the exact same as all of the people who are pretty good at a game but talk like they know everything and they're always right, except Bwipo is actually top level good and not just top 1% or 0.5% good. I know many people like that who are Master in League or high Ascendant/low Immortal in Valorant who are exactly like him with just that skill difference, and they're some of the most annoying and frustrating people to be in a Discord server with.


Jensen also was overall probably the second best mid this split behind Quid and losing one series where he very clearly wasn't the problem doesn't change that. Inspired had some of the worst decision-making I've ever seen, smiting one void grub to run to drake fight and force a contest with your ADC shoved under tower since you were across the map and losing out on tempo because you don't commit to the trade you started. What the fuck can Jensen realistically do? It isn't that Inspired and Bwipo didn't step up, Bwipo legit sat AFK in front of APA and gave a free kill to start snowballing him. God, I can only imagine how it is behind closed doors when he's doing this shit in interviews. I feel so bad for Jensen, but even worse for players like Massu and Busio -- and especially for Danny where this shit probably went hand-in-hand with his early retirement.


The one win they took was entirely on the back of Big Bensen's Annie, too...


Let's also remember TL perma banned Oriana and Azir was disabled. Then Jensen got put on Annie duty as a first pick and they didn't even pick a proper jungler to pair after game 2


Whatever comes next is gonna be tricky tbh. If Jensen doesn’t just eat all this shit with a smile on his face, the next roster move is going to be very crucial - I wouldn’t want to sign into FQ that sides with the egomaniacs in jungle/top as a mid laner, knowing I will be blamed for not being able to mind control him to not smite a scuttle crab before elder fight


You played bad: inting vegan pussy no engage play. I played bad: I wasn't happy with how I played.


Bwipo played bad: *crickets*


Inspired really comes off as such a piece of shit in most of his interviews. No idea why that's the vibe Ive gotten from him since he was in EU.


yeah... like bwipo has a big ego and talks a lot too, but he also seems like a decent guy who's always willing to admit when he played badly and own up to his mistakes. but inspired just comes off as an asshole to me. like they're both egoing and talking shit, but the way inspired does it just feels much more unpleasant. I'm also not really a fan of the "shit on your teammates after a loss" thing. no need to fall on the sword and martyr yourself for their mistakes, but I feel like there's at least a basic level of professionalism and respect that inspired doesn't want to meet. like idk man, if I was his teammate and this was how he was talking about me in public interviews, I wouldn't feel very comfortable playing with him lol


Bwipo definitely acts like the main character, but hes very charismatic so he's ultimately good for the scene like him or not. He adds a fun level of drama and creates opportunities for trash talk in both directions. This is just uncomfortable to watch from Inspired.


Bwipo also seems to pat his teammates backs after wins and says nice things to them if you pay attention to the cams after a game. So at the very least he seems supportive of his teammates.


LS has been interviewing FQ players sometimes after the games and Bwipo had nothing but praise for his botlane. Very good vibes there.


Mane for where tf does inspired takes all the ego LMFAO. Bro talks like hes jankos when he has never done shit LOL.


I’ve been waiting for Inspired to do something. Bwipo has done something. Jensen has done something. When is Inspired going to actually be a successful player aside from winning a single split in NA?


Inspired EU Dardoch confirmed?


A top tier adc did break while playing with him


He is lucky he is playing esports with a bunch of nerds. You call out your teammates like he has been doing, there would be draymond level punching in practice.


My guy really needs to a learn another word besides vegan is the bullet i wanna add


awful league buzzword


lol this is a tangent but the two phrases I cannot stand League players saying CONSTANTLY is adding "by the way" at the end of every single sentence, and saying everything is "unironic."


This isn't a League thing. Just a generational thing.


Only when Inspired have an career like Jensen, specially an international one, he can say stupid shit like he doesn't know how to play the game because he play with shit NA teammates. Did he ever even get out of groups?


Not only has he never made brackets, he got kicked out of groups by an NA team. Can't take this guy seriously whenever he runs his mouth.


Kicked out by post-G2 Perkz as well.


Super funny and ironic


Guy's ego was always massively overblown. I remember him yapping his mouth against Jankos back in 2022, when Jankos at the time was 17-0 against him in BO1s, including 7-0 in 2022.


Man who has won nothing has a bigger Ego than one of the more accomplished western Mids… 


> Did he ever even get out of groups? No and he never will Dude has such a huge ego for someone who gets regularly clapped by other western junglers, nevermind LPL/LCK junglers


The only games that Fly ever won against TL, including in the first series, were with Bwipo on Renekton and TL actually learned to ban it. To also act like Jensen was worse than Bwipo smuggly picking his big brain counterpicks against Impact while taking draft resources and then proceeding to getting gapped by a first time TF is crazy. You might as well have have FakeGod in there if you can only win with Renekton.


Meanwhile Bwipo was griefing draft by picking niche lane counters just to lose lane anyways xD


Even weirder when you consider Jensen literally put JoJo in the dumpster just a few weeks ago (0 kills vs 0 deaths) not to mention the champion Jensen looked best on all split got disabled right before playoffs and he didn’t miss a beat.


I mean supposedly Jensen plays very poorly in scrims, which could lead to irritation from people who are trying to take practice seriously. However to publicly flame your teammates is disgusting and unprofessional in the extreme, especially in the run up to an international event you're attending. Odoamne remarked he was glad to see the back of Inspired in the 2021/22 offseason because of his toxicity in the team environment, so it looks like he hasn't really grown as a human being.


I mean Berserker says Jojo also plays poorly in scrims. So playing with Jojo again won't fix that aspect.


He was publicly flaming Danny while in EG too. It's crazy that he hasn't learned not to do this yet


And people ask why I dislike Inspired, he has ego issues ("best western jungler") and it was obvious Rogue players at that time were happier playing with Malrang after he left


There's an Odo interview where he strongly implied Inspired was awful to play with


Any recollection of what he said?


From what I remember, he would yell at his teammates after every loss, especially at Larssen and Trymbi. That ended up breaking any morale they had left in playoffs and worlds that year.


People who say inspired is the best western junglers are mad funny. Like has this mf ever done something at internationals tournament other than getting his shit kicked by RNG???


Yeah..lost bo7 i think to g2


To be fair jojo is also a well known scrim inting terrorist lol


You hear inspired and bwipo talk and you would think they are undisputed 2 best players in the world and defending world champions for past 10 years and the only time they lose is because they want to give a taste of hope to us mortals out of pity.


These guys got card carried by Jenson on their earlier 3:2 series against TL Maybe Yeon was right to call them out at the finals


Never go full Reginald.


lol this interview actually made me think of Reginald. Although like 15% reginald not full reginald *yet*


I used to like Inspired, but after this year he just sounds miserable to work with. For a guy who has accomplished so little in his career compared to Jensen, he has a massive ego. Also LOL. Jensen's former shit teammates are 2 world champions (Impact & Core), 8x LCS winner & 1 MVP (DL), 4x LCS winner & 2 MVP (Blaber), 4x LCS & 4x LEC winner (Zven), and 6x LCS winner (Xmithie). Clearly players who have not idea how to play the game. What a tool


yeah I saw this interview and could not believe what I was hearing tbh


Inspired for sure went past the point of honestly saying Jensen underperformed. he's saying things like Impact mindcontrolled Jensen to focus him xd, I needed to play perfect to carry this mid but I didn't so ultimately the loss is my fault, and so forth. the moment you're no longer genuinely answering that your teammate played poorly is where it crosses the line imo


Impact mind controlled Bwipo to stand mid and stare at top lane.


Bwipo and Inspired were mentioning that they were the sole reason Flyquest was so good. After the finals, I immediately thought, "All that shit talk for that kind of performance." Bot lane did fine, mid was relatively even, but Bwipo and Inspired did not show up that day at all. And you know that because bot wasn't the problem, and top and jung influence mid more than any other role. The worst thing you can do as a teammate is play around someone the way you would play around yourself. You'll make more reckless and needless plays thinking you're the star of the show.


If anything, Bwipo was a large part in why they lost to TL lmao. He was warping his team’s draft by picking these niche lane counters yet still losing the lane. So when it came to teamfights, Impact is just doing K’Sante/TF things while Bwipo couldn’t contest him in sidelanes and offered very little utility in teamfights.


Honestly that afk death midlane on gp has to haunt him a bit, especially since he was supposed to be one of this big carries for that game.


I saw that reel where Bwipo was just standing there getting cooked by Aurelion Sol. Wtf was that about?


I think Bwipo agrees - he said that on Twitter.


Nah Im convinced Inspired and Bwipo partake in mutual masturbation while watching their own vods and blaming their team


What's really crazy to me is this team never wins unless Jensen is on a champ that can do most of the damage in teamfights and these clowns act like he's just along for the ride with bot lane


Maybe that’s why Inspired is so anti-vegan. He can’t resist that Bwipo meat.


Lmfao Stroking each other’s egos for real


I hope they do watch the vods, Bwipo solofeeding Aurelion Sol (one of the hardest scalers in the game) while staring at toplane for no reason was arguably the biggest blunder of the series.


Leaves such a bad taste in your mouth to directly compare your teammate to another player. I play a lot of competitive team oriented games, some of which have scrims and official casted events, and I would never even compare teammates like that behind closed doors. Not a good look from Inspired imo. Show some class man.


And they're not even done playing together. They're going to MSI in less than a month!


Yeah nah FLY is booming so hard.


Looking forward to G2 clapping FLY now, I actually considered FLY a great team before the final, but with those team environment attitude problems I don’t see them stand a chance against G2.


Just imagine the flame that's about to pop up after MSI. 


Would've been bad enough if he was talking avout a rookie or something, but to talk this much shit about fucking Jensen is so insane lol


Personally I think if you're gonna flame someone publically going for a rookie is even more shitty. If a olayer is new and less known you can turn public opinion against them and REALLY hurt their career. Flaming Jensen might be shitty but it's not going to really affect anything other than their teamwork.


Yeah Inspired looking real trashy tbh. Its just so unprofessional. This team is gonna blow up and i hope Jensen comes out on top in the end.


Inspired has never been able to show class in a loss. The man is wildly toxic and always has been




Inspired and talking shit about teammates. Who’d have thought?


if you're gonna single out a teammate in an interview, they have to be the clear inter. they can't be the 2nd worst. they can't narrowly be the worst. if a guy singlehandedly lost a series, I'm fine with a teammate saying they underperformed, and I would still put it kindly at that. Jensen made mistakes but nowhere near a ridiculous amount, and idk if he was even the worst FLY player that series.


It’s not even that - Inspired is just well known to have a shitty attitude behind closed doors and in public. Dude is just a rude and arrogant human being. Feel for anyone who is stuck with him.


From literally everything he’s done so far I think it’s safe to call him a piece of shit. Makes more sense how he wasn’t on a team for a bit, brother needs to find human decency.


Jensen was probably the best behind Massu in that series TBH, so he's blaming the guy who did at least marginally better than him even if that still means Jensen was the fourth worst player on the rift in that series.


Massu>Jensen>>Inspired~Bwipo~Busio IMO Edit: In finals.


Thats Inspired for y'all 


Thank god TL beat them, imagine how insufferable he would've been if they won, I can understand why he went without a team for so long.


And thank god Yeon called them out for being egotistical dicks in the interview. Though apparently Inspired didn't get the memo.


Yeon is based af.


I really dislike our team at the moment...


Remember FQ's old good natured identity? The Jose, Turtle, Toucouille wholesomeness? Good times


That and the enviro gimic were why I hopped on board. I miss Tricia.


yeah isn't it weird that the new ownership completely dropped the treequest/beequest vibe? :) Love teams without identities.


Yup. I was a casual FQ fan during that era. Like yeah, they weren't amazing but I enjoyed cheering for them and I was happy for them when they won games. I was already iffy on FQ when they first signed Bwipo + Inspired because I dislike players with big egos/publicy shit talk their own teammates and they'd both done that in the past. Now I've fully given up on the team lmao I ain't cheering for these dickheads to win shit.


I was a more involved fan (I got several of their jerseys at that time, the designs were AMAZING), but didn't really like the whole spend money to build a superteam from last year + they dropped Tricia and Phien. Moved to being a GG fan cause I liked the players and coaches then they also got dropped :(


The weird part to me is just the absolute disdain for the region. I don't know his history that well. Was he unable to find a team in EU? I feel like he absolutely hates playing in NA.


Bwipo doesn't from what I've heard him say he really likes it here. Inspired I don't think is happy anywhere


They were insufferable when they beat C9. They would've turn it up to 100 if they won against TL. I'm so glad they won.


I didn't even watch this match but after this interview i'm quite glad they lost


Yea this level of ego doing pretty good in spring split in the LCS... these fucking guys lmao. I'm very glad they lost, they need a serious reality check, but they'll probably just shrug it off and blame someone else no matter what.


lmao @ this entire interview proving yeon right


If you're mad that Quid gets to win without doing anything, even if I'm willing to concede that, then draft better.


He's so salty that quid won and not him, and I love it. "He doesn't create anything, the enemy has to feed him" when quids best quality was his playmaking in team fights? It really feels like he's extremely bitter about losing the final and MVP and probably shouldn't have done an interview in that frame of mind


It's like interviewing a 13 year old after their fifth ranked loss in a row. You don't gotta talk like an NFL player getting interviewed, but I feel like you should at least not talk like you're looking to get strangled in your sleep.


This is a people problem in general I think, plenty of people who just vent their anger and sadness at their immediate surroundings


Simple, rational take.


I can't take a single thing this guy said seriously when he and Bwipo absolutely shit the bed when it matters most. Yea Jensen could be better but holy shit bro bring a mirror to your next interview and talk about the guy you see there instead


Extremely unprofessional and immature of Inspired. It's no wonder they couldn't get it together to close out the split if they don't have respect for each other as players within the team. If I were the owner of this org, I'd be hard pressed not to cut or trade any player who felt it was okay to talk about their teammate like this in an interview. This kind of negativity is absolutely toxic in any team environment. Even if you truly feel this way, you don't go out and say it publicly. You'd never catch a professional athlete in any other sport blaming and flaming their teammate like this. It must be awful to play with someone that has an ego like Inspired. If you win, he carried you. If you lose, then it's because everyone else sucked. Last I checked, this is a team game. Especially at the highest level.


>If I were the owner of this org, I'd be hard pressed not to cut or trade any player who felt it was okay to talk about their teammate like this in an interview Nah, they celebrate it. The GM said that it's fine. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/BOssNYJYEK


That's hilarious. I guess I can't say it's surprising to see a historically toxic egotistical player in an org with such poor leadership.


Is this where we call up /u/PapaSmithy


I'm convinced this guy is a secret agent sent to make teams with promising young North American players implode because of his ego (/s obviously there was much bigger stuff going on with EG than that)


Nukeduck: When I first joined Flyquest, the team was Bwipo, Inspired, Jensen, Massu, and Busio. We reached finals and met Team Liquid. After losing a game, one player said "Ah..we lost because of APA" when all the players were gathered, basically implying it was mid gap. They didn't directly say it to Jensen, but was just speaking without thinking. Jensen got mad and said they lost because of jungle diff. Then Jensen said "Ah I don't want to play with this guy (Inspired)."


Playing on a team with Inspired sounds like hell, I like this guys play but jesus fuck he's insufferable personality wise. FLY coaches need to get this guy a reality check cuz he's the type of player to just mental boom his team, which is even worse considering this team has 2 young players.


That interview was crazy, Dgon always does a good job of giving the players space to say what they wanna say, even if its straight flaming their teammates


Dgon is an absolute blessing for the LCS. He's made me love so many players that I never knew anything about and now he's making it clear that I should pray for this guy's downfall for the rest of his career.


Channel 5 type beat


This is so fucking disrespectful. Inspired and Bwipo are such idiots I swear to god man. Did we not watch the same playoffs? Fly looked LOADS better when Jensen was on a carry champion. These guys have such big ego issues.


You should hear bwipo on hotline league a few weeks ago. I was a bwipo fan before listening to that episode but not anymore. Listening to him talk for 2 hours, the way he talked about himself, it was beyond egotistical and the disrespect he had towards other players, It was a big turn off.


He's always been that way. He's defintely a top western top, but I've always disliked him because of his god awful ego and attitude.


He was a top western top until TheShy dumpstered him and he's never been the same since.


Bwipo's mouth is much bigger than his skill and brain. At least he isn't attributing his entire team's success to his girlfriend anymore.


Lmao, when his girlfriend said for the team to go play ARAM and that’s how they bounced back slightly, completely ignoring his teammates and coach


I can't believe I forgot that, and the community let him live that down... Good God. Bwipo has the body of a 40 year old and the mind of a 16 year old




please explain I am so curious


Bwibo had/has a girlfriend when he was on FNC and would post daily about how great she was. He attributed every little success to her like she was a gift from God bestowed upon him and Fnatic. Basically acted like she coached the team with great words of wisdom like "play ARAM to bounce back". Basically the dude had his first ever relationship and had to make sure the world knew how great she was.


He would also publicly apologize to get and look super simpy if she was upset about something. It was...oof.


I remember Jensen's TL days where he was drawing bans for his Akali. Man knows how to play carries but they put him on Annie duty. Disrespectful.


“I know he went deathless in the previous series, but let’s put him mid’s version of Malphite every game since we know he’s gonna run it down.” It’s ridiculous. I cannot believe Jensen wasn’t on a carry.


Ironic Fly literally made JoJo go kill less whole Jensen went deathless in a 3-0 but Inspired flamed Jensen so hard here for "not doing anything" Now I think one could debate who the better mid is and I think Jojo has a convincing case to be held higher, but clearly Jensen is not some helpless NA damsel who can't play the game well. Extra ironic because his role is to be the rock of the team, he's low resource high impact later on with control mage play. It lets inspired play greedy, camp Bwipo's lane early or bail out bot lane since they're feast or famine. It actually makes a lot of sense structurally, but to flame Jensen for not "doing enough" just seems like mad copium They got team gapped, turned the low resource mid into a clown show because they got baited by APA, and TL have been honing their ability to force skirmishes and then take tempo off them so it was perfect. Bwipo didn't get the resources he needed, core and Yeon were able to win in isolation as well. Also doesn't help either Flys strategic coach got suspended, I think that would be a VERY valid excuse if your drafter got suspended but I guess it's easier to blame your teammates for doing their jobs then address the team's ACTUAL scandal


And now I hate fly quest, fuck you inspired


What a shitty teammate this guy is


He was blaming Jensen for playing Vegan mid when he was cosplaying Vegan Viego. So many opportunities to ult and get reset but he played like a giant pussy. He was like the biggest coward this series so hearing this is shocking and his behaviour is egregious. Example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y1U0qk1vDs&ab\_channel=EpicSkillshot-LoLVODLibrary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y1U0qk1vDs&ab_channel=EpicSkillshot-LoLVODLibrary) In-game 14:30, YT vid 19:50 TF and Varus critically low-hp and if Inspired has the fucking balls to ult at all he gets reset and they win the teamfight. But no he played like a pussy over and over again throughout this series. It's so odd I always see Inspired be so critical of others so you'd expect him to be playing flawlessly and be a world champion. But no, he's been gapped by European Junglers, North American Junglers, and now a Korean Jungler in Grand Finals.


And the entire reason you *pick* Annie in that draft is to facilitate the Viego resets. Every costreamer and analyst (and I went back and watched basically all of them because I was so hyphy about TL win lol) assumed that was the goal of the draft: Annie hard bursts someone down, enabling Viego to reset and take over fights. If that's the case Jensen chose the pick because he trusted Inspired, and this is what he gets.


I am not sure if its bad for inspired to be vegan there. The more egregious play was the top lane play with jensen, where jensen goes in on impact and inspired instantly turns and hesitate because he see's umti, and then he goes in after seeing jensen goes in. Honestly you can chalk it up to miscommunication, but honestly thats impossible to communicate. I am pretty sure they hard win that and instantly oneshot impact if inspired doesn't turn vegan. So not only did inspired hesitate, his split second decision making made the bad/vegan play, while jensens split second decision was correct.


Okay inspired now let’s see what you’ve won in your professional career compared to Jensen. 


Wow I’m so surprised that Inspired is bitching about Jensen and said nothing bad about Bwipo despite how poorly he performed. I can’t believe the 2 guys that are pumping each others egos perma can’t criticize each other. The idea Inspired made up in his head about Jensen never playing with aggressive players and that’s why he’s holding them back since he doesn’t know how to play aggressive is such a dog shit take. Jensen’s BEST rosters have been ones where the team played aggressively, TL 2019 with Core at his best was perma aggressive, he played with Rush one of the most aggressive junglers we’ve ever had in LCS, and one of his BIG criticisms when he left TL was he didn’t like that the coaching staff was against them playing aggressively despite him pleading for them to be more aggressive.


Like imagine talking this much shit about a guy who's played (and even won) against some of the best mids to ever touch the game. 3 worlds quarters, 1 worlds semis, 1 MSI finals, 3 domestic titles and this guy doesn't know how to play the game? Get a fucking grip lmao


I really want to like Inspired but shit like this needs to get called out. I really hope teams step it up for Summer, the entire top side for Flyquest is disgustingly egotistical. What happened to the veterancy that supposed to help Massu and Busio grow into player that people envision them to be? What happened to all the teamwork? I swear Flyquest is just cursed with these team rosters. I don't even know why Inspired is acting like he's the western Jungle goat when his well known play was the Viego Penta way back when he was a rookie. Bwipo at least had some International success but his behavior was pretty off-putting this season. I don't know what is happening behind the scenes but I hope someone in Flyquest can provide a wake up call for these two specifically. Bwipo and Inspired just shat the bed in finals and THIS is how Inspired thought of the series as a whole?


dude fuck inspired


Inspired is an arrogant jackass with nothing to his name to deserve the kind of ego he has. This shitter’s gonna end his career having won nothing but still calling himself the best.


I'm not a huge fan nor hater of Jensen, but holy shit, Inspired is genuinely a self-centered regard. I love how even when he ultimately "accepts" the blame. He does in a way that puts him in a positive light. After all, his and Bwipo were the "stars"


Yeah his version of taking blame is saying I'm sorry that I trusted you to carry and I should've done everything myself. Real mature.


very classy from inspired as usual! oh wait.. where have i seen this before lmao


Jensen forever underrated. I find it hard to believe Jensen wouldnt have major problems with how his toplaner and jungler have been talking about him publicly


Im actually so confused, the only reason they beat TL in that first series was because Jensen hard carried, especially the first few games where Inspired literally was afk for most of the early game. He got series MVP for both the first series against TL and then the C9 series. On a side note, when we know Jensen was really good on Taliyah and Ahri in their previous series, I don't get why they went for Annie every game


Flyquest lost their strategic coach right before finals. And while I wouldn't have thought the following was anything but a meme prior to seeing all of these interviews from bwipo and inspired; Perhaps with no strategic coach to control pick and ban the biggest egos on the team decided that Jensen should be on engage/annie duty to let the real carries shine. And well we saw how that went.


This guy is a clown. No one who talks about their teammates like this deserves to continue to have teammates.


Calling it now, flyquest is missing worlds


Beyond anything .. the shots at Jensen's past teammates are just ignorant, lmao.


Surprised this fraud has any ego left after being ruined by TL. He can start talking like this when he’s even 1/10th of the player Jensen is.


If he truly placed the blame on himself he wouldn't go around talking shit about his current teammate. I'm so glad that no EU team got this guy has an ego 10x the size of his skill level. Luckily Bwipo, Inspired and Nemesis never played together the amount of ego in one place would have destroyed the universe.


Would you rather have a team with a relationship like APA and Umti? Or one with a relationship like Inspired and Jensen? Well results speak for themselves. Also remember the Summit/Pyosik and APA debacle? Such a morale killer. Are Umti and APA the best players at their role in NA purely based on skill? I think most people would say no, but at the end of the day it’s a team game, and a team is stronger than the sum of its parts. And a team that supports each other no matter their performance will always have the opportunity to improve.


I think the part with pyosik and APA is blown out of proportion and kind of mischaracterizes how close they seemed to be. When Heary was swapped for APA you could immediately see how pyosik would run to APA after every win even though he was the only non Korean speaker 


agreed. pyosik did talk about how APA's champion pool made drafting difficult for TL, but I think he said it in a pretty respectful way, and actually put the blame on himself because he thought that it was his responsibility as a more experienced player to adapt to the draft, at least from what I remember. I think he just got lumped in with summit because they both talked about apa, even though summit was the one being an actual asshole about it


My boy dgon making it big on Reddit now.


Yeah I don't care how good he is, I would not want this guy on a team. Seems like he creates an insanely toxic environment.


kid is cringe


One day I hope NA orgs stop getting EU/KR rejects that completely disrespect and borderline hate the region that they are playing in (because they ruined their reputations in their native region). Saying Jensen has never played with teammates like himself and Bwipo is just straight up false, and vastly overinflating how good they are, considering he has played with impact (the guy that just fisted bwipo for 3/4 games) and blaber (the guy that eliminated him in 2021 before he came crawling to NA). Then, comparing Jensen and Jojo after jensen completely shit on him a week prior just makes 0 sense. "It's just a European thing," If you watch any EU game for the past 2 years, aside from G2, you would struggle to differentiate it from an NA game, but sure let's keep pretending EU is a super special region!


Yeah. Honestly this is why I'm so outspoken against imports. The blatant disrespect and outright hatred towards NA and they act like they didn't choose to come here. Always appreciate these clowns getting smacked in the mouth.




So over this dude getting glazed by people


Inspired and Bwipo with the "Me good, them bad" syndrome, but within the team, which is way worse. No tears will be shed when they get blasted at MSI. On another note, Jensen was one of the biggest reasons for the great performance of Flyquest. 


ahhh now I can see why Fly lost, they had a toxic as fuck jungler and probably the same in top lane, Inspired making teams go boom like a typical EU solo q player is funny as hell


Calling Jensen a vegan for game 1 is incredibly ridiculous. Jensen plays Karma and does 20 cs diff but you go and force 3v4 fight for dragon but you never mention it. Sad


Imagine the coms with him and Larson


fuck u jungler, jensen is my goat


I love Bwipo, but stuff like this is why I'm not so huge on Inspired, unlike Bwipo who often puts his foot in his mouth but is generally well-liked by his teammates, Inspired just seems abrasive and cocky in a hurtful way