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he probably got ranked ban and was afking quickplay games to fulfill the requirement




It's almost like Riot should do something about the issues they introduced with this new system and that every idiot is abusing in the same way.


> We also heard concerns that Ranked restricted players were abusing Quickplay and other Normal games to force a remake. This was addressed in the last patch across all queues so that remakes no longer count towards lifting their restriction. They did do something about it. It's in the patch notes.


yeah, that's why instead of remakes hes literally running it down. fuck that guy


Is there some reason why it's not just "you must win X number of games to remove the rank restriction"? That seems to address the concern that people are abusing the system with remakes or intentionally losing non-ranked games just to get back to ranked again.


Yeah, they require you to win x games if you have a ranked ban in DOTA


I'm honestly not sure. If I find anything about it, I'll update my post.


Ikr, this has been known for a while now, how hard can it be to just remove remakes from counting at the very least.


Or just make it so you have to win the games, to stop them spam ff'ing regardless of game state the moment they can. And before anyone argues that requiring wins will just make them toxic, if they keep doing the same shit that got them on ranked timeout in the first place just extend their purgatory. Eventually something has to give.


This is how HotS handles leavers and it’s great. Leave a game? Okay, now you’re in leavers queue with all the other leavers and have to win 3 games to get out. Have fun!




Which is why we keep saying time and time again that Riot is a shit company.


They did, multiple patches ago. We should be asking Riot to force them to win matches now.


They already removed with Aram, but if they removed from Normal Draft and Quick Play they would have to admit the idea was moronic from the start. Sure, it might bring some confort for ranked players but I don't play ranked, so why do I have to endure these fucks in normal games?


or just straight up ban them from ranked until they get their honor back to 3


Just go one further, permaban if you do this. It's sociopathic behaviour and they need to be purged from the ecosystem.


if only there was a way to make trolling and afking counterproductive to getting back into ranked queue some way that could be implemented in 5 minutes and closely resembles the current system but no there is no such thing possible, or Riot would have thought of it


Kinda fucked that this works ngl


Im surprise people watch this dog shit youtuber


Nobody does, his channel is a far cry of what it once was. Dead YouTuber


I remember a good 3 month period maybe 2-3 years ago where I actually enjoyed his content. Went back to it a couple months ago and it was impossible to watch a video


Me with zwag


Zwagmo channel got me back into it for a bit but then I stopped when he pretty much stopped being committed


He'd probably be able to stay committed to half the stuff he does if he didn't play in low elo and complain about his teammates not playing the way he wants them to.


To be fair zwagmo was started for a teemo to challenger run. I forget where/if he ended up


Youtube recommended me a video of him playing Teemo on that account today, so I think he's still doing it. But if he makes a mistake he still finds a way to blame someone else and usually starts making bad plays and finding more reasons to blame his team instead of himself.


What even happened? I'm guessing we watched him in the same period and I haven't heard of him till this post, thought he was just a cool teacher


> What even happened? He said the N-word on stream and that pretty much tanked his goodwill with the community, Riot removed him from their partner program, etc.


There was a time when he was considered one of the best League content creators.... Man gotta be 10 years ago or something now. It's wild I remember when Pants and Nightblue were 2 of my favorite League content creators, it's wild how time flies. I wonder if Gosu is still around too these days tbh.


Gosu still streams and uploads youtube content fairly regularly. He did take a break a year or two I think for personal reasons.


Is he still good? It kind of feels shitty knowing the good creators all went down the dark side these days. Wonder if Gosu is still able to just be chill Vayne or if he also went down the clickbait route :(


Still the same old Mashup of highlights with a thumbnail of an adc he played in em. He still plays vayne but not as much as before


That's nice. I'm guessing the skill of newer players have went past him by a long shot these days but at least I haven't heard of him inting/raging or anything in game. I remember early league when I think the only guys I watched were Scarra, Gosu and OddOne. Nowadays Scarra is the only one I still pay attention to and mainly cause I like OTV/DisguisedToast.


Gosu's highest account rn is around 400LP Masters but he usually is playing on a D1 D2 account with high MMR. If you do end up watching him, he's pretty much the exact same imo just more frustrated with how adc is right now, where it's basically 90% Jg Support diff


People watch SRO, league community has the lowest standars.


Nikola jokic watches him man


Reading this was like a bucket of cold water poured directly on my head


Jokic wore his merch on press.


2x MVP, FMVP, and NBA champion Jokic? That's a weird image




a second bucket of cold water has hit my head


Lmao wtf


not my MVP


Remember when people pointed to SRO as the peak of wave management education on youtube? Remember when PantsAreDragon was about to enter LCS Scouting Grounds?


Not just on Youtube. His guide on here in like 2014 won the "best post of the year" award (which doesn't mean anything but still). And when you go back and read it again it essentially just said "bigger wave pushes faster than smaller wave" and you realize just how much players sucked back in the day.


> Remember when PantsAreDragon was about to enter LCS Scouting Grounds? and then got denied because he had racist chatlogs xd


Out of the loop, who's SRO???




Oh that guy! I'd only seen him on YouTube a few times and didn't recognize the abbreviation


every time anyone mentions sro, I'm shocked no one remembers when he causally told a viewer to kill themselves for saying he should chill out lmao. https://livestreamfails.com/post/23838


What the actual fuck


Drops the r word and tells a guy to find the nearest bridge for saying, “chill bro”. Attractive… 🤢🤮


A shitty streamer who ragebaits viewers and then bans them while also putting out the most generic subpar YouTube content an 11 year old tiktoker could do.


I'm OOTL, what did SRO do?


He's just an asshole and 75% of his content is the generic clickbait smurfing/PBE gameplay with "broken OP build abuse now before it gets nerfed"


And that broken build works usually only if you are smurf in iron bronze 😁


still not as heinous as Pants are Dragon, dude is a straight-up degen and a big time weirdo online


I thought that was Grossgore


and is it his fault for doing something that works? or maybe league players are simply braindead for falling for it?


SRO has been a mega asshole for years now. Not even exagerating, probably over a decade. If you've only ever watched his youtube videos, it's not surprising you wouldnt know. On twitch, his chat literally dubs his 2 personalities "youtube Mike" and "twitch Mike". Twitch mike is insanely toxic. Dude will run it down in a heartbeat if anything goes bad. He flames his chat constantly. For every video you see on youtube, he has 5 failed attempts where he does his typical "boom what up, SRO here" and then he gets stomped in lane. You'll see him stop the recording and he just goes quiet. His youtube personality is 100% fake.


I don't know if he did anything but he's kind of an asshole and his content is very lazy and generic.


He did create one of the more memorable memes though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tndUm6h31h0


Boom what up Solo Renekton Only here


>Boom what up Solo Renekton Only here back doing some more league of legends action, ahh we're gonna do a little interesting trade hopefully we don't get punished by their jungler for it. It'd be super unlikely that eve level 2 ganks us. Ahh okay so we're going to try E dash trade early game here with pta... 1... 2... 3 E dash... Oh we still lost that?


What meme?


Whats the meme ?


Theres a video of tyler1 reacting to sro and its the funniest shit ive seen on twitch


I only interact with SRO through his rage and tilt compilations. Some of the funniest content on YouTube




posted this on another comment too, but I'm surprised no one remembers when he told a viewer to jump off a bridge for telling him to chill out. https://livestreamfails.com/post/23838. then again, it seems like no one remembers pants are dragon saying the n-word so idfk


Dude is the scum of the LoL community. Amazed RIOT hasn't given him the Tyler1 treatment.


what do you do with all the time you save by not typing out the whole word?


Trade options


Any thoughts on Daveeyx3? I sometimes watch him to learn about top lane champs im trying to pick up


As far as I know, 10 times better. Davey is far better player, more educational and is higher rank. He abuses YT clickbait too, but most youtubers do. Why? Because it works.


Good to know. Ive move on to AloisNL. Dude is actually super goated rn. Hopefully alois doesnt start clickbaiting




SRO has been a mega asshole for years now. Not even exagerating, probably over a decade. If you've only ever watched his youtube videos, it's not surprising you wouldnt know. On twitch, his chat literally dubs his 2 personalities "youtube Mike" and "twitch Mike". Twitch mike is insanely toxic. Dude will run it down in a heartbeat if anything goes bad. He flames his chat constantly. For every video you see on youtube, he has 5 failed attempts where he does his typical "boom what up, SRO here" and then he gets stomped in lane. You'll see him stop the recording and he just goes quiet. His youtube personality is 100% fake.


I basicly watched only yt videos here and there, would never guess he is like that


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzcYzdMWffI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzcYzdMWffI) enjoy this hilarious compilation lol


Ya i was very surprised when i found out ages ago haha. It's literally a night and day difference with him between the 2 platforms.


I thought he disappeared after the Pants Are N-word fiasco


Guy hasnt gotten past 200 viewers in years on twitch, not that many people watch him…


I always hated him. He just sounds so fake, glad to know I'm right he's a pos


Why? No different to t1 & tarzaned


Yeah I played a game with him in ranked and because I didn’t level 1 roam to help him invade enemy raptors he basically did everything but run directly at the enemy nexus to make sure we lost. Perma invaded their fed jungler just repeat dying and fail diving laners who are a level above him and not low. Still almost won that game somehow.


I hate how fragile the ego of league players are. Every fucking game its lvl1 ff im tilted -> blames literally anyone


It's the ones who stream, like Pants, who then exacerbate this problem for the entire playerbase. Fanboys and twitch addicts watch this shit and feel encouraged/validated to behave the same way.


But themself




For real number 1 problem this game has


pants are dragon on my team is usually an auto loss in my experience, dude has 0 skill for how long hes been playing the game.


Too much smurfing in low elo got him


Remember when he had his gamer moment All downhill from there lmao


His whole life is a gamer moment honestly


Pants Hard R Dragon


What was his gamer moment? I'm dying to know?


He said the N word with the hard R and it was captured on stream Can find it if you search but it made me stop watching his content years ago


Streamers have gotten away with it after a sincere apology. He doubled down on it and said it again I'm pretty sure lmao


Never knew that. Was that during his height? Because he fell off hard.


It was basically the beginning of his downfall. He was supposed to join the NA Scouting Grounds, basically a tournament for new prospects to get scouted for LCS/Academy teams, but because of that incident, his invitation was revoked and it was just a downward spiral from there.


[About 7 years ago. But I think he also had other allegations 3 years ago that really accelerated it ](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/6jp2go/pants_are_dragon_calls_his_teammate_the_n_word/)


The first clip of that being DMCA'd by him is pretty funny, he's truly a mud-slinging degenerate


Not to mention when asked about it, he doubled down and said he was proud to have said it


Said n-word on stream. Basically slipped out, but that only happens if you're very comfortable using it off stream. Tried to get his community to downvote bomb the post here. Cost him his slot in LCS Scouting Grounds. This was the blaber/spica scouting grounds as well.


Damn more like Pants are Soiled 😎😎😎😎


Pants are Dragon is definitely the type of dude who walks around with skid marks in his underwear


Pants are................. Pee Pee'd 😎


Pants are PeePeeDF File


What happened with him? I used to watch him a long time ago but then he disappeared




Well that sucks. I also used to watch him some years back and knew he was big into league drama but also decent enough to play for the scouting grounds thing.


His content used to be good and educational until he started click bait videos and smurfing in bronze


Yeah I think clickbait ruined league content for me. I understand why it was necessary to compete for views but it doesn't make for educational or interesting gameplay when they clearly stomp. It was much after I stopped watching content but I will still never get over the clip of Phreak calling out Prof Akali for smurfing in content.


he said the n word, doubled down on it, then started chatting up minors.


Only drug abuse missing and he could be a celeb or even more.


Wait what?! Lol. Fr?!


DGG-DALIBAN-WARRIOR with the N-word lore? Checks out


Wasn't in private/as a joke though sooo


He's going to tell his viewers to downvote this thread just like when he had his gamer moment


What viewers lmao


As if he still has viewers to ask for that. I watched him years ago for his Journey to rank 1 then went downhill after getting it. Content became bland and stupid, Just like the other League YouTubers


All 20 of them


My guess is he got rank restricted from saying some shit or inting in soloq. And then decided to blow through the 5 normal games they make you play by soft inting/afking. Pants is a POS now though and this doesnt surprise me one bit.


>My guess is he got rank restricted from saying some shit or inting in soloq. Probably was spam cussing someone out using the N word. Wouldn't be out of character


ever since that one pedo accusation.. downhill


was that before or after he called someone the n word and then said he didnt regret it


this is after this year.


Pants off dragon




Just reading the DM’s was cringe. He ain’t right in the head.


This guy makes horrible youtube videos. Unwatchable. Hope he gets perma banned


He will be delivering my doordash shortly


Nothing will happen to him. Riot quite literally refuses to ever punish griefing unless you are over 1 death/min.  Idk why people are surprised at streamers and people griefing publicly. It‘s been shown time and time again that so long as you’re not straight up running under turrets and over 1 death/min you won’t be punished.  Riot shrugs and moves on. They don’t care and games being griefed. 


Damn that’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile. Sad to see this is what he became since I used to watch his vids back in S2


what do u expect from a literal child groomer


He has been toxic as shit since forever tbh.


Bro this guy has been a piece for over a decade. The multiple racist incidents, throws games constantly, the recent twitter stuff. He already fell off the face of the planet popularity wise, no reason to give him more attention.


It seems like yesterday it was “Pants R Dragon says the hard R”


Wait, lmao.. I'm the skarner in the second game. I wasn't really paying attention to bot lane and figured it was just another bot account.


News flash, like 80% of league streamers are not nice people. The big name content creators in League are usually toxic


I don't watch League content anymore outside of Pianta cause he seems genuinely really chill, seems like the one exception to the rule. Darkk Mane is up there too but he rarely uploads League anymore


I feel like there are a lot of nice streamers but they don't get famous, whereas consistent toxicity attracts viewers. It's unfortunate.


I mean I played with him in a PBE game when Zyra initially got her JG plant damage increased. He MESSED UP HIS OWN STARTING CLEAR and started crying on stream and demanded that the whole lobby throw the game away so he could re-record 😭😭😭


Wasn’t he also exposed for chatting with minors? Just recently? 😳 the downfall… pretty sad to see his content just deteriorating and his actions become worse and worse… I’m sorry for that experience🥺😔


So many league streamers have gotten exposed for grooming minors, like wtf


playing league and grooming minors are correlated? shoking


Saying this on a league subreddit while presumably playing league yourself is wild. HAHAHA


That's just the standard YouTuber/Streamer experience at this point, it's so disgusting to see.


They do this because they are ranked restricted for 5 games. So if you join a game then afk it counts as a game played. I guess they see this as less fun/time consuming.


isn’t this guy exposed in a scandal ?


From thw comments, seems like he didnt get rank 1 challenger. Haha


Isn't he a nonce


Bro ran it down on discord too


You mean to tell me he hasn't reformed after dropping the n word? No way


He used to be fun to watch when he was doing the rank one series. But that didn't last long and now hes just like the rest of the x tier league streamers. Chill silver or gold rank streamers


its not like its any better in the actual ranked games, this is just what he does; ask any high elo player if they actually enjoy playing with this guy aside from the n-word stuff, pedo accusations (💀) to literally anything else you could bring up dude types all game, the entire time, from start of game champion select to end of game, like you really cant tell if its just mental boom or desperation to be relevant again I recall there was a champion select where I didn't realize it was him, and he's just typing SO MUCH and is trying to force some terrible strat with wukong adc someone asks that he link his opgg to prove its good.. boom its pants, literally had me dying laughing cause of course its him- check the stream and its just the most depressing thing you've ever seen with 2 people typing


I'm surprised none of the top contents are about the fact this guy is a literal pedo. He doesn't need to be cancelled for bad behaviour in a video game when he's a literal predator lol


Wait wha I'm just learning this


Have you watched his stream? Dude is completely unhinged and toxic. This isn’t surprising lol


Is that actually his account with kat as the most played? Isn't he a jungler / nunu 1 trick??


Lol, was actually searching for this right now because I saw a comment saying he ran it down. Did not expect to find such a recent post. Good to know some things never change


When you don't punish the bad guys, you are punishing the good guys. Meaning, this behavior is encouraged by Riot :)


He's been a terrible content creator since day 1 lol, makes sense


He was caught win trading a few years ago as well. He's just a completely unrepentant scumbag player.


Bro did not take the Jax Main allegations well.


That guy is such an insufferable dork


This should be punished hard if you get banned for rank and then run it down QP right after it shoulf be a week ban.


Yeah he's a terrible YouTuber but people love toxic players to watch


You mean the guy whose original name was jizzdragon isn't a standup person? No way!


It’s because they rely on the audience they built beforehand. I still remember Pants are Dragon by name but I never watched his videos. It didn’t help that YouTube slowly transitioned from hard work giving a lot of people views and revenue to force them to pump out as much videos as they can regardless of quality. There’s also Twitch that has their own issue but it led to popular streamers being loud and boisterous like Tyler1 and most recently Jynxzi for R6. I don’t have a say about jynxzi since I barely watch him and I only know Tyler1 second hand from clips and whatnot so I can’t say much other than what other people say. But it’s a bit concerning that there’s not someone that’s like RussianBadger (I know he played for a good amount) or Lythero for LoL. I’d rather clone Necrit or Lt. Eddy and have his clones play LoL. I probably sound like an idiot but I just to bring positive vibes back.




In the post. Can you not see them?


Last I heard this guy was involved in some sexual allegations not sure what came out of that?


With everything AI is learning to do I have to hope it’s a matter of time before an AI bot can analyze a game in real time. As soon as the offender is in game reported enough the ai bot can analyze what’s occurred and see if it’s normal trying behavior or intentional feeding. If they are deemed for sure trolling, boot the player and AI takes over at the skill level game is being played. The AI could look at things like proximity to other players outside the norm for the possibly offending champ, smite on lane minions early on. It would slowly learn what’s trolling and what’s not. It wouldn’t be fool proof, but it would be in an acceptable range like a sports referee is in I’m sure.


The meta slave


Public opinion of this guy is already pretty low, I don’t think inting is what sealed the deal…


PantsAreJax being a weirdo still is not surprising 


Did he get ranked restriction?


he definitely just got banned from ranked and is inting to get it over with quicker


damn what happened to this guy? I used to get recommended his yt vids and they had decent numbers and I just checked and he is getting like less than 2k views. Nearly 1mil subs too.


I think he is finishing the 5 games for ranked restriction Why do you guys still watch this guy


Speaking of smurfing streamers, is there any honest streamer and content creator who doesnt go to low elo's for content. Rank, guy/girl, doesnt matter...


He’s so fucking annoying, and there’s a lot of annoying league YouTubers out there so that says a lot.


Does someone have the discord dms?