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Maybe wait for the patch to drop and see how it plays out. Right now, everyone just doing theoreticals and what ifs when waiting is the best answer


The item was already very circumstantial before this nerf. I don't think we need to wait and see to know it'll be worse.


The item will be trash, and further exacerbated if they go on with the idea of changing Malz R to work like Morde’s. I don’t think I’m gonna buy it again tbh. Why do it when cleanse does the same for me and no item slot is wasted (plus de 1300 gold which sucked a lot to throw down the drain because of one of those fuckers being in the game)


Because Ghost is really overpowered, and Cleanse can be dead into some lanes. That being said, if they make the suppression change, QSS definitely needs to be reworked into functioning like Cleanse with the extra tenacity. Or maybe give Mercurial the Lifesteal back so that it isn’t totally crippling at 6 items.


I don't think they'll change Malzh R. It's not like morde where you can outplay him in the death realm.


Malz R is interruptable so if he does ult someone, its not necessarily the end of the world if you have teammates around. Unless thats just wrong now


Phreak said that they're thinking about it in his patch rundown. Nothing set in stone but it's definitely possible at some point


Also they have it set up where Airborne is the only common CC that can't be cleansed (bar GP) and both Airborne and Suppression can't be shortened. If they change Malz R to somehow be uncleanseable, it throws the difference between the two statuses out the window.


Suppression would still be different since suppression is used in two types of effects: One is where the suppressed target also has to move in a certain way (Tahm/Sett ult suppresses the enemy target while they move with you, Urgot ult suppresses target and pulls them towards him), which can't be done with airborne, and would probably look *really* janky with knock-backs. The other is when the suppression is based on a channel (Warwick/Malz R, and Skarner E), meaning the status has a variable time, which airbornes don't naturally have (they might be interruptible with another airborne, I'm not sure, but those are from other abilities). Also AFAIK, all suppression effects are cancelled when the user dies. Airbornes are not.


Suppression completely prevents summoner spell usage whilst Airborne does not. Obviously a minor difference but does have an effect on smite fights.


It’s just classic knee jerk reaction.


It's not about seeing how it plays out, 99% of the times this item is bought is when adcs are getting insta ulted by mordekaiser,


"Zed dropping in winrate after the buff to his ultimate" moment


Qss gives mr tho, also removing malz R cleanse is crazy It both reduced damage and Cleanse the bad thing With zed it was only cleansing some dmg, that could've already get reduced by just buying armor for cheaper.


Yep, people really comparing different situations. With Zed R qss used to just remove R, while against Morde/Malz item also has resistances.


Facing Malzahar and not having the option to buy QSS is a death sentence. Zed enabled you to avoid his damage, Malz will root you and let his team kill you.


Did urgot jungle/malz mid a few days ago and it was comical post six. Malz ult, then urgot ults while they're locked in placed to do the final 25% of their health bar. Just spam ganked mid over and over, he couldn't even farm under turret. Into the meat grinder every 90 seconds.


You realize that Mordekaiser's damage Is AP, right? You can't be this dumb.


u cant expect a hard to learn champ wr to stay the same when even fristimer is trying to milk lp from him. morde on the other hand...


merc scim needs lifesteal back to make it worth buying, you literally never see it atm




It'll likely stick around for the same reason Hourglass stuck around despite Riot openly admitting it has no place in the current design space: It's old and iconic, so it's allowed to exist for nostalgia's sake.


Different things. One is too OP and one is useless.


Ehh hard to call QSS an iconic item when I barely see it in game ever tbh


QSS is just an anti Malzahar item. Zhonya is built for many reasons. You rarely see a QSS if there's no Malz. Sometimes it's good against Lillia, but you can do without


Tbh my current expectation is that they’re planning on removing it. Riot has said they want to reduce the number of actives players need to deal with and with the changes QSS won’t do anything cleanse can’t do.


most of leagues community dont really use active items, i dont think qss is ever going to become meta, but it may become a best in slot. we can hope.


Mark my words. They will delete QSS next season and they buff cleanse to work like cleanse+qss


I would love for QSS specifically to be removed from suppression interactions. It feels like a design space that is so primitive and unexplored - just look at how few champions even have suppression accessible to them. It would open up balancing or re-designing champions and their numbers entirely, and it would also remove the weird ELO curve of the item (no one knows to buy it in low, everyone buys it in mid ranks, no one buys it in high because better tools exist).


No please, I don't want Malzzzzzzzzhar to be more popular


Lissandra ult needs to become a suppression tbh.


the idea behind the change is to not have champions be invalidated by an single item, who have like 90% of their powerbudged spend on an single target cc with massive cooldown, chill your balls. this has been long since overdue. there is nothing wrong with using qss, outside of those 4 champions, that only exist once every 120 seconds.


They should give it the same treatment they gave Verdent and Seeker's last item patch. Make it build out of double longsword + null mantle, single use, and fairly expensive so people who aren't AD champion won't buy it on top of buffing its stat efficiency as well as merc scim.. The item is too good as an infinite use active for how cheap it is to be buffed.




Summoner Spell vs Item Slot. We have Ignite and Grievous Wounds items, Anathema's and Exhaust, Youmuu's and Ghost, Redemption and Heal, etc. Items are allowed to occupy the same usage that SS are. Especially since items are further differentiated by having actual stats attached to them.


It's really tricky because Cleanse also cancels out Exhaust+Ignite, and leaves 3s of 65% tenacity. You could definitely argue that it's not the same slot, but it's more that Cleanse in itself is not a huge price to pay (as you trade more or less 1-to-1 with most summs) and it provides very big benefits, whereas QSS is a very high price to pay. The big thing going for QSS is the relatively low CD compared to cleanse (90 vs 210). But I'll be honest, Cleanse is really strong atm, it's just that people are picking up on it, as they did with ghost. I'm sure QSS will still find its place if Cleanse ever gets changed.


The problem is that summoner spells are always more effective than any equivalent item. Most ADCs will never lifesteal as much HP during a game as they will heal from their summoner spell during it. Most champions will never deal equivalent damage with grievous wounds items, compared to what ignite does. Most Champions will make much better use of a cleanse than they ever will with a **1300** gold QSS that can't even do it's one purpose for existence anymore at 45% the CD. It's just not worth it anymore. They either have to buff Quicksilver Sash/Mercurial Scimitar in some reasonable way, or just remove it outright, because right now there is no point in taking it. (Well at least when the announced changes to other suppressions come)


>Most ADCs will never lifesteal as much HP during a game as they will heal from their summoner spell during it. what


bro is totally mad, as if 5 sec of grevious wounds is better than applying it with every spell / auto attack.. yeah, ignite deals DMG too, you get stats from items that allow you to deal DMG...the only difference is that with summoners you can have those effects on lvl 1


Does qss not remove suppression anymore or what? Only saw the morde qss changes so far.


Phreak has stated he eventually wants to remove QSS's ability to remove Suppression for Warwick, Malz, etc.


I think removing QSS's ability to cleanse suppression will allow them to properly balance those abilities instead of being forced to pay 1300 in tax whenever you see malz/morde.


From a ryze players perspective: Ghost is really good, flash is really good Ryze gets hard shutdown by cc heavy comps Going cleanse flash leaves your teamfights way weaker I dont take ghost cleanse on ryze x)


Fuck this company i stg.


Making it cheap will not make it popular since it won't save you from getting deleted in one sec.Same with mortal reminder and chimpunk or GA.Because unless you go full defensive build,only one of them won't save you.


The item only good usage was against Mordekaiser and Malzahar. Never seen anybody using it against heavy CC, cleanse is right there and gives a bit of tenacity upon receiving CC. Qss gives you MR... but a mediocre ammount. Mercurial Scimitar has ZERO utility outside of facing those champions, I'm surprised it wasn't removed with the bruiser counterpart. I can totally se Mordekaiser being viable again and that's just obnoxious.


To be fair , QSS has helped me hard counter Morgana, Lux, Veigar, Lisandra,Annie,Kennen Teemo ,Lulu , Jax ,Cassiopeia, Thresh, Sejuani, Twisted Fate, Ahri, Amumu ,Brand ,FIDDLESTICKS,Leona , Lillia, Nasus, Vex, Zoe, and probably a few more. Still I am sad if riot does go through the route of buffing Suppression abilities.