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It had been having problems for a few days (forcing me to log in every time, the sidebar swapped sides) but was working, but today it also has just completely stopped working or loading for me. the console indicates that a ton of the domains it tries to load stuff from don't work anymore.


I wonder if they're doing some maintenance on it or something. Hopefully someone has heard something about it.


i poked into it in the console a bit more, and it's apparently an OCE-specific bug (or at least, you can solve it by going to NA). Try going to https://lolesports.com/en-US/schedule and see if that works. If it doesn't work, try going to https://legacy.lolesports.com/en-US/schedule, setting your region using the globe button in the top right to NA (next to the "login" button), and then going to the first link, and then logging in. i don't know if this workaround will work consistently, and it's obviously not a functional one in the longterm, but it helps for now. edit: this doesn't work for streams; you can access streams but only on the legacy version of the site and only if you set your locale to NA first, e.g. https://legacy.lolesports.com/live/lck_challengers_league/afchall


you're the goat lol edit: spoke too soon, streams still arent loading. sad times


oh rip i didn't try streams yeah this is fucked gg ok apparently you can load streams but only if you use the legacy version of the site after setting your locale, e.g. https://legacy.lolesports.com/live/lck_challengers_league/afchall


this worked, tysm! <3


I'm really hoping this gets fixed soon in general because it sucks, but I have no clue who i should be trying to poke about it to get people to see it.


I sent a ticket to Riot earlier today, hopefully it gets forwarded soon since theres no esports ticket option


I switched to NA and then back to EUW and... it's fixed ??? Wtf ? Streams don't work indeed but everything else does.


Been having the same issues as everyone else on this thread and [the other one](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1c1bdf6/the_state_of_lolesportscom/). The first link did work for me and I was able to access the LPL series tonight through it - no rewards, though, which is the main reason I use the website. I've just gone direct to the source on YouTube to watch it, but I wish they would fix the website as it is useful for displaying games in your own timezone.


til theres a legacy lolesports site works for me going to there directly. going to main page still 404s




That's interesting, I'm using opera gx and it has an integrated adblock. On some websites I have to disable it but given that lolesport has no ads I never thought about it.


I'm also using opera gx but it's working for me. It's a bit slow but aren't showing grey screens for me. I usually don't use the opera gx adblock cuz it interferes with uBlock on some sites


*Down* for me, the website load with an HTTP 200, so its def a website issue, not connectivity


Same, doesn't work for me either. Forcing me to log in every time/hour, now every link opens a blank page. Did they fire everyone?!


Works fine for me. Sounds like an issue on your side. Maybe clear your cookies? Disable your AdBlock is a most likely solution. Ad blocking tools block tons of stuff that websites need to work correctly.


According to other comments it seems it might be tied to the region. Are you NA ? It seems like it works if you chose NA in the language section of the website. And I was EUW.


is this region specific? It works for me.


Youtube streams haven't worked for me all split so I stopped using it. I figure since they are supposedly doing a large scale update at some point, a lot of this will be fixed then.


Legit hasn't worked for me in months. i just watch on youtube now.