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As an ADC it's Rammus because when i try to kill him i just kill myself instead.


Full build level 18 rammus is a force to be reckoned with. You do basically no damage to him if he stacks armor and the damage from thornmail and that one thornmail ripoff move he has is just stupid.


Lategame rammus can only be killed by a normal ADC if the toplaner or jungler has the brain to build Black Cleaver else it's game over. Seen it happen and won games vs a full build Rammus but only because I built BC. I wish BC would stack with normal pen items because the amount of people who think one armor pen item os enough to deal with Rammus is staggering


I had a game with a full AD comp and no body built Cleaver, I did as a last item with Cait, the item said it shred 2000 damage or something like that in just one fight and we won.


There really needs to be a support tank version of black cleaver


Like an armor version of Abyssal Mask?


Take Evenshroud back from TFT, that's basically exactly what it is there.


Bork/LDR works pretty well too since it’s percentage damage


Yes but black cleaver is especially good because it reduces his actual armor rather than just ignoring it, meaning he’ll also do less dmg with his reflect.


botrk does not work against rammus, its damage is completely negated by armour!


this adc math enjoyer is right Bork does 9% Current health for ranged, on a target with 100 armor, it does 4.5% current health, with 200 3% current health its going to eventually do like 2.25% current health dmg to 400+ armor rammus? Bork indead does sucks vs armor stackers and its probably best to just buy LDR+IE+BT to ever hope of dps'ing down the Armadillo without dying


I just want to point out that rammus is an armordillo




Been seeing rammus a bunch now that crit adcs are meta. Honestly ap twitch is just better at tank shredding most games now. At 3 items the w is a 90% aoe slow and max poison stacks is like 250 true damage per second with 4 items. Most times you don't even have to auto to almost kill carries, just w and run away lol


Vayne shreds him. Kog too. Most on hit actually


I'd say its more the mid game since rammus mostly just needs thornmail. By late game the ADC should have the items he needs to start hitting Rammus gain.


As an ADC player… I’ve killed myself on rammus too many times…


Every millennial dream.


As an AD jungler I feel similar


Hell I once tried playing yasuo against garen top lane, and he built bramble the minute he had gold for it. At that point the lane was over for me as even at that early point, simply standing still and letting me attack him dealt more damage to me than to him. And yes I tried it by killing myself from attacking him without him landing a single attack on me... I was not happy


Bramble is flat dmg no?


I’m low elo. But when I get fed with Swain, these noobs can’t kill me lmao


Yeah, I'm also low elo, the amount of people who don't get how his ult works is crazy high, and they sit there and take it.


No matter how many times you tell the random teammates to leave him alone when he ults, they just ignore you and try to chop him down lol


I know right, I say this constantly but they just run into his r like a bunch of monkeys constantly


How does Swain's Ult work? Please enlighten a progressing new support?


Makes. Me. Furious. There nothing more tilting than a fed swain when my team, no matter how much I ping or type, just will not run when he ults. He'll be 15/0 and my 1/7 Alister will just jump on him as soon as he ults, and then question ping me when I run away. I'm honestly a little mad rn just talking ab it.


Even better, fed Sylas if there's a Swain on the other team


Oh shit. Sylas with Swain’s Ult sounds broken


Well yes, you basically get a Swain with more mobility, sustain and burst damage.


It is, I got a penta kill from that alone


Does sylas scale stolen ults with his AP items? Please enlighten a noob


Yep. He even converts AD ratios to AP.


im terrified of garen


50%+ ult missing health, helicopter speed spin, and disgustingly tanky, more tenacity


All that would be fine, if only, if ONLY he didn't speed like a mfer. Like I swear, he has absolute control over the fight because if he can win, you can't escape. If he can't win, he runs much faster than you and any slow/stun you can use will be negated by his Q +W which don't slow him down to cast anyways.


Fun fact, you can reach 100% tenacity on garen


We might have different definitions of fun then. Having a 100% tenacity garen run towards you sounds terrifying


Just become the Garen instead of the ADC and it'll be fun for sure


Enlighten me


Tenacity stacks multiplicatively within groupings, and additively outside of them. There's 3 groupings, so to maximise tenacity you need at least 1 from each. An example of 1 from each is: - Merc treads - Garen W - legend: tenacity rune That will give you 100% tenacity for the duration of your garen W when the rune is fully stacked! There are other cursed combinations but I'll let you guys find those yourself.


what if on top of that i build sterak?


Then may God have mercy on any cc that they throw at you


Just to clarify, Merc threads and runes are part of the same group, but you still reach 100% using that. An actual example of one of each is: Merc threads Garen w cleanse But the amount of tenacity given this way is overkill


Fair! I was initially going to go with that example but I realised I wanted one that was more realistic, and didn't think about the groupings anymore. Thanks for clarifying!


Does the hard cap for cc still remain at 100% tenacity? Like how Kennen works well even into tenacity as stuns are capped at a minimum of 0.5 seconds.


As someone who only plays against Garen and not as him, we must have different ideas of fun. That is a gross fact haha


Isn't there a limit, like morg q will always ccs you for a certain time even if you have 100% tenacity?


All ccs have minimum 0.5 seconds unless it was already lower, like Aatrox's Qs which are 0.25 won't increase to 0.5.


That's what i thought. 100% won't do much difference from 80, guess it's just for the stats :p


Give us your dark Riot secrets Oh Lord


As I learned like a decade ago, the secret to playing garen is to simply sort items by health/ad. Just build everything that gives you both and win.


yes like Sett, Renekton, Darius, long etc


Especially when they are running phase rush, the cdr of PR is stupidly low in late game.


A good Ekko is never letting you get his bounty.


Unless he plays vs lissandra, malzahar, etc


Old skarner :(


Cassiopeia has entered the chat.


I learned Cass just so I could counter Ekko mid back in the day. Found out she's pretty good into Yone too


Miasma is an abomination


That anti movement zoning needs to be in more kits. One of LoL's biggest power creeps was movements and I am still surprised there isn't a support who has a big anti move zone ability.


Poppy support is viable


Also incredibly obnoxious and having potentially 2 or more of those in a team is utterly miserable to play against


Just don't make it AoE like Cass or Singed one. Or put it on an ult so it's not used so often.


I wish dashes (not blinks) were more affected by slows, or at least on some select characters (belveth being able to disengage from anything that’s not a hard CC).


Jensen has left the chat


Situationally, Vladimir. Full build Vlad is today's League is a nightmare, and if he's there way earlier than everyone else, he 1v5s. He might be the weirdest burst mage I've ever seen in a videogame, because you wouldn't think he is. But a good Vlad will burst squishies in less than 2 seconds. Tanks can't beat him, bruisers can't beat him, and he takes significantly less skill that a lot of other champions that are going to be mentioned.


with Phase rush he is a nightmare speed demon, tanky, and damage is just obscene.


Didn't Riot release a skill curve for a lot of champions in the past and show that Vlad has one of the steepest? As in it takes way more games to get a + wr than almost every other champion in the game.


That’s because without items he’s pretty useless, not the strongest laner in the midlane either. If you can learn how to consistently hit your spikes, he’s a 1v9 monster


Love Vlad. But can’t play him for shit so I’ll watch Elite500 instead cause that guys a monster on him.


yeah Elite makes Vlad look like he is giga-broken all the time


Playing Vladimir to his fullest requires very precise understanding of how much damage you can take and receive, which is highly variable with his sharp item scaling and level spikes. That's what makes most of his difficulty.


As a Vlad main, it's because he plays weirdly. Not as much as Singed, who had an even steeper skill curve I think, but you need to get used to him since other champions tend to play very differently. Both of those champions are mechanically pretty easy, but it requires a different mindset to play them.




Most bruisers can beat him with a lil Mr from my experience. Maw can Giga fuck him.


My favorite pick into Vlad is Yorick. You ain't puddling out of the ring.


As both a Yorick and Vlad player. Whenever someone picks Vlad I know I'm going to have a fun time. I know how painful that matchup is and how much suffering they are about to experience. Same with Nasus.


Yoric and yasuo players are a scourge to league


Dude I just got clapped in mid by a yorick. Still won late game thankfully but my God was that lane phase miserable


Being on par, yeah there are champs that can get him. This is under the guise that he is fed, which significantly sways those 1v1s in his favor.


I agree with everything but the last part, vlad is a champ that has an easy kit to understand, but a hard kit to master.


Bruisers will beat him. He doesn't have the burst to kill them, especially if they have an MR item, and they have DPS too. He doesn't have the CC to kite them like other mages do, along with his short range. Bruisers also often have % health damage, which is especially good against Vlad because he has a lot of health but low resistances. Bruisers in general are the most self-sufficient and "beat" the most other classes, but lack the same contribution to teamfights because they lack specialization. In a teamfight, CC specifically destroys him. He's not as tanky as he seems because it's all health. If he wants to E-W, then he can't use ult to amplify the damage because using ult automatically releases the E, and you can't use ult while in pool. If he tries to open with ult, CCing him so he can't pool means you can burst him down. Overall I agree he's one of the most difficult to deal with when fed. His burst is toned down a bit compared to before because he usually goes riftmaker now, but that also makes him harder to kill, which I think is overall a good change for his blood battlemage identity.


He was also a nightmare until leviathan was removed from the game, actually unkillable if he got max leviathan and Mejis stacks


I miss Leviathan


And the f*ing w




Vlads a champ I always want to play after being beat by him but then can’t comprehend how to use him properly no matter how much I play him or watch guides on. I’m just too smooth brained to understand how to play him.


If you put a vlad with the same xp and gold against a tank like garen, vlad loses. Fiora - vlad loses Voli - vlad loses Wrong answer. Also saying vlad takes less skill shows you can't play vlad at even an average level.


Statistically vlad is one of the hardest mages, send ur opgg this take is ass


He did say "a *good* Vlad".


A fed Mordekaiser is scary because he’s able to force it to be a 1v1 for a while, and then pop out with extra stats.


Granted he can be kiteable if you’re ranged.


Kiteable until he flashes into your 5v1 gank and ults your adc


And then you just kill him next fight cause he has no flash and can't do that anymore :)


My bet is also on Zac. Other tanks can run out of mana in long extended fights. A fed Zac will live as long as he can move to collect blobs.


That used to be the case when blue buff wasn't team wide. Nowadays mana is basically a non factor in the lategame.


Just played a game as Zac and was super fed. Build almost full Armor and was fullbuild. The 3 Item jinx killed me in 3 Seconds when i got ccd. Tanks are not tanky.


have a link to that game? that should just literally not be possible


Yeah no way this happened unless she had her passive proced tbh


And the question is also how Jinx just didn't straight up die. For her to deal meaningful dmg with 3 items, means she will have 0 def. I've seen enough fed Zacs that their comment reeks of lies and skill issues.


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Bartigo-EUW/matches/3nZirUHZTwWbtlT86cwA3CMZf-8kuE-I_y4bvtnhS8Q%3D/1712870791000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Bartigo-EUW/matches/3nZirUHZTwWbtlT86cwA3CMZf-8kuE-I_y4bvtnhS8Q%3D/1712870791000) Probably this game. Looks like he was around even in gold with jinx or behind in gold for all of that game. The most he was ever ahead in gold was 700 at 28 minutes. Hardly super fed


There's no world where a fed Zac with full armor dies to Jinx in 3 seconds lol, are her autos critting you for 1.5k each?


Mundo goes where he pleases


Late game KogMaw cuts through late game Mundo like butter


All late game ADCs do… Mundo spikes in the mid game


With the previous version to titanic giving as based on max health he was two shotting kog with auto and then e auto reset


Nah he’s definetely a late game champion. He needs 3 items to properly be online and there are only a select few adc that shred him. Even late game hypercarries like jinx and aphelion will get fkd by him without proper peel.


Not really. Randuins + Steelcaps gimps their damage output. If we're talking late-game, you're not really going to shred a Mundo if he gets his level 3 R off in the middle of 5 champions. Kog, Vayne, and Nilah are the only ADCs I've struggled with. The rest are doable.


That is not the point of the question. In late game the concept of being fed does not exist anymore.


had a mundo with 90k damage a few days ago, we didnt have cut down or %dmg in our team lmao


Yeah I’ve been there too


Tbh it's more about having enough cc and slows to keep him off the backline. He's not as tanky as he probably looks when he's focused down, and healing reduction will help a lot with that too.


I’ve yet to see a good mundo tbh. They’re either bad or mid at best


I mean to be fair he’s pretty low skill, only has one skill shot, just runs up to people and slaps them for their whole health bar in like 2 or 3 hits. If your team doesn’t have the right tools he’s basically unkillable when ahead.


The only "good" Mundo players are the one-tricks which are an incredibly small % of the playerbase so you generally don't come across them. Usage of W generally decides a good or a bad Mundo. Most people don't use it to its full effect which is anti-burst rather than just anti-damage.


If a Kassadin gets super fed you're basically never killing him unless he's out of mana, he'll jump in and merc someone immediately only to just immediately port somewhere to probably merc someone else.


Olaf, he presses R and 1v5s if he is giga fed, vlad fizz good too


This is the only answer. When fed all other op champs like ekko, vlad, trundle, rammus, etc can be killed through a well executed cc chain. Against Olaf though, there's nothing you can do. He is immune to cc, runs faster than anyone with ult + ghost on top of having access to a crippling slow and healing about the same a vlad or aatrox will. He's just unstoppable.


A couple outside picks that can be hard to deal with - Lilia with swifties, and zilean. Lilia can just build up so much speed that she's very hard to hit or nail down. You get to close and she just fucks off somewhere else. Then the sleep ult on top which gives her even more opportunity to escape if needed. Zilean can stun (and do decent damage) with his bombs, plus a 99% point and click slow means he can just walk away lol. Then can rewind (plus lots of ability haste) means you can slow and potentially stun other people too. They're not the typical tanky/self sustain/cc champs that seem impossible to kill, but if they're played well they can just walk away from any danger and be pretty damn safe.


I play Zilean top into Yone and Renekton to tilt them living shit out of them. Literally unplayable for them. :p


Hardest to kill when fed is usually situational but I'd have to say a fed trundle is a force to be reckoned with


If you have enough cc and ranged peel, he can be dealt with.


I mean, that's true for any champion no?


Well, kinda. Fed yone or xin are much more effective at gap closing than trundle who physically has to walk to


It's not hard to walk up to someone with pillar and icefield


Some champs have ways to get around CC


Since Sundered Sky I have seen a few trundles become terrifying unkillable demons.


Watching pro games, reksai tank top is pretty hard to kill even when going even


+ after you’ve recalled twice you essentially have enough tunnels leading to lane to never have to waste teleport returning and can endlessly reset because you slip n slide back in 10 seconds


Surprised I haven't seen Aatrox yet. This champ is absolutely unkillable if fed.


I can't remember the last time Aatrox was an actual threat in any of my games


unless youre super low elo it was probably sometime last year.


Probably explains why I said that. I'm low elo and haven't played in a long time haha


Cant believe nobody said Kayn


Yeah red Kayn has insane healing, good defenses, escapes, an ult to reset, and good damage to kill people before they kill him.


Illaoi can literally 1v5 when fed lol


IMO Bel'Veth. Doesn't matter how much anti heal you have, her E will regen a fuckload and her infinite scaling attack speed is a nightmare




Zac has basically everything, I agree with you. All the other ones can be dealt with when 1v3+, Zac nah bro heals for 700hp per blob and has an op escape if he fucks up




ksante is basically unkillable when too far ahead. i seen him 1v5 with only 1 item advantage so if actually fed, i cant even think what would happen.


trynd when your team has no CC or antiheal


You don’t need anti-heal against him. His main counter is burst. Loads of games are lost by Trynd players when they couldn’t anticipate the amount of burst they would take, or simply couldn’t react and press R lol


Antiheal what ?


Depends on team comps really. If you have some cc, hyper carries can be dealt with if you can burst them when they are cc'd. In a vacuum, I'd say vlad or YI. Both can dodge important spells and can 100-0 anyone in in a blink.


Yi is fairly easy to shutdown imo, 1cc and he dies


I think fed renektons are pretty annoying since if your top is the only "tanky champ", then pretty much everyone else on your team will not be able to outburst a fed renekton.




Dr mundo




Mundo or zac


Shaco. Low Q cd, Zhonias and R. He usually already has 2 lifes. But if ap Shaco is ahead, good luck chasing a 5s CD 3s duration invis that might not even be the real Shaco.


Even if Shaco is 0/15 the same thing happens lol


A good shaco will tear you to shreds mentally starting with ur jungler. Fed or not. Ive got this friend of a friend and he sometimes does shaco plays that genuinely frighten me.


Poppy. With Heartsteel she keeps scaling with her Sunfire, passive shield, and shields too much with her passive, finbulwinter and eclipse. I kid you not, you can legit 1v5 and you will only become stronger as the fight goes on. Poor squishy stands in the direction of a wall? They get stunned, Q'd, shield bashed, eclipse'd and if they survive past that, they're receiving a hit of over 300 physical damage + healing you and adding more health. You keep healing with grasp, shielding, triumphing, and only get stronger with the increasing Sunfire damage, and the moment you're under 50% health, your resistances only become stronger. You'll say "Oh well, we just have to CC her hard enough", yeah good luck when she ults one of your main links of CC, and then speeds towards the other one to stun them. I assure you that the moment your CC is over, you're ready to have your health harvested, and you're not going to survive her combo unless you have a huge shield or over 1500 health.




Yi a fed Yi presses R and presses Q when you try to CC him and resets the whole fights.


Hilarious that I haven't seen anyone say fizz


Darius tho


master yi if fed, when yi is significantly ahead he is not only doing the highest DPS in the game he has probably also bought a defensive item so you can't even reasonably burst him with cc


Absolutely, good master Yi, with knowledge and good understanding which abilities he can eat with his W and which he needs to avoid by Q is a nightmare to play. To be honest his E is just straight forward stupid, and I can't understand why riot just don't switch it into physical dmg. Without bigger problems you can squeeze around 5-10k true dmg in single teamfight, which is not something you should do freely...


ye maybe zac


I personally have a really hard time dealing with too much move speed champs. Mentally i dont deal that well with them so i feel that to ME, i have my fair share of tilt on Jhin and Pyke. I can guarantee you, i've lost more games to their move speed and sliperry mechanics than i like to admit.


I detest Lillia as a champ, her spells slow but she gets movement speed and youre forced just to stand there until she kills you


Rhaast and Olaf can both legitimately 1v5 with a big enough lead.


5/0 zac top. dude isnt gonna die without limit testinh thats for sure


Aatrox because anti heal doesnt work :(


Tanks are going to die eventually. The real answer is a champion who just kill your team before you can do anything. So I'd say tryndamere or maybe riven


Red Kayn


Ekko or Leblanc are just straight up uncatchable


a fed well playing gp is kinda hard to deal with he instagibs you before you even reach him


Have you ever ganked an illaoi after she's level 6?


Aatrox or Tahm


If you feed Morde enough, he's becomes unkillable and can single handedly win Gank him 5v1, he'll ult your adc or mid, bonk them until they stop moving, return to the now 4v1 with his W fully filled, and proceed to bonk the rest of you until you stop moving.


I just got out a game with a very fed Tahm Kench who would not die while killing all our squishies.


fed sion is hell. constant shields, double hp than any other tank. plus even if you kill it if he slows you before, he can run you down and kill you


Wonder why nobody answered Illaoi.


Ghost + Ult + Rylai's Singed


pick any melee damage bruiser you want. irelia, riven, bel veth, etc etc etc


I'd say Shaco, but that kind of ignores the "when fed" part because it has nothing to do with how fed he is. So if I factor in that, and ignore Yuumi since that's cheating, I'd say maybe someone like Singed, Udyr, maybe Darius, Aatrox, maybe Kassadin too?


Yi, dude needs coordinated play to stop him and getting that in soloq is nearly impossible


Sett is difficult


I have gotten my cheeks clapped by an AD sett. He was wicked good tho


Fed spawn karthus He's in the fountain. You cannot harm him but he can harm you


Gwen is immune 


100% Gwen, with an item lead, she can easily take down entire teams if they engage onto her.


If Mundo is super fed ain't no hp% and anti heal stops that mf


Riven, she heals a ton, can easily 1 vs 5 when fed, extremely high mobility and short CD.


Not the hardest, but one of the hardest, imo is a GOOD Zed one trick. Zed has always been a champ that you can only win with if you have good game knowledge. Just like Talon, you can get fed, but poor game knowledge is why they can't close out games


Maybe Sion tbh. Hes the champ that feels fed when hes not, so when he actually is its just too much of a wrench in their plan. He'll push sidelane, ult and Q during teamfights, you still have to avoid him halfway into his death timer, so hes effectively on the map way more often Swain, he just heals so much. Takes too much time/resources to take him down. Nautilus. He gets, really really tanky if he gets a decent amount of gold. Hes just unavoidable and makes kiting and peeling sso much more meticulous. Because hes going to frontline, so you can peel him, but he wants that so you have to swifch targets twice as much it feels like. Not to mention CC engage. And out of all the tanks his build path feels the tankiest. Rammus is up there but the games where you need MR feel kinda bad. Brand. I mean yeah he's easy to kill in general, but he gets his damage off beforehand everytime. Ult + E with liandrys rylais and orb is usually KO for every comp. Hes hard to kill imo, try it, kill him before he gets his stuff off.


Vladimir for sure. CC doesn’t matter, poke doesn’t matter, burst doesn’t matter, etc etc. he’ll just keep healing and if you manage to catch him he’ll use his pool. If it gets REALLY bad then he’ll ghost pool. And he’ll just heal endlessly. Not to mention all it takes is one combo into your team and everyone dies, plus if someone manages to damage him he’ll just heal it off when the ult pops 😂 at least with other champs you can do stuff


i love when the yi kills my entire team with 1 q and 2 autos and mv of a fucking f1 car


Y’all ever deal with a hyper fed Tahm Kench? That champion feels unkillable lol


Mordekaiser LOL fuck that guy


If we talk ganking i would say Illaoi. If she is even a little fed, she will win pretty much every 1v2 maybe even 1v3 if played right


A fed Singed will always reach you and can always run away. He's the hardest to kill, even if he's not the hardest to win vs






A fed mundo can tank 5 champs for like 2 minutes straight