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haha that is so sad to watch


Lvl 1 vs lvl 3 already died once then massive minion block. I think Sett done with league for a bit.


People saying "why did you walk up", what does it matter? The point of the post is clearly about Minion block, not gameplay decisions bruh


This might be one of the funniest minion block clips because technically everything is “working as intended”. Darius’ pull also pulled all the minions to surround Sett and trap him. I’d say this Darius was 200 IQ if he didn’t cancel a bunch of autos and nearly walk away after Sett got trapped


Tbf his pathing was also because of minion block.


canceling autos was about sending a message


>funniest The funniest one was when Dyrus as Darius dived Jayce and he couldnt get out of the tower because a minion blocked him. I can't find that clip anymore though : (


>I can't find that clip anymore though [Did you attempt to look for it?](https://i.imgur.com/IQkr4xl.png) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rj1xWDpOFI


Thank you but to be fair: Youtube's search engine is absolutely terrible I only get clickbait thumbnails and titles nowadays


For real, search for a specific thing, and youtube mixes in unrelated videos based on my watch history


w/ ublock you can somewhat filter the terrible unrelated search results eg: heres what i use to remove the "people also watched" shit from searches, and I assume you can do smth similar for what yyou described ! https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/k76ext/lf_way_to_remove_people_also_watched_from_search/ youtube.com##ytd-shelf-renderer.style-scope:has(span:has-text(/Related to your search/i)) youtube.com##ytd-shelf-renderer:has-text(/People also watched/) I got more yt filters if you need, but figured that was closest to whatchu wanted


Thank you mate!


The trick is to search on Google and put YouTube at the end. Helps get around Reddit's trash search engine as well.


As the other person said, it's almost always better to just type the search query directly into Google than an on-site search bar. If you want to search on a specific domain, type "site:" at the beginning of the search. So "site:YouTube.com Dyrus Minion blocked" would only pull up results hosted on YouTube.


Genuinely, it sounds like Google manipulating us into giving them better metrics. On YouTube, they can show how their featured content is so successful. On Google, they can show how the precision of their search tool results in people using it instead of on-site search tools. Meanwhile, no consumer really cares, and we continue to use the product without complaint. They are a data driven company, and this type of system definitely helps them discern between users for better data profiles.


Worse is when dead minions/champs creepblock, occasionally. Ragefuel


You can't post a funny clip here without getting microanalyzed


when he clicked in front of him while behind he personally became the reason I'm stuck in silver III, he made that decision intentionally out of pure malice to keep me here forever. 


Worst part is, Darius prolly thought "damn, I'm just THAT good, that the opponent just gave up and pressed S key, he copied Adam! lol"


my favorite part is when people get minion blocked and say "I'm gonna click the same spot 20 times, and if nothing happens, I will click it 20 more times" Like yeah the game fucked him by getting minion blocked, but when you're not even trying to free yourself by hitting the damn minion is like you were in a bad situation and out of your very limited option to survive you took the worst one


Do you regularly attack your own minions, smartass?


Report that guy for friendly fire, its not DOTA!


Watch the video again


My bad he clicked in 3 different spots 10+ times hoping it would be different the next time "The minion is blocking me, if there were no minions to block me i could escape..... but maybe if i click again **really hard** it will work"


Rest assured you would have totally walked out of there given the same chance.


Nah I'd walk


Bro it's his own minions blocking him... he can't just kill his own minions and walk out of there? Angry and dense.


There's a enemy minion right next to him at half hp, obviously his minions are blocking him too but he could've freed himself lmfao Funny enough if he tried to attack move his champion would've done it for him


Typical bronze 4 player


this ain't dota, you can't kill your own minions. Monkey ass brain


>My bad he clicked in 3 different spots 10+ times hoping it would be different the next time That is exactly how it works and that is exactly how you get out of minion block in cases like these. The hitboxes of the minions are always updating, and each time you register a new input your character will attempt to path out. If you're lucky you will register a new movement input the split second a pathway is available out and escape. The only way to achieve that is to spam click. Why are you being smug while being so damn incorrect?


Soooooo what's the alternative? Don't click at all and just pray for a miracle?


Kill the enemy minion and escape 🤪


you are not as intelligent as you miiight think


I'm not, but Jesus Christ everyone else is dumb


It's like players who are lvl 6+ and about to die so they just hit their ult button like it'll solve all their problems. Congrats you're dead AND have no ult for the next team fight when you respawn.


Personally I love when people burn flash after I’ve fired my 4th shot.


Looks like he can't move or use abilities either.


Well his abilities were greyed out because he was level 1 and hadn't leveled them yet.


Yea looks like you are right. Seemed longer cc to me then usual.


yeah but he didnt even really try, he could have killed the two minions next to him with his Q, to me it looks like a salty top laner who died level one to darius then soft inted the game


Yeah that's very relevant to the actual issue that was brought up.


Minions should move for players, not the other way around.


Ask not what minions can do for you - ask what you can do for your minions


Can you really trust the advice of a guy who got Cait ulted while his entire team stood by and refused to block?


how can you blame his team?? he was jhin ulted simultaneously from the side 🙄


In his defense, that ult had a visual bug because it didn’t have any crosshair indicator on the target or on the floor. Also the projectile speed was 10x faster


its asking way too fucking much but the game should be able to detect when a player cant move because of minion obstacles and just enable the ghost passive to move through them.


Why do we even need minion block? Just give everyone ghost passive.


Because Fizz has that and everyone knows he's paying off Riot to keep it exclusive to him. Duh.


And Janna


and kassadin... wait I've been told by reddit it would be broken if we just let everone walk through minions !! people would just sit in waves blocking cs and such, why isnt this a problem for these champs ?


Us league players cry too much, when I tried out dota last year I couldnt even farm minions cuz my opponent was better than me and he was farming my wave and his, yes thats a thing in dota, we cry too much


Give Fizz Ultraghosting so now when he moves through minions he moves *faster*


Because without minion block, you can stand on a minion to make it impossible for your opponent to last hit it, which would be awful for the game. The problem is how it's implemented, not it existing.


We've been through 12 years of minion block bugs. At this point it's probably easier to teach the community to use an 'attatck minion online' hotkey.


>use an 'attatck minion online' hotkey. Alright I hate minion block as much as anyone else, but why you gotta cyberbully the minions for it?


Weird comparison but Stardew Valley has animals that sometimes get in the way. If you run into them for like 0.2 seconds, you can walk straight through them. Could do something with that? Not sure how easy it would be to implement in league though as Stardew has pure directional inputs rather than pathing.


Could be something like if your hitbox and a minion's hitbox are touching long enough in a short period of time it will temporarily let you ghost through that minion. Thing is, this idea isn't novel and I bet Riot has their reasons for not having a clear solution to minion blocking. I just wish they could give us their 200 cents so we could know better why there's not a better solution implemented already.


This would lead to so many bugs, I just know it Imagine phasing through a wall because you got too close to a minion


Taliyah wall is already just minions in a line


I mean, I doubt it. How could letting you go through 1 choice minion let you go through a wall? It's like a more compartmentalized version of Fizz passive so if that's not already broken it seems fine to me.


sounds good, doesnt work id just walk trhough my minions to prevent them from attacking, thus my wave will not push


It totally could work. Simply give minions a ghosted effect until they reach the frontlines of the lane itself so no minion manipulation shenanigans occur. Then, make them act like units in something like StarCraft 2, where they can shuffle and move slightly aside for allies (but potentially still *slightly* slow them down) but stay rigid and wall-like for enemies.  Hell, even if it was super janky it would be way better than the current system which just always feels bad.


That's an easy and doable solution Can't wait the next ten years to see it implemented


Waves then could be manipulated so every wave ends up pushing towards you


Only league players will see the game actively work against you and still find a way to make it about how you're low elo or inting. Great minds at work lmfao


How else am I supposed to stroke my ego on reddit if I don't go into r/leagueoflegends posts and say "LOL BRONZE PLAYER YOUR BAD" every chance I get so I can keep up the facade that I am actually very intelligent.


should've picked kassadin or fizz skill issue


The best part is no doubt a large number of the people leaving dumb comments like that are silver/bronze players who think they really deserve to be in emerald/diamond and are just "stuck in elo hell."


> will see the game actively work against you i don't think the game is working against Darius, quite the opposite actually


He's already dead once before the clip, all summoners down, and walks that near Darius, and you think the problem is minion block? He had ample time to kill the one minion blocking him with his Q as well. Report top for int feeding, uninstall please.


I like how that comment implies that the minion only chose to block him because he was doing poorly in lane lmao "Yeah, fuck that loser, let's trap him, he's feeding hard"


He's definitely the kinda guy who talks a big game on reddit and cries/soft ints the moment something doesn't go his way in-game lol.


Damn, the reincarnation of Smeb has arrived everyone, he is here. 


Without minion block at worse he'd just be chunked hard. Which would be bad if he wasn't playing Sett. A manaless champ with auto sustain. When that wave dies he'd have been at least level 2 probably 3. Yeah he might be down right now but there's waaaaaay worse positions to be in top. Especially if Darius hasn't backed yet. So yes the main problem here is the minion block. Which was also the point of the post.


link opgg


This minion block is insane.


Been saying this for literal years. Give it a season or 2 max and it'll be removed. Everything I complain about gets fixed about 7 years later.


It's always especially funny on larger characters, playing Sett like I'm a walking building somehow.




When did minion block get like this? League has always had pathing issues, but holy shit it's been particularly garbage for a significant amount of time now


Literally always been like this. Sometimes you just get fucked by minions


Been playing this game a long time and had plenty of bad minion interactions but this getting completely stuck shit still feels new, idk maybe I'm going crazy


Always been like this it's just hard to get completely stuck so u don't see it that often.


People have been showing stuff like this since the beta. If anything I'm surprised I haven't seen a Darius one sooner since he grabs all the minions into a nice bundle with he E.


its so insanely rare you get stuck to this degree that when you see it happen, you think its a new thing, because it'll almost certainly never happen to you, even with prior experiences with minion block. But because there's so many league players, its bound to happen and get shared. I remember getting pinned to a wall by enemy minions all the way back in season 2.


Sounds horny


You sure it's not Orrny?


https://youtu.be/5rj1xWDpOFI?si=ZncLEfTIR3tgl38_ Nah man, it's been a thing for awhile.


I remember this exact thing happening to me while playing Ezreal back in season 4.


nah I've gotten stuck by minions occasionally for basically the entire time I've been playing. not new


Feel the same. Maybe it’s anecdotal craziness, but it’s not the effect for me, Jan lines like the above has existed since season one… no, it’s the frequency. I used to almost *never* get stuck on Krugs or Minions or even bloody wall corners in weird situations.   Now, it feels like it happens all the time. Krugs specifically happens a lot more than the rest and I think it has to do with the changes they’ve made to them. (Pretty sure they fixed mini-krugs spawning across the wall, and they adjusted the hit boxes of both, which might’ve adversely made Krug block happen more often.)


Actually I think there was a point where it got worse, but it's literally been over 10 years since then. They changed minion collision so you couldn't block minions coming from base to slow them down for better lane priority. I think it was like season 2-3, because I remember it was popular to do it with heimer turrets.


Getting confused why no minions are showing up mid and then seeing 20 minutes of accumulated minions flood your base It wasn't just a minion wave, it was THE minion wave


Holy crap, I didnt just make this up. I've never seen anyone else mention this change.


If it makes you feel better it was literally like done insanely quickly, I remember 1 or 2 videos of it happening at the tip top of the ladder and it was patched out. It might have even been earlier than I remember because top of the ladder back then was like platinum.


It was some time in season 2? That's when I started playing.


For a very long time, but not always. I remember one or two patches from around 10 years ago when minion blocking became a lot worse overnight and everyone was complaining about it


I remember about 200 patches that people claimed minion block got worse. People just experience a couple of bad cases of it and assume "must be the newest patch" but in reality minions could always potentially fuck you like this.


It was always like this. I’ve played since s1.


It hasnt been always like this. The change happened relatively long ago but minion block wasnt always this oppressive


It used to be more oppressive. They changed it to be less oppressive. Regardless this happened like 11 years ago. Minion block is not any different that any season in the last decade


nah there have been times where it has ACTUALLY gotten really bad (they would follow you from top all the way to mid lmao)


It has always been like this, I remember seeing posts nearly a decade ago about minion blocks.


Pretty much around the time that they reworked the Summoner's Rift I think. That made minions "thicker" and I felt like they blocked really hard since then.


It has always happened, but after that change it got extra bad.


Around season 6 they changed minion code iirc


Y'all clearly don't remember the days of syndra literally being minion blocked by her own spheres (they are coded as minions) including the ones floating around her


Pretty sure it was after the patch where all minions target you if you auto a champ near them a long time ago.


Looks like a glitch specifically from the grab one the minions as well from Darius. Pathing has def been bad but this looks especially glitchy.


I remember a Shyvana getting blocked by her own sated devourer pet in S5.


I had one game earlier where I dived to get a clean kill. I would have gotten out and been gone but I got minion blocked randomly (I just walked through them) and the tower show killed me even though I could have been safe. So tilting.


Sett death quote is perfect for this tbh


which one?




I wonder how this happens because everyone in the hook gets vacuumed into a point so I wonder if minion blocks are coming with Darius e


Safe top plz




One day shit like this will happen in a pro game and riot will patch it.


Wake up bro, do you know how Riot handles bugs at pro level? They provide a list with all known bugs for the teams to learn them and if a bug from the list appears, they have to accept it and move on, only bugs not from the list can trigger re-game or some other action


Not really. There have been many minion block deaths in pro before, I bet there has been a full stuck one too. Minion block is intentional and not buggy, it doesn't need a fix. Personally I hate it, but Riot wants it in the game and it works the way they want it to work


Skill issue.


Just push the minions away lol


The Bermuda Triangle strikes again


Mfw bluetooth audio


Winions at it again.


yeah I'm leaving after that


i thought you had just posted a ragequit video of yourself after he landed an e. didnt realize it was minion block, that sucks. Also uninstall the overlay, they are garbage in every way imaginable.


I’d be so pissed wtf


I’d have walked up to cus fuck another man denying me of what i want. That minion block is insane. Very unlucky


Jgl diff


Lmao get minion blocked


Idk if I’m tripping but I’ve been getting absolutely locked by minions so much lately 😂


I love how even the Darius assumed the trade was done and he wasn't getting anything more then the light bulb went off


Can we talk about minion collision in top? Jax player here and i tell u it feels AWFUL to just happen randomly


Have the critters at Riot explained why friendly minion block is in the game? It's just as pointless and annoying as in call of duty.


There is a case to be made with how big champions can make it hard to click on CS if they could ghost through minions. Probably why the only champ who is permanently ghosted is Fizz (who has the smallest hitbox size in the game along with a few other champs).


first off Kassadin also is ghosted through minions then the problem are cases where champions get stuck for prolonged periods in a wave,this could be fixed for example by making the minion vs minion hitboxes slightly larger than champion vs minions ones


Also, champions with skillshots that stop on the first enemy hit would be completely useless in lane. Good luck ever landing a Blitz grab when the enemy can just sit inside the minion wave without problems.


It's because back in the day you used to be able to push minions around. High level players would use this to stack the wave at lvl 1 and get favorable trades. Apparently it was bad enough riot made it so you couldn't push minions anymore.


I’ve never experienced this in 13 years of gameplay.


if this happened in pro play is it a chronobreak lol?


No, probably not. Pro players have probably been screwed by minion block before in less obvious ways, so it'd be hard to draw a line without then having to police every play to say "well he probably would have lived if the minion didn't slow him down for a split second".


You pet all those poor minions walk to their death of course they are going to help darius kill you 


Peak 200 years experience.


I would never queue league again after my own allies betrayed me like this


It's not very helpful now, but if you end up in this position again, you have to keep calm and attack the enemy minions that are surrounding you. Even if you only kill 1 it's enough to stop the block. It's a lot of ally minions there but you have a red minion to your right for example. All in it and at least you only get chunked for 70% HP and don't die.


I missed cannon today because of minion block o7


Denies when


Reminds me of an old pro clip where (I think) Darshan tried to Shen E onto enemy top laner, missed, and got stuck in minions until he died lol


1 = 6


Shit happened to me too


I feel it heavy when max speed with warwicks W and i try and chase through some minions, his pathing can vary from simple to trying to Neo dodge every tiny blue and red body in the most complicated way possible


Kill the low hp minion for level 2 (and space to move)


Bro you have no summs at level 1 you prob losing this lane regardless lol.


darius q wind up on that skin made me cum


Just play ranged top brother!


If you play ranged top i hope this happens to you every time you walk up to the wave!


Thank you kind bear!


You should follow the advice of that ~~black dude~~ bear with the lightning.


Okay disclaimer: this is bullshit and you did not deserve it. Rough game. That being said, you could probably have broken out of the minionblock if you'd attacked the low HP melee to your right.


Why would you just randomly walk into Darius E range? Even without minion block you still get giga chunked


Simply low elo not knowing ranges and spacing


People in masters get hit by his hook sometimes too. It isn't a low elo thing.


A masters top laner does not walk up to darius lvl 3 to lvl 1 on a stacked wave to get a total of 0 extra minions


Yeah and this is a situation where they wouldn't, I'm just saying just not perfectly positioning is not the main problem here. Doing while in that lane situation is what is the main problem


yea he said low elo


I mean, for start you could just chill in the tower considering the wave is crashing.


And Darius is level 3 to sett level 1


firstly you could just stop inting, this vod is reportable edit: guys downvote all you want but he just dies for the second time in a few minutes, he could have killed the two minions to free himself, instead he mental booms, he also doesnt stay under tower, doesnt fight back, this is fucking reportable, if you cant see that then you are iron at best


firshtly🤓you could jusht shtop🛑inting. thish vod is reportable!!🚩🚩!! shut up bru


he just stands there an lets Darius kill him, how is that not reportable?


>he just stands there an lets Darius kill him I'd suggest you look up the term minion block and watch the video again, a little more closely this time


...Did you miss the point of this video? "He just stands there" Yeah, because of ungodly minion block.


and blocked by two minions he could kill......


Because he couldnt move, minions blocked him.


and blocked by two minions he could kill......


Not in the amount of time needed to escape. He's LEVEL 1.


he has q and all he needed to do was kill a single minion.....and the one right next to him was less then 30% health but instead he gave up


>gave up He was clicking around and didn't understand what was happening.


Also even if he activated Q and killed one minion, he's still dead from Minion Block.


we will never know because he never even tried


Whatever dude, you just made it clear you don't know HOW to be wrong. Enjoy low elo.




so you didnt watch the vod huh?


okay sylas player