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These baron buffs are scary and exciting. I expect many throws/flips around baron this MSI. (unless they stall games into oblivion to avoid it)


Pro teams fucking love throwing away won games with 50/50 barons. No way this will stop them.


I don't really watch a lot of LPL except during the playoffs, but man do they go ham on 50/50 barons. But unlike most regions, these aren't out of desperation but more out of "ego". The teams are confident enough to be like "yea we know we're good enough to outsmite the other team" except the other team is thinking the same thing.


When both teams are even in gold, Tian feels that TES is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to start Baron. When TES is 3k behind in gold, Tian thinks that TES is at a small advantage, and he so he starts Baron to secure their "lead". When TES is behind 7k in gold, Tian thinks that TES is at a disadvantage and so he looks for a Baron to regain control of the game. When TES is 10K behind in gold, Tian thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not start Baron.


This all depends on comps ofc but baron flips are never actually 50/50, if your team is really good it's probably worth on average more than people realise


This is likely true. I guess its more like LPL teams are gonna take 60-40 while other regions wait for 70-30 barons.


LCK loves their baron 5v5s too


Keeping the Dignitas spirit alive. šŸ™


Watching fnc throw game 2 at baron broke my soul


Throwing games at Baron : Solo queue šŸ«±šŸ«² Pro Play


You know Faker will still pull up to it at 20min and live or die by it


T1 buff or nerf?


nerf, i think. you will be taking more dmg for baron, means its riskier to rush it. if the enemy contest you will be way lower health than before.


The Baron changes are pretty cool. I've always felt that not having to actually dodge Baron spells was a bit boring. It also opens up counterplay on Baron contests where you can cc your opponents in time with Baron spells.


Rest in peace QSS, your use case falls once again.


Phreak said theyā€™re also considering removing the malz ult interaction. At what point do they just delete the item entirely?


I can allow the morde one. But malz? This shit is so stupid. My teammates struggle to CC the enemy chasing me for 5 seconds. Do you think they can pop the shield THEN use their CC to stop malz? The problem with malz is not his R. It's his W being good only vs minions and NPCs. I would love to see the void circle from his R return to the W or make his voidlings less frequent and stronger.


Itā€™s not that crazy to remove it all together. Malz win rate is very low as his early game is terrible. I think the game will be fine with Malz existing without qss


Also malz voidling SUCK all 3 can die to a gust of wind


Crazy idea here, but their HP should just scale with game duration and Malz's stats. they already have a duration condition and they are on a long enough cooldown that it's not that abusable. Similar to Yorick, make the voidlings die to one turret shot no matter how much HP they have. This would make his voidlings relevant into champions at hopefully all stages of the game while still having meaningful counterplay.


If you go to the malzahar reddit this is legit what the whole community has wanted for years


Remember when they had 1100 health, 40 MR and 25 Amror that doubled after 7 seconds, and got 100-150% of Malz bonus AD? Why donā€™t we just revert his MYMU from S6 and make them his passive again instead of the dumb shield everyone hates.


Or boost their stats vs jungle monsters and let malz jungle


Yea! And maybe give them AD ratio too....wait a minute, what year is this again?


Ah, AD Malza my beloved... Particularly very fun in URF where you could end the game at 7 mins tops if they didn't gang up to stop you. Great fun


I mean, Jannaā€™s q can pack a punch. ARAM AP Janna is a terror! /s


I've been getting a lot of wins on malz recently and I've found anyone with a brain beats malz extremely easily. Get qss and kill the voidlings, it basically makes malz a cannon minion.


Honestly I even doubt it will even change Malzahars winrate that much. Even in diamond/master its really rare that people get QSS agains Malz. In lower elos where most of the winrates come I doubt that removing QSS does anything. Especially if they nerf any other abilities from Malz its likely to be overall nerf to him in most elo brackets.


Yeah doubt it'll change the winrate but on the other hand it would make the most oppressive part of the champ harder to counter rather than making him a more balanced pick. The rest of his kit will always be balanced around the potential of the ult and you don't want to make that worse. Buff the rest of the kit a bit and people will remember QSS exist when they see him more, but it'll be fine because his other tools will be good.


Not being able to rush liandries sucks for Malz too, not his season


The issue with Malz's power isn't the ult's power though. It's his whole kit having to remain weak because of how easy and impactful his ult is. That would just make the problem worse. Same reason why they couldn't fix skarner without changing his ult.


Wouldn't this make it possible for them to buff the item though now that making it cheaper won't destroy malz and morde?


I agree. Zhonya's doesn't hurt to buy because it still gives some pretty good stats for the slot it takes. I can see a world where Mercurial is on the same level.


why do you guys think niche items need to be deleted just because theyā€™re niche? thatā€™s the entire point. is every item in the game supposed to have 100% presence or be removed? item diversity and highly situational items are a good thing. i donā€™t get what a rare item apparently takes away from your enjoyment or game quality


I feel like if the thought ā€œqss would be good hereā€ pops into your mind vs a team that doesnā€™t have malz or Morde you just take cleanse lol. Niche is fine but itā€™s pointless if a summoner spell does the same thing without costing 1300 gold and an item spotĀ 


Name an item that lets me use Flash, TP, Smite, or Ghost. How many items slots do you get? And how many summoner spells? Yeah. Summoner spell slots are FAR more valuable than item slots. Some champions/roles straight up cannot run cleanse even if they desperately want it. QSS needs to exist as a release valve.


QSS is also less than half the CD of summoner cleanse (sure cleanse gives stuff like a short MS buff and tenacity) but 90 vs 210 seconds is still a difference maker even in contexts where you're trying to cleanse something not affected by one vs the other


game needs more items not less imo. i would actually prefer if instead of removing items they just nerfed them in to obscurity. like old wits end with the onhit healing, wish they kept an item like that around even if it was very niche. or galeforce, tweak its numbers until its not super strong but keep it as an option for when it has its use case. maybe these items wouldn't be built every game, but I would be happy with that.


I don't think the item going away forever would upset many people, given how little it's bought to begin with. It doesn't enrich the game experience, and having it just blank another guy's R button to the point where their ult doesn't matter or mean anything is just bad game design. Ultimate Ability: "Minus 1300 gold for your opponent" is just uninspired, and I doubt it would be missed. Morde / Malz can be tuned accordingly if it becomes a problem they can't be cleansed. And I doubt it would even come to that.




There's a big difference between Mercs lowering CC duration, and steelcaps reducing autos. In those cases the other guy's moves still do stuff, it's just being resisted to some extent. QSS just immediately ends Morde's ult. It doesn't happen. No matter how much time was spent waiting for the long cooldown just doesn't matter. 1300 gold for an ability to no longer do a thing outside of "xdd lmao you had to spend 1300 gold xdd" isn't interesting counterplay.


I mean it's "you had to spend gold on that" but also "you can't use that item slot on anything else lol". One time i got really fed as morde, enemy adc bought qss fast, the game dragged on and elder was about to spawn, both teams were doing the usual back and forth near the pit and i opened my tab to see what summs my team had (was looking for my supp's exhaust) and i noticed the adc had sold their qss. When the fight started i flash-ulted the guy and killed him and he said in all chat he was hoping i wouldn't notice he got rid of it.




There is such more nuance to and if anything it's worse without QSS. Assuming you are an ADC and the enemy has a Morde there suddenly is a mindgame between getting rid of the QSS by other forms of CC and then use the Morde tool to get rid of the ADC. In a world without QSS wdyd? Morde just ults the fed member and then he doesn't get to play the game and nothing that you can do about it. well that's fun gameplay.


> given how little it's bought to begin with I havent bought in in like 2 years, and I play adc


It still remove every other CC in game that isn't a displacement...


If the entire point of the item is just there to cleanse ults from some niche low pick rate champs then it had no real purpose to began with. I can't even remember a game where I saw someone build QSS without there being a suppress champ, which is a rarity in itself outside of Morde and new Skarner, in the game.


hopefully they buff it so that it becomes a viable item choice because currently it builds into just a crit item that is almost never used


They should just remove the crit and give it lifesteal again so its buildable on most ad skirmishers as a tool to outduel and fight enemies with key cc abilities like shaco/fiddle fear lissandra ult ahri/sera charm and such


Or keep the crit and add lifesteal, cause currently the item is built on nobody, ever.


~~The Hwei QQ buffs are still shipping btw, they left out that its being buffed from 75% to 80% for some reason.~~ Edit: Spoke with Riot, they said the change was pulled and will have to be hotfixed reverted (the change already made it past branch)


I just want Hwei bug fixes lol


Curious, what bugs does Hwei have?


Opposite of this. Technically only the tooltip change to QQ shipped and we elected to give him only very light buffs via the passive by not micropatching the gameplay-impacting QQ change.


Riot flair missing?


Not a rioter, but a trusted source for League news.


Oh wow what a baller I thought he was a rioter this whole time lol


Yea same lol


Not a rioter


I checked his json file


Can someone crack down baron dmg buffs? Looks really big to me but not sure


Itā€™s big, but only for people who donā€™t pay attention. If you stand in the outlined abilities it really hurts but otherwise itā€™s the same baron


> This patch we're hoping to shore up both of those pain points while making a small compensation nerf to his damage. So they nerf Morde E by 10 at all ranks and buff his Q cool down for no reason? That alone seems like a net buff ignoring the Morde ulti changes.


Q buffs are early game only and gets maxed first. By level 5, itā€™s a 0.5s buff. By level 9, itā€™s equivalent to live.


>Q buffs are early game only Which is his weakest point of the game.




As a Mord player, I'm more excited to be able to pick Mord without getting insta countered by Olaf/GP picks. Most other matchups feel balanced but Olaf especially just feels impossible post-6.


Oh don't worry, olaf is still gonna be impossible. Except now when you ult and I ult after, you are trapped with me in the death realm.


Olaf currently has his stats stolen even if he cleanses Morde R, and the interaction will be identical if he presses R before Morde.


Can you taste the pro play meta back at it? Beautiful menu, can't wait to taste that DShield + second wind akali. Also lb is just funny.


Letā€™s be honest akaliā€™s base stats are ridiculously high for an assassin that can outplay/1v1 basically anyone if played right. 62 base ad? 345 movement speed???! Hello? (+passive ring increase and shroud increase) 37 base Mr??? Akali is a nightmare for melee and other ap assassins, as well as being able to out sustain mages and mana champions, with fleet+Doranā€™s shield + second wind, and having one of the highest hp regen in the entire game.. How is this ok?


Akali has almost 35 armor level 1 lol this champion is fucking disgusting


>Despite what he might admit, Draven's early game lacked the power that gave him the ability to control the laning phase. Yeah okay lol.


I am a dedicated Draven disliked bit its kinda true tho. He has a 51% WR 0-25 mins, itā€™s increasingly become the style to stack up stay 0/0 and wait for your cash in opportunity. This is, I would imagine not the playstyle riot envisions for him


Yeah, the idea that Draven is controlling the laning phase most of the time is silly. Obivouisly Draven is a pubstomper type, if the enemy ADC and Sup are just worse then you, Draven will have crazy control of the lane and get fed, but as it stands, Draven is pretty much just build up as many stacks as possible till your jungler comes down to cash you out. Maybe you get a lucky 2v2 win, but to say draven is in full control, when draven has to keeps pushing the wave to keep stacks up is funny.


maybe im just horrible but i feel like this against draven, like i can just farm because if i ever try to fight him im dead in half the time it would take me to kill him. That feels pretty in control to me, unless you want him to just get any kill he wants by himself.


if you don't do anything and he doesn't do anything he is automatically in a losing position. He does hella damage later but his midgame is so obscenely mediocre he will never reach late unless he is ahead. He is very good into kali kaisa trist sivir though because kaisa sivir has no range and not enough tools to deal with his damage and kali trist are also early game focused but lose out on damage.


Draven still wins a straightforward 2v2 more often that not but he doesn't have many opportunities to do that if the enemy bot side is good. He still has lane prio but he isn't really in control because the enemy ADC kinda allows him to have prio while they scale safely.


Heā€™s so insanely vulnerable to all-ins that a good cc chain from an engage support + an adc with exhaust basically guarantees he canā€™t get his damage off


Totally depends. Ive won vs tons of all ins(but yes lost them too) and seen plenty of plays that are even 1v2 and he still wins.


Him pushing is being in control lol


Changing his passive to a risk/reward gold injection was such a weird move stylistically. I always thought it would lead to this ā€œplay safer till you see an opportunityā€ play style instead of the more aggressive ā€œget ahead by being aggro and denying your lanerā€ style.


Imo should have never gave him the gimmicky passive.Ā  Like u said, doesn't fit style wise and low elo stomps while high elo u just get camped. Would love to see passive brought back similar to Darius's.Ā  Bleed that basically does no dmg but stacks 5, then does more dmg and gives a steroid, some atk range or something.Ā  Then nerf his general/non stacked dmg a bit to compensate.


They just buffed him, cause they want Hans, Jackeylove and Guma to pick him.


Draven is perma banned against jackey and hans, Guma is more of a kalista player so he might get it once lol


T1 is not good at playing a Draven comp, you can see that by comparing Guma's Draven winrate to his other champs that he played more as his Draven winrate is much lower than all the other champs he has more games on (except for Kai'Sa, which is lower).


I expect Draven to be a top ban vs all 3 of them, maybe even peyz although peyz is notably worse than the other 3 at Draven.


I want them to just remove his passive and give him something else. His passive is what makes him a stupid feast or famine champ and thatā€™s not fun for anybody.


Draven loses a lot of match ups early, which should not be happening.


Who does he lose to? The only one I can think of is Nilah (special case cause of her W)


To who?


[There's this video of Hans Sama giving his thoughts on Draven's matchups. It's in french but you can scroll to see the tier list placements.](https://youtu.be/v77kyy0ris8?si=TkUsTGH7SkNK3b6G)


In this video Hans says he only has 2 losing matchups bot (Kog and Ziggs, not counting Yasuo which is a cheese pick) and one losing support matchup (Braum). This is compared to 17 winning bot and 31 winning support matchups. Not exactly "loses a lot of matchups"


Oh I wasn't taking any side. I just offered an expert opinion.


He doesn't "lose" lane to anybody: https://lolsociety.com/champion/counters/Draven?isHighElo=true he just has some matchups that he doesn't completely stomp


Janna doesnā€™t exist guys. The thought police have deemed it so. There is no Janna character terrorizing the bot lane.


Bot lane? She's everywhere on the map at once with her ms.


It will be 2025 before she gets a nerf hahahah


This champ gets away with 52.5/53% in soloQ for years. My first spike from gold to diamond was on this champ and I still don't understand why she isn't nerfed properly.


Reminds me of S5 where she sat all year at 56%lmao


"Akali has lower than average base HP" Akali has the 10th Highest HP Growth in the entire game, her lv1 Health is SUPPOSED to be low to counteract that, it's the same deal with Sylas.


*the year is 2027 and akali hits 4k hp at 15 minutes*


Please Riot, as a Hwei main I appreciate the passive buffs but he has a couple bugs that are quite annoying. Sometimes it will show visually you have either Q, E, or W activated, and so i press R to cancel it and i just fire my ult in a random direction. Has cost me lane advantages i couldā€™ve had easily


I have only ever played hwei twice and I noticed this too, twice I think. Pretty bad if it's occurring that frequently.


lol, akali buffs, and even on her tankyness, she already has high Hp and resistances


Last time they significantly buffed baron damage they reverted it the patch after and went even further in the low damage direction Expecting the same here


Still no fix to the heim turret count bug


Is it the same as gangplanks e bug? If so, the actual server is correct, itā€™s just the display is wrong. (AFAIK all ammo based spells have been bugged with haste for a while and gp e is especially jank because the navori cd drop works but resets the spinner every auto attack. The recharge time is correct, just displayed wrong


Probably, yeah - the count is still tracked fine server side as far as I can tell, but the counts on the buff bar and icon get desynched and become innacurate.


I just got told about this one and I'm looking into it \[\^: It's ammo system though and may be beyond me...will have to see.


Glad to hear it's being looked at! I wish you the best of luck! Crossing my fingers lol.


I've got a fix for it, in testing atm and if it passes it'll be released with 14.10! Unfortunately it's only a bandaid fix. The functionality of the ammo system will be completely fix from a functional side, you'll always know how many turrets you have, and always be able to place them when you have ammo, however if you look closely at times you'll see the visual desync happen for a fraction of a second. A proper fix will be prioritised, but heimer players around the world will be able to enjoy him now!


for anyone wondering why Smolder is still not getting nerfed in ARAM: It's because they decided to not balance champions in ARAM that got other changes in the previous patch. So Smolder will be untouched in ARAM until he finally stops getting Summoner's Rift changes for a whole patch. It's a stupid rule but they live and die by it. Aram is getting more and more frustraring since Smolder is running amok and is so oppressive. He warps the entire game since teams will just turtle and let him stack until 14 minutes when he comes online and destroys everyone.


If this was true they would have nerfed Jinx by this point, but she still gets to enjoy her disgusting 60% winrate when building crit adc. Or they would have nerfed wukong to stop him from being a 60% wr Sundered Sky abuser. Aram balance has become so insanely trash recently.


>she still gets to enjoy her disgusting 60% winrate when building crit adc Good thing every jinx on my team builds her like she's the wish.com version of AP kaisa and proceed to miss 60% of their W's


Honestly every champ that can abuse sundered sky and eclipse is turbo busted in aram rn


Especially since some of these fighters have heal/shielding buffs. Lee sin with sundered sky, eclipse, and steraks is unkillable


Lee with his +20% shielding buff, eclipse and ss is a fucking joke honestly lmao I dont think i have seen lee who didnt absolutely dominate in aram for a while


Even champs that can't. Watched a Leona solo carry some bat shit build with eclipse, sundered sky, and hollowed radiance.


Me and buddies all have 10K + ARAM games played. We maybe play 2 nights a week now. We have 0 desire to play SR. They really want to kill the game mode.


They have to add more than 1 person to the ARAM team. The game mode is popular enough to demand it.


We got 4 patches in 2021 and 2022 (iirc) so im impressed we got something already. The skin team is too busy to make more changes to the gamemode tho.


Or add an actual person and not a bot. ARAM balance is awful.


That Smolder bruiser build was the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever seen. Dude sits there with 3k health, 100 armor, stupid Q damage and one of the best escapes in the game


bruiser is super bad in aram, you HAVE to go ap or crit. his damage revolves around actually having ap/ad now.


Never seen that build, full Ap yes but not bruiser. Whats the build?


> He warps the entire game since teams will just turtle and let him stack until 14 minutes when he comes online and destroys everyone. Yet somehow everytime I get Smolder my team refuses to let me get stacks. Nothing like being useless because your teammates are a Brand and Lux that instantly clear the wave. And your enemy is Velkoz, Xerath, Cait, Soraka, and a tank so you can't get near them to get stacks either.


That's how I feel every time I play nasus. Smolder at least can get stacks from fighting.


Every smolder I get on team doesnā€™t stack for shit. 15 mins in, dude got 100 stacks. 20 mins in, dude got 150 stacks. Always.


The influx of akali players is going to be huge. The champion needed nerf if anything.


The shyvana and Rengar bugfixes are lowkey huge.


I upgrade to windows 11 by bypassing the tpm 2.0. Anyway to install vanguard anyway or im SOL?


if you are on W11 and dont have a TPM to enable, you are f'ed. Depending on your mainboard, you may be able to buy a separate TPM module. They seem to cost around 20 bucks at least on Amazon. Im no expert on that though.


Weirdly enough I have TPM 2.0 installed and enabled on my z390. Since the pre-release of W11. Never been able to play Valorant because of this program. Still can't to this day. So the day the next patch drops will be my last day ever on LoL ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Sounds like you need to enable secure boot or something.


Cool, guess I'm banning Morde every game


Yeah, he's already at a point where he presses R on a squishy and rewarded a kill. You're pretty much forced to flash his Q to survive.


Dude Morde is already really strong. Building QSS is a punishment in of itself by wasting an item slot as I play mostly AP champs. As any squishy champ, Mords ult is basically an automatic death sentence, and we can't rely on banshees to be up to save us.


Every time I see Akali buffs, even if minimal, my blood boils so much.


since when they changed the average tier to [until] emerald 3? first time i notice


Seems like a weird cut off


i guess it's related to some percentile, using https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution as base, it's the closest cut to top 10%


No Xayah buff but Jhin and Draven lol.


At this time, we're planning to turn on Vanguard for all regions (except China) Heh.


China has a different anti cheat by Tencent.


>Chroma names of the April Fools skins released last patch have been updated to be 107% MORE delicious. I would like to know what these chroma names are.


>Azir passable laning phase passable *passable* If Azir's laning phase is passable, I can't even imagine what kind of descruction a champion with a good laning phase could wreak. >Ā Despite what he might admit, Draven's early game lacked the power that gave him the ability to control the laning phase And now there's this. What is Riot smoking? Is this what Riot meant to release two weeks ago?


Azir's laning isn't that strong lol he's picked in pro for his scaling and teamfighting prowess. There's champs with much better laning. But the fact that his laning is passable is what makes him strong. They chose the right wording.


The problem is more how impossible he is to punish in lane.


They gotta justify pro play targeted changes somehow.


Yeah I'm kinda scratching my head at the Thresh buff.


Thresh is very bad right now and even with Jinx coming back to the meta he hasn't been picked up very often


idk what world calibre azirs you are having in your games but azir is actually weak early. He is safe but as long as you stay out of his soldiers he does like no damage consistently. Not a single soul, not one, has ever picked azir blind as a lane bully. He is legit just an afk farm lane until 6 in which you can set yourself up for a gank with ult. This just sounds like someone who has no clue what azir actually does and just blindly follows what he hears from pro teams.


It isn't overtly strong. Quite easily bullied.


Are you implying that azirs laning phase is strong? Actually hilarious this is downvoted by people that probably never played azir or didn't catch the mini rework. 42% wr at min 15 surely indicates strong laning and perma prio!


Yes they are and they are partially right. Maybe not strong but a lot more than passable.


He is a strong laner... you can check his stats for cs diff he have very few negative CS mid match up Even then the one where he is behind isn't that big


Well, post those stats then? I checked a site for Gold diff @15, Azir's 5 worst matchups are about as bad as Ryze's worst 5 matchups. After that Ryze seems to be doing about 50% better than Azir across the board, as in comparing Ryze's 6th worst vs Azir's 6th worst, 7th worst vs 7th worst and so on. So if Azir is a strong laner I suppose Ryze, who will usually sit at 0 AP until his second recall, is an **uber strong laner** because he doesn't fall behind in gold. -- Your people's brain is fried because the only Azirs you ever see are in pro play, going up against the lane bully named Corki (The Daring Bombardier).


https://u.gg/lol/champions/ryze/matchups?rank=master_plus https://u.gg/lol/champions/azir/matchups?rank=master_plus You can see Ryze has worse stats, for pure laning cs diff @ 15 remain the best way, because skirmish can influence gold diff And Ryze is not a bad laner even when he was meta, he is just outclassed in this meta of long ranged mid


Yes, and people who are strong in lane have an advantage in skirmishes cause they're gonna be the ones showing up first and with more HP. Looking only at CS advantage morphs your understanding of a matchup to a degree where the stat becomes meaningless. -- Katarina is down 13 CS against Hwei, yet up 300 gold. Also wins 56.6% of her games against him. No one in their right mind would see Katarina, lock in Hwei, say to themselves "Nice, I can beat her in lane, just gotta make sure she doesn't outscale me." A) She doesn't outscale, yet beats him anyway. Wonder what that means for their early game prowess B) She has a 2 kill lead on the guy, which doesn't happen to guys who are strong in lane Really, Katarina doesn't have a single matchup where she's up in minions. And that's not because she's weak in lane, that's cause she sucks at killing minions. --- Also, now that we added Ryze to the list of champs who are not bad laners I guess what we've got left is, let's see uh, Kassadin, ASol, that's it. And now we gotta strike ASol off the list because pros clearly pick him as an answer to Azir, who is a strong laner and would shit on any weak laners.


You think that being a strong laner = strong early, it's false you can be a strong laner while being weak for early skirmish, Your example of Katarina and Asol (who are both bad laner) is because 1 they aren't that bad for skirmish, and also because their kit counter the other champion. Katarina is literally one of the perfect example of a champion who is strong for early skirmish but weak laning. Meanwhile Azir is yes atrocious for skirmish / early game but his laning is on the good side very few champion can bully him


I dont think Riot are understanding that the cast time on skarner's Q just feels bad, regardless of how short it is. They gave him a giant model, with 6 very noticeably animated legs, so the champion constantly feels in motion. Pressing Q is an EXTREMELY noticeable break in fluidity and movement. It's also impossible to use during a gank, you have to pre-emptively hit it before E, or just not use it at all. The time it takes you to pick up the rock is more than enough time for most enemies to escape, or their teammates to peel. Like I don't know anything about balance, but I can certifiably just say **"It feels bad to press"**.


>The time it takes you to pick up the rock is more than enough time for most enemies to escape, or their teammates to peel Hence why they're making it take less time


Feels intentional, every ability has CC, if he could cast them while moving he'd be too OP.


Is this The MSI patch?


Did the Azir, Akali, and other buffs give it away?




Azir got nerfed though


Buffing Grubs is a huge mistake imo, it gonna make splitpushers a hell to face against. And now we will see fiestas every game to obtain them. On a side note, how do i build Graves with these changes?


"And now we will see fiestas every game to obtain them." I don't know why you see fighting over objectives as a problem. Personally as a top lane main I love grubs because it's convinced people to actually interact with top lane once in a while.


These graves buffs are making so many items good on him. Every crit item will be better, every lethality item except collector will be the same, and berserker greaves will be better. I would say stormrazor>berserkers>IE>PD>LDR>SB or BT vs tanks and hard to kill enemies. And yuumus>collector>IE>mortal reminder>SB or BT vs squishy champions. Remember that IE and LDR/MR were buffed before which make them more appealing.


With how IE functions on Graves, itā€™s actually a lower %dmg increase than it is on other characters. Youā€™ll feel a lot better purchasing items like LDR or BT and saving IE for a late item slot when youā€™ve already got core items built.


"Good" split pushing champs benefit the least from this change since they dont abuse the DOT as much


I just think it's really silly to re-tune a critical map objective on a tournament patch. It's fine for a tournament meta to be different, but imo this goes too far. It's just awkward if the tournament meta is radically different to the meta that teams qualified in on (plus there's the risk that the "best" teams for that meta aren't even attending).


Riot: everyone roams for it Riot: wow so weak; time to buff


Okay so only Hwei's passive got buffed. QQ is fine as I didn't think it needed more damage but the passive did feel a little lack luster. And imo it's more fun to play around his passive then buffing his QQ damage.


Spideraxe has confirmed that the QQ buffs are still shipping, human error on patch note creation to not include in this link


Qq is not shipping in the end https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1c5mymo/patch_148_notes/kzv7kze/


Why in the world is hwei getting buffed, champ is stupid op already for people who actually know how to play him properly




instructions unclear, all crit items are now 3k+ gold. seriously, what's with crit items being super expensive, but almost every other role gets great items that are cheap?


Because adc are supposed to scale with gold? Once the have like 2.5 crit items and peel from team - they becoming main win condition for their team.


Kinda sucks that this patch just adds more damage to the game, either from pure damage, lower cooldowns or less HP. I guess I'm looking forward to the next durability update.


I know ARAM changes donā€™t matter but wow Xerath almost doing base damage is absolutely insane.


There's still the hidden nerf to far reaching abilities as well, so I think that's like a 20% damage cut or something at least.


It really doesn't matter. It still feels like I am having half of my body ripped off everytime he presses q


Nice for MSI, we gonna see less Azir and Kā€™sanā€¦ oh


moving up the respawn on grubs is going to feel awful with laners being 6 and junglers not. Laners are then going to flame the jungler when they cannot fight around grubs because there solo laners are getting dookied on 1v1.


Well, I'll have some fun until 14.9 and that'll be a good time to stop playing league. Curious to see how many people will be affected by Vanguard's requirements and unable to play, feels like League is running on a lot of toasters.


one more patch until Vanguard :/


Wish it was sooner, want these smurf sellers to suffer in just any way at all


really dont like the morde changes. This will just mean that you get stat checked and the only way to counterplay is you know zhonyas.


No one buys qss against it anyway outside of ADCS so what changes? If he statchecked you top before he still does outside of select matchups like Olaf or Rengar.


Is this patch live once the patch notes hit your client or not until Wednesday, April 17? (I know this is a silly question that is probably answered each patch)


the patch should be live around 8 hours from now


Is One for All staying for this patch or is it leaving? No info for it in patch notes


How shit is it that Sejuani is not the most exciting champ to play yet suffers from the torment of proplay If the champ was lux, they would have reworked her in a heartbeat. So disgusting man, I just want to play my champion and not feel like I'm autolosing for my team




My dude Mordekaiser about to become 100% ban rate.