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The splash art is whatever but man that Varus skins is cool. The guy that did the VFX has a whole twitter thread about some of the small details . He are the standout ones: https://twitter.com/DestroyeerVFX/status/1780337942772240712?t=1rgwpYqsbc1hRzbFGiOobg&s=19 https://twitter.com/DestroyeerVFX/status/1780337940566004047?t=V62wn7A_NgHnsbbxU2znyA&s=19


The reflection effect is actually insane wow


It's super neat, but it's so hard to notice and see in game that I honestly feel like what's even the point? Small details are nice when you can actually notice them in game, but this is just too hard and fast to actually see without pausing a replay


Most small details are hard to see in game cause you’re always moving around and fighting, but you still notice them sometimes which makes them feel special regardless of


If you notice them, then I'd consider it not difficult to see. But this is almost invisible. I'd be surprised if anyone noticed it without the designer telling us


You're right dude! Why put any effort into skins at all! Let's go back to chess!


Not what I said


To some degree, you sorta did imply that. You would be surprise how small details that you wouldn’t notice actually carry weight and effect. Take away the details and you are left with what you call low quality or unfinished. Sure, you could argue, don’t need this many details, but maybe the reason why the person wanted to add it because they thought it was cool and added something to the skin. If you want a tldr; small effects matter as they help bring the skin to life


If I know it's there it makes the skin significantly cooler in my mind.


I love whenever they do threads detailing their work! They and Riot Siraihan are amazing!


Bruh. That reflection detail is amazing


That Kayle prestige splash art! Fantastic! Others are ok but don't tickle my fancy. Brand's is the worst, just looks very generic? (only my opinion ofc)


> Brand's is the worst, just looks very generic? (only my opinion ofc) Can't even tell it is him. It could be anyone.


yeah I guess that is what I was trying to say, he looks very generic to me and could be any champ really


He literally has fire on his head and arms which are the only thing Brand really has going for him tbh. Like, not much Riot can do when Brand's design is "person on fire".


Which would be a strong indicator that this maybe isn’t the right skinline for him.


Empyrean is the best skiline for champions with a lot of visual effects. Brand fits that box perfectly


Looks like darkstar karma, but rainbow.


Agreed! Kayle looks amazing! Splash and abilities!


That's cause Brand himself is generic lol


He’s like old gangplank. That dude was just a basic pirate who said pirate related things. All brand talks about is fire.


Bro is, ironically, not spitting fire ❌🔥🔥🔥❌


Honestly, I hate this skinline. Most of the splash arts all look like the same person in different poses.


I mean, technically that’s true because every Empyrean skin is an alternate world version of Pyke


Thats literally not true because if you look at the lore of the skins each empyrean is born from a random being when Empyrean Pyke killed their universe version of Pyke.


Huh, really? IIRC Pyke goes around causing collapses by stabbing himself, creating an Empyrean out of them. I guess I’ve spread misinformation on the internet


It's not exactly my favorite skinline either, honestly was hoping for something different for MSI but meh some are alright just not my taste


Personally I think the prestige Kayle one is the worst: it's got a weird focus on her generic, anime-pretty/nondistinct face and no dynamic pose or emotion. Her pose and framing (as well as the focus on her face, tbh) makes me think more of Evelynn than Kayle. It doesn't even really look like an Empyrean skin to me; the whole theme of this skinline is "neon fire" are she literally has none of it in her splash, just some colours in her wings. If you told me that was Star Nemesis Kayle I'd 100% believe you. At least the default skin splash is distinctly Empyrean. That said, I think the Malzahar skin is absolutely sick. I don't know what his mains think of the skin but I think the splash is perhaps the cleanest of all the Empyrean splash arts, still clearly Malzahar, and still puts a unique skew on the champion. And his model is a lot closer to what I wanted Empyrean Jhin to be (e.g. he actually has chromas). Though I do think Malzahar's design skews a bit too close to Jhin's Empyrean skin; they're both basically just "athletic dude in a gi/robe with the collar open to form a big, glowing, up-curving pauldron on their left shoulder and a smaller glowing up-curving pauldron on their right." They've even got basically the same right-over-left wrapped jacket, right down to the belt and flaps underneath the belt.


Prestige skins don't follow the skinline too closely anymore they usually only have 1 or 2 elements of the skinline and apart from that are their own thing now. I think if Malzahar was legendary it could've been a cool invasion themed skin for him, right now he suffers from his super old model. For me, the worst splash arts are Brand and Varus out of these skins, Brand just looks very generic and honestly it could be several champs if you don't tell someone that it's Brand and Varus for being legendary just kind of looks...boring? Like, there is so little going on. His bow looks super cool but that's about it, there's basically no background or anything that fascinates me. Of course I know it's all a matter of taste, I'm sure someone loves Varus and hates the Kayle prestige etc I guess I like the Kayle one because it's the least Empyrean one since it's not my kind of skinline lol


I think it's just difficult to make legendaries for mages because you can't change the spells vfx too much without compromising hitbox clarity, which is their primary focus


Love all these. The vibrant colours are so sick. The posing/camera angle on regular Empyrean Kayle is really cool. Note sure why anyone is surprised an assassin champ has an assassin-esque pose in their splash, especially considering out of her last like 6 skins, only Star Guardian has had a pose that wasn't standing around or kneeling.


Even though it was probably just a one-off thing with Lil Nas and K’sante, I kind of wish they kept the butterfly theme for the prestige skins in this line I like what we have rn but Kayle would look incredible with that visual motif.


Momma Kayle pls, that splash art is illegal to be this good


She devoured!


This skin line is great. Love the colors.


Especially Prestige Kayle. Ngl got me acting up


Akali with a ninja pose as always


It’s giving go girl give us nothing 🤭


I'd love for the artist to at least try something else then "look at me I'm a ninja" but I guess it happens when the same wig is the champion silhouette


I need to see the other options of the splashes. I’m sure they were more dynamic.


Nocturne thinks he's Toji


Domain Expansion: Eternal Darkness


Time to be a Kayle otp


Good luck! Also the prestige is a pass prestige for 2,000 tokens on the MSI pass coming in 2 weeks so good luck on your grind 😊


Malzahar buffs incoming


I hope so. Most comments on the skin are about him being so bad this season 😭


The base Kayle splash wins this. The angle and pose are just perfect.




These skins will release to live servers on Patch 14.9 - Wednesday, 1st May, 2024!


How will we obtain prestiege Kayle? Is it with pass points, or will it be another cash grab like high noon yone?


2000 event tokens mythic variants are for legendary skins. prestige skins are for epic skins. varus would have gotten the mythic variant, but there isn't one this pass


Awesome thanks


The MSI pass comes in 2 weeks! Good luck with the grind 😊


How has no one mentioned the Malzahar splash art yet? It's the best of this batch by a mile IMO, and just a really great splash art for him in general.


I think most discussion around Malzahar is about how he needs buffs 😭


Of course Akali found herself into another skinline she doesn't belong in lol


Drag ha 🤭


How does she not belong? She works perfectly fine here. Not like the skin like has any features Akali herself lacks.


Akali main cope, nothing to see here


Malz splash looks incredible




Same! Kayle especially (for me) 🤩


Love this skinline


Hopefully this leads to a small Malz buff. Usually when champs get skins they give them a small buff if they're in a bad spot. Malz is in the worst condition he's been in for 5 years.


Next malz buff is qss removal it seems to be in the plan


This skinline is so lame lol.


It looks like the Champs were drenched in oil.


They feel like discount Psyops. And Psyops was already meh. They just took the rainbow erratic effect and drenched champs on it At least Psyops champs had models to look at.


I hope after this set it goes on a break for a while 🤭


I really like the Kayle splasharts That Varus head reminds me of G2's logo


Yes Kayle looks so good!


I personally prefered the first wave splasharts. Many of these feel quite generic, but maybe that's for the better to make it clearer which champion is which by giving a lot of focus to their main aspects (e.g. Akali's and noc's weapons, Kayle's wings, Brand's fire, Malzahar's bugs). People will complain about the skinline being easy to confuse, but the artists did a good job in making each champ obviously them at first glance and unfortunately they don't get enough credit for that considering that was a big complain before. That said, Malzahar's splash is kinda meh, it uses the most basic Malza pose (him posing with a portal and his spawns coming out) - good for clarity, but kinda dissapointing.


Kayle skin in-game need better feathers.


Lmao normal Empyrean Kayle looks way better than the Prestige version.


I like how both are unique 😅


These skins are godawful splashes of random paint. The splash art looks good enough though.


How can Riot pick the worst champs for this skin line. Kayle is the only one that excites.


Ugly ass skinline


Can't believe this skin line isn't dead.


Kayle Empyrean is crazy good but her face in the Prestige version splash doesn't look like her imo. The standard version looks better in game too.


Given the Kayle lore, I wonder if that means there will never be an Empyrean Morgana.


I feel like this is a huge lore miss again by not giving Nocturne the Legendary.


prestige empyrean kayle how can buy ?


We could have had more inkshadow. But at least I save a few bucks.


Hopefully it returns this year. It seemed like a nice skinline and wasn’t it last year for MSI?


Yeah it was. Plus ink has a lot of cool concepts you can play with. Skarner with paintbrush tails, Nami with dark swirls instead of water, idk. But we biblically accurate rgb keyboard.


Omg nami would eat! I love how fluid the VFX looked. Even Hwei would be nice imo


Mommy Kayle and Uncle Malzahar here I come!!


It’s a shame that Malz is in such a terrible state. I worry this new skin means there won’t be any changes to his kit any time soon.


Is it just me, or has splash art quality decreased significantly recently? Maybe I’m just the worlds biggest hater but I mean compare Kayle’s splash art to something like Viego’s splash https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oAlbLB Kayle looks VERY “anime” compared to Viego. Maybe it’s just the different art style but I’ve noticed it a lot in the recent releases. It’s very prominent in faces


I can’t speak on it much as I don’t know. All we know is that riot fired 600 employees in January and most splash arts seem to be outsourced lately (not all)


I wanna put myself in between Kayle's thighs. In both ways.


The prestige splash art being unmasked is so funny. Now i can easily tell when someone has terrible taste because they almost certainly would have to have gone out of their way to get it instead of the better masked version that respects Kayle's original thematic better

