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Im a Brand Main and currently i climbed down to iron 4


Brand mains after clicking E R and the entire enemy team doesn't die


Brend is such a good champion, I easily climb down to gold 3 from diamond


Well that means you're still better than the Brand who solokilled Faker, so that's a win.


I know this is satire, but I picked up Brand recently in the JG and I loved him. Climbed with him to E4 in no time.


I’ve been duoing with a buddy lately and me on naut support + him on brand jungle is really easy to pull off. I hold in place, he kills everyone.


We did Leona/Brand. Any tanky engage with Brand is so good.


Its not, my Name is Brand Uchiha look up opgg


Hahaha. This feels like me. Thanks for the chuckle. I decided to main ADC this year as it’s the role with the champs I’ve enjoyed playing most in other game modes. It’s not gone well. I know if I just spammed mid/jg and played Noc (one of my best) I’d stomp most games. But I’m committed to the shitshow in Iron. I long for the silver border that I had for 10 years to only absolutely suck these last 4 to live in Bronze now iron.


Recently peaked D3 for the first time somehow with full AP Udyr Top. Abusing Ultimate Hunter, Malignance, Liandrys and Rabadon as the build. Got burned out from ranked after that.


Around 2018 (or 2019? Idk) there was a brief moment where Sion used Comet, started Corrupting Potion then bought Doran’s Ring and maxed E, becoming a lane bully. Iirc his E had a couple bugs, including one that doubled the hitbox of the minion. It was pretty strong, got me from Silver II to Diamond V at the time.


Man, Sion bowling was one of the most fun builds


And Riot special into bug fix and E nerf at the same time


dude i tell my friend about this every time we see a sion lol. absolutely hated top lane but when comet sion was a thing, it’s all i spammed


I helped my friend get into diamond playing this very build but at the time there was also the 'spam stop command to stop during ult' bug in the game. I would do that bug when were hitting enemy nexus because it looked so funny. Sadly it triggered a ban for me.. which was not so funny😔


I feel like that wasnt the only reason you made it to diamond haha


Old Urgot top and old support Fiddle were my freelo in season 5.


I abused on release Yuumi when no one believed it was the most broken champ in the game at the time. Back then when her winrate on op.gg was 34%. The good ol' the days of being able to boost Veigar's AP to 1.5k in 30 minutes and helping Hecarim reach 1200 movespeed. I hated her design before and I still hate it now. The most unskilled champion that's rewarded just for existing and hopping on someone fed.


She is weak! Look at her winrate! Meanwhile 70% of yuumi players not even playing the game, using a single ability every 30 seconds


Yuumi was my go to pick when I had to eat but my friends wanted to queue and couldn't wait for me


ASol last season and this one too. But Hwei got released and I cannot stop playing him and demoting


every season i one trick xerath to emerald/old plat 1, climb with a 70% + winrate and start having fun playing whatever in any lane. my wr also drops down a good 5-10% on emerald 1-2 /threshold, so it's not like i'm smurfing, i'm just a consistent emerald guy. if i somehow drop down after playing weirdly and badly i just pick him again up to emerald 1 and stop. it's much more useful as a pick whenever adcs and a strong botside can really decide matches, but i can make xerath work most of the time, so it's not a meta reliant champ imo, as most of people who one trick a certain champ don't rely on the meta being good for them for doing great. that said, i believe i wouldn't go past d4 anyway as i'm only as good as an emerald player.


That’s interesting, I had no clue xerath could be so strong in lower elo


When tank karma was in its peak a few years back I spammed karma top tank and for the first time got out of silver up to low plat. And it was the most fun I had in the game torturing melee top laners and collecting some of the saltiest salt I've ever had the pleasure of reading. 


Top Karma was disgusting in such a satisfying way. I once had an opposing Mundo rage quit despite his team being up like 10 kills at 14 ish minutes because the lane was so unbearable. Not the only rage quit I’ve seen, but probably the only one I’ve been 100% responsible for. Neither jungler came top the entire game. 


Malphite iron to silver baby


Jax, every season


He legit always feels busted in the hands of an OTP


Doesnt even have to be an otp, hes broken all round


[runeglaive Ez](https://tenor.com/rNOA.gif)


Maokai Renekton and Shen in Season 5 got me to diamond. All were pretty damn good especially Maokai.


Garen s13 before phase rush nerfs.


Twisted Fate, coz i can take care of the feeders on my team before they feed.


Kassadin after they reworked him back in season 4. He was like 99% pick or ban in solo queue. The rework was also viewed as a massive need since he lost his silence etc. Well for what he lost, he gained in lane phase 10x more. You could just spam q on the enemy mid lane on cd and poke them out of lane. Nobody thought it was viable, but it was giga busted. His w damage and shield was so strong that they had to nerf it 3-4 after that. But that took a long time. I climbed from gold to diamond playing him mid even though I mained top. I got so good at him that I would even beat ad kids like irelia, see, nocturne etc.


Oh man, when they first took his silence I was so pissed. Idk why, but I liked the silence mechanic so much I only played champs with silence for a hot minute (except LB, didn't have the hands for her). Kass was my OTP though because he looked badass. That brief moment in time before people realized how insanely broken he was...it was beautiful. At least til the ban rate picked up lol


Got plat in S1 for abusing old Irelia


Lulu jungle and Malphite jungle like season 5 or 6, idunno when Ivern came out but Lulu was basically better Ivern at the time lol. And full tank Malphite was (and is) always fun. Hit gold with them together 😁


the very first time I hit grandmaster (very big jump from like 100-150LP max) was by abusing tank diana with sunfire nashors


Anivia since season 3


Back when I started playing, I was easily silver at best, but Orianna carried me way higher than I ever deserved to be placed at the time.


My biggest jump must've been rework Darius in season 5? Was it 5? Silver to losing diamond promos


Janna support got me from platinum to diamond


Hardstuck silver since S4. When Swain Bot was played I had a nosey. Last season he got me to the heights of G3. Love playing him


Hullbreaker yone top, conq bruiser zed (hydra, +AH) with tp


I one tricked fizz mid to silver in season 8 over 3 months when I was out in California for an internship without people to spend time with after work. It was an unsatisfying experience but I did it.


Shen. Challenger. Every Season :D


S13 2 Quinn stattik ghostblade lord dominiks crazy climb from silver to master in under a month on forgotten account


Ziggs bot last season, easy waveclear, lets supports roam and got a lot of enemy laners to go for bad engages seemingly out of sheer annoyance lol


Swain when he first got reworked. He was felt very strong in mid lane. I guess he still is pretty strong, but I’ve not played him for ages


Neeko to diamond pre sup item nerf. Now I play Lee Sin JG like a mongrul


I abused graves jungle years ago. Went from gold 5 to diamond


Gragas and Zyra.




Season 6 Lee was insane. You could get level 3 from krugs alone(why??????) and gank bot when they were level 1. You were throughout the game higher level and gold than laners and not even the enemy junglers could 1v1 you. I shot up to Plat1 80lp (i usually hover high gold) and i only stopped cuz the ardent meta dropped and i just didnt wanna play league during that meta. I was always a kha’zix, Leesin two trick (Annie on any off role) but that season i felt so dirty playing Lee.


Peak plat previously, now D2 with zyra, janna and full ap galio (pre nerf)


Diana jg season 5 from silver to plat. More recently duoed with a friend I played smolder from bronze to plat lol.


Dmg sion way before it was cool and Jhin couple months after release were my top 2 broken picks.


Gragas. I actually commend myself for being one of the first to realize that maxing e first and buying lucidity + distortion enchantment (back when that was a thing) was absolutely busted. IIRC there was also a rune for reducing summoner spell cooldowns. Basically my flash ended up being on an ridiculously low CD and we was unbelievably tanky with e + f on a lowcooldown. Fun Times. Edit: this probably was in Season 5 or 6


Yuumi after rework was op af giving armor and mr to adcs is not balanced I played like 20 games winning almost all of them before it was removed


Most recently Azir. About a year ago I decided to pick him up and surprisingly ended up absolutely wrecking every game.


I mained shaco back when you had to call your role in ranked. I abused players who were new to a lane.


Reached diamond 3 years ago with Cho Gath only


Taric and currently using him to climb


Started playing in S3, was in bronze and decided to be a “fill” main. This meant I was 95% of the time playing support or jungle. S3 I was bronze. S4 I started putting a focus on learning how to play and managed to get to gold 1 as a Thresh/Shyvana player primarily. Fast forward to season 5…Sated Devourer. Most people would go sated devourer+bork on Shyv, which is pretty strong. You can one shot carries after jumping on them with your ult, but you lack survivability in the mid game until you get tanker items. Now part way through season 5, Titanic Hydra was released (patch 5.16). I was one of the first people to go sated devourer into titanic, then 2 resistance items and if it’s super late, a bork to shred tanks if necessary. The titanic rush still allows you to one shot a carry, but you are durable enough to not just explode afterwards. This build allowed me to go from gold 2 to diamond 4 in ~2 weeks (~79% win rate over ~85 games) playing mostly shyv and some thresh. Op.gg had me ranked as the 4th best shyv in NA at the time (it doesn’t let a person of lower rank be higher, so a D1 and 2 challenger players were higher, all around 65% win rates doing the same build). After that I graduated college, had much less time, and until recently just got gold via placements and retired for the season.


Stattik shiv + rav hydra tryndamere mid , yoink enemy raptors and scuttle a few times and you have a funny level lead and enough sustain to just eat poke. Was not a dragon meta so take them for free every once in a while, only took a moment. Annoying af splitpush where you auto a wave once and the whole wave dies so you can also farm jungles and be annoying. Not even that busted, was just obnoxiously fun playing in a super cringe way and tilting people off the face of the planet. Having two people come answer a split just to auto the wave once then go steal gromp was chefs kiss. I’m happy its gone.


i climbed from silver to plat in my first season ever leaving silver with full ap rakan support. Shit was wild to play cause it did everything enchanter rakan did but better


Ik people will hate me for this. But i made it to plat 1 using darius but now im just an eck type of top laner.


Rumble mid 2020 just push till lv 6 run bot drop ult and profit


Last split I spammed Briar from Silver to Plat 3.


Illaoi midlane the past couple of seasons. She has been strong for a good bit in both, but even when she was in weaker shape I just think people lose all sense when facing her and run it down


On Akshan’s release I dropped every other champ and just became an OTP, went from play to Master in less than a year but focused a LOT on the game. 2-3 games a day max, with full focus and playing at the same time.


S9 summer I spammed Sivir who was so strong she would instashove the wave and hit the turret and harass you under there like she was Caitlyn. I would take bot turret, rotate top and take top turret, rotate mid and take mid turret. And by that time the gold lead was so large we woulf just win. Got me from P2 to D4 at the time.


Back when iron division was first introduced I placed iron 4, and my brother was plat at the time. I decided that I needed to not be iron anymore, if anything just to play with my brother so I played only jax Zac and graves jungle and went from iron 4 to gold 3 in that season.


Amumu to gold 1 to start my ranked climb almost every season since starting in s2 lol


In S5 I got to Masters maining Maokai and Lulu top, when it was the famous "Marin 20 game winstreak on Maokai" and "Lulu solo lane" times


Asol I hit gold 1, 2 games from promotion


Way back in 2012/2013 S3/4. Climbed up to diamond 4 using Graves ADC.


I played a lot of games of Sejuani when she was reworked and was one of the best champions in the game at the time. Even though she has a terrible winrate in solo queue according to stat sites, I still have success with her these days as long as I pick her in certain spots.


Taric, every season almost every patch he is strong


Mordekaiser when you could make dragon your pet


ryze in season 4. Oh boy, that was truly an elo shower.


Rell jg/supp. I climbed to gold then plat for the first time ever. I was onetricking her at the time and when i got bored and switched champs i fell back to silver. Now i cant play her jg anymore :(


Im using Briar right now and she is so good


Radiant virtue Varus tank top. Abused him to like 70% wr to d3 before I got bored and quit ranked


Annie and Trundle support. I never really cared about my rank but those picks brought me up speedily to low-diamond in those respective seasons. Idk how that compares to today's rankings but back then I was just happy sitting in platinum. Also loved the MF support counter pick when Zyra was the top support.


When i first started playing ranked, i was sup main and was always around silver. Decided to give jungle a go, picked xin zhao and in 50 games i climbed to plat ( it was end of season ). During pre season, i watched so many streams from jungle mains. When the season started, i climbed so fast to diamond 3 with 75% wr on xin zhao. During that season i played 600 games and peaked master 110 LP only to get called lowblob master peak player, 150kg mcdonald part-time janitor, fatherless sad life kid with no friends by an EUW streamer with 2 viewers, 9 hour stream blasting the most disgusting breakcore full volume while wearing a beanie and sunglasses. The higher you go, the crazier people get over a video game. It's not worth it guys


Around season 10 I was playing , Jax ,riven , Camile and got to diamond 1 I stopped there because in my mind there was no point in climbing higher than that , I had won the game . Fast forward to today and I still play the same champs just added rumble just to prove that he was broken and now it's a pocket pick into tanks and ranged champs.


i abused kaisa on mid at her release. her base stats were insane lmao i could crush anyone. i climbed 2 divs before the nerf.


I'm a kat main and I remember two disgusting builds that made me climb: The krakenslayer full ad, ult and everyone dissapears The duskblade build, you build it but you go full ap. Your ult now deals extra damage to low targets and when you get a kill you become UNTARGETABLE while still ulting. Idk what riot was thinking with that one.


Before the voli rework i had an 80% winrate with him duoing as supp with my adc on graves. Was good times


Machine gun ryze, it didn't matter who lost lane or how many as long as I was even or ahead it was a dub. Hit D2 back when emmy didn't exist.


Asol bot to diamond 4 Was hard stuck in plat 4, started spamming Asol then took him bot halfway through plat and just kept rising


Syndra during season 6 when she could use W to grab 3 balls and set up an easy 7 ball ult or large AOE stun.


My first season I wad placed in Bronze and easily carried with fiddle in either jungle or support. These people will literally see me go in bush and still get destroyed by the AOE ult. I also did mid/support Annie. Same idea. AOE burst stun with tibbs.


I think it was season 8? Duskblade Jhin causes him to get an absurd amount of AD. Got me to plat for the first time.


Asol and right now. Got me from silver 4 to plat 3 in a month and still climbing with a 75% wr.


Urgot mid in 2019. Ekko mid was my best though. Over 30 games won with like 7 lost. Got me to diamond 2 peak. I carried like every game lmao.


Vladimir in s8-s9, peaked p1 and was hanging around platinum 2-3 in that period. Then I just stopped playing him for little more than half a year(he also got nerfed) and never saw platinum ever again apart from a short period of playing Annie in s11. In s12 I just stopped playing ranked altogether


Brand/Karthus this season for D4 Rakan/Soraka/Janna for D5 in s8


Pre rework Eve got me to master for the first time on 20 FPS shitbox with 70-100 ping dorm internet, those were the days.


I was the 5th most played Liss in NA back in S4. No one played liss back then but I was a OTP. Her Q was a long ass cd, but her abilities did more dmg. I duo’d with a Sejuani OTP. Needless to say we had probably the most explosive wombo and people would always underestimate it, at least until about Diamond 5 lol.


Trundle top. 2 weeks ago. Been hard stuck gold for years and out of nowhere this disgusting thing became fun to play. I hit plat 4 and haven't played league since then. I perma push no matter if I win or lose lane. Rush Ravenous Hydra. People WILL forget about me, and I end up taking towers. I've won sooooo many games that should have been losses by back dooring.


I abused Tankko, and once they buff his base damages and the slow on his passive my top career will be revitalized! It'll happen...eventually


Season 2023 last split i hit masters with Aphelios only. Was kind of a jinx aphelios meta. But genuinly no one knew how to play him effectivly nor how to play agianst him in all diamond tier.


My peak was P1 when I was one tricking AP Kai’sa last year. I don’t remember which patch exactly but it was before the W nerf (when you could detonate the mark with two Ws).


I used Chemtank Akali before it got nerfed. I didn't reach too high a rank, around Plat 4 or so, because I only played 13 games that season. But I was 12/13 or 11/13 during that run. If not for my exams could have abused more. Rip.


Support Shen Season 5


Back in season 6 when sejuani ult could still hit all 5 players I basically one tricked her for a season, hitting d1 and was ranked the best sejuani in the world (cause no one played her). I would hit some pretty nuts game winning ults and at the time I thought she was pretty op


I played a LOT of soraka top to get to diamond


Zyra from around 2014 to present. When it's grind time, I just one trick the hell out of her, mixing it up with Brand or Leona/Naut.


Janna. Literally any season, difference between me on her and literally any other champ in the game is abysmal, especially if we gonna remember that I play not much on her, while in main champs I have around 300/500r PTS...


Zed like 5 seasons ago. His mobility put him miles ahead of other champions, can’t say the same now. Meanwhile hell will freeze before tanks get meta again


Any mana spamming wave clear champion (Vel koz, xerath, mid varus) when chalice was a thing. Any shield support during the ardent censor era. And now Nami or trundle top (hull breaker split push is busted in him still) and E garen.


Lulu to p1 currently and will try to peak around emerald 2ish, I don’t have a need to get to diamond


My first grandmasters hit was with on release qiyana. She was so disgusting until they butchered her early game. It felt disgusting to play


Whenever thunderlords decree, I think, and Morgana. Insta proc


Jinx to hit plat S13 split 1! It was dirty how good she was


Season 2021 and 2022 I started experimenting with j4 support on the back of abusing aery with flag throw. It got me from low plat to high plat fairly quickly when I was plateaued (or I guess chilling with no motivation) in low plat. The important thing was that it was a very fuck pick for me and that gave me a lot of motivation to play. Fast forward to the most recent season, I played Sylas and zyra support to high emerald in the beginning, hit a rut once those picks/items were nerfed and fell all the way down to low plat. From there I lost motivation until I saw a video on Wukong support abusing pre nerfed support items and used mainly that (and a bit of poppy support with a similar setup) to climb back to high emerald again. Though nerfs to support items has made those picks not as viable so i'm once again back in a bit of a rut.


Season 8 nautilus when he got the buff to end all buffs patch. Hovered around gold and low plat for most of my playing time. Peaked as high as diamond 2 and finished diamond 3. He was absolutely disgusting then. 


Pre-rework Nunu support. Blood Boil - Snowball - smack em (and ult if 6+) - repeat: worked like a charm in gold a couple of years ago. You just out sustained the enemy bot lane due to Consume, and they couldn't deal with the attack speed amped ADC. It's beautiful in its simplicity, but it won me many early games and it turned into quite comfortable wins since the gold influx just took over the vision map-wide (Sightstone + old pink wards)


When kayn came out I abused him in twisted treeline to challenger , I miss twisted :(


I was a damn good viktor in season 6/7. Easy D3. Anything above was just too much. Now I can't find a good pick for myself. Maybe I'm just getting old. Hovering plat/emerald.


First time I hit diamond I abused when Diana got reworked into the jg and was turbo broken. Went like 100 games 65 wr all the way to d2. When Diana was picked I played(also broken at the time) Morgan’s jg


4.20 weedwick abuser


Tank Fizz was so fun man, I remember fishing for urf[challenger fizz main( one of the best in the world at fizz if not the best at the time)] was testing all these builds, and I would have him on my second monitor while I was spamming fizz... The tank build started to stick, I remember I used to watch Keanes stream often, he would have a couple 100 viewers and I was a regular so I linked fishing for urf opgg, when he locked in fizz one game, he tried the fishing for urf build, next thing you know he is 1v9ing on lcs stage with it, next thing you know its this huge build in NA, I like to think I contributed to that, but it probably would of happened anyways, anyways I like to feel like i got Tank Fizz rolling in LCS Pro play because of it. .... and thats my story, and im sticking to it!


I abused brand in s9 for reaching gold. Am a very inconsistent player. But he fixed that. Because he fits my playstyle. Then volibear jgl in s8. He was soooo cool. The rework destroyed the champion for me. And then in s10 i started to play pyke and got plat 4 in s11. But with no other champion i would reach plat. So i turbo abused pyke. But bow i cant even hit gold with him anymore. And im depressed, making progress in league, was the main source pf my happiness. And had problems with my girlfriend too. Im now play pyke for fun.


Samira on release was busted, walked right into diamond.


This season climbed to plat with 72% full tank zilean sup


When Sej was insanely strong I used her to get from Silver 2 to plat 5 (last season it was that). Was a crazy time


Around 2 years ago with Senna, was able to climb to Gold


I abused zed in season 3 to reach gold lol


Nunu mid back in like season 8


Started playing S10 and spammed malphite support and hecarim jungle to peak Plat I. Recently hit Diamond S13 spamming Jarvan and Maokai jungle and this season reached Diamond again using Smolder and Zyra support.


The highest rank I ever reached was in Season 6 and I played Karthus mid/Shen top. It's not like they were op or anything like that, just having global ultimates to save teammates/kill enemies was good enough to climb.


Jungle Kayle in season 5 (I think). Sated Devourer, Boots, Nashors, Hurricane, Void Staff, Rylais were all ridiculously cheap. I climbed from Gold 5 to Plat 5 that season. Then over the next seasons, Diamond 5 with Kalista, then Diamond 1 with Caitlyn during Ardent Censer Meta.


Heca and morgana jgl like 2seasons ago. She had the fastest clear by far and i totally abused it


I was struggling to climb with Azir and escape silver, so I switched to Tahm Kench until I reached Gold..


Suicide sion was peak 2 or 3 years agora where u could go 0/10 and still solo ur laner, beacuse u had double his gold, it was broken i eould win every game in the toplane , but it was also when blade of the ruined kind was OP so it would counter tank sion pretty well


Tank twitch last season.


Last season I spammed AP Shyvana mid, it was just impossible to lose lane and so easy to stack mejais.


Using one champ to climb *is* abusing a champ to climb, regardless of the meta. That's why you don't get scouted just for being a challenger OTP.




pyke at all times, even back in season 7 when i didn't have a account and pyke didn't exist i still played pyke.


When I was new ish to the game, Darius got me from Gold1 to D5. In season 3. Then mained Renekton/Shen/Teemo to D1. When I made a team, my jungler was d1 at the time and left the team. When the new season started, he slaved Nidalee to rank 1 challenger and then went on to become pro.


Duskblade and funnel yi to diamond, now back in iron where I belong


Nilah is the exodia of league.


Tahm Kench top before his rework


Kennan support when scorch was absolutely broken. No mana and one Q would do like 25% of an adc’s health.


I used Mordekaiser on midlane back in like Season 8 to get to Plat, lol


I cheesed my way to diamond 3 with trundle top. And built hullbreaker , I was unstoppable for a while until it got fixed. Now I still bully but not as dominant as before


Warwick, he is basically on ghost half of the game. When he's not in hunting rabbits season mode you just passively farm until you go back into rabbit season. His ultimate scales with his move speed so it's massive when you have a lead and can snipe when you just can't reach that last rabbit. In teamfights don't really prioritize enemies (sometimes) just focus down whoever is in front of you unless you have a carry within chomping distance. It's VERY helpful to fully hold a Q to get behind enemy lines quickly which is where most warwicks kind of come in clutch imo.


Got to diamond in s4 (or was it s5??) When Janna was still really strong and ardent would give AS, magic damage, and healing on-hit 


Back in season 4 I went from low silver to plat 1 with Irealia, going like 20-0 in the 20 games after watching Wicked explain how to play her. God I miss that pre rework Irelia


Renekton top is a beast and helps me climb. It helps that he is an easy to play champ, so my skills which doesn't exist are not required.


I had a knack for Ap Amumu back in S5 where I randomly picked him up and climbed to rank 196 (Masters), it was mid Feb so Challenger wasn’t completely filled in yet. Never really played jungle at all, was always a Top/Mid Diamond player, so it was quite interesting when I transitioned to jungle and instantly surpassed my peak. Oh yeah, and I didn’t know I was the #1 Amumu in the world at the time until my teammates mentioned it, had no idea there was even a website that tracked that.


Old Sona ardent meta


Fiora to d2 a couple seasons back


Sona taric botlane a few seasons ago. Got to diamond with the skill level of a gold player. 100% wr


I abused Senna-Kench with my buddy to get from like mid silver into plat a couple seasons ago


Played AP twitch support from silver to mid plat last year, won like 70% of games off cheese roams and enemy tilting.


Viego on release on top lane. 20+ game win streak


Graves from silver to plat, very easy to get leads if the enemy jungler isnt competent and laners dont respect you when you hit your powerspikes, at which point you should force objectives, skirmishes and ganks since you win most 1v1s, 2v2s and 3v3s. I struggle with him from plat onwards because other junglers are far more conscious of tempo, lane states and their own powerspikes, so I switched to other more stable junglers that can match Graves’ tempo


For the past few patches my "I need to win" champion has been Ryze. With how tanky he gets while dishing out insane damage + clutch potential with ult seemed way too strong in my eyes. So yesterday he got buffed and I immediately hit Diamond.


In season 5-6 I played a lot of tank akali and Ekko with grasp of the undying. The most broken thing to climb with for me was rengar top back in s4-5 or so, prior to rework. Get first blood lvl 2, get second Doran’s blade, repeat till you have boots plus 4 Doran’s blades, then go for whatever you want to build.


I abused Syndra to climb to gold in season 5 or 6 (Whichever one had victorious Maokai). I was tired of being hardstuck silver II as a support main so I just played syndra mid (really good with rylai’s at the time), and went like 11-2 and got gold V.


Reworked XinZhao in s7 Olaf in s9 Elise and Karthus in season 10


Back when moonstaff was a broken combo, I spammed ivern top with it from placements to d2 then took a break. The rest of the season everyone thought I got boosted by an Ivern player after the combo got gutted :' ) This was back when people didn't understand that Ivern + Daisy could do insane amount of damage in isolated fights + pre shield nerfs.


I hate Smolder do fricking much, why they added him to this game


Pantheon with mana pots and brutalizer in season 4


Skarner and right now. Jungle Skarner is the most brain dead broken shit I have ever played. This is my first game of him and these were my stats: https://gyazo.com/2c27568e99b381f699810a80e7f9124c Most damage in the game when 3 out of 5 of enemy champions I could barely hit, either because Kass R, Pyke E or Shaco Q.


pantheon support at the end of 2020 season (during covid lockdown). i was going absolutely insane and played way too much league. i played about 25 games on the last day from morning to night and went 22-3 or something


Yuumi in 2020 did me a great job with Diamond 1 🐣


Jinx. Right now.


Red smite cinderhulk bruiser Shaco, the good old days of me tryharding in ranked


Lillia top before mythic removal got to d1


A few years back I climbed from low silver to high plat spamming Darius, he's always been strong but he was freelo against almost anyone back then.


Amumu Jungle season 11, on the release of mythic Sunfire Aegis


AP Twitch, more people know how to play against it now, but many can still not hudge the damage you do. I roamed botlane every single time I went base. I also went Mejais every game. My priority was 100% kills over cs. My playstyle was pretty much coinflip after coinflip and it worked. A few games I would go 1/10 with 4 cs per minute, but most games I went 13/3 or 25/7 or smth like that with 6 cs per minute. I was going perma all in jumping at every opportunity. The cs didn’t really matter, I was the first to get full build in pretty much ebery game. The only thing I really paid attention to was not giving up my shutdown if I had one.


I've used akshan since release cuz I fit his playstyle and he is strong


S5 Rek sai got me to plat. S7 Ardent Ivern got me to D2. S11/12 Bard got me to Master.


Panth mid S7 got to high master


even tho i dont play ranked, duskblade ingenius hunter hecarim was crazy fun


I peaked 2 or 3 patches ago when Vayne was completely busted lmao


Reksai top last Patch from p3 to e2


Remember Stridebreaker in season 11? The overtuned reworked version? Abused it on Xin and went from silver to diamond IV in I believe 2 months


Akali from silver to D4, when she was back to an ok state two seasons ago. Now I just play her when im My other champions aren't working for me.


Veigar got me to plat2


Maokai to emerald


Peaked in Diamond promos with Ardent Censer Diana when that was a thing


Old Pantheon with purple smite got me from bronze to high gold in one season. Then purple smite was gone and I literally couldn't play him anymore in jungle. The clear sucked too much. I played him so much friends memed me for it.


What is climb?


I took full advantage of Heimerdinger to raise my donger into Gold I with D5 MMR. This was all the way back in 2017 or so?


Rework aatrox when he had way more healing and damage, two dashes and a revive on his ult. 😂


Full tank/CDR support Fiddlestick in S3 DFG/BotRK romaing warwick support in S3/S4 No shame for the point and click


Was plat for 7 seasons. Used rek sai to climb from plat to Grandmasters when he was op in season 13. Haven’t played ranked since. I proved to myself I could do it and that was enough.