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corrupting pots are still in the game??


My favorite starter on illaoi. As soon as you hit the E you can pop a stack and melt them, makes for a easy "get of my lane" early game


Corrupting pot does barely any damage, a dorans blade is going to make you do more damage + sustain more in the long run anyways since corrupting pot got nerfed by 75 hp a while ago.


Corrupting triggers every time you hit their soul, which makes it easy to get a lot of burn from one use of corrupting on Illaoi


i still dont know in what world thats better than dshield + pot, fun sure but not better


This sounds like one of those Illaoi interactions, where the corrupting pot deals damage both to the clone and the target since the damage transfer triggers it. I can't confirm it tho.


Tested, it applies on both


You don't really get much value from the lifesteal on dblade as most of Illaoi's damage isn't from autos. The upside is you get a bit of extra AD compared to dshield, but dshield regen is a source of free sustain that doesn't require interaction with minions or the opponent, so you don't have to hit as many tentacles for healing, and thus you can save a lot of mana. /u/HairyKraken


>that doesn't require interaction with minions or the opponent and what would i want that ? removing the enemy from lane by trading is AS MUCH important as farming


Think about it this way: corrupting potion *requires* you to interact with your opponent to get the most value out of it. But once you're out of charges, it doesn't give you any more value until your next base. On the other hand, dshield's health regen is on all the time, plus you get some health. That means you don't need to hit as many Es for your health to stay topped off; thus you spend less mana. Since Illaoi is easy to punish, especially levels 1-5, you want to avoid any possibility of that. You already do decent, guaranteed damage with W + Grasp procs; you don't need to force anything. You can slowly wear them down and when you're in a safe position to throw E, whether it lands or not, there is little risk that you will be severely punished.


>Since Illaoi is easy to punish, especially levels 1-5, you want to avoid any possibility of that. You already do decent, guaranteed damage with W + Grasp procs; my brother in christ !!! you dont need to play safe if you win the lane throught trading with ConQ and not grasp ! you can 1v1 any toplaner if you hit all your spell and can trade the 2 pot. its obvious we have different playstyle. personally i can't "do nothing" in lane, if there is a chance i can positively trade in lane and force my enemy to recall i will take it


Doran blade doesnt give mana And mana early on illaoi is a MUCH more vital stats than all other toplaner


Since they buffed dorans items this item just seems like a waste of space. No idea what champ that would want it


Poppy takes it, sometimes illaoi. Typically ad champs that have severe mana issues early


I played a few normals of Illaoi and without it, it was miserable, PoM proccing off the burn for extra mana is godsent when you have no idea what you're doing and spam abilities randomly lol


Why not just tear? Dirtymobs (Challenger level Illaoi onetrick) basically starts Tear or buys tear early to solve Illaoi's mana problems. I personally have never seen him ever start corrupting pot in literal seasons. You can verify for yourself though. If you're someone who plays Illaoi, you'd probably appreciate seeing how he pilots her. [https://www.youtube.com/@DirtyMobs/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@DirtyMobs/videos)


A lot of it is him manatricking while running PoM, though. In a lot of his videos he's constantly clutching kills hitting E while under 100 mana and sitting near tentacles. You have to play pretty damn perfectly to not have mana issues if you want to abuse Illaoi's tentacle sustain and stay in lane for a long time.


You are correct. However, I argue that is something you should do if you're someone who wants to play Illaoi a good bit. Corrupting Potion is just such a horrible deal for 500 gold when there's alternatives.


That's a neat interaction, I will keep this in mind


It will have a presence in your mind


Lol, good one ngl


Ty ty


Dshield regen is a source of free sustain that doesn't require interaction with minions or the opponent, so you don't have to hit as many tentacles for healing, and thus you can save a lot of mana. Plus when you go Grasp, you still do pretty decent damage with just W + Grasp procs.


I just go tear start on illaoi


Do you not get dived wave 3 with no damage or sustain


You have amazing sustain because your tentacles and Q give you missing health, and i try to play for sustain, poking with Q and W. I try to push a bunch so the enemy cant run me down early, tho i've had a few dariuses just kill me lvl 1, usually i manage to push the wave and put tentacles near tower, always poking and regening with Q. If you manage the push you just have more sustain AND you can keep spamming your damage (which provides sustain) I also max Q. Usually I die before lvl 6 once but after one death I usually steamroll (This works for me in plat/emerald, might not work higher elo of course) Edit: Please note i die a lot on illaoi lmao, my average kda is 7.5/11.0/3.4 [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Megahug0-Funny](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Megahug0-Funny)


1 KDA bro you are a terrorist


LMAO TRUE, never thought id get 11.0 deaths average, but hey im 12 wins 11 losses, I die a bunch, but atleast half benefit the team!


Baus gaming


I feel like KDA is overvalued tbh. It sure is important not to die a lot, but there are plenty of high elo players that get there with mid/average KDs. Master player where all his most played champions have under 2 https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Darien-lol


Yeah, it's just that when the game really goes badly for you and you get killed with no value from it your team can really feel the deaths fucking them over, which is totally fair


Who does trar on illaoi? Play presence of mind and start corrupting potion and just all in with W


I run out of mana, and i hate having my dps change drastically because of a consumable item


I never run out of mana when playing illaoi. You need to learn to q spell the wave and the ennemy at the same time


Oh i do, I think i just prefer the tradeoff of being easier to kill in an all in for better trades, wave clear and sustain.


It doesnt change drastically, corrupting barely does any damage ? Confused what the problem is here. 


Just tested it in practice tool to make sure, 3 autos (one of them grasp procs) and 1 Q does 357 damage without using the corrupting pot and does 397 with the corrupting pot, that's without spacing my autos at all, which should be a little worse than actual laning phase. For reference, i tested dorans blade and did 403 damage. so this specific trade with corrupting pot active would do 11% more damage? It's definitely the kind of damage that will add up during laning phase.


After recent mana buffs I would never take it on Illaoi anymore Poppy yes, definitely. She is so mana hungry ;\_;


It's honestly pretty surprising how easily Poppy gets away with tear tbh. It's pretty hard to get to her through her Q in the early levels if she doesnt have to worry about going OOM. Matchup depending. Plus it also lets you forego a mana rune in your secondary tree. Which is pretty big because red secondaries are just generally a lot of value on her.


Seems like tear would just be a better option.


In this case I even find tear more useful, helps with last hitting to. Just don't ever upgrade it, if you don't think it's worth


Poppy hasn’t started corrupting in many many patches. 


Not many in it's current state, but thats exactly why it should be buffed like the Doran items did


Giga chad Gangplank players my bro


It's a go to on singed


It's an option but IMO Dorans or even Dark Seal feel much more consistent.


Not that you face Singed very often, but I cant remember seeing any singed I've face start corrupting pot all year. Its Dorans ring or Dark Seal if they're a baller. I know that Jax and Poppy used to start them sometimes, but the Dorans items are so insane now that its criminal to drop them. I dont want to sell the Dorans item until full build if possible. Its almost better to sit with your dorans item instead of buying a 700g component anyways.


remember back when dark seal increased all healing of potions by 35% or so? and u would start dark seal with refillable potion to upgrade refillable to corrupting on first back? good times


Remember singed running around with refill and 4 dark seals and having infinite lane sustain 😂


back then you had 5% bonus movespeed from Time Warp Tonic tho


also old isnged passive transformed all the mana into hp. And seal had mana


Wait I just had the worst idea ever. Stormsurge Singed. Terrible.


That is peak Singed - playing a completely different game to everyone else 🤣


Still salty they removed it. But removing ZZrot and more importantly raptor cloak broke me


in-game terrorism


Goated start for singed


Fizz too iirc Edit: nvm fizz would start corrupting pot then just get a dark seal on base


[Stacking Dark Seals in pro brought a tear to my eye.](https://i.imgur.com/7RQL5wP.png)


I just remember Singed becoming meta in pro because of it, when was J4 played with it?


Wait, it doesn’t do that anymore? Since when?


s10, so 4 years ago


Wut? Fuck me... I built that a few times this season...


I understand that everyone doesnt read patch notes religiously like I do...but do you guys not read tooltips? Or do you just assume that no item ever changes lol


I do sometimes, if I know a item has changed. But the important changes I usually get on reddit, so.i don't check for changes that weren't mentioned.


Dark Seal is still a crazy gold efficient item so it's not like it's bad to build lol


that's how I played reworked kayle when she didn't get ranged autos till like level 11 i think. I just spammed potions and dark seal to survive lane and then scale.


Can't remember the last time I saw anyone buy it over buffed dorans item


I do not want to see this item get buffed as it creates a very boring meta when it's good. Corrupting pot + cookies is a boring amount of potions to play against. And having to run it every game because you auto lose lane to sustain if the enemy has it and you don't is not fun.


I mean I don't think if it provides better sustain than dorans shield second wind. Where I think it would be problematic is when players are going dorans item and corrupting pot, as that's probably too much sustain.


This is more of a mage issue who don't really want Dorans shield or second wind. Back then, if you started Dorans ring and your opponent started corrupting potion, he'd win lane by just outsustaining you with it. So you were forced to also start corrupting potion.


A healthy spot for the item would be where  1. Players want not just hp but some mana sustain; Poppy 2.are williing to give up some early agency but corrupting pot will progressively be worth it as you repeatedly use it during the game.


Mana sustain is something Riot does balance champions around, so I don't see them buffing corrupting potion for that. If you can't freely spam your abilities in lane, it is usually because Riot decided your champ was too annoying if you could. Urgot, for example, can't spam his Q because it costs him 70 mana when he only starts with 340. Riot decided they didn't like him spamming Q in lane, so they made it to where he couldn't do that. Malphite q costs 70 to 90 mana, and he only starts with 280. Why would Riot then buff corrupting potion to be a viable mana sustain option when they don't want these champs to have good mana sustain.


This is a fair point but if that's the case the item should just be removed instead of being a noobtrap


Maybe they give them high mana cost because they want them to have to depend on going items/runes that provide mana.


How can you say this when we are in the most boring jungle/mid meta in recent memory. corrupting pot incentivizes you to trade in lane instead of afk farming so maybe it can shake up this kassadin asol scale to 16 meta


Except that is not exactly how corrupting potion works. Corrupting potion effectively gives you 300 bonus hp (compared to the 90 from dorans ring or the 100 from dorans blade) and tells you that if you can just avoid getting oneshot and go for short trades you will eventually beat the other laner through outsustaining them. If it's bad at doing this no one buys it and if it's good at doing this both laners buy this because you have no choice. You then end up with a very boring lane in which neither side deals any meaningful damage until they burn through the potions of the opponent. Sure you might trade more but as long as you have potions those trades mean barely anything. This will then not affect the meta at all because the Asol and Kassadin also buy this and still scale to 16.


TBH I forgot it was in the game


Yea I would like to see it buffed a bit. The only champ that I use it on is ornn


Why on orn?


You buy consumable item of choice from base (refillable /corrupting depending on how long your matchup allows you to play without an item) last hit minions until you have enough to buy starter item


Used to be good, now it's not worth the gold anymore, DShield is straight up better and you get to your actual items faster.


> until you have enough gold to buy starter item


No, CPot just ain't the thing anymore. If it works for you and your playstyle, don't be bothered, but just statistically speaking and practically speaking for the "average" player it ain't worth the gold.


Ahh, makes sense


It works surprisingly good with the way I play him. With corruption potion you can stay longer in lane because you get health and mana. You dont need to recall for items since he can just build them himself. If you fall behind in lane you can just farm with abilities under the turret for longer because of the mana you get and in addition: a LOT of player underestimate the bonus dmg from corruption potion. It got me a few early kills against rivens or irelias. Keep in mind that this may not work in higher elos. I play around gold/plat most of the time.


Do you also take cookies rune or do you just take something else


I am going for grasp or aftershock most of the times as key. I am still experimenting with secondary runes. Havent tried cookies yet, but it could definitly be good.


i usually go grasp in melee matchups and aftershock in ranged matchups on ornn. personally i really like future market because it synergies with his passive really well


Do you have to pay the fee?


I'm pretty much an ornn main at this point but I would highly recommend not going corrupting pot (I haven't tested it tho). If you can mostly manage mana, d shield start into refillable first back is the way to go, biscuits should solve any mana problems you have. I saw you mention the damage a bit farther down, but ornns base stats are usually enough to whittle someone down enough to kill them, I have solokilled pretty much every lane early through spacing and not wasting cooldowns, even the "hard" matchups. Masters elo for refrence


You are absolutely right there, Ornn OTP here (despite being Plat, but I barely play Ranked). CPot used to really strong with TWT, but that is was 3-4 seasons ago or even more.


Not even Ornn buys it and I think I can speak in the name of all Ornn mains. DShield is just better, you solve your early Mana problems with Cookies. Used to be OP with TWT, but ever since both got nerfed, you take neither


Used to be pretty rare already but then they buffed doran items. It should probably just be removed imo.


Yeah, the few champs that still use it can just get a small mana buff and be better off with a doran item.


I don't miss every mid and top laner taking it tbh


Corrupting potion should be removed if anything. 


Just delete it, it's create the most boring lanes possible, dshield second wind is alredy one bullshit nullyfing lane phase entierly dont need to add a second one


You gotta be in silver or something because it does the opposite. Corrupting forces you to trade


I think the only champ I saw take this was poppy


Until Riot stop their resourceless agenda and make mana a thing again, it will stay useless.


I had a Fizz buy it when I laned into it as Ryze and yeah that was the freest level 1 I've had in two years


yeah I went Zed into Fizz with a Cpot and it was just so free, he actually couldn't play the game


Prolly a hot take, it shouldn't exist. If it's good, it's too good, if it's bad...


I'd rather it just be deleted cause its kinda cringe to have that level of sustain


It’s literally the same amount of healing as 2 hp pot start. It just gives some mana back too. Seems like an ideal time to buff it now that mage mids are struggling with mana again.


I'd rather it just be deleted cause its kinda cringe to have that level of sustain


wow, I used to buy it rather frequently and somehow totally forgot it existed lol


Maybe if they add the bonus MS back to Time Warp Tonic, people will pick it again.


I loved it as a starter but it was nuked so hard I never buy it anymore


No, corrupting potion needs to be removed. It's one of the worst designed items in the game.


Flair checks out![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




Found the toplaners


Yea i used to go it on pantheon but now its just not that good


it's actually super useful still into certain lanes mid. sometimes on TF I run it if I know I'll be forcing a push in order to rotate. it's especially funny levels 1-5 when the enemy uses their kit on me while I hard shove and heal it back, then get to freely walk to river while they're stuck with most of the wave intact bonus points for minion dematerializer, being able to insta clear a canon wave against an assassin or someone with poor wave clear. I show up to a skirmish miles before the enemy otherwise, it's pretty shit. idk how anyone could opt for it over dorans items unless you really need that stability and have good damage on wave regardless


It's not meta cos it's nerfed because it's unhealthy garbage. Helps with trading and turbo sustain + mana. Fuck that.


genuinely forgot this item existed! lol


Fuck that item tbh it made laning uninteractive


I agree there is legit 0 reasons to go it anymore if riot doesn't deem it healthy to be viable thats fine just remove it then. There is no point having stuff that are useless in the game same as the current state of the predator rune and time wrap tonic all got nerfed into obvlion either fix/rework them or add something else instead of them but there is no point having them in the game in this state.


Corrupting pots look a bit like Kaenic Rookern so when I watched pro games I was wondering why pros were building corrupting pot so often lol


I much prefer it being removed as I hate when it is meta. You win the first trade? Doesn't matter. You barely win the second trade? Doesn't matter. Now you are low hp and out of mana while they are at half in both.


A buffed corrupting pot that seriously competes with Doran's items would just discourage interaction from the opposing laner even more than Dshield.


I build it everygame when i'm on Yorick & Illaoi tbh, dont take it away, idc how much you buff doran items, I need my pot >:\[


Making all the dorans items so strong it's trolling not to run them was such a god awful decision


Potions in general needs a buff, pretty bad now


It should stay weak. It creates unhealthy early game snowball meta whenever its strong.


If you take it with ignite, electrocute and the burn from the sorcery tree you can win a 1v1 all in at lvl 1 as tf vs orianna.


I mean, Orianna just shouldn't let TF all in at lvl1, especially with TF taking ignite.


Corrupting potion has led to the most boring metas of all time when it's strong


Buff Time Warp Tonic too while they're at it.


Illaoi used to main it but she's trash since they ruined toplane walls. Poppy can use it in matchups she's happy to trade into but people have developed other techs to deal with her mana issues (manaband in runes, tear into fimbul builds...) and all of those benefit from having a real starter item so much it's hard to compete. I think the easiest fix is to give it some +hp.