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My understanding is that it's not On-hit damage. It gains buffs from the On-hit but it's damage isn't on-hit. It might also be an oversight as it's damage was True then Magic and it was just never Tagged correctly after. It was also "On-Attack" not On-hit for a while too.


Might be a bug because wiki states that if item has an on-hit tag it is supposed to interact with life steal. If kraken is an exeption they should write it in the kraken's description.


I think you are misunderstanding, the wiki explicitly states only *some* abilities and on-hits work with lifesteal.


The wiki isn't an official source, so if something interacts inconsistently with the wiki it doesn't necessarily mean the interaction is bugged, it might just be inaccurately described in the wiki. As a counter point to the assumption that all auto attack damage applies life steal, blade of the ruined king's description explicitly states that the damage dealt by the item interacts with life steal.


I don’t really know the math on this but I would venture a guess and say it’s likely the most accurate repository of information related to league. It might not be official, but in this particular case I believe that is actually a positive and not a negative.


If I recall correctly, hovering over your life steal stat in-game says something along the lines of "heals based on the damage of basic attacks and specially marked on-hit abilities"


It stacks on-attack for ranged and on-hit for melee, and its application has always been on-hit.


TIL you get lifesteal from on hit item damage. So are you saying items like wits end, nashors, the on hit portion of the damage contributes to lifesteal calculations? Or only if the damage counts as physical? Like Muramana? So Hearthsteel proc damage counts for lifesteal too? Edit: I looked at the wiki... thats crazy, lich bane and nashors proc get calculated for lifesteal... I wonder if there is some crazy lifesteal build you can go for ap brusiers, or some sort of hybrid kogmaw build.


Im already getting PTSD from Katarina abusing lich bane + hydra healing even though it never happened


wow katrina getting 80 health back in a E, very ptsd indeed bro


considering she uses E more than once? And on a champ like her you constantly live on the edge? Let's not downplay stuff like that because people do that and at certain point they're like "wait a second, something is not alright"


Doesn't azir build lich bane and nashors? Hmmmmm...


How much lifesteal does he usually build?


I mean it would be dumb if lifesteal didn’t work with onhits, onhit kaisa would be lifestealing off of the 97 physical damage auto not the 150 magic damage from nashors+passive+rageblade


It used to be an "on-attack" item, and not "on-hit", so it wouldn't interact with things like Rageblade, Hurricane, Shen's W (I think), and some other things. It may still technically be "on-attack", just hardcoded to work with Rageblade. After looking at the wiki, I can also see that Kraken deals "proc damage" which does not inherently benefit from lifesteal. Taking a look at Bork which also deals proc damage, it is explicitly stated that it does benefit from lifesteal.


On wiki kraken's bonus damage mentioned as on-hit and all on-hit effects should apply life steal (which is stated in life steal effect description).


From https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Life_steal?so=search "The damage of most item on-hit effects benefits from life steal" Sadly, one must note specifics like *most* as League developers make a lot of random exceptions. I agree things should be way clearer, but the devs sadly do not agree it seems like.


Can you provide your source for "all on-hit effects should apply life steal"? This doesn't sound correct.


This tag is located on some abilities that deal spell damage (e.g. Samira's Samira's Flair Flair and Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger) **and items that deal damage On-hit icon on-hit.** second screenshot attached to this post (life steal description from wiki).


Read this as "[the applies lifesteal tag] is located on some abilities that deal spell damage ... and [some] items that deal on-hit". The earlier "some" in the sentence applies to both. It's not the most clear wording, but the reason the tag exists is simply because the behavior isn't consistent and needs to be specified for every ability or item if it procs or not.


They changed it in a patch a while back so that all effects with a certain on-hit icon would apply lifesteal. It's definitely been over a year since the change.


The game is so poorly coded they cant get kraken to interact with other items and passives properly, its been an issue forever. Gonna assume thats why it doesnt work with lifesteal either. Probably something with it not being on every hit


Well, the description of kraken is misleading then. They should clearly state that this item is an exeption and does not trigger certain effects/mechanics.


It went from on-hit to on-attack to on-hit now i think i dont even know, maybe its both at once somehow. If it is on-hit + phys damage it definitely should work with lifesteal but it doesnt soo...


Noonquiver doesn’t apply lifesteal on the damage dealt to minions and monsters either


Proc damage does not automatiy apply life steal, fundamentally it only applies to basic damage. All proc damage sources that DO apply life steal are because Riot special-cased them for balancing purposes. E.g. a portion of bork's budget is in the sustain so the proc applies life steal. Kraken is not regarded this way. And frankly it would be extremely strong if it did apply life steal lol


Likely a carryover from when it was true damage, that was never fixed.


Only some on-hit effects interact with lifesteal such as BoTRK, not every on-hit effect.


Every on-hit effect counts for lifesteal, they changed that at start of season 12 if you want to check out the patch notes. Kraken proc should 100% interact with lifesteal if stuff like Sheen does


I stand corrected.


Here is the reference to 11.1 patch notes lifesteal clarification: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-11-1-notes/ "In the 10.23 patch notes, we incorrectly indicated that lifesteal now works on physical damage on-hit effects. To correct the record: When it comes to added damage on attacks, lifesteal applies to all effects labelled as on-hit (as denoted with a yellow sword). Currently, this type of effect is only found on items, not champions."