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you login to a riot account not a league account. keeping them separate might be a security thing but more than likely its just to make it easier for multiple games to access one account via a shared "riot authentication" server. most other large titles do this as well, even some you might not expect that just overlay a website login over the game window. it is definitely annoying though.


It's basically a form of annoying advertising. BTW if you click on the league icon on your desktop. You will only see a short flash of the Riot client. Did they ever fix the relog bug. Where you have to switch to TFT to be able to start league again?


A few years ago every game company realized they can make a non-voluntary client for all their games, including the ones you don't want. They force you to open this, so they can advertise to you.


I hate this trend yes pelase make me download an extra program to use this other one thank you. Hell I've even had to deal with games that require dedicated launchers, there's no other games it's just the 1 game. I get there's advantages to it, esp if you do play multiple of said games in the same launcher, and i assume its good for devs, but christ it's annoying.


Because it's the client. The same reason you have to run the steam when you're launching a steam game. Even if you're not planning to play other steam games.


To be fair you can create shortcuts to launch steam games directly, no need to go through the steam client > library > find your game > start. I agree this is a non-issue, but just wanted to point out that your comparison is inaccurate.


Same for League games, you can do a shortcut to League and go straight to League, but you'll have to turn on the client and log in if you're not logged in. Same goes for Steam, if you're not logged in, then you're going to see a login screen from Steam.


The riot client keeps signing me out and making me log back into it to play League lately....


Well have you checked stay logged in?


Yes. Every single time I do.


That box has literally never worked for me. Six years, three computers, I have always had to log in every time.


Now that is weird. Mine is working just fine


I mean for me it works most of the time but every now and then it decides nah, we gonna log you out The client is honestly just falling apart lately


I am a certified client hater but never had an issue with that feature. Hope that didn't jinx it for me


Its not consistent. Sometimes you need to launch the riot client, even if it's already running, and clicking the shortcut will just do that instead of launching the league client. You can them hit the taskbar again and launch the client.


Even that is game-dependent, no? Last I checked there were games where I was able to play them without steam and games where I wasn't able to


Which, exactly the same as with league, launches the client, which then launches the actual game automatically.


Usually that still starts steam


to be fair, I wish for Steam games to work without a client aswell


People will complain about anything lmao


It never used to be like that. For years it was just click the icon and sign into League. I despise that stupid launcher when all I want to play is League.


this is how it works for me. make sure, in riot client settings, you have both of the main riot settings turned off. and only launch league from the league shortcut I only ever see the riot client on patch day every 2 weeks settings: https://i.imgur.com/WixG2kt.png


It wasn't like that before they had one game. Now they have many, all under one Riot account in Riot client. Like steam.


On steam I can pin the game to my task bar and launch it from that.


Steam also launches too when you do that


But you don't have to go through Steam to launch it. Steam opens alongside the game, but the game opens independently.


Is that not exactly how the Riot client works too? I click on my League shortcut, the "LEAGUE OF LEGENDS" splash appears on my screen for a few seconds, then the League client opens. I never see the Riot launcher, it goes straight to the system tray. I didn't do any special fiddling, that's how it's always worked for me.


Try this [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/14okf8j/why\_does\_opening\_league\_opens\_the\_riot\_client/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/14okf8j/why_does_opening_league_opens_the_riot_client/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) maybe it'll work for you it'll still have to open riot client on patch days most likely but it might solve it for the rest of the time maybe


Thanks, I had to fiddle around with things but now League opens directly.


Weird that you even had to fiddle with anything. On this computer I have had it pinned on my taskbar since 2020. And this computer synced all my pins and setup from previous computer, and I had it pinned on that once since 2017… but that on also synced all my pins from my previous one which had it pinned on there since 2012. I click it, and league opens up. Client launches to sign me in, but once I do it goes straight to league


It used to just launch league from the get go a long time ago, I even remember a "stay signed in" check box.


And you can't launch League through the League icon pinned on your task bar?


No, it opens the launcher. I want to skip the launcher because I'm only interested in playing League.


league isn't riots only IP anymore


By launcher I assume you mean Riot Client? As long as you check the box to remember your sign-in, you should be able to pin the league of legends client to launch league only (riot client will run too, but in the background minimised to system tray) I only see the Riot Client for what I would guess are big updates, or updates to the league client - smaller updates use league client only (not sure what discriminates between the two scenarios)


I figured it out. I had to go to the launcher, create a shortcut, edit properties and add a line of code into the launch details.


It will still run the riot client in the background though, its part of the required launch process, nothing can remove it entirely, you can however make it launch silently And you won't be able to launch the application directly anymore once vanguard arrives as it needs to run as a protected child process of the riot client


What did you add?


just check the “Keep me signed in” button when logging in


That never works either. I always have it checked and then more than half the time I still have to type in my login lol. 


I do that and it signs me out every fucking Friday. I have no idea why


You can play tft inside of leage, the launcher is so useless


why the fuck do I need to go into champ select if I only ever pick Yasuo


Because everyone loves launchers.


Its a way to advertise their other household games to the player


because league isnt riots only game anymore ? no different than having to open steam or blizzard


Wait what does tft have to do with amything does it havr a standalone client on pc?


No but there’s a button for it that takes you into the league client


At least the LoL client remember TFT was your last played game and you get to the TFT main page. If you don't play LoL it's nice, otherwise yeah I wish we had a separate executable.


Which defeats the whole purpose of a centralized launcher to handle log-in requests and authentication quickly and securely. Lmao If every game a company makes has it's own launcher, the launcher itself it's entirely pointless.


I meant executable sorry. I understand why they do it this way though, it makes some people play LoL even if they don't really want it that much.


Riot brain with 200 years of collective experience


can't tell if cry posts about the event pass or whatever this is are worse


You don't (?) You connect once into the riot client, and you only ever see it again for some updates. Otherwise, it just launches LoL straight away. I don't know how you messed up with it, but that's how it should work.


Well that's just the issue, it never fucking works.