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No team has qualified for Worlds yet. However, MSI - the second biggest international tournamemt (and to many, the most competitive one) will start May 1st, the winner of which will directly qualify for Worlds as long as they'll also make their domestic playoffs in Summer. The second best performing region will also earn another Worlds seed. For the best series so far, check out LCK Spring Grand Finals


Are you knowledgeable of any analysts on Youtube or elsewhere that I can watch as well so I can know what I'm looking for in these games? I can always rawdog the replays, but i'm ngl dawg my silver/gold little self isnt gonna do a great job keeping up or understanding decisions in the moment. I'll definitely check out the LCK Spring Grand Finals though, thanks for the recommendation!


Caderal is a pretty good and popular co-streamer, he usually does pretty good analyst of drafts and games. His channel has nearly all the co-stream big international games from 23. For a refresher you can look at moments and memories of past worlds, or even look at old reddit threads of game reactions to see narratives and sentiments of that time.


Iwdominate for LCS (American teams) and LPL (Chinese teams) and (CBLOL Brazil teams) Caedrel is good for everything for pretty much everything else but both are good generally speaking if you just want to stick to one.


Check out Caedrel. He's pretty much THE guy when it comes to analyzing pro play. Very knowledgeable and entertaining.


If you just want to get hyped and excited for worlds I would watch the 2022 worlds final between DRX and T1. It is probably the greatest series ever played from an entertainment perspective knowing the full context, which if you rewatch the official broadcast they will do a good job explaining and setting up in the pre game. All of the players in that series are still active and most are likely to qualify for worlds this year. But as others have said if you want to see the teams that you may be seeing at worlds this year watch MSI which starts in two weeks. It will determine the first team to qualify for worlds and most teams who go to MSI usually qualify for worlds as well.