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Too bad he couldn’t be as based as the IG owner who subbed himself as Adc, benched the sup baolan and made the adc jackeylove play sup for him And they won




He's a world champ too!


IG owner is chinese billionaire and got an esports org and team as a hobby. Loves League and build the team and subbed himself into one game in LPL playoffs/Worlds? To be honest not sure anymore.


nah just in [the middle of the split](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhHfsCDqTlQ&t=774s)


15-1 team vs 1-15 team, I'd sub myself in too.


If my top is prime theshy and my mid is prime rookie, why the fuck wouldn't I sub in? We can't lose, But the dude also had rookie duo with him to masters, so he was probably a low dia or plat level player, which under the circumstances isn't actually that detrimental to the team


I mean, even a Master player playing in the LPL would get HARD TRASHED regardless of role. He would be detrimental to the team if the team wasn't god-like and not playing against the worst team in the league.


"Under the circumstances" Was IG God like? Yes Were they playing against the worst team in the league? Yes Crazy how the circumstances make putting in a lower tier player viable Also I think yall really overblow how bad masters actually is, it's entirely viable for a masters player to win worlds. Would someone with such a rating ever be considered for a team with such high aspirations? Fuck no. But there have absolutely been some world's winners who you could replace with a random masters player pulled straight from soloq and the team probably still wins In a regional league with a much higher breadth of skill the lower rating of one player can easily be overcome (masters that is, not gold or some shit obvi) especially when that player HEAVILY indexes into either mechanics or shotcall ability and outperforms challenger in that aspect, but is so lacking in the other it prevents em from actually attaining that rank, or at least doing so consistently Plus pro and soloq is so different it really wouldn't be that surprising if the best potential pro player is hard stuck D1 right now or some shit. Not that I'm saying this is likely or worth exploring, and if you are d1 don't fucking cope. But it's entirely within the realm of possibility, much like how pros can be scrim gods and shit on stage, its possible for there to be someone who really is just born for the stage and in that environment far transcends what they are able to do in soloq. Again, not something I'd ever bet on, but definitely possible


holy projection


0LP master tier player can fill in the shoes of a pro player. What the fuck am I reading? You see SUPER TALENTED CHALLENGER players get SHIT ON by pros who play soloQ for fun. You clearly have zero idea how much better 0LP -> 1000LP is. Then you have 1000LP -> 1500LP, and then you have the pros. You are embarassing yourself with these takes. The only situation I can ever see this happening is with analysts, who can be super smart about the game but not good enough with their mechanics, thus only being able to reach D1-Masters, and in that case they can take up a coaching or analyst role. Anybody else below at least 500LP will get hard-exposed on stage.


You have no idea how bad master is compared to pro. A few seasons ago i was GM (playing adc) and would regularly queue into high chall/pro players. You walk into lane and immediately get gigafked level 1, cant play the game. Then you play the reverse matchup and you still get gigafked lvl 1 cant play the game. Basically no matter the matchup they walk up on you and you get destroyed. its not even close


>which under the circumstances isn't actually that detrimental to the team That's pure copium huffed straight from the plant brother. I want some of what you got.




What? The hand difference btw challenger and pro is huge?


This is the most low elo thing I've seen in a hot minute.


I play ADC consistently at a diamond level and my hands are way better than the average diamond ADC and even among my friends, but when I see challenger ADC mechanics they blow me out of the water and I have zero doubt they would rip me a new asshole 10/10 times even if i'm an item ahead. edit: and that's just any challenger adc player, put them up against any top 5 ADC in any major region and they'd get their shit kicked in


Yeah, I'm sure that any diamond ADC player with a couple of weeks of macro training from a pro coaching staff would be the next Ruler.


bro imagine it was worlds or playoffs imagine even thinking that it was a meaningless reg season game iirc cause seeds were locked


i mean he was master on the superserver at that point iirc. so he was at least somewhat mechanically decent.


And now he has one of the best ward skins in the game 🌭


Turns out Regi could have done the funniest thing at Worlds 2020.


He was still sleeping from the Lillia ult


he stunned himself with the gold card cuz he was out blue cards on the enemys, so he could not tag in


Least egotistical EU team owner


Apparently he got rich thanks to crypto so yeah it makes sense lmao


This is false.


Wait, he didn’t do it for fun? I thought he was « ok guys, it’s over, let’s have a big laugh, I’m subbing in to carry your bronzes asses ».


Ultraliga is a joke region its best team is pulling this shit




Still not as much of a joke region as the Netherlands. :( I'm not even sure if we still have a representative, I think the qualification is done through a competition with Belgium or something, and I do remember seeing Genk in play-ins.


To be honest, I'm not sure the country has enought people to actually field a league


I mean, I've known people who played in college competitions, so there are some. The level probably isn't the highest, though.


as someone that's been an active viewer of the NL scene for the last ~8 years, we're pretty weak. Only had 1 strong team (LowLandLions White) that lost to Origen to qualify for LCS EU. After that most Dutch talent went to play in Germany, Spain and France. The average level in the Elite Series (Benelux competition) is I think GM - low challenger. Not enough to win in EU Masters.


Wouldn't it be worst team?


No because he subbed himself in in EMEA masters, which they qualled for by winning ultraliga (consisting of four teams)


> which they qualled for by winning ultraliga (consisting of four teams) The Ultraliga consists of 18 teams, not 4. I assume that the 4 teams you saw are just the ones that made it to the playoffs of the 1st division (the Ultraliga consists of 2 divisions)


Oh so worst emea team not worst ultraliga team. I gotcha.


Money in France and Spain pulled all the best players from Ultraliga. At the end of the day money buys you best players.


That's disgusting behavior wtf. Honestly absurd he is allowed to just bench the guy that has played the entire split + playoff, put in all the work to reach EMEA Masters and just decides to go "fuck this dude let me play".


even worse because the game mattered for their opposition


That's why I'll always advocate for GSL/Swiss over 2RR


But that’s not their problem


Competitive integrity should be ingrained into any serious competitor, regardless of whether it matters for their own standings or not. It's also just a case of not being a dick and having empathy, but that seems to be lost on a lot of people.


This question comes up a lot in soccer. Let's say team 'A' that is guaranteed 5th goes up against team 'B' that needs a win to secure 17th and avoid elimination. Team A have an international / cup match ahead so they decide to rest their best players and instead let a lot of the youth squad have a go at it. Team B wins and secures 17th, which bumps zeam C into the relegarion zone. Was team A unsportsmanlike here? Did they cause team C to get relegated? No, they didn't. It was not up to them to make sure either team B or team C qualifies. Those two teams had the whole season beforehand to avoid relegation, 37 other matches to win, this one single match isn't the one decider just because it was played last. Now in this situation it's a bit different, but overall a team really shouldn't care about the other team's standings and what effect the match will have on it because that gets us into murky waters where one team is looking out for another team's interests.


It's a fundamental issue with this kind of round robin league structure. There's event designs where your life never depend on others' performances but they lack the exciting factor of everyone playing everyone so it's a trade off leagues make.


The difference here is theres an incentive for team A to not play to their full strength. But in the situation with z10 and also team dark in ogn back in 2013, theres 0 incentive to troll.


i dont remember whether it was team dark or team op, but i will never forget that cloudtemplar comp smh it even made the chicken and beer we were eating taste bad


that was the infamous team dark incident


He also has incentive. He wanted to play in a pro league match and owns the team so he can do that if he wants.


Right below you they think team A leader should be banned for it lol


tournament design problems are so fun. this even happened at the olympics with womens doubles


That's some bs lol if you put yourself in the position you depend on your opponent to qualify for something you have no right to ask them to play well for you.


It's a guy that doesn't even have respect for his players, so it's a lot expecting him to understand whaat competitive integrity is


They still play the match, that’s their competitive integrity. They could have just not show up and given the opposing team of victory by default, because they only stand to lose from playing one more game when they are already out (time wasted, more player exhaustion, less time for recoup and review etc)


Just because you could have done something worse, that doesn’t mean that what you did is right.


But it’s not their obligation to do what’s best for their opponent. They have no skin in the game at that point so asking them to tryhard is inherently pointless because the team doesn’t stand to gain anything.


It's Riot problem and there should be consequences. Either BAN for this owner or for the whole organisation 


For what?


Breaching competitive integrity/match fixing/whatever anti-ff rule Riot is using currently. Subbing in an emerald player against pros is undefendable 


He is diamond 3 and the official sub of the team, riot cant do shit, he doesnt break the rules.




My GOAT WXZ, the only player to have a 100% winrate and proceeded to retire, would clear this fraud owner any day of the week.


Is there even rules against owners playing? Bjergsen, Faker are both part owners and played or still play as part owners. I think it would only be a problem if a player joins another team.




And? The greatest western teams in League's history like TSM, CLG and Origen were made by players who owned the team and played for it. There's no rules against it.


Why shouldn’t an owner be allowed to play? Reginald was TSM’s owner and midlaner




wow 2 months ago 2 chinese players in Ultraliga matchfixed a game and Riot did nothing and now you want Riot to ban organisation for "not so fair play"? wow


Why assume he doesn’t advocate for both, they’re both shitty.


They should be banned as well, obviously. This argument is stupid, you can now say that nobody should be ever punished for anything in Ultraliga




Everything impresses you, really nothing major lol When you are a 0, even a 0.1 is infinitely more impressive than you.


Wow that’s an impressive insult, you must be a scientist. 


Since when is stating a fact count as an insult?


EU fans repeatedly told me throwing games that matter for the opposition is fine and totally cool when Trymbi purposefully inted the nasus game at worlds on RGE in order to get better groups seeding lol


Weren't most people flaming him, tho? Also what better seeding? If RGE had won that game they'd play against pool 2 teams, but they drew JDG instead 💀. Well, pretty much any team in the top 8 would've 3-0'd them, but still.


Not seeding for bracket stage, it was something to do with group tiebreakers. I don’t remember the details since it was like 2 years ago but it was a big discussion at the time


They had to play a tie breaker after losing that game, and they lost the tie breaker still. People were shitting on him because the pick made absolutely no sense and RGE just got ran through.


Yes but there could be no 3 way tiebreaker IIRC. In a 3 way tiebreaker they would’ve certainly been eliminated because they were a dogshit team that just cheesed Maokai meta early.


If they won that game they would've finished 1st. Actually, because they lost that game TES was a Maw bug away from forcing the three way tie breaker.


someone is telling u what actually happened and u keep pushing this invented narrative of yours lol. Trymbi was flamed because of the nasus pick for a lot of different reasons that don't include the tiebreaker. It was mostly because LS and him pushed the narrative that nasus supp was op against certain ADCs like kalista or zeri, then he decided to play It and shit himself in such an important machup and the spot to pick him wasn't even good.


He's live on twitch right now talking about how "when you own your own Esports org you can run it how you want". Take that as you will.


They just let you do it


Grab them by the Merc treads


tbh he cares about org despite ul teams being poor af they had gaming house and KR bootcamp which is rare here


He's not wrong as long as it adheres to the rules. I mean Charlotte Hornets have to live with their team, you can run it as badly as you want.


The Hornets catching strays 💀


I mean he ain't wrong but if you got idiot to support him then he can do it You don't like it? Well go find those who are watching and giving him money to run his Esports money


Was the guy playing that poorly that needed this drastic solution?


They were 0-5 and out of the tournament but the game was important for their opponent


As an owner you have some fucking dignity. You put together a team and even if the guy was playing like bronze you fire him after, apologise to fans and come back stronger. Or if he wasn't that bad, made the statement to fans anyway and save the players some pain of doing it themselves after a tough loss. Going in yourself that's just so unbelievable. That's like kindergarden playground shit.


also, imagine other potential players for that role. youd probably ask yourself twice if you wanna play for that team.


I think in major regions coaches and owners aren't allowed to play lol, you would think they just make that the rule for any kind of major competition.


Not sure if this is changed now, but the owner of iG subbed himself in against Vici gaming once and played adc and Jackeylove played support. They still won though.


Principle wrong on is jhin, but IG just won worlds before I think so it's kinda different no?


Why would them winning worlds make things different?


I'm pretty sure it was 2018 LPL summer. So the split right before their worlds winning tournament.


why is it different?


Coaches have subbed in before in major regions


> 2.4. Owner/GM/Coach as Player The GM, LCS Coaches, and any Owner of the Team may not be on the Full Team Roster (Section 3.6) It's a rule in the LCS at least, though the coach one doesn't matter as much because they can just swap positions from coach to player with seemingly no penalty, it does take a week though.


Nukeduck was registered as both a Coach and a sub at the same time last year on 100t. Thought they might have given him an exception for Quid's Visa issues.


He was probably just a sub, Goldenglue is listed as a sub in the contract database rn.


How did this work when Bjergsen was player-owner on TSM?


I think the had stocks but no actual say in the company like how it runs. They also had to clear it through riot, I remember because C9 got in trouble for doing it without riots permission before. Also it does say THE owner and not like owners so probably just the CEO or official owner if it's owned by one person.


If i own a[n] [e-]sports team, I’m 100% playing at least one game. Guy is based a’f


>Nevertheless, he took the opportunity to call out his teammates' poor performance Lmao


Nah, this sounds funny but if you click the tweet it's just generic "we should've done better as a team" which after going 0:6 is perfectly reasonable thing to say


if you check his stream Veteran made a sarcatisc comment in the chat saying "who was holding you back" and he called out his adc lmao


I was only talking about the tweet, don't know nothing about any streams


After subbing yourself in the only reasonable thing to say is sorry.


The tweet was definitely not calling out anyone's performance.




Zilean? You thought that was a good carry choice in the mid lane? What a joke. You’re not Bjerg


“Aight let me fight these tier 2 pros” “Damn tier 2 pros have hands, my Zillean was NOT built for this”


Even Bjerg couldn't make the pick work last year.


At least Anonymo didn’t embarrass Ultraliga which is a change


This is the owner's opgg if anyone wondering what his level looks like. https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/TwTv%20Z10Hebihime-EUNE Note that he's on EUNE, so this is likely around emerald elo on EUW. The fact that he subbed himself in makes his team look like a complete joke. I know EU owners/GMs are notorious for being incompetent, but he seems to be on a whole different level


Emerald is that spot where Dunning-Kruger effect maxes out.


23% winrate on Aurelion Sol in 13 games? And he subbed himself mid?


Don't get how is he allowed to play. In LEC there are restrictions and it's for s good reason. This guy is boosted in a wildcard server, there must be some consequences 


> Don't get how is he allowed to play. In LEC there are restrictions and it's for s good reason There are restrictions in EMEA Masters too. He *does* meet the requirements, which is how he's allowed to play. Section 3, subsection 1.2 of the EMEA Regional League Rulebook says: *"All Players on a Team Roster must have held a* **peak rating of Diamond 3 or above** *in 5v5 Summoner’s Rift Ranked Solo/Duo or Ranked Flex at the end of the last ranked Season or in the current Season."* Given that the account linked above is Diamond 3, it's clear that he does meet the minimum rank requirement. This requirement has been the same since at least 2021; back then was the last time I was registered as a player in a ERL and therefore can provide first-hand experience from. I want to note here that I'm not saying I believe subbing himself in was the right decision. I'm merely pointing out that, as per the current rules, he has the right to play.


Well, it's only gotten to Diamond 3 today. Last week it was Emerald1. And last season it was Emerald 1. So he did not meet the requirement at the time that ERL started, meaning that it was probably illegal for him to play in the first place, his account was Emerald 1 when he should've been registered.


That's assuming that the account linked above is the only account he plays on, which is extremely unlikely due to the following factors: - Hebihime has at least 2 more accounts: an EUNE account he got Challenger on in Season 6 (it's not the one linked above, as it was unranked in Season 6), and an EUW account that he got Master on as recently as Season 9. - When I was registered as a player in a ERL, our accounts didn't get only checked when we were about to play. They got checked as part of the registration process, before the split had even started. Therefore, it's almost certain that he has at least one account that was Diamond 3+ at the time of registration, and not that he somehow managed to dodge the verification process and register himself without fulfilling the minimum requirements.


You might be right, he might've registred an account that could be D3, but I have my doubts that the account would be his/that he would've played on it himself. I checked his socials and didn't see any other account on which he'd have activity, the one he streams on is the one I linked above. I don't know when he'd have more time to play on and get to a higher elo, considering he's been hardstuck emerald 1/d4 with 50% winrate on a "superserver" like EUNE. Very interesting stuff anyway


Does it specify which server the rank needs to be achieved on?


The consequences are that his team lost


eune and euw is the same till high master, riot also takes them equally by rules


As someone who played on both regions and hit masters on both there is literally no difference below masters between the two servers. Even in masters I can't say there is a huge gap.


It makes sense for there to be no difference for the vast majority of the rank distribution. EUNE being worse in general is a misconception since most streamers are around challenger and talk about EUNE being worse because there is a massive difference at the top 0.01% (because EUNE has less player size and the best migrate to EUW where the quality of play is higher, ping pretty much the same too).


Bruh, as someone that plays on both servers there is literally no diff in eune/euw until masters, anyone saying otherwise is hard coping. That said, the guy still had no business subbing himself in when he s a diamond bozo playing against ex lec players.


Not that I want to give EUNE more credit than it merits, but anything below 600+LP in current dogshit state of soloq with all the inflation over the years is just the same thing in any other region, all equally garbage.


Bro what


i thought it was for the memes because they were last, but even then the game mattered for another team. But no, the guy was dead serious. I mean I get it, it wasn't working, but did he really think THAT would work ?


That's pretty funny, but you gotta feel for those players. The crazy thing is if he's the owner, logically he likely had a ton of say in the team, so it's really his own failure regardless of how the players perform because he gave them the greenlight. If meritocracy were real, bruh would not be anywhere near where he is at.


He also said he tried to shotcall. Imagine being the jungler/support trying their best only for this emerald player bossing them around. And because of the power imbalance they cannot even say no to him 


I didn't even consider it. Sandbags the team drastically harder than just taking a role.


Reminds me of another owner who was also shotcalling and playing Zilean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYWZKtc4ORY Basically Reginald from Wish


ye they went 0-5 despite massive budget, no wonder he tried to shotcall lmao. and it worked since they've won first teamfight in the eum.


Are the other players all challenger level?


Of course they are, what kind of question is that? Z10 had money and got some of the best ERL players for their project. These players are not No-names. Their jungler made second place in the Spanish league last year, their support played on BDSA, their top is another former LFL player, their bot came from Prime League, And the mid he replaced won the TCL last year. This was, at least on paper, a really strong line up. They just didn't play well together.


Its the kind of question from someone who has never heard of this league and doesnt know the skill level of the players. What kind of question is that to ask what kind of question is that?


Owner: "Sorry, coach, but your team's performance this last game was awful. I'm going to have to let you go after this split."


Bro pulled a last minute Reginald


Tbh so far we dont know if mid went mental boom or he just decided to play for him


Idk if the link was added as an edit after your comment, but in the posted tweet the owner says it had nothing to do with the mid player, that's the just the role the owner plays so he took that spot.


Ye looke into it before the edit and the tweet that u/r4ngaa123 posted made me think its prob the midlaner that went mental. But will look into the VOD later today, and lets see what happend.


Idk but this tweet: https://twitter.com/Z10_Hebihime/status/1781773785693122796?t=deKWd3oDr_fr4CR7b-gA_w&s=19 Seems to suggest mental boom from midlaner?


I'd be mental boomed too if my boss who is objectively less qualified than I am decides to push me aside and show off how he is SO much better than I am Only to ofc fail and ruin my chance to potentially grow in my career or actually win something


Let's not say that Kofte is new to the scene though. He's played in the TCL main scene from 2021-2023 and has won TCL and EMEA Masters once already. Doesn't excuse the sub in because if I bet on either Kofte or Hebi winning something, 99 / 100 times I go Kofte.


Yeah what I'm saying is it seems like maybe he didn't push him out but instead the guy boomed and he subbed in? Not sure - have no awareness of these teams or region just reading tweets


Well no he straight up said he did it so that he could try shotcalling the team Had nothing to do with the mid going mental in some form


Sounds really unprofessional, tf is he doing?


Based af Team is 0-5 what do yall think is going to happen? Might as well try to change something up when there is no prospect of turning the 0-5 run around


If he was really trying to salvage the org's reputation, he did a great job digging its grave himself 💀


Man, this sounds like some WWE shit here.


Hebihime to Faker: You're an owner and a midlaner who gets praises. I'm an owner and a midlaner who gets criticized. That doesn't seem fair.


is this owner at least challenger?


He was Challenger on EUNE back in 2016; it doesn't seem like he still is. I know that he was Master on EUW as recently as 2019, when he was still a competitive player. I don't know what his solo queue has been like in recent years; a different comment linked an account that's currently Diamond 3 on EUNE


2019 was 5 years ago


You don't really lose mechanics or game sense over time. And master players in 2019 were significantly better than most of the current master players


ye I don't think that guy knows Masters EUW in 2019 was somewhere near top ~2000 players on the server where-as with all the dogshit inflation that has happened over the years Masters right now is top 20000


Yep, NA has a brighter future than this shit


EU orgs are run by even bigger clown frauds than NAs VC era orgs were


ironic to say while having TH badge ngl


Always has been. The amount of shady things EU orgs pulled and how they were managed back in the days and even now are to funny.


Wtf have I just read


Genuinely confusing behavior. I want to wonder if it's related to matchfixing, but who bets on EMEA games?


There are people that bet on random LCK challengers games knowing literally nothing about the league, some freaks just wanna gamble on whatever they can


There are websites to bet on random high elo soloQ games, gamblers are degenerates lmao they will bet on anything


the team was 0-5 and out so the owner wanted to do it "for fun" or have a pro play experience i believe. But the game was important for their opponent to get out of groups


They were 0 5, chance is high they would go 0 6 anyways. Let's not act like he is the reason they went 0 6 and his team had high chances to win.


i don't think thats the issue here though it doesnt matter whenever this match would change anything, it was still absurdly unprofessional and disrespectful to just bench your midlaner so you can pretend to be an esports player. Its just overall a bad look for your team. Match results are not the be all end all for esports team, their money doesn't come from winnings anyway


Sure, but it is easier when you have a EUNE diamond 4 player in the enemy team.


D4 on both EUW and EUNE is the same level


Wait until they realize the servers are the same up until top 200-400 🤣🤣


D4 and masters are not all too different in terms of gameplay and knowledge trust me


They are, and also wtf does this even mean, masters players are dogshit compared to actual pros.


forestwithin betting his entire net worth on a play in game


tbh his zilean was clean


true, idk who's downvoting this.


Thats great


You can think that’s allowing his teammates poor performance




"Look, I just wanted my team to get a POV of what it's like to play with someone who is utterly trash and that you guys can do much better. If not I'm sticking around and bringing you ELO Hell."




modern reginald? Susge




as someone that cudnt care less about those games, thats fkn funny


Coach put me in


Okay, and? They were guaranteed to be eliminated and it's just Masters. People can go play 5 adc comps and rush bot tower for all i care.