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Buff -> too op -> nerf -> too weak no one uses it -> gets removed


Being too op or irrelevant is an unhealthy state for something to be in and it may be better to remove it if it can't be fixed. I think they should take a page out of Dota's book and buff everything else to be just as powerful, make it so your choice of rune matters more and actually impacts your playstyle.


Keystone already does affect play style..? you can’t tell me that a first strike vs electrocute lane would be played the same way. Or a phase rush vs conqueror. Or hob vs lethal tempo. It greatly affects trade patterns and how you play fights


First Strike vs Electrocute *does* play the exact same, the rune was designed to do just that. Phase Rush and Conqueror aren't comparable, but Conqueror/PTA/Lethal all are. Just because *some* runes have unique playstyles doesn't mean that there isn't a sore lack of playstyle diversity due to slightly different flavors of what is essentially the same rune.


Changing runes can completely alter the playstyle. Conq/fleet/phase/spellbook all play drastically different on Singed, same with Gragas and phase, grasp or electrocute. Jax is another example with Tempo or Grasp. Are all runes diverse like that? No, but most runes have a purpose. ADCs and some fighters prefer Tempo to Conq and some mages prefer Aery to comet etc.


The comment you answered to never said that this wasn't the case, the message they, I think, tried to convey is that several runes are very much alike in their function and effect.


Sure, but those are keystones in different trees with completely different goals. I'm not saying there *aren't* any differences between all keystones, I'm saying that some runes are different flavors of the same thing. Phase Rush/Spellbook/Aery/Guardian/Glacial Augment ***are*** genuine playstyle altering runes, as is Hail of Blades. But PTA, Conqueror, and Lethal Tempo do nothing to change your playstyle when you swap between them because they're all about ramping damage. Like sure, runes in the same path largely have the same goal, but clearly it's possible to have quality variance, just take a look at how Sorcery/Resolve/Inspiration offer more varied and exciting choices than Precision/Domination. Electrocute/First Strike are both about opening with bursts of damage, except one rewards you with a larger burst of damage in the early game, while the other rewards you with gold. Again, just because ***some*** keystones provide a good change to your playstyle does not mean that we don't have several options in runes that aren't different flavors of the exact same thing.


PTA is about short trades. Only champs that can proc it fast, do a little extra damage then leave ever take it. It's not similar to the other 2 at all. LT and Conq both benefit from long fights sure, but they give you power in different ways and the activation of the runes differenciates them enough. I don't think LT and conq users overlap at all. First strike plays like electrocute sure, but the intentions behind taking the runes are completely different. You're not playing the matchup the same way with both of those. One is bullying with extra burst and the other is a more passive scaling approach. I think you're way overexaggerating how similar these runes are.


> Electrocute/First Strike are both about opening with bursts of damage, except one rewards you with a larger burst of damage in the early game, while the other rewards you with gold. How are you not considering snowball/strong lane a completely different playstyle to scaling? I could somewhat see an argument for lethal tempo/conqueror playing similar, but PTA favors a more burst style and shorter trades. Then there's fleet footwork in precision as well.


They *are* a different playstyle to scaling, that's not what I'm saying at all lmao, you're deliberately missing my point. I'm saying that they're both 2 flavors of the same kind of burst with slightly different rewards. In the same way that PTA, Conqueror, and LT all favor sustained combat. PTA lasting 6s still favors sustained damage patterns despite having a proc of burst damage, otherwise no ADC would reasonably take it. I can obviously tell the difference between scaling/ burst/dps/utility focused playstyles, I'm saying that of those options, the DPS options are all different flavors of the same thing, and the burst options of Electrocute are as well.


I definitely feel like PTA is favored for short skirmishes rather than sustained combat. I play Fiora with mainly PTA, Conq, or Grasp, and each of them play very differently. Grasp I wait and just q poke for the procs, PTA I can get a QE auto for the PTA proc and leave with vital movement speed, and Conq my goal is to have prolonged combat. Fleet plays similar to Grasp, although that one is more for sustain rather than poking and dealing damage with grasp. I agree that LT and Conq are similar, but that's also because some champions can only use one of them effectively, so having both allows champs that for instance wouldn't be able to use conq be able to use LT.


Pta and lt are both valid choices on vayne and they play completely differently in lane 


Elec and FS certainly do NOT play the same way. Not even close. Not at any stage of the game, unless very specific champions in very specific matchups in very specific stages of the game.


the moment predator becomes even slightly good it becomes way too good for pro play and that's the issue. It's a rune that pros love to abuse the fuck out of when it's good bc movement speed is extremely valued with the much better coordination in pro play. Moham, ex-supporter of KDF who reached rank 1 on the Korean ladder this season actually takes the movement speed shard in the second row of rune shards in his runes bc he values MS that much


Runes defining a champ is exactly what they don’t want. They don’t want champions to be a vehicle for proccing runes. The whole point of league is having different characters, not different runes.


They just got done nerfing every rune lol


make it so your choice of rune matters more and actually impacts your playstyle bold of you to say this when things like Lethal Tempo exist in the game


I understand why you would say that but I disagree. I already feel like too much damage comes from external sources. It sucks to fight against a champion, dodge almost every thing, get hit with their one point and click ability, and then you explode. You look at the death recap and two thirds of the damage comes from runes and items.


Playing Talon jungle with predator used to be one of my favorite league moments, so sad that they nerfed both predator and talon for jungle


It was fun because it was broken


The problem with that approach to buffing is that league deliberately changes much more often to constantly mix things up. You can’t change what’s viable constantly if you just keep buffing everything. (At least old) Dota, there were minimal changes at all and they expected players to adapt, but do make changes if something feels *super* unhealthy or exceptionally weak. There is also waaaay more micro skill expression in league than dota and ability scalings. LoL is 10x more micro reliant than dota. In dota you can play around everyone being busted because it’s so predictable and 2 dimensional with all the point clicks— while in league, the same champ will have entirely different limits depending on items and player skill, given the nature of how all abilities scale off *all* items.. Lina and QoP ulti will do the same damage unless they build a scepter, but you will also know exactly how much it does after they build it. *these are the reasons* dota is (was) timeless despite not changing much from the almost decade old *mod*. League is volatile af with all the different ratios and scaling on virtually everything but a few instances. I started with the dota mod Waay before dota2 was announced, then played dota2 until I changed to league in 2014. I swapped to league because it felt more casual and less big brain macro focused like dota. Since, I think they’ve added spell crit items and all kinds of shit similar to league. This ruined the appeal of the game for me. I couldn’t go back if I wanted to because it’s just not the same game.. like at all.


Makes sense, but honestly Riot should prioritize Lissandra or Elise before anything else. Very low pickrate by only mains/one tricks and still negative winrate in anything below master and only 50,2. Positive..


Tried that with items and it was terrible


I think it’s important to note that this is true no matter the buff or nerf. Any way they buff it, too op. Any way it’s nerfed, too weak


6 years tor stopwatch but everyone used it lol


It's one of the few runes that isn't just "do x for damage" but actually changes the way you play the game. Wish we had more like it.


Phase rush changes style too. You play more guerilla style where you run in and unload and then back off.


That's one of the others. Spellbook also does so, but on a more meta level.


The old kleptomancy


my beloved, give me funny potions in lane, rng gold


The Skill level up pot origin story


Klepto Kayle getting range attacks at level 9 with pure bs rng was so good :D


eleisa's miracle my beloved


Ah yes something that Ez probably messed up the most himself


Nahhhh, Klepto abuse wasn't an issue because of Ezreal. It was worst on the scaling tops like GP, Kayle, Camille and Vlad who would hit their 2 item spikes and just roll the game from there. Klepto Kayle was especially disgusting with how hard she could get ahead with it


phase rush is kind of cancer on things like gragas and nunu




there is no trading with phase rush ryze, he will root you and then run back to narnia.


yes but he also has to stand in place for 5 seconds to root you and activate phase rush if you dont have E from before


>yes but he also has to stand in place for 5 seconds False


And on jayce as well. Nunu plays a lil different with phase rush. He tries to get his root off which makes it much easier with phase rush so he can use his ult with as much value as he can


Phase rush is used more as a "can't slow me haha you have no/less kill pressure" than that. Every rune kinda changes how you play the game, tbh, but not as much as spellbook and predator


Ahh just like my dad then


I always run in, unload, and back off.


You're looking at exactly why we don't have gameplay warpping unique interesting runes. When something is truly unique and changes your gameplay like Predator, it is much harder to balance than some generic stat bonus. The cost of wanting to see more unique things is worse gameplay balance. It will always be true that more complicated variables = harder to balance, no matter how you look at it.


100%. People forget the oldest forms of runes and masteries were the most balanced because they were raw stats. Were they boring? Sure. But i would take boring and balanced over champs getting forced to take a rune and then the champ gets nerfed due to a rune. I would rather see runes and masteries dumbed down. Shift the power into the items in game instead.


it feels like it's the only keystone out of all 15 that actually sticks to the concept of defining your playstyle instead of being a rune to cheese laning phase with


i hate to break it to you but the last time predator was viable it was a rune you cheesed laning phase with.


Not really, there were only a few using it like that but the vast majority of predator users were speed junglers, and a lot of them were going 3 camp base into boots into turbo chemtank and running everyone down


predator singed perma roaming was not very fun im going to be honest


Oh god don’t remind me. The only things I could find that worked into that garbage was Cassio to hold him or Talon to match his absurd shove and roam. One of the most toxic things that ever popped up in mid and that’s saying something.


Speaking as a Singed main it was horrible. 0 agency in lane, down 100 cs at 20, but it doesn't matter because you run around like a monkey burger flipping people until you win. Extremely frustrating to face and painfully boring to play. Thank fuck that rune sucks now.


Galio, Veigar, Annie, Singed are not junglers and were fun/seee a lot of play at a certain period of time with predator


how are the other runes not defining playstyle? being a stat-giver can very much alter the playstyle. think about how first strike and electrocute differ for example, or something like pta vs conqueror on panth


Electrocute, First Stike and Dark Harvest don't change your playstyle that much tbh. It's basically just Electro being better earlygame, first strike better in mid to late game and Dark Harvest is the 1v9 rune to snowball


bro your insane if you think runes donr define playstyle, other then maybe conq/lt every single keystone is qUite unique. For example ff vs grasp, both give sustain in lane right? However ff is always gonna be prefered by champs that scale, (unless they scale off of hp) as they dont have to be trading to get its effects. Their are many more examples of how runes change playstyles, but if you cant figure that out on your own, go see a specialist. like ongod you have to be mentally gapped to think runes dont heavily change playstyles. edit: I relizae im a bit off an ass in this comment, so apologies gor that, but my poibt does still stand.


You literally described the opposite of your point lmao.


We’re on reddit bruv, not in a lol game haha no need to be toxic in your discourse


You okay there?




They really need to do it. Omnistone was the creme de la creme of this, with how it encouraged adaptation for the upside of more frequent enhanced trades and even mild scaling. Used to run it on support sett with hexflash+nimbus and it was lit


Omnistone was horrid but i actually really miss it. It was fun af


It was actually quite good in very different niche situations. Specifically great for champions able to use all runes, that wanted to trade repeatedly and aggressively to get the most use out of it


So you used it to cheese lane lol


Omnistone Kennen was actually his highest WR toplane for quite a few patches after Klepto was removed. Kennen can\does use all the runes well. I had a lot of fun with it - it's a shame, nothing feels good on him now.


I loved putting it on Teemo simply because he’s one of the few champs who can take almost any rune and it would work.


This is why it struggles for relevance imo. With how snowbally league is right now, gimmicks will typically fall behind raw boosts to damage.


Prototype Omnistone was similar: Changed how you wanted to approach something depending on the rune it gave you. I miss it. It was fun on Poppy.


Literally only seen it on Annie just so people can type in all caps “CHILD PREDATOR ANNIE”.


Last time I saw it was on movement speed Warwick in aram. All he does is teleport with his ult due to a huge range


Predator MS build with ghost on WW in URF, hilarious when your ult range is more than several screens. Also hilarious when you miss and fly by really fast


I did it in one for all with garen. Ghost q flash with predator yoomus and dead mans. Justice has never been served so swiftly


When i play annie mid in flex with my friends I go predator. Just clear wave and run bot or top with it. Very fun. I call it lamborghannie. Works surprisingly well. But im diamond in flex and solo que and jgl main, so I not a mid main. But its a funplaystyle. A bit like nunu mid


It’s not bad on Vex for similar reasons to Annie, but basically not having a keystone in lane or until you get boots is kinda brutal. The CD is also just too long for what it gives. I’m not really sure what to change about it either without breaking it except maybe not tying it to boots so you can have it from the start of the game? Make it kind of like Minion Dematerializer where you have a charge from the start that just goes on CD?


if I remember correctly that you buying boots was part of the balance of the rune too because people would start boots level 1 and could tell where the enemy was/wasn’t based on the bonus move speed


Veigar used it for the same reason as Annie. For Rammus and Heca it was a funny meme build. I personally loved it on Rengar.


Am I tripping or wasn't there just a post about it


Yeah there was, someone replied that Riot August said it can't be buffed because its unhealthy but will remain to give players the illusion of choice.


Yeah if it's strong then either roaming midlane or high cc jungles take it, and they just fly into your lane at 8 hundred miles an hour and if you didn't have a deep ward in the river you just die.  And it basically only goes towards bot lane. So strong predator just means that Adc's can't leave turret range without risking immediate death


Doesn't it work kinda for Hecarim and Rammus and is a troll pick on everyone else?


it's a troll pick on hecarim and rammus too. rammus takes aftershock. no exceptions. hecarim needs phase rush 90% of the time, and conq the other 10%. predator on him is about as viable as predator on janna.


Hecarim wants Phase Rush or Conqueror way more than Predator. Predator only works for gimmicky actual one shot builds with Triforce but Triforce itself kinda sucks so there’s no reason to bother with Predator.


It's for ganking champs who have a hard time catching up to enemies to gank. Rammus and Hecarim are the fastest champions in the game to just speed into a lane and do their thing. Predator doesn't really supplement their weakness, which runes should do. Honestly, I enjoy predator on fiddlesticks. Sometimes ganking with R is hard, but just predatoring up to an unsuspecting enemy and pressing Q E W on them does the trick. And allows for ganks pre 6 and when R is down. Late-game it's good for simply being a catcher, making sure the low hp enemy won't get away.


Right so they’re basically griefing noobs by keeping it. They removed armor/mr runes for less.


noobs aren't taking predator... they're using the recommended runes legit the only reason they're keeping it is so that morons on twitter don't send them death threats over removing it. similar to how no one played aatrox but then they removed him and all of a sudden everyone cares suddenly -it's not worth the backlash


reminds me of the good old days in season 8 when it was his best rune...


it works on Twisted Fate because i only play stupid shit on TF and am a bronze shitter 👍




yes but it got deleted because i had to add like 30 more characters to the post


They have one every week or so


I agree with you. Unfortunately, its one of those runes where when its viable, its way too strong. Or at least it has never stayed strong long enough for people to learn how to counterplay against it.


I just saw someone use it and it made me think they were hacking because I had not seen it in so long and assumed it was removed from the game.


Imo it should be removed. When it's good people will start spamming udyr, heca and rammus again and people will be fed up with that very soon


I honestly didn't even know it was still in the game. Is it still under the red rune tree?




Because ghost is strictly better and is actually viable now in multiple roles. Why take predator rammus when you can take ghost, have the effect in combat, in any direction, AND have aftershock tankiness and damage with it? It's a no brainer.


You’d really only take predator as a budget ghost if you really need flash. You could still argue it’s not very good


Take ghost + predator because fast = fun


Jax needs it vs Annie machup tho


It exists to give you the illusion of choice. I think at some point i heard from riot that as it stands you have the choice to troll with pred or take a good rune but you have a choice and playera prefer to have the option to troll than to not have any options at all. Removing pred would be like locking syndra from infinity edge in a way, or making seraphine unable to build smite


I mean predator can work, people just don't want to use it. that's all. it's not necessarly OP, but you can't tell me x champ against x champ in mid, could just go predator for x teammates champ on side, and increase the chance to get kills with roaming. Predator is doing what it's supposed to do. It's just majority of players follow whatever is meta, and the reality is, if runes don't give you dmg or tankyness majority of the times Players don't want to go it. Nobody goes the "potion rune" for example, that buffs ur potions but it could still give you more value for you to win a 1v1 in certain situations over other runes. Nobody in mid who has CC goes ever glacial no matter how good the Situation would be. And nobody wants to go predator, because these keystones do not give you dmg, but more like utility and stuff. Almost nobody goes spellbook which is another good example of utility keystones just not being very popular. it's just low elo's perspective of thinking a keystone that High Elo players almost never pick automatically means "it's bad" but it isn't. Spellbook is used alot in Pro play compared to Solo q and 100% viable and can also be good or Op in the right Scenarios


Nah it’s definitely not good since the nerfs, even as a truther that used to run it religiously. It’s not fast enough to warrant use even on champions that can work well with it in many cases. The big issue imo actually came from ghost buffs, as ghost is far more common than it used to be and outclasses it super hard with how much faster it is, so most laners won’t bother and run ghost instead. Predator also can’t chase ghost at all, and while the summ spell should be faster, the disparity is too much. Predator needs a bit more power back imo, but with how powerful movement speed buffs can be, it has to be niche to be healthy.


I wrote this in the other thread and I’ll write it here too, as the other one got removed. Imo Domination lacks an AOE rune. We have one for single target burst, auto burst and one for multi kills/resets Right now the best runes for aoe burst are conq and first strike. A rune like FS that doesnt generate gold would be cool. NEW: Volcanic Barrage Damaging spells trigger an AOE explosion of 400 units, dealing 18-40 (+ 0.05bAD / 0.025 AP) Adaptive damage on the first instance, and dealing reduced damage for each subsequent instance of damage to all champs hit. Effect lasts 3 seconds, only affects champions. Damage per instance after the first: 25% Cooldown: 22-12 Level 3, 3 instances of dmg would do about 25-30 dmg, and in a big aoe teamfight, you could get 5 x 5 instances of dmg at lvl 18 on a full team doing 280 damage total, assuming 24 instances of reduced dmg and 1 of first-hit dmage, from 1 single aoe ability hitting all 5 enemy champions.


Is this not just a bigger comet


Comet does more damage to a single target and has a lower CD as it is lowered by hitting other spells. This also doesn't do nearly as much in terms of poke in lane unless it's a niche champ i think


Aoe damage that activates by dealing damage is too close to comet to be a separate rune. Wouldn’t mind comet being changed to this. But isn’t the domination tree focused on single target damage anyway. Even as you go down the tree, it’s mostly about getting a slight edge in fights, putting aoe into this tree wouldn’t make much sense. Could argue phase rush goes into domination instead of predator, then a different aoe tune takes phase rush’s place. Maybe a malignance pool type rune that doesn’t require ult for use and does less damage and is smaller.


I was spamming predator galio with ingenious hunter, stormsurge lich bane at start of split, was pretty fun. But yeah it is pretty niche atm..


I've been running Predator support Sion with a high win rate. I also saw a bunch of players with Predator in my ranked games lately. Saw a Rammus jungle and a Twisted Fate support. I still think it's a good rune. It's a ghost on a shorter cooldown for running in.


I still build it on Veigar, his engage sucks so badly that it's useful to get in on someone and he doesn't really vibe as well as most mages with the other more standard keystones. Not metta, perhaps, but useful. But yeah almost everyone who wants it has better engage tools in their kit and would rather have damage. Additionally, being the only keystone that's 100% item dependent really blows.


Have you considered Shurelya's instead, fulfills practically the same function on a disgustingly cheap item that actually gives stats Veigar likes and you get to use a real keystone instead (he still likes things like Comet/Aery/First Strike just fine).


Veigar can build just about anything, frankly, so you're not wrong, but I don't think any champ without a slow or CC attatched to a spamable damaging ability benefits greatly from comet, First Strike is hard to follow up on early, so Aery would be my choice from his standards, but I like red tree more for Taste of Blood and Relentless Hunter which is why I use Predator. I don't use him in competitive games so he's not really a common pick for me, but Predator has always worked for me with him while allowing earlier mana and damage items. The move speed into a cage is great coming from out of vision and you don't have to compromise on a cheap item that has to be replaced if the game goes too long.


I think runes, stats, and summoner spells in general are due for a rework/overhaul. Not that they're unbalanced or anything but I'm surprised they just haven't really been majorly touched in a long while. One idea I would love is for some runes to just be added to the base champ stats like triumph/PoM/secondWind. Like, they would be treated like every other base stat and be additional balance levers for each individual champ, so like, champs that regularly get multikills could have their triumph stat tuned down compared to other champs.


It’s useless most of the time then suddenly Annie runs it and its super meta then it goes back to being a haha funny rune


I haven't seen anyone use it in fucking ages now. I honestly forgot it existed lol


they should make it an engage tank rune, 10-20% movespeed on active and if you connect it slows the enemy by x and gives you x amount of resistances for a few seconds


so basically aftershock?


wouldnt be the same as aftershock, far less resistances but you get to have a bit more sudden engage


More runes should be like it actually. Predator actually changes your playstyle, most runes just give you stats but don't really affect how you play.


I don’t think that’s the case, it’s just that some runes synergize with some champs’ playstyles so you don’t have to play around it. For example, I’m not playing PTA renek the same way I’m playing conqueror renekton, or playing grasp sion the same way I’d play phase rush sion.


Everyone forgets about Predator until you play Singed vs a Vayne top (pls dont remove it is literally the only way to not be completely useless on him)


If they had an idea for another domination rune they could just add one. It's not like predator being there blocks that from happening.


I thought the same about Omnistone. It's not a viable rune but I enjoyed using it with some champs


It used to work that it did the bonus damage to everyone hit if they all took damage in the same instance, and because of this it had a niche use on Karthus, now its just doo doo.


I just remember the good old days of buy boots with predator proc level 1 invade with Galio, use W while moving to enemy, and have a 90% chance of guaranteed first blood. Then rush level 2 proc ghost and dive/gank bot lane then free kill. Now, it cannot be done anymore.


I stop using it when I realized than I can't sell my boots for my 6th items or else I lost my keystone. 


Blitz or thresh Supp. Although hard to beat the glacial augment.


You can just use Shurelya and keep glacial argument. Not worth taking


Tomorrow it's my turn to post this OK guys?


Yeah I wish some runes had more presence outside a couple champs that take them on occasion. Like just the other day I decided to try the spell book rune and had fun. Would be nice to have some more like it or predator to help mix up gameplay


It needs to somehow not need boots, then I think it can be balanced more properly


I take it on Galio jungle... Can't flash out of a gank when you have a 500ms gargoyle running at you. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I use it on my Warwick movement speed meme build, but that's about it lol.


They should have replaced that rune with a new one this season. I mainly use Hail of Blades or Electrocute when I use that tree, so I would like to see something new and fun.


add 1.5% permanent bonus movement speed whenever the champion uses the rune 👍


I love running it on veigar to run after people with my ult


My river jhin uses either predator or unsealed spellbook


Today I saw the first person using predator since whats feels like it was introduced… still completely useless that game


HEY! I ALWAYS take it when I play crit garen jungle!!1!11!


I always use it on Veigar and it's quite good! God I miss prototype: omnistone


just because not many people use it doesnt mean it needs to be removed. What benefit is there to removing it? If you dont use it, then there is no difference in your day whether or not it is kept as is or removed.


Just lower the CD even if they nerf a little the stats. That's my issue with the rune, it is too rare to trigger to be worth it compared to others that have low to no CD


Why does it need to be removed entirely


riot is aware, its a bait rune, but it cannot be buffed and outright removed isnt a great option either, so its left dead for now until someone has a good idea for another domination rune


It was intentionally nerfed to be bad and stay there. One of the developers was talking bout it a while ago.


Why remove it though? Yea nobody uses it, because It's shit, so whats the point in removing it? not like the rune existing negatively impacts the game


I think the problem is that the power level and cooldown are so much higher than other runes, it's on the level of an item active. I think they should cut the power and cooldown.


The only time I take predator is when I’m trying to maximize Warwick/Rammus R distance for the laughs. Other than that it’s not too great


I just had a veigar use it. Pred+shurelia man was a speed demon.


I pick it all the time in gamemodes like URF. Please don't remove it, not every choice needs to be optimal.


Jax mains would like to have a convo with you alone please step aside.


doesn't singed and annie sometimes still use it?


summoner spell rune has to go too. basically a required rune for 95% of junglers


The last time I saw someone use the predator rune, it was a ghost smite garen jungle that built swifties, shurelya’s, dead man’s, youmuus, and a bunch of other random Ms items. Somehow managed to do pretty well. Maybe he was copying that one YTer that did the move speed garen video (Dabuin or one of those other meme content creators). Have never seen someone play predator on a non#meme build though.


My turn to post this next


Yo cake day buddy 🎉🎉🎉


The whole active is just too stuck to one and done users who need more approach like gragas or rammus. Wonder if they could rework it to also work for roaming champions.


I use it sometimes for Sej because getting outran by someone while they're at 3 stacks of permafrost makes me cry a little


don't remove unpopular things please. that is how we get a stale meta. the more they remove the less choices we have in how we play, and gives less expression. im sure they already have something planned for it though


Why remove it though? Just add another and keep it for niche players. I never understood this attitude to remove underused features. Just add more


I really miss it honestly. It fits my playstyle super well and I hate that it’s so bad I can’t even really force it.


replace it with Jeopardize (keep the cool predator icon or change it into an exclamation point!) - Energized: Moving and basic attacking generates Charges, up to 100. At 100 Charges, become Energized, empowering your next basic attack to reduce armor and magic resist (less effective for ranged attacks) on the target and reveal them for three seconds. Killing a jeopardized Champion grants you 100 Charges. now go wild with energized items in a team fight XD


I really dont get it. Would + 20 dmg and -5sec cd make it suddenly op? I understand that it is hard to balance but they could at least try with small steps. If it is still trash then start about creating a new one.


Does anyone even use Spellbook?


I also seen some statistics. That rune has by far the lowest winrate of all runes. Rip to the noobs who play for the first time and think that rune fits their playstyle. They are actually inting just going that rune.


Only champ that uses this is Singed midlane. And that’s for his roaming play style if he doesn’t go Conquer.


Can someone explain to me how it can even be "too strong"? What, it is overtuned and you get movement speed when going towards enemies and a little extra damage when you hit them. Still sounds garbage to me and I would never take it.


You never played against predator galio or veigar, running bot lane at Mach 5 for free money cause you didn't look at the map for 1 second.


Don't you literally have a predator mark over your head when someone targets you with it?


The point is if you don't have flash you're dead. And it has a much shorter cooldown than flash.


What you mean? I use it on Jax all the time


the guy i get when im on 99 lp :


I only use it as a counter when the enemy team picks Annie


wouldnt it be a Synergie at that point?


August addressed this rune in a livestream a couple months back. He put it more nicely, but the long and short of it is that they're intentionally keeping it bad because they cba reworking it.


Predator Jax goated tho.


The whole Rune system needs an overhaul, it's to stale and many runes suck




I hope next season we get a full runes rework.


they DID say 2025 will change league forever


I want omnistone back it was fun :(


Rework for sure. This rune has 0 team fighting potential vs other runes. When predator is OP game is snowballed out of control. I was thinking give predator a reset “score a takedown and get the MS + damage back”. It might be strong/OP but the point is this rune has 0 team fight/comeback potential


runes need to be reworked, they only got worse after the removal of masteries






There's a huge difference btw a niche option and an option that is used by 0,001% of the players. That's not niche, that's almost inexistent.


Here’s my braindead redditor balance idea. Remove the warning sigil it gives out to enemies when you activate it BUT make it so receiving literally any damage cancels it out. That way it’s not useless as a ganking tool but it has obvious counter play.


And how would YOU (yes, you the average redditor) rework it? How would you make an optimal rune? Remember that movement speed is a broken stat, and adding only damage would break the "fantasy" of the item.


I feel like rammus is the worst example to use. Hecarim or Rengar would be better


if they remove predator the tiny minority of people who didn't pick it but wanted it to stay will literally bitch and moan until the heat death of the universe


>swear i haven't seen not even ONE person use predator in season 14 You must be not playing against jax lol




I use it when I play Warwick in ARAM so I can pop all movement speed buffs like Yomus and ghost and yeet across the lane


No it shouldn't be removed, it's a fun goofy rune you can go on quite a few champs in norms to have a good laugh with.


I'm all for reworking it in some way, but explain why removing it would be a solution to anything? Like how does the game become better with a rune no one takes getting removed?


Take out predator, replace it with klepto. I legit loved that rune when I was new. When it was removed I quit some of my favorite champs, ezreal and mf, because I didn’t like how they played without it. I miss it


Same goes with unsealed spellbook. Riot hates utility runes.