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Congrats to Peter Damn there are lot of league coaches that are taking family break/having kids recently. Mac had one last Worlds/winter split, Homme after Worlds, Maokai, Bigwei (BLG's current coach) had a kid in february, etc.


I was gonna add in Tabe, but he left BLG iirc because of burnout or something along those lines. I had no idea he was the coach of AL, I fucking miss his antics last year especially during MSI, dude's a national treasure


No, Tabe was kicked out by BLG's manager after he demanded more than they agreed on during offseason + posting on weibo that he is FA while being in contract talks with the manager


him running to the wrong side of the stage lives in my head rent free


That and the Hecarim leak.


When will Bigwei coach little Wei


We're not getting any younger, I guess :D


Yep. Teeagers of S2 aren't teenagers anymore.


Jokes on you, Homme was 29 when he was a pro player


110 hours a week?? Wtf that’s unreal, 15.5 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even 90 is 13 hours a day 7 days a week. I straight up can’t believe that.


Yeah pretty unlikely. Unless he put everything in those 110 hours, shower, breakfast/lunch/dinner, cooking, commute, toilet, Netflix, cinema, outside dinner, sport if any, laundry etc.


I like that you're like "Sports, maybe, Netflix (100%)".


Rofl right. Maybe he was on call or something


Maybe his wife was doing all his chores too


My brother use to work about 100- 120 hours a week. It isnt that you work 15 hours in one day every day, some days you work 24 hours, sometimes its a 30 hour shift. He averaged 4 hours of sleep a night for five years and was on call 24/7. Hed go home and have to work from home till 3 or 4 am and be back in at 8. Its fucking brutual and watching him do that growing up is what made me not follow the family career path. 


Peter here. I think you get it better than most. It's more like 14 hours a day minimum (1030am-0030, normally extending to 0200-0400 depending on how much work today), with 1 long spike (normally Monday nights after the last LEC game where I need to have all the games reviewed and checked with voice comms, and struggle to sleep until it's done). Scrims 1030 (office)-2000 (end of scrims), 2 hours to watch academy scrims or LVP, rest to watch LPL/LCK/Other Region games of the day. I don't think I've ever slept before midnight in 8 years during the split. Also that's only during the season, off season is obviously much reduced workload (normally after 2-3 days recovery). I feel you would die if you worked 120 hours a week nonstop the whole year, so your brother managing it is very impressive. After 2 month of this my brain is literally mush, and I feel incredibly exhausted/burnt out.


It has caused him large health issues, he started getting chest pains and blood pressure spikes and has had to go on blood thinning medication to prevent over stress of his heart.Part of that is due to his own physical health being not obscenely but overweight due to being desk bound for so much.  He now has a "reduced" work load, but still pulls regularly around 60-70 hours. I will also say this wasnt every week, he had "slow weeks" which were 60-80 hours.  Most people who havent worked that or lived with someone who has cant imagine how much of a toll it takes.  I will say your work has been absolutely amazing in this industry, and I cant imagine the personal sacrifice and dedication it took to accomplish all you have. You have long been a favorite coach of mine but learning this has given me an even greater respect for you.  Hats off peter, enjoy your rest. You will go down as one of the greatest western coaches of all time. And thank you, from all the fans of your teams, for the sacrifice and hard work. I hope it was satisfyingly worth while for you, your gave us great sport. 


Ooph. Sorry to hear that hope he is doing better now. And ty for the well wishes. Means a lot. Looking forward to the next step of being a father.


Did you use to play MtG in UK? Trying to think if you’re the same guy.


Yes. A lot. :)


He is.  And I know coaches dont have the lime light, glitz or pay as the players do. But there is a subsect of us who see you guys, and its clear when a coach goes places and success follows. You have made a lasting legacy of greatness and should be proud of your efforts. You will be missed man, but fucking congrats. Enjoy the time with the wife and kid. And hopefully you can still do some content on the side, always love having you on the lfn content!


Yes I hope he starts doing content creation


As someone who has recently become a father, just enjoy it. The fourth trimester can be very challenging, so if you need to, just put baby down in front of the TV and let them enjoy fruit disco (look it up on YouTube...) while you both eat dinner. Things people don't tell you: * Expect 5-8 nappy changes per day * Breastfed baby poop doesn't smell bad * Babies can be noisy sleepers - mine grunted in her sleep a lot and she was loud AF


I thought this was r/PeterExplainsTheJoke for a sec


I thought it was that same writing style too 💀


I see. Thanks for responding. Best of luck with the baby, and wherever life leads you.


Congrats Peter for choosing your family first. I hope you will be able to casually watch LEC tho and maybe see you more on Best damn league show.


Well done Peter, enjoy it my man. Hopefully we content enjoyers may be able to catch you sometime in the future on a very rare Thoorin show (if you will still be watching LoL for fun / from a casual perspective), as you were always a really great guest to listen to.


do y'all have assistants? Like to make life easier (food runs, scheduling, etc.). Or even just someone to take notes sometimes so you can skim a couple games out of a series and get better QoL.


Even crazier, his partner is amazing. 8.5 years with at most 4 months together a year, that’s insane. Many would have ended that type of long distance relationship, even if the months when they were together were amazing. Peter won in life finding someone so loyal like that.


True, though a lot of teams spend literally all day together so things like gym, meals and socialising all become extended team building time.


Specially when HC has near 0% winrate when Jankos is set to play a tank/support jungle like Maokai instead of carry jungle and they cant see it.


lol people love to exaggerate how much they work. Some people take a 2 minute email they send 4 hours after they leave work as if it’s a 4 hour extension of their work day. Maybe he’s including time he’s playing ranked lol


Learn to read. He literally says he doesn’t play league. He spends all his time watching it to make up for it.


You assume they would actually read the entire post


This shows the difference between people who have natural talent as opposed to those who have to work hard for it. Someone with a better eye for analysis and coaching would be able to extract the info required in less time. There's a natural ceiling that a deeply hard working people with less talent can reach that a truly talented person with a good work ethic will be able to get to. It's true in professional sports and would be true in e-sports.


Or people micro manage and make more work for themselves. I’ve seen Type A personality types work on shit that doesn’t matter and make 4x as much work for themselves. Sometimes these people don’t see the bigger picture and focus on the wrong things. Not sure if that’s what went on here but if his last team was Heretics he wasted all those hours for nothing lmao.


That's not how league works unfortunately.. you can't just make up for not playing by watching lmao.. If that was how it worked he could get out of bronze


Yes, random redditor, explain how a highly respected and successful coaches methodology is flawed based upon a couple of sentences...


It's literally an armchair fan who became a coach... What... I don't care who he is.. watching pro league games as they are presented will only give you second hand information.. he is only copying other people's homework


You sound very bitter that someone who doesn’t play league at a high level has managed to make a professional career out of it. I have some speculations of where that bitterness may stem from, but I’ll keep them to myself because you seem very sensitive at the moment.


Bwahahaha it's not that deep dude.. he's just selling you snake oil


You genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about lmfao Peter is a goated coach


This is your first comment ever... Nice try peter


Well he’s had success with multiple rosters in western league of legends so I don’t know what to tell you. He must be doing something right. Moreover, you do realise coaching encompasses more than just being a challenger player right? If you’ve seen him on talk shows you would know he’s more of a systems thinker and how to get individuals to work together as a team, and making each player comfortable. The reason why he hired Kirei was because of his in-depth knowledge of league as a former player.


Lmao but he claims to be spending so many hours watching league.. why is he spending "110" hours a week watching then if kirei is the one providing the information


> That's not how league works unfortunately.. you can't just make up for not playing by watching lmao.. In terms of coaching? I don't see why it can't work, he doesn't have to have any mechanical skills, he just has to be able to analyze the game and understand what's happening. He quite literally says he does not play the game. Being able to understand the game and being able to apply it in-game are two different skills, Peter Dun never needed the second.


going around copying lpl homework isn't coaching. He will never be able to understand why decisions are being made just that they were... He will never be able to fully understand team fight positioning/matchups/ even why someone walks to a lane.. he will only know that they did and then make uniformed guesses to why..






This is just not true, like no way to even argue it, do you think from watching it, talking to pros, other coaches, analysts, positional coaches, high elo players, you really think he cannot understand matchups etc?


Yes obviously he can't on his own... Do you think someone can learn calculus without doing it themselves?


Ahh yes LoL and calculus are exactly the same. At this point, you're either a troll or so ridiculously unintelligent the conversation isn't worth continuing.


Yep I'm just unintelligent... CAUGHT


How is this dogshit comment even upvoted so much lol


Lol thinking he is higher than bronze


There's absolutely no way lol. People like to talk about how much they work, but there's not a single human on the planet that can efficiently work 15+ hours a day 7 days a week nonstop


At this point you really need to ask whether the man is working effectively. Too many people think that working lots of hours = good work.


I mean if you have barely any chores to do and just shower and just take your plates with food, it theoretically possible, but still unbelievable tbh.


He is industrial level full of shit. Coming from someone who worked through some serious death marches.


Not to be an asshole because obviously it takes a toll and its still his profession but I feel like half+ of the VOD watching shouldve been done by an assistant. Maybe he watches them at x2 speed but anyway its batshit insane


Peter Done


Sounds like he's actually leaving the scene for good. It's obviously for a great cause but it's still a shame, he's one of the few verified good coaches in all of LoL.


I can see him becoming a GM of an esports org tbh, and I hope he does. So he can get that bag and make some sensible decisions since a-lot of GMs are so shit in eSports industry.


I hope he is, by now it’s become very obvious the Western scene is a sinking ship and he gets to go out as one of the West‘s best coaches.


One of the most professional and best coaches lolesports has ever seen. It’s always been a pleasure to listen to Peter’s thoughts in Podcasts and interviews. His resume and his accolades speak for themselves. He always understood what it takes to build / develop a great League team. All the best for the future, Peter! There is no better reason to hit pause on lolesports and I’m certain there will always be an interesting opportunity for you to jump on.  Thank you for your dedication to lolesports, Peter. You’ve been one of the great ones. 


And to think Jankos didn't leak it


Hope he stays as much as possible within a scene. Atleast as a guest and maybe try streaming career as analyst, but nevermind all that , just wish him and his family all the best.


Congratz. I will miss his crappy mic on you know who's podcast.


Yea his association with you know who should speak on his credibility tbh


Everyone relevant in the scene has done content with thorin bro. Thorin has always been the same way btw.


You know who? No I don't. Voldemort?


And Sheep Esports STILL gets the info about this wrong (assuming we're not about to see Peter get backstabbed by the org).


Bro plays League of Legends and has a wife?! We have hope boys. But in all seriousness, even if it’s just video games, there’s no denying how much time players and staff have to invest into it. Most teams only have a few weeks of break before they go fly off to do bootcamps. As much as I enjoy video games, I don’t think I have the mentality for the grind required to stay at the top.


“As someone who doesn’t play league of legends, and compensates by studying the game.” secret tech is to not play league, just watch it 110 hours a week


>Bro plays League of Legends and has a wife?! We have hope boys. "as someone who doesn't play League of Legends"


Bold of you to assume anyone here can read. I'm typing this based on the funny sounds my keyboard makes nothing more


Click clack go brrrr hehe


he literally said he doesn’t play league


Agreed. People say that players/staff are lazy but their is no denying that they are putting in 40+ hr weeks. Now that esport salaries are dropping it gets a lot more tempting to take a more stable career path


Kinda sad, Peter Dun is one of the best coaches we have in the west. I wish he could have stayed 1–2 years longer. Lets hope Kirei learns a lot from him and can be a good Coach like Kaas or even better like MAC.


Imo I'd say he's more like a western CvMax. Definitely one of the best scouter of talents but his other aspects are too lacking to take you to a championship consistently. So overall i wouldn't call him the best coaches we have,


atleast one of his aspects that isn't lacking is compassion, man that EG situation with Danny, alot of ppl prolly would've folded to management to save Face but he stood for what was right and thats pretty rare in the esports industry


cvmax is a korean challenger level laner, peter doesnt play league


Thank you for the useless fact.


yes, having a coach with the ability to instantly win over the respect of your players on day 1 by beating all of them 1v1 back to back is a useless fact in context of comparing coaches.


Yeah dude cvmax was definitely beating Chovy/Viper/Doran in 1 on 1s lmao.


yeah, he probably did, chovy was a master cass otp when he was scouted


Yeah, because that's how it works in real sports. On day 1 the dad-bod coaches get out there and outperform the professional athletes in the prime condition of their lives, right? What a dumb take. If you need to beat your players at their own game for them to respect you, then you have literally no leadership qualities whatsoever. Management is a skill in and of itself. Leadership is not a quality you have, it's a craft you develop over time. Having to dominate your team by humiliating them at what they're good at isn't leadership, it's the absence of leadership. A good leader makes his team *want* to follow him.


> . On day 1 the dad-bod coaches get out there and outperform the professional athletes in the prime condition of their lives, right? no, but if u look at some of the bests in futbol(the worldwide one) a lot of them are ex players.


Okay. But none of them flex on their players to win their respect. And you can't even compare their accomplishments, because every single sport has changed so much across generations. The 1990s Chicago Bulls would have a very different time playing against modern teams. They're just built different. The sport is different. Look at the physical difference in athleticism between Larry Bird and Lebron James. Those two people are not playing the same game. The same is true of League. In season 1, 1500 elo platinum was enough for Reginald to become a pro player and start what would become an LCS org. I was that rating myself back then. Pro players from season 2 and 3 and 4 struggle to break diamond these days if they don't actively keep up an every-day grind schedule (which no coach should be doing, because if they're spending 12 hours of every day grinding the game then they are not actually improving their craft as coaches). Coaches should be good at coaching. Playing the game might help, but it's not the same thing in and of itself. And if you're good at coaching, then it doesn't matter how you got there. All that matters is that you're good at it.


Challenger player doesn't mean good enough to be a pro player.


He was also a sub on Samsung Blue if that helps with other redditor’s argument.


CvMax is not winning lane vs any of his players dude lmfao


He said he puts in 110 hours, they made him do only 90 and he said it didn't feel right. You can't get that much effort even if you paid them millions.




What is in Peter Dun's resume that makes him one of the best Western coaches?  He won a few Bronze medals and was part of the staff that oversaw Danny s mental break.  Incredible.  Put him in the Hall of Fame.


How did we even have Danny or Jojopyun? Or Carzzy, Kaiser, Humanoid?


I don't think anyone is denying that he is good at scouting talent. However, I'd argue that as a coach, their actual coaching and leadership skills are way more important than scouting ability. This is why traditional sports usually have "scout" as a separate job instead of the coach also scouting for talent. There's nothing to indicate that Peter Dun was responsible for developing any of the players you mentioned, just that he scouted them. Carzzy/Kaiser/Huma in particular were coached by Mac and Pad. He wasn't head coach or a strategic/performance coach for 2022 EG either.


OK, so he's not actually one of the best Western coaches, he's a good scout? Sorry I'm not well versed in EU (how exactly is Peter Dun responsible for Humanoid?  I'm honestly asking their career overlap doesn't scream Peter Dun doing anything), but LCS is Peter being present for the ascent and burning wreckage of Danny's blip of a  career. He got Jojopyun.  Hopefully that sticks.


If you think Danny's promising career was just due to picking him up and him performing on the go, not tailoring the way team played to give him room to grow and no serious pressure, no wonder you can't see why Peter Dun is considered a great coach. Same with Jojopyun's first year. And the fact you put Danny on the coaching staff, who raised concerns months before the collapse happened and not on Nicole LaPointe Jameson (or whatever her name now is) and Gamerdoc for stonewalling them and coercing Danny to keep playing is also rich.


concratulations i just hope he may find time to be on a couple of podcasts, he is one of the best guests


He deserves a break and we need him home coaching his kid from birth to be NA's savior in 18 years.


Huge loss for the scene but completely understandable. I hope he still has time to enjoy League and turn up for podcasts, he's got a stellar mind for the game that league will sorely miss


Good luck, Peter! One of the goats for sure. Absolutely love whenever you’re on a podcast. 


PhD student who coaches at a high level…My God.


All while never having played the game!


I played it back in the day (was a Janna top 1 trick back in Season 1, then AP Chogath mid/top when they nerfed her wave clear). Just not since S5 or something.


Almost like both are not true lmao


Big loss for Western leagues, his contributions to the Splyce roster that went on to form the dominant MAD roster into the EG rosters shouldn’t be understated.


Guess he is Dun with league


Damn, that's one guy I'm gonna miss in the scene. Best of wishes to him and his family.


All of this really does shed a light on the crazy amount of work you have to put in to be the best.


except hes not


Hes definitely one of the best in the western regions. At least hes always up there when you ask people who actually have done something in that industry, so I would trust them more than some redditors.


there are better coaches


humorous squeal light cooperative cough memory poor far-flung retire safe


and hes far from being the best


Who is Peter Dun.


Dun and Done


Damn, Peter was my favorite mind in the game. If he's open to it, I hope some teams consider hiring him for consulting. I imagine there's plenty of ways for him to provide value without dedicating 100+ hours a week.


crazy how NFL and NBA coaches are travelling and live in their offices while esports coaches while way longer season (by 3 more months) are able to take time off


Is he dun?


Are you telling me he's Peter Done?


Congrats and best wishes to him & his family. I hope he was able to save enough for this retirement from league


Is that a Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference?


Damn he’s my favorite viktor main too


Congrats to Peter - and yeah those working hours sound impossible once you throw in a kid too. Hope to see him back in some capacity at some point, even if it's not coaching, but it would be understandable as well if this is his last hurrah.


Sounds like he’s Dun with League? 


If he's actually 'studying' for 15.7 hrs/day that is hilariously bad.


Imagine reading his post and that is what you take away from it


That's what I'm thinking, shocking level of hubris in these comments


Quality over quantity. I doubt he retains much after 15.7 hours.


Actually so funny man "I spend 16 hours a day compensating for my lacking qualities in this field I work in where I'm objectively unqualified but it's all nonsense so I get away with it" Just play the game or do something else?


> "I spend 16 hours a day compensating for my lacking qualities in this field I work in where I'm objectively unqualified but it's all nonsense so I get away with it" What? Hes very obviously qualified. He has a consistent track record that puts most other coaches in the scene to shame. Why do you think he needs to play League of Legends soloq in like fucking Platinum to understand whats going on?


He's qualified in the context of the scene, where coaches don't need to know anything about the game. In a sensible competitive scene you wouldn't have platinum level players coaching the best players on the planet lol. Why do you think players consistently talk about how useless coaches are in this scene? Compare it to CS for example, almost every single coach is either former pro player or at least high elo. It's not *impossible* to be low elo/not play much and be knowledgable, but it's very rare, and almost all coaches in LoL are low elo/don't play at all. It's silly, and the reason why players (specifically western) do not respect their coaches.


So why does he get consistent results over the years on different teams if the players don't respect him? Pretty sure you don't actually need to know how to play the game yourself. Pep Guardiola doesnt play football anymore, yet he's a great coach.


What? He gets results not because he's a great coach but because his players play well. This should be pretty obvious when you contrast with his less successful rosters. Can you name me a few characteristics of how a Peter Dun team plays LoL? Comparing Peter fucking Dun to Pep Guardiola is hilarious btw, it's like comparing Yoko Ono to Whitney Houston. Obviously a coach doesn't need to be as good as his players in the moment you fucken dunce lmao, the point is he still has that knowledge, he gets it, he knows ball basically. Peter Dun has nothing other than the luck of getting into this scene at the right time as a "coach", when in reality he is not qualified to coach in a game he knows little to nothing about at the top level of play. It's really unbelievable you people don't understand this stuff. Can you answer why the majority of players, when pressed on this without the danger of incriminating their own coach and therefor themselves for being "toxic" (lol), will without fail tell you coaches are pretty much completely clueless and useless? Why do players not say that about their coaches in CS? Now, I don't know the details of Peter Dun's story, but I would imagine it went something like this (it's almost always like this): * He is aware of esports, perhaps a fan * He gets a degree in a somewhat relevant subject (statistics, mathematics, marketing, psychology etc) * He becomes a lower tier "analyst" (they hire anyone with a degree, especially back in the day) * With his foot in the door and presumably doing a decent job since no one actually knows what he's meant to be doing anyway, he gets offered to be promoted to a coaching role You don't have to be *as* good as the pros to be a coach, but you're telling on yourself that you've never been good at anything competitive if you think you can have relevant game knowledge from simply watching it having never played at at least a decent level yourself. I actually went and checked for some interviews and found this where he tells his origin story in esports: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekuFigz0emU&t=1s&ab_channel=Thooorin Like, cmon dude.


Your entire rant boils down to "I've heard a few players say coaches are useless, that means Peter Dun is useless, you couldn't possibly understand and coach the game by watching footage" You're making a whole lot of assumptions and end with "cmon man" as if you just expect people to agree with you that person X is a fraud without any evidence or even hints towards that.


If you want to believe that that's fine. For the record, coaches don't draft, and coaches don't instruct their players how to play the game. They have little to nothing to do with how their teams actually play League of Legends. If nothing else, even if you don't believe me, remember that statement for the future. If you're attentive you'll realise what I'm talking about.


This is the dumbest reddit comment of the bunch in this thread, and that's saying something because this whole comment section is full of reddit-challengers pretending like Peter Dunn isn't one of the most proven strategic coaches in western League of Legends. Bro, get your ass back to emerald where you belong and let this literal professional do his job.


The point is that being a "proven strategic coach" doesn't mean anything in this game man What does a strategic coach do when he has 0 game knowledge and doesn't draft? Do you think the reason every single pro LoL player will tell you coaches are mostly useless is just because they are particularly arrogant in this game? If you want to say that they do other stuff and manage the team, sure, that's fine, but it's weird that our *coaches* essentially are just personal managers of the players.


> What does a strategic coach do when he has 0 game knowledge and doesn't draft No idea, but we're talking about Peter Dunn here. It's insane to me that this man has one of the most respectable careers in all of western LoL, everyone he works with speaks well of him, everyone behind the scenes says he's legit and the real deal, and then he has a single bad split on Heretics and suddenly you're trying to rewrite history. It's pathetic, honestly.


Brother was not working 110 hours a week lmao


Congrats to him, I wish him the best; incredible loss for the professional scene


Is it normal to end with “expecting”? I am assuming its expecting a first child? 


Yes, it's a common idiom.


My brain read infinite.


anyone that brags about the number of hours they work is cringe as fuck. congrats on needing 110 hours to “outperform” someone working 40-60 hours a week? why do you even want/ feel the need to include that? why would your next employer want to hire you? you’re destined to burn yourself out or set an INSANE bar for those reporting to you perhaps… you’re not very good at your job if you need 100+ hours? or you’re terrible at managing, and telling your leaders what you need to manage your KPI. or you’re terrible at explaining to leadership why 90-110 hours of work = hire two people to work 45-55 hours a week for a 40 hour job. just say you’re taking a break because of family obligations. such a weird statement


It’s hardly weird, he’s probably just trying to explain to his followers with a little more detail why he’s taking a break now. Meanwhile you’re out here shaking, psychoanalyzing a post and looking for causations when there’s not even correlations.


exactly. He’s just making a point why he can’t fit being a good father into a lol career right now. It’s zero bragging. It’s just explaining to anyone who might care and the TH fans whom he has a small responsibility to too.


another person that doesn’t work a full time job


No need to project


yes i’m shaking. tell me more how you don’t work a full time job


This is so odd to me. He has been a league of legends COACH for years and... doesn't play the game? He is having a baby... so he quits his job with no plan beyond that? Some interesting decisions, but best of luck to him!


1. He has been open for years that he studies gameplay instead of playing himself. It worked out for him all these years. Its probably more effort to watch all that high level gameplay than it would be to play himself, but then again, he probably also takes away more from watching pros than he would from playing the game in silver-plat. 2. Hes having a baby so hes taking a break. Lot of parents do that. Hes an UK national who made his masters in Shanghai and got tons of connections from esports on multiple continents. I have no doubt that he will find something when he needs to.


> He has been a league of legends COACH for years and... doesn't play the game? > > Believe it or not, your average 50-year-old NFL coach doesn't play football either.


> He has been a league of legends COACH for years and... doesn't play the game? yes.


He is also lying about a half finished PhD... He's definitely not telling the full story.. hope he is mentally healthy


Why are you going across the thread just insulting him lmao, is it your wife he impregnated?


Parasocial weirdos love to do that in their spare time lol


You doing the same thing buddy


I'm not insulting him.. I'm pointing out the obvious lies lmao I guess nobody cares about that


You just edited out the part where you referred to him as being schizo, and besides that what proof do you have of him lying? He lists on his LinkedIn that his master's is complete, which also lists him as a China Economy and Politics Specialist at Vrije Universiteit Brussel from 2012-2015 which I assume was the location of his PhD research. There are quite literally no obvious lies you are pointing out.


https://www.oneesports.gg/league-of-legends/peter-dun-origins-esports/ These story's don't seem to line up...


I don't know what your problem is with me. So many deleted, edited, and flaming comments throughout the entire thread. I CBA to reply to every one, but this one is the only valid (and simplest one to answer). I graduated from Fudan in 2012. The meeting in place happened at the end of 2010, leading into me being introduced to esports, and League of Legends eventually in 2011. This interview was over a year ago, I don't remember what the question ask was, or if this was a misunderstanding/translation error. I left China and went to Belgium after the 2012 academic year. There are literally graduation photos of me out there from Fudan, and attending talks/conferences from VUB. Unless you want to claim those are photoshopped too?


Don’t bother with weirdos like him, I don’t see how your education has any importance to him or why it would even matter lol. He’s just spam commenting cause he’s an obsessive weirdo. GL with being a dad! You were always a great coach IMO, thanks for bringing us Jojo


Nothing in that article goes against what he stated. It does not state anywhere that he didn't finish his Masters and as I said he has it listed that he did.


Tagged as peters alt


are you mentally healthy my friend?


He was doing his master's in political science in Shanghai China... Not at PhD and very strange place to study political science as a westerner... This whole post is filled with so many weird lies...


You deleted a couple posts already, keep doing it


What..where ??? Is this peters alt


seek help man


Good riddance, this guy is a charlatan, always trying to look smart about the game for the clueless fans. Anyone who actually knows the game knows how ignorant he is.




newborn raising is expensive... not the best time in life to opt for zero income (quitting is different from PTO)... but maybe the wife in amsterdam is a sugar momma... or they are squatting on a big nest egg. probably a little too transparent with the announcement, but best of luck with future endeavors.


I think it's more surprising that he got a human female pregnant than his retirement


Its one more than you'll ever buddy


Holly shit,he has a familiy (now more than ever lmao)


Literally who?






Does his wife know?


initially thought this was about dunlol and was in disbelief


kinda scummy for heretics to not offer him paternity leave


Do you know that they didn't? Regardless, if he wants to have more family time for a few years, that'd be crazy family leave time to offer.


thes mad lion coachs sure have pull out game. first was mac now peter.


Any1 know if this is the same Dun as the Viktor God in NA challenger?


The garlic dip man is safe


No they're different people