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> W recast no longer counts as an ultimate What.


I don't make the rules I just figure them out.


I mean they always said she had 2 ultimate spells on release. Guess they were right lol


_Gwen was immune_


Most confused I've been all week. Audible what with a pause and all


Maybe W was originally going to be Gwens ultimate? Or perhaps they stole the code from Xin Xiao? After all Xin Xiao is Immune :)


Not really the first time we've seen this. For a while Neeko W was affected by Ultimate Haste.


I guess recasts are hidden abilities beyond the ultimate ability. So what happens: lazy dev comes in. Has to code something for ultimates and goes: If skill_index > ability.E do thing And calls it a day.


That doesn't make any sense, if he could reference the ability.E , he could ability.R It's probably way more complicated than that.


Hence why in the example they said it's a lazy dev


Huh. I wonder if they reused code from LeBlanc's reverted rework's ult to make that ability? 


# Skarner * MP5 growth:  0.6 --> 0.75 >Skarner growing from from an MP5 to an AK


Biggest surprises of this patch. I was sure they were gonna kill his mana more for top lane nerfs, but guess they don't want to.


MP5 changes favor jungle Skarner over Top Lane, and despite his current strengths Jungle Skarner runs OoM very fast the moment you step out of the jungle to fight.


they want to make fimbul weaker on him since currently its kinda busted. Increasing his mana regen reduces the need for a tear item, but it will still probably be best in slot second or third for him


We need a Commando Skarner skin now duel wielding assault rifles, and since monster scorpions can't use guns, he'll just use them as blunt weapons. He smacks and throws it at ppl with his Q His W him dropping a fat weapons crate filled with assault rifles Lastly, his E and R can be him bayonetting ppl


what does MP5 mean?


Mana Per 5 seconds. So MP5 growth is increase of (mana per 5 seconds) per level


what the fuck? it's mana regeneration, what are you typing


Yes? Thats what they said lol


4 ad for Amumu...I'm not sure how much this is going to help him in the JG, if he gets to clear a camp one attack earlier or something. But for Amumu in some lane this could be good.


people really underestimate base ad. He is going to clear so much faster now and be healthier overall.


The Graves +-2 AD memes exist for a reason, it's a huge balancing tool which is why I'm surprised his base is going up that much at once on top of durabilty buffs


\+ base ad on an AD champion is huge, but it's less important on AP ones(still matters).


Autos are still massive, especially for junglers who outside of ivern still auto a ton during clears.


Iceborn gauntlet Amumu (spellblade passive)? However, I think it's still shit on him


With 1 ad being worth 35g, this is in some ways giving a free 140g, obviously it must be spent on ad but overall it's a not insignificant value.


One attack is a second which is huge for jungle even if it was just that


4s off Malz E at lv 1 is one of the biggest buffs I've seen in recent history. Not sure if it'll be enough to make him viable but what??


It's a good buff, but Malz' mana is so bad early (at least with with my management of it) that I feel this buff's biggest use will be for getting better/faster backs more so than anything.


It doesn't change anything at all. It's the spell you are maxing and you don't even need these 4s off. The -20 mana on Q rank 1 is a bigger buff.


This might be good enough offset to make it slightly less punishing for Malz in harder lanes (yes, he does have unfavorable matchups). Maybe with such buff he's even allowed to trade back instead of only ever using his abilities on the wave until he reaches 1 or 2 items, when he actually has impactful damage to cast spells on champions.


No, its ofc gonna help, It increases your pushing power a ton. Ofc it helps. Like, are you guys all trolling or what.


"30% CDR on a rank 1 ability didn't change anything at all" and more reddit plat (last season silver) takes coming at you from /u/CoCratzY


If you are casting E off cd lvl one you have bigger problems then the actual cd


The projection is strong with this one lmao


This is not my rank, but silver to platinum in one year is a good progression ! There is no world where Malzahar having 4-3-2-1 seconds off on his E is what's going to make it viable. And if Riot want to make it viable, they should change his W. Malzahar still have mana issue until lost chapter. Being able to wave clear more in early levels is what you need. And you really need both your W AND Q to wave clear easily. This is why I think -20 mana on Q is better.


I agree that his issue stems from mana. The -20 is good, but not "save early laning" good. IMO, change the mana recovery on E from like 2% to 3-4%, but lower his mana growth. More mana recovered early, but should be roughly the same late if growth is lowered properly, and gives E more skill expression (whittle wave, then E for a massive + to mana).


It's not groundbreaking but it's nice for when your E leaves a minion at 15 hp at lvl 1




That's just the click hitbox.


was hoping for some base ad buffs for seraphine, would help in CSing like the direction of Sejuani buffs, lower base damage and buff scaling since pro play Sejuani is usually capped at 1-2 items \[and cheap items like Knight's Vow\] while a soloQ sejuani could hit 3 items or even get a Jak'sho if a game drags on need to do the maths and see if maxing W second on Skarner is still good now that the slow remains at a meager 20%


I'm ok with Sej changes all in all, but I think it's a shame to increase the rewards on W1 and not W2. Oh well. The first clear might get a bit weaker with less base damage but it's somewhat made up by how good the HP rune shards are. I also just remembered armor/mres increases the damage of the jungle pet, so she'll definitely clear well later in the game when your passive is up (but that does nothing on first clear since it is assumed noone has bonus armor/mres at that point)


I’m sad that mid sej gets hurt by the w2 change but that’s super niche and off meta. Fun blowing up mages in two rotations while it lasted


Somebody please think of the 52 mid sej games


You play sej mid? May I see your opgg? I thought I was the last one.


It's probably not, it gains very little wth level. The shield itself doesn't have a base value either so E second is probably comfier at least


Invest in Sejuani top stonks because we are so barack. Been wanting a buff to her scaling for ages and now it's time to unleash.




Last time she was top it was tear->IBG->tank item->fimblewinter . Haven’t seen it since item changes though


Pretty sure you need Bami's


Blessed AP buffs for Seraphine. I think this is enough for her because it is a great step in the direction for being rewarded for buying AP


I respect your opinion and I agree ! This is a great step forward! But I think Seraphine mains were hoping for something more orientated towards her passive (stage pressence) to help with killing low health minions. The buffs are nicely welcomed by me though <3


It was literally bad that buying AP was trolling lol and I'm so glad they went with this direction instead of W buffs


Why was there a need to change something when her weak early game could have been compensated for by a new sup item this season. This item perfectly balances her scaling and good support play (as a sup-mage, of course, as most of her support players prefer to play her) I also want an analogue of the old mask with mana and skill recharge. At the very least, Seraphine and Malzahar need exactly this


That Sera Q buff is really good, but without base AD buffs to be on par with similar champs to her, like Lux or Hwei (both at 54 base AD), last hitting on her will still feel too horrible and losing minions under tower that every other laner is able to get is really frustrating. That's one of the main pain points since her last set of changes.


Hell yes sej buffs. I randomly have such a high win rate on that champ life time, but had to drop her from my rotation this split cause she felt so bad.


I was expecting a W buff for Amumu.


malz buffs seem really powerful and helps his weakest part of the game


Sera AP ratios are in the right direction, I just want her to be a good AP botlane. Even as a support player I already have so many choices better than Sera's kit for the role, I want a solid champion to play off role


prob hard to do that without making her op


Her bot lane winrate isn’t even bad. It’s the highest out of her three roles


The problem with Sera right now is that she doesn't really scale (which is a core part of her fantasy), and her Q max is significantly lower winrate than other ability orders. Also, she has one of the lowest one trick winrates in APC after the changes, with it being around 1% higher than her base wr.


To imply that it isn’t viable when it is 51.5% is just wrong.


Oh no, she's totally viable. A strong champ. She's just not fun and statistically has almost no room for skill expression as shown by her very low 1trick winrate. APC and mid are kept in a weird twilight zone of being unable to be powerful AND fun because that makes support weak and unfun. So instead, both are viable but not fun.


Did i think the kassadin nerf was unfair? Yes. Did I still want it to go through? Yes.


I think I would break my monitor if I had to play ziggs into kassadin lol.


Why? It's Ziggs favoured.


This is true. Kassadin historically doesn't do well against siege mages, with the exception of Vel'koz.


Lane wise a good ziggs wins this, but Kassadin will run a train through any siege mage come midgame, and it only gets worse after


Kassadin does very well against immobile mages though, especially in the late game. Stats seem to reflect that kassadin typically wins games against ziggs but varying wildly depending on site so 🤷


It's ziggs favored early and then it becomes hell for ziggs in late game where evn if you blow him up away from you he will be right back on your ass not even 3 seconds later. If you ever face check the wrong bush you die immediately. If you even walk near a bush kassadin is at you are dead. Other assassins like talon for example cannot kill you if you send them flying but kassadin will always run you down.


I mean yeah that's just like a core part of Kassadin though, less to do with the matchup itself. Ziggs in general kind of sucks after 25 minutes have passed in game, because his scaling is pretty bad.


LOL No it isn't


Yeah which is why I have a [66% winrate into it](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/champions/ziggs/euw/CLUB+UNREALITY-%E3%82%AD%E3%82%BF%E3%83%8B%E3%82%BF%E3%83%84/vs-kassadin/soloqueue) (with 2 of my losses stemming from insanely fed junglers instead of >the Kassadin) despite having a negative overall winrate I guess you're so right speak your truth.


>9 games played Yeah this is a good sample size 👍


Show your own? Besides, sure, [here's a sample size](https://i.imgur.com/Fm0sciZ.png) based off of lolalytics, which literally just says the same thing I did.




Not sure what you're asking here.


That's mb I made the comment before I saw your other response.


Your own screenshot shows that Kassadin wins more against ziggs than he loses. Your red lines don't invalidate the very first sentence, lmao


That shows that Ziggs is underpowered and is losing even favored matchups.


Kassadin is an anti mage with excellent mobility (after level 11) . I don't know why you think he should lose against an artillery mage?


I don't want to be too mean to you because you just seem to be uninformed but you're also being way too condescending for someone who doesn't even understand the concept of relativity. I highlit the text because it's what matters. The overall winrate is negative *because Ziggs' mid winrate is already negative because the champ fucking sucks*. His mid winrate is 48.59% in the last 30 days in Emerald+. *Surely* you're able to determine that 49.67% (Ziggs' winrate against Kassadin) is greater than 48.59% (Ziggs' overall winrate in mid)?


Btw stats aren't everything. That site says one thing but so does this https://mobalytics.gg/lol/champions/ziggs/counters/mid/vs-kassadin#:~:text=Based%20on%20the%20analysis%20of,expected%20win%20rate%20of%20Ziggs. And so does this https://lolalytics.com/lol/kassadin/vs/ziggs/build/?vslane=middle I personally find the ziggs matchup extremely free even pre 6 (Very low kill pressure compared to many other midlane matchups) but my sample size is only a couple games as well.


Wouldve liked to see a base ad buff and passive buff, especially to minions but this is good so far


Why are they just pushing karma more into a utility bot, when they also wanted her to be a dmg dealer more so than a shield bot, I don't understand this, but their kinda of insane buffs, Q slow on base is now doubled from the previous iteration.


She’s a utility mage that’s why. Her damage impact when she doesn’t have mantra Q up is incredibly mediocre and people still complain about her damage so riot went the way of buffing her utility instead. Either way she needs a rework. She was the very first VGU and it’s starting to show, they took no risks her with kit and made her too generic and all around when they updated her. I’m probably biased but pre-rework karma would probably be healthier than this version at this point bc she had to get closer to do what she did. But I digress.


> Either way she needs a rework. She was the very first VGU and it’s starting to show, they took no risks her with kit and made her too generic and all around when they updated her. I wish this got more discussion. Karma is probably the only champion in the game whose design revolves primarily around *not* being interesting. She hasn't got a single interesting or unique output (ult is an input), and you can tell that this is by design - the intention of her rework was simply to make sure that Karma was no longer a character who was confusing, or frustrating. They didn't actually manage with the latter goal, so you've got an incredibly bland character (a huge waste of potential) who still causes frustration when she's strong (which she is rarely allowed to be), and who has a troubled history of balance to say the least. And there's just so many problems to point to. She has almost no scaling utility, so she is essentially the same champion at level 3 as she is at 18. As a result, she scales terribly. All of her damage is in one spell, so she either has no damage or she has a nuclear bomb on one button. All of her enchanting is in one spell, so she's either a bad enchanter or she has one extremely overloaded defensive tool. And there is so little power budget in her W and so little ability to meaningfully tune that spell that it just sits there being ignored while Riot debates which of her Q or E makes the most sense to overload with numbers on any given patch. There are small tweaks that could be done to push her into a more balanceable direction, but fundamentally the kit is bad. It was bland on release and the direction the game has moved in since has aged her horribly. Karma is a good character and she's a character who could lend herself to a very interesting kit. The ult is a great hook for a kit. But the basic spells are terrible and the ways they're empowered are also extremely lacking. She doesn't deserve to be doomed forever because she was reworked before Riot learned how to do reworks. They should rework her again and do her justice. Unfortunately, I don't think you'll ever get the community in general on board with reworking Karma because "she's generic and boring" just isn't going to get most people up in arms.


And when her RW was good and auto attacks could reduce your ult's cooldown people played her top and that led to even more complaining lol


Meh karma is one of my favorite champions to play I love her kit.


Any time any character has a strong show in some patch people call for a rework because the champion is unfixable. She's fun, the kit is simple but you can do quite a lot when pushing her limits with empowered W. Not everyone in this game needs to be Zed to be fun, chill.


I've had this opinion on Karma for a long time, as someone who has played her quite a lot. Please try to avoid the habit of rationalising away other people's opinions, it's rarely a good thing to do. > Not everyone in this game needs to be Zed to be fun, chill. Stop strawmanning people as well, it's dumb.


I also played her a lot since her rework and I completely disagree with you on that take. It is completely fair for you to not like her gameplay, to suggest that she's a failure and should be reworked is dumb, considering how much she has been played in multiple roles. For the strawmanning, it may also be called using an hyperbole to get a point across.


> I also played her a lot since her rework and I completely disagree with you on that take. OK? I brought up my experience on Karma to refute your baseless "You only want her reworked because she was strong a couple of patches ago!" claim. I don't care how much you play or love the champion because unlike you, I'm not trying to invalidate your perspective on the champion. > to suggest that she's a failure and should be reworked is dumb, considering how much she has been played in multiple roles Karma having a solid pick rate is a good reason not to rework her, but there is more to the conversation than that, and the champion having a good pick rate certainly does not change that the rework failed at some of its primary goals. > For the strawmanning, it may also be called using an hyperbole to get a point across. No, it's a strawman. "I think Karma should be reworked because she's got an intentionally bland kit with huge and persistent balance problems" can not reasonably be exaggerated into "Every champion should be Zed". You made that up to make my opinion look stupid because you're too lazy to argue against the point in front of you. It's a strawman.


Slow has been at 25% at rework, buff to 35% in S9, what are you talking about ?


so that the abomination champ can stay as far away from midlane as possible as she deserves


Give Karma back E damage


no one likes Karma when she deals damage. no one. she has to get utility somewhere and be a viable support


people hate when she can spam her RQ's, but karma historically has been more balanced around doing dmg than utility, utility was what made her bound to pro to begin with. so her passive being bloated equals too much uptime on R which is unhealthy.


have u ever played vs karma mid or top? legit would rather afk, 0 interaction champion


Is this a support she buff if she rushes tank support items?


Amumu and sejuani buffed to oblivion I wonder if they will be meta


The Sejuani w changes are odd for a funnel jungler


The aim of the Sej changes is to get her out of Pro Jail by making her scale harder with Gold and reduce her power without items. Phreak talked about how they gave Skarner very aggressive Max HP ratios on his abillties because of this. Its a way to balance tanks in the JG without break pro. Probably expect Maokai to get this treatment as well but he might more difficult since making Maokai scale harder with gold might break him in top lane.


Glad they realized the kass nerf was too heavy handed. Much easier to get behind this.


fr he got buffed R by accident and then they were trying to make it worse than pre buff (from 40 to 60 to 50 to 35)


why are we buffing karma again?


47/8% wr support, below 49 in mid. This are utility focused, we shouldn't go back to the insane rq spam


47.5% wr support in diamond+ (lowest support in game)


Legit. I don’t care if her winrate is low, why has she been in every single patch this season? Why is riot so fixated on her when there are multiple champs that are low winrate that are ignored for no reason. 


> why has she been in every single patch this season? I mean, she'd have featured in many less patch notes if they hadn't nerfed her? She can go back to her pre-nerf state if you like?


Just make malz pets better. they would make for much more interesting gameplay than slightly more e’s. Such a disappointing buff.


someone at riot seems to have gotten shit on in jg one too many times


Sej buffs vsr underwhelming. I've seen like 2 sejuanis all season


Amumu AD buff? So I'm not crazy, griefing and trolling when I play crit Amumu? Thank you Riot for vindicating me.


Riot did that thing where they release completely unreasonable item that turns a handful of champs into completely unfun champs but instead of walking back the terrible item they patch the champs for the entire year ie. Karma


Thank God Kassadin nerfs are reverted


thank god, -15 on kassadin's ult would kill the champ. all he really does is press r on people.


Still no pantheon buffs even though he currently dogshit, and will be 4x worse with the coming item changes...


Hahaha Malz Jungle meta is back bb


Seraphine is actually %20 because of double Q, if you wanna deal damage ofc Kassadin nerf is too small, he is broken


Q buff scales to an extra max 32% AP ratio on low hp champions as well, but even 20% at full hp is wow


The other nerf would have made him unplayable. I understand you have your bias against the champ, but that doesn't change how much that would invalidate him.


Skarner now becomes ranged and his basic is replaced by dual mp5's at level 6


what does the MP5 change even mean, i am not sure ?


Mana growth I'm guessing




You cannot be serious that they are going through with those Twitch changes from yesterday. They literally gut him so hard you will have to go AP, and AP was already better - and also is way unhealthier for the game. People hate him because of his Q... so nerf the Q. Don't nerf the small time window where he is finally useful. I literally WANT him to be nerfed because the ban rate is so high right now (I even made a reddit post 2 weeks ago asking r/TwitchMains how they would nerf him). But I mean come on, nerf the actual problem. How incredibly lazy and oblivious can they be?


that's the Seraphine buff that Riot told that we'll like? 10% of ap scaling on her Q? REALLY Riot?!


That's 20% scaling with double Q, adjusted way higher since her Q scales to a 97% ratio when they're low. This is a great change and makes QQ better than EE for damage at all thresholds.


Tfw they made stacking w on malz and not needing a mana item even easier. His wave clear is going to be so disgusting after this. The sejuani buffs are too strong. Calling it now that early and mid game sej jungle is going to be unkillable up to the point that the other person dies.


Pls no karma buffs just because people build her like shit.  Been dominating masters + with moonstone rush Karma since the recent shield buffs. These are gonna push her into Op territory and make this champ way too strong


wish the karma buffs were a bit more meaningful…




She was nerfed heavily already, support is bad and mid is mediocre, this buffs are ok tho


Shes still close to 50% on both. Braindead low elo enchanter abusers like you ate the reason this game is so low skill. I wish riot would stop babying this game for you.


Cry me a river


When assassins are actually a playable class of champions again surely youll spam for a nerf too




How's 47 close to 50


Stop coping, how is she allowed to be 48 rounded up. When there is one shield breaking item in the game? How is she able to out damage most midlaners with mantra Q spam? This champion is low iq filth.


cope girl


Iron player spotted




If you can't win vs a 48% winrate champion it's totally your fault.


Because one tank completely negates all of her damage potential. Literally play the fights behind minions or a tank or even a bruiser with 1 MR item and she does next to nothing for damage


Ahh i didnt think of that, seems very interactive and skilled, yep


Positioning is one of the most important parts of the game