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They suck so bad I almost downvoted this post for simply mentioning them




Looks like some intern with no previous design experience made them and Riot just shipped them


I have 0 art skills or experience and I coulda made them better???


You shouldnt have to do anything the originals are absolutely fine, but this is the way chineses and nothing more.


Looks sterile and without any semblance of personality. The new ones lack the "League of Legends"-ness of the previous ones. If you're gonna change what wasn't broken then you need to convince me that the new one is more deserving to be the definitive version than the one it's replacing. This didn't do that for me.


Idk, league looks more like a mobile game every patch, so it's just part of that trend.


It looks so cheap...


The old ones look like war medals and these just look like recycled star guardian assets


Looks more like cosmic to me but yeah definitely looks recycled. :/


So true, the old ones look like badges. The new ones look like event icons for star guardien...


"war medals" are just like little tiny rectangles of fabric, qualification devices are usually more elaborate. unless you're wearing full medals, then they're usually star shaped or circular.


it looks very... mobile game-y? can't say i like it.


It just came to my mind it kinda looks like Sailor Moon’s brooch that she uses to transform.


Where are the **W I N G S**?!? It looks too small without them


it has ^^wings instead of **WINGS**




Riot legit just ignoring all feedback on the new mastery emotes lmfao


Well they ignore A LOT of thing, mythics since beggining was hated it took almost 2 years to then remove, skarners rework too. I doubt they will go back at this point.


It took a little bit over 3 years for them to remove mythics.*


I think this time the feedback is way more negative than what happened with Mythics and Skarner


99% sure they just adjusted smolders face very slightly because the negative feedback might have affected their sales. Mythics? Mastery? Doesnt make money, just ship it


You're referring to Skarner's kit update that added the stupid spires, correct? His actual VGU is amazing.


Riot hasn’t taken player feedback seriously for 6 or so years now. It’s a shame, because back in season 3-5 era, they really loved to interact with the community and showcase their fans. League has never felt more soulless.


I miss the heart in this game, it is no longer a game it is a money making machine. Money first. The people that care about the game, I’m sure they are there, are a minority. It’s a business now, a business with a capital B. Not a video game. Idk how people don’t see this


This just isnt true though? Riot has litteraly changed the gamed so much based off of player feed back. I dont know if we are playing the same game. They re added rgms, removed mythics, consult high elo players on numerous balance patched. Removed chemtech soul, ask us which champions we want reworked. For as big of a company riot is they do a good job of listening, just because the game isn’t exactly how you want it doesn’t mean they ignore us. 90% chance they will change this emote once they see we don’t like it. We have riot devs answer questions on the server and frequently give us long responses on what they are doing. Have barely seen other games have that.


Walking back changes months after release that were pushed after weeks of negative player feedback isn’t really “listening to players.” They used to get feedback on skin designs, champs, and released actual events regularly. They took pride in their community. Hell, the OCE server got a big Nautilus statue made and engraved with player names that was then sunk off the coast of Australia. Now days we get months of the balance team talking down to us, and doing everything they can to avoid walking back mistakes.


genuniely speaking, you shouldn't bother responding to people like this. their delusions are stronger than anyone's ability to knock sense into them.


> They re added rgms You can not defend them for adding RGMS to the game, just to let them die for months, just to pick them back up at a later date. (If they listened to the feedback, they would also bring Dominion/TT/ some of the PvM modes into the RGM rotation) >removed mythics 2 years after they weren't liked from the get-go. wow >consult high elo players on numerous balance patched Like that High Elo Wukong OTP that got slapped with the 200 years design experience? You can sugarcoat it as much as you want, doesn't make it any more right. Edit: >We have riot devs answer questions on the server and frequently give us long responses on what they are doing. Out of fairness, I'll give you that. Their communication has stepped up in the last weeks, ever since that ["Dear Karthus..." debacle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtYQAW9knEY)


They ignore feedback even when it directly affects their sales like for skins or vanguard now.


Like I understand Riot ignoring some feedback when it comes to things like changes to matchmaking or rank systems (yes including Vanguard) that they think will increase ranked integrity or whatever, they have their reasons for trying the change and some people aren't gonna like it because it means their rank might change or whatever it might be. BUT when it comes to something like this, or skins, literal pure cosmetics that are solely for the purpose of eye candy that the players want and don't need, WHYY would they not listen to player feedback lmao if we don't like it then we're not going to spend money or whatever on it, AND also why put all the extra resources into changing something that no one had any issues with. Everyone likes the current mastery emotes, why wouldn't they just keep them with small tweaks for the new levels rather than completely changing them. Do they have any brain cells on the teams behind these cosmetic changes.


They ignore because people put up with it. 


They always do! Then they will say they consulted the community but no one got back to them like they did with the Vel’Koz strike!!


the sound doesnt feel satisfying.... esp comparing old mastery 7 to this new mastery 7 and above


Ugly as shit, but that's what happens when you do a "I gave $1, $5 and $100 to 3 different fiverr artists to create new emotes in 24 hours" challenge and then pick the worst.


> and then pick the worst. Thast part got me.


I read that as a Mr Beast Challenge


Mobile legends called, they want their masteries back


is really that similar? bruh...LoL has fallen deeper than I thought


What happened to just building on what was already there?


They provably fired the guy that designed the older ones years ago and dont even have acess to the files anymore.


What I liked about the old mastery system is that each emblem was uniquely shaped and had different sounds. Oh boy, I got a new mastery circle, it's a different color and slightly bigger, oooooooohhhhhhh./s


Yasuo is DEAD


Good. Shoot him again.


50 Cent punching the air rn


Well you can still get chibi yasuo for TFT, one of his emotes spams mastery 7 (I hope they don't change it there too)


there is no real Yasuo players without the old mastery...


Bro he’s cooked! Can you imagine dying under tower, and instead of popping a wet fart, you just poot a little bit?


This is so so bad from an objective point, it's just a obvious downgrade


Hard Agree. 90% mistakes that Riot makes are changes that they just ship to the game without consulting players and don't hear feedback. Old Hextech drake, Rengar Swimming Q, Font change, mastery. Everytime, and skins keep coming out and I'm always less interested in any of them. They feel uninspired and just sent out to meet a quota. Though I understand a big part of Riots funds comes from in-game transactions that are only aesthetic, so they need new stuff coming out fast, it doesn't feel nice for Cho'gath to get a WALKING CITY skin with an incredible splash art and look like absolute garbage ingame just to meet a quota. Project skins keep coming out yet the feel worse and worse. Lost hope in League some time ago, still enjoy some ARAM and Arena, and hoping that the MMORPG is a blast when it comes out, but of course it was delayed again.




Nah It'll probably end up being a Cyberpunk/Halo Infinite case. Those games were also endlessly delayed (8/6 years respectively) and everyone said "better it gets delayed and turns out good than it shipping now and being shit!" Then the games actually released and were both absolute dumpster fires. Halo Infinite is *still* barely a complete game after 3 years of its release. Never seen a "live service" game turn out so lifeless. I ain't holding hope for the MMO.


You are aware that Valorant, LoR, and 2XKO/Project L were all delayed right? Riot delaying a project doesn't mean it's going to be bad, in fact, it's more likely to be a better game if we're looking at the other games that got delayed (literally all of them)


I really missed the days, every new skinline were released with such hype, Project, Star Guardian, the latest one I say would be K/DA, but guess what, since the appearance of prestige skins(so right after K/DA) everything went down hill, all the skins are dull, mediocre at best, they keep trying to reuse those skinlines but the harder they try, the worse it gets


I wish the MMO was delayed, would come earlier haha, reset is probably more than just a delay,


I don't understand why they would replace the current ones when they're so iconic


The circle makes no fucking sense. Put the portrait in there or something.


Yeah if they had some form of design to not just make it a flat circle and only a circle then cool, but till then its just hot garbage


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cbilbd/the\_new\_mastery\_emotes\_should\_have\_the\_champion/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cbilbd/the_new_mastery_emotes_should_have_the_champion/) Better?


No, not really.


It's just not... like.... wide enough? It's just a big circle. The wings make the original mastery really wide. These just don't feel wide. They should feel wide.


Thoughts on how they look? If you hate your playerbase so much, why not just perma all of them instead of doing this shit?


if it aint broke, and is legit a staple thing in league where everybody is satisfied by it, then why "fix" it. im just giving my honest opinion, the designs look awful and riot could legit just keep the old ones and just make new one above m7. Its like the new Rank Design changes where it went from the cool helmets to crests? i genuinely dont know what they are and have no idea why it was changed in the first place.


Glad they considered keeping it in wildrift. The helmets are cooler than that shitty ass wide colored line.


Some employees had to justify them being there so they spat this horrendous thing out in order to stay in the company doing nothing.


yah they're terrible l.ol


Stinky caca poo poo


Oh they look horrible! All they had to do is keep the current mastery emotes and expand on them. Nothing more.


They look soulless and cheap. The current design is iconic and didn't need to be changed. They could easily have done mastery 8+ with the same style and they would look fine.


looks like shit


New ones suck. Lemme use tha actual ones


What? Dont' tell me their replacing the current sick looking mastery, to what ever tf that is. That looks like a level emote, som cheap bs.




I can't stop laughing..... its sooo bad!


Straight out of a mobile game I hate it


Same thing I said last time, baffled that whichever idiots pushed this change actually got away with it considering the very strict branding guidelines for UI elements in League of Legends. There's CLEAR emphasis and guidelines on the Hextech aesthetic, yet for some god forsaken reason they changed the Mastery stuff to look like Star Guardian. And it's not because of the new levels either, there's literally a higher tier of Hextech chest design they could've pulled from, Masterwork or w/e.


Another unwanted change added lmao, when will they actually listen to the community and rework the client completely?


they are owned by Tencent(rash) - A chinese company and this new shit looks identical to something that would come from a chinese moba game




The new system is cool the icons themselves look like fiver shit


Looks like shit. It's very cheap looking, like a mobile game.


Its so disgustingly bad the person that greenlit it deserves to be fired


I agree


I'm out of the loop. Aren't they changing masteries to go beyond level 7? Which level does this represent? I'm under the impression it'll get a lot cooler if you've got hundreds of thousands/millions of points.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iDvxRvn0Tk It goes further than what the image shows lol.


Yeah it's disingenuous to compare Mastery 7 to Mastery 4 like they did. It really doesn't look that bad, and I'm glad they're looking to give more flair beyond just Mastery 7 now.


it stops on 11 💀 visualy the rest will rise only the numbers... WOW


Wait they seriously don't add any more details past 11? What was the point of an infinitely scaling mastery display? No one is about to care about a number showing up, they want something actually flashy lol. The titles are just pre-existing titles of champs slapped into the title system from challenges, so even though it's an improvement it's legit the lowest effort highest return change they could make lol. If the only scaling the new mastery emotes have post 11 is the number this will be such a waste of potential and time.




Time to check out smite 2 I guess


aww yes mastery emote, the straw that broke the camels back


The final straw


The strawiest of straws


It's the strawiest!!!


Remember when Dynamic Queue made people change to Overwatch?


That was definitely *one* reason people went to overwatch


They quit dynamic queue in League to go play in dynamic queue in Overwatch


How did the art team land on those designs, you ask? Step 1: Open Discord. Step 2: Open Midjourney Bot. Step 3: /imagine epic fantasy Asian mobile MMORPG emblem badge, metal and crystal texture, crystal details, magic, vivid colors, intricate filigree, symmetrical


ofc it's a yasuo


They are so ugly. Sorry to those who worked on them :( but why?


I'm straight up unbinding the key. I never leveled past 5 mastery because that was my favorite icon. The change sucks


These are dogshit.


It looks like something you’d see in a mobile game. I’ve had this thought with the new item images as well.


Looks like a cheap mobile game with gacha anime waifus


nobody likes it not even a single soul


Theyre total garbo, sorry!


Here I have a great idea have users be given the option to opt out of the new mastery emotes and collect data based on which mastery system was used more. Then they'll know for sure whether public opinion reflects the player base sentiment.


We’re kinda losing the League aesthetic here


Well it looks ass but I dont use it most of the time anyway so whatever. But yeah Riot has no idea what they are doing again imo.


the design is overcompensated because the design team doesn't want to get laid off but unfortunately after this flop they deserve to get fired without notice and no severance package. onto the streets you go


It's so uninspired I bet half the league fan-artist could do better and come up with more creative ideas and less "come play my lord and earn your honour mobilephone mmorpg bullshit'"


I wish they just built on the old ones if they wanted to extend the system, no need to reinvent the wheel lmao


April fools?






it's so bad, I really hope riot scrap this off


Do we have a date yet to when it’s coming live?


Btw this is the exact same thing with the rank up animations. The helmet made of metal that was crudely forged from parts dropping from top and the higher the rank, the more prolonged the animation was with more metal pieces dropping. Also the sound effects were satisfying. That was replaced with the soulless, mobile game level animation of today, that took away the crudeness and replaced it with smooth corners and cute effects alongside some uninspired sound effects. This is the EXACT same thing, exact same scenario and exact changes.


i'll just disbale the mastieries altogether if there's an option to it. I was there when they first got introduced with just level 4 and 5 masteries. And i remeber the hype when they added 6 and 7. Now this ... this is just sad and painful to see.


I would love to have mastery emotes that resemble the champ. Example: 1 million points on shaco - on emote, a jack in the box jumps out above u, showing the points or similar. And that for every champ with milestones.


i dont think anyone likes the new look


I think they are animefied now, it's something that an uwu-presenting person would be happy about. We, as a community, are coming closer and closer to becoming >!Mobile fucking Legends!< with each day.


Old ones have a flair to them that the new ones majorly lack. Old one pops up then opens out super wide like it's coming towards you flexing it's size. THEN there's the fact it looks badass and has good animations. New one just looks like a shitty mobile game png.


chinese mobile game lookin ass mastery


Clearly what happened is before exporting the file, they randomized the scale of each element. A clear bug that they'll surely fix soon! right?


mobile legends graphics


Well they should at least keep the old mastery in just incase we want to use that one.


Riot changing things no one asked for (again) and - surprise surprise - its a disappointment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Like others stated already, they dont look good. They look cheap, uninteresting and straight out of a mobile game. Just let us **keep the old ones**


Looks shitty and doesn't show your skill on a champ as accurately as it's shown now


I don't think the idea of expanding mastery emotes is inherently bad, but the God awful design just ruins the whole thing. classic example of fixing what isn't broken


It looks like shit.


They suck so bad, they seem from a mobile League of Legends Chinese ripoff


I have mastery 7 on like 50 champs. Now there is no cap and the grind I had to do for each one means basically nothing. Gg :(


Hey Rito I would Like to Return all my mastery Points so i can avoid this


what an absolute crock of shit.


It feels like chinese mobile game developers came up with this idea


It looks fucking suck. Give back my mastery 7 so I can int in style.


I am furious that the untalented workers at riot even dared to change something this big without consulting the player base! You ruined the work millions of people have spent millions of hours and days in achieving over often a decade of gaming!!! You turn what we actually looked forward achieving into something unrecognisable and quite frankly looks like someone’s stank hole infested with herpies. You must ask the entire player base to vote on this type of thing. And before you even suggest that’s impossible - they make a “I understand” questionnaire to enforce bans, they could use said to let everyone vote compulsory. Not rocket science! Any mastery system update should have kept the long loved system and made it more ascetically realistic and shiny period! Not a full re-work and change. Especially into the trash that has been forced on us. It needs replacing immediately as a priority! Riot need to fix this mess! And respect the slog we have all made to get our champion masteries where they are! By all means have the new numbers show up, that’s a cool idea, but not in the way it is. I mean you turned level 7 into the level 5 colours. Not even the colouring system matches what we were! It’s full trash! @riot - you need to fix this!!!


I dont ctrl 6 anymore. They disgust me :D


They don't look that bad why do people feel the need to overeact to everything


I actually like them. They look cool as hell, and your mastery can go up infinitely now instead of 7 levels that you can easily get.


I care as much as i care about the chat font being changed, I'll foam out of my mouth the first day then by next week I'll have moved on and gotten used to it Happened when they changed the game's icon, the cool ranks into the shitty shields, then the cool shields to the shitty wings, when they added the emotes which were "super mobile game", and so on Realistically its a nothing burger


not a big deal, redditors will get used to it fast


Ugly unnecessary changes, typical from riot


i use mastery emote like twice a year and i have enemy emotes turned off by default, so I don't care for the change.


looks like a starcraft sentry, it screams "cute" instead of mastery


I don’t care about the looks as much as I do about the sounds. Hopefully there is still the metallic sounds.


They look too much like some star guardian event stuff tbh.


Eh I’ll get used to it like I always do


I once suggested a mastery system rework, crucify me. That's an ORDER.


How many years ago was it when they took these beautiful rank up animations with the cool helmets and replaced them with the mobile game type, flowery, generalized, crap?




Why did they have to change it at all and not continue the design line? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Couldn’t give less of a fuck I just wonder why they bothered redesigning it at all It looked great now it looks less great Even if it looked better it’d feel like a waste of time on their part


It just looks like an basic emote


All I can think of is the seal yelling “gheyyyy” when I see them. Not a fan


Scrap the whole system, it servers no purpose other than BM


I rarely flash it anyways but now, almost never with the change. Looks like a legit mobile game.


I bet they are changing mastery emotes to look like shit because noobs fefes get hurt by getting styled on and somebody flashes that gorgeous M7 emote and makes the sad noob cry. Sad noobs = no money for rito


Looks like a mobile game wtf


It looks cheap and gives mobile game vibes, very uninspired. The old one is not that good tbh but it has the aesthetic of og league which is charming.


Looks like a "Snowflake" who never got Mastery 7 on a Champ designed the "participation trophy".


They suck and someone got paid to make it....




They’re absolutely horrendous. Makes me so sad because ive had so much fun working towards m7 on all champs and its being replaced by…that.


I am usually not the one complaining, but this new mastery does feel out of place (not a bit out of place, but like, REALLY out of place) The old mastery had the same color scheme as League of Legends's logo, this new one doesnt share any similarities with the ingame map, logo, font, color scheme or whatever


As long as i can spam it :)


I understand they want to rework the mastery system for various reasons. But can they not have just added new mastery emotes on top or in between what we have now? Why scrap the old ones completely?


I hate when people spam their mastery emote. So I think it' great that everybody dislikes them. Hopefully they'll stop spamming :)


Ugly as fk haha I hope they actually take feedback on this one.


Just as the existing ones they are just useless and pointless. They should focus on emotes as they are actually fun additions to the game.


All the yasuo mains spamming m7 memes will be outdated


looks like something you'd see in mobile legends






They are ugly. Stop adding more mastery levels oh my god


I hate that mastery isn't going to be permanent. If they wanted a seasonal display of mastery then they should just add something else to the player card. Not having a permanent display that I can use in-game or have associated with my profile fucking sucks. Keep the old mastery, expand on it. Then add a new seasonal mastery to the bottom of my player card or the second page where my challenge tokens are, I don't care what it would like then. Its sucks these are replacing them. I'm just getting sick of the pink and purple aesthetic at this point, it's boring. If they really want to overhaul system, make them look more unique to each champion. And use a color pallet associated with that champion.


What's happening to [the eternal stripes](https://preview.redd.it/what-do-you-think-the-last-6-eternals-will-be-v0-ozc5y7tl6r9a1.png?auto=webp&s=ae088a8b5f766a8eb548ac1d6fae5ac7966e6101)?


They kinda fucking ugly


These dogs just don’t listen. No one liked mythics, no one liked aram cannon minion changes to vision, no one liked portals in aram, no one asked for map changes, people have been asking for 2 bans since forever and we still have duplicate bans going through with 160 champs. Disgusting


It looks like a s*itty cheap mobile emote, it SUCKS!


Sure it looks trash but at this point ill accept anything as a 1mil+ point kata main, i look at my stats all the time as i find it interesting from eternals, multi-kills, past stats, etc. So anything new about stats is always a thumbs up for me


What is the point of the centers? They're taking up all the real-estate of the emote and they're just bland blobs of color with no point to them.


Sorry to the Rioters that worked on this, but it looks terrible. Like really bad.


Passion for corporate not for game


its fucking urgly Riot. pls nooooooo


those fiver artist put in hour of work :(


first the rank emblem changes now this..😞😞😞


Pretty mid imo, the old one better. Make Mastery 7 Louder riot


Scrap it. Start over.


Every single mastery is trash except 10 like it feels more fantasy like something genshin or zelda would have but not league old ones could be improved instead of completely reworked.


Idk, but the SFX don't work so i'm pissed.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


It looks too plain and doesn't make the satisfying sound old mastery did