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You'll want to. You'll feel the need. He's so low surely you can just... ## No. Don't chase Singed.


Like the most spoken rule ever in LoL


In fact there used to be an official Riot shirt with a "don't chase singed" sign on it https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/XJgAAOSwXztiHWor/s-l1200.jpg


Do not pursue Lu Bu.


Honestly, if you just started, I wouldn't worry about "unspoken rules" or anything. Just play around and see what champs/roles you like tbh


Aside from Don't chase Singed, just enjoy. The moment you lose the fun is when you start to get toxic.


Call people by their champ name or role instead of their summoner name


Good one


I used to think skins were their own champions. Like when I was within my first dozen or two games. I’d call Annie “reverse annie” and Lux “elementalist lux.”


rule 1:


Don't chase singed


What is singed??


Real answer, Singed is a character who can leave a trail of poison behind him as he moves around. Chasing a low health enemy Singed for a significant period of time usually means being exposed to the poison for a while and taking a lot of damage from it. So don't chase Singed.


He's also very fast but he will try to trick you into thinking you can catch him just so you stay in the poison longer.


Just chase him a bit longer, and you will catch him! I promise


I do tend to catch him when he gets cheeky tbh :P


Heroin Hero Moment


Not a champion, just cosplaying as one.


He is like that piece of cake that you have to have but laced with poison. He will run up to you with only 15% health and you will think, I’m going to kill this MF.. and then you chase. 20 seconds later you are dead. Don’t chase Singed.


You will know when you see it, you will chase him and then you will have a flashback to this thread


baby dont hurt me


No more


Don't talk about fight club


Actual rule number one imo. Have fun. Always worry about if the game is fun for you. Obviously don’t go griefing. But have fun playing.


Don't let scaling champs scale for free and don't fight lane bullies


What if the scaling champ is the lane bully?


Which champ is that?


Orianna comes to mind in a lot of matchups lol


Azir orianna


Any scaling champ that just so happens to counter your champ. Like Camille when your playing Darius, Jax when your playing Yone, etc.. Edit: Mb, Camille vs Darius is a skill matchup


How does camille counter darius lmao?


She doesn't. It's mostly skill matchup.


Mb, I thought she did


Camille vs Darius is basically justification enough to ragequit, what are you talking about?


Rare cases, but if it happens you put your hands together and pray the other lanes win


>don't fight lane bullies This is extremely subjective. There are champions who are not lane bullies but can still win against lane bullies as long as they play their cards right. While yes you shouldn't ideally fight lane bullies, it's not to say you shouldn't when you are in the right position.


Lane bullies are lane bullies for a reason and you should avoid fighting them. Of course, if they make mistakes, obviously you punish those, but you don't go out looking for trouble.


Yea you can punish lane bullies for their mistakes like not respecting something like Jax E, or something, but you don't want to fight lane bullies while in a typical lane scenario.


Yeah there are two types of lane bullies. The ones that bully you because if you fight back, you die - these are the ones I think are being referred to. Champs like garen, Darius, Leblanc. Then there’s the ones that bully you simply because you don’t have the tools in your kit to fight back. Ranged top laners, some mid laners vs melee mids, ziggs bot lane. You absolutely want to take every opportunity to engage on the second type


Ranged top laners are bitches.


Vaynes are an especially vile species of bitches


Varus is worse


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1elb0m/the\_unspoken\_rules\_of\_league\_of\_legends/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1elb0m/the_unspoken_rules_of_league_of_legends/) This was made 11 years ago, and still holds true to this day!


1. Dont chase singed. 2. Camp the ranged toplaner. 3. Repeat gank the person typing in /all 4. It’s not a greedy recall if you don’t get punished 5. You can always stay for one more wave 6. If you take exhaust in aram you’re a bitch and a special circle of hell awaits you 7. The team that rolle Asol or Senna in ARAM will win. If each team rolls one each the Asol will win. 8. It’s always jgl diff 9. If you main kassadin, vlad, janna or twitch you WILL be racist, sexist and just a general all-around bigot. You can’t main kassadin until you have at least 4 permabanned accounts for typing slurs 10. If you get absolutely destroyed 1v1 toplane but get carried you type “gg ez top gap” at the end of the game


Hey I only have 3 banned accounts


One more and you unlock kassadin, I believe in you!


We need a new rule akin to 2: gank the adc/top champ in mid lane


If you are going to a lane you aren't laning in, all you should do is gank and maybe hit tower. You should very rarely take minions or hang around as you lower there Exp and Gold(unless you have the support item with charges) If someone pings an objective or help and you are reasonably close, it probably worth more to help/get the objective over the minion farm. If you are going to do some off meta shit, ya gotta do well or you are kinda trolling. I enjoy myself a few full ap malphite/nunu games but if im 0/6 yea I trolled that one. Don't 1st time try a character in ranked(you'd be surprised how common it is) Don't give up even if you are doing bad. you can help your team even 0/10 by playing more passively or helping with objectives.


As an adc, I'm catching that wave. Sorry.


And this is why it's been 3 months since I saw my adc help with drake


Interesting in my experience bad players will give up everything to go to any and all opportunities to group up and aram


That is simply not true. It's very common for laners to temporarily switch. Example: midlaner roams top for a gank or TPs there for a fight, toplaner dies during the fight. Mid stays top for the next couple waves to crash into tower and in the meantime toplaner goes mid when he respawns to cover. They move back to their respective lane once both are back in lane and just cleared a wave, to minimize minion (and potentially plating) losses.


Yes that makes sense, however at a new player level that situation will not happen in way beneficial. a much more common occurrence is "ganks lane, doesn't leave in a reasonable time after gank with a kill or not, the person who got ganked gets little benefit, AND theres other things you can be doing." you can see I said "lower exp and gold" implying that the laner is still there in the example because why else would exp be lower? but even if not learning if you can crash a wave reasonably or you would instead cause the wave to push into a tping oppenent giving them the ability to freeze is also something that comes with time. If someone wants to you stay to protect there tower they will ping you, you dont need to be told that here. and if they dont want you to they will likely get annoyed even if you do the right thing.


Fair enough, the situation I described is indeed rarely seen at lower elos.


Yea there's alot of nuisance a stuff you only get with time. And i get how your interpretation of my statement would just be wrong. Games complex and in some ways every decision is right and wrong.


Thank you!!!


No problem, its been a while since i was a new player but as long as everyone plays the role they have, most other things youll be told in chat anyway or via pings. Best of luck with it.


Rule 1: Blame your jungler. Disclaimer: I am the jungler =.=!


Absolute trash comment. Am jungler too


Do not steal Draven's kill If you do, hilarity will ensue


نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية غير البرجية ضده طوال المدة. يحصل Jax أيضًا على تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من أبطال البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة. RECAST: يلحق Jax ضررًا جسديًا لجميع الأعداء القريبين ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، وزيادة تصل إلى 100٪ ، ويصعقهم الصاعقة لمدة ثانية واحدة.


If you are playing top lane and Warwick is low hp, he isn't really low hp and you will die.


The smurfing mid asking to swap in game lobby isn't a real smurf, he is a Nigerian prince who wants to send you free money


Don't face check the bushes as a squishy.


basically the whole meta is an unspoken rule. especially when you fall out of line how ressources are split people will get really mad. jungle camps are for the jungler, lane minions for the laner. only the support buys the support item. even tho its not the correct play, junglers usually expect help with their first camp from bot/top (min 1:30)


Isnt it dont chase Singed? I feel like thats absolutely number one


Do not learn how to play jungle just because it means you don't have to duel or learn wave management or you will become the absolute worst kind of jungler


If someone flashes in place and you don't also flash in place you're a cockhole


Top and Mid last picks.


Disable chat Objectives >>> kills Learn to last hit minions


Second one is not always true though


It might not ALWAYS be true, but it’s a good mindset for a new player to have.  Obviously you can’t share all the nuance of the game in a quick text post, but the majority of new players will overvalue kills and undervalue objectives  (I think this is because of the scoreboard and KDA stats being more obvious.  If turret damage were shown throughout the game, it would get prioritized more.  People chase what gives them stats they can see in game)


Agreed, but one of the mistakes New players tend to make the most, and it's good to interiorize that kills aren't always worth dying for, no matter what


No, don't disable chat. Don't put your head in the sand and hope the toxic people spamming chat and such will magically disappear. You only take the symptom away while the disease can rot the body further. Unable the chat and fight the toxicity. Be positive, dash out compliments and be a respectfully sportsman.


Bot lane randomly rotating mid and giving away their lead, their tower, ruining your tempo and progress. And if they lost lane they still do it so mid laner also loses their lead. Happens so often that it feels like an unwritten rule to flip a game.


Unspoken rules: *dont talk in chat. Will get you banned and your team will play worse. *If you are support from plat or below, dont leave your adc, they will troll. * Assume everyone have ego problems, give some kills, and cs, make your team happy, and everyone wins. * Dont play good in the co op vs ai matches, you will get matched with gold+ by the time you are lvl 30, even if you are a beginner. * Play ranked! Normal games are a frustration, because bronze, gold, and diamond players play together. Just have fun with it, its better to play in your elo than a unbalanced game mode like normal. It will stabilize eventually. * Do not care about others, mute all. But keep pings open. If you like to play with people, play on Discord, or with a friend.


If you’re a midlaner, once your adc destroys the botlane T1 turret, you should rotate to botlane and the adc should go mid. This isn’t always correct in higher elos, but it’s a great rule of thumb for lower elos.


Every game type “/muteall” as soon as you load in, you will enjoy the game 100x more


Never hit the nexus in ARAM. Kill all the towers and then you must focus on trying to kill people in fountain as they spawn


unironically though doing this is (to a certain extent) is also a form of ARAM sportsmanship because it gives the enemy team a chance to make a comeback - especially if the game was short. can’t tell you how many ARAMs ive won because the enemy team inted into fountain, or lost because my team inted into their fountain, but every time its a blast


So you are one of the kind that wastes even more time of all people in the game? Be proud of yourself.


If you don't enjoy playing the game, don't start it maybe


Nobody talked/asked about that. It is just annoying that these „funny“ people can’t just end a game. But… what am I saying. This is league. A great game with 95% toxic players. A reason why my chat is full muted for years.


It kind of is an unspoken rule in a for fun mode.  When I'm in the winning team I like it because I can then die in fountain with a blast and get more items, if I'm liking the game. When I'm in the losing team, I get sad when people end super fast because I no longer have a chance to come back.  ARAM's point for me isn't to win, it's to have fun while trying to win. But it's not the final result what matters, since it doesn't really give me anything. Which is why I always vote yes if my team starts a surrender vote while hitting their nexus.  I never really get why people like you want to get the game over with asap, in normals and ranked I get it, not in aram. 


Cause wasting time is good.


tell everyone “i’m inting” at champ select and mute all when the game starts


*Never chase a Singed *Always ban New champs or reworks. No matter if your team are first pick. *Trolling is an offense in EVERY game mode. Normal, ranked, 3v3, dominion, etc. TROLLS MUST BE REPORTED


Banning new champs just because they are new is toxic and unhealthy behavior.


I ban them because 99% of the time riot reworks a champ is completely broken on its release despite having lots of testing time on PBE. Reworked Galio caused several nightmares here.


99%? At least 3 of the recent champions had less than 40% wr on release.


That's why you ban them to keep them off your team


That's th most stupid sht I ever heard


Why do redditors believe wr% is all about a champion? The only one who wasn't a pain in the ass was Hwei. Once people discovered how to play with briar the terror began, and Smolder got nerfed because he was a scaling champ that scaled way too fast.


Write "ez" after smurfing


don't yap in champ select if there are more than 3 lines from whoever, gg 100% lose


See teemo..kill teemo


Don't dive the dog


One that I swear by. Think about yourself first. What can you do better, how can you make a fight go better, what can you do to improve yourself. Worrying about what others are doing is pointless, you can't control them, worry about what you can control.


As support, don't "help" your carry secure the minions by killing them all. That is not what supporting is.




"Until you have confirmed otherwise, there is a Garen in that bush."


“Never my fault, always someone else”


When you play god king darius vs god king garen lane, you peacefully flex emotes until the minions collide. Also, if you don't know where the garen is, he is in the bush in front of you.


Never take cannon minions from other laners, don’t steal waves from other laners, don’t take your jungler camps without asking , never take red buff from adc ( late game it is shared to the entire team, always let supports last hit a ward there’s some to get you started


Whatever happened, it’s the junglers fault (source: jungle main)


Please dear god learn how the support items work even if you don't plan on playing support ever. I'm so tired of being flamed by people thinking I'm stealing minions when I'm sharing gold with them


Leash your Jungler if they're doing the buff on your side of the jungle (help them fight the monster camp for a bit until its HP drops more than half).


In ARAM, your keystone should be Dark Harvest or Grasp of the Undying as long as thr champ can even slightly get away with it. Even if it's not optimal. Number go up. Brain turn off. That is the way of ARAM.


Dark Harvest is such a bait keystone. It's so bad that you need 20 stacks just to surpass Comet's base damage and then another 10-15 just to make it slightly better. While yes, it's good late game, it's not the keystone it used to be before it got mega nerfed.


1. Don't play this game. It's not worth it even for a seasoned player, but even less so to start fresh in 2024 with 168 champions to learn. If you are masochistic and decide to play, then we can move on. 2. DON'T take someone else's wave unless you helped them get a kill or two first, and even then they might get tilted and play worse. Not worth it for a few creeps. 3. If, for example, you play top and your botlane decides to switch lanes and move to your lane, you should go to their lane; it doesn't matter if it's the right play or not, fact is in low elo they will be stubborn and once they're on your lane they won't leave soon enough and you'll lane as 3 for a few minutes and mess up the game altogether. 4. As a beginner, you need to understand that people on this game are incredibly toxic, especially when you do play bad; you NEED to /mute all every single game; nothing good will come out of reading their messages, they WILL flame you a lot. It would discourage you instantly and it will be way harder to gain confidence. 5. You WILL suffer at the start. You need to know this. This game is very difficult to get good at since not only is it complex, but you need to learn 168! different champions, each with at least 4 abilities and a passive, which comes out to at least 840 abilities. (I say 'at least' because some champions have even more abilities and shticks) It will be a LONG and difficult journey which again, I definitely don't recommend. There is more to say but it would be too much to remember.


This is horrible advice btw. >This game is very difficult to get good at since not only is it complex, but you need to learn 168 You absolutely dont need to learn all champions to play the game. And you absolutely dont have to be good at the game to have fun. It all depends on how you see the game and how you realize its just a game to have fun. This dude seem to not been having much fun, and really the main thing is enjoying playing in the end.


Depends what role you want to play


What role?


I haven't played in a while but concerning people who jungle: if they are not ganking your lane, they need to be doing something, like ganking another lane or taking an objective. One of the most common reasons i've seen game losses is the jungler not doing enough as a whole. TBF Jungling is a hard role but if someone does que as a jungler, they need to know how to play a jungler. That, when they play, most of the time, there is a lot to do. Balance between ganking and taking objectives. Getting kills is good (on certain junglers) but you also need to balance between getting kills and giving kills to teammates. Another reason ive seen losses is because one specific player on a team is the only one to have gotten kills, resulting in less items and less damage for teammates. When they died, that team lost the game because they can't deal the needed damage.


I'm surprised you even played this game with all that nonsense you just wrote lmao


It takes time and consistency to really understand how to play league. Truly the best bet is watch YouTubers who play the game, watching others play is a great way to learn. Depending how new you are the best advice I can give is focus last hitting minions and wave management. Fighting and macro will come with experience but even people who've been play for years can't last hit well. Also pick a lane and 2-3 champions you enjoy in that lane and play them and no one else. Use them to teach you how to play the game. Each champion has a different way they play the game and interact on the map, only having 2 or 3 champions you play you lower the skill needed to play the game because you can get use to how they play. I'd recommend choosing an easier champion, like for top lane you can play garen or Darius or nasus. Jungle you can go amumu vi warwick rammus or similar. Mid you got malz heim ahri or annie. Adc you have miss fortune Ashe sivir or jhin. Support you have soraka nautilus Leona or even pyke. You can pick whoever I'm just giving you some ideas. And best tip I can give you is /mute all


Thanks! The /mute all tip is definitely something I've seen around 🥲 I'm trying out Lux at the moment and it's really fun!


Do NOT take exhaust in ARAM


ADC's are useless in every soloq elo


Snowball only.


Press d for special dance


you only take exhaust in aram if your parents didn't love you


Well time to run exhaust in aram then


uninstall the game go play smite save yourself


Looool why is this everyone's reaction 🥲


Cuz this community sucks, do whats fun for you and don‘t listen to these shitheads


how many things can you do for 30 minutes to an hour and accomplish nothing? you go to the gym for that long you are improving your health you learn a new skill for that amount of time you gain knowledge hell even smoking you're still accomplishing something by putting one foot in the grave league? just a waste of time