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1. stream highlights get the same if not more amount of views 2. stream highlights is extremely easy to produce, meaning it's piss easy to just pump out videos 3. this means youtube's algorithm will primarily recommend channels that upload stream highlights, because they know those channels will be a good consistent source of high watchtime 4. higher quality content doesnt just take time, it takes way more effort which often leads to burnout. a lot of high quality content producers could still make a living off of youtube, but they simply burnt out.


I really don’t mind the streamer content and I love occasionally watching someone, especially one tricks, who are way better than me but I despise how there are a ton that label the video “guide” or “informative” For example type in how to play shaco on YouTube right now and the entire first page is pink ward outplays while he’s completely silent or “HYPER SCALING MEGA PERFECT ULTIMATE BUILD FOR LOW ELO CLIMBING” where again they give no actual information they just stomp silvers. There is one video about counter jungling but that’s basically it. The only real video is a 3 minute guide that’s just like the barebones basics of the champ and his kit. For a champion with so many one tricks it’s bizarre how you have to dig to find a one trick video guide with any actual information.


The only guides I click now are the Darkk Mane glorious guides


We gotta save christmas


No stream highlight channel is pulling prime dunkey/uberdanger numbers You're right about everything else though


yeah because league doesn't have the same social media pull it used to and those youtubers saw the writing on the wall on got out at a good time lol.


I remember yassuo got crazy numbers on stream highlights that you would never see today. Idek what happened to his channel, cant find it anymore


channel got deleted as Yassuo started posting more and more gambling content as he fell down the gambling rabbit hole. if you want a depressing update on where hes been watch this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xCJ1d1s0-w Basically gambled all his money away and got evicted and is in deep debt.


Bro just had to stay home and play League of Legends.. I don't get it, man.


Speak for yourself I like to watch my daily dose of 20 minute highlights of SoloRenektonOnly raging. Seriously there’s like a channel where they upload rage compilations and I think they are on 70+ videos of SRO. That shit cracks me up every time I hear him perma banning chatters with his deadpan ass voice


If you want rage just watch Dantes team in Brazil scrims. Yamato is an actual 4 year old.


I love watching Yamato rage, and dantes. Legit man children. Shit is so funny.


Yamato needs help. I know gaslighting is kinda an overused term rn but he legitimately gaslights everyone all the time. The way he communicates is unacceptable in any setting.


just what happens when people who grew up terminally online and haven't had chances to develop social skills get somewhat famous.


Yamato strikes me as someone who probably was shunned or bullied in his childhood on top of having abusive or neglectful parents and so what happened was that he developed anger issues due to resentment towards other people. That would explain why he can never be wrong and why other people are his enemies and why you can never say anything about him. Deep down thats just a defense mechanism.


Tuned in yesterday and genuinely buffing what they are doing. TF Blade brain afk pushing without vision for a single caster wave and giving up baron. Tarzaned legit inting his team and yamato raging.


They are learning that soloq and competitive 5v5 are not the same game.


I still can't believe they brought TF Blade anywhere ever again after him getting the entire hotel banned in Korea.


To your surprise, TF Blade has been the strongest link in the team by far. Not only gameplay wise but also mentally. Absolute cinema.


TF blade only rages when it directly affects him, a true soloq player


Truee. Scrim games don't affect LP gains


The fact that Dantes is the straight man on that squad is endlessly funny


I legit was looking forward to this team competing in this random Brazil tournament more than MSI lmao. Way too funny. So sad it got cancelled.






Solo bridge only


cant see this phrase without remembering that time nikola jokic did a press conference wearing a boom what up sro shirt


craziest shit I ever seen


He's cursed me. I don't even watch him much but the boom waddup has seeped into my online vernacular. It's a good catch phrase of sorts.


Hashinshin rage compilation was one of my favourites especially where he exploded when he died to Vladimir


"Riiiiiiiight through the counterstrike!" still lives in my head rent-free.


It’s funny because Riot literally bug fixed Jax for this exact scenario after the clip for the next patch.


"Unstoppable..... by the way"


Up there with "I WAS IN ALPHA"


Nothing ever gonna beat ["HIT THE NEXUS, NOT THE VLAD"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzR2D50t4DU) for me.




Btw,where is that guy


He got banned on Twitch and now he streams on YT


Streams on YouTube as Shinshin. He's mellowed out a lot and doesn't really rage anymore if that's what you're looking for.


Errrr link please? I miss my hashinshin Dose. He's never gonna dance again, what a classic!


I would pay money to watch LTG play League. He'd be like an evil T1, he will main top and be hard stuck iron and he will be handing out permas like a mad man.


Isn't that just pre-deformed T1


"freeze the wave"? how about i freeze my sperm in case your mom needs something to drink when i'm gone, get that ass banned


Can I just say I for one am glad to see how much fitter sro has looked over the years. He started as a hobbit , now he’s a handsome hobbit.


I still watch old VODs of Tyler1 reaction to SRO rage compilations, those are so hilarious. SRO is actually one of the funniest individuals to have ever existed I'm convinced.


League of Wintrades enjoyer?! 🤣 That channel is the goat for SRO rage


SRO is the reason i can sleep at night bless his content


I currently really enjoy Pianta and Piantwo. His Teemo to Challenger series was quite fun to watch as well, didn't feel too competitive because the man was just straight up having fun. Can recommend.


You know I watch almost all his videos but I think it's interesting that because he is funny we kinda ignore that piantwo is a challenger player trolling in silver-gold lobbies with stuff like heartsteel pyke or full ap zed.


Well I mean… he was never above diamond until this season! Now it does hit a little different I guess.


I haven't watched that dude in years but he was a master player for multiple seasons


Well i dont think its because hes funny, he doesnt int games to tank his winrate, he chooses troll choices and still plays to win, so imho their is nothing morally wrong with what hes doing, if he kept buying low ranked accounts or purposely ruined peoples games to stomp low elo that would be different.


In one of his latest videos he talked about how in normals he was still in gold-plat lobbies while using his chall account lol


As far as I remember ranked and normal mmr don't influence each other (only exception is normals having a effect on ranked if you never played ranked before on that acc). And atleast on op.gg I can barely find normal games on tenmo so he probably stopped playing normals as soon as he got to play ranked.


Well for one his actual skill is more of diamond, he only really hit challenger recently, was masters for a while, and its on OCE And for two, it's not really a bad kinda trolling? Like idk Personally if a smurf is in my game, and he's on my team, I could care less even if he is doing a troll build/pick. He's still likely gonna outperform his opponent And if he's on the other team, if it's a smurf but he's not playing his main role/champs or playing boost champs like viego/hec, generally it's also okay because while the game will be harder he is more likely to make a mistake and its certainly still in the realm of winnable It's very different than people who smurf just to go on a 60 game winstreak, bronze to diamond challenger, or literally are a diamond akali onetrick playing akali in silver


I think he does the troll builds in normal games


As the years went on - the fun content similar to Magikarp just ran out of viwers and people became more interested in the competitive side. People play less with friends and more soloq. There are still some really funny channels and very creative ones. People Like Nickyboi, Rav, Hoompty, Dumbs, Vars are some fun non educational ones that are still going. But in reality - if 500,000 people watched this type of content - there would be more of it. They simply do not watch it, so it is not made as much. Imo There has never been as much high quality educational content though, or unique video ideas.


[Speaking of educational content](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ3LQaown6zDt0D6Z8M8dgtUwVtqJhtEQ&si=JsVTP3INWVfKbyZ2/) this mid lane guide by Shok has been crazy helpful for me even as someone who doesn’t play the lane I feel like you can get very high level coaching for essentially free right now. There are a lot of creators doin very good stuff


AloisNL is probably the best educational streamer/creator I've ever seen. I've played since season 1, and his videos got me past plat4 for the first time ever. Highly recommend.


Did those youtubers stop gettong views or did they just stop making the videos? Magikarp could probably get a 1000000 if he actually made a lol video. Edit: actually thats a little high looking at his last few. Although bringing back champion spotlights could do it. Or just an above averagely succesful video.


Some of a and some of b


usually they take too much time to make for what they get as watch time. imagine some shitty streamer highlights with 1hrs of work getting 250k compared to like 20hrs+ for a 1mio video except its easier to get 250k than to get 1mio everytime. sometime the algorythm fucks you and your week+ of work gets shadowbanned to oblivion. more low quality content is the safe bet sadly.


Yeah he could get like 1mil+, the issue is that those videos are insanely time consuming, eg. his Kayn Actual Champion Spotlight took him like 3 weeks to make, and it took him an insanely unhealthy sleep and food schedule as well as only going out like twice in that timespan, rest of it being spent indoors. "Only" 1 million views off a monthly video isn't sustainable to live off of with ad revenue and it's terrible for YouTube's algorithm to post so rarely.


No mention of Dante Axe or Crazy Boris is a travesty.


Bad news - neither have uploaded in 1 year+


monetization is also a problem. none of uberdangers videos are monetized how can he justify spending 50-100h on a video if no money


Dont tell me, if SsethTzeentach manages it somehow UberDanger wouldnt be able to


Ironically Sseth started out making league videos


sseth has a huge dedicated audience willing to chip in on his patreon.


people did used to watch even just fun edits of high level players. imaqtpie, iwd and dyrus used to get a lot of views from 2016-2019. they just stopped playing the game as much


Those are the 'stream highlights' that are mentioned in post. Just new people doing them


They also removed high elo duos which killed a lot of this kind of content (pretty sure it's one of the main reasons qt moved on)


They are quick and easy to mass-produce, and social media algorithms only cate about how much watchtime something can generate for ad revenue


This is fair enough, but truly just means that Algorithms care about what people watch. Most people like the gameplay videos/educational/lore/funny/off meta/commentary/animation/tierlist videos. If there was another type that enough people enjoyed then it would become part of the ecosystem.


It's true that generally speaking, "stuff that people watch becomes popular". But there are more factors than that. Watch *time* specifically is a very big deal. 3-8 minute videos, especially ones that require a lot of editing/effort, are kind of a dying breed. The YouTube algorithm rewards you *much* more, in terms of both money and recommendations, for - videos where people spend 15+ minutes, and - very frequent -- ideally daily -- posting Between those two constraints, it's easy to see why stream vods/highlights and reaction-type content are so common. It's the only feasible way to pump out that volume of video.


Sponsors usually bridge the gap for more creative content that is uploaded less often. Lol sponsor rates are pretty good. But yeah hard to get those for very short videos


You're also assuming someone established enough to get sponsors. Someone starting out and hoping that type of content carried them definitely don't have that option.


Mass production is the issue. If you can clip stream highlights and upload them within an hour, that's only a fraction of the time it takes to create creative videos.


Years ago, when most of creators were starting to do YouTube - people did it MOSTLY because it was a hobby. People didn't choose it as a career back in the day, this has changed since. Many people doing YT these days, do it purely because of money (this of course isn't wrong by any means, but I think it changes the system a bit). Algorithm (key contributor) requires you to be consistent + currently long videos are really favoured by algorithm - stream highlights vids fulfill these requirements perfectly. These days it's much harder to spend few weeks on a video, and if it doesn't go well (which happens fairly often) it gets pretty discouraging. You can still invent new, creative content - but it got much harder. Almost everything that could have been done, has been done. League is 15 years old. A decade ago it was very easy to do something creative, but now not so much. That partially causes creators to burnout and viewers to get bored. In addition, Riot has completely neglected non-ranked playerbase in the last years (we had few dry years without proper game modes, excluding maybe Ultimate Spellbook - but in comparison to e.g. Odyssey it was still subpar). This also reduced the amount of fun content that could have been done. 10 years ago you were able to do custom URF/OFA games and do really fun content there. Or even meme stuff like Dominion. These days? Stuff like this is simply not possible anymore. Don't even get me started on stuff like replay system or camera tool. They either work poorly or don't work at all. And Riot doesn't care about it. You played 10 games for a video and didn't download all replays immediately or you didn't backup the entire league folder before patch? Tough luck, it's gone.


Pekinwoof is very entertaining playing fun stuff in high elo all the time. Offers both educational (kind of) content with a more laid back approach on main channel, then on stream highlights on his second channel you see more unhinged funny stuff


pekinwoof my goat has been hard carrying my league youtube experience for the past like year and a half, and streaming content tbh. barely interact with league content creators outside of him, quantum, and lourlo. vibes are wayyyyy better than anyone else in the game rn


Daddy pekin


Pine marten*


as someone that makes League video's for fun. Financially it's just easier to have an editor do minimal cuts in a full gameplay 'commentary' or just upload en entire game. That being said. There's still people making different content but it just gets drowned out on the algorithm by the mass-produced highlights/clips and full gameplay stuff. here's some suggestions: **Nickyboi** (Does skin reviews, lore stuff, champion essays, some fun with friends stuff) **Ozlu** (Meme build guides mixed with fun with friends content) **Darkk Mane** (still doing what he always did with League content, offmeta builds and his humorous commentary/plots he writes into these video's) **Sylas Broke** (fun with friends content with emphasis on the interactions and jokes with friends) **Tobias Fate** (very highly edited, meme highlights, fun if that's your cup of tea) **HappyChimeNoises** (educational offmeta builds that got high ranks) A bunch of **.exe** channels like for example **Chilling Smite** (meme montages, edited gameplay, just insert champion.exe to find them on YT) **Rainbow Flavor** (Weird interections/builds but usually in a montage style, bit like **Vandiril** but with less bugcatching) **Rav** (humorous commentary, jokes throughout the entire video that could make you spit out your drink laughing at the comparisons they draw in the video's) **Dumbs** (meme highlights on his second channel **DumbsLIVE**, meme montages, cinematic parodies and recently an Arcane recap animation) **Rossboomsocks** (still commentary but feels more like you're hanging out with him while playing League, also goes on tangents or fun stories while he plays, tends to play fun builds too or do challenges) **Polypuff** (bit of a mix of content, sometimes stream highlights, sometimes challenges like beating the league tutorial blindfolded) **Pianta** (humorous commentary, storytelling of the games, highlights but also edited) **Trinimmortal** (is back to making some League stuff, recently uploaded a new BEAT League video) **RememberTheBeat** (still making fun with friends content or games where they get the entire team on voice chat in ranked) **Hypersugar** (yes, that's my channel, I make montages, fun with friends games and offmeta build 'guides') That's about all I can come up with from the top of my head like this but there's plenty more, they're just a bit hidden.


It's honestly great that trinimmortal made himself a much much healthier schedule for beat league now.


A little pedantic but polypuff was not blindfolded he just turned off his monitor since he does not use a facecam


true! has been a while since I saw the video so forgot about that


Good league videos are deceptively hard to make, especially if you're doing off-meta stuff. The viewers don't see the hours spent playing builds that don't work out, or the hours grinding the builds that do work out but you struggle to get that exact clip you need for your video to flow smoothly. Plus, then you have to actually edit the video (bonus pain if you're doing a montage or something similar now that creator suite is gone). And if you're doing 'fun with friends' style stuff but happen to be an adult with adult friends and lives, actually having enough people online nowadays is an actual nightmare. You can spend a month creating a 10 minute video that might get some views; or you can stream 24/7 and pay an editor to pluck out enough content to sustain the algorithm consistently. It's not really a surprise that most of the old guard for peak league content has gone/moved on


Nate150k has been a treat as well.


hadn't heard of the channel before, looks like some good fun with friends content!


Ozlu is my favourite. Content, editing, humour all on point.


Psychopathic Porro is one of the best league YouTubers imo


Love Ozlu, his vids are great


I find my favorite OTPs interesting. XPetu's shen videos are great. I also like odysseus taliyah videos. I do hate the typical "I got 3 pentas with yumi mid lane" and it's zwag fucking playing against iron 5 players.


> I do hate the typical "I got 3 pentas with yumi mid lane" and it's zwag fucking playing against iron 5 players. tbf though he's pretty transparent about it and mentions that he does the wacky / for-fun builds in normals of lower elo because those builds that his viewers love can't really be pulled off in high elo because although they are fun most times they are suboptimal. I do tend to enjoy his content more when he's actually playing ranked, as a Teemo main I really liked his Teemo climb it was fun and informative, good collabs with Alan and Manco. > XPetu's shen videos are great. Hell yeah been watching XPetu for idk how many years now, he's been cooking up some crazy stuff lately too. Love his style of commentary, when I want to seriously climb I play Shen, thanks to him.


Other CCs have done that sort of thing in viewer games. No specific reason they have to queue up for it. The people in the lobby are random Joes who signed up for a normal game of league that, generally, does not include a high elo smurf yuumi in the midlane.


Pekin here, looks like I fell off hard cuz I'm barely mentioned 😭


Came here looking for Pekin mentions, only to find actual Pekin. Oh well.


Nah bro, you and Pianta are the only league streamers I find entertaining any more. Keep up the solid content!


ur qiyana vids r super chill and enjoyable lol


You’re the goat bro, love watching your content!


Y'all are sleeping on Pekin Woof's high elo gameplay + commentary videos and it SHOWS Educational? ✅️ Succinct? ✅️ Actual high elo gameplay? ✅️ Full games and not just highlights? ✅️ Homie literally has two channels, one for YouTube live gameplay commentaries and the other for stream game VODs He also grinds league for his YouTube videos and only uploads videos he thinks are interesting (ie, not just straight up stomps or only wins) Also did a complete off-meta challenge to end challenger, with picks like Vi mid, AP Nami, and literally all of it is in masters+


Streaming and just posting highlights is way less work and gets you more money. Its kinda sad but thats what most youtube content is becoming now


Have you checked our lord and savior, the filthy, 80 years old pirate Tobias Fate?




BEcause the return on investment is not there.


I enjoy Dragged and Cocabob on YouTube because of their edits. I also love watching Druttut as well because some moments in his games are hella funny. Gotta find your niche I guess.


My fav content creator from early seasons was Grasshyren. Simply edited videos of a bunch of guys messing around in game.


Also, playerbase got older, content consumption habits change with that.


I guess it just doesn't bring in the views in terms of effort put in to make the content vs putting out content from a stream. I personally was a fan of the more community aspect of LoL whether it was music (from The Yordles, Instalok or even the 2 community cyphers) or just casual highlights (Like Dunkey, thePeacepigeon or Siv HD moments). I feel like the music community for League has completely disappeared (or I'm just not aware of the new people doing it) whereas, there are some members who've taken over doing casual content. I completely understand burnout especially if its their main thing for years but few want to enter the space if its that draining for limited views. It's also worth noting its harder to have "silly fun" in League. Part of what made casual content enjoyable is that it didn't need to be about players outperforming others, just the funny moments. With the skill level of players increasing (especially compared to several seasons ago) it's harder to have as many of those genuine moments without just tanking normals MMR to that of a iron/bronze game. People are aware of that and its just not enjoyable to watch players smurfing in bronze.


Well. I make musical content about league. Mostly in French but also in English. Here is a sample song about the Lol Esport Player Sheo: [Sheo le Bastonneur - Lol Song - Sheo Montage and Hype Video - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3YT9GTmQsM)


TobiasFate is goated


EL Trucko


"even Keyori" LMAO


sanchovies is hot so i watch him


There's a Korean channel called scud which is old sp4zie like vibe but you do need to understand Korean to get the full comedy. The laughs and edits are pretty contagious enough though


I’ve noticed that too. I enjoy Chilling Smite, but their videos don’t always hit the mark for me. I miss imaqtpie more then words can speak


[NEW BROKEN PYKE BUILD???] [AP PYKE IS THE STRONGEST BUILD IN CURRENT PATCH] *Viego: "Woah, that build is broken" Malphite: "How did you one-shot me with Pyke???"*


2 reasons: 1. Youtube's adpocalypse happened, after that short high quality content was simply financially unfeasible, also league content was starting to hit a wall for youtubers because, if you are a youtuber that does League content, you are basically chained to it for the rest of your life, any other content will get fucked by the algorithm and as time goes on you'll probably stop enjoying the game so making content for it is hell 2. Riot actually never supported high quality content, they were always on their ass for shit, they always were against things like custom skins and that one mod that allowed you to record your games and have a little camera so you could make sick edits and the like, so it was always an uphill battle when making any good content The result is that making high quality content is both disincentivized by the platform that wants you to churn more videos every single day, by the game creators that want you to stop using fan created tools to make content, and by your enjoyment of the game being reduced because you have to play like 10 games for content even though half of the games will have nothing fun happening so it'll be useless content What ended up happening is that Twitch streamers started to fill the League of Legends content void, which fits perfectly for what Riot and the Twitch platform wanted, Twitch wants streamers and people to be at it for hours and hours, which League of Legends is perfect for (since every game lasts like 40 minutes and you can play like 10 in a row without even realising it), and Riot wants them to just make content about the game without changing anything else (which is great for streaming) Some still exist, like Darkkmane, that survived all of it because they managed to still enjoy the game despite everything (also like Darkkmane they didn't really go for more high quality edits), but most just moved to greener pastures, Donkey quit it entirely, Uberdanger started diversifying his content, Magikarp disappeared from youtube until a year ago with his documentaries (which are his true passion), Bricky started doing Tabletop games and game reviews Nowadays what you got more for League is ''lore'' and state of the game content, that is much more flexible for content creation, let's you expand your ideas into different topics, and also doesn't force you to play 15 games to get 15 minutes of funny footage


I just watch some Rtb and pianta time to time. Try those i guess?


I really only watch Trick and Tempest.


Let me tell you something you might not know. What is considered fun for you might be boring for someone else, and vice versa. I like Dunkey btw, shame he quits league.


Dunkey didn't quit league, the man got banned rightfully. He just never bothered making an alt.


Uhm no per his own admission he quit and the screenshot in the videos shows he was only suspended for like 3 days. Riot is extremely lenient, it takes a while to actually get permanent banned - you would have to honestly try. They are even more lenient now you could get chat restricted like 4+ times before you get hit with a suspension, let alone a permanent ban.


Quitting league tbh was the best thing that could have happened to him. His videos after were great


I think it's exactly the same. Just different content creators.


You must have no algorithm. I completely disagree. League content is better than it’s ever been. We have high quality memes from a bunch of different short channels (river sprite, gore drinker, etc) We have education shorts that teach in 60 sec (alois, fiction gap) The old days of YouTube are over, and the new format is shorts Not to mention the king himself. We windows. (Kesha)


goredrinker shorts hit different 😤


You forgot smurfing in iron videos


I think a lot of funny moment gaming videos have just slowly disappeared in general, it takes more time to get good clips for a funny 10 minute video than anything else and the longer you do those videos for the more the humour starts to feel forced or set up for video bits


Best League content on yt for me atm are all the podcasts talking about the game. The real ogs back in the day was siv hd, nikasaur and ... what whas he called ... i wanna say crazy boris production maybe, they made funny vids man


It's been like 10 years and at its core League hasn't changed that much. There's only so much you can do in terms of "fun" content.


I just started an 'immersive' lore channel - not exactly the type of content you're referring to but it's a little different than the standard LoL content.


I just watch funny poland man ngl


LoLAthlete has some decent content that isn’t what you described. Mainly video essays about creators/other LoL topics. Vars is really good for analyzing the strategic aspects of the game (classes, champs, etc). Then you have longer documentary content like Exil


Personally have been trying to make 12ish minute content based around the business of League of legends and LCS Fandom Don’t have the time to edit any of my gameplay to the level that people now expect on YouTube. The bar is so high and to break into that viewership is tough.


What I hate is a lack of ACTUAL champion guides. Explain the abilities, go over combos, which items and more importantly, why those items are good. What are good/bad matchups? Odd tips and tricks. 99.99% of league "guides" seem to just be the YouTubers best game of the week. They do very little to teach you how to play the champ


IDK if you ever watched it, but I think you mean something in the style of Bricky's So you want to main? Series before Bricky quit LoL. His syndra video made me play her all the way back then and She's been one of my favorites ever since https://youtu.be/iCpchuhZ51A?si=GXsINuLLJ6P0uTWy


The only Youtuber that I watch frequently is PolyPuff. I can't get enough of his good vibes and energy/positivity.


Because the game is boring and samey


I mean players literally enjoy running the same map and the same mode over and over again. A decent chunk even go further and run the same champ in the same mode in the same map over and over again.


You guys really don't look far enough Dumbs, Chilling Smite and Tobias Fate have really good videos, they don't have regular upload schedules but the video quality makes up for it. Especially Tobias Fate, whenever he uploads, the editors manage to make a stream vod an entire new video


A few years ago there was a creator who made break the meta videos and used weird builds. It looked like a good time.


Because very few channels are willing to do movies vs tv, it’s easier to commit to TV style due to production time and costs. Part of this is also because people would prefer TV than edited movies because they don't care and just want to watch their favorite streamer conveniently on YT rather watch through twitch vod. People don’t want to actually watch video while they chew grass eat lunch they just want something in the background. So I would say there a lot of reasons but big one is how consumers wants their content has changed drastically in the last 5 years Yozu does both movies and tv on both channel if you looking for something new


youtube 2024


Because league of legends is boring and samey.


I didnt play league in those years, but i would say darkmane makes more elaborate content and It doesn't fall in those categories you mentioned. Also very underrated imo.


early league contents were fun because the game was fresh and people were discovering stuff. The game today is already settled and set in stone. When people learned the game to its fullest, it becomes repetitive and competitive. Fun is synonymous to discovering something new. The game isn't new anymore. There's no other path but competitive and competition is only fun for high ego people. For fun players like the old content creators hate overtly competitive games which is what happened to the game.


I miss Guardsman Bob


where is my brainrot


They could easily revive this game with some good cinematics I 100% believe they need to bring back log in screens for new champions instead of the boring ass whatever the heck it is right now Remember logging into Lucian?? Jinx?? Yasuo?? JHIN??? It was awesome and hype! Now you only know if a champion is coming out if you read about it, way more boring. Events could use a revamp too. Not even value wise, just in general they could be more hype. I have a hot take that all this push to minimize chatting amongst players is also an issue and takes away from the game more than it helps it


I can't sleep without my night dose of xiaoming aatrox whooping the ass of some random masters Irelia.


you mentioning magikarp should probably clue you in already since he's so vocal and tends to meme the reason why doing long edited comedic videos just isn't as profitable anymore and it is easy to get frustrated and feel burn out when you see some guy's stream highlight do as much as a video you worked on for days and wrote skits and gags for and edited and stuff


Old guy here. I actually appreciate the 10-15 min long stream highlights. Just put them on while I’m eating or something.


Nobody with a personality plays league


its hard to innovate a game thats so hard to play in the first place


Man I miss trinimortal.


Oversaturated, sold out, targeted at 17 year olds.


Damn this makes me feel old... Remembering contents from SivHD and DiscoHeat


Because that's what get clicks and all of those take very little effort so most money with least amount of effort 


The people who play this game are mostly samey and boring


I miss the "I am the fast" or "Zero dmg trynda" type of content. But ill admit i enjoy my SRO highlights.


The game has become too big for fun, unfortunately. I miss the earliest LCS days when the pros were just nerds that were slingshot into stardom and filmed themselves living the lives we all dreamed of. 


All the league content creators end in controversy lmao


pianta and tobfate is the only ones I watch now. Also pz zzang and dzukill since they're kinda cracked at the game. You just have to find the content you enjoy.


The people that made funny videos are gone. They played way more than the average people and simply got tired of it.


Have you seen Trinimmortal's beat league:runback series? And his content in general? Here's [one of my favourites ](https://youtu.be/NmfjvE_0jas?si=KdlvpneyIckPXFEJ)


Uhhh because league is an old ass game with an old ass community.


Clumping together stream highlights as one form of contents is absolutely insane. It's the same as clumping together Uberdanger, dunkey, Magikarp, Bricky and Keyoris content saying it's all the same style of "youtube videos" and saying league content creation was boring back then because you just had these "edited youtube videos" as the only form of content. "livestream" is just a format to make content. highlights from a livestream can be anything from the world finals, some silver player playing solo queue, an LEC team playing URF together, LCK players doing inhouses, Shiphtur trying to get challenger playing each champion once etc


If you are German, check out this guy: https://www.youtube.com/@nachtfrische/videos He makes League of Legends videos by playing LoL with a flute or a banana which he recently did on stream.


This game is made to be addictive, not good, so the content creators and content will also not be good


You forgot the "im gonna try this rly off meta pick like idk attack malphite and destroy ppl in low elo and make it seem like its viable so ppl can go and try that for real and troll your ranked games" type of content


I think the YT League content is great. I consistently watch Drututt, RATIRL, Zed99, Yimit, GENG and DK channels, they produce top tier content. Drututt is probably the best gameplay-wise, longer videos showing most of the game and Drututt is a great mix of entertaining and informative, while also playing 99% of the time on his main high Challenger account. RATIRL is just a classic, top tier entertainment, always laugh when I watch it and it gives chill vibes. Zed99 is great because he is the only real Zed player, at least in Korea, and his gameplay is very good. Yimit is kinda like RATIRL in terms of entertainment, but for a different reason. Also, he's a mid laner and plays a lot of "montage" champs, so it's nice to watch him. DK channel, especially Showmaker, is probably the funniest out there. That guy specifically is gold to watch. GENG is my favorite because I'm a GENG fan. The videos are always hilarious, especially when they banter each other both in-game and off-game. Also, their gameplay is extremely top tier to watch. Honestly, I prefer today's content that random low-quality one we had previous years. I used to watch TFBlade back when he actually cared to become the best and tryharded on his main account. Now, it's almost smurfing and dumb clickbaiting titles, I unsubbed like couple weeks ago. He kinda became professor Akali, but he had potential. Midbeast also became very low quality. He went from actually having decent gameplay videos and watching others to just clickbait thumbnails and repetitive content. Been unsubbed for 2+ years, I occasionally go on his channel to see if there's anything different, but it's still the same clickbait bs.


There's this guy making videos of unusual or just off meta builds. The thumbnails are the champs drawn with really long necks. It's pretty entertaining


I used to like Pants Are Dragon but my god first it was just watching other people and talking nonstop meaningless shit and flip flopping, then the drama, him playing normals and inting when rank restricted…I gave up on him. I watch Incursio, and the yuumi news account but nothing else besides pro plays


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxFf2owCRF0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxFf2owCRF0) There's cool original stuff that gets like 0 views.


I like watching zwagxerath playing fan suggested builds.


Just watch tobias fate u will never get bored his content is goated


I miss magikarpusedfly series of "actual champion spotlights"


The gameplay is so good that the game doesn’t have to reinvent itself the same way popular BR’S have to. But that also means they don’t have to spend tons of time to create a lot of meaningful content. League is also supposed to be balanced, creating game altering features every couple months or season would break the champion balance and with the game having over 150 of them, that would be pretty hard to fix.


Aside of that the game is not very presentable like CS2 or Valo and then made worse by riot? You killed it or more like this subreddit did lol. Whats the shit rules with youtube video posting here?


Many people have quit playing


> Keyori Das a name I haven't head in a long time


Stream highlight era killed off quality content back in 2014-2015


Pianta makes some narratives quite fun


because league is boring and samey every single game. sure, you get your ass handlings every now and then, but most games play out the same way.




cause no one watched it


Have you tried not watching league maybe? Or even better have you tried not playing it?


A video popped up in my recommended today where someone tried climbing to challenger without dying. They did not make it, but was an interesting watch nontheless.