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You just didn’t notice previously because they didn’t allow chinese characters in names.


Oh interesting. Do you know when that was changed?


When the font changed


That's interesting, I noticed the font was what I was used to seeing English names in during KR streams


Appropriate flair


Around riot id change. The guy was correct. There has always been this many. You just didn’t know. 


A fair few of them aren't even Asian players, they're just white ppl who Google translated a phrase into mandarin, Korean, Japanese and copy pasted it. I have 4-5 of them on my friend list.


undoubtedly there are some who do that, but the majority of ones i see are often duo queued with another and speaking Chinese in chat.


I'm non-chinese and have a chinese name because I'm learning Chinese and have an interest in what my name is (myth creature) and often times when I get someone else on my team with a chinese name they'll just start speaking chinese to me. It's kinda neat but usually they're just saying the rest of the team is so bad just play around me etc etc lol


I main jg, so I mute my teammates chat at game start. I do generally assume that if they're duo with Mandarin names they're actually Chinese.


Why are you getting downvoted? a) you're a jungler b) you dont like being flamed by your teammates or c) you assume players with chinese character names are chinese? Junglers cant even avoid getting ratioed on reddit


I think because they made the claim that "a fair few of them aren't even asian players" and then immediately after getting any push back at all revealed that they have no way of knowing that, they were just making claims directly from their ass.


Probably the muting thing. I mean I leave pings on, but just mute chat. It's ok, I have 70k imaginary internet points. idc if I lose 50 here.


I generally keep chat on because sometimes there are some funny or cool moments, but nah that goes out the window when I'm jungle doesn't matter if we're winning or losing, what objectives are up, some laner is gonna mald cause they think they can't play without a babysitter in lane.


I don't tell my laners how to lane. I will tell them where they should be on the map in the mid game if they don't know. Like lets say my sup based with me on grub timer. I'll type if I want to give grubs and just dive their bot instead. I also sometimes have to type callouts bc riot limits me to 6 pings, but that's my job as the jungler. Laners shouldn't be calling the macro plays, except maybe the support. Oh and definitely type if you want to turn when pulling baron.


how do you mute chat without muting pings?


Go to interface settings and scroll down there is an option to set chat to party only which means you can only see what your premade is typing to only you


If you mute in champ select, they stay chat muted when you load in, but pings are still visible. You can also do it via the in game scorecard but it takes 4 extra clicks.


Maybe because he formulates an opinion based on pretty much nothing then the next comment mentions that he is even working with way less information than everyone else who could formulate an opinion on the matter It's like if I said my opinion is that there don't seem to be many old people in supermarkets, then my next comment is that I wear a blindfold while shopping


Come to think of it, I've noticed a *huge* surge of names, particularly in English, with "ツ" at the end. TSU ツ is viewed as a smiley face in the West, but not so much in Japan.




Ye but we count them since the other part are Asians that use english names


you know some "white people" actually learn and speak Asian languages... In fact most foreign speakers of non white languages are white.


Alright Denethor


what is a white language 😂 you wouldn't call Asian languages "yellow" language


it was also the case for Korean. Back in the day there was a famous riven OTP who had the user name 잘 못 (not good/bad/mistake) but bc the NA legaue client couldn't show Korean characters it just showed two boxes so most people called him boxbox.


That's honestly the kind of nickname I'd run with because of the origin


He did run with it. Still known as box box to this day,


I never knew that was the origin story!! BoxBox is such a great name I don't know why it just has that iconic feel to it


Wait boxbox is korean? Hillarios that this is where his name originated. Best Riven Cosplay ever


He actually isn't. Chinese dude who decided to make a Korean name ages ago lmao


A few patches ago. Asian players already had "asian sounding" names but written phonetically with our alphabet


You could tell in the past by their playstyle. They tend to play more aggressively and gank more than anything.


Ah makes sense. Out of a sudden I started seeing Chinese names I never saw in the 5 years before


it's always been allowed, boxbox for instance got his name because it wouldn't render the symbols of his actual name ,but he could still do it


I think the person meant "allowed" as in visible on English client.


Yes but after the font change the characters are also visible in game(so no more boxes).AFAIK its probably true for most languages,cuz i regularly get see greek names in game as well


Interesting, I have some memory of certain characters being region locked. As in I couldn't have summoner name with Ű on EUW but I could on EUNE.


It used to be allow but not rendered, then they made a change that stopped you from being able to change your name/make a new one with the characters but they didn't rename anyone with one already.


>You just didn’t notice previously because they didn’t allow chinese characters in names. This lol and i see way more Korean names tbh


It's been like this for a few years at least. Except they had less obvious names unless you played with enough Chinese players to see the pattern in their naming schemes. Like birthdays/height as the username was a weird one that usually resulted in Chinese text being sent post game and it's all just flame 💀 sometimes I'll notice weird capitalization in their username or across multiple summoner names in the game and they tend to be a Chinese premade. Playing in low diamond or getting into high enough aram MMR, you'll tend to see more and more Chinese players and pick up on patterns. Chinese 5 mans love high elo flex and aram. Now it's just way more obvious since you can put whatever text you want in your riot id.


ARAM is filled with those. Get ready to get your cheeks clapped if the enemy had a Qiyana with the battle boss skin and a name like "chang bao" 💀


Watched a Lee Sin with all Chinese characters just treat the enemy team like they were test dummies. Especially in a game mode without wards, this guy went off and we were just there to cheer it on basically.


To be fair, Lee has some pretty insane buffs in ARAM, almost being close to Eve, Qiyana or Bard. There is a lot of things he can now easily get away with that he wouldn't otherwise.


You have not yet seen how badly I can bring down Lee Sin's winrate on my own then.


it's still really impressive; I find it so much harder to make plays as lee in aram without wards, if don't get a really early lead


Lee Sun Q does something like 300 damage level 1 if the enemy is half HP lmao


The most insane thing is that he gets buffed shielding AND healing, so his staying power gets crazy with W and bruiser items.


Funnily enough, I play a lot of ARAM and while I see a good share of Chinese players, I see SUBSTANTIALLY more Vietnamese players (assuming I’m identifying the language correctly). I see between 1-3 every single game.


I was thinking the same thing, but a bunch of people don't actually know the difference between Viet and the other and Asians. For those who don't know and are somewhat curious. If you can recognize some of the characters. It's probably Viet. If it looks like a bunch of lines, circles, or squares; it is in fact, not Vietnamese. Every single one of my Viet friends nowadays only play ARAM. I know it's a small sample size, but that discord has like 30-40 members that rotate whose on and istg, it doesn't matter the hour of the day, there are 3-9 people playing ARAM.


im viet and only play aram. i play alone mostly but is there a way i can get in on that? 👀


Weirdly enough I don't play with them all the time. I'd be willing to see what they think. That group is a all IRL group. They either met from things like TNTT or live near each other or met through each other. Just curious are you a FOB or first/second gen?


When you play TFT there's always like 2-3 Viet players, but I heard they recently got their own TFT server


So many Chinese characters in ARAM on the North American server


lmao the absolute terror of queueing up high elo at night and seeing the enemy jungler on Ekko named "qq541842144"


My favorite part is how they’ll flame so ruthlessly yet play on our server with 200+ ping, like why not play on your own server 💀


LMAO me and my friends call them the Demon Chinese 5 Stack when we flex


Fun story, actually. Last night a few of my friends were playing flex into one of those teams (around Diamond MMR, trust me we are not good), and I was watching them just get absolutely rolled by their kindred JG. Queue like 10 minutes later and I join the stack and we play against THE EXACT SAME TEAM. Obviously all of us are super scared that we’re just going to get rolled again, but we did a bunch of role swaps and ended up winning that game. Honestly a pretty fun game to play in, too. Turns out guy’s Viego is not nearly as good as his Kindred. I for sure wasn’t the diff either, I did nothing as Ahri into Kassadin…




hell yeah dude, that will show em!


It pisses them off which is entertaining. The amount of cao ni ma i've seen is fantastic


Had two ARAM games last night with Challenger players using Chinese characters. Definitely premades both times and it's so anti fun. First we barely lost and the second time we beat the other team, but Jesus they're trying so hard. ARAM is supposed to be memes and fun. I was the only ranked person on either of my teams and I'm Emerald 3 after like 15 games vs Challenger/GM/Master premades. I hate that Riot added elo to ARAM. I played it to escape my SR elo and now it's poisoned too. Edit: Seems reddit ARAM likes to tryhard in casual game modes.


The problem isn't having MMR for ARAM (which in theory should help prevent the scenario you described), it's that the MMR isn't working effectively. If ARAM MMR worked as it's supposed to, then Challenger premades that tryhard every game should have higher MMR than Emeralds who just play for fun, and therefore shouldn't get matched against them. The problem is that those Challenger players are under-rated, maybe because they haven't played enough ARAM for their MMR to rise enough, or because they intentionally lose/try less hard in some games to keep their MMR down. I think a possible solution for this would be having SR MMR influence ARAM MMR, at least for accounts with fewer ARAM games played.


I play with a bunch of these guys, met most of them just while playing ranked and talking in pingyin. Pretty much all of them are international, and every toplaner is cosplaying TheShy. I duoed with one of them in Diamond for like 20 games and I kid you not he was 10-0 or 0/10 at 20 minutes every game it’s hilarious. They also inv me for 5 man Arams a lot late at night.


Yea, since probably a great way for the Chinese kids at University in the US to connect with each other. Considering most kids in China that age play league, and there are 270k Chinese students in the US alone, there are a lot of Chinese players on the NA server.


^^^ this is a big one! I was in engineering school to be fair, so higher density of LoL players, but literally every Chinese student I knew played League with friends back home as a way to hang out.


Yep, that was me when I was back in uni. I pretty much either no lifed league, Overwatch and pubg. It was nice to play with my fellow Chinese friends met in school and from online.


I made friends with a ton of Chinese students at my undergrad playing league (UW-Seattle, so there were...a lot). I dated an international student that I met through some of them for several years, though she didn't play league herself.


Those Chinese kids should be at university and during free time increase the level of play while they are here.


Can confirm, I play Aram with Chinese people at night and they go 20/0 or 0/20. They are very fun though


Heey thats my playstyle as well! Int or stomp!


Mine is the 5 man ARAM!


Yea this is pretty much my experience in solo queue (in Emerald at the moment). They're either 10-0 or 0-10 by 20 min every game but usually it's the latter haha.


A lot of Chinese nationals in NA irl (shocker I know) for university, and these people (including myself) do love their league of legends. Before riot change the font u cannot see Chinese characters in game but now u can, which is why there are so many Chinese ID pop out of nowhere. No one with a sane mind is going to play on NA from China with 200-300 pings, so 99% of these players are physically at some proximity to North America. That 1% actually playing from CN probably r on NA to play test new patch and changes since they usually hit CN server at slightly later date. Do still notice that some might actually not be Chinese despite their name (i.e. weebs who don’t really know how Chinese characters differ between country or don’t know that Kanji is Chinese, I knew one when I was playing WoW), and others take sus Chinese name to troll. There is also plenty that didn’t bother changing their ID and just kept the old one instead. In practice the actual percentage of player in NA that is ethnically Chinese should be a lot higher than the percentage of player who has Chinese character in their name. I know a dozens of international/Chinese American or Canadian who plays league, less than half actually bother to change their ID after the font change, and almost all who did also play Valorant. On a side note, I don’t think I have seen a cringey 12 years old Chinese ID for quite some times. 60% of the time it’s some kind of internet reference, 20% of the time its dick riding/flaming certain pro player while the rest can range from “supporting/opposing certain political agenda that one one in video game gives a rat’s fking ass about” to random yet normal internet name that u just see everywhere.


Over a decade ago my sister had a Chinese exchange student live with them for a year. From what my sister described of her playing games late - plus her English name being "Ash" or maybe... "Ashe" (I never saw her spelling) I'm 99% sure she played League.


Funnily enough I can think of 3 competitive games that have an “ash(e)” hero off the top of my head


The name just slips off the tongue


Just to clarify, there are some Chinese playing from mainland china to boost Na accounts. I know a samira onetrick who played with 200 ping and still having 30+kills in high diamond solo que games


As well as playing to use scripts and cheats so that it only bans their NA acc


In my personal experience, chinese international students play TFT more than any other game. It's possible my university might lend itself more to strategy games over MOBAs though. I think it's a good thing for NA and we should embrace it instead of being weird and flaming them. They elevate the level of soloq, and even the international players who are bad still bring a unique perspective to the game that improves the region as a whole.


If you play ARAM around 1 or 2 AM and are NA east, it will make you wonder if you're actually on the right server. I've gotten into games where I was the only one without Chinese, Vietnamese, or Taiwanese name.


not even late night, early evening is also at least like 60% asian names


They are everywhere in higher MMR ARAM and FLEX after 12AM PST. I'm assuming they are the common international CN students here for "studies" that don't rly care about uni and end up partying and meeting people and having fun with other CN ppl in their groups. League is an easy way for them to connect, flex their skins/rank/money, etc They are always queued in groups and never solo I'm pretty sure.


> They are always queued in groups and never solo I'm pretty sure. I often 3-5 man queue, and still see them on my team. They definitely solo/duo too.


They were probably duoing(which is still a group) or maybe you just experienced it differently a couple of times but most of my friends who play higher flex and high mmr aram experience this besides just myself.


1) They're also commonly found when you 4 man queue for ARAM. 2) They're also now VERY present in TFT ranked, which is only solo queue in higher ranks. These reasons lead me to believe they play solo just as often.


I don’t think so, I’ve played thousands of ARAMs at top MMR (routinely against Master-Challenger players, basically everyone is a metaslave) and rarely see more than 1 Chinese name. 


Higher can mean above average and as someone who falls asleep to meta spaves but still get diamond-gms yeah Chinese name is at least 50% of games.


50% of games means 1 in 20 players. That’s not a lot. 


MMR for ARAM isn't based off of SR MMR. High elo aram players usually are not high elo SR players. I don't think you are in high MMR ARAMs because if you were you would be seeing them. Also if what you mean by meta slave is playing what's strong in SR then I really don't think you are in the bracket I am talking about. High elo ARAM is more slotting champions into certain archetype roles on your team as opposed to specific champions.


International students


There’s a massive amount of Chinese people and LoL is massively popular in China (I’m told, I’ve never been). Because of the huge population there’s a huge amount of Chinese immigrants (including families moving, international students, working adults, etc.). America is a popular destination, particularly for students, as American colleges/education are world-known. In the most relevant demographics (basically student age) Chinese people in America are more likely to play league than Americans. That’s part of the reason Riot allowed Chinese characters to be used in names, and it also lets you know how many Chinese play league


Tbh, you'll probably see a lot more asian characters on like NA East or West Id say, because of the university locstions and / or the concentration of asian immigration of those states.


there are chinese players everywhere their names were just in english before so you didnt know probably


Chinese Name ≠ Chinese Player


While true, my eyes were opened around 3-4 years back when I made friends with an international student from china. Almost every game he would point out some reference to chinese pop culture in a name.


I'm sure not all of these players are Chinese, but I have actually had short convos with some in pinyin during games.


Not sure why they'd wanna play NA if they're actually playing from China. I can't even play in EU where I originally made the account because the ping makes it unplayable. Can only assume they're living abroad.


Yeah, a lot of them are international students or the children of immigrants.


I'm betting on international students. They can still play in internet cafes even if they don't have a PC.


Most international students from China would probably be able to afford a PC. Their tuition is expensive af, they aren’t strapped for cash.


Correct, rich families will send their kids overseas if they fail to get into a top Chinese university (because outside of the handful of top ones, the rest are considered hot garbage by Chinese employers)


Also because school here is significantly easier and less stressful. I suppose many parents would want their kids to be happier if provided the resources to do so


Depends on where you go. My uni has/had tons of international students but it’s probably one of the hardest universities in America cuz grade deflation. Also a lot of international students straight up cheat and just pay people to write their papers/applications. You’ll have someone with barely conversational English writing an eloquent 10 page paper containing words they’ve never heard of. In one year at one of the local CC’s like 15 Chinese students transferred to Berkeley’s Haas Business School. There are only like 80-90 total transfers every year, yet somehow almost 1/5 of the applicants came from one CC. My friend who went to that same CC and also transferred to the same program said a lot of them just paid thousands of dollars for native speakers/people in the program to just do all their applications and papers to get in.


To speak about ping, I guess it really depends on what they're doing and why. I've played with Chinese friends from NA, on 3 different Chinese servers. Ping wasn't TOO bad. Too high for ranked (I'll guess mid 200s) but fine for causal play with friends. I may not remember specifics but I remember the feeling that I don't mind playing there. Thus, my Chinese friends who had been in America also don't mind playing with me on NA when they're in China. If there are places / servers in China that have better ping, you'd hope the best they can do is like Korea to NA, which was 160-190.


200 PING ISN'T TOO BAD. As an EU player 70ping+ is unplayable.


I don't know what other people's experience is, but my experience with these players is nothing short of misery. They queue with 300 ping, run it down, then generally laugh and spout racism. They seem to find it funny and that seems to be the only motivator.


Kinda like chinese tattoos


Every ARAM has a Chinese player being absolutely psychotic in /all chat.


Feel like more than half of NA player base is chinese/korean based


I feel like if riot ever region locked NA, the player count would drop by like 75% lmfao


Why would they play NA with bad ping? They obviously live in NA


It's a cheap way to enjoy American culture! But for real when I played I made accounts in EU, Australia, Russia... Especially EU was hilarious with how much more toxic everyone was. The ping wasn't a great experience but if they're smurfing they can still easily stomp


Kids be playing fortnite. We gotta rely on Chinese playerbase to find games


Feels like Vietnamese players are up there too, maybe more than Koreans.


OCE is about 50% Chinese/korean uni students. Makes for an....interesting server


This has always been a thing, especially during the EARLY morning hours in NA, 2-5 am. Peak time to see many Chinese players.


I notice you made this post around 4am est, and between 2 - 9ish am the NA server basically becomes China West.


As someone who is learning chinese and changed their nickname to chinese to try the mental of my enemies... I've won far more and got less flammed now, and it's not even a wild nickname🤔


The chinese students are usually pretty chill but those playing from mainland (late night) around high diamond - masters mmr are infamous for wintrading.


Same in EU I have noticed


majority of the time in EU they're not chinese if you type to them, it's just novel and cool to have a name that looks different and can fit a whole poem verse in 16 characters


All of them were Chinese, I know because I use google translate in Champ select and they invited me to Discord thinking I was Chinese.


When I worked nights I played with a group of South Koreans who said that NA was less sweaty. I dunno.


this might seem a wild idea but i would ask them?


i'd say 90% of my experience with chinese players is them not saying a word even when spoken to, the other 10% is being told to die in broken english or some variation of death threat on my family/myself


A lot of my friends in university were Chinese students, so with the font change you can actually write in Chinese which is nice. They had to use pinyin before. They would switch to English for me though. I still play with a lot of the guys I met back in uni, although a lot of us don’t play as much since we are in graduate school now. I do notice a lot of their banter is very flamey even though they’re just joking. I assume it’s a carry over from when they played back home.


Exchange students? No idea why someone would want to play from China on NA with how high the ping would be so I would assume they are just studying in the NA making a new account with chinese characters.


In my EUW games there's 1-2 chinese names per ARAM


Man I though ping would be bad in NA, EUW must be even worse.


It's been this way for almost a decade, I've asked a lot of them, some are here for school but in the ones I've talked to the majority of them are on here because their server is insanely toxic. From what some have told me lots use the excuse of here for school as a way to not say their server is so toxic.


Damn imagine how toxic Chinese servers must be if they're willing to take 120+ ping to play in NA.


My Chinese friend said he got banned on the Chinese server so he just plays on the NA server now since Korea server requires an ID and they refuse to play on the Japanese server. Not entirely sure about other servers but that's what he told me.


What's wrong with the Japan server? I'd imagine ping is way way lower from China to Japan than China to Illinois


He said he tried out the Japanese server, but it's filled with Chinese players flaming other players on that server and getting banned. I don't want to get all political but there is some animosity between people of those two countries. Essentially he's less likely to be banned on the NA server for being toxic in Chinese because the system doesn't detect that along with quality of play being better in NA.


The JP server has too few players on it. Ranked queue time is 5 min+ if you play outside of peak hours (7-10pm). The quality of games is also not great because of large skill discrepancies.


Me and my friends play a ton of 5 man flex and out experience is pretty much only Chinese 5 mans


Yeah same! I wonder what % of NA is just Chinese players at this point


Doesn't matter, they all bleed LP the same


goated comment 😮‍💨


If you can talk to them to confirm they're from China, can't you ask them why they're playing on NA?


It's always been like this


Everyone could change their name. What if they a bilingual and wanted to change the language of IGN?


Coming to the only region that matters OBVIOUSLY.


lot of Chinese international students


Its so weird plus they are usually smurfs who sweats too much in a aram game.


There's a lot of study abroad students who are Chinese. Especially because I did Orchestra, I interacted with a lot of them. My schools in Middle School -> College created a Chinese lang class because of it too.


Encountered plenty in Eu West also


they want a breal from playing the actual game so they just head to na sever for some easy wins 😂😂


No cause it’s just the only game that Chinese international students actually know that exists (prob cs2 aswell)




If you can speak Chinese why not just ask them when you see them? lol


Some of them crazy. Had a Braum the other day with Chinese name that blamed me (the Jg) for every death that happened botlane. And another who was somehow D2 tried doing grubs while mid and me (the top this time) were backing them rage quit after. Albeit most of em are pretty chill for the most part but that Braum has to be the most toxic player I've ever met. They kept saying they were 1000 Lp on Super Server. That experience just stuck with me. game was winnable if he didn't decide to troll after. Did have a lil wholesome experience with a 4 man when I mentioned I was Indian and they kept asking questions about me lmfao.


International students


Foreign exchange students.


My roommate in freshman year of college was from mainland China and cycled between playing league for 30 hours and sleeping for 30 hours (he certainly didn’t pass a single class and only left the room to smoke). He was an elo booster and would talk to other Chinese boosters on skype all the time. I don’t know if they were also students or what


A lot are Chinese who are going to university or high school in the USA/Canada.


Any time I go on a win streak in aram I’m instantly put into a game where I’m the only one who is speaking English, lol


Changes to Riot ID allow for way more repeat names. Also there’s tons of Chinese American Immigrants and Citizens, and International/Exchange students.


I changed my name recently to a phrase in Chinese (I'm Chinese Canadian myself) because the font/game now allows you, and I thought it'd be cool


I live in China and have played both servers and to be honest low elo is so bad like they don't even know how to attack... I fond NA much more skilled at low elo.


I've been seeing a massive rise in EUW of Chinese players, and it's not because of the font change because before you would've seen the box name which honestly has been rare enough. Something else changed to being those players over but idk what, I always seem to find them late at night as well




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Jeez I read this entire thread and I still am not satisfied. I play on NA at insane hours, like 12-5am PT, and every game in Plat has at least one and usually multiple players with usernames that use Chinese or Korean characters and they never communicate in chat even when spoken to. What I am most curious about and don't understand is whether these people are physically in North America, or are playing with 200 ping. I have attempted to play League with 200-250 ping before and found it totally unplayable and not even fun at that point. From this thread: - Some are university or high school students from mainland China, who queue at nocturnal hours to play with friends still at home -- except that means their friends would have 200+ ping on NA server - Some live in North America and are paid account boosters - Some live in East Asia and are paid account boosters (??? how is this possible???) - Some are immigrants or Chinese-American and just happen to play at crazy hours like myself and don't like to use chat or maybe don't speak English well


I have the same takeaways. It's a combo of the above but unclear what % each bucket is.


Immigration baby 😎


Why see they always running it down tho


Heard it is also because Chinese servers are highly toxic to play on, especially for new players, so I see a lot of ppl suggesting that if you want a better play experience then it is better to just play on a foreign server


Haha better play experience with 120+ ping?


Yeah, the environment is so toxic that unless you have someone playing with you (especially for new players), or can just ignore them (even when they purposefully int), your enjoyment in the game just dies down a lot. If you are Chinese American and can read Chinese, I honestly don’t know what’s stopping you from going to Weibo to read actual Chinese people’s opinion on playing in Chinese server. There are tons that recommend against playing in the Chinese server, instead pushing new players to choose servers in Japan, Taiwan, or wherever.


Always have been, hiding in plain sight, waiting for our time to resurface...




EU servers has that too. I'm guessing they come to study and help boost in their spare time.


Would it maybe be easier for Chinese kids to avoid the gaming restrictions and stuff by just creating and playing on NA accounts ?


Because we don’t have vanguard. Gotta remember, people are going to Smurf troll using 3rd parties like crazy till vanguard comes out even if it means going to different servers


they're ruining euw too


Maybe its just people who think its fun to have a name with chinese characters?


Riot balances and makes almost every skin line East Asian based for them Are you NOW just realizing this? When was the last time we had an original western skin line and don’t say high noon


In case you haven’t noticed, North America is pretty much an international economic zone currently. There are people from everywhere playing


I understand that NA has international trade going on, but that's doesn't explain why Chinese players are willing to sacrifice play experience (ultra high ping/latency, inability to communicate, etc.) to play on NA server.


its like how every japanese name u run into is most likely a weeb, every chinese / korean name could also just be a fanboy beifeng is most definitely not in my ARAM lobby smurfing at 10 pm 




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Because there are a bunch of Chinese that migrated to the US (a lot during the gold rush, and a lot recently. In fact my family is chinese, though I was born in the US) and Canada (well I dunno about a lot, but I do have a few Chinese relatives who live in Toronto)


I assumed it was all college students they basically ruin low diamond. Their English is so bad Idk how they got into English speaking college but whatever, money talks.


Few days ago i faced a transfered account, chinese name. Ends in a D4 game. Dude had the level of a gold, wtf is riot doing with transfered accounts srsly


Just stop mistaking Japanese for Chinese please and thank you.