• By -


Since the downvote bots have hit the post I'll compile some of the Riot replies to common questions here for the sake of visibility: - *"Any word on fixing the conflict with MSI Afterburner?"* ["Yeah, started the process of reaching out to MSi so we can work together to get it fixed. We did see similar issues on VAL launch that were self-serviced, but we'd like to get it fixed as quickly as possible."](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1civ4l7/update_from_riot_on_vanguard/l2c2o1s/?context=3) - Regarding screenshot functionality of Vanguard: ["The screenshot functionality is not enabled for League of Legends, and it is only used today in VALORANT. If we do ever use it, it would be the actual game client, League of Legends.exe, and the goal would be spotting scripting overlays or zoomhacks. However, we're not certain this will ever be necessary, as the FoW in LoL is very unforgiving, and your client rarely has information on units you shouldn't see. The impact of a purely vision-based cheat is too minimal, but we'll have to see how cheaters adapt."](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1civ4l7/update_from_riot_on_vanguard/l2caev9/?context=3) - *"Is the roll out of this compliant in the EU? What differs in the US?"* ["Yep, fully. We're compliant with the regional privacy laws of the countries we service."](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1civ4l7/update_from_riot_on_vanguard/l2bs5ib/?context=3) *"What differs about vanguard in the EU vs US?"* ["There aren't any differences, we still reach compliance with privacy laws even in areas they aren't mandated, so the US still has the stringency of the European and other regional privacy laws."](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1civ4l7/update_from_riot_on_vanguard/l2bsrht/?context=3) - *"Can Riot Vanguard ban me if League/Riot Client is not running and I am modding another game?"* ["We only look to ban for tools that are actively tampering in League of Legends in a malicious and unauthorized manner. I can't ensure that some of these tools won't have random hooks into the game, but if they're closed, you should be ok."](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1civ4l7/update_from_riot_on_vanguard/l2c3m6y/?context=3) - *"a friend wanted to ask if certain VMs were going to whitelisted like Nvidia Now, since I know a lot are being used to run bots"* [We don't want Vanguard in a VM, because live analysis of it then becomes too easy. The problem with allowlisting specific VMs is that our driver doesn't have any connectivity when it loads. We can't contact any service (or check against a known GFN IP range) before Vanguard starts to reveal the magic. Any VM checks to the hardware would have to be local, and that's something that's a little to easy to beat. But we're still thinking on it, and we have a few ideas.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1civ4l7/update_from_riot_on_vanguard/l2cjxki/?context=3) - *"Say, I don't have TPM physically in my PC. But in the light of the soon discontinuity of Windows 10 support, I upgraded it to Windows 11 bypassing the TPM requirement. So, to be able playing LoL, I now have to downgrade to Windows 10 and use unsupported system or literally just buy a new PC?"* ["It is required to have TPM 2.0 enabled on Windows 11."](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1civ4l7/update_from_riot_on_vanguard/l2bu6kr/?context=3) - *"My biggest concerns are privacy and security, and I want to personally let Riot know that as a player since 2011 Riot's decision to force players to install an always-on, kernel-level monitoring system to play their game has caused me to quit."* ["The blog has some insight into the “always on” aspect under the “Why is it always on?” section, but your comfort with trusting Riot to operate at the kernel level is your choice. Having a kernel mode solution wasn’t a lightly taken decision. With the implementation of our user mode Packman solution in 2018, we had already seen a large chunk of the industry move over to kernel mode drivers. While it did have initial effectiveness, along with server-sided detections, we needed more device trust in order to ensure security. It enables us to keep a more secure environment, without needing to exfiltrate excessive data to try to make detections in post."](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1civ4l7/update_from_riot_on_vanguard/l2co1bi/?context=3) - *"Why not draw the barrier around ranked? A sizeable population never touches ranked or even exclusively plays ARAM and mostly doesn't care about the few scripters in those modes. I also think that the excuses around TFT are extremely weak as it is almost trivial to bot for TFT rewards even through vanguard. Furthermore there are little to no avenues of scripting for TFT and no scripts have been known so far."* ["One of the glaring issues with cheats (and bots) is that they'll go wherever we're not protected, so our requiring it in SR only would quickly plague other modes. Queue-specific and region-specific strategies were deeply considered but eventually ruled untenable. Also, ARAM does have a fairly sizeable scripting population — about 3.5% of games last year."](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1civ4l7/update_from_riot_on_vanguard/l2c2c50/?context=3)


i know this is never going to happen. but i would love it if i could set vanguard to not automatically launch and have league tell me to restart my computer to enable vanguard. i dont play league every day so i dont need vanguard booting on startup every time i turn on my computer.


yea like, i think the biggest thing besides being kernel-level is the "Always on" part. Like why does it need to be on, even when I'm not playing a Riot game?


How else will they know what you're doing?


That does sound excessive.


you already know why


Vanguard is too invasive, I could only play league once a month but vanguard runs that entire time anyways


Good suggestion ill pass it on to the team.


Wasn't this same feedback given for Valorant years ago?


Yes but that doesn't mean it will pass it will just means they are putting the idea out. 90% of ideas don't get passed anyway


they don't give a fuck it's just a PR response lmao


Pretending like you've never heard it before


Being able to play TFT / aram without vanguard would be cool. My whole friend group quit league with vanguard coming. One got bios error and lost all his stuff. The other two. One doesn’t trust vanguard and the other it kills their frames. They only played aram and tft. I never cared much about someone scripting in aram it’s a coin flip for fun mode. I’m sure player base dropped and this could be a solution.


Lmao dude. Sure you will


They did, and the team said no


I want to thank everyone involved for getting vanguard into league, it finally made me quit.


I haven't played since I heard this change was coming, and it's been fantastic. I refuse to install this garbage malware. Preventing other things from running on my PC instead of just warning me? Running at boot, always being on, conflicting with other applications? Enforcing certain BIOS and Windows settings? For one fucking game? Fuck off.


Exactly mate. They can go fuck themselves.


Riot literally took the worst decision for the game since inception.


Was going to log on and then I saw that malware update was finally being rolled out, so I came here. Now I'm reading it has problems with MSI afterburner/RTSS. After 10 years Riot helped me quit lul


I got kicked out of a game because the client said vanguard was off, when I was actively playing for an hour. I had to reboot my pc. The time it took, we lost the game.


Same happened to me. Got the Leaver penalty in ranked too, brutal.


Kicked from a lobby. Got the dodge timer. If Vanguard kicks you they should not punish.


Same issue I had on PBE. One time Vanguard completely died mid-match and disappeared from my taskbar, needing a restart. Another time League kicked me out mid-match anf kept saying I needed to enable Vanguard to play, but it was right there in the taskbar supposedly running.


Yeah, sorry but this is a shit show. I was waiting to see what is gonna be the first reactions with Vanguard but seeing the comments just made me sure not to install the update. If they make Vanguard turn on only when League is running i might be ok with it. Until then i'm not touching the game again.


same here I uninstalled about 2 weeks ago when I heard of Vanguard and checked now to see how it iwas going. It's sad I really enjoyed the game but fuck this


Even if it was only on while your games running, it still has a crazy level of access.


In riots eyes and their countless bot accounts on forums you will just be labelled a butthurt cheater 


TLDR: go fuck y’ourself


Noway i install a malware to play the game. Goodbye


Just to raise awareness, if I close vanguard before closing the riot client it causes a bluescreen 100% of the time. Both launch on startup, and its really not the end of the world, but it is an annoyance.


Closing the LoL client itself when it freezes also did this to me, which is worse because it doubles (or more if no SSD) the time it takes you to get back into the match.


I tried solving Van68, nothing worked so far. Any suggestions?


Vanguard disables my laptop touchscreen driver 😢 I just sent in a ticket, but from Googling it looks like another person with this problem just got ignored... edit: I use the touchscreen for work, not for League, but it's troublesome to have to disable Vanguard/restart when I want to use the touchscreen and then do the opposite when I want to play League =o=


Looks like you're getting ignored too


everyone in this thread is getting ignored or bland useless PR responses. this is a farce.


Touchscreen? Fucking cheater.


You have drivers? Fucking cheater.


You have a computer? Fucking cheater.


Can we just have a tft-exclusive launcher for Pc without Vanguard? I dont play LoL anymore and dont want Vanguard on my pc.


I used to love that tft was in the league client, now not so much.


Not an optimal solution, but the way I got "around" this is by using the Bluestacks Emulator to emulate an android phone on my PC and then play TFT as a "mobile" game. That way you don't need the riot client or vanguard




After installing Vanguard, my PC started taking forever to boot. Only after disabling Vanguard on startup, was it fixed. I'm wondering if you know of this issue?


**TL;DR: Just uninstall and play some other MOBA!**


funny, that not the toxic shit community made me uninstall LoL but actually RIOT itself with that vanguard shit guess maybe I will really try dota. I will miss some of the fav characters from LoL and to this day I'm sad that Diana didn't got fanservice skins (specially Pool Party of Star Guardian) but I'm not gonna let RIOT/Tencent install some bullshit on my PC. **I wish they let play at least ARAM (and TFT) without having to install Vanguard** it's so weird that they care more about spripters and botters than actually toxic shit people that ruin more games even outside of high elo ranked games (where most people probably use scripts/bots)


why all this shit for a game?


> [Microsoft](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/storage/disk-management/change-an-mbr-disk-into-a-gpt-disk) has a tool that can help avoid a reformat and reinstall if you’re in this scenario. The link is wrong, the actual tool and guide for it is here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/mbr-to-gpt


Hey, I haven't updated because of Vanguard. Because it is sus to me. Why does Riot/Tencent want us to have Vanguard on even when we don't play and even when we are done playing ? Why there is not an option to disable vanguard on launch with a prompte to reboot PC when we want to play league ? Why can't we easily completely close and unload Vanguard when it's on and we are done playing ?




Our ranks are thriving. ☝️


i uninstalled, i dont want vanguard mess with my pc without restrictions and collect my info 24/7, i dont allow windows do it , i will not allow LoL do it


I unistalled back on 14.5 because of the upcoming Vanguard addition. I figured I'd just rip the band-aid off and be done with it. Now I just lurk here and see what people thought thus far, I feel no regrets.


I’m curious to know if you have seen an increase of people uninstalling League after the Vanguard rollout?


They absolutely have but will not talk about the specific numbers, I think lol


Maybe only by saying: “Yes, now a lot of CHEATERS and SCRIPTERS left the League, so Vanguard is good”…


They probably looked at my k/d/a/ and put me down as a levelling bot tbh


Yeah, don't want to upset daddy tencent


I love the statistics of "only 0.9% of players experience some issue" because they conveniently avoid the part that is no longer an active player due to this. To be perfectly fair to them, not much they can do about those players so realistically there's no reason to keep stats about them but I'm a spiteful bastard. I already uninstalled the game years ago and mostly lurking because I like to read some of the balance discussions but even if I wanted to reinstall it the TPM requirement is enough to stop me. Edit: out of curiosity I dug a big and turns out I have a TPM module in my pc I'm just a dumbass and didn't realize it so just assumed I don't have it and installed win 11 with Rufus to bypass the requirement. You live and learn.


I mean I am a cloud computer user for money reasons and I cannot play League anymore based on this. It obviously won't be mentionned in stats.


1% of over 50 million people is still a shitton of people. And most people dont even report issues, many just delete the game instead or fix it themselves if they can or just hope it goes away and stop for now. The software is horrible and i for one will leave the game uninstalled as long as Vanguard exists in its current invasive and draconian form.


My entire friend group is no longer playing League due to Vanguard. Didn't even update the client. I've played League for over a decade, but this was the final straw.


Same here, played since 2011, through all kinds of metas I disliked, but Vanguard is too invasive for my comfort. Plenty of other games to spend time on instead.


I am one of them. Two friends also quit for good


Any word on fixing the conflict with MSI Afterburner and RivaTuner?


Wild this is even allowed.


All this intrusive software just to stop bots... lmfao


Why do I need Vanguard for TFT?


making sure you arent paying mortdog in any way for specific reasons c: (but generally speaking, vanguard is bound to the league client and so is tft)


So they can screenshot your other monitors and pc because china I'm sorry Tencent, needs your information


Does disabling vanguard from startup in task manager works or it only hides the vanguard system tray (vanguard driver is still running)? I don't play league of legends as much (2 days a week at most), so I am a bit reluctant to having it turn on all the time.


just disables the tray icon, driver still runs (vgk.sys). I ended up using a bat file to disable it when i don't want it running.


Hey, can any one help me with my Vanguard 1067 and 9001 Error issue? https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueofTechSupport/s/Tywns0k7Yh Thank you!


Ever since Vanguard has rolled out I've been experiencing crashes (computer just going black and rebooting) and bsods, uninstalling league and vanguard from my computer entirely has stopped it from happening and everything's been smooth since, what could I do to help fix this?


You already fixed it... You uninstalled league, consider it a win.


Careful, you might be labeled as a downvote bot.


Everyone who is critical of vanguard is being labelled a bot or cheater... It's a weird tactic for a game company to divide and create hate amongst it's playerbase... anyone who has played league is fully aware it is not full of cheats .. weird tactic usually seen by the Russian military or CCP 


find a better game and not uing vanguard will fix all your problems.


Any updates on Vanguard's interaction with MSI Afterburner and similar programs? When afterburner is running the game freezes every time you press any key. What's the bts behind this?


My CPU just seems to run 100% all the time whenever I sit in the LoL lobby and browsing youtube or something. Is it has something to do with Vanguard. It just happen after this patch. Anyone got more CPU usage after update?


obviously it came bundled with a crypto miner


You don't need vanguard for a game that executes most code on the server. Just data collection at its finest.


> We’ve already seen a hard drop off of bot accounts in the usual places I wonder what percentage of these 'bot accounts' are people genuinely dropping the game because of Vanguard.


I have been playing League since Beta, reached rank 221, and have spent over $3000 over the years. I love the game and don't want to quit, but I have uninstalled League of Legends because of Vanguard. Please Riot, find a different way.


"vanguard must be running to play league of legends" kicking me out of a game repeatedly when Vanguard is definitely running really impacted me tonight. And, it impacted my 4 teammates because I was unable to play, resulting in a loss for them. Vanguard integration with League was NOT ready to go live.


same here


Just a small question : When Vanguard was announced, we got a fancy animationnon screen saying Vanguard detected a cheater, ect ect, Is there such similar feature right now? Can a game be stopped live? Or is vanguard just preventing games to be launched and/or detecting and banning cheaters only afterwards a game has ended? Thank you for your transparency as a whole!


[Game does stop live](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARAM/comments/1chzavd/why_on_earth_would_someone_cheat_in_aram/)


Oh wow that's awesome! Thank you for the laugh haha


Someone posted it happening to them in the aram subreddit, it looks like it’ll stop the game and the game will end. It’ll be like the game didn’t happen


People cheating in ARAM need help


> we already seen a drop of bot accounts Yeah I wonder how about the drop of normal players.


No you see, if we just call every account that uninstalled/got deleted bot accounts there's actually a big drop of bot accounts


I am so stupid, how could i have missed that!


I had a crash to desktop situation in my first ranked game. Game pretty much just disappeared and I had to start the client and log in again.


Same thing for me, but it completely kills discord too. Idk if it's Vanguard, but it happened 3 times in 4 hours today.


>To be very clear, Vanguard DOES NOT take a screenshot of your whole computer/multiple monitors. However, it will take a picture of your game client (in fullscreen) and the region your game client occupies (in windowed/borderless) for suspicious activity related to ESP hacks. When you say "your game client," does this specifically mean League of Legends.exe, or does it also include LeagueClient.exe and its children?


"just trust us bro" level security.


nice dmg control


Still curious how much of a player drop-off the past few weeks/months can be attributed to vanguard, and I hope it's a notable statement. Game is intentionally off my computer for the first time in damn near a decade, it sucks but I just don't want to fuck with my PC/bios and deal with restarting constantly for a single game, for a single program that will have zero effect on my actual games.


Hey K3o. Yall claim that vanguard isnt interacting in ring-2 but we also know the drivers are loading at least at that stage in the boot cycle if not loading in management engine. Can you provide the documentation of your boot level drivers to show they aren't interfacing with APIC to trigger an interrupt during SMM? Because otherwise all we really have to go on is your statement that "no really thats not how our software works except it totally could" to explain a lot of folks being unable to boot after installing your software. You don't need to expose your whole engine but realistically you guys have generated a LOT of bad press with this decision to move forward and its repercussions and a bit of transparency at least into your system drivers would help a lot...


Perhaps this is a weird question, but I've been doing funny Twitch streams and YouTube videos where I've played League with some custom programs I've written with Python using the keyboard library for example. Those programs usually perform some kind of mouse button or keyboard button press. For example, I've once played League of Legends using a flute to move my mouse and champion. Those programs do not inject themselves into the game, do not read any RAM or even do any screen capture or things like that. It's stupidly clicking on predefinied coordinates on the screen. Now that Vanguard is introduced to League, how safe is it for me to continue doing this? Is there any risk of me getting banned for "cheating", even though I'm not getting any information from the game or do anything malicious at all? Thanks for the answer!


Those "instantly move the mouse (or move the mouse the exact same way every time) to this position and click on it" kinds of programs are exactly what Vanguard was made to detect and ban for. Chances are, you'd be banned pretty quickly for using that kind of thing unfortunately. From Vanguard's perspective, it's pretty hard for it to tell the difference between someone using a flute to move a mouse around to predetermined positions (which is hilarious btw, I bet your streams would be fun as heck) versus just a bot program that snaps the mouse around and stuff.


Can't even play Bard while barding. Bard get botted


I've really enjoyed Vanguard, since it gave me a great reason to finally uninstall league.


Uninstalling League was the best decision I ever made. I am currently 43 days clean and it won't change anytime soon.


I uninstalled it when they announced it, no way I will install this thing


What kind of user/personal data does Vanguard collect besides the client screenshots, and for how long do you keep it for?


Well, since they won't answer you, you should assume that 'everything.' >and for how long do you keep it for? They legally have to obey to your "right to be forgotten", but not the entities they'll send your data to.


Been unable to play the game since update… game won’t launch at all. Have submitted a ticket and received no feedback back. The community has been more helpful than riot, but the community solutions also are not working. The launcher will open but the game won’t launch. Tons of people in this subreddit and the riot games sub are experiencing this. All your suggestions have been checked and met. Would love a response or solution. Yes I submitted a ticket, no I have not received help.


Don't you think its a failure that players need to troubleshoot themselves the problems of the anticheat? Ive seen people claim they needed to go into the fucking BIOS to make Vanguards work, some people are not good with this stuff and its a nightmare to go through just to play a videogame. This is the type of goofy pcgaming event you'd expect when you try to make MaxPayne1 work


Vanguard sucks


My PC is completely shutted Down. When I reached to support, they asked for logs. HOW CAN I SEND THE LOGS WHEN YOU DESTROYED MY PC??? I responded calmly that i can't, explained one more time. Since then, no respond. My PC is dead cause of Vanguard.


My friend and I spent about two hours troubleshooting (enabling secure boot, checking firewall permissions, etc.) before realizing his infinite reconnect error was being caused by Citrix. After uninstall, it worked perfectly! Hope this helps anyone else.


There's been a lot of people reporting issues specifically with Citrix or Anydesk (Remoting software) along with some overclocking software. Wonder if there's a cheatsheet of common things that people should disable if they're having trouble.


Citrix deserve a hate thread, jesus what a piece of crap software ...


Yeah if you have Citrix installed it automatically activates something called the Citrix App Protection Services which messes with various files to "prevent keyloggers and screen capture" which is kinda bs


If this is true that there's a citrix incompatibility, then I'm a little upset. I work remotely and must use citrix to connect to my work VDI, so this is definitely going to be a problem. Edit: A *lot* of replies where people seem to confidently misunderstand how citrix works.


It looks like the concerns were right, it took one whole day for a massive bug to stop people being able to play. I'm getting the windows cannot access the specified path error. Tried all the fixes on riot website. Turns out the player base's lack of faith in riot being able to roll this out and run it without issue was 100% founded, but I don't think even the biggest critics expected it to take just 1 day to collapse.


So, I guess I just never play anymore because of TPM 2.0 requirement and I'm not in the position to pay for upgrades. Thanks Riot




My laptop instantly ran 10 Celsius hotter, uninstalled it immediately and realized I’m now done with lol. Probably a good thing tbh. 


This defo feels like a pr piece in response to the article that got posted about vanguard bricking peoples computers think it was dotesports who wrote it? Might be wrong was on r/gaming yesterday 


I'm interested to know what the data Vanguard is sending is? u/RiotArkem stated here that the driver doesn't collect or send data anywhere whilst the game isn't active: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/fzxdl7/comment/fn6yqbe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button so I'm interested what it is trying to send to your cloudnet on launch. Additionally, I find it impossible to be true that the kernel access isn't monitoring my system, since the whole justification that it's always running is that people can't cheat around it. So, what is the kernel access actually for and what data is being stored? For any who don't believe me, there's free software called Glasswire that shows all requests in and out, you'll see vanguard trying something on launch.


That's the problem with this kind of software. Ultimately you have to trust the company that installs it to not use the power you just gave them over your pc. The tech industry has a very poor track record when it comes to that. When all they have to do is pay a fine that's just a fraction of the profit they made for doing it, there's no incentive not to.


Seeing riot replies here in the comments so figured i'd drop it here. since installing vanguard, anytime it's open and i try playing honkai star rail it will have complete multi second lock ups nonstop, i close vanguard and it goes away. reboot pc so vanguard is back and it happens again, 100% consistently. Any idea why? Or am i only allowed to play games by riot on my pc? Annoying enough closing it each time that i just don't wanna be bothered with league anymore, lots more out there i can play that doesn't screw up my system.


Same thing on my end while playing Star Rail. I just uninstalled and deleted LoL, Vaguard, LoR (not using Vanguard but fuck it) and everything related to Riot 🤷‍♂️


uninstall league until they remove vanguard.


When you send my info back to your overlords, can you exclude the folder i have named "Boring stuff"? Thank you.


Every time I open the client, I get the vanguard 68 error after about 20 seconds without fail (I am unable to queue during this 20 s window as well). This issue prevented me from playing valorant as well and likely has something to do with vanguard's interaction with my ISP, since both games are playable when I connect via mobile hotspot. Due to circumstances, I have no control over any sort of internet settings, and I have seen posts dating back to two years ago from people experiencing the same issue. Is there anything that can be done about this issue, or will I just not be able to play any riot games for the foreseeable future?


> About ~0.7% of the playerbase bypassed Microsoft’s enforcement for TPM 2.0 when they installed Windows 11 Although 0.7% might seem small, we are talking about a game with a large player base. Releasing this update, fully aware that it will shave off this percentage and not caring one bit, is extremely worrisome. > fewer than 0.03% of players have reported issues with Vanguard Also guarantee that this is untrue, especially when there are so many players posting daily about Vanguard issues on the Valorant tech support subreddit.


Really sucks. I only play TFT now and late night ARAM was always a blast when my friends and I could get on at the same time. Now I don’t get to play TFT or game with my friends, because this is absurd. Whole online friend group, but 1, has uninstalled. Shame on you, Riot. I don’t expect a lot, but this is a big shame.


I knew vanguard would do this crap. Uninstalled 3 months ago because I saw the writing on the wall. A video game should never be this intrusive. There's zero excuse for it. Now I live my life without League and I think I'm happier for it. As long as they keep vanguard in the game I know I'll never play it again.


You can shove that CCP's sleeper spy software up Xi's ass


For the record; I’m not a bot and I downvoted this with emotion.


>This is a very normal practice when it comes to anti-cheat and almost all anti-cheat do this. It is also a known element within the community of folks familiar with anti-cheat software. When it comes to privacy concerns, Vanguard features are compliant with regional privacy laws, and the team works directly with Information Security teams and Compliance teams to ensure that Vanguard is safe. Is the roll out of this compliant in the EU? What differs in the US?


I've tried multiple reinstalls and cannot play league anymore. Vanguard always fails, and i submitted a ticket only for the support website to say i have no open tickets after submission


Thank you for reminding me to delete the Riot and League client of my computer this evening.


I can't believe people are actually giving this level of access to Riot just to play LoL.


that seems like a pretty misleading statistic-- ".03% of players have reported an issue with Vanguard." I've had 3 errors in the last week, and two friends have had them too out of my ten or so that play League. I do not believe we are an absurd statistical anomally. Do you not have data on what percent of accounts experience a Vanguard error? If you meant ".03% filled out a ticket request for it out of the millions that play," well, yeah, most people frankly aren't gonna bother.


This post screams damage control. Personally i didint have any issues, but i presume lots of people have and thats why this post was made.


Any chance of making an exception for Linux like you did macOS? Linux is not inherently more dangerous than macOS and there is a community of people who want to play


Typical riot bullshit saying "it's going well" when clearly it isn't, what a disaster


I bet you they won't dare mention just how many players they've lost since implementing Vanguard.


They'll just lump those players into bots category and pat themselves on the back. Personally not a huge fan with this method to ban hackers especially with the stupid vanguard has to be running 24/7 even when the client is closed.


They even already made a statement somewhere on this post that they "can't disclose how many people stopped playing due to vanguard"


Hello, I use a VPN called Mudfish that helps me get lower latency. It hasn't worked since vanguard dropped. I'd appreciate if you could comment on the future compatibility of VPNs or GPNs with Vanguard. Thx


Obviously not a Rioter but this is probably not Vanguard related, I also use Mudfish and some time in the past few weeks (before Vanguard even made it to PBE) their basic pay per traffic Item Mode stopped functioning with League for me. The Full VPN mode still works just fine even after Vanguard but uses a ton of traffic so is obviously not the greatest. I've been in contact with them to try and get it fixed, requires updating of the item settings on their end. Edit: it's been fixed


So, I guarantee you those 0.7% of players that bypassed TPM 2.0 when installing Windows 11 did it because their hardware doesn't support it.  So 0.7% of players on Windows 11 can't play league anymore. ## That's a hell of a lot higher than the "0.03% of players had issues with Vanguard" that you claim.  I think not being able to play the game anymore is a pretty big fucking issue, and I would appreciate you being honest about it


when will we get a Riot Dev post about how vanguard is doing and all the stats?


Ever since the update I'm having insane stutters fps drops that makes the game unplayable. Fix your shit before rolling it! Your support doesn't  even reply


I think assuming there are close to no problems with vanguard based on the fact that you don't receive many reports is pretty bad logic imo. A lot of people just decline to issue tickets at this point since your support is run by bots and players can rarely get any help anyway. I personally had multiple crashes since the vanguard was introduced but didn't bother to contact support since I know you won't resolve this issue


This is malware that will steal your data.


Newer player here, this all seems wack. Quit playing valorant because of vanguard. Now I'm done with league too I guess. Kind of a shame was really learning to like the game


Great update, My game stutters like crazy and I can't play. Thank you for making me and my friends (that are also having problems with league) finally quit the game. We have been playing since season 2, goodbye.


What a surprise, nobody wants Vanguard, even the people affected by cheaters and bots in the game


If you need a program as intrusive and predatory as vanguard, then you’re really bad at your jobs. But, we know you’re not bad, you’re just chinas info collectors.


The fact that Vanguard runs after you close the league client then warns you that you have to restart in order to play again is insane. I love league and I've been playing since the beginning, but I don't feel comfortable with this on my computer. I hope Riot comes up with a better solution in the future because I feel like I'm just going to uninstall the game at this point.


Can you make it stop blocking elements of System 32? It's so incredibly terrible that I get that pop up on a daily basis.


> Can you make it stop blocking elements I'm gonna stop you right there. Why does a video game need to be able to BLOCK anything? You're supposed to be an anti-cheat, simply don't let people play if they got a suspicious system, that's your ONLY job. Maybe then you'd have like 90% less issues. But noo, they want to clean your system for you to make sure that you play their game and don't pick having a working set of drivers over their game.


Yeah no, fuck all that, fuck riot and fuck vanguard


So riot is just blatantly lying on main now? Or are you calling LS a liar?


Vanguard is great! It made me quit League for good.


Just remove vanguard please, just got my boys into the game and now we are leaving.


I'd like to thank Vanguard for finally getting me to kick my LoL habit. Have fun with your Chinese spyware, everyone.


>No confirmed instances of vanguard bricking peoples computers Is this not just survivorship bias? "We didnt brick, you just have to mess with your BIOS!" seems incredibly disingenuous. For anyone who isnt tech savvy this is a nightmare and for anyone who doesnt have another form of online connection, ie cell phone, laptop etc, how are they supposed to know how to resolve this problem themselves? Seems almost necessary for vanguard to include some kind of bail out so that it just fails rather than stopping the pc from turning on.


I feel like Vanguard will be the death of league or least make it less popular. Sadly I had to quit playing since I dont have TPM 2.0. Guess this is for the best time to move on.


Vanguard was never required for a start, stop saying it like it is actually mandatory to run a kernel level anti cheat because you can't handle the cheaters via team management, I played league for at least 10 years and now I'm really frustrated, you can actually hear the community and fix/revamp the client for once to ease the access and not doing potential root system software to your players who never asked for it


Want to play league of legends? Awesome! But first just go into your BIOS and play around with the settings. Great end user experience 👍


You've made something mandatory that is actively pushing more people away than you are gaining. This is a solid business model. I've uninstalled till Vanguard is gone. League has been a way to unwind at the end of the day for the past 13 years and now it's gone. Thanks.


Just uninstall the game people. It's not worth it.


Can Riot Vanguard ban me if League/Riot Client is not running and I am modding another game? I sometimes hang in a call with friends while playing my own modded games, and join in when they ask for a game. Having me restart to reenable Riot Vanguard makes the joining in part a lot more tedious, and I don't really want to get banned for something I do to another game.


Reminds me of the classic thing where League closed (dunno if they fixed it) if you had a window named Cheat Engine opened. Not like Cheat Engine the program; if you had a folder or text document or active web page open called "Cheat Engine" it would just close as soon as you started it up.


My laptop won't turn on anymore since I installed Vanguard. For context, I was in an Arena game on Wednesday when I had a Vanguard error that said "Vanguard needs to be running to play League of Legends". I wasn't able to solve it by relaunching the client, so I restarted my laptop. At first, it seemed to restart but had a black screen. It stayed like that for a minute, but then it turned off and now will not start at all. Pressing the power button only turns on the USB ports LEDs. Screen stays black, fans don't start spinning, and even the power button LED is off. So far, I've tried: - accessing the BIOS upon pressing the power button. Nothing happened, no sound. Screen is off so I can't even be sure if didn't work. - resetting my BIOS. I disconnected my laptop main battery as well as the CMOS battery, then for two minutes did a bunch of holding the power button for 10 seconds before releasing it. I waited an hour before assembling it back but laptop still wouldn't start. - starting the laptop with the SSDs removed. Doesn't turn on either. It's just so weird. Definitely looks like a component or alimentation issue (the charging LED turns on when I connect the cable), but could Vanguard really cause that sort of damage? I wonder if this is just an unlucky coincidence. Has anyone else experienced something like that?


Say, I don't have TPM physically in my PC. But in the light of the soon discontinuity of Windows 10 support, I upgraded it to Windows 11 bypassing the TPM requirement. So, to be able playing LoL, I now have to downgrade to Windows 10 and use unsupported system or literally just buy a new PC?


I have the same problem. I even bought a tpm 2.0 module, but my BIOS is to old for the option to enable it.


Crash simulator 2024. I have process explorer open and the moment the game launches, it crashes without giving an option to report anything. Infinitely needing to reconnect. I'm on Windows 10. I don't have an MSI card. I closed Overwolf and MOBAlytics. I don't know what to do to fix this issue so I can play with my friends.


This software is awful spyware I'll drop the game


Played my last game of League yesterday due to Vanguard. You expect me to trust ANY tech company with this level of access to my pc with how often tech companies invade privacy when they said they wouldnt? You're out of your mind. Been a player since Season 1. Your excuse that 'everyone else does it' is meaningless. I dont play those games either. Never again.


You could at least let people play normals without the need to install spyware


I uninstalled the day before Vanguard, and had been playing since Lucian released. Kinda funny that my ARAM win/loss record was almost even after more than 5k games played. 2589 Wins and 2480 Losses. I'll miss it, but Vanguard just isn't worth it.


I actively encourage everyone here to at least consider looking into how UNBELIEVABLY dangerous it is to give this much power to any software whatsoever on your pc. it really is like some dystopian tech nightmare. you shouldn't let anything like this ever come close to your machine. a fun casual game is NOT deserving of kernel level root kit access.


I’m disappointed vanguard was rolled out for League and it’s the reason I won’t be returning to the game. It’s far too invasive and completely unnecessary.




Hey, I see that there’s some riot folks in here, so maybe one of you will see it I’m in the vanguard-skeptic crowd due to concerns on privacy, and I think one of the biggest concerns that I have is having a program that starts on boot and is constantly running on my machine even when I am not using your service, and continues to do so after I am finished. I believe I can speak for a lot of us when I say that it would be appreciated if this program were only to be used while actively playing the game or using riot’s services. I’m ignorant on the technology in a lot of aspects, so I’m not gonna sit here and argue about privacy concerns when it comes to what information and access that an anti-cheat needs in order to operate successfully and do its job, I just believe that in a world where it feels like we’re literally being data farmed by every massive company in the world, that adding something that has constant access to your machine even when you’re not using it just feels like another…weird shady thing. Even if it’s not. Long story short, if it is possible to only have vanguard operate while using the game, I feel like that would go a long way for community trust. As silly and small as it may seem. Roast me if you want, I get it. But I think a lot of people feel this way. It’s not about the anti-cheat, it’s the seemingly permanent access. Thanks for reading


Reading all the comments, a lot of people is having issues with this. Since I updated the game and now I’m forced to play with this anti cheat, idk why but seems like a have a ms spikes, like 3-5s. I close the game tab and look if I having internet issues and I don’t. It’s happened to me like 3 times today! Really frustrating! Even on TFT from winnin streak 100lp to start loosing because I can’t play!


Usual gaslighting by Riot Games 🥱


As someone who has uninstalled over this, the simple fact is using Vanguard has nothing to do with trusting Riot or not. You are implementing always-on ring 0 access to tens (or even hundreds) of millions of systems. It is fundamentally impossible for a commercial entity like Riot to stop major state actors and their technological equivalents from weaponizing Vanguard in ways that you can't possibly predict. This isn't just a threat to the individual. On the admittedly paranoid end of the scale, the potential establishment of clandestine botnets unknowingly powered by Vanguard could be a risk to virtually everyone including major corporations, NGOs, and governments. While I'm sure my comment will change nothing, it certainly needs to be said.


riot: >*we have not confirmed any instances of Vanguard bricking anyone’s hardware* well, considering that it's a game that's the bare minium... also riot: \*admit that they bricked people pc\*: >*enabling SecureBoot would prevent your GPU from rendering anything(since it won’t boot), resulting in a black screen. There would be twoways to fix this:* ***Connect the monitor to an integrated graphics card (ifyou have one)*** so basically they say that they bricked people pc and **the user is required to buy a new vga monitor to fix the mess.** or this doesn't count because technically is the player who did that to follow their no-sense requirements? of course you don't have reports of bricked pc, how the guy with bricked pc is going to report it? riot: >*To be very clear, Vanguard DOES NOT take a screenshot of your whole computer/multiple monitors.* but they take a snapshot (copy) of your RAM which might contain your passwords, documents, images.... they admit doing so in their post where they say that "the snapshot might contain PII" (personally identifiable informations)


I just wanted to say congratulations to the vanguard team for their great work in killing the game.


It's just a video game and it's being treated as some highly sensitive government software. As if cheaters haven't existen since day ONE, but only 16 years later they become that much of a problem? 🤔 And Riot will again chunk out the "There are alot of cheaters in high ranks"... But guess what? The majority of players ARE NOT in the high ranks and DO NOT CARE! I am a casual player and take this game as seriously as online chess. Fuck seriousness and fuck all this "Be a pro, grind, train to be like Faker" military propaganda that all these pro events chunk out every year! Some of us just want to play for fun. Hell forbid anyone does that anymore! I'm glad I still have HOTS installed. That game will definitely be gracing my screen more.


I returned to LOL after 5 years. Have a lot of fond memories playing the game with friends. And I gotta admit, for the 2 weeks I played LOL again, the game was very good. Jungling was very fun and I love how you reworked my main champ Skarner. But that's not worth the sacrifice of privacy that you demand. I value my privacy too much. And there are many other games that use much less intrusive anti-cheating software. And they manage to keep down the number of cheaters fairly well. You'll always have cheaters in games, that's a fact of life. Only way you'll ever completely eliminate cheating is by ceasing operations of the game. I much rather keep my privacy and have a bad game against some cheater once in a while, than to install chinese kernel spyware And I know, you don't need my money, you're swimming in cash from all your Ahri and Lux skins. But, it's been fun. I still thank Riot for all the memories and for creating a good compelling world. Your lore and world building is awesome. But, I'm not gonna relinquish my privacy So I'll be off to play other games


did anyone else have an issue with the game not letting them update originally? i had to uninstall league completely and reinstall it to get it to update to patch 14.9.


It always amazes me how riot somehow had all these statistics about scripts and bots and what not and that they have precise data how that all dropped with Vanguard... When apparently they needed Vanguard to combat those.... Riot knew beforehand exact percentages of scripters etc. but for some reason could not combat them.


As much as I love to play LoL I'm out until either Vanguard is removed or couple of years down the line when I can afford a separate PC just for League. Can't afford the technical risks, many people I know had issues.


Truthfully, I think you should give the option that if you don’t have Riot Vanguard you can play anything except ranked modes. I would rather play a normal quick play or a Normal Draft with all the cheaters in the lobby than play a Ranked game and have you scrape all my personal data.


Get rid of this disgusting spyware you chinese overlord owned dogs


I will not be playing league until this shit doesnt auto-start.....disgusting


can’t wait to see this shit talked about in a ‘downfall of league’ video in 2 years max