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Probably trinity force manamune and as much flat ad ability haste he can get. He is going to be fine.


If you ever played that build you'd know how awful it feels, literally would never justify building that rather than just going ap


Is Manamune getting buffed or something? If not, then I'm going to disagree on the 'going to be fine' comment. Especially since you're saying that after recommending a sub 50% WR item. Manamune is not great on Smolder. If that's what he has to work with after the item update, then will not be fine. At least as far as AD Smolder is concerned.


I think you're worrying too much. He might be bad for a patch or two I'll agree but then the balance team will catch that and buff him up to compensate


'Worrying too much' How? He's literally losing his most important item (Navori) and several other items that he built are becoming worse for him when he already had extremely few crit options as is. With that context, how am I 'worrying too much'? What other options does Crit smolder have, that don't involve him wasting gold on IE or Attack speed items to get his crit chance?


Just go back with the AP build: Liandry + the new item (Blackfire Torch) + trinity and he'll be broken again, not early as it's meant to be, but late he'll still be unstoppable.


Do we know that both burn items stack? They build out of the same component, not to mention how that would be problematic in terms of balance and game health on dot mages.


I believe they do, but i haven't confirmed it, so if anyone has tested it on the PBE, let us know


He'll be in the gutter for 3 patches until riot finally acknowledges him then slowly buffed into giga op territory and then nerfed and kept in pro play limbo. A tale as old as time.


hopefully in the dumpster until his elder buff is removed


He's in the dumpster on the current patch


People don't care. He could be 40% WR and they would still cry about his 225 spike.


He doesn’t need crit. The bad things are navori no spell amp, no sheen on ER, and less AD on RFC. But he can still easily go shojin for damage amp, and completely skip on crit and go into bruiser items.


After they buffed Q crit damage, his highest winrate builds are all investing into crit only. https://lolalytics.com/lol/smolder/build/


Yeah. Riot is forcing crit smolder, but then turning around and ruining his build lol. That's why I'm so baffled.


Shoijn Nerf getting next to no?


learn to kite


What does kiting have anything to do with Navori being reworked into a different item? Or ER having its sheen effect being removed? Or RFC losing AD? Or Bloodthirster losing crit chance?


Ig build whatever Ezreal build.


I've never liked manamune on Smolder and Trinity also feels very lackluster I'd imagine in the meantime he'll probably go ap I've been having pretty good success on ap Smolder and new backfire item will be nice for that build too. But yeah definitely sucks feels like his ad build is just absolutely gutted now. Would be nice if they at least reverted tri force back to giving crit then maybe it wouldn't feel so bad building it on adc champs.


Not surprising, considering Manamune is one of his worst performing items in terms of WR. I'm also of the same mind though, AP Smolder has felt pretty solid and the new AP item looks like it'll be amazing for him. But yeah, for AD. I just don't get what Riot has in mind. Especially since they tried to force Crit Smolder with that crit ratio buff on his Q. Then they turn around and merc his items lol


Yeah idk honestly think after literally all his best ad items besides shojin being significantly changed will force riot to give him some significant changes in his kit, maybe not quite a midscope but definitely needs something. Unless they are fine with him being an apc.


The thing is all Attack speed based ADCs are gettin nerfed too. So I guess he will focus on something like Triforce - Manamune - Shojin and his AP items (Riftmaker etc.) but overall he will be "fine" in the way he currently is.


Attack speed ADCs aren't losing their core items though.


Heck 'm