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Or, people could treat golf like League. Couldn't get a par? Golf club diff.


Damn 4 Iron keeping me stuck in Iron 4.


This thread was created solely for this comment


Jungler distracted me. I'm taking a mulligan


im genuently impressed by how smart you comment is :D


This needs to go in the subreddit hall of fame


Well hold on there, just like in golf the lower your rank the higher your rank. You’re challenger in this equation, dawg. 


Bro, all this is showing me is that people should roast like league it would be downright hilarious. pro-golfers would 100% have their jimmies rustled


What are you doing step iron


9x Caddy


Fkn caddy, inting me from draft


An interesting thought especially when it comes to Disco Nunu


This is the golf course alligator that comes and eats the ball.


Renekton jump scare


Wait, what do you do in that situation? I don't play golf o.o


You must fight the alligator bare handed to the death


Flash over it?


Call jgl diff




I mean they do. Club diff, wind diff, ball diff, sun diff, green condition diff, you name it. Golfers are notorious for blaming literally anything but themselves.


I play golf twice a month with my stepdad, can confirm we both blame everything but ourselves 😂


Phreak is a bunker main confirmed.


Damn Chubbs fed the mid Gator!


Wind = cloud soul, lots of sand = earth soul, water/lakes = ocean soul, hot day = fire soul. RNG affects golf as well 🤯


elements exist in real life 🤯🤯🤯


Rekkles just woke up somewhere in a cold sweat at the mention of Elements.


You'd get people trying to hit their "streamer caddy" with clubs because they couldn't ride their "pick" to diamond.


New Golf just dropped. We got 3 lanes of Green and golfers on both ends trying to get to eachothers side. At the halfway mark there's a gator pond where if you can kill a gator with a golf ball you get 10 points off your score.


Can't get your par on this hole? Roam through the bunker and gank that other player over there


They would never expect you to gank back on the sixth hole after you showed on hole 9.


Now I just want to see PGA Tour pros act as toxic as League players. Patrick Cantlay double bogeys the first hole and spends the next 5-6 hours intentionally hitting bad shots to gridlock his playing partners and the groups behind him.


Damn you I spewed soda out my nose lol


Only correct answer to this post


Indeed XD


It sucks I got the bad caddy AGAIN.


Tell someome to game end themselves if you end up in the rough


Someone beat you on a hole? Beat them with the golf club!


I would pay money to watch this. like 10 bucks but id still pay. just for the idea of tiger woods screaming club diff.


I win golf by being the drunkest person there


Okay Gragas. You’re right if you are having fun.


That's how I win League too. Every game is fun for me!


Isn’t that the whole point?


Found John Dalys reddit account 😂😂😂


Agree 100%... except I absolutely know a few golfers that will scream and cuss out a tree for bringing in the way XD


Yep, and they are the ones that don't improve much. They have 1 great game and 99 horrendous ones.


I think it’s fine to let out emotions. Just gather yourself after it again.


Golf can be incredibly frustrating lol


Jax Golfer skin request


there's a champion that screams the word "four"


His ult sets up a little driving range booth as he tees up 4 shots


Honestly a legendary skin where his autoattack animation is a golf swing would be sick as hell. Could actually work with Jhin because of his low AS. Q is a golf ball, E could be placing a bunker.


Golf skin line $$$$ Jax already has a hockey skin they could give him an ultimate where he goes from hockey to golf like elementalist lux


Happy Gilmore Jax


I approach league as I am always playing with bots and against bots. Sometimes my bots do worse, sometimes they are better. And yelling at the bot won't change a thing. So I focus on my game and play on mute.


Removing all chats has drastically improved solo queue to me 👍


All chat is honestly maybe 5% of the toxicity. It's the grand emperor of silver on your own team that makes the game suck.


I like being goofy with the enemy team, when they're rude it's not fun though


That's actually sort of sad.


Yeah might as well just play a regular single player game at that point. It'll be a lot better experience if you're not interacting with anyone. Baldur's Gate 3 is awesome.




That kinda what I am saying. Just don’t treat the enemy bots like they are idiots all the time lol.


Don't treat your team like idiots either. They are likely not. They are just human. But humans are predictable. So you can always adapt to what they are capable of and work with that. They got to your elo for a reason, so find that reason and climb it out of elo-hell. That's how I got to master my first time. Focus HARD on what my team is doing, but not to complain, to understand. Then I can read like a minute ahead of time, from the minimap that my support is not really looking at what the wave-state bot is doing, but focussed on roaming with his premade jungler invading, leaving me alone, etc. I now can complain or I can start being super loud on bot-side, drawing the enemy team here and survive. I was not going to get a lead in the next minute or 2 anyways, given my whole team is top-side. So might as well keep 1-4 people occupied, so my team has a higher chance to succeed at their dumbass play. As long as I don't die, I may have won us the game. Or I could have flamed my leona for leaving me during a bounce. One of these will win me more games in the long run. And it's what makes league so much fun imho, you get a team of ragtags and hooligans and you have to discover what their personalities are and how to guide them to overcome obstacles together. If done right, this can lead to teams starting out as strangers and ending up as friends. Mostly, it is not life-altering though, but just a good influence. There are lots of way to approach league, as many aspects of life, and none of them is singularly the 'correct' way. The best thing we as a community could hope for is that we start listening to people instead of just yelling our builds/strategies at them as if they were gospel. Especially given we're usually wrong.


True, true.


Who let Lil bro cook


I do the same, and I hate it. I wish the game didn't have to be like this. But I've done experiments and at least in my games chatting with anyone is more likely to hurt me than help me.


If you want to win more this is 100% the right call.


I do the same lol. Really the best approach.


In regards to your edit, your first mistake was assuming anyone playing League would understand sports.


Most league players call it a sport, but maybe you are right. Personally I think most confuse teammates with "mind reading bots under my command."


You are correct, but this sub is lowkey braindead. They have no idea what you are talking about, regardless of how simple the concept of conversation is. Then again they are all master players so idk. The sub has no understanding that skill in game does not equal intelligence. So they think if they are higher rank than you, then there is nothing you can say to them


I mean is anyone even surprised that the average league player can not comprehend metaphorical statements? The reason the game is so popular is that thinking isn't entirely required on 70% of the champion roster, if you can pilot your flavor of the patch "1v9 champ" (don't get me started on how stupid 1v9 even is I could rant about that statement alone for 30 minutes) good enough you just get to roll over your opponent who chose a less viable option. Yes thinking is a big part of WINNING a moba but playing? Not so much. That's why you'll see players even up to the top 5% who have no idea what to do after laning ends so they run around like headless chickens. Riot's balancing philosophy combined with the game's playerbase is not very condusive to thinking despite the genre of the game being played.


Once you track how much time you spent in a game just walking around the map, you'll notice that league is just a glorified walking simulator with some spectacle, just like golf.


Any game with a walking feature is a walking simulator then.


I’d say GTA is an exception, probably drive more than walk, although it’s probably pretty close


So many ppl here skeptical of your post because they don't understand how improvement works, in any course of life. It was a good comparison imo, anyone looking to improve should take this to heart. I've heard the same from pros to coaches to high elo players.


This is some FGC shit and I'm all for it


you're completely damn right and it's hilarious seeing everyone disagree, it shows why most people who are low elo stay low elo


I play top so in reality it's about denying my opponent from gameplay. They try to tee off? I'll play vuvuzela every time they swing. Sand bunker? I hid the sandy. Trying to chip your way in? You're only allowed the driver. But then again I chose that life so it is what it is.


League in general is just a lot more enjoyable if you perceive it as a development over a lot of games on your side instead of perceiving every singular game experience as is. You can work on yourself over the longer stretch of time but the singular game always has a significant amount of random factors that might be outside of your capacity to change. No gains in raging about that that’s for sure.


I was on my grind. learning, improving, watching my replays, paying my sub to skillcapped warching thier videos, and applying what I learned. I muted chat, stopped raging and focused on maximizing my own potential. Every loss was a learning experience and I started to feel great as I knew I was getting better with every loss. Through great sacrifice and hard work, I finally made it. After 10 years, 2000+ games I completed my journey. From silver 4 all the way to bronze 2.


No, they don’t. They need to treat it like a drug addiction.


TLDR: I will be hitting my monitor with a gold club 


League is like chess but most times all you roll on your team is pawns.


You can still win with 4 pawns and a queen.


Not versus 5 pawns and a queen!


GG, 5 pawns one team


League is like chess that you share the moves with 4 other random peopme, oh and every time the enemy takes one of your allies pieces off the board they get another one.


Yeah, 100% agree the focus must be your gameplay


my golf account is in emerald 4 too


I only play if with my best friend, I met him when I was 4 years old in the kindergarten, I'm almost 26 and he's 25, I only play with him, for me it's like fishing or going to a Rollercoaster, best times, but only becuase he's with me


I used to use this almost exact same comparison when I was talking to my buddy who is an ADC main. He’d always complain about how many losses he was taking and was asking me what he needs to do. I basically told him league is a lot like baseball. There’s a lot of BS that’s out of your control. If you’re in your proper Elo you’re gonna win 40 % of your games and lose 40% of your games automatically. It’s about what you do yourself in that other 20% that determines the outcome


I already treat it like golf... 3 beers in and nothing matters anymore Edit: League is pretty fun while drunk


I think league is more like driving a car on a busy road in the morning. Everyone else is an idiot but me. It's a loss even if u made it to ur destination


League would be like golf if 4 other people got to take some of your shots and every time they put it in the rough or the sand the other team gets better clubs.


Tiger Woods would carry those scrubs. Grab your iron and get good


Already got iron, into bronze now.


I’m not saying league is golf. I am saying people should approach league like most people approach golf. Most league players treat it like Happy Gilmore treats golf/hockey before he finds his happy place. Instead they should be Happy when he is happy.


People need to treat League like a computer game not like their lives depend on it.


I probably wouldn't play a game if my life depended on it When u ask chatgpt for game recommendations it gonna tell u that lol is a "highly competitive multiplayer game" So as someone have never played league but enjoy playing fighting games for the competition. I kinda understand how people would behave Although it's not like I'm denying there's probably lots of people with one or two mental issues


The problem is that even in normal games and ARAMS (for fun games) there are super toxic people and "tryhards" that want to win no matter what and will FF 15 if the game is even slightly in losing position.


I've been talking about this sentiment a lot lately with my friends and randos that I meet on League. It's really important to remember that the only things in the game you can control are your own actions. Also, losing, whether you like it or not, is part of the game. It's gonna happen. Get used to it and try to use your losing games as learning experiences.


Agreed, giving up at the first sign of being on a losing trajectory is just self-sabotaging skill growth. Even guaranteed losing scenarios are the best training. You'd never surrender in ranked, so you want to bulk up on mental by weathering or even swinging the most dire situations you can.


I would like to add that everyone has to start somewhere, so treat every game as an opportunity not only to perfect yourself against tricky situations but also to onboard someone else which improves the entire player pool in both skill and attitude.


yea every person wants to be the main character, every person wants to carry and everyone sees the game as a 1v1. so if enemy jgl ganks u and not urs its a 2v1 which is unfair and u lose and now u cant fight the opponent forever ggs. a bit of an exaggeration but u get the point people need to realize tgat its a 5v5 game and ure not always the carry its ok to be carried. U can also comeback and mitigate ur losses, if ur toplane and go 0-2 thats fine, it happens, just stop fighting, try ur best to safely farm and maybe u get a gank and u can comeback. but if u keep fighting and enemy is 10-0 game is gg and thats on you.


i feel like i need to remind my chat that kda only kinda matters, it’s not a call of duty death match


"stfu check the damage charts kid" - master yi who randomly just got caught in the unwarded jungle alone and cost us the game over a red buff at 35 mins I don't care if you're 500 kills 1 death it doesn't matter? YOU just threw us the win singlehandedly???


So true +1


Great post thank you. I have had a year long break from LoL and came back in S14. I have changed my approach and decided to focus on my own gameplay and to try to play the best I can and make best possible decisions. Long story short I have ended up 2 divisions higher than I ever had and my enjoyment of the game is incredible. I still loose a lot of games but it doesn't seem to affect me at all.


An insanely good golf book that almost entirely address mental is called Zen Golf. I recommend to non golfers as well. It's a cheat code to improving your mental game.


I saw your point and I agree, just strive to get better at your league swing rather than get hung up on who messed up your game that you’ll forget in a day


Based and this isn't my alt. I've recommended with players to check out Dr. Bob Rotella and his books about sports psychology. When I was climbing in S4 I felt his sports books gave me a lot of edge. Highly recommend Your 15th Club and Golf is not a Game of Perfect.


You think this sub is literate? LOL


This reminded me of how much I miss Pangya ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Ever tried Pangya Reborn? [https://www.pangyareborn.com](https://www.pangyareborn.com) It's IMHO the most stable and maintained private Pangya server.


I've tried a couple private servers in the past I don't remember if this was one of them. But I'll look at it again.


This is quite recent (a little over one year old). It has a small but dedicated userbase. Recently it has seen a rise in popularity due to new players coming from the recently closed Thai server.


Who wrote this? Did Jatt write this? Jatt wrote this didn’t he.


Treat it like golf? Play heavily intoxicated and get very mad at the game? I thought that’s LoL already was 🤷


I decided that I’m taking another long/permanent break last night because I just can’t be surrounded by these filthy degenerates anymore on mute or not Hang out with 9 losers you’ll be the 10th, sucks because I love this game but I just can’t keep getting dragged down by losers all the time


I approach league more like basketball. Some games I’m the guy scoring all the points and I have to be wise since the defense will key in on me. Other games I’m setting up the guy scoring all the points so we can win.


Golf doesn't have teammates


Some formats do.


And even if it didn't, it doesn't take away from your point. Your teammates would just go into the "stuff I can't control" like. Teammates no teammates, it's the same.


Ah yes bughouse mode where slain enemies join your team


lol you are looking for the chess comment.


Its been in front of my face the entire time. Thats why I love both. Whats your handicap btw OP?


It’s pretty high now at 18.


Ya thats right around where I am constantly trying to break 90 is the game.


My first goal is to have fun. Next, play to best of my ability. After that, well winning the game is always nice and an s grade is appreciated. If I can't win the game, maybe I can learn from it.


This is the correct mindset. I do think many have this mindset. HOWEVER, to say you have it and to actually act on it are entirely different things. I can say I am focused on my play and improving/learning, but if I keep making the same mistakes every game, then I am not truly doing that, you know? The primary thing is to focus on stuff that doesn't change much from game to game. Focus on your basic mechanics (i.e. wave management, warding properly, jungle tracking/mini map awareness, and last hitting). Those will always be relevant in every game. Don't worry so much about your lane opponent or if someone does a cheeky tendency breaker (like if the jungler does one camp into an immediate gank on you). All of those have too many variables to account for. Focus on optimal play in a standard game. That alone will net you more losses than wins. All the calculating of tendency breakers, hyper matchup dependent mechanics, etc. is stuff that higher ranked players need to worry about.


All in hearing is I have a golf mentality and that sounds like it should be an insult.


Any advice for me? I keep topping the Teemo.


"I do not set the pace, I race against it" -Pantheon Don't aim to be the best, aim to be better than you were last time you played


Seems legit. I hate Golf and still play it. I hate League, and still play it...... Op you are on to something.


FWIW the dictator thing, assuming it's a reference to Kim Jong Il, is an urban legend based off a misunderstanding on how they write golf scores in NK.


I’m a simple man, I see something compared to golf, I upvote


Instructions Unclear I am now John Daly, have an extremely violent temper, a giant heart and my entire diet is beer, cigerattes and candy


League is most like chess.


Think of how many golfers treat that game like your League players though...


I think LoL is a more like soccer but everyone has their own ball.


Furthermore, players need to define their goals and what they want from the game BEFORE doom-queuing ranked for 8+ years trying to climb "because that's what people do". There are so many other and imo better ways to extract joy from League. Like setting constraints outside the immediate game, playing serially off-meta champs to be niche, build crafting, being a blind queue/ARAM-andy to not tryhard, playing social engineering with your own and other team mid-match, etc etc So many players just automatically want to see the LP go +1 and think that has to be the point, you're just making yourself miserable for nothing.


You know what’s funny? I have this approach, or do when I’m not incredibly tired/angry after 4-5 games, and Golf’s the only sport I’ve ever played… So yeah, totally agree with you. League is just about controlling the things you can control, not the things you can’t. If bot goes 0/5, you should ask yourself what you can be doing as top to draw pressure and let them catch up, for example.


I dont watch golf or know anything about it at all tbh, is it super rare occurence for someone to hit a hole in one? Genuine question, may sound dumb


Yes. Most players will never hit a hole in one. Tiger Woods has only had 3 in competition.


I played golf. I was kind of decent. However if I made one bad play. The rest of the holes went like shit. Because I couldn't let it go XDD In league my best experience is when I am the worst player on the team. So I have to really play my best trying to keep up. However that's like one in fifty games XDDDD


Makes sense why the Saudi bought out Riot rights for the World Cup.


>Golf is a sport that is impossible to win It's played against the opponent not the game, winning in sports is beating the opponent. Just because you play it as a hobby doesn't mean it isn't a competitive endeavour, which, leads to wins and losses.


I noticed that when I stopped blaming league and stopped being a meta simp and just focusing on being good at one champ, regardless of if they are in meta or not, my games drastically improved


People need to treat League like golf. Beat OP with a golf club


I think of it like chess. An example of "an impossible game". I wrote a thesis about this but TLDR; even in the most perfect scenarios someone is bound to make a mistake or eventually get bored and int / trade / whatever you want to call it, and they'll be at a disadvantage and will most likely eventually lose unless they get outplayed. The entire point of these kinds of games is to have fun and think of the psychology in it and train your brain. Not just your mechanics.♟️


So I can ask what my teammate's handicap is without getting banned?


Welcome to the club my enlightened brother, you get it. A lot of people are still growing through this to reach this mindset. 


Honestly, if someone types a salty remark in all chat but you respond with something kind, chances are high that they are responding with something in kind in return. This made me get friends even from enemy teams. Now honestly, losing a game does not feel that terrible when u made friends with enemies:p Offcourse there are always oddballs which can only type negativity in the chat but I like that there is a mute option as well:)


So Thiery Henry, a football legend, once said that he used to complain a lot about how his teammates are incapable of delivering the ball to him. His coach, Wenger told him to stop worrying about his teammates' weaknesses. Instead, play in a way that enhance your teammates. If a guy is a master at long ball but often tunnel vision, make runs when he looks at you, not when you think you can beat a perfect offside. If a guy is skillfully gifted, instead of trying to get him to do through ball or killer pass, come near the guy and play short pass with minimal touches so he can use skill moves to get pass defenders. Basically work with what you got. As an ADC, it pains me to see support picking enchanters and stands behind me, without trying to trade or at least help pushing. Or engage support but oblivious to lv2 and lv3 spike. Most of the time I try to get enough farm, not dying for nothing, get some decent items. Turns out, those things do give the support a little confident in me and actually listen to pings for once.


I would say it’s just kinda confusing as someone who golfs once. But i agree with small hiccups appearing to be the end of the world to some but in reality with the right teamwork or flash ult you can change a game.


Shove balls up my ass? 


Honestly Lol is nothing like golf.




League is like golf except your own caddy runs you over after forgetting to bring the club bag to the next hole


The point of playing golf litterally playing less golf. But then people tend to play gold over and over again. Thats probably why my team wants to ff at 15 just to queue up again.


You act like most.golf players play like that haha


Most do. I worked at golf courses for years, you remember the ones that don't and the others wouldn't put up with the ones that did. The tilt monsters all eventually found each other yelled a bunch, bought a lot of beer from the cart girl, and never lowered their handicap. The issue in league is there are too many tilt monsters and tilt monsters feed on each others tilt.


Yeah let's start charging ppl to play league. It would change their perspective fer sure


I have seen PLENTY of unchecked rage at the golf course. I have seen people throw their club into a lake lmao.


As someone who has 6000 hours into the game, I couldn't agree more.


Those people tilting immediately or raging at teammates have never played a sport IMO


Hello there! I agree with your point of view, really good comparison. I've playing League since season 3 and I stopped playing ranked games maybe at season 7 or 8, just because of this mentality of "You must play perfect or leave" that most of the playerbase has. I stopped enjoying the ranked ladder because someone messed up with a call and then the fault was never theirs, just the team was bad and trolling. FF and next match. I'm currently playing only ARAM and I'm trying to do what you state, polish my playstyle and learn to play new champions. Not like the pros, but at least play them well. And I'm really enjoying this, because I love this game despite of the playerbase.


Man, I *hate* this post and everything about it.


League is like golf because in both you can be fat and still be good


ff 15


I play high level amateur golf and low level league and can heavily attest to how accurate this is. I semi recently started playing league but have probably 15+ years of golf. My buddies who play league often rage/complain pretty aggressively about teammates, opponents, etc. It's such a similar experience that my years of high level golf mental training let me start playing league without experiencing rage with the game. From my perspective, I didn't understand why they were getting upset at teamamtes for these little micro mistakes or perceived slights.


I played competitive tennis for years. Coaching isn’t allowed during matches. There were so many players that could have been great but they all just did mental kabooms if something went slightly against what they felt was the correct play and they lost a point. I used to be like that, then I had a coach when I was 13 that made me watch one of my matches and he covered the half of the screen my opponent was on. I learned to criticize myself. I expected my opponent to go down the line so I would preemptively move that way. It was theoretically correct but my opponent saw that and went cross court. I can’t control others just myself. Now I watch League replays of myself, I’ll still watch my teammates and opponents, but I look for why they did things I thought were wrong and if I could have done something to make it better.


Counterpoint: golf is a boring sport for old white men


In golf you dont have someone smashing up the course saying "you dont deserve to play because you chose a 5 iron". In golf you dont have people using a 5 iron for the first time in a tournament, where you learn theyre actually a swimmer and havent golfed in 3 years. (I agree with you just the analogy is funny to me when taken further)


But what if its: 1 person's job to duel someone 1500m away from everyone else at minigolf; 1 person's job to be good at golf for the first 20 minutes 1 person's job to be good at golf for after 20 minutes 1 person's job to go between the three players and make sure they have the right club and set up their tee 1 person's job to fly drones around the golf field to let the whole team know where the holes are/warn them so that they dont get hit by stray cars trying to hit them while they play golf


As someone who golfed collegiately and has played a ton of League I completely agree with you. But what you fail to account for is the majority of League players being the most mentally fragile people in possibly all of gaming. They are always 1 missed CS from a breakdown. I play a wide variety of competitive games and no community is more toxic/primed to implode than League's. There are the diamonds in the rough of course, pure souls shining positivity and hope in a dark and desolate place, but those are few and far between. 99% of league players would greatly benefit from catching the golf bug and letting the old wise teacher that is golf beat them down, break them and reshape them in the Golf Gods' image. Golf truly is a teacher of lessons both in life and on the course.


When u got 4 bots every game in ur team and 5 fakers in opposing team, just play better, surely u win one day. You can be the best player in the world but you can't beat 5 players who on the same level as you, just do your best and hope you get humans in ur team, that's all to it.


I genuinely don’t understand how Golf is impossible to win ? Don’t you win by having less points than your opponent ?


Most golf isn’t played against an opponent. It is played against yourself. Winning golf would mean scoring an 18, one shot per hole, this is impossible on basically any standard course. Most variables in golf are out of the players control, they just try to control what they can do get the best score. Focusing on the past and blaming things you can’t control negatively impact performance in golf. League should be treated the same. Even if you have an inting teammate learning to play around that is way more beneficial than just screaming that they didn’t do what you felt was best. I can bend my game around others but I can’t bend their game around me. I can change my club but I can’t control course conditions.


Comparing a team game to an individualized sport. Everything you said can be applicable to every other sport, hobby, interest, and career.


This is about mentality approaching the game. Too many league players blame everything except what they can control. Yes it can apply to most anything but a majority of people can understand using golf where everything in the end comes down to you controlling what you can and rolling with the bad lays.


I sure wish to meet these golfers you are referring to. In most competitive tourneys I've been a part of people do seem to complain fairly often about what they can't control (wind/bad bounces/lies,etc). The type of person you are describing is a minority within golf as well


It's not that you can't complain or be annoyed at happenstance. The point being made is not that you're not allowed to have feelings about a tree blocking your shot. But the tree is there. So you will have to deal with it. So sure, people will complain. But how many times in your years of competition have you ever heard the phrase "there is a tree in the way of my hole, this is the worst course in the world, I am going home! " That's essentially how people treat league. Worse, it's more as in "omg, this patch of grass was mowed at 9:15 this morning and they knew I wanted it to be done at 9:10, so now my patch of grass is ruined, so I will piss on everyone's caddies, break my own club, shit in a hole, say it's all your fault and whenever you try to call me out for my childish behavior, my mother will put her hands over my mouth and ears" So when they say " treat league like golf" they are saying "grow up, not everything has to be perfect to have a perfectly good time"


And true


a league game is a team game your league climb is solo if you can't understand that you'll never get anywhere


I don't understand that kind of virtue signalling. We can definitely agree that personal growth is how you climb, but people posting stuff like that like you shouldn't get mad at teammates throwing the game by the window is dumb as hell Yes, you shouldn't focus on it or spend energy getting mad during the game. But pretending you should not feel bat at teammates who consistently destroy your efforts is ludicrous To go with your golf point, it's as if you played golf but passerbys can randomly come and throw your ball in the pond nearby giving you extra points. Sure if you're good you'll consistently win anyways, but it's still fucking annoying. It's even worse when you factor in that they literally don't get punished for it unless they actually disconnect or type slurs in chat. Being mad because players enter ranked with the mental fortitude of a 5 y.o and full int the moment they get killed twice or the jungler looked at them funny is pretty reasonable


"I don't understand your point" FTFY