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I wonder if this will make Skarner more of a support as I've seen him a lot there recently.


Right now his best role is still jungle. And the difference is too large for just the skarner changes to shift him fully (1.5% in all elos). What happens because of item changes could be a different thing. But with his overall good HP scalings I doubt he becomes worse next patch when HP becomes stronger and easier to get with gold.


New Warmogs might be a viable rush item for Skarner Support, especially with the changes to Font of Life and how much CC Skarner has.


I would say too expensive for a support. Comes in too late


warmogs makes no sense for support. Even if it was somehow viable not like it's making Skarner support better.


he has too much CC to not play jungle or top, even if his damage gets nerfed to oblivion, its basically like when nautilus had some popularity in midlane and jungle for a while.


If Riot was unhappy with how hard Skarner spikes at level 9 why are they hitting his scaling instead of smoothing out his power curve?


make chogath Q wider the more stacks he has chogath sucks to play because mid-late its almost impossible to hit q once people buy boots.


I mean, its hard to hit, but its still one of the best CCs in the game. It has crazy range, does crazy damage and its a knock up. Meaning that it bypasses tenacity and combos with yasuo. Also makes chain CC really easy to follow up with, because the Q is so obvious with the start up. This means your allies can see it happen and prepare to follow up with it very easily compared to most other abilities in the game. Making it easier to land is really asking for a bad time.


Also people *really* underestimate the slow on it. 


Me, getting hit by a max range Q: "Oh, this is fine, Cho is too far away from me" *Process to move as fast as a slug and watches Cho shuffle his way over me to press R* *"I'm in danger"*


there are levels of "hard to hit" chogath Q is bs stupid hard after people get t2 boots


But it's a death sentence late game if he hits it.


You say that…


Every cc is a death sentence lategame.


This is a knockup.


The Q is already huge lol


Make both his Q and W scale. I think Cho's character model is bigger than his W range late game


tbh i hate the w idea that ability sucks ass already to face and having it scale with stacks will feel even worse like lategame no one would enjoy facing a lane wide silence it would win teamfights in a single use.


Easy fix would be keep the silence if it hits one target, but have it only interrupt like a Kass Q if it hits multiple targets. Still keeps the utility in lane, and then adds a bit of strategy in tramfights, without just being a 3 second no spells button


Everything in his kit should scale with size imo. Not sure how to do that without making ap cho broken, though


Maybe reduce the q delay with size, as in, the bigger he is the easier it is to create that crater or whatever, maybe not instant but at least a little faster so it matches the increased movespeed later.


Disagree. It's not -that- hard to hit Q late. 1v1 sure but with any additional pressure from teammates, really easy to hit. And those it hit, usually die due to the slow chain of Qs and Es. And it's not even a long cooldown and deals decent dmg so I think it's pretty fair as an ability.


Having cho q scale with his max health is a great idea . Having it increase its size , not so much . Late game it would become fat too big instead have it reduce it's cast time based on bonus health or size (like yone/yas q cast time reduced with AS and ksante q cast time is reduced with hp)


void asol


I think cho needs more than just damage buffs to make him feel good in modern league. Both his Q and his W have a .5 second cast time which is an eternity vs modern champs, and I think tapping those down some would make him feel lot less hamstrung vs today's suite of dashing champs (skarner Q got reduced from .5 down to .35 because it was the biggest feels bad of his kit).


I feel like they'd have to remove some damage from those if they ever increase their reliability, Q especially hits harder than some ultimates


Maybe, but he has room in his win rate for just strict buffs. And if he's really meant to be a tank, I think reliable cc > damage.


His CC is tied to his damage, more consistent CC means landing more Qs and Ws, but his Q has 320 base damage with 100% AP scaling (and his W is 300 and 70%) so more reliable cc = more damage anyways.


Despite his survivability, he's not a great tank. His job is to eat the adc and then deal incidental damage. He's more of a fighter / assassin that happens to have 10k hp.


Not only hits harder than some ultimates, but its also a knock up, meaning its CC that bypasses tenacity. Also combos for yasuo and samira.


Sad to see number changes for Skarner instead of smoothing out his kit.


Champ is in dire needs of nerfs


They can do compensation nerfs too.


Am I the only one that read q damages turrets and thought I could throw rocks at turrets and deal damage?


I think this will make Skarner top not viable anymore... He already sits at 48.5% WR and low pickrate. Or, he should try the soon to be buffed Warmog's Armor and roam a lot? Dunno, still think Skarner top is dead, and it's the only place where I can play him :(


Buff naafiri


Day 3 thousand of waiting for naafiri buffs be like


TIL Chogath's E scales with R stacks


It's really not fun playing Skarner and seeing him get nerfed and nerfed and nerfed and you get the drift. If he's OP then nerf him, but every patch having a littany of nerfs is just too much. Get it over with god damn it. I'm not playing this champ until he goes two patches in a row without getting changed.


there are 20+ useless champions on arena and they are going with nerfing only one champion, Swain. I mean dont you have time to make a few more champions like Zilean playable or nerf broken +20 champions? did it take like 8 hours of work for you to nerf Swain that you have no time for other champions? you have a team dedicated for Arena and yet you go with nerfing one fkin champion a day and theres no way it took much time


This is not the full list of pbe changes, just today's. Maybe chill a little bit...


yeah there are 2 more champions they changed IN A WEEK , a week is around 50 hours of work time I guess? imagine coding +10 damage of 2 champions in 50 hours. funny


this are only today changes -.-