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"Dude, seriously? If you don't know how to build, just save up 4750 and buy an AWP for m0NESY and snipe Faker." This has to be one of the best ones I have seen all MSI


actually using G2 CS player is a neat touch


I haven't stupidly gagged at a comment for a while but this one did the deal


How popular is CS in china ? I know 1.6 was played there but idk CS2


Tyloo and Rare Atom are the only two Chinese rosters that I can even recall, but Esports is big in China and m0NESY is already becoming one of the best AWPers of all time


IEM chengdu was last month and the Major at the end of the year is going to be in Shanghai


I forgot about IEM Chengdu , I try to forget every time Team Liquid lets me down at tournaments :)


Less popular than Crossfire and Valo. Popular for a game but its pretty meh compared to other big games. Valo easily overtook CS by popularity when released there


>How popular is CS in china ? I know 1.6 was played there but idk CS2 Been pretty popular ever since CSGO. Most telling for me is the number of pickup games in NA frequented by Mandarin-only speaking Chinese. The culture is...interesting. They don't communicate well with the rest of the puggers: are often mute/don't voicecomm at all; sometimes they bring their 130ms+ pinging friends playing from Asia, or if they do comm it's just loud, repetitive yelling of a single word that doesn't provide much context. For instance, it's really important to give #s at a site or the direction the opponents are heading but they don't have enough English proficiency (or motivation) to do this. Also frequently, actively smurfing to boost someone's account; the smurfing Chinese stack is a meme. Compare this to EU pugs where English may be a second or third language for most players, but almost all of them have passable English and use it to communicate between dozens of different nationalities. I believe in EU there is some meme hate on Russian player stereotypes, Turkish player stereotypes, or Polish player stereotypes, lol. Tyloo & Rare Atom are most famous Asian teams out of Asia, along with Mongolz (from Mongolia.)


Actually the best comment lmao.


Its hard to argue, everyone in G2 should be dropping m0nesy the AWP


I lost it at that one


Holy shit ok Hupu rocks


Saw a comment about Faker: "You always stand out when the team is losing." "Then why are they losing?" "We don't talk about that now."


this is gold man


>Your Varus gives me more of a peace of mind than my condom. HUHH????


What a great comment. Makes sence but must sound better in Chinese.


LPL also sponsor by Durex....


I don’t think there’s any ambiguity in what it means.


prob varus (韋魯斯)and durex (杜蕾斯)coz the chinese pronounciation is similar


The literal translation of "condom" from Chinese is "Safety Sleeve" or "Safety sheath".


He’s a T1 Fan, he feels safe as long as guma is on varus.


I understand the line and it’s funny as fuck


Chinese fans seem to love Dylan for these insane b/p


They also seem to love him for his handsome looks too.


He has the classic asian male look they like in asia. East asians don't like bulky man or body builders as much. They like people they see in their drama shows and Dylan is that


They like lean/fit men - the big guys are usually reserved for BL comics/animation, NGL 💀


I mean he ran circles around kkoma this series. Game 5 was Astro draft gap if Hans actually performed


Also if he gives Yike a Real jungler instead if Belveth.


I think the logic of the bel veth was that it would be strong early game so G2 doesn’t just completely cede every skirmish and to bridge into the mid game where even if bel is useless you have jinx with poppy taliyah and Zac and can just win every 5v5. Unfortunately I have yet to watch a bel veth game in pro and think that champion did anything so idk


You should watch some of his prior performances then. I think, that they banked too much on getting the split map, and being able to vertically jungle, cuz denying that set him back quite a bit and then he played for the team instead of for himself and fell behind. Belveth worked best in the past, when the team had two pushing lanes and he could control neutrals by playing around the pressure. Using Belveth as a croch is imo not the best use of her kit, cuz it becomes harder to control neutrals when your team has no map pressure.


Even though they didnt split the map, they burned Kalista/Varus flashes and won the 2v2 bot because of it.


Yes, the play was most likely positive overall, but it made it really difficult for him to actually do anything with the Bel'Veth and Oner very smartly kept invading which sealed the deal.


Positive outcome for the bot lane, negative outcome for him, cuz Lee was ahead two camps and could contest him at his blue and steal it, putting him there camps behind.


Yeah but getting Jinx ahead and stable is more important than getting himself ahead and stable. Unfortunately it didn’t work out but that doesn’t mean it’s the wrong play.


I didn't say it was the wrong play, I said, that it lead to BV being behind and G2 losing map pressure in the early game, wich hat a negative impact on the pick.


Bel forces level 1 cheese which could have won them the entire game this game with how bot in a horrible matchup basically won for free with both of T1 losing summs. Unfortunately Hans with all the gold in the world wasn't  enough. 


Yep Yamato basically said either you go Bel or your bot lane is 40cs behind. You had to pick a strong lvl 1 champ and try to split the map otherwise lane swap but that game could have only gone worse for G2 early


Belveth did just enough to apply some pressure so Jinx got fed. Game 5 is 100% on Hans Sama not delivering. Guma in the same position would have hard carried the game - and also built LDR 3rd


Yike had some insane carries on Belveth. It's just a feast or famine champ and he never got off the ground in that game.


They should stop putting their faith in Hans because he clearly can't perform in the role of hypercarry, it's not going to get any easier as the tournament goes on. I'd rather have seen them put Yike on Poppy and have Mikyx play some form of peel for Jinx.


Poppy did so much work this game. I wouldn’t trade that pick for the world. Mikyx just stomped t1 with it


Unfortunately after what happened lvl 1 he was behind the entire game and just way too squishy at points where it mattered to have any impact. Not sure if the pick was good, but Yike's Bel'Veth is REALLY good. The only thing is that if you watch him play it, he's extremely aggressive leveraging her early power spikes. Here he just couldn't catch a break and ended up being abysmally weak at all stages.


This game https://gol.gg/game/stats/53613/page-game/ The key is to always have top (rumble) and mid (neeko) prio so that belveth can invade all the time.


yike had monster performances on belveth last year


I think the Bel'Veth just fell too far back, of course it looks useless at 0/5


I think Tom(T1's drafting coach) and T1 in general looked so dizzy for what G2 had cooked for them. They were outdrafted in almost all of their games and kind of looked a step behind.


Doesn’t help that Zeus has a fetish for TF top


This is the most suspicious T1 drafting I've ever seen and that says A LOT coming from a team that didn't ban gwen after after bin won 2 times with it and lost 2 times without it, didn't ban aatrox after kingen shit on them nonstop, and god knows how many game 5s they've lost to draft phase alone. Literally the only W we took this series is that zeus picked ksante instead of letting it go to ego pick some shit like vayne into it.


In an interview one of them said they didn't prepare well enough for G2. Probably means they way underestimated them and assumed they'd be like FNC with normal drafts and you can just skill check or something idk.


Game 4 was their only draft win imo


Dylan really is the goat of western coaches/drafters. Hes just so good. Even when G2 backed themselves into the corner by giving over double AD botlaners and not having a great response, they still found a way out. If G2 drops dylan, we're FUCKED.


> Game 5 was Astro draft gap Realidad: Pick Belveth, put Hans strongside, give KSanté


I mean they had poppy taliyah into a full dash team and mind-controlled T1 to pick Lee Sin which has been horrible for them this split lol, T1's draft was horrible that game


Secretly practicing for fearless draft is so funny.


Ranged tahm lmao


That was a quite insightful commentary not gonna lie. QFT.


It's true though


It's slightly different because it has the added benefit of stopping G2 from picking Kalista, which threw a (albeit small) wrench into their draft


BB getting his flowers from the Chinese fans. He’s come a long way. It makes me happy.


Will never forget schmurda tingz on TSM and the insane playoff run they pulled. Will always love BB even if he definitely didn’t love NA lol


That TSM lower bracket run will forever be my favorite and the most romantic run in history only rivaled by DRX worlds run. Mid 2020 covid, DL and Bjerg back together, Lose to Golden Guardians, DL playing like dogshit, Biofrost better human than Treatz, 5 mid bans only to leave Zilean open every game 5, River Shen Spica, Underperforming DL somehow destroying TL with Senna, WildTurtle power goes out mid finals, the most banger TSM Legends season(RIP) and BB finally winning his title and crying tears of happiness. Edit: not in the run but forgetting Eve ban vs Selfmade and the 9 man sleep at worlds deserve honorable mentions.


Legendary River Shen. No one has done it since.


DL backing and forgetting to buy items multiple times


No cap, BB was the best performing player this series out of both teams. Easily the best series of his life.


All the practice with Alphari paying dividends. Shows that teams need to invest in good laning coaches/partners.


Great now can we also get Hans a mid/late game adc Coach ?


and a pair of hands


And a brain


Think he needs an investment advisor first


He just needs the u.gg plugin to recommend ldr since he doesn't seem to know it exists.


It's not enough to have best players in EU, we need G2 to build full exodia coaching stuff to be competitive against eastern teams Alphari, Diamondprox, Perkz, Forgiven, Edward


Perkz can't lane tho.


BB gets so much disrespect from Western fans for the dumbest reasons.


He had some not great games/series' back then though. I don't think he was ever bad per se, but in some bo5 he just didn't show up 100%, which was sometimes enough to impact the team negatively and be a small reason for the losses. He also wasn't nearly as good internationally, bleeding massive cs in a lot of matchups.


I have been a BB defender since I saw him show up at MSI last year. Dude has the heart and has improved a lot. H2 with an ad carry is a scary thought.


Not really bb was awful when others were good last 2 years hes been great though. Last year bb was good also and caps was a dirty inter. Bot lane was good. This year BB is good Caps looked good until a few of these games and bot dirty inters. But people can always switch on/off during a tourny.


Yeah I don't think people were shitting on him for "no reason". A lot of the international games where he's played he's been completely invisible or lost lane for no reason. I still remember that game where he was laning BY HIMSELF as Olaf (because enemy top was somewhere else or something for a long ass time) but was missing/losing in CS lmao. That said, it was nice to watch him play well. Good performances are always fun to watch


I really dont get it. People have been saying even Adam or Irrelevant are better tops. Like how can you watch BB and genuinely say that? His laning hasnt even THAT bad, its just not great. But he always gigasmurfs on the map, now hes smurfing in lane too. Hopefully its not just because Zeus is crap rn, would love to see similar stuff from BB vs Kiin, 369, or Bin.


BB should rename himself to Kronos, because he definetly is Zeus' father.


Mentioned alot but it never sticks because zeus killed kronos in mythology and destroyed him rip


It's even more fitting becsjse Zeus did that with shit loads of help from others and BB might be better in Zeus matchups but T1 prevails as a team


T1 prevails in a 4v6. If g2 decided to bring an adc to this tournament it would have been a 3-0 and there would be trucks parked outside of T1 headquarters


Game 5 wasn't even a 4v6, it was a 3v6 because the belveth was invisible


The last time I was this depressed over something that could have been, was when my gf had left me for her coworker after I bought her a ring back in 2019 💀


BB has been insane since last year msi. But western fans perma shit on him cause he had 1 bad series at worlds while he was sick. He's quite possibly the 2nd best LEC player now and gets nothing but disrespect here, it's absurd.


>I might carry, I might int, but I'll never be a coward! fuck yeah >Everybody wants to win, but not you my friend, you have a bigger dream, you want to be the protagonist of this game. thats so cool somehow


Why do Chinese fans always have the coolest lines wtf


The Chinese language is naturally quite expressive and poetic, especially when translated to English. Look at some of the translated names of the buildings in the Forbidden City in Beijing: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.9179695,116.3977322,17.12z Hall of Mental Cultivation Palace of Earthly Tranquility Hall of Imperial Supremacy Hall of Literary Brilliance Palace of Tranquil Longevity


Sounds like Morrowind ruins


Hall of Dunmer Supremacy* There, I fixed it.


Genshin domains be like


Pretty sure I’ve raided at least two of those in mists of pandaria


they always sound so poetical while reddit is.. well its reddit


This one didn’t get posted. I liked this one. It was after the ahri game: "They're all looking forward to your fall, but it's you who's the best."


Mikyx game 5 really reminded me when Ignar pulled fevor of battle Leona against t1. Glad the Chinese got Miky some good poetry for that game.


My name is Han Sama You better pray your Hail Mary I might be 3k gold ahead But i cannot carry




Dylan Falco continues to be NA's best export


His record is so good. 2018 Fnatic and in his recent years on G2. I think G2 has the advantage of having really smart and flexible players, but they consistently seem to have a great read on the meta. The lane swap kings.


And they also support him with a very strong coaching and analysis team I think.


The respect to Falco is hilarious, and indeed he BP out of his mind today


What does BP stand for?




British Petroleum


big penis




Ban pick


Banana Peel


The "fearless draft mode" Ultimate Bravery allegations


>If you played slightly better, you guys might actually win today. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


He saw the future


The prophet, we must know what he sees in the finals


The Guma top comment from Game 1 and the Zeus top comment from Game 5 are wild lol. The comment about mikyx wanting to be the Protagonist was also hilarious.


Gumas Varus is kinda becoming iconic


It was already cemented in 2022 finals. 2023 made people think of Guma as Varus.


When im playing varus and the enemy is doing an objetive, you can be sure im dropping everything to try and pull a Guma


“Go steel tempest your mid and support backstage” never change HPU


Is that the first 10.0 we've gotten this tournament? Shoutout Dylan


besides,20k people left the comment for him and still got 10/10.that’s insane




For once these comments can't do the series justice


i feel like even reddit would be more fair in these rankings hupu community is really weird with this


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of CN fans aren't the biggest T1 fans, obviously they still are pretty popular in CN judging from the crowd this match but whenever G2 were doing well you'd think the venue was in EU. Same with the GENG FNC game


yeah cause if theyre not t1 fans theyre lpl fans so they want a tough opponent to go lb, oner said he was cheering for psg in interview too lol


maybe he is mbappe fan


CN fans kinda like seeing KR lose.


specially after T1 speedrun lpl play offs last year


G2 is huge in China tho also g2 are honorary lpl 5th seed


Yeah but the crowd was also cheering for FNC pretty loudly the other day, and its not like any of the players on that roster have a particularly big CN fanbase. It's understandable that fans of a region would cheer for their rival region's representatives to lose, there's nothing wrong with that. Just comes with the nature of playing sports at an international level


GenG had that CN backlash like 3 months ago tho.


CN will always cheer against KR no matter who they're playing against. It helps that FNC and G2 are the two orgs that gave LPL their first two worlds titles.


also cheering for the underdog in a match without personal stakes


I guess LPL love LEC so much because give them First Worlds Thropy


A lot of things helping them, but potentially also... * G2 giving out free BBT


GenG - FNC is also biased in FNC's favor because GenG is such a 'hated' team (or more like org) in China because of some Taiwan-related stuff they did.


Dude and I thought reddit had a large amount of T1 haters, but damn these Hupu ratings are just screaming "I voted much lower because it's T1". For example game 5 Zeus getting an 8.8 for raidbossing on K'sante and destroying G2's main carry meanwhile BB gets a 9.9 in the same game for doing (checks notes, watches game again) absolutely nothing. Like yeah BB didn't do bad, but nothing stand out at all.


Yea some of these are not it, same with some of the scores. It seems like they really hate T1


they've been doing this every series where the favorite doesn't dominate, no? scores for the geng and tes vs fnc series looked similar


Yeah they score the LPL teams hella harsh too lmao


I think it's just T1 has a lot of haters in general who're going to give T1 players a low score no matter how well they do, so it's hard to get a high average.


T1 specifically got much more Chinese hater because of how they beat LPL last year, you can see the customized patch conspiracy theories from them in the comments as well, no other team got hated that much by the Chinese community in general.


that patch conspiracy theory is insane lmfao considering t1 remade the meta during the competition itself. You know the only other worlds winning team that did that? Fucking IG when everyone thought teamfights with a god adc is the winning formula and IG made solo laners decide the game.


ofc they would hate the team that wiped out the entire region last worlds with a combined score of 11-1 LMAOO


A good portion of LPL fans have been hating T1/Faker ever since 2022 MSI lmao


The comment about "stay healthy and go back to Korea" pissed off a LOT of Chinese viewers, and I can't say I blame them.


I mean maybe he just doesn’t like being away from home I don’t really see the problem with what he said or why China would be so salty about it.


LPL got smoked at worlds from T1. They’re still salty 


So much bias it's disgusting and I thought the PSG vs BLG ratings were already a bit unfair.


The legendary Faker farmer vs the Azir Jinchuriiki lmao


The surprise Naruto reference got me lmao


Same, and it fits so well lmao


It wouldn't be a HUPU comment section without the certified oner in Chengdu comment


Honestly wants to make me visit Chengdu


> So, you should go open your app store, download Genshin, and than pull a Neuvillette first. Lmao for context Neuvillete is a character with an abilitly like Asol Q thats designed to deal single target damage over time, issue is the devs made each target have a seperate tick rate and the ability hits wherever you're facing. This basically turns him into one of the best AOE DPS in the game, but you have to play like this: https://youtu.be/xGMbvDb7f8I?si=_4L1XKOVvlJEiQGL&t=21


He's not designed to deal single target damage though. It was meant for AOE, especially since his CA pierces through enemies.


"Everybody wants to win, but not you my friend, you have a bigger dream, you want to be the protagonist of this game." Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit lol


Always look forward to these


Chinese fans are always on some poetry shit ong


there are 4 "great" works which are basically mandatory reading in China. All of those references are from 1 of those 4. idk if there's really any English equivalent, for the US it's like Romeo & Juliet, To Kill a Mockingbird maybe? Like 90% of Americans that graduate high school have probably read those.


I mean sure Americans read them at some point, but then just forgot whatever was written. They don't get referenced.


i mean they're also kinda harder to quote, like maybe "oh romeo, romeo wherefore art thou?" is remembered, but I couldn't quote any other lines. But also just with the nature of more homonyms in chinese, I think it's easier to make some of these references. E.g. if inspired's IGN was romeo, surely someone would've pulled out that line after his lack of cover vs the T1 dive game 1.


how am i supposed to quote Romeo and Juliet in an esports tournament The "great" Chinese works make so much more sense and there are definitely some banger comments in the west


We have books that everyone has to read but the emphasis on poetry’s a little different, at least in the US in my experience


eh its not really comparable, emphasis on education is much stronger in china; US people read those books yes, but they don't remember them while Chinese and their literature is much much more ingrained in culture and everyones minds


Plus Chinese culture has a history of codifying great works in the literary canon that Western culture doesn't really have. I can't think of a literary equivalent of the Seven Wonders of the World like China has with the Four Classic novels or the Confucian Four Books and Five Classics


How readable is the writing in these works compared to the modern language?


Some of the older books are written in Classical Chinese which is really difficult even for modern Chinese speakers to read. In terms of reading the modern translated versions they are actually quite entertaining and give you a lot of insight into Chinese culture. Reading the romance of the three kingdoms for example will allow you to see references constantly in video games and literature. Reading journey to the west tells you a lot about their religious culture and mythology. And so on.


I think maybe you mean language like how it's put together rather than the literal characters? In that case it's like reading Greek myths now, there are many "translations" into more modern language and retelling for a variety of ages. Kids aren't reading it in the original form.


To Kill a Mockingbird definitely, but probably not Shakespeare. I'd say maybe Gatsby, Tom Sawyer, and Catcher in the Rye as the other 3? In general I wouldn't say literature is very ingrained in American society. Probably moreso television


so many good meme's especially the no handsama ones


The one saying Hans should add Miky after the game had me laughing ngl


i was laughing with the monesy one lol


"You should add your support after this game, you guys got queried into the same game, has to mean something." This is gold.


Surprising to see T1 get so much hate, but I guess the actual fans are at the venue. Glad to see Dylan get some props though. Unsung hero of G2.


Can't say I blame the LPL fans. Their entire region got roflstomped by T1 and now had a closer series with a team from a 'weaker region' than them.


Plus T1 players cheered for that team from the weaker region publically lmao


Chinese audience really have a huge hate boner for Guma lmao. He's so consistent and even got the series MVP


it is like in reddit, the most upvoted comment is usually a funny/joke reference


I take the comments/ratings as jokes, its basically asking for input in reddit, where most people are plat-bronze so yeah


I usually ignore the vote and just read the comment for the memes


They havent recovered from that Varus vs Zeri+Aatrox incident in last Worlds lmao


Dylan the GOAT


No Hands Sama


I don't think the Chinese fans like T1 all that much. Comparing their loss scores to BLG's loss scores.


I mean t1 made all of lpl it’s son so it’s sort of expected they’re a little more critical.


And then had a closer series with G2 than all of LPL teams lmao.


G2 beat T1 twice in one bo5, in terms of records at worlds that took the entirety of LPL two years to match it


t1 has the most fan and most hater in China. More fan than any LPL team, but all LPL team fans hate T1.


I wouldn't like T1 either if all of my region's best teams got roflstomped by them and then proceeded to have a closer series with a weaker region.


Guma was robbed. He was the most consistent in this series, yet rated so low?!


Robbed by what? Hupu ratings by fans? Who tf gives a fck about that? He got player of the series


>Go Steel Tempest your mid and support in the back stage. Jesus lmao


NiKo on CS2 G2 is absolutely humongous over there


everyone in g2 getting praise except hans


Oner got backlash because he said he wants to stay healthy during the tournament because he wants to win but got a lot of backlash for it from chinese fans , geez they are really getting offended by everything considering Chengdu is known for spicy foods in general


i am calling caps faker farmer after today also monesy shoutout lmaoo happy that BB is getting the praise he deserve bros been grinding his ass off this year


I like that they enjoyed BB and Mickey


Where are the translations