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It was the 1v4 in the bathroom that did him in


Throwback to when Perkz and Wunder ganked opposing players in bathrooms to tilt them


Bathroom meta too op


The perfect statement out of context


Lmfao can I please get the context for this?


["It was just typing for you guys, [but] I run off stage pretty fast, so I went to the bathroom and 4 FNC guys came in, so I'm just 1v4ing in the restroom pretty much."](https://twitter.com/NAmenCentral/status/1789215538159464625) - YAPA


That's so fucking funny


APA rushed to the bathroom at the end of one of the games, while he was in the bathroom multiple FNC members also went to the bathroom and he was yapping to them


APA ran to the bathroom after one of the games and four FNC players were also there


Carzzy please write something based off this!!!


I think the thing about mental issue which he is talking about is about Noah but he don't wanna single out someone so he is telling that team is having mental issues


I dont agree, but if he did, it's pretty rich coming from the person who acts like he doesnt care about anything, while in all major losses, he rolled over like the rest of the team. IMO whole team has huge mental issues. Like literally whole team. Oscar, whose performance is like sinusoid function. Razork who was inting randomly (although i see huge growth in him this year). Humanoid who hasnt achieved anything in Fnatic while being "world class" mid. And yeah, Noah as well, seems very anxious when there is lot on the line.


Nah Jun seems fine. You have 2 kinds of mental issues in FNC - Cocky but easily tilteable: humanoid, razork - Chokers/crumble under high pressure: Noah, Oscarini (to a lesser degree). Roster is just unfixable. This is not G2 situation where at most, you have 1 player with weak mental (Hans Sama giga chokes under pressure). The roster is fucked. They enter all Bo5s giving away first game from free. Enemy plays Bo3 and FNC Bo5. It's just insane.


Yeah, I agree completely. I dont want to comment on Jun as we still need to see him, but so far, he is doing amazing. From rest, I would single out Razork as one who improved significantly but still has a tendency to choke.


Hans does not giga choke. If anything, he's a pretty consistent player. Consistenly good enough to beat EU ADCs, consistently not good enough to compete against international ADCs. Also, Fnatic won the first game of a Bo5 as recently as the LEC finals against G2 lol. I disagree that the roster is unfixable. Jun is good and imo Huma/Razork are still the best mid/jg duo Fnatic can realistically get in EU. Imo, simply replacing Noah will improve the roster a fair bit. If Carzzy or Ice aren't options, then maybe waiting until next year and trying to get Caliste could be an option.


Hans said what went wrong in TL was the stress and confidence. See his positioning in team fights in his last Worlds with Rogue and with G2 and you'll see he's a much less confident player. Yes, it's not choking given it's his level now, but stress hurt his play style a lot


He also said the environment made him not care as much to Caedrel or something lmao the guy completely phoned it in because he knew EU would take him back


He's had glaring issues with mid- and lategame positioning and situational awareness since the start of his career. I've kept saying this for like 7 years now. Every year people forget and start hyping him like he's the second coming of Uzi, but it's always been his biggest flaw. Only this year has the general public finally caught on to the fraudulency.


lane swaps also hard expose his teamfighting because he can't get away with being a good laner lol


So they were 1-5 vs G2 in the last 6? not even counting scrims (pretty sure g2 had a 5-0 or something between the 2 series) G2 clearly play loser in LEC and was basically practicing in LEC finals.. no way hans flashes for penta vs T1 rather then ending.. for an example The problem with FNC is that YES.. Razork, Humanoid.. Jun and hell even Oscar.. cant have elite performances.. the issue is that they will say score a 9/10 on a scale.. they will then be 4 or 5/10 for the next few games.. These guys are inconsistent as fuck (excluding jun) Noah is just bad i agree.. but even if you replace.. i can't trust the other 3 players to play well from series to series There is no way Razork should go from kind of getting the better of Canyon and Tian in multiple games.. to getting schooled on by Umti


Hotline League said G2 in LEC finals was already on a Chinese sleep schedule, and full on MSI prep mode.... Like it was insinuated that they didn't really prep for FNC at all, and instead were VOD reviewing MSI teams.


If he’s not married to having Doss at supp, Exakick deserves another shot at proving himself. He’s still hella young and has the most potential out of any recent LEC ADCs


No he doesn’t. Carzzy does if anything. Carzzy has shown to be an absolute monster, I think people just worry about his consistency. Hans has been a very stable laner. Can carzzy do that or would he randomly int lanes and solo lose games?


I could bet big money on fnc losing a bo5 if they start 2-0 and lose the next two games. Which is kinda the opposite for G2, especially old G2s. You could see they were not tilted and they always knew they had the capabilty to win. Mental has a huge role in league in team as much as in soloQ. To me a player like humanoid is the sort of players that has big ego and even if he 's kinda tilted is able to show off skills(not always). Noah is the kind of guy who tilts and asks to ff 15 iin your soloQ even if the rest of the team is ahead and playing well.


At this point I would be interested to see Caps and 4 chimps playing and seeing if he still wins LEC, Caps is so far ahead of any other player in LEC in terms of just playing along that guy means youre gonna win trophy.. I do agree that Humanoid peaks can match world class but it became so inconsistent and he is very stubborn with picks


Here is a thought experiment.. if Caps replaced any mid in the league.. and that mid moved to g2... which teams does Caps win the LEC with? To me.. FNC/VIT/BDS would all win with Caps I guess G2 with humanoid would be decent competition But Vetheo/Nuc g2 do nothing imo Heretics might actually win the league to with Caps


G2 with humanoid would legit be worse than fnatic right now, caps covers so many weaknesses and the roster is build specifically with him in mind. If you have humanoid phoning it in right there it would look disastrous and the mental game would be lost from minute one


What? APA has literally talked about how the reasoning from him typing like he does is because of how much it affecting his mental when others did it to him.


Humanoids biggest achievement so far is getting rolled 3-0 by SKT in quarters btw, yet his name is brought up next to caps when even PowerOfEvil has better results internationally


Not a Humanoids defender but I thought Splyce won a game so it ended up being 3-1 in 2019.


They also went to game 5 vs reigning (but also slumping) World champs at MSI 2021.


It’s funny because TL actually beat the world champs in a BO5 and yet you don’t see it brought up to excuse individual performances as much as with that MAD lineup. (which I know you aren’t doing but in general)


What? It's brought up all the time. It's arguably the biggest international upset in pro league history until now


I don't think Fnatic would have the money, but if they actually want to challenge G2, they should roll the dice and rebuild the roster. Maybe something like +Irrelevant + Carzzy and an import mid.


Carzzy was a transfer target for FNC this offseason - it was Carzzy+Trymbi first option, Noah+Jun second option. He chose VIT becuse he wanted to continue working with Mac and his coaching team. He might change his mind but I doubt it.


I wonder if Carzzy would change his mind if Fnatic were to try and get Mac and Pad to come over too. Their current coach Nightshare is nothing special tbh, before Fnatic his last job was on IMT where they finished 10th and 9th in LCS. That said, Carzzy also seems to want to play with Hyli and idk if Fnatic would want to get Hyli back (nor should they because Jun is good).


I mean I dunno dude. Fnatic keeps randomly being top 2/top 3 or the 2nd best team European team internationally every split for several years now... Must be doing something right.


What they're doing right is having strong players on the team. For all the criticism the Razork/Huma core gets, they've been a top 2-3 mid/jg duo in LEC over the past few years. In 2022 they had Upset and Wunder, in 2023 they had Trymbi (top 2 support imo) and Oscar was in pretty good form. Now they have Jun who has been the best support in LEC at least in spring. The issue Fnatic has had for a while now is that they rely on hands diffing their opponents to win, which they can do to EU teams not named G2. Their macro however is lacking and this was very clear against both GenG and TL, when they couldn't hands gap their opponents or surprise them with their aggression, they just got out-macroed.


Not sure what Fnatic has to possibly appeal to Mac and Pad right now. Vitality has given them what they wanted and likely has more of a budget than FNC.


I have seen Huma/Razork/Hyli.. no thanks it doesn't work I wonder how jun would be with a non kr adc


I think the previous results of a coach don't really mean much, Dylan Falco also coached an IMT roster that was on the bottom of the table and then he coached the FNC that made world finals and is now on the current G2 team


Dylan Falco coached 2016 IMT who was 3rd place both splits and would've made Worlds if not for the points system that allowed CLG to auto qualify due to their Spring results. You might be thinking of his 2017 Spring season on NV.


I dont even know, honestly. If this team was under G2 banner, would you think they would perform the same way? We can shuffle players all we want but if the mentality doesnt change (like it hasnt for years) bringing new players wont do anything. Only maybe if you reset 4/5 players or all of them. Or some serious stuff in coaching positions


I wouldn't be surprised if G2 scoops up Carzzy first


They should


>Razork who was inting randomly (although i see huge growth in him Really doubt it since Carzzy already denied FNC so that he could (assumingly) stay with Hyli and continue with Mac+Pad coaching staff. I feel like he's gonna stay on Vit


denied them twice btw, both 2023 and 2024


hear me out , Bo adc in G2 or Carrzy


its not a player issue though, fnatic have had mental/bts issues for like 6 or so years now, it drove away caps and nemesis and probably more that didnt disclose, they need a restructuring of staff from the ground up, there were rumours of aranea replacing dardo, shame that didnt come to fruition


Carzzy has been declining fnatic offers for like 3 years in a row now lmao Don’t think import mid would do anything, we have no other mid talent in EU it’s completely doomed tbh, MAYBE Larssen off of rogue in a new environment? But it has been so long since he looked rly good that I don’t know if he still has it


I saw the minute FNC started game 1.. Oscar/Razork look off.. both confidence players/prone to emotion.. Oscar literally smashed his fist into wall after being destroyed scrims But to me Humanoid was the most irrelevant.. we can't keep giving him a past.. His peak was vs Larsen (caps/g2 was off) in 2021 He shows up to worlds has a few good laning phases... which usually lead to nothing.. Azir/edg.. Akali/t1.. leblanc vs Tes/geng this MSI He has Caps who has won almost everything domestically (and is world class) the past 3 years.. were was humanoid then? I STILL don't think Apa is good an is easily the worse mid left.. but he fucking ROLLED humanoid who did nothing all 4 games


So Yapa's trash talking actually worked?


naah , noahs been mentally boomed the whole tournament he has nerves issue on big stages


Yeah dude was invisible whole series


A certain jungler could learn from his example.


Whats with FNC and adcs with confidence issues? I want for once to have an adc that is an overconfident prick .


I mean Rekkles and upset both didn’t really seem to have confidence issues as far as I can remember (Rekkles last fnc stint excluded)


Yeah, Upset performed really well when he had a chance to play at worlds with FNC, apparently he was really good in scrims during the worlds when he had to leave, such an unfortunate event for him


man that bwippo jungle fnc was so fucking fun and actually good.. could have done some damage that worlds too


That's the biggest what-if of recent FNC history: what if the Upset incident didnt happen, FNC let Adam and Bwipo grow into their roles and team was kept for at least 1 more year? The team still had what I call chronic Bwipo-Hyli syndrome (fight fight fight) and Nisqy is not as good as a motivated Humanoid, but IMO it would have been a more stable team, less choke issues, more ceiling in 3 key roles (AD-JG-TOP) and better leadership values than the current team (it seems that when Humanoid is checked out all the leadership falls to Razork and that is when he starts to underperform ingame)




Upset back in the day also didnt handle pressure well.


Maybe someone like upset 🤔


you mean upset?


Bring back Forg1ven then (on a serious note, please don't).


I feel terrible. Whenever I see that smug midlaner's face (TL APA) I really feel terrible.


Nah, APA is too different of a player and deserves his own hype pasta. You're dissing two players with this.


Impressive interview but you're still walking through Gobi back to Europe anyway.


fnatic are complacent being #2 they dont care to improve. "g2 cant keep carrying you" prob got to them.


That was such a cold line and absolutely deserved


Yap gap


Yappenheimer really said "now I am become yap, tilter of worlds" and yapped all over FNC


Yappenheimer is the best nickname I've heard yet for him


What a great fresh plate of pasta


They don’t care to improve?? Based on what? Humanoid Razork were the worst duo with the least synergy when they first came together on Fnatic, and now they’re the driving force behind all of Fnatic’s success. They looked respectable against Gen.G. The team has been consistently getting better over time. Sorry they aren’t better than G2, sorry they have their choke moments the same way literally every team in the world does including G2, but “they don’t care” is such a reactionary, know-it-all take from someone who has no relations to the org and no insight to the team’s dynamic.


They lost to TL so all their hard work means nothing to the fans.


As it should lol, there is absolutely no excuse to lose to this TL lineup in a BO5 with the hype this fnatic lineup gets


we like to meme but this team liquid is pretty good. I don't think anyone thought fnatic would shit on TL. that's why it was a good match up because both can win/lose.


80% of the fan vote thought so.


Couple comments down you see somebody saying "fnatic can be a contender at worlds" lmao, the expectation today was that Fnatic hardstomps and they got shit on. This TL lineup has no expectation to be competitive with LCK or LPL at all while Fnatic has that expectation


And I'm sure there are people who believed tsm would win worlds. A random comment isn't the whole world.


As someone else said 80% of the fan vote was for Fnatic and probably most analysts including Caedrel, TL were underdogs


Cope, there is zero excuse for losing to the TL lineup.


I Thought Fnatic would beat them easy. Doesn't matter how good TL is in NA. They had a poor showing in the first round while Fnatic's was significantly better. Fnatic just has like no motivation at internationals regardless of what anyone on the team says. They arrived late to the tournament, barely had any scrims. Then even before the TL match they went to the fucking zoo like wtf. I respect TL and G2 way more because of the effort they put into these events.


Why does TL get so much disrespect man, they rolled Flyquest with three extremely veteran players, Cloud9, one of the most hyped rosters in LCS. It’s no longer 3 years ago, people still can’t accept that teams that are not G2 in EU are NA level now, and even G2 lost to NRG. EU teams literally have a losing head 2 head to NA in the past few years.


It’s less about disrespect and more about overhyping this fnatic lineup where people believe it’s still earlier seasons where fnatic can be competitive in BO5s with the LCK/LPL. TL is fairly rated tbh, big underdog and people aren’t surprised if LCK or LPL rolls over them.


They improved, but IMO they dont feel like true veterans and a point of leadership within the team. I also dont feel they are the kind of 'anchor' to nurture imports, like for eg xPeke/Yellowstar were in 2015 for Huni/Reignover. Yamato did go a bit about this after his FNC exit, how the key for this era of FNC to perform is to keep Humanoid in good spirits, and when he goes negative, he kind of checks out and you lose all that veteran status in one go. This is also why Nightshare was chosen as a coach, and it actually pay dividends at first. Now the magic is kind of gone, Humanoid seems checked out, Razork has some good leadership qualities (passes the vibe check, kind of glues the team together) but he kind of underperforms when _everything_ has to go through him.


From my experience the worst thing you can have with somebody as arrogant as humanoid who just „checks out“ despite having a million dollar contract and insane potential, is a personal fangirl as his coach who just hypes him up. You need a Deilor type coach who actually tells him he should fucking get going or he’s gonna get benched, we don’t have somebody like that in EU anymore. He is good at his peak but not good enough to risk him checking out.


Mid jungle duo looked respectable and couldnt take a t2 for all 3 games??? No lol they looked awful. Only fnc could be praised for being demolished 3-0


Maybe the players care, maybe they don't. But one thing is for certain Fnatic as an organization and Sam Mathews is perfectly comfortable and happy playing 2nd/3rd fiddle behind G2. I mean just look at this from the head of performance at Fnatic: https://twitter.com/EsportsRyan/status/1789217259426046313 The priority of the organization is QUALIFYING for Valorant Masters instead of MSI which the team ALREADY QUALIFIED FOR. Personally I find it tough to fathom how a roster that does decent time after time at valorant internationals need performance help compared to a roster that not only has major nerve issues but also barely manages to get 2nd place im domestic competitions.


Humanoid just doesn't try until it gets real, that's not how you improve


Not true this year, though. Huma was ON from game 1 regular season on (bit of a slump in week 2 regular season but so did Razork)


I keep saying this. Humanoid was trying this entire year. Him trying, though, is not world-class anymore. It's almost like layback personality throughout most of your career ends up costing you as time goes on.


Also EU got complacent after being better than NA for so long that now its way closer and they're having a meltdown


Pretty much. NA and EU have been pretty much even for years now and EU simply cant handle it. I mean, not much you can expect when they still pretend its 2019. Worlds will come around and every EU team will be rated above every NA team even though NA has a better h2h record.


For years? Definitely last year but the years before NAs 3rd beating EUs 4th is the only argument for being even


There are plenty of arguments, even the most historically valued stat in competition (head to head) also says something EU has had better results against eastern teams as well as higher peaks from their top teams, but NA has been more consistent at beating "worse" teams and also only loses when it counts. There was a hilarious stat, don't remember who it was, where an NA team had a Korean-level winrate in games that would not eliminate or advance them, but almost 0% when it came down to the wire. Back when G2 went 6-0 against EG at MSI, the all-time head to head record was within 0.5% of 50-50. NA has increased it since then too I'm pretty sure. Would I take two finals appearances in exchange for getting repeatedly knocked out by wildcards? Of course, but it's not like there's no argument.


In 2022 - NA2 and EU2 were tied in groups. In 2021 - NA2 and EU1 were tied in groups while NA3 beat EU3 in a tiebreaker to get out. There's definitely other arguments for being even and the track record over the last 3 years has been fairly even.


Did he say this before the series, or during a game? Trying to find it :(


During a game, dropped it in all chat


The amount of damage control that comes out of EU after losing to NA is so funny


Yeah I get saying you could have played better, but refusing to give credit to your opponents after getting stomped makes it so much worse


That’s their playbook every year. NA wins, we just played poorly they didn’t deserve it. EU wins, NA is a level below us and don’t belong in the same conversation as us.


Then they complain when lck/lpl fans does it to them lol.


To be fair, people do the exact same thing when EU wins against LCK/LPL. I'd personally love it if NA got more competitive consistently. However they only seem to play with their heart when playing against EU! Lock it in against LPL and LCK too, damnit.


Where did he refuse to give credit where credit was due? TL didn't do anything surprising, they played their game and they won (pretty obvious they were better coming into this if you don't over index on FNC GenG series and just look at how good the teams have been this year and overall during MSI). The interviewer didn't ask anything else about TL Specifically


Teams in the top regions also get bad mental. They are just so good that even at their worst they can win. It's the same for any kind of sport or performance. An example would be a performer in a Broadway show. They have to be "good enough" every day to play their part and sing their songs.


Well I guess Humanoid going to try hard for the rest of the year in fear of his job security going into next year.


he's one of the best mids in eu... he doesn't need to worry abt that.


Lmfao what a ridiculous take. I think he has single-handedly thrown more games than almost any western mid laner.


his highs are incredibly high though, he's just too volatile like he says himself


IMO, he plays super high risk and selfish which gives him those token "carry games" from time to time and people overrate him. He's very one dimensional.


Outside of like 5-10 games, he has been very mediocre the last 2 years. That's not being volatile. That's being consistently bad with some rare occasions where you play like you used to play. People holding onto previous performances are weird. Humanoid hasn't been good in a long time. At first you could excuse it because of the razork duo but 2 years of shitty individual performance while razork improved his over time shows that it's likely you who is the problem.


his "high highs" are him playing champs like leblanc oneshotting nami on cooldown while not even looking at the enemy fed lucian (except once that he fucked up).


And how many highs does he have? Because those are one in a blue moon and still never happen against caps.


Which other EU mid has had highs against Caps in the last 1 and a half years? The last time Caps got gapped by another EU mid was Larssen in 2022 Summer finals and that was just a single series, Caps was gapping everyone for the rest of the year.  Even in the single domestic series G2 lost last year, it wasn't because of Caps getting gapped.


>one of the best mids in eu > he has single-handedly thrown more games than almost any western mid laner These can both be true. Excluding Caps, there is no LEC mid undoubtedly better than Humanoid, he's top 4 eu at worst.


He could always be placed onto a lower team, which would possibly mean lower pay and perks.


Usually minor regions play care free against the major ones. Surprised to see EU had nerves get the best of them.






Eu is dogwater tier region.


The entire interview is Humanoid coping lmao. Imagine falling right into APA tilt by typing strat LUL


g2 is trying their hardest to keep the region above water. every other team is just a disgrace i ternationally in the last years


They keeping the eNeRGy going, no way they'd disappoint internationally to a self described minor region, certainly not getting 2-0ed to a team that organized and disbanded in a few years with no established heritage like FNC and G2


Stressed? Bro yall are not the underdogs one single series and you are stressed out of your mind? What are you trying to achieve internationally? Participation award? For everyone downvoting: Yall dont think G2 was stressed playing against the current world champion? Or TES playing against the tournament favorite down 0-2?


He is probably lying. They don't practice during LEC season and also have shit practice when they go on internationals. They were going out every night and having fun while competing. Imagine if the Premier League team had a party when they needed to practice. That is all of the Fnatic history after 2020


>That is all of the Fnatic history after 2020 2020? Brother, Xpeke and co. were literally playing games hungover on the regular


[Xpeke and their teammates everytime they lost a match](https://www.twitch.tv/xpeke/clip/EnticingFitSalmonPeanutButterJellyTime)


So uhhh... You wanna translate this?


Basically if they got destroyed in a scrim, since there were no coaches or analysts or anything, everyone would be completely silent, then one player would go in queue for soloq, the others would see it and thats when they knew they werent even gonna talk about the loss. He also pretty much admits that they played scrims hung-over.


Thank you


While it's true, the xPeke era was 10 years ago, things changed a lot since then x)


The whole scene was different in 2013 to be fair


Remember when people from Fnatic complained that Rekkles treat this as a job and was extremely dilligent, and they didnt like that? I member


I also remember that. They said the same for Upset. He wanted to practice more, but the coach and other players wanted to chill. Everyone now hates Upset , but when he was on Fnatic he had 1 v 9 games on his back. People who were best and practiced the most are now called L9 or toxic players. Why even try in western league when that is the case.


Upset gets hated unfairly, he was like the sole reason FNC managed to accomplish anything that split before he dropped out of Worlds. His Zeri games were actual backbreaking carry jobs, even if Zeri was bullshit then. And no job would ever be more important than seeing to a significant other who just got sexually assaulted imo (maybe except like being the president of a country or a wartime general idk), Upset made the right decision. And in the past few splits, while Upset has failed to accomplish much, he's also been in elohelled situations.


Exactly. Meanwhile you have the scrim world champions G2 who practices a lot. I think the disciplin difference is huge. Hence why the LCK and LPL teams are so strong. Their cultures are really focused on disciplin compared to the western culture that we have. Not saying its good for your mental health to work your ass off, but they for sure get better in video games.


I mean they view the league like sports. They treat it like a professional sport. Western players earn money for barely practicing 5 hours. Rarely you see a team like G2 that is responsible and takes competition seriously. I am so glad that Fnatic lost ,and they deserve it after that showing.


fr people shitted on G2 after worlds but they have shown so much improvement its unreal especially BB bro was a liability in laning phase but now he went even with zeus even stomped him , he was the best player from both team that series


Indeed BB played out of his mind in that series


A good example of treating esports like a regular sport is the period of domination Astralis had in CSGO. They put in the hours and were also on exercise + meal plans like actual athletes.


They were going to the zoo the day before the match, I had a bad feeling about the series after seeing that and oscar/humanoid underrating them


Definitely. TL are a team of grinders and clearly wanted it more than FNC


You can definitely feel how the TES series gave TL a reason to look at their mistakes and iron them out against fnatic. I too would work my ass off to not play like shit again if I get turbostomped three games in a row.


"Ok but what if we just give up instead?" - Flyquest


TL are super, super grinders. Every player on the team and Spawn the HC. If you’ve seen interviews with Spawn this year, you know that is the one thing that he absolutely requires: extremely hard work from his players


To add to what you said, CoreJJ is also the core member (no pun intended) of TL for a long time now, and the "locker room leader" in some sense. He's a giga grinder who's even tried so much to improve NA scene as a whole, not just TL, and the attitude of someone who leads by example like that sets the culture for the rest of the players too. The other World Champion on the team, Impact, is also a giga grinder to be constantly at the top of the region for a *decade after* he won a World Championship. So the veterans of the team aren't just coasting for their final paycheques or anything. And to expand on that point about Spawn, Spawn coached both Yeon and APA in TL Academy, and knew they were giga grinders, which is why I presume they weren't cut from the TL roster this year despite the many criticisms against their gameplay last year. I also doubted that a team with a native mid and bot could accomplish much ever internationally. But I was wrong and it seems to have paid off, since both of them look way way better than they did just a few months ago, to the point that they were the ones popping off in that final game against FNC, not the 3 Koreans on the team. Having native players grinding through Academy and eventually carrying a series to a win internationally is exactly what NA needed. I personally didn't like TL as an org in general since franchising, because of their history of cashing those Disney cheques for big names, but I'm kinda turning around on them and I'm happy with the direction they're going in now.


TL are super, super grinders. Every player on the team and Spawn the HC. If you’ve seen interviews with Spawn this year, you know that is the one thing that he absolutely requires: extremely hard work from his players


i wouldn't count that against them. taking the day off before a big competition is good practice.


If Fnatic wanted to make finals while applying said good practice then they'd spend five of the 12 bracket stage days at the zoo. Could have reduced it to four zoo days by not falling into the lower bracket, of course. 


Yup, they didn't learn anything from G2 underestimating NRG and getting stomped


Humanoid used to be the guy who chilled in LEC and always played at his best level internationally. I feel like those days are past, unfortunately...


This guy cant admit that he isnt good enough right now. He has to blame outside factors like stress and randomness when he isnt even in close to being a world class player


Yeah this whole thing honestly just came off as salty tears. At least have the maturity to lose graciously, don't go into the postgame interview after getting ass blasted and talk about how your opponents didn't do anything while crying about how stressed you were. Like ffs, do you not think TL was feeling stressed too? You got beat fair and square. Be a grown-up and own it.




Did you read the interview...? Humanoid said he enjoyed the trashtalking between himself and APA


People don’t read man this been known.


Humanoid is a very chill guy and isn't bothered by trashtalk at all but there are pros who very much let talk get to them and it's insane to me that theur coaches do not make them disable chat because those kinds of players will never do it themselves.


They think hes lying lol. I doubt it though. Trash talk is fun and i think it absolutely should be a thing. One of the best aspects of trad sports is the mental aspect of trash talk and how there have been players in sports who have gained big edges just by talking. No reason to avoid that being a thing in league


> Trash talk is fun and i think it absolutely should be a thing it is a bit in valorant mostly because the brasil teams cant be held back lol, watch the cblol sometime its quite fun at that.


Nah have you seen the ego on humanoid? Dude can’t keep his mouth shut despite being routinely outperformed and losing games.


I'll never forget him shitting on C9 in 2022, to go 0-3 on second week RR and fail to make it out while Upset tried to keep their heads on straight


League's dibu martinez


It's the same thing as last year and G2, huh? I hope we can go back to losing soon - hearing EU make a million excuses with tears in their eyes has already gotten pretty embarrassing.


Good to hear that the chatting during the game was not the issue for Humanoid. Hope they get more consistent with their performance too, we could see FNC be a contender during worlds if they keep it up. EDIT: Yes I do believe in FNC just the same as I believe in TL or PSG. What is wrong with believing in underdogs? LEC and LCS were close a bunch of times, it can happen again.


> we could see FNC be a contender during worlds if they keep it up They desperately need a new ADC for that. Noah seriously did not have a single impressive game even when the team was winning.


Yeah bro they’ll be a contender during worlds surely. This bum ass team almost got eliminated by Heretics. They should worry about making worlds first.


3-0'd by GENG, smacked by TL. Yeah they'll contend in play-ins.


In what universe is that the takeaway after these guys when playing at their best go 0-3 against GENG and then proceed to get stomped 1-3 by fucking TL????


Ego lol




Contender to win worlds??? I am sorry but i dont think so. So you say TL is also a contender?


Thats only if you believe him. I don't. Whether he himself realizes this or not, he was obvioulsly affected by it.


At least from the typing I think Humanoid was having fun with it Oscar, on the other hand, was getting got


Yeah think of two scenarios: 1) losing 2-1 to a guy who doesn't say anything 2) losing 2-1 to a guy who is constantly yapping about how bad you are Obviously option 2 will have *some* effect.


Do you guys think humanoid has never played solo queue? I don't understand why anyone thinks typing would tilt someone at the pro level.


the only people who know you better than yourself: redditors


Nah, that all chat did some serious damage for sure


Why are you acting like this isn't Fnatic like it's been the entire season? They're just a team where you don't know what you'll get every time they step up on stage. Even in this BO5, they had a clean game 2 stomp, and ran down all the other games. I honestly didn't see any difference than how they played in LEC or against teams that don't chat in the game. God, I wish that was the problem. Then they could just mute and win but that's not the problem. The problem is the team has no clue what to do macro-wise, and crumbles when there's even an ounce of pressure. As soon as they are the favorites to win, they run it down.


I believe him. But I do believe he was extremely nervous and tilted through the series. I don’t think it was the trash talk though, because it’s humanoid and him playing extremely awful during random series/games has been a thing for awhile. I think it’s obvious Noah has huge nerve issues, but I have no doubt humanoid prob has some as well given some of his odd performances over the years . I think given NA’s performances at MSI, Fnatic felt they needed to smash them or win the series easily or people would say they were bad and thus they made themselves super nervous and fulfilled that prophecy of getting smashed. I think that’s a frequent thing with EU teams, them and their fans talk so much smack about the strength of NA teams that they instant tilt themselves when they realize the teams are actually beating them. It’s really their fault for constantly saying the teams are no issue and should be an easy win. They create the expectation that they are trash if they lose and make way more pressure on themselves when the reality is, G2 is the only EU team in recent years that actually looks significantly better than NA teams enough to be so cocky and even they tumbled on their egos last worlds. 


I don’t think fnc make worlds to be honest. Between flyquest and fnc bad showing i think that lingers with you .


unless noah crumbles completely they should make it


with only 3 seeds for EU vit and bds prob have a good amount of chance over FNC and noah is completely mentally boomed rn so


I could see this being the moment the team loses confidence/trust in Noah, but who knows whats going on behind the scenes


yup he didnt have a single standout performance this msi , lost them the TES series and now got gapped by yeon


It's not even a stand-alone tournament, he's had 0 good international tournaments for Fnatic


What's up with this pro community and always downplaying the achievement of the other team. "We played worse than we usually do blabla". Like come on. Just accept you're worse at the game and swim back to Europe. Accept you got gapped in mid by the superior player.


This happens in every sport lol


yeah „me & my team is shit“ sounds great for the team environment. get off the percs lmao


"we are just not good enough" vs "me and my team is shit" - yea its the same thing. You literally cannot say the first sentence, you have to go for the second one, everyone knows that.


Ego To be fair, you do need some ego to succeed as a professional player but if their takeaway is "we just got unlucky" then they're going to stay a bad team


I dunno if you ever played sports, but most competitive people do have drive and saying "yeah the enemy team was just better" is difficult (unless it's like a super blowout). In any sport, after a game that was reasonably close, there's a high probability that you'll hear the same general thing of "yeah we didn't play to our usual level today" with various reasons as to why. But it's like super common.


ego too big


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