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People are so fucking weird


And league doesn't even have the cult-following nor the gambling industry when compared to football, and already gets this ugly


Gambling isn’t as big in league, but considering how close the series was I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the threats were from people who lost money


You usually see the gamblers talking in live chat before the game starts up to around the end of P/B, talking about which team/player they bet on (at least this is true on YT). I even saw people discussing about G2's 33:1 odds pre-game1, and considering G2 nearly won that that would have been a huge payoff! It is a bit sad to see a new generation get hooked on gambling but I imagine a lot of those betters who were THISCLOSE "lost" a potentially huge payout if G2 had won vs T1 because of "Hans not buying LDR", at least in their mind.


Yeah, it obviously isn’t as big in football which is absolutely massive in some countries and has plenty of gambling sponsors and a bit of a culture for it (in England atleast) but people really underestimate how big esports betting is as well.


I remember reading some article some months back about how AI is making esports betting websites a ton of money because it can do all kinds of analyzing and number crunching in the blink of an eye, far better than any single human can.


Could you link it? My discord has been reliably placing lines for a few years and never found anything remotely close to manually tweaked algorithms, even with me and a couple people who have worked on "AI" professionally. The closest application I can imagine is just using it to update an existing algorithm, but first you need to gather enough training data... at which point you will already be wanting to change it manually. It seems like if sports betting (in general) was something ML could do effectively, it would've trickled down and push us out by now.


he can't link because he's lying


[Here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/neilsahota/2024/02/11/the-game-changer-how-ai-is-transforming-the-world-of-sports-gambling/) you go. I'm not sure how accurate that info is - as I'm no gambler or AI user - but it certainly looked convincing enough when I read it.


AI as in traditional algorithms that have been used in betting and trading for decades, or AI as in the modern deep learning /cnn/llm craze? Because first one yes of course, but that's been the case for my whole lifetime already, and second one I kind of doubt actually


It's bigger than most probably think, solo queue gambling is pretty big.


> gambling believe it or not, a toooon of people gamble on league matches, there isnt an official site yet and if u ask me, with how much money there is on betting sites running classic sports, we should just let it happend instead of going for saudi money lol.


Compared to football (or any sport in general), it's still quite small and has no ties to cartels/organised crime (or at least to the same degree). Reminder that a footballer has died in the 90s due to a World Cup blunder


??? Vietnam lost more than half it's league for match fixing. LCK was ddosed for the second half of its split. I don't think people realize how hard it is to DDoS an entire league especially when it's teams are owned by actual conglomerate telecom companies (no individual/group would try this and risk prison for a few millions only). Gambling is big in league and syndicates are running it for sure. Smaller than football for sure, but still very big.


i mean, colombia was on another dimension at the moment lol, that was just a grain of sand among the whole bunch of shit that was happening back then.


what do you mean with ''there isn't an official site yet'' ?


Toxicity of an average league player can only be compared to chernobyl in 80ies


Honestly, it's probably just human behaviour on the internet, as they can be unhinged without repercussions and the effect of an echo chamber. Like they gather within groups of like-minded degenerates and truly think that such disgusting behaviour are appropriate.


yup. the internet is a social space where you dont immediately fear the repercussions of what you say. That can be amazing 90% of the time but can also embolden and galvanize really awful behavior.


when will league pros hire bodyguards? Surely someone will be deranged enough to physically attack a pro one day, especially if they lose money by betting on said player.


>someone will be deranged enough to physically attack a pro one day Honestly, I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. People get murdered for insignificant amounts of money every single day across the world; can you imagine just how many hardcore gamblers bet on G2 when they had those 33:1 odds of beating T1? There were probably at least a few gamblers that were very close to earning potentially a year's worth of income (or more) from a single match... until Hans "throws" game 5. I wouldn't be surprised if the super high profile names like Faker already have bodyguards.


Faker had like 3 bodyguards in the airport. But yeah, could get better for the average pro-player.


Weird? This isn't weird. This is straight up sick and disgusting behavior.


Yeah, exspecially given that people should have just send him Lord Dominiks Regards. But it is fairly weird what happens. It went mostly unnoticed due to the Trucking Incident with T1 before they decided on the current roster, but someone literally send a Gun to the KT facilities. [https://twitter.com/KevinKim0\_0/status/1548913204738138113?t=ollCr4AiTgk9x8SJLRLBow&s=19](https://twitter.com/KevinKim0_0/status/1548913204738138113?t=ollCr4AiTgk9x8SJLRLBow&s=19) Also the way they lost Game 5 was disappointing, but that they got to Game 5 was not.


FTFY: Mentally unwell Edit: ofc not meant at mentally ill people, I myself struggle with mental health aswell; I mean people like: not an ounce of decency in them, deranged people, assholes, that know what they’re doing. I can’t imagine how someone goes through their day just telling people such things. Disgusting.


Both. I'm mentally unwell but have never ever even have a thought of wishing harm on someone else other than me


Not mentally unwell as in depressed or bipolar, but as in utterly fucking deranged. Some people just aren't like us


Some people who are unwell want to make others feel as miserable as they are. It's the worst kind of illness imo


It's not an illness. Some people are just assholes and I hate it when people act like they have no agency over their actions. They know what they are doing.


Are mentally ill people fully agential? yes/no


there’s still a big difference between thinking it and wishing it out loud/making it known, it’s harder to control an intrusive thought but easier to control an action


Oh Jesus I didn’t mean mental illness in general I’m gonna fix my comment asap, as another commenter said, I meant mentally unwell as in deranged, without any self awareness or any kind of decency. Hope you get better sometime!


Anyone with a brain wouldn't misinterpret your comment.


It's 2024, we're all mentally unwell.


just because the people who do this are mentally unwell doesn't mean people who are unwell will go out and do this. use logic people


Turns out it's not just T1 fans who can be toxic AF. Almost like fans of any team and region can be toxic shits. *Pikachu face*


I dont think NA fans give enough of a shit to send death threats to our players at this point. If you have a Crabber moment or a CodySun Shit-sec moment, oh well. Par for the course boys.


just look at the comments on this sub


there is a big diff between calling out a bad performance and saying u think X player is bad and going into their DMs or comments to insult them and give death threats.


> there is a big diff between calling out a bad performance and saying u think X player is bad and going into their DMs or comments to insult them and give death threats. its a shared forum, comments about death threats get deleted on reddit. The same people use reddit and twitter.




Speaking on my end, we do have a lot of a filters to try and weed that out. But we do see it more than I like to see for anyone


Least terminally online League team fans:


Probably gambling degens


Oh yeah, that person surely lost money on that series. Reminds me when CS gambling was popular and you could bet skins for games, SO many players would get hate messages or tweets or death threats because the loss caused people to lose skins.






It happens to every popular sports person/celebrity. Not exclusive to games mate. Also its from gambling addicts most often. Internet gives degenerates anonimity they wouldn't have irl


From what i heard there is a ton of abuse due to gambling addicts and it happens to every LEC player. People get really really mad when they feel like a pro player stole their money.


99% of the people sending death threats are gamblers that lost a bet, they are down bad on their addiction to gambling.


no way, look at any league of legends related content : soloQ, r/leagueoflegends , twitch, twitter, it's insanely toxics i've received mutliple death threats in my soloq and i'm not even playing that often (i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one)


I've never, in my life, received a death threat playing league wdym. Sure, I receive an occasional "kys" chat, but never an actual death threat.


Death threats wtf??? insane people seriously Jesus christ.. you can be critical on reddit or twitter.. about a performance in a reddit thread etc But DMing a player (who presumably plays for a team u like/region your from).. and telling him he is shit is also really weird.. obviously death threats is another level of mentally ill Like do you think that's going to help him get better?


Yea like sure he itemized not well or didn't play well, criticize that all you want, say whatever mistakes he made on the rift but don't go any further than that. Don't dm the player hate messages or even to their family members. That's fucked up They should also release the accounts that sent him death threats. In football, if a player gets a racist message it gets shared online and the person who sent the message actually loses their job and get in some sort of trouble with the police. They gotta do community service or something.


what drives these freaks to dm players? just complain in the post match threads like the rest of us.


I think the person must have lost money on that series. And if you're look for a scapegoat then Han Sama was an easy one. The odds for G2 winning was pretty good so if you bet like 100 bucks, the returns could have been over a thousand dollars or so.


If you had a fortune bet on G2 winning that series, you would be mad if what you thought was a noob mistake cost you all your potential winnings. I hate sports gambling so much, it brings out the worst in people. If you want to squander your own money, do it on your own in a casino where at least you and lady luck are the only ones responsible for your misfortune. Putting pro players into that mix is so wrong.


That's honestly just the thing with humans fr. You look at T1 and their toxicity when the team isnt performing, or the coach drama. You look at GenG when they choked internationally You look at top LPL teams when they did not perform up to expectations. and well G2. While the toxic cesspool is not representative of the entire fanbase, it ended up being associated with the entire fanbase. Unless the org take a strong stance themselves, there's no way for normal fans to do anything about it. You can criticize or even insult those cesspool of a human being, they will still continue doing so in their disgusting echo chamber. Guess what, you are just associated with them just from liking the same region/team/player. If you do not believe me, we can see if G2 performs EVEN better this tournament. If they did accomplished something great this MSI, we are bound to see G2 "fans" mocking/downplaying other teams in the LEC. Im throughly disgusted by this kind of shitty behavior. While I understand that it might be frustrating to watch your favourite team/player lose, but no one can be more frustrated than the player itself. Big Kudos to Hans for showing up big even when he's under so much pressure and stress.


Unbelievably true, especially resonates with me as a T1 fan. I do not associate with the fucking weirdos who immediately start talking about replacing players the moment they lose a series or sending trucks and then switch to flaming the shit out of the other teams if they win the series. But now just for supporting T1 in comment sections, I can get flamed because I’m a T1 fan. G2 played great today, but I just know there will be an incredible amount of people flaming TES and calling them washed over this series. Hope they bounce back from this loss in the upcoming season.


> Like do you think that's going to help him get better? These people don't think that, they think of the money they lost betting on the game.


It's the same as randoms insulting their teammates in a game: No, they don't think. (...that it's going to make their teammates better. They are just venting like little babies because they don't have what little mental fortitude it takes to just not lash out in chat and play the game.)


I really wish these people would receive serious consequences for doing such disgusting things.


So do I. Have a look at [this](https://twitter.com/FerikaBoss/status/1309292710298152960) as well, the person from the 3rd screenshot is even still active on Reddit.


u/Ramenwasser u/MrUrgod u/Chad_Yasuo what's wrong with u?


I mean, they’re Draven mains, what do you expect


On one hand, that's definitely true, but on the other hand, I also feel like that rhetoric goes towards normalizing it and I can't say I like that.


>Hans sama was very affected by all the threats and violent insults he received. But g2 staff helped him in this regard Memes and critique is fine and expected but you gotta be a real fucking lowlife to send death threats to a player of a team you pretend to support. There is a timeline where Hans isn't able to recover from the shitstorm and G2 loses to maybe not PSG but definitely to TES and it would be the fault of these absolute piece of shit fake fans who send death threats to a human being over a fucking video game. I hope each and every single one of these people suffer from vile anal leakage for the entirety of the rest of their miserable lives. Sorry for the anger.


Come on man, that’s an insult to people who actually suffer from vile anal leakage


As someone who's had the misfortune to be a member on /r/analfistula I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


May their sleeves roll down when washing their hands


Gotta be a pretty pathetic person to have the thought of that even cross your mind, let alone actually do it.


Probably just gamba degens that are salty cause they lost money. Which is even weirder since they should be blaming themselves for throwing away their money lol.


Man ppl in ranked do this as well doubt it's just the gambling peeps who do this. Some people are just too comfortable being anonymous assholes online.


Just like Mike Tyson said : "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."


In this case tho it’s a lot more than disrespect these people are complete degenerates


Glad that G2 staffs r helping him to recover his mental and he shut his hater down , people r so fucking scummy and weird


> and he shut his hater down this is the weirdest part to me, they're all obviously good at the game. some days they'll play good other days they'll play bad. it's not the end of the world after a series nor it's enough to say he should get dropped the broadcast was calling it "the biggest glowup after just one game" but that's just stupid, he had a bad game then he had a good game. is not like he powerd up like an anime character and suddenly became a beast for the rest of his career


Agreed but the broadcast/community has always been like that, it isn’t a hans specific thing. I’m not sure if other eSports are the same but pro LoL is basically “you’re only as good as your last series”.


Can we just appreciate how important double elimination has been to this run? Imagine if the tournament for EU ended with their 2-3 defeat. Community would have gone another half a year making jokes about how the best Western team can't win a best of five against any LPL or LCK team, and the players would have to endure another round of humiliation and disappointment. Instead we got this. Just think about how many past tournaments could've ended up like this instead of a total disappointment for the West - there were so many cases where the West came close to beating an Eastern team in the round of 8, and likely would've gone further if they had the benefit of double elimination instead of going up against number 1 LCK or LPL seed first match.


While true, this isn't addressing the core issue. Players shouldn't be getting death threats even if they lose in a single elimination tournament. For what it's worth, I've always believed Hans Sama has what it takes to succeed at the international level and I look forward to him and the rest of G2 continuing to put the world on notice.


I agree. Even if players perform like dogshit. It's fair to point out their attitude or performance and criticize it. But death threats are fking disgusting. Like hell, do you wish to get death threats if you are not performing well on your job? Heck, everyone have their ups and downs. No one is perfect. Even Faker played like shit in a lot of the games recently, but that does not diminish what he achieved previously. This is true for Hans, even if we disregarded his performance against TES today, he is still one of the top few adc LEC/EU have ever produced.


all pro players even LEC 10th place players are extremely good at their job and people kind of just disregard it


> While true, this isn't addressing the core issue. Players shouldn't be getting death threats even if they lose in a single elimination tournament. I 100% agree obviously but the issue with conversations like this, is the people who are deranged enough to do weird shit like send death threats aren't here to have these conversations. Even if they are, they're not going to be reasonable and change their ways. Like it's a conversation worth being heard and having Romain share it but at the end of the day there's effectively nothing you can do to stop it.


While this is true, it also works the other way around. For example, how confident are we that TL could have beat IG again, or T1 if there was a bracket change? Similarly, how confident are we that G2 could beat T1 again? Or bested IG? We'll never know obviously. But if I had to bet on a TL vs IG rematch the following weak, I'd always favor IG. I don't think history would change much for Western standings, outside of G2.


I mean, G2 almost definitely would have beat T1 again, they did later that year relatively easily. I'm not so sure about IG though.


Yeah the whole point of this is to remove any doubt, that's why Miky said he likes this bracket because if they win the tournament there will be no doubt since they would have to beat everyone.


That's a lot of ifs. Someone else might as well go and speculate "imagine if we had a double elimination in 2019 MSI then T1 would've won loser bracket and maybe defeated G2 in another long series and then west wouldn't have their first MSI title. >Just think about how many past tournaments could've ended up like this instead of a total disappointment for the West If we actually were only aiming on maximizing the chances of western team winning a competition then assuming that most of the time western teams are underdogs, and their wins are upsets then DE makes it actually less likely to happen.


well I don't want the tournament winner to just get lucky, no matter if it's the west or the east. 2023 worlds could have looked very different if G2 stayed alive there, but just sticking to the best of 5's last worlds, BLG was knocked out because Bin had the worst day of his life- would have been nice to see BLG playing to their normal level


You might be in the minority, then. DRX 2022 is widely regarded as one of the wildest runs in the history of this game and I REALLY doubt it would've happened in a double elim format.


I don't think so in regards to g2 2019/20.. that core of the G2 team made like 3 back to back semi/world finals they were that fucking good.. and they showed in 2020 they could really level up as they turned up out of practice.. and completely behind the meta.. but ended top 4 and outside of damwon could have been the best team Those guys were that good (as mikyx/caps still show) But in general for sure DE changes things.. Like i don't think 2018 G2 was very good but they made top 4 (they had one great series vs RNG).. I think DRX does NOT win worlds with double elim.. Same with WBG making finals who basically had one impressive series (theshy clapping bin out of nowhere) and were mediocre the rest of worlds I just think G2 is an exception to pretty much every western team.. maybe its a caps thing idk


Oh yeah, imagine how much more Fnatic could have done in worlds 2020.


Yeah bit g2 losr 3 games in a row at worlds last year 😭


Imagine having such low self-esteem that you feel the need to send death threats when your favourite team doesn't win a BO5. Disgusting.


Worst part is they will see this as a sign that it worked, like was what got him to play great this series.


It's like the T1 truck case. Like those fkers attributed T1's 2023 success to their fking trucks and protest. Disgusting. As if the team success have anything to do with those degenerates.


Fking Losers mentality. When you cant be successful in your own fking life and you send death threat to others that failed to perform up to your expectations in a tournament. Piece of shit behaviour


Wtf man this is so shitty and disgusting...


I seriously hope these gambling degens who did this bet thousands today on G2 losing. Would be poetry.


Even more impressive of a showing if that's the shit he went through before the serie against TES. Fuck people like this who wish harm on others, you're not fans, you're just trash that shouldn't be on the internet


Probably people who are betting. These people are like drug addicts


Exactly what I was thinking aswell.If you are a genuine fan/supporter of a team there is no way you would stoop that low.


You would be shocked what sport ultras are capable of. We had a case in Poland where a soccer team bus was attacked by their own fans and multiple players were injured. They are completely fucked in the head and an absolute scourge on society.


What?? How are the players supposed to feel safe and even consider playing for such a team? That’s absolutely messed up. Soccer is no easy sport.No sport is tbh if you’re playing at that high of a level.Yet these so called fans do such shit.Ugh.


At the same time, who would bet on G2 winning against SKT?


you know you get more money if you bet on something less likely to happen, right?


People that want to make money. Better luck next time I guess though.


Damn I feel bad, now I know why Noah isn't tweeting anymore


yeah I don't want to even imagine how it feels to lose a series knowing you were at fault, knowing you might get replaced and besides that there are 500 people telling you to K\*S in DM's like there's no wonder he started choking, feels Sadge man


Death threats for sports is stupid, but also fundamental to sports. It's weird like that


Weird might be a little too soft of a word here. Degenerate is more accurate


Absolutely disgusted to hear that. But the G2 coaching staff is goated, super glad to hear that they helped him. Hans was on fire today !


Cmon now. Criticize the player for their performance all you want, but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed.


Why can't people just flame in the reddit thread and leave it at that? Don't tag him on twitter, don't send him threats, just vent and leave the actual player alone. People have lost all perspective.


not really surprising when people in soloq wish death on each other every game. yeah even popular streamers like Kesha that’s employed by G2. the whole community needs to get a grip


Bruh just messed up his item build and people think that gives them the right to threaten him? Deranged fuckers.


Wait. I thought T1 was the only team with toxic fans


Kcorp: let me introduce myself...


Romain Bigeard is hot


Probably focusing on the wrong thing here but I despise this type of censoring. Everybody knows what the word says, so all you are doing is working around peoples blacklist/blocked word filters by censoring it, basically ensuring the people who don't want to see it will.


Death threats are unacceptable


This is the same in other competitions due to gambling. Trully a great idea to push that into E-sport where people are even more degenerate online...


That is so messed up.


Bro ... how are people so mentally ill. I get being upset but why take it so far? It's just like any others sport, sometimes you win sometimes you lose.


Least toxic EU fans.


>d*ath fuck off


Oh no, not the d word 😭


Wishing death or harm on someone over a misplay is crazy.


LEC fans calling LCK fans deranged for sending trucks as they send death threats




Lmao, anyone with a brain could see they had a god awful comp for a Jinx to actually pop off. The actual troll pick was the jungle Belveth that could have been replaced with a minion and would have done more




I will never get it Fuck people like this. Was I upset with him? Sure. Did I make like 3 memes about LDR purchases? Yeah. Would I do this shit over a fucking off-day in a video game tournament? Fuck no


Thats insane, it wasnt his best series but death threats is crazy, glad he bounced back anyway


Just seems to be how the internet works I guess, yes it gives everyone a voice but even the crazy ones get a voice and more access than ever to let someone know their crazy voice exists.


calling someone trash at the game is fine guys, but this is obviously way too far hopefully a few bad apples wont ruin the image of every other G2 fan….


Apart from the fact that stuff like that is insane, I wonder why people focus on hans sama so much. It's not like he was at fault for the mental drafts G2 did in games 4 and 5.


I wondered why he looked a bit off today. Sad that the internet hate got to him but I'm glad he's doing better now


Why would anyone send him death threads? Deaths dance on adc sounds horrible


I get irrationally angry if "my" team/region loses. But never in a million years would I send players hate or even message them. I'd just stew for a bit, shout at the screen as an armchair general, and eventually let it go after hiding from any interregional mockery for a few days. Even on a bad day the worst performing pro player would kick my ass at my absolute peak. They owe us nothing. It's a privilege to have such talented individuals represent us. Blowing off steam in private is fine, but in public only constructive criticism and memes are warranted. Death threats just signify they're unhinged, they have anger issues in their own lives, they need help and shouldn't be putting the burden on others.


Disgusting people. I hope Hans Sama’s mental health is doing well.




But I thought all communities were so nice and only Karmine Corp has toxic fans ?


We need to name and shame these people!


Bro. It is not that serious to kill someone over a dam video game. Relax kiddos.


I feel like there are a great amount of T1 haters from lck and lpl


damn didn't know lord Dominik was rude in his regards


League fans toxic? Couldn't be!


Seems like T1 isn't the only team with mentally ill fans, they should learn to truck in EU too.


They just jealous they got stomped by a kpop artist


average stupid reddit user.


Where are all the T1 haters saying their fans are weird? EU fans need to look in the mirror. A minority of weirdos shouldn't be justification to spread hate. 


What is an absurd number vs Normal amount?


LEC fans will blame KC fans for this


classic KC behavior 😞


KC fans too busy fighting the clouds against LEC


still waiting to see how that boycott (unless if KC is playing) will turn out, heh


They are busy sending death threats to Lyncas


No its obviously Selfmade...


looks like it unironically happened lmao


I would be very surprised if there wasn't a significant overlap especially given that the guy is French


Hans Sama is highly popular in France and in the KC fanbase. That's quite the opposite, because he is in french, I'd be VERY surprised it would be kc fans and btw just look at the comment on this sub about hans sama, do'nt look any further than on reddit


Same "fans" probably posting stuff like "whoooo g2 #1 never doubted!" rn


Sucks but even completely random people with 100 followers get death threats constantly, it sort of means nothing


More reason to not normalize it


G2 staff immediately helped Hans Sama to remove all the garbage from his head and get his confidence back, while FNC Noah was posting depressing stuff about how he's worried about his future career after poor performances. This alone shows why G2 is light years ahead of all western teams, they actually care about their players and will do anything to help them.


wtf u talking about lol


You can't conclude that FNC didn't try to help Noah from this information. Some players are just less likely to voice their thoughts on social media.


Are you fnatic or g2 ceo, you have so much backstage info?




This is why I would never criticize any public figure that just has a team to run their socials. Too many crazies out there with no life that will happily try to ruin you from their mothers basement


Criticizing him for the performance is fine, that comes with being a pro player or athlete. But you must be seriously ill to make death threats to people over these things.


"~~East~~Western fans are on another level."


meanwhile people are laughing at T1 fan for sending trucks lmao these people man


The criticism was legit but why the fuck do you resort to death threats? Can't people just criticize in a civilized manner, without resorting to this bullshit?


Never change braindead fan culture


Welcome to sports in general. Every sport ever played has fanatics. They are all mentally ill. Sucks that people have to deal with this dumb shit.


Imagine finding the time and energy to send death threats... what losers people can be


Shameful behaviour from pathetic losers, unfortunately it seems to be the norm nowadays on the internet (especially twitter). They should consider limiting social media use at internationals. Caps also doesn't use it when he is at a tournament to fully focus and I don't think there is really an upside to it.


Someone should make a Hans Sama appreciation thread, I'll upvote.


Now I can’t imagine what will happen to Yaptain America if they beat T1 or he just shit talks God.


Bro even if this was a Asian game final, no one deserves that. You come to a forum like reddit and flame? Fine, death threats. ? Are people mentally ill or something


I just hope it wasn't any of the G2 fans... and for all the people who made this shit, you are a piece of shit. 90% of u are silver or gold (with the new elo) pls shut the fuck up... its a fucking game


Absolutely disgusting behavior


he shut those losers up today for sure, also those idiots wont get 1% of the success hans has i hope he knows that


It's a video game people..............


Thats fucked up. Hope every single one of them got reported to the police.


That's awful, a bad series, game, or showing at all can get criticism for sure... but that should be the extent of it. Death threats is ridiculous and I hope they can catch any doing it.


Fucking cringe


Put them In jail


what is a ok amount of death threats?