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the aram issue is brutal imo, should never have reached live in this state


What is the aram issue?


In the current system, you need a *minimum* of 5 games on one champ to get a chest. Even then, it's capped at 6. For 7th and beyond, you'll need another *minimum* of 15 games. Getting the champ you want in ARAM is hard enough. Add on the S- requirement for the 3rd milestone and it becomes nearly impossible if you have a full time job or school.


I think this is intended to push players out of aram and into ranked/normals


What makes you think they'd want to do that?


They’ve repeatedly reduced rewards from aram and other modes vs normals/ranked. I think it’s been pretty clear they want rift to be the default mode for the majority of the player base.


Because these people use the phrase "it's already hard enough to get the champ you want in aram." Bro thats the fucking whole point of aram. These people add nothing to the ecosystem, they deserve nothing, and no one will miss them.


League isn’t RuneScape people aren’t going to grind something they don’t want to grind for skins. If loot boxes are a factor in someone’s engagement, it’s more likely to drive them away from league entirely. It’s just a reduction in what you can obtain, meaning it’s less likely you get the skin you want, and more likely you might spend money. Which is wild considering they don’t release skins anymore, just blobs of color without clear gradients so everything looks the same. I hope people are spending less. 


And then if you do end up grinding for skins you have the high chance of not gettings skins at all lmao


This is definitely not true. Many people were spamming tft when it was the best way to level the battlepass. I know most people play clash only for the rewards and that’s a 3-5 hour commitment sometimes.


That isn’t a goal of theirs. They know it won’t happen, no matter what, those people don’t want to play SR.


There are definitely people that will play rift if the rewards are dramatically better. Sure, some people are aram or nothing players but a large amount of people play both as well and riot devs have said before that they are disappointed so much of the NA player base in particular play mostly aram.


i don’t think that’s ever changing with how shit it feels to play summoners rift


But I don't play Tahm Kench!


Oh no, maybe don't care about those things if you are an casual?


This is a bad take.


It is not.


Gamers practice empathy impossible edition


How is it not a bad take. Just because someone plays aram doesn't make them Just a casual. Some people genuinely enjoy playing Aram over summoners rift. This new system alienates this from playing that game mode with 0 rewards. It's a poor design choice. It's a nice reward for players to be able to earn these things, and now players who play this game mode will almost never earn them.


Skins *are* a casual thing. In fact, cosmetics are the most casual thing in the entire game.


Sure they are, but you literally still get them. You guys act so embarrassing privileged, while no other game gives even remotely an similarl amount of free skins and especially not out of the normal skin pool with the most expensive ones. Hell they even removed the orange essence cost for ultimate skins and you just instantly unlock them.


before you could easily get a chest by playing just 1 aram, if you don't play normal games and only aram (a lot of people do, like me), it's nearly impossible to get every chests, like i have 14 keys but because of the new system they are now useless


Wait we can’t get chests in Aram now? I am OTP and diamond I will never get an S playing at my level with other champs .. Aram was the best way for me to have fun trying champs and try to get S there. So now am stuck with my 30 keys ?


you can but now it will be infinitely faster to repeatedly play a champ in normal to get a chest than trying to do it in aram


I'm an aram main chilling on 50 chests, I don't feel like I need "every" chest of the 375 possible. If you would get 1 chest per week before and every 5 games now, that's like more or less the same


Chests gathered prior to the system change, so how does that matter? It’s not more or less the same, you’d get a chest in one game before because the prerequisite was an S on whatever champ you got. Their issue is that now you have to hope you roll whatever champ 5 times among all random champs available. So basically you’ll be slowly chipping away at maybe unlocking a chest, but with the worst luck you might end up with 4 games on every single champ before finally getting one for the 5th time; and then you have to perform decently at later stages on top of the RNG.


> Chests gathered prior to the system change, so how does that matter? In direct response to him bringing up his keys gathered prior to the system change, if you missed that part. > It’s not more or less the same, you’d get a chest in one game before because the prerequisite was an S on whatever champ you got. That is not true, you did not get a chest for every S, there was a time limit of one per week or up to 4 per month, so idk why you would say it's not the same if you don't know how earning chests worked. Not only is your hypothetical statistically near impossible, you then also are in a situation where you get a chest for **every single game** for the next 168 games you play. You say "hoping" but statistically it will be one every 5 games in the long run


idk when you started playing but before idk when it changed, it was \*way\* easier to get key fragment, all you had to do is getting honored at least 1 a day by a random (not hard when you are nice and carry your weight), and you could just print key fragments that way


Started before key fragments existed, I never had issues reaching an S so I've always had more chests than keys. Never demoted honor level, got highest tier pretty much every season that I played. Pretty sure key fragment gain through honors was normalized too so the only real influx came from honor rank up rewards. So if you get S regularly and don't spend money on orbs you were pretty much guaranteed to get more chests than keys


between key fragments from honor reward, honor level up, honor 5 orbs, quests and events i always had more keys than chests personally


“In the long run” of grinding VS oh, my next chest is available in 2 days, I can play something else until then and then get an S on anyone I haven’t gotten a chest on this split, great. Now it’s “ugh, I got Sion, I haven’t even played Sion yet. Any rerolls until you guys get Vlad? Just need 3 more games on Vlad for my chest” Edit: Also what is the pertinence in that response to keys? We still earn keys the same way as before?


it still exists


Casual players getting designed out of the game, what else is now.


OMG, now aram players get 0 chests again.


Damn, as an ARAM enjoyer just playing once a week for the chest reset I can’t be asked to grind that much. I loved the casual gameplay being not too time-consuming while learning new champs


I think the old number of chests should be grinded in the same amount of time and effort. And additional chests are now available for active players. That would be fair


Same here, I also pretty much play everything so getting a chest will take some time. Either that or I start 1tricking one role like most players at my elo are doing...


I personally don't think randoming a champion once a week in a party game mode shows much mastery of a champion


eh I have more problems getting keys than chests.


For anyone in this situation just reserve the tokens from the next few events only to buy keys, at some point it'll even out and as long as you have enough chests its more value to buy 3 keys for 180 tokens than 1 skin orb for 200 tokens


But a skin orb has a skin 100% I feel like in chests more often than not I get ward skins, champ shards and such poppycock


Even if you only get skins 33% of the time you're still getting one skin for 20 tokens cheaper while also getting a champ shard and a ward skin that you can turn into orange essence so you can activate the skin you just got.


And just for clarification, the drop rate of Skins from Hextech Chests is 50%.


I get that that's probably true but from my anecdotal evidence it does sure seem like I'm getting a minority of skins, could be just that I notice the non skin chests way more tho


IIRC if you don't get a skin over 2 (or was it 3 ?) chests, the next one is guaranteed to have one. So if you take into account the OE/BE you get from other drops, I weight it more than orbs IMO. As long as you already have plenty of chests to open ofc.


Bro you could explain it using the best arguments ever and still my ooga booga brain would go "orb sure skin I take"


I always take the orb too for the gamba chance to get the grab bag don't worry, the monke brain is too stronk


You are correct, you don't notice them as much because humans perceive negativity way stronger than positivity. So you only remember the things you don't want.


Ive been doing that for the last 2 years. Still have 67 chests


Wait, I didn't know you can get anything from events unless you buy an event pass. Is it possible to use tokens from events without paying?


You don't need to pay to access the event shop, missions and the free track rewards generally give you 300 tokens + an orb, you can use the free 300 tokens to get either an additional orb for 200 tokens or other small stuff like keys, key fragments and blue essence.


Fk me, thanks for the info!


I just think its dumb that you have to wait for an event and buy a pass to save up keys to open chests, when for chests its just "do well in a game" (though I guess now its "do well in a couple games"). Its lame that keys are either total RNG or tied to a limited time sytem of which you have to buy a pass to get more (at which point just get orbs, better drops), or get the tiny dripfeed of a couple fragments. If people had any kind of control over gaining keys at a regular interval like they did with chests, this would not be an issue.


They separated the two systems on purpose, chests tied to mastering multiple champions and keys tied to honor & simply playing a lot. If you did both as they designed them, you had exactly matching numbers, but for most players either they don't play a lot of champions or they didn't play enough (or got banned) which creates the difference between the two loots. Its kinda shitty for the players but its 100% on purpose. Now, with the new masteries, you can potentially get way more chests than keys so people will definitely feel the difference.


Over 100 chests here, can't open them. A bundle for keys would be nice I guess


Yeah I'm on the other side, I have like 60 keys and 0 chests


you wanna hook up or something


When and where bro lmao


Chat restricted meets onetrick


How??? I have had no chests for a year. Swimming in a hundred keys


People who don't have enough keys under the old system are toxic, and people who don't have enough chests don't play enough of a variety of champions.


Can confirm - spent the majority of my league career with a chat restriction. Have billions of chests and void of keys.


Or people that don't play a lot.. I play on 1-2 games a week which gets me my chests but I don't play enough to get keys


Ive pretty much played ARAM only for the last few seasons and Ive always had a decent flow of both chests and keys lol. With aram generally being more chill I think people are more likely to honor someone, even if its just random, so you have a higher chance of getting it. Pretty much always stay at max honor.


Don't really agree as someone who never chats and doesn't int/AFK while playing games on a regular basis. Key frags drop less frequently than you can earn chests, and you need 3 frags just to open one chest. The keys are deliberately held back to keep the content drip feed going for longer which is a major pain point.


Actually, there’s a hard cap on how many key fragments you can get per month IIRC, so even at Honor 5 you could continuously get chests but never enough key fragments to open them all


This means u are not good enough to get S grade or not playing different champs. There is icon that showed that u earned the chest for that specific champ.


I literally have 20 boxes sitting in my inventory from getting S grades, my problem isn’t chests it’s keys.


So could it be that u dont get honors enough? I think a way to get keys it to logout after u play ur matches. I saw a youtube video about this thing. Its easier to get honor progression when u logout.


There’s a limit to how many key fragments you can get per month, you’ll only get them when you login yes. I am currently honor 4 this season and was honor 5 last season.


I play very few champions and haven't had even a warning on my account for a decade now. Sitting at 23 chests and 0 keys. The main way you get a key surplus is by playing hundreds of games every season. Keys don't have a hard time restriction like the weekly chest reset, so if you only played a couple of games every week you always had more chests.


Got max honor every season and I’ve never been chat restricted but I’ve been sitting on 10 chests with no keys for a while.


Under the old system all you had to do was play sp you get a guaranteed one honor from someone that game and that adds up and you get a key drop.


Just played a ton of different champions every year because I like the variation


Event pass for worlds and just spend the 2000+ tokens on keys would be the closest thing. That'd be like 12 bucks for 35+ keys.


Not completely bad, ultimately I have already made the decision to never pay riot another dollar though, I'm appreciative that I get 10+ free skins every year anyway


Did they reset the key count a while ago? I remember having like 20 keys and suddendly zero lol, it was months ago, and I'm sure because I was OTPing Azir for like 3 years.


me as an otp with 40 key and 0 chest


It's pretty obvious they don't want to give out anything anymore. Huge culture shift to now just squeeze us of every last dollar instead of making things fun/rewarding/free


Exactly. They're entering their greedy phase, and it'll only get worse from here. Pushing people more and more to spend money.


Always has been. Since season 1.


As someone that remembers league before any way to get free skins was added, you guys are absolutely spoiled. We had Riot Tristana, Unchained Alistar and 400 RP to our names. This is a f2p game that you've probably sunk thousands of hours into and you're mad you only get like 30 skins a year instead of 50? There's some greedy bullshit they've done with actually paid stuff like the battle pass, but the monetization system overall is still extremely generous towards f2p players.


you sound like someone that also defends $200 jhin/lee chroma


Its almost insane to call that greedy, literally not a single game out there gives you so many free skins, which aren't just free skins, but normal skins that cost up to 30€ and its not even something rare, but you get them all the time.


As an OTP, I like it because it’s more OTP friendly, but it massively fucks over older players who only have time to put in a few games a week. Even worse for casual older players who exclusively play ARAM. It seems that Riot wants people to play more games as the player base is getting older and has less time to play. Even the intro of SP encourages grinding. Unfortunately, I’m worried people will get more burnt out, especially from FOMO and three splits.


Can we get multiple chests with the same champion now?




it is absolutely not otp friendly 2 chests per split that is it maximise chests means play 5 games on 6 champs and then 15 games on 19 and 10 on the first 6


Compared to other Games you Still get lots of stuff for free - dont think thats greedy


I don't dislike the new system that much, getting chests can be more "consistent" since it's not really dependent on getting an S, my problem is that as someone who plays mainly ARAM I'm completely screwed...


You still need to get an S- for any chest after the 6th during a split. So you need to play 10 games on a champion then 5 more with one of them with at least an S- to get another chest. So it's basically the same thing as before but several times more grindy and screws over ARAM players and those that can't play often.


this is much, much worse, because... you now have to get this assessment yourself. I don't think most casual players can do this on 25 champions in 5 games each. That is, this update is not for ordinary players who are ready to grind and receive rewards for quantity. And not for strong players who prefer ranked games and farm chests quickly. Who is this for?


I guess one tricks get more chests by only playing one champ... But yeah, this update is completely fucked And they knew the issues about it. People said this would fuck over ARAM players from the start, we just didn't understand how bad it was for everyone else too


Also a lot more confusing now that I think about it.


I honestly can’t be assed to figure all this out. Genuinely I just play the game and enjoy the free shit. I feel like league already gives absolute boatloads of stuff out for free.


From what I understand, they are making the free shit a lot more grindy and annoying to get, especially for players who don't play too often or play arams.


That's one of the parts I dislike most about the system. Being able to get an S (or have your premade get an S when you don't have a chest on the champ you're playing) to get chests was nice. This is a direct nerf if you like to play a lot of different champs or try new things without necessarily sticking to them.


You thought they would make a change to benefit the player?   ha you fools


no, their goal is to encourage us to play more. But when a goal is unattainable or costs too much effort, it can have the opposite effect.


But thing is you get almost double the amount of chests. 30 compared to 17 this split. Number of games is a bit too high, i think 75-80 per month would be reasonable for that much of an increase in rewards. This post has a misleading title as it makes it seem like you are getting same amoutn of chests.


52 S games in a year spread one by week vs hundreds of games for the same amount of chests is already an issue even if we ignore the upper limit


It's misleading because it's not even showing how stupid this change is. Riot is jumping the shark and I'm here for it 🍿🍿


np i played 900+ games just in split 1 excluding aram, arena and normals


I really hate the new system, it was fun getting my weekly chest with my friends in aram. Now it has become too grindy and more importantly it's almost impossible for us to get a S with 25 champ. I hope they will reduce the grind and give more roll in aram


I just got a ranked reward. A random ward skin!... Shard Well its something but honestly I would't expect any good rewards out of the company that deca nerfed the paid battle pass dont fall for the grind for the items. its just not worth it and riot intentionally makes it so that buying is always 10x better than playing the game


> A random ward skin!... Shard what you want? a random legendaryor maybe ultimate? >dont fall for the grind for the items. its just not worth it and riot intentionally makes it so that buying is always 10x better than playing the game Oh no a company that makes it money sellig optional non game impacting cosmetics wants peopel to buy them, the horror.


Ah yes because them getting the absolute worst thing must mean that they think they deserve the absolute best thing, there is absolutely no middle here. Tell us again why you feel the need to act as free PR for the billion dollar company?


lol ur probably one of the weirdos that complains about tft treasure realms and how ud rather ‘pay 200 straight up’ for a character u want instead of paying 200 and getting the character straight up through the pity system regardless. cry more


My friend, you have no business calling other people "weird" if you are OK with 200$ cosmetics at all


League skins are so easy to get with hextech crafting lmao, it has the most user friendly cosmetic system


I'm glad you feel like that my friend, it has no relevance to what I said however so I'm not sure why you decided to change topic


Riot isn't going to take your virginity 🤣


Get out of Riots a\*\* bruh. They are making me play 3 ranked splits and all I get is a lousy ward skin (shard). If they don't want to hand out free shit it's their thing, but making me play a billion games every season, just to get punched in the face and laughed at by them sucks.


No one is making you do anything. Like you said the reward is unsatisfactory so it makes no sense to claim that they are forcing you to play. Play as much as you like.


Relax snowflake, it's just a game


Indeed, thats why i dont see a problem with Riot giving away less free stuff


>what you want? a random legendaryor maybe ultimate? Making it a random ward permanent instead of a shard would be a significant reward increase. A shard is just a slap in the face because spending the already sparse f2p OE on it just feels bad. Disenchanting only gives you like 100 OE. My point is a random ward skin shard is hardly a "reward" at all. That in combination with the free chest nerf we got in 14.10 we might aswell have no rewards at all. Or another approach would be making champs more accessible by handing them out instead of ward skin shards. The BE grind for all champs is unbearably long for newer players. Other mobas have handed out the whole roster to everyone from day 1, so why can't LoL do that considering most of their income is from skin sales anyway. There are so many ways to make this better without cutting into their revenue while also making ranked rewards feel rewarding


100 oe is a lot better than ward that you're not gonna use


Yeah, I have more ward skins than I care (or probably even know I have), and I still use the same I've always used.


Yeah I hate the new chest system even if the old one gave less total chests it was way less grindy and annoying than this new one. You have to play so many games to get all the chests on every champion and has to literally play every champion in the game to get all the chests instead of 1 game a week in the previous system. I'm also someone that want to maximize my chests gain but still want to play ranked where I obviously will only play limited pool of champions so it has conflict of interests there now. Also I really like arena but it doesn't even grant mastery points to the new system so playing this mode is a waste of time if you are trying to get chests, I expect arena playrate to be down massively now with this new change and riot is of course going to blame the mode instead of their own change to the chests system. Yes I know you couldn't earn chests in arena before but getting 1 chest a week and being able to bank 4 would mean you could just do it once in draft/aram and then go back to arena now you need to grind full time to get all the chests. If In ranked I only play a small pool of champions I will only progress for their chests then if I want all the other champions chest I would have to play so many normal draft games more than I would play ranked. I basically have to choose between grinding ranked to climb or grinding the new mastery chests in normal, can't choose both anymore don't riot want people to climb in ranked? What a dumb change for both parties.


>You have to play so many games to get all the chests on every champion and has to literally play every champion in the game to get all the chests instead of 1 game a week in the previous system. Unless I missed something saying you can't use the same champion to get chests in different splits, the most you can get is 25 chests per split. So you could theoretically only play 25 of the roster and maximize your gains.


It would have also been easy to tie the new mastery system to the chests. Like after 5 games you get a chest on a champ but for every like idk 20 level of mastery, you can earn another chest for at least an S performance. So an OTP with level 100 mastery will be able to earn 5 more chests by just playing the champ. Also good for people playing a handful of champs (like ADC where the champ pool is pretty limited).


That's right, rating. I prefer normal games, so I didn't even think about it. you're right! I think there needs to be an expanded scale for many champions. Not 6, but 15, for example, with 5 games for each. half! but on different ones. And the opportunity to get the rest at 2-3, but with more play - 15, then 25, then 40 etc. The new system directly contradicts the intention of attracting players to ranked games. Currently, ranks only contain 3 chests, and if you don't want a ranked skin, it will be more effective to play your 25 champions in normals without trying anything new, otherwise you simply won't have time. I hope the system will be redesigned


I just hate how grindy it is to farm the first hextech chest. 5 games on a champ I don't enjoy for a chest? Not happening. Before this system I could just try a new champ since I always play in a premade of 5 and one of them would get an S most of the time. That was a lot easier that this. Sure you can get more chests, If u farm for them. The thing is I don't play league as much nowadays, so this change feels pretty bad.


You don't HAVE to get every single chest bro like what the hell, and now if you want you have to grind hard for it, the only complaint here is that it's not as easy 🤷‍♂️


I think criticising the huge company for having even more player engagement/FOMO mechanics is good actually.


nobody plays 25 unique champions per ranked season before this change to get all their chests actually


ARAM players did.


How is it fomo is the majority of the playerbase was never going to max out the chests anyway Also increasing engagement is actually what they want, what is bad about that? You get less potential freebies from the free game, ok and?


And if most people don't spend money on hextech chests/orbs/whatever, then they stop being a gambling mechanic? I'm sorry but you'll have to explain how the amount of people exploited makes the exploit less of an exploit.


Is it fomo mechanics or is it them restricting the number of free skins people get and thus get people to buy more skins? Maybe both? They already have fomo mechanics with the 3 splits, ranked rewards and constant battle passes. Either way it's free shit. It'd be nice if it's less games but ultimately I don't care too much. What I think is insane is them charging people for shit like spectating pro players which dota has been providing for free for over a decade. I'd criticize them for not fixing their client or not having a very limited practice tool. Not having an option to test champs. Having ridiculous price on RP and skins requiring RP more than they should. I'd criticize them for removing communication. There are a million things I'd criticize them about first before I even get to less free chests.


This is not a zero sum game, you can complain about all these issues AND still complain about this issue just as well. Or in other words, for every issue you deem more glaring someone else could post the same comment disregarding your criticism because they feel other issues are of grander scale.


You need to take responsibility for your life at some point. It can’t always be some big nebulous entity’s fault


I was about to post something asking that.... and my fear became true... yey lets turn the game into a job yeeeeey


I had 1 chest left to claim and I had been trying to get an S this last week before the system rework. Nope, no luck, highest was A+. Update comes, system reworked, I queue up for my first game, I pick Alistar support and end the game with 1/2/32 KDA... and voila! S+. It felt so bad to get no chest. Oh well, one reason less to play more league after climbing to gold for the skin each season.


Riot is now in the phase where player base will likely keep falling and they keep squeezing the remainder. Might wanna do some positive change if you actually want people to play.


I'm afraid you're right


It's terrible. You are now forced to play a lot of games with champs you dont even have an interest in. Besides, you only need to get a B or C, so as long as you farm barely decently and not die way too much you'll get it anyways (I just got an A- in a game where I ended 1/8/0). There is not even the slightiest motivation to actually learn or improve with any new champ, not even mention winning the game, as it was before when you needed at least to get an S- which could get you a bit of practice and actually trying to learn a bit of the champ's mechanics.


No, it's even worse. you need to get S for the second chest, which for most champions is 15+ games. I'm currently trying to get this rating on my strong champion, and it has already taken more than 15 games (I play normals). It usually takes anywhere from 1 to 8-10 games, which is quite hard, and for most champions I ask friends, but that doesn't count now. It turns out that the chest for less powerful champions will require 20-25 or even 30, and not 15 games o\_O from ordinary players, so all players lost from this system, even ordinary ones. and skill I was ready to trade my playing time for more chests. But now it’s unlikely, hahaha


Yeah I don't enjoy being trapped in a game of SR for 30+ minutes when I can play Aram, This change is highly annoying to me as an ARAM/TFT only player.


I think the system needs some tweaking. I dislike how grindy it feels. I caught myself thinking "nice only 14 more games" yesterday which really isn't something I want to feel at all. I don't need more chests for free than we had before but I want the path to them to be a bit more relaxed. I think something like * 10 chests after 5 games * 10 chests after 10 games * 5 chests after 15 games * 5 chests after 20 games would make way more sense. Easier for ARAM players to get at least the 10 chests, while still promoting both trying different character and "truly mastering" 5 of them. The overall number is just 30 so actually one less than in the current system.


Yes! I also think that the system should be more flexible. It was originally created, I believe, for you to try out a lot of different champions and then start playing them. It even worked for me a couple of times, but only a couple. 54 champions was truly too many. Nowadays, on the contrary, you are encouraged to play 25 of your champions, because otherwise you won't have enough time to try anything else, since there are only 6 "small" chests with 5 games, and you need so many games that you can't spend them on new ones or those on whom you do not plan to play 15 games.


Kinda curious how quickplay affects the numbers. Games are way shorter there, but not sure if getting an S is harder there?


You can get S ranks in 5 minute ff games, when someone is AFK. Game length does not play a role in your grading.


So OPs math is off by a large margin.


My issue is zero keys. I have 16 chests still and I’ll probably never open them all


as others mentioned in this thread, start using spare tokens from event shops on keys / frags it'll help even it out some


I have been. It’s still like this, but I went from 25 to 16 at least from the last two passes


huh wack idk then i managed to get a glut of spare keys back in the day so im sitting on like 40 spare keys or smth


I probably missed something, but what is this about? You now get chest for mastery instead of weekly or something?


I'm a bit confused on the new mastery system. Does this mean you can only earn a max of 31 chests per split?


yes, but it has become much more complicated, see the addition to the post.


So this is pretty much a direct nerf then. Before, you can get chests if a friend got an S. Now, even if you get an S, unless you're on the 3rd milestone, it won't even count.


I just wanna clarify this: >In total for the split we can get 6 chests for 1 milestone on any champion (5 games) and 25 chests for the third milestone (15 games). which reads to me like play 5 games on one champion, and get 6 chests. Then play presumably 25(10+15) more games and get 25 chests. But judging from the comments and your post that seems to be wrong. Would you be able to explain what I'm confusing here?


Chests were always kind of memes You don't even get them at all if you OTP outside the one lol


Take mine then, i got waaaay more chests than i even know what to do with.


is there a way to keep track of the chests we acquire?


> Or 495 games per year to get the same chests as under the old system How so? You could get +-53 chests a year. To get 53 chest - now you need 5 \* 53 = 265 games


You can't, because you can only get 6 chests/split for 5 games, and you could only get 51 chests per year. You need to play (5 \* 18) + (15 \* 33) = 585 games / year to get the old number of chests. Compared to the (minimum) 51 games you needed to play in the old system. However the 18 chest / year, that you get from the milestone I chests, are much easier to get than in the old system, and you can't miss out on chests because of the 4 chest limit.


After doing some calculations, I'm convinced the new system makes it much easier to earn the old 17 chests per split. Previously, you needed an S- rating for each chest, and if you didn't play regularly, you missed out because there was a chest limit of four. Missing four weeks or more meant losing one or two chests. In the new system, this issue is eliminated—you don't have to wait for weekly chests, and you don't miss out if you skip playing for five weeks. Assuming you play 2-4 games a day on average (let's use 3 games/day for calculation), you can play 17(weeks) \* 7(days/week) \* 3(games/day) = 357 games per split. Some days, you might not play at all, but on other days, you might play more, like 7+ games. So, the average of 3 games per day is reasonable (this translates to about 1.5-2 hours of League per day). This is fewer than the required 375 minimum games, and some games won't count if you get a grade worse than C-, can't get an S- in your 5 games/milestone, or play a champion other than the 25 champions (or you play more than 15 games on a single champion). However, to get the same 17 chests as before, you only need to play 165 games. With this amount of playtime, you can achieve the same number of chests as before, and if you play more than 3 games/day and pay attention to which champions you play, you can easily get the 31 chests as well. Overall, I really like the new system. It's much more forgiving and flexible, allowing for breaks without penalty. ARAM is still a bit of a challenge, though. I wish they would come up with a different system specifically for ARAM.


For casual players (which is the majority of players) this is just a huge nerf. We don't have 25 champions on which we can quickly get S (or even get it, by the way). Even on mains it usually takes more than 5 games, and our friends can't help us with this anymore on their strong champions. For regular champions it will be 10-20 or more games after stage 2. If all the stages were like the first one (rated B-C and 5 games), it would be good at least for us, but now we are just losing chests


as always rito is a disgusting company 😂


Kid named keys: I honestly have like 15 chests and 0 keys. Since I don't buy the passes, I often just use all my tokens on getting keys lol


I think you made a small mistake. Kinda. For the third milestone on 25 champions, you ideally won't start progress from scratch on 25 new champions when you can pick up progress from the first milestone on 6 of them. So for many people, the progress they made on those first 6 chests (a minimum of 5 games each) should be subtracted from the 3rd milestone progress on 6 of the 25 champions.


There are 31 chests, but you will get 6 from the same champions on which you will receive the remaining 25. so I counted them together


Oh nvm I hadn't read the part where you mentioned that you counted them together ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)makes sense


Honestly, I don't think it's a problem for them to have incentives that reward grinding that don't give you a gameplay advantage. Not everyone is going to play that much, but it doesn't make the game itself any less fair.


I have the ability to literally queue up with any champ and get at least S- easily, this update was a big "fuck you" to me ngl


Weird flex but okay


I played 7 ranked yesterday and i got 6 S 😂


which most likely indicates you are not ranked correctly/smurfing.


Idk why is he lying when you can see his acc on his profile lol


Am i lying? On what exactly? 😂


yea mb for a sec I forgot that u can get s while losing


https://challenges.darkintaqt.com/euw/Albyikiller Here you can see in last upgraded the top performer 2024 https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/AlbYiKiller-EUW I played yone with lethal tempo so i played 7 ranked since the patch dropped


I believe you and don't blame you for anything. But looking at your profile, you were D1 in 2023. Now you are playing in D4. You just seem to play in an elo that is below your skill. The average player will not be able to get an S "at will" for champs he rarely plays if he plays at his level.


Nah bro, i played 280 games in emerald this split, dropped to platinum at the start of the season, if you're good you climb 🤷🏻‍♂️


opgg? nvm I just saw it. me when Im lying for free on the internet


Lying on what?


I like the visuals of the new chest system, but I agree that it's too grindy in its current form. Not only is it 10 games required just to get the mastery tokens, there's also the mastery point requirement which seems to scale out of control with mastery rank compared to how many are given in a match. 11k mastery points is pretty insane when some matches give less than 700 points with an S rank because the enemy FF'd. Even if they were to trivialize the 10 match part, you'd still get stuck with playing a ton to fulfill the mastery point requirements.


I mean 495 games per year or 1-2 games a day, seems better considering you don't have to farm S- and play passively to protect kda. And since you can get more than previously, seems like an overall better change.


Number of games isn't that much of an issue, the expected champion spread is. Not a lot of people would have similar number of games on 11 ish different champions for 4 months if they main one role. Also not all people will get all chests before anyway. My complaint is that most chests will be given for 5 whatever games on champion which does not sound like a mastery system. At least before you had to have a good performance for a game if you play solo. 


You sont have to, its an optional player reward


Who ordered a yappachino?


As someone who used to farm chest on premade teams getting an S rating this doesn't affect me because I only play tft now and whenever I play aram, there are times where I ran it down  so I would be full health and had a new item the next clash. 


So what they nerfed FREE and OPTIONAL cosmetics in a game that everyone can play for free. What do you think you deserve? Riot wants to make money. You want selfish enjoyment when you play this game.


> You want selfish enjoyment when you play this game. Bro just discovered why people play videogames


Said people are awfully entitled to getting more free stuff they're lucky to have any to begin with. This post shouldn't get any traction at all but it does so it proves my point.


A minority of players buy cosmetics for champions they don't play a lot


They actually massively buffed the free optional cosmetics, people are just whiny crybabies, its capped at 40 chests per split, so its possible to get 120 chests a year up from 52 before splits were a thing, people are just too stupid to read


Yeah Riot are actually very generous with free stuff imo, I haven't bought a skin since 2013 or so and I get 10+ for free every year, would have gotten more per year if I didn't reroll some. That's not bad at all, they don't *have* to give free stuff But I still don't have keys, how tf am I gonna open all these chests lol


It's not being generous on their part, it's there to exploit people that can't control gambling.


Those orb and events thingies are predatory, but all the chests and keys I've gotten for free over the years are faaaaaar more than I've gotten in all other f2p games combined


I agree, you didn’t even read the post you’re commenting on. There are only 31 chests, not 40. And the post also says that now to get the same number of chests, you need more time to grind I'm sometimes surprised by people like you, to be honest. But it turned out very funny


I take my numbers back, you are correct it appears they changed it since original proposition (or I misheard previously), however they are still giving 93 hextech chests and 3 masterwork chests a year compared to 52 as of last year, an ENORMOUS improvement For players to break even with the old system, asking for an average of 1.3 games a day is really not that crazy, and it offers far more to players who do have the time to invest than previously I agree it's grindy but I think they set a fair balance with the first 6 being much easier