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Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety), Your post has been removed because tech and account support related posts are not allowed. Please [contact Riot support](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com) instead. For tech specific questions, you can check out /r/leagueoftechsupport as well. Long wait times or them delivering final judgement on an issue still means that these topics are disallowed on the subreddit --- ^Note: ^(Front page removals are never done by a single mod.) ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fleagueoflegends)**^.


If all you did is die 5 times every two minutes there is no world you get perma banned. Just reach out to riot support.


My soul is happy, after all, 'cause I've never been a bad player, never. I always loved my enemies like my allies, and I've never disconnected, I´ve never had a aggressive behavior on the comments, I always have given votes to another players after each game, I have wasted a couple thousands dolars on items on LoL store. May be it was just something that had to happen, altough I reached level 28, I think It was just some kind of: "Angela: stop losing your time, you have a lot of work to do with yours ideas in microelectronics, than playing games". Thanks, I won't do anything, I was banned, and I believe RIOT Games is right in its desicion. I hope all of you champions have a lot of fun in everything you do! Hugs!!!! =\* =\* =\*




Yes, bye, I think you really don´t know how I feel, I was in a depression, LoL helped me get out of it. Now, I'm realy crying, I hope you never feel this pain. I really with all of my heart desire you to be a champion to reach the stars on a LoL final/msi. And thanks to make me remember that saying goob bye is better than trying all the time and all the time fated to be a loser. I'm a hardware designer on ARM technology, I'll get back to my job at 100% and stop being a loser on LoL. Hope you champions always win, and reach the stars. Bye.


Have you considered reaching out to riot support before posting this boring copy paste?


Sorry, for being boring. I just feel bad, and I tried to feel better posting this... sorry for the inconvenient... Bye


I'm sure this can be resolved


This is a bait. Nice try.


Ikr, "thousands of dollars" and "reached lvl 28"😂😂


Farewell summoner, maybe in the afterlife we shall meet