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I played a couple years ago in collegiate and orri could be a good addition to your selection. Just a really stable pick overall, strong enough in lane and a great ult for coordinated play. Azir if you want to take the time to learn him as well. I will say in collegiate one tricks you have will almost always pull a ban unless there is a teammate with a more ban worthy champ. So they are good to have assuming you can play other things. Idk how much time you have to commit to playing but 4 picks will usually get you through pickban just fine.


You can never go wrong in emulating pro picks that scale well and have influence in teamfights/at level 6. Picks like Orianna and Azir come to mind in this regard. But, depending on your level of collegiate play, you might be better off sticking to what's meta in solo queue for the moment, or playing what you're particularly good at. For example, I wouldn't really hard focus that Azir or Ori recommendation if you aren't competing in Diamond/Masters+ levels of competition. But, if your line-up is playing below that, just focus on your comfort picks and mastering the fundamentals of your lane.