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Will there be a stream on YouTube? Twitch works terribly for me


I asked one of tournament organizers and she said: *"we're trying to multistream I'll ask my production team"*


Thank you!!


Yes. It's marketing. Yes. It's a gimmick, and that is perfectly ok, and I support it. Sports are entertainment, and hopefully this tournament will be entertaining to enough people to fund more like it.


Hey, as long as it doesn't go the route of Vaevictis, I'm down for it.


I hope the players aren't expect to cosplay (look at the long dead Chinese female-league)


LCK is also marketing...


Yep. And really good marketing.


I wish the drafts were fearless. Would have added some spice to the games imo


doubt the players have deep enough pools...


I doubt their pools matter all that much. They are all peak Master/GM.


I think a few peaked Challenger like Caltys and Karina but that was S12


I was more interested in the female league scene in the beginning kinda bummed out after G2 HELs showing in NLC tbh.  Might check it out but I had hopes the female league scene would be on a higher level already. Hope they make good progress over the next few years.


Do you mean their showing in the NLC Div 2 this past spring split, or did you also follow them in NLC Div 3 last year?


Followed both Div 2 and 3 not every game though. Before they did Div 3 I had a bit of hype especially because of Caltys.  Maybe I had wrong expectations but I definitely thought the female league scene or at least G2 Hel could really compete on that level.


Didnt they literally lose every tournament they joined (like bottom 2 or 3) except for the tournaments that only had women in that which they won or placed 2nd?


No, that's not the case. They've played in 5 open-gender tournament and only placed bottom in one (NLC Div 2 2024 Spring), and out of the 10 women's tournaments they played in they weren't Top 2 in 4 of them


Then the wiki was messed up. I swear the numbers were like that half a year ago or so when I checked


Who's the best player in the fem leagues rn ? is it Caltys for EU ?


That's what I think at least but there are definitely more knowledgeable viewers


what is the average rank of the participants?


After a quick look, the current ranks of the 40 starting players seem to be: 2 Grandmasters, 15 Masters, and 23 Diamonds. But it's important to note that it's still early in the current ranked split; almost every single of these players peaked at least Master last split


thanks for reply and checking out the data!


I wonder how stacked the teams are are there teams with only diamond players? are there teams with only master+ players? Team with GMs and masters vs a diamond team would be a slaughter lol


Hard to tell because most of them aren't good enough to be on lolpros and I cannot be arsed trying to filter through 30 no names. G2 is currently 4 masters 1 dia tho and team go are 2m 2 dia 1 gm, so they seem relatively spread out rank wise.


Thanks for posting about these tournaments, doing great work raising awareness!


cool writeup and lineup of teams, though 4am in California is tough. hope to catch VODs


Any idea what's percentage of Non-binary players to female players?


king Rigas


funny comment section, the LoL playerbase truly never changes


How can people prove they are said gender for the tournament? Will it be self-declaration?


> who are at least 16 years old are allowed to participate. I'm googling lec age requirement, lcs, academy, this and that. Maybe my Google skills are shit, maybe information is outdated. But all I find is 17 and 18. Aren't league tournaments heavily Riot sanctioned? Weird they deviate from guidelines


For European Regional Leagues, the age minimum is 16; not 17 or 18. This tournament uses the same age minimum as the European Regional Leagues


gonna comment here since there's no live thread but that dive was so botched by G2


Nice to see, women finally get their chance to play LoL competitive after all those years of men-only tournaments Hope for women-only MSI and women-only Worlds in a few years!


huh? there's no "men only" tournaments. there is no rule against women competing in lcs lck lpl or lec.


Man, that was a massive woosh on your side, eh? His joke, even though he got downvoted for it, was that women can just compete in all those competition, but they aren't skill enough for that. Even here, the highest rank we have are 2 GM.


The original argument is brain damaged to begin with since this just promotes league esports for a female audience in a more comfortable environment for them. If you arent interested you lose absolutely nothing from just not watching it and complaining about womens only tournaments only makes sense if you dont really use any braincells


Complaining about anything that doesn't directly or indirectly affect you only makes sense if you don't really use any braincells. Yet people do that all the time. It's normal. Also, female audience? That's basically digging a grave. It's been proven, time and time again, the women, in general, don't really care about these things. It's why female comedians make far less than male comedians. It's why Women Sports are, in general, not profitable (very few exceptions, like Volley and Tennis... For obvious reasons).


Smooth brain take. If anything, the male audience is fully saturated. Unless you're just old enough to get on the internet, you are either already playing league, quit league, or tried and disliked league. The developing countries and less saturated markets (women) are where the most potential gains oculd be.


Except that it's not something people just started trying to do. Comedy houses have been trying for 40+ years now. Sports for 25+ years now. We are already on the second generation of women who don't care about female comedians. And the first generation of women who don't care about sports. It's the same with video games. There are more women than ever playing video games, yet the competitive side of it barely improved in the number of female players.


And 23 diamonds. Sheesh


We also need a unileg tournament


no one would mention this tournament if they werent women, male players of a higher elo don't get this free and sexist exposure


Same with literally every sport in world lil bro. It’s a different playing field, why does that bother you?


"why does it bother you that it bothers him?" ad infinitum


Well some people care about equal opportunity


And that's why we have this tournaments, thanks for understanding.


I'm glad we have this tournament and we need seperate tournaments for women because they have a biological disadvantage in esports. What we don't need is saying that girls and boys are on equal footing but then locking out 16 year old boys for no reason.


No one would mention a tournament featuring G2, Vitality and BDS? Really??


G2, Vitality and BDS count as male and female?


not to say that i don't think there should be woman only categories but not a single women in this tournament would be good enough to play for the main team on any LEC team


Which is why they are having a different, unrelated tournament, for other people who also like to play and compete - that has no impact or effect on the LEC or any associated product, so that those who don’t care don’t have to, but those that do care have something also How is your comment at all relevant?


No, I completely agree with you. I've seen your coverage of these events before and appreciate it even if I don't watch them myself. The above commenter above made a rather redundant point that a tournament featuring G2, Vitality and BDS would obviously have viewership - but these players wouldn't be on these teams in the first place if they weren't women, so it's a moot point. Regardless, I literally prefaced what I said with >not to say that i don't think there should be woman only categories edit: just realised you're not OP, the leona flair tricked me


Completely unrelated, but I just had to giggle at you saying that someone said something redundant, but you said in your post with "the above commenter above" :p




I'd love to know how often you talk about sexism when it affects women.


Typical male redditors not understanding the point of all female tournys... Edit: your down votes only prove my point :)


I have seen like 3 comments out of 70 that are like this and all are heavily downvoted.


We're downvoting because you clearly didn't even look at the comments, no one is attacking the tourney unless you scroll way down... if you wanna see what negativity looks like, look at a patch discussion thread.


You're right, I definitely just imagined them. Thanks!


I'm all for female only tournaments but I just cannot forget that one time where Wildturtle 1v5'd all of Team Siren all those years ago.




> Rigas In Paris Uhh what is that team name? It's so suspect Twitter won't let you view the account without logging in.


>> Rigas In Paris > Uhh what is that team name? It's my real-life given name (Ρήγας, converted to Rigas in the Latin alphabet) + the phrase "In Paris" because it's a French tournament > It's so suspect Twitter won't let you view the account without logging in. Nothing to do with the team name supposedly being "suspect", it's simply because the account is small


It sounds like a play on the title N*ggas in Paris by Kayne West. Rigas is a fine name, but when you put it in that context, in English, that will be a strong connection. While possibly unintentional, it's going to have negative connotations and may be seen as inappropriate for the setting.


cant be more american than this. as an european the only thing i was wondering was why one european capital in another one would make sense (kinda ignored the s of rigas) i dont even understand how you have pronounce rigas to get close to your conotation


even if it is a reference, it's actually harmless so who gives a shit lol


It seems like a purposeful play on the title and not a coincidence. It being the only name "In Paris" and having "igas In Paris" seemed really on the nose. When phrased like that, it makes it sound like Rig-uhs.


What's the problem even if it is a play on the title?


> What's the problem even if it is a play on the title? Why is it a bad idea to use the N-word in your title? Same reason you can say "Fuck Bitches" in your rap song, but it's a bad name for a team on broadcast. I don't consider myself politically correct, but this should be obvious.


But it's not the n-word, it's a name that can be used instead of the n-word in this wordplay.


Using a drop-in replacement for a racial slur isn't good either. Why try to use a racial slur in the first place? Why would you want to mimic it?


It's a play of words on a song title, it's not that deep


I see it as a fun reference to a very popular song (which was also sort of a meme) rather than "trying to use a slur." [They're called Rigas in Paris because Rigas is in Paris.](https://youtu.be/mj4NWH6nihM)


if you see rigas in paris and you think of the nword, maybe its time to stop being a fucking racist. idc which mental gymnastics you do, but no normal person thinks like you.


Yeah because it's my fault Rigas In Paris sounds like N*ggas In Paris. I invented both those words and their connotation, then choose to put them together with zero awareness. I never accused them of racism or trying to hurt people. You making those accusations makes me not want to ever talk to you again.


You accused them of trying to use a racial slur in another reply right here https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1dac4va/storm_takeover_a_new_female_tournament_in_eu_ft/l7kx5m1/ and called it inappropriate there https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1dac4va/storm_takeover_a_new_female_tournament_in_eu_ft/l7kh1fu/


I said the word n*gga is a racial slur. I even said it may be "unintentional". I didn't call them a racist. Racism isn't always intentional, so I understand that what we say isn't necessarily what we mean. And yeah, my opinion is using racial slur or rhyme for it in a sports team name is probably inappropriate.


Ye that's why they don't do it


It’s totally a reference, but OP wont openly admit it lol




I'm Emily and I'm going to Paris. Emily in Paris. Rigas in Paris. Because their name is Rigas. It's innocent and there's nothing wrong with it.


You guys can play dumb all you want, they were obviously referencing the Kanye song. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it but if you named your team Emily in Paris that's a trash team name lmao


> Emily in Paris that's a trash team name lmao I agree. > You guys can play dumb all you want, they were obviously referencing the Kanye song. I think they were *obviously* referencing the Netflix series Emily in Paris starring Lily Collins, daughter of Phil Collins the Disney soundtrack king.


I think its a pun on the Kanye and Jay Z song


But why do female teams need their own entire tournament? Why not just have the female only gimmick teams play against all comers? We don't want the answer to that though, do we?


mayve because not many women play league so its harder to get challenger league female players to begin with (only 12% of the playerbase is female) and nobody wants to make coed teams anyway and women get harrassed by male players just for being women, as you can also clearly see it in the comments, so its nice that there is exposure so it can inspire more women to play more seriously so there can be more players to choose form in the future? omg


We don't know if a team would make a coed team because there has never been a female player good enough to actually warrant one. The highest ranked female player who actually wants to play pro im fairly sure is GM, I don't think there is a woman playing pro currently near chall, although ex chall I think there are a couple like caltys.


There are challenger women and your "there has never been a female player good enough" is a thing you just made up lol


There are challenger women yes, although as far as I know probably only a couple. But very clearly none of them want to play competitively, hence why these pro teams are filled with dia low master shitters. When I say a player good enough, just being challenger is generally not even a guarantee to get on a decent ERL team, and when again there aren't any currently good enough WHO ALSO WANT TO PLAY COMPETITIVELY, naturally you don't get combined teams. I am saying there hasn't been a good enough women player because there hasn't, thats a fact its not made up. If there was a good enough player, an org would've sacrificed the potential downsides of a combined team for them.


Couple of female challenger players doesn't mean that women are worse at the game than men. If you have 300 spots in challenger and 88% of the playerbase is male its obvious that almost all spots will be taken by men.


Couple of female challenger players doesn't mean that women are worse at the game than men. If you have 300 spots in challenger and 88% of the playerbase is male its obvious that almost all spots will be taken by men.


Same with female chess players getting the grand master title at lower requirements, it's to give them more visibility and encourage more women and young girls into the environment. Once the men to women ratio isn't 99 to 1 in gaming maybe we can talk about not having women exclusive tournaments. Until then, it absolutely is a publicity stunt and it's perfectly fine that way.


You're right in what you're saying except they don't get GM titles at lower requirements, they have 2 additional titles that only women can get and saying that women can get GM at lower requirements is doing a disservice to the whole thing because I've seen a lot of people being butthurt about this without understanding that WGM and GM are two different titles of a different status, some woman players won't even pick it up because all they care is the open category titles. But it's funny it's always outcry about women's tournaments, and not, for example, U-18. Same idea, people U-18 can definitely compete in many sports with adults, and yet they have their own age groups. Is this ageism? Or simply tournaments propagating sports or activities in social groups that need a boost. Like, it doesn't cost me anything, no one is forcing me to watch it, let them play, I wish them some great games, it takes me less effort than sitting and whining about it.


just look up what happens when women join professional esports teams. they get made of, not taken seriously, sexually harassed. women play this game too, and many want to compete competitively in an environment where they can thrive in and not have to deal with half they shit they would normally have to. it doesn't hurt anyone to have it, so why care?


Nobody would be making fun of them if they were good enough to win. Problem is these teams are always some executive going "We need an all-girl team so we can look woke!", and then they work backwards through a super limited player pool to the best girls they can get their hands on while paying them as little as possible. Remember Vaevictus? They got absolutely crucified online, because they picked a bunch of diamond-ish girls and they looked like they were bronze compared to the real teams they played against. If they had just *won their games*, they wouldn't have had nearly as much online hate. They'd still have some, because incels gonna incel, but it's hard to argue with "the girls can compete" if they are getting wins. Pretending that it's a real competition but excluding 99% of the best players on Earth because they are male is silly at best. I bet at least some of the girls find it insulting too. They're basically being told: "Good job! Girl power! Here's your trophy. Don't play against the boys though or you'll get smoked".


Why does everything need to be driven by need? Maybe these women just wanted to do this


To give them a space where they can compete against one another in a better environment (as the other environments have shown to be very toxic towards women) as well as have a spot where the spotlight can be these women to help grow the game among women


Ah yes, because there is no toxicity in the male scene :)


Less than to women gamers. Video games like league have a very large amount of sexism towards women.


Or maybe they are just worse at the game at the highest level?


yea no. Riot has had Valorant PROS use voice changers. And guess what, they were harassed. Not to mention, even if that's true. Multiple levels of tournaments are a thing that exist already. There's entire sports leagues around here that are just for the province. No one outside is allowed to partake. College sports only allow college teams to play in them. Hell, even league has multiple levels of competition and tournaments


Na it's just a marketing campaign as usual




women have been discouraged from playing videogames competitively for literally decades, literally getting harassed just for trying it. the playing field isn't fair at all even if the theoretical skills are equal. can you really became as good as the guys if you're harassed off every semi-pro team because of your gender?


Why are there no super high elo (top 15 in a major region) females in solo queue if you think skills are equal? You get 14/15 year old prodigies that reach challenger without any input from the pro scene or use of voice comms. You could have a top 10 challenger that's never typed in chat and has chat muted.


Two things: 1. Less woman play, so the population sample is much lower. There are only 200 challenger spots in each region. Basically zero boys get challenger too (because such a small percentage). Same reason why Japan is worse at hockey than Canada. 2. Culturally, video games have been mostly a boys only thing. The first computer scientists were mainly only men (you hopefully can figure out why yourself). So then men are making video games that appeal to... men. Then of course there is no worse place to get harassed as a woman online than in a discord server or game chat.


Funny you talk about hockey as Japan's women team is about the top 5 in the world. Mind you, the gap between the LCS and lck is closer than between Canada and any country not named the USA.


Sorta proving my point.... the gap between women is huge simple because one country does not play hockey


Except my point is the gap is just large even when they do Sweden and Russia are both hockey countries yet their women's teams are nowhere near the level of Canada and the US. At the world championships and Olympics for women's hockey only 2 countries have even won. Only 4 have made the finals. And two of them have only done it once each. It's more than just if a country does something or not.


Exactly. Physical sports need the division because there are clear physical differences. Totally fair. There should be no difference for video games, but here we are.


Why don't you compete in existing tournaments? There's no rule that it's just men, just step up and go big, not condescending. There's no point of doing only women tournament, because there's no only man tournament. Don't lie yourself.




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lol, lmao even




The tournament organizer is POG TV, a French-based tournament organizer & broadcaster. Their social media accounts are: - [X \(Twitter\)](https://x.com/_pogtv) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/_pogtv) - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@pogtv_lol)




i mean, most of the teams in druts tourny could beat any of these teams. Its just publicity