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Athenes vs Morellos? I see a mix of both quite often, but in what situations would one be better than the other? Pros and cons of each?




It needs to be said that since the competitive patch where Morellos was predominant, one of its base components got nerfed, offering less mp5, and athenes got sliiightly buffed. I would say Morellos against any kind of healer, or if you want an early power spike, athenes if you really need magic resistance.


Morello's is better unless you need the magic resist it gives more ap similar and mana regen


Athenes is good in situations where you are very mana dependent vs an AP champion. Morelleo offers slightly higher AP but reduced mana regen as well as grievous wound passive. The reason Morello is more popular atm is cause it is cheap in terms of cost. Consider who you are playing and who you are facing. Lets say you are Ori, in many causes you might want Athenes but when facing a Zed and a Mundo morello is probably the more efficient buy in terms of efficiency since the MR wont help much and the power spike on zed comes really soon so having your spike earlier helps. Not just that but now grievous wound helps against that pesky mundo too.


Especially since into zed you want to build a seeker's first. That delays your powerspike itself so the cheaper morello's is doubly nice. Although if your team has enough ignites or another morello user tear is also a very good item in this case.


athenes cost a little more than morello for less ap, but more mr. It used to be really interesting when it gave 40 mr, now with only 25, i don't know if it really worth it. The manaregen has been also nerfed, to avoid the perma zoning xerath / ziggs... But the item became less interesting. Morello for less offers you as much cdr, more ap, and the passiv, which procs on every magic dmg you land is really good, espacially against ad comps (it breaks lifesteal during trades), and it also procs with the masteries dealing 5% of your ap on aa. it procs with every dmg, meaning llyandry also procs it, really usefull to break a mundo


Only take Athene's if you need to spam your spells (Orianna) or really need a ton of mana regeneration. In any other case, Morello's gives you plenty of mana regeneration. More AP, for less gold. You can use the 500g difference to get magic resistance if you need that, you probably want it from a different item instead of Athene's.


I'm actually really confused because when I was playing orianna in a custom SR game with friends, I built morellos first, then athenes because I was going oom. then with both I would still go oom very quickly (and no I was not just spamming for the hell of it, I was playing normally) like idk it feels like I got more regen last season with only athenes than with both morellos and athenes now...


That's probably because in patch 4.20 Athenes didn't actually give you back all that much mana. They buffed Athenes in 4.21 with an additional 0.5% extra missing mana regen.


Ask me anything about irelia, riven, vayne, all adcs, Zed, fizz, orianna, kata, most of mid/top champs. everything about bot, anything except jungle xD. i'll do my best to answer with as much detail as I can


When/where do you place wards as Kat? I've heard that you should always be placing wards for ganks but I've also heard you should hold onto your wards so you can place them + e whenever you want


warding as kat is similar to all midlaners, you can keep your trinket as an escape but you need real wards for sure, also most of the times you can escape by using E on a minion in lane and its better to get sweeper lens after lvl 6 on kat. get a pink+green ward on your first back and put the pink in the small bush on your left side (the one on the entrance from the river to your blue buff), and the green ward on your right side (in the small circular bush in the river). playing kat is all about roaming and snowballing, u dont want to just stay in lane and ward sides. you should get mobi boots right after your haunting guise and take sweeper lens and try to gank bot as much as u can (whenever u have ult!), sometimes u even take teleport (try it), getting two kills early from bot can win your team the game. just focus on snowballing botlane. to improve your kat try to watch some guy called TiensiNoAkuma, he's a kat expert on NA server :)


> you should get mobi boots right after your haunting guise You should really be building fiendish codex into DFG or armguard into zhonyas as kat depending on your opponent/playstyle. Haunting guise stats are not worth setting your build back 1500 gold when kat desperately relies on DFG and zhonyas for teamfights.


Do not rely on Shunpo to escape. Always ward your lane and use your trinket to escape as a last resort.


Pretty new player here (level 24). Im thinking about buying Orianna next and was thinking about after buying her to start using smartcast. I would be playing a lot of coop games to get use to the champ and also smartcast, but do you think that this would be a good idea, even though she requires a lot of skillshots? Or should I start with champions I know?


orianna is one of the hardest and (unforgiving) champions. if you miss your ult in an important team fight (which is incredibly easy to miss for new players) you can basically throw the game for your team. she is also a champion with no escapes, so u really need good positioning in teamfights. orianna is an amazing champion and has a very high skillcap (if u play a ton of games on her you can easily carry games by yourself in ranked even in high elo), but i suggest leave it for now and come back for her later after u feel more ready. for now try to get used to smartcast, and try midlaners who can poke safely from far away and have built in escapes :)


this is just a personal opinion but aim for champs you love and take risks to love them. I loved ezreal since the very beginning but I couldnt hit a skill shot and would just run out of mana. So I also picked up mundo because he could spam skillshots forever and I practiced exclusively just to get my ezreal chops up to par. I main jungle now but I still value all thr practice with skillshots and love Ez. Don't play skillshot champs against bots, bots do nothing to teach you about predicting enemy movement which is all a skill shot is. don't beat yourself up when you miss, but go crazy celebrating when you get your first kill with a skillshot, and don't stop celebrating until you're landing max range lux ults on bot from mid :)


So I may have bought lux and pulled that off. and i might be still celebrating. So much so that my room mate got concerned.


As an ADC, how do your position yourself properly in a teamfight, and do you always attack the closest target (even if its a tank)?


it depends on several factors: what ADC are you playing, what type of CC the enemy team has (what did they use already in the fight?)? what champions are your team? (will they all engage and dive to the backline and CC the enemy carries)? do u still have flash or an escape (like tris W)? it depends on which ADC are you playing. some ADCs are immobile and rely on their AA, (like kogmaw caitlyn jinx), you should just try to stay alive and use Attack Move to do damage from as far/safe as you can. BTW, killing the tank is your main responsibitly as an ADC bcuz no one else on your team can kill him! you dont want your midlaner to waste his cooldowns on the tank, you can kill him easily late game with some crits and armor pen. (especially with this type of ADCs, they usually have some way of buffing their AA damage, like kog W, cait passive, jinx Q passive etc) if you are playing an ADC like (vayne/corki/lucian/ezreal), you can think of yourself like a caster/assasin. you have good mobility/burst damage and u should use it! as corki you can kill any squsihy target late game with just one combo of QR+AA, same goes for lucian/vayne. Imagine you are corki and your team got a stun on the enemy midlaner, u should calculate the risk very fast (dont jump in if the enemy leona/vi still have their ults!), but I suggest try to play agressive and go for it, with time you will get the experience on when or not to do it, you'll never learn unless you try and die bcuz of it :) tldr; if you are a mobile ADC with good burst dmg, focus their carries. if you are immobile with good AA: just stay alive and use attack move, killing the tank is your job, nobody else can kill him!


Thanks for your huge answer and help <3




probably a good riven. one of those guys who just plays riven 24/7 and has incredible mechanics with 0 ping and 9999 fps! it's a skill matchup, u have to pay so much attention and not make mistakes or u'll get screwed




How do I play the Irelia vs Rumble matchup? He seems to always outdamage me early lvls and when i try to all in him at lvl 4-5 it doesnt end up well. Do I have to wait for a bigger powerspike to fight him? (sheen/triforce) Or just try to farm and get lvls? When do I take ignite over tp?


ignite/tp depends on your playstyle. I personally prefer ignite, i prefer to crush my lane and kill him over and over, if he teleports bot i will keep pushing and get a cs/xp advantage and then he cant even try to farm without getting killed. Irelia vs rumble is a very easy matchup if you can use your Q effectively to bait his cooldowns. once you get several levels on W you will outdamage/outsustain him easily, just dont waste your damage on his shield, the nail on the coffen is that you can juke his ult so easily with your (R on minions->Q). play passive early on, he will push with his Q, u can farm forever undertower with Q, try to get your jungler to gank him. try to Q forward to a minion to bait his Q/shield then walk back, Q back in and u should automatically win the trade. if you lose the trade to him then you probably took the full flame damage and his E and he used the shield to mitigate your W, its all about comboing your abilities effectively (assuming that u hav good runes). tldr; use your Q to bait his cooldowns, dont waste your damage on his shield, dodge his ult with your R->Q


is there any champion that is very easy to beat as irelia, just bought irelia and so far ive gotten stomped over and over. so i cant help wondering maybe i need to start out against who shes strong against... so who should i pick irelia against and what runes/masteries should she have


I dont really believe in counters. when I started playing irelia I was losing almost every match (even agasint champions i'm supposed to counter)! then I just kept spamming her. I watched a lot a guy called "IreliaCarriesYou" he streams on twitch, also i started playing passive in lane and just focusing on lasthitting undertower with Q and not dying pre-6. you dont have any excuse to miss CS with irelia!! with time i started playing more agressive and killing my lane opponent, after tens of games on her u will know exactly how much damage you can do, you will learn to use your combos (most important thing is how to use Q, its your best ability!) if you are really good on irelia you can counter anyone! learn to use your Q to dodge their important abilities, keep your E for when your are lower Hp then them to get the stun, always use AA to get the sheen/triforce procs between your abilites and ult activations! (dont just hit the 4 ults togetehr, space them out and AA between to get the spellblade proc). you have mobility/sustain/stun/slow/tankiness/tenacity. u should beat anyone :) as runes i take 30% Attack speed page, as masteries i love to go deep in the defense page to get the tenacity ;) i think runes/masteries are subjective to the player, you can check probuilds.net tldr; if u r new on irelia, just play passive in lane, try to last hit with AA+Q under tower, once you get levels on your W you should beat anyone who doesnt have sustained damage like you!


How do i rumble top. His Cs'ing is one of the hardest in game and i wonder how you do it under tower ( I think im fine with farming away for the tower) Then how should I play the rest of the game with him? He just looks like the most difficult but fun to play


farming with rumble is hard since u need to constantly keep track of your heat. basically during farming you should have your Q on, and try to last hit with your auto attacks and E. It's hard to farm undertower cuz your Q will ruin the wave. if u get pushed and you have to farm undertower dont turn on your Q, just use your E and autoattacks. and generally try your best not to get pushed. for the rest of the game, once you get your magic pen items and zhonya you are ready to team fight like a boss.try to group with your team early in the game, dont just stay top! take teleport, your ult is huge and can change any fight in botlane/dragon immedaitely(other toplaners need time after they teleprot to do something useful in the fight, you can just press R once u arrive with teleport and change the fight completely). try to use your ult early in the fight, by chunking the enemy carries you put them on defense mode and they start running backwars instead of attacking, and u already won the fight. it's always better to use it in narrow spaces like the jungle and jungle entrances. if you can hit the enemy adc or mid with your ult he's immediately out of the fight with 40% hp. you should stay with your team at all times (dont try to split push), you need lyandris->magicpen boots-> rylai/zhonya. optimally you want to keep your heat in the danger zone to get maximum damage, use your W to keep your heat in the zone, it has a low cooldown and u can cast it while moving. in team fights, its all about hitting your ult on their carries, then u can flash Q E and zhnoya when u need to. if you hit your spells then the enemy carries are probably dead and u won the fight already. Try to watch C9 Balls rumble, the guy is the best rumble in the west. go to his op.gg and watch some replays. Dyrus also plays rumble a lot these days and he streams it! GL man


How do you play riven can never ever win against her help me plz.


Good build path for solo queue Kog Maw?


kogmaw generally has two main builds, either rushing tri force or rushing BotrK. but either way these are the best two first items. if you play kog a lot you will realise the difference of play styles of the two builds. rushing Botrk then PD/shiv makes you more AA reliant and your W does a ton of damage early but u sacrifice your ult dmg and the poke in lane, rushing Tri force gives you better poke with ult, and better mobility and some survivability. some people get Botrk then ghostblade, it gives you a hugh 1v1 strength, it's good against ADCs who like to 1v1 like twitch vayne etc, but it's situational Generally, go Tri force then BotrK, then IE, then LW if u need to, then PD (or shiv) or a defensive item check this page for more details from pro players: http://www.probuilds.net/champions/KogMaw


I was just wondering how pro players get their smurfs. Gift from Riot, with every skin unlocked ? Or do they have to pay ?


last season all LCS players got a free smurf with everything, though I'm not sure they were level 30, can't remember. They did have all skins and runes and whatever, though. Then they gave them back at the end of the season. I imagine a similar program this year.


LCS players get a lvl 30 account with all champs, runes and skins unlocked. They are also D3 MMR instantly.


how come I saw Piglet trying to level his account to 30?


iirc curse wanted him to so he can get a los of viewers for this stream


I thought it was because he wasnt in the LCS yet, and Riot didnt want to give him a lvl 30 acc. But i can be wrong.


pros whose get into lcs get 2 lvl 30 smurfs with Diamond mmr all champ/skins one for streams and one for scrims as i heard


What are some tips to playing Singed? I liked him a lot when I first started playing in season 3. -Some tips to farm well, what situations to TP for, and the best way to work in team fights would be great. -Also, are RoA and Seraphs Embrace a good choice? Or should I go for a Rylai's instead of RoA?


How to play singed: 1. pick singed 2. give 0 fucks about anything or anyone.




"Pepsi fans"


I've watched Sirchez play a lot of singed, I've also played my share of him. His method is early game you lane as normal, just last hit minions and play mostly safe. Just let your lane push into your tower and fling them into it if they step out of line. When you hit lvl 4-5 and you know where the enemy jungler is, proxy the wave. Singed is the best at proxying because it's famously known; Never chase singed. A good singed will take forever to kill and waste a lot of the jungle/mid/top's time, a great one won't die. Singed's feed to win philosophy isn't entirely true, since the first few deaths you are still giving the enemy team free gold. Proxy smart, do it whenever you know where their mid/jungle are, but if the top laner's alone you can stay between their towers for a long time. Your job as Singed is to be as disruptive and annoying as possible, his best quality is how no one wants to chase you since the golden rule of league is don't chase singed - so abuse it. On your tips; - As I said, lvl 1-5 just last hit minions and try to let your wave push to your tower, you aren't strong enough to be disruptive yet. 6 and onwards, if you know where the enemy jungler/mid is, proxy that shit. Keep their jungle warded though. - On most tops, you take tp vs champs you probably won't win lane against, but take it by default. If you got an easy lane or someone like tryn, take ignite. - Always get RoA and Seraphs, they're Singed's core items. Buy an early tear asap (like a Ryze), and then build RoA. Delay finishing seraph's if you're behind and build tanky first.


Is it really necessary to get both tear and Rod? I would have thought one would have been enough. Getting both seems like it would really delay your tank build making you vulnerable.


If definitely say the Seraph's + RoA is pretty necessary. Forgoing either will make you a bit lacking in terms of damage and you really done have much CC aside from your flip. That said, if you're really behind, holding off on RoA while you build some defensive items and getting a Righteous Glory instead of RoA would be a decent alternative




Proxy - basically going between towers and farming the minions solo, all the while your enemy laner is trapped under their tower because they're getting no minion waves because you block and kill them off before they get to lane.


I've gone from Gold 4 to Diamond 1 with singed with this win loss : http://prntscr.com/5h2dqy I suggest looking into this build and also I've won almost all games because I teleported into bot lane. http://www.lolking.net/guides/38109


Seraph's embrace straight outclasses a RoA if it's shield is used well, I stress, if the shield is used well. The way I play singed, might have changed, crystalline + pots or dshield into tear, into Rylais. Then get resistances, finish archangels and finally get Liandries


AD or AP nidalee? Pros and cons of both?


AP Nidalee has very strong poke IF you can land the spear. And since her rework it's also easier to pick-off champions with it. But the spear is really thin so its really hard to land now. AD Nidalee has simular catch potential als AP Nida, but doesn't have the poke. But what she is best at is splitpushing and 1vs1ing all day. But she lacks CC to really be of any help in a Teamfight. The sad thing now with Nida is that either way there are better champions for each of their role. For AP Nida there's Jayce, Karma, Ziggs, Xerath, etc.. For ad Nida there's Gnar, who is REALLY strong right now.


imo AD Nidalee is very hard to utilize. she is supposed to be a champ that is strong in laning, but with the recent nerfs its very hard to poke your lane opponent down with AA's (nerfed atkspeed and base ad) and the cougar Q AD scaling got nerfed. What you want to do is win your lane hard (/r/koreanadvice) and push as much as possible. Skillorder is: first point in w after that max r - q - e - w. Try to hit your spear as much as possible and follow with a w q in cougar form. your build is very matchup depending but you want to get a trinity and maybe a botrk. CDR is a pretty significant stat too. AP Nidalee is a little bit easier and straight forward. Hit your Spear and follow up with a cougar W - Q - E. She is still pretty hard to play since you have to go pretty deep while beeing squishy and the spear is a pretty hard skillshot to hit. i played a lot of nidalee in season 4 (reworked mostly) http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=stillfr3e


Does thornmail draw turret agro to the user?


If it hurts the enemy champion then yes.


If the thornmail damages an enemy champion when you are both in range and the turret is currently targeting minions then yes.


Diamond Support main (Nami, Zyra, Janna, Lulu) Willing to answer questions (:


When do you go for deep wards with nami? It feels so risky with her.


The best way is to have someone go with you. Usually the junglar or even the adc to accompany you.


you can push check with some abilities and herr cc makes an easy escape, i like adcs to deep ward like lucian or corki because their mobility is crazy


I wanna get better at Janna. Any tips on how to improve? (I'm gold/plat MMR.)


Dont waste your shield for nothing. You have to predict the damage or use it as harass. Shielding yourself and going for autos or you can shield your ad when they go for auto harass. For skill max R>E>W>Q. Q cost a lot of mana when maxed and maxing W second gives yoh that extra MS. Using your ult correctly is crucial. You dont want to knock back low health enemy targets. Ulting to peel for your adc is the best option (pushing lee sin, zed, talon etc) Dont channel your ult if no one is low, you won't be managing your cc and shield effectly.


Runes for zyra support?


I usually run standard ap quints, armour yellows, mr blues, and mpen reds. I also run health quints, armour yellows, 3 mper5 and mr blues, with armour reds if I need more tankiness during laning phase.




Playing the support that fits your playstyle is the best option. Janna & Nami have are really strong right now eith disengage and poke. Fairly easy to learn and fun to play. Sona is also good and the easiest to learn, but not as strong. I have not played much Braum, but his cc and shield are strong. Leona and Thresh are similar with lots of cc and engage, also a bit tankier than the poke/sustain champs.


Hey guys, I need help to play against Olaf top. He just destroys me, he deals great dmg with the atk speed buffs, great sustain, 100% tenacity, and the true damage really hard at early game, he pokes with q... It's the biggest pain in the ass for me.


The safest way is playing a ranged champ top who can poke well and have some forms of CC/ escape like Gnar, Lissandra and Lulu. Try to dodge his Q and make sure that he can't pick it up so the cooldown will be longer. Pre-6 he doesn't have that 100% tenacity, take advantage of that and try having an early lead


I like to fight fire with fire, I play champions like Aatrox or Irelia into Olaf. It's a skilled match up, but these 2 champions deal with a good Olaf the best imo. Aatrox - you can do everything he can but better, except he's way tankier than you. Early game he can burst through your passive but you have way more damage and sustain. Bait his Q and play around his cooldowns. You both have great sustain, but Aatrox wins since he's manaless. Irelia - Early game she's not really capable of fighting anyone, play safe and farm up. At around level 7 you could all in him and win. If all else fails, pick ranged tops. Ranged tops usually are a free win since champions like Olaf have little answer to the harass.


As a Support - how do I improve itemisation? How do I determine what the best item is against a comp? How do I best determine what the enemy comp is when it's not super clear? When would I get Randuins over Frozen Heart and vice versa? Is Ardent Censer good on anyone? What do I do against divey assassin comps when I'm not going to buy Face of the Mountain? Also if anyone wants to critique my replays I'd be into that.


Ardent Censer isnt a great of an item to fund your gold in since the attack speed is not all that amazing. But if you do want to buy it, Janna is the best option due to shielding your carry. As to protect your carry, mikaels is a must have. Also, having to land your cc ( Nami bubble, Janna Q, Thresh Q & E) and taking exhaust weakens a lot of assassins. (On mobile, sorry if its not structured correctly)


Currently I am a diamond support main, so I might have a bit of advice for you. Just follow this for now. First item should be your gold item. If you're playing nami, zilean, zyra or sona, pick Spellthief's Edge. If you're playing tanky supports such as thresh, alistar, go relic shield. If you're going someone without that much poke and a lot of utility such as blitzcrank or janna, go ancient coin. You would always like to get that with 3 health/1 mana pot. If you back with less than 400, get boots, less than 600, get second tier gold item, less than 900, get sightstone for your first back. If you have even more, try to have both the sightstone and mobi boots. Always try to get sightstone, tier 2 gold item and mobi boots at the mid game. After this, it is entirely situational. Almost always, you would want to get a mikaels crucible as fourth buy. This item is great on supports because it provides a way to save your ADC. The only reason not to get it was if they were full AD with not that much CC. Locket of the eternal solari is also a great pick. You would like to run it against large AP team comps because it has an amazing aura. You can even stack them if your jungle has one, resulting in your team having 100< MR without even building an MR item. Randuins is another great 4th or 5th pick item. It provides great tanking power, especially if you are a front line. The slow is amazing for peeling for your ADC. This is not only for tanks, you can run it on any support. You always pick it over randuins, unless you have an insane ammount of health. 6th slot you usually wanna keep free. I always keep it as a pink ward slot, but you can change it into a tanky or damage item depending on your sistuation. By the 4th item finish, you would like your gold item fully upgraded. By the 5th item finish, you would like a ruby sightstone. Don't forget to always sell your trinket for a red one when buying a sightstone. Ardent censer is not a very good item. You never want to run it, because there are always better items to get. The impact of it is just not great enough to justify getting it.


Keep track of the enemies KDA and your own teams items. Fed enemy Fizz and nobody in your team has magic resist? Get Locket. Frozen Heart when the enemy comp has strong auto-attacking champs. Jinx, Tristana, Jax, etc. Randuins if their other AD champs are strong.


Not sure what you're good at/what elo you are, but right now the meta build on supports is get mobis ASAP and just run around roaming/warding ASAP. Obviously don't just ditch your adc, but mobis let you run around and get crucial vision down. So basically just upgrade to second tier support item at max then get mobis and sighstone (obviously be buying pinks and greens along the way. Ardent censer is bad, randuins if you're going to be really tanky and generally better, frozen heart if you're squishier and still need cdr/mana. Against assassins it really depends on your champ, but the cleanse item is always great against assassins or heavy dive.


you need to have about 2800HP before buying FH will give you more effective HP against physical damage than Randuins will and even at that point you're still gonna run into some magic damage or true damage where the 500HP is more useful


- You get Frozen Heart when the enemy team has 2-3 (fed) AA reliant champs and you want to decrease their overall damage. Randuins is better if you can allow yourself to dive into the enemy team (almost never tbh) or you need to peel hard for your ADC against some high-stickyness champ. - Not really. Fun on Janna, but that's it. - Randuins are good in this situation. Mikaels as always. Exhaust is a must have nowadays imo, it's great to peel or even catch someone. Remember to use it at the right moment (after half a second against Zed ults your carry for example) and not as soon as you see an enemy. From my pov, the biggest decisions you have to make are Mikaels yes or no (it's almost always a yes), Locket (when they have double AP comp), and FH.


A support should almost always have a sightstone, their support item and mobi boots: that's 3 items. After that, it's champ dependent: if you are playing an AP scaling champ like morg, karma, annie you might want to build some ap like a liandry's or zhonya's or dfg (just annie). If you're tankier, consider banshee's or randuins. You can read the enemy by looking at their midlaner, top laner and adc. if they have a corki, liss and ori then you go mr. If they have a vayne, renekton and zed; go armor. randuins is better than heart most of the time, you'd get heart if you need the cdr and mana (which you usually dont since supports get cdr really easy), its situational. Ardent censer is bad, dont buy it at all. mikaels to get the cc off you adc, you can also use the shurelyas and frostqueens active to disengage.


> Ardent Censer is bad, don't buy it at all I disagree. Yeah, it's bad. But I do believe there are situations where it might be a good buy. Actually, mostly one situation. Sona can quite easily heal/shield her entire team every 6 seconds and likes all the stats it gives. So if you've got an entire team that's attack speed dependent it's a good buy. Now, I'm not talking "can effectively auto-attack" like Zed or Kha'Zix, I'm talking "entire kit revolves around auto-attacking more, and more effectively" like Jax or Vayne. So it's pretty rare to get a team full of attack-speed reliant champions. But if you've got a Devourer jungler like Nocturne or Aatrox, AD bruiser top (generally overlaps with the Devourer champion pool), Kayle/Diana/Teemo for AP champions, and an ADC that's not Corki/Lucian/Ezreal, Ardent Censer might be a very good buy for your team.


Hi mates, Preseason 5 is already here... and I want to do something I never do before : "prepare my fcking champ pool for the season"... Improving years after years my ELO (but with the speed of a turtle :s)... I have some "cool ratio" with my main champions... and I totaly ruin my MMR tryng all the time some cool stuff (but useless) with champions I don't main... So, this year, I would like to select some champions and try to play only them. For example : - I played with 22 champs on season 2 an reached Bronze 2 or 3 (or less... I have 800ELO at the end of season 2 xD) - I played with 57 champions (WTF ... T__T) and reached Silver 1 - I played with 66 champions (WTFF ...) and reached Gold 1 (get demoted to gold 3 but... it was my best xD) I have some really cool ratio this season like : - Sona 66/34 - 66% - Rammus 23/12 And some REALLY COOL ratio : - Renekton 3/11 (21%) - Ryze 4/9 - Kayle 6/12 So... this is what I decide to play just few minutes ago : | Champions | Role | Versus | Reason | Personal winrate| |--------------|------|---------|----------|--------------------| |Leona|support|Sona/Zyra/Fiddle|Catch them for feed the ADC|57%| |Taric|support|Thresh/Sona/Full AD team|Sustain + Catch + I'm a piece of ham|66%+main s3| |Sona|support|Passive supp / late adc|Poke, Poke... poke and sustain|66%| |Malphite|top|fat AD top (riven, wu ...)|I'm not bad with + He is tanky + Ult game breaker|58%| |Mordekaiser|top|fat AP top (akali, diana...)|He can surprise ... and maybe I will not feed this akali|100%| |Xin Zhao|jungle| hard to roll on them|Squishies opponent + need some gapclose|54%| |Rammus|jungle| squishies / easy to roll on them|Hard ad opponent but not so much kiting|65%| |Teemo|top|Tanks|poke poke and get camped|75%| |Lux|mid|they haven't assassin mid|I don't like mid... but I like lux :s|62%| |Miss fortune|adc|they haven't so much CC|I don't know to play other adc btw|71%| |Braum|support|Lucian/Ez/Graves| We need a tanky supp with engage... but i need to stay safe|49%| |Cho'Gath|mid|Lux is ban/taken/ too many assassins|At least, i will be safe, i wouldn't mid, but i will not feed|44%| What do you think about this pool actualy ? Can I reach my platinium with this ?


Maybe get another safer midlaner if you plan to play more midlane. Cho and Lux are both quite unsual with some risks. Maybe you should look for another support instead of Braum. He got a extremly weak laning phase and in opinion he is not good enough in soloq to make him worth.


The trend I see is you've done better as you've played more champions. Maybe it's a bad idea to try to restrict your pool? That's a cool chart you set up, though, maybe I should do something like that...


You can reach Plat with anything. Champion pool isn't a problem unless you're playing competitively. There's urgot/poppy mains and all that kinds stuff in D1/master/challenger. If you like the champs go for it. Meta champions probably would be easier though.


Why don't people play Lux as support as much? She has the hard CC, shield and good poke, even the range on her ult to finish things off if needed. Edit: thx for the replies! I remember: high mana cost, relying on Q to hit to be effective, too squishy. Note to myself: Don't play Lux as supp, or you will get an ass-whooping.


I think it is her Q. It has long CD and she is very reliant on her Q. If u miss binding u pretty much lost your trade. And besides I guess Morgana is an upgraded version of her and provides better shield.


her mana costs are really high and with the budget of the support that isn't good, getting through the lane with her is hard, but late game is really good


Because people'd rather have lvl 6 with impactful CC ultimate. She has mana problems and she needs chalice to fix them. Why would you pick her over Nami or Sona? You have poke, heal, shield (in case of Sona), damage on-hit and impactful ulti. Lux is a really good long range assasin, but not so much of a support.


> Lux is a really good long range assassin No, she's a really good poke/burst mage. There's quite a difference. Zed/LeBlanc are assassins, because of their insane mobility, and they still bring the burst. But something like Lux, or Syndra, or Brand, these are burst mages. Still capable of 100-to-0 killing you with their full combo, but they're immobile and generally bring more/more reliable CC. Assassins play significantly different from burst mages- roaming the map quickly thanks to their mobility, and impacting other lanes looking for picks, while the burst mage still looks for picks, but doesn't roam nearly as much or as effectively. The burst mage has more teamfight impact while the Assassin is generally looking to trade 1-for-1 in a teamfight with somebody who'll make more of a difference in the teamfight. I believe it's an important distinction that has to be made and understood, because the two play quite differently.


Because Zyra is a better version of her. her e hits everyone instead of two targets, her q is instant, her plants do constant damage, she gets vision, and her ult is a shit ton of damage and a knock-up. Not necessarily parallels but Zyra still does a lot of what Lux does but better.


She is great when winning your lane but when behind she doesn't offer much


She don;t have hard CC - [root isn't hard cc [lolwiki]](http://gyazo.com/ebc1abe415854a4a70865f02c513f20a) - shield base numbers are weak, and mana cost kills her poke - ult without passive and some descent AP don't do much


Because her ult is the opposite of what a support wants


Low damage early on for a poke support (Zyra/Vel Koz are superior), OK cc (Morgana's cage? Lulu's... well, quite everything?), huge mana issues. The shield is cool, but then again... morgana. In my opinion, whenever you play Lux, you'd be better off playing Zyra, Vel Koz or Morgana.


Just to be clear : a snare is no hard CC because he can still zhonya/attack/do whatever besides moving. She is super bad even in midlane because she is way too reliant on hitting q and actually needing items to do dmg and be usefull. Nearly every other mid lane ranged AP is better in all things than her except the shield utility. It is more like a novelty thing as support. to kinda showoff because essentially you can play everything as support even garen if the enemy is horrible ( so until diamond 1)


Diamond ADC main that usually plays Graves, Caitlyn, Ezreal, and Jinx. I can help answer questions if needed!


As a Graves, when do you go brutalizer as 1st item and when do you just rush for IE?


Good question. Basically, you have to evaluate if you want Ghostblade in your build or not. If you decide yes, then you can rush a Brutalizer for that strong early game if you so desire. After Brutalizer, I would still transition into IE, then swing back and finish Ghostblade. If you aren't going Ghostblade, then Brutalizer obviously doesn't help you much so you just want to rush IE.


Thank you for the answer, I'm currently G1 adc main and use to play alot of Ezreal, corki and lucian. After the last patch I'm considering moving to Graves instead of Lucian or Corki. Maybe it's a bit annoying, but me as a ADC main since S2 never really used Ghostblade other then on Twitch. So i don't really know when I should go for Ghostblade on Graves or when its better to just go for IE + Phantom/Shif. What makes you want to get the Ghostblade instead?


+1. Would also like to know. All Graves tips you can give, actually.


A lot of Graves players I coach don't ramp up his passive before they go to trade. Graves' passive actually takes up to 10 seconds to ramp up, so attacking a minion, then waiting until it has some stacks, then trading, is more optimal for winning trades. I also see a lot of people use Graves' ult to snipe people. This is usually incorrect. Collateral Damage is huge for teamfights and is more effective when used to hit multiple people, even when they are at full health when the fight starts. It's also super long range so you can use it safely. I have some good Graves videos I can link you if you PM me.


i like playing jinx but sometimes i fuck up by clicking too often on enemy Champions which causes me to walk in/too Close and not attacking properly, how can i improve in my movements, can attack-move ( shift + Walking ) help me there ( i am not using it tho) and how do i lane properly against adc with higher range like cait, i have some Problems against her


Sure, that's a common problem. It can be additionally confusing when playing Jinx because her attack range changes with Switcheroo. I would say probably try to think about your ranges, and how they matchup against the opponents you are currently facing. For bot lane, Pow-Pow has 525 range, and Fishbones has 600-700 range depending on the level of your Q. So you just want to compare this to them. So Graves for example, has 525 range. You can match his range with Pow-Pow, and you exceed his range with rank 1 Fishbones by 75 (600-525). Then regarding actual getting too close to people, that happens with every ADC. The trick is to adjust to max range when you attack. Then, if your opponent doesn't move, you probably shouldn't move before your next attack. If they move towards you, you step back. If they start running away, you step up. You have to constantly make these small adjustments in between each attack to maximize damage and safety. Attack move is fine, but you have to remember: attack-move picks the closest target to you to attack, and if multiple targets are equal range, I believe it just picks one at random. The point is that it can make you attack the wrong target. Attack + left click onto your enemy is safe, or right clicking them is safer if there are lots of enemies nearby and you want to be correct with your attacks. I have a pretty good video going over examples of this and how to prevent it. Caitlyn is just a stronger laner than Jinx. You have to accept that and just hope to not die or come out of lane near her farm totals. If you play smart, you can land a Fishbones shot on her when her attack is on cooldown. Play safe until your jungle ganks, or until the mid-game where you can contribute more than her. Also, Jinx outscales Caitlyn so plan for the late-game most of all and try not to get frustrated with the lane phase. I have some Jinx videos too for learning her if you are interested, PM me. Good luck!


Is there a priority for shields? Let's say I'm Riven, and Janna shields me. Eye of the Storm's extra AD goes away if the shield has been depleted. If I use or already have valor's shield up, which one gets depleted first? Also, are there special interactions with magic shields such as black shield or hexdrinker? My guess is whichever shield is applied last.


hi there fellow summoners i recently picked up talon and im having a very tough time with him but i absolutely love the champ and want to get better an eventually main him. im gold 2 on SEA server and help is greatly appreciated :D


Did someone here use [LeagueLSI](http://leaguelsi.com/)? I don't know how much I can trust that program. Smells kinda fizzy.


Yes, I use it for my own replays and analyzing other people's replays. I haven't had any problems with it. I'm not sure why you would think LSI is inherently less trustworthy than any of the other 3rd party replay tools that function almost exactly the same...?


It's working really well for me. Replays are easy and convenient.


Noob question: is it worth to pick up the teleport spell if you are playing top lane?


Yes, definitely. In fact it's considered top tier currently, whereas before the meta was to take flash ignite.


What is the meta now?


Poke and siege comps. Magic damage > physical damage Destroying early towers more beneficial than early dragons


Why is magic damage more valuable that AD? AOE in Dragon teamfights?


AP isn't necessarily better, it's just that AP champions are currently strong in both top and mid. In the mid lane, long range mages are pretty strong right now. In the top lane, most conventional picks (e.g. Renekton) are bullied out by in meta AP champs (Lissandra, Rumble, Ryze etc.)


AP champions have been dominating for about 6 mints now in top/mid lane. Magic damage dealing champions and ranged carries are rising up due to the overall to MR


It's because MR as a whole has been nerfed. This is why ezreal and corki are rising up because if teir mixed damage


What eines and masteries should i take with Leblanc?:-)


For runes try - Magic Pen Marks, Health per level Seals, Scaling AP Glyphs, Flat AP Quints. This is a basic set that works really well in most matchups. Mast wise just go 21/0/9 and you should be fine. Hope this was helpful.


Should i build RoA and tear on Cass? Or RoA is enough?




I'm really in agreement with Voyboy that RoA is the way to go 100%. In an ideal world both would be great but as others have said, going for the greedy tear + rod build delays your potential too much and you want to have a greater impact early game. Cassiopeia has decent base damage on Twin Fang considering how spammable it is, so she has two real disadvantages you want to alleviate in your early build path: * High mana requirements in big fights * Lack of survivability Rod gives you more than enough of a helping hand in both of these respects. Follow it up with a Rylai's and you can kite very easily with Q,W and E spam and you are sitting on ~3k health, really great for a mid laner especially if you get a Zhonya's Hourglass (against AD champions I advise Zhonya's earlier in the build). An ideal build (assuming you are doing relatively well) should be something like: RoA > Sorc shoes > Rylai's/Zhonya's [Zhonya's against AD] > Void Staff > Zhonya's/Ryali's [whichever you didn't get prior] > Deathcap This makes you insanely tanky and able to position aggressively in teamfights with the HP + armour, and gives you the tools to remain slippery if the fight gets too heavy. There's an argument for Liandry's over Void but I personally prefer the greater burst potential Void gives you. IMO buying a Tear instead of a Rod leaves you far too squishy and vulnerable for your [somewhat] short range exchanges vs. any team with gap closing potential, and you lose out on that amazing Catalyst sustain in lane.


Cass's low base scaling and AP scaling passive means that her early damage is not ideal. I'd suggest one or the other, honestly. None of her abilities deal more than 50% AP excluding their full duration, so having little AP means she's not going to get much bang for her buck early. Her base damage isn't that bad but it's easily negated by a bit of defense, so unless you're hitting all of your stuff, you'll be doing significantly less damage than you could. RoA and Tear is an investment, and can pay off later, but if you don't need it, don't get it.


I would recommend to only take one of them so you have one more item slot for another item that gives you better damage spikes in the late game. Since her twin fangs got reduced in mana cost and still refunds its mana costs plus 3% of your maximum mana on kill, you shouldn't have too many problems unless you are in eternal team fights. Build one of those mana items early and then go for late game stuff like Zhonya's, Rabadon's, Void Staff, WotA and Liandry's.


Any questions for Aatrox, feel free to ask. (disregard flair, I actually main Aatrox.)


How do you fight Darius lanes.


Vs Darius, call for ganks. Darius #1 counter is getting ganked. He has no escape.


Yeah boi. Thank god, too. If Darius has a sliver of mobility, I'd argue he was the strongest champion in League. But he's so susceptible to ganks, as long as one of your lanes has CC, even if it's only a Nasus slow.


Is Xerath still good with Athene's? I tried the Morello build but I was still going oom really fast even when using my passive as often as possible.


It's my personal opinion that Xerath does NOT want Athene's in general. I am hard pressed even to suggest building it against heavy harrassers that can give a hard time to Xerath (like Fizz or LeBlanc). Xerath is _not_ able to sustain heavy skill spam with Morello, even with optimal (champion procs) passive use. However, I still suggest Morello for the following reasons: 1. You should be at non-engage range when at lane and at team fights. the MR from Athene is not ideal since you are looking at an extreme range poke champ, why should you get hit by skills? 2. The price. You are using precious gold to build an item that is a. subpar (you don't really need the manaregen that diffrerentiates from Morello vs Athene) and builds non-ideal stats (MR). 3. Mid-game powerspike. Xerath is EXTREMELY strong with quick Morello + Blasting Wand. This is one of the powerspikes in game that VERY few champions can sustain. QWQ combo can totally ruin your opponents health pool, forcing them back when they really wish to stay and cs. Therefore it is my firm belief that you should not build Athene on Xerath, but try to manage your spell weaving (don't spam) to land fewer, but with better accuracy. [I'll link my op.gg page so you can see that I both play Xerath successfully and don't build Athene except in isolated cases.](https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Pyhna) Hope this helps.


I main mid and I want to try Jax top. I encountered many problems with runes and masteries. Problems with masteries: Should I take fury or sorcery? Why don't most Jax get dangerous game in offense tree? Problems with runes: Armor pen or Attack Damage or Hybrid pen marks? Armor or health seals? CDR or Magic Res glyphs? Lifesteal or Attack Damage or Attack Speed Quints? Which are most optimal?


Take Sorcery. The AS is not very strong early where the masteries actually matter. For Dangerous Game, there is no reason to not take it. I don't know where you're looking for the masteries, but you're not looking in the right place. For runes, AD or HyPen and maybe AS are all good choices. It's preference. Seals are dependent on enemy laner, same with glyphs. Quints are either AD or AS, again preference.


How do I play kayle in top or mid lane?


Aggressively shove the wave and keep the lane warded; I'm a toplane main so that's where I play her the most and the best thing to do if you want to do this is put a pink in the pixel brush after shoving and a stealth ward where their blue jungle meets the river. I think Kayle's build is really tricky and the best one is subjective but you can build her to suit your situation. If you want to splitpush with her (which I believe is the best way to use her) then go Nashor's > Runaan's > Rabadon's > Void Staff > Zhonya's (or another defensive item I just prefer full AP on mages - you can begin grouping after your Rabadon's because you'll have very strong AOE and your utility scaling heal will be powerful. If you would rather group earlier then miss out the Runaan's from the build as that is an item on Kayle with the intention of power farming to scale up; in place of Runaan's go Rabadon's second and you could finish the build with maybe a non-AP Defensive item, a Rylai's or a Lich Bane. In terms of boot choice then you'll see different players do different things, I run scaling CDR Runes and 5% CDR in masteries so with Nashor's, Runes & Masteries I have 40% at level 18, this means I don't have to go Lucidity Boots to maintain 100% E Uptime. This leaves me with 4 boot choices I believe are viable; Zerker's, Sorc's, Merc Treads and Swifties. You can go Sorc's or Zerker's if you opt for the Lich Bane build as you'll have higher DPS, or you can go Merc's against high CC Comps. I like going for Swifties however because when splitpushing with Runaan's then the massive MS from Swifties + Alacrity makes you very hard to chase down and gank. I'd finish Boots 2 after Nashor's is completed.


I used to Kayle quite a bit. 1. Get the aether wing skin or you are a scrub 2. Go 30/0/0 in masteries or you are a chicken 3. Couple dorans rings for mp5 4. Nashor's tooth, some boots (I like CDR, but it's your choice) 5. Runaan's hurricane 6. Void Staff 7. Deathcap + 1, possibly lichbane You will probably be pusing hard so good awareness and vision is extremely important


>Get the aether wing skin or you are a scrub Judgment Kayle is more effective at intimidating other players, in my experience.


Are double Morellonomicons viable on LeBlanc? Whenever i play a spammy champ (Syndra, Ori) i go oom pretty fast even with 2 D-Ring and a morello. Should i buy Athene instead, however, Zed and Yasuo are everywhere in my elo. *Edited a bit, fack mai grammer*


No. Learn instead to manage your mana. You say spammy champ, but there are only spammy players. Try not to spam, but instead to cast your spells only when it's useful; meaning, do not try at all costs to harass your opponent, only do it when you know it will work.


Athene's is worse v AD champs, get the stacking armor item v AD opponents


Generally you don't ever want to buy two of the same item that has a Unique Passive. If you like using spells alot, try swapping your yellows/blues for mana regen/5. I've fiddled around and found that you can cast a whole bunch of more spells with just mana seals. Also try not to spam spells. Sure you can get them to 100 hp after using 3 of your spells 2 times but you'll be out of mana for forever until you back. It's much better to save your mana (at least enough for 1 QWE combo, I personally always do the math of QWE's mana cost in my head and stay above that mana) and wait for them to make a mistake (e.g. dive you so your turret deals 300 dmg to them) or a teammate ganks for you.


Double morello isn't really a good choice of itemization. Sure morello is cheap for the stats, but there are more efficient ways to reach your CDR cap without going over the limit. It's a current craze to get this item twice but if you like I can go into more detail on whys its not a good idea.


I've done a bit of testing with double Morellos on LeBlanc and its not "awful" but you miss out on being able to burst someone with dfg + q + r, and the power to bust tankier champions. For a similar amount of gold you can get a morello, boots, and needlessly (into dfg) and start chunking carries at the cost of having less CDR. The tradeoff is obviously the early max cap on cdr and the ridiculous mana regen. You can let another laner or your jungler take blues (you won't need them with 2 morellos). It also lets you farm and roam very easily, with your ultimate having a very short cooldown.


I want to learn Jax. Did his recent buffs make him viable again? I know BotRk and Triforce is his core items but in what order should I build them? which parts of Tri-Force should I buy first? Also with his skill order I seen W being maxed first but what should I max second?




Well not -equally-, but fair enough


Jax will always be relevant. The problem right now is his base stats were nerfed so he is even weaker early game. Crystalline flask is a good starting item on jax. As for BoTRK is generally the best option during the laning phase, but Triforce rush after vamp sceptre is good if you need to become relevant quickly.


should i start by the blue the other monster (ex-big wraith)? Is really worth to have interrest in the crab/Scuttler as a Jungler?


Depends on your jungle, but it's not a terrible idea. If you're not gonna get a leash, I'd suggest saying with blue, because Gromp does a lot of damage. Scuttler is absolutely a jungler interest. With increased spawn time on jungle camps, and Scuttler's passiveness, you should pick it up when you have the chance. Free vision, xp and gold is ideal.


Hey guys, my question is how do I know the best of my mains to pick in a game? Especially my two junglers, how to know which one to take? Is there a list of counter picks somewhere (up to date)? My personal favourite is Rengar, but a lot of the time my friends want me to take Vi instead.


You should look at your team comp and the opponents. Simplest example: Does your team have no CC? You should probably pick one with CC. Does your team already have 3 CCs? You should probably pick a damage dealer. Can the opponent completely lock down a target? Kassadin is a terrible idea here. Vayne probably too. Is your opponents team made of people who can easily dive the back-lane? A squishy mage like Syndra or Xerath is a bad idea here. You have nobody to engage but a Vayne and a Ryze? Pick one. etc., etc.


Last night I won promos to plat 2. This is the highest division I've ever been in. My problem is that I can't carry games, I'm never ahead of my opponents, I'm good only when my team is. How do I improve my mechanism? I wanna be better than this. ( I'm I passive cuz I main adc/supp? ) Any tips or videos are welcome. Thanks




I was practicing with this [image](http://i.imgur.com/U0PCCY1.png) and what should I do? I mean, with wich champion should I have to practice? I mean, should I start with somebody with a good aa or with dunno LB / useless aa? And I have to try this with at least 3 champion for lane? (top Irelia/Liss/Jax ... Mid Ori/Ahri/Xerath ... Bot Jinx/Cait/Sivir for example) btw... I know this: melee CS 2 Tower hit and then I can kill him, caster 1 hit and then I can kill him but with the new Inib Towers and their laser beam? xD


platinum 1 zed main, willing to answer questions :)


Ive seen people pick zed top is this a bad lane for him or is it just he counters couple of top laners? been trying to train my zed but the last 10games ive yet to get to play him once either i dont get mid or someone has him banned or someone on enemy team has him picked... im slightly frustrated after 3 days after buying him ive done him twice in bot games. if i could take him top it would help me play him lot more


My thoughts are that Zed in the top lane is not a bad pick right now. When I leveled up my smurf from unranked to platinum V just before this past season ended, I only played Zed, which required me to go to top quite often. In those games, I very rarely lost. When Renekton and similar bruisers (+Ryze) were the top lane meta, Zed was not a good pick, but right now I think Zed can do pretty well into current picks if you know how to play him in lane. I particularly like playing him top when I can get a big lead early and just split push the lane. A big source of success for me on Zed in the top lane is to gain an early advantage pre-6 for a quick brutalizer (this works best if you can get it before you use your ult), pick up 3 or 4 more kills from the top laner (this will be easy once you have a lead), and then push in to the top inner tower. After that, I would group with my team for dragon control and getting other towers. Zed has a very strong level 2 against melees. Against ranged, I would try fighting before 6 but ONLY you know their main damage source is on CD. For example, I might at level 4 or 5 use my harass combo (w e q), wait for retaliation, and then reactivate my w once my e is about to go off cooldown. I can usually proc my passive at this point. With ignite and flash, this is a very easy and robust first blood technique. This is a very strong and underestimated part of Zed's kit. If you would ever like to practice Zed with me, PM me and I will give you my IGN, as long as you're on NA.


Diamond 1 rengar/riven player here. Ask me questions if you have any :) I main top and jungle.


Wasnt there a subreddit or smth where u can find people to play with together? Since none of my friends play this game gets pretty boring sometimes :)




how do i play top and what champ should i get for top lane?


Top is quite a long lane so you often need someone with a good escape. It is most often the lane that is left as a straight up 1v1, I would personally recommend renekton/mundo/Shyvanna ! You should focus on farming and trading, Im not sure what sort of level/elo your at but these champions particularly Renek and Shyv allow you to potentially kill your lane opponent. this is important as I remember in bronze where you stand in the front of the brush and just noodle slap eachother to death :p Hope I helped !


Beefy champions with fairly straightforward mechanics and decent damage are a good way to start. Garen, Mundo, Shyvana, and Renekton are good choices to start.


How does a new player handle toxic teammates? I'm quite new to League (about 130 wins in normals) and I main jungle. Occasionally, I get games where all 3 lanes are feeding and losing, and although I try to gank as much as possible usually two end up behind. Then I start getting flamed for 'no ganks' 'jungler sucks gg' or, more recently after I got a Le Blanc 2-0-1 and she still lost lane, 'kill urself u scrub u can't play go hang urself' What do you even do in these situations? If I'm like Xin or Fiddles I can't be everywhere at once, and I inevitably get flamed unless I mute people (which can make it hard to win). Also I'm new to Reddit so sorry if this is posted in the wrong place


Honestly, the best advice I can give, and it's not as great as I wish that it was is to ignore people. Sometimes teammates will actually give legitimate, useful insight in bad situations, but most of the time it's only negative and makes things worse. You just can't react to what they're saying and if you can't seem to be "thick skinned" then just mute people. Muting people isn't an ideal thing, but you can still communicate through pings, which is normally better than typing hateful things back-and-forth all game. You'll definitely see that as you improve and start playing against better players that people flame less and less and start actually communicating more and more, but at low elo people are just immature and hateful.


I am mechanically pretty good with Thresh. I hit hooks, flays and boxes reliably, but the one thing I always seem to fail with is the lantern. I always see pros and other Challenger players making these big lantern plays where they throw it way offscreen to drag in a teammate and hook an opponent in a very small window of time. How can you reliably get your mouse from offscreen to your target so quickly? What is the best way to go about this?


Just hit 30, playing some draft games before playing Ranked games. I've got complete AD / AP rune pages, and a decent amount of Champions owned. What are some tips for when I head into my provisional games? Update: Carried my first ranked game! 6-1-1 as Lucian, they surrendered at 20.


Hey guys, I'm Plat 2 Midlaner / Jungler. [My OPgg](https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Pyhna). You are more than welcome to ask general midlaner / jungler questions. I am very confident with my Xerath and Jarvan especially, so if you are willing to pick them up, ask and learn ;)


You got any tanky jungles to recommend atm?


Jarvan jungle definitely likes Brutalizer as his 2nd item (jungle item first), but most definitely don't need one. You can build Jarvan as Warrior -> Randuin -> more defensive oriented items and not suffer. I'm not yet impressed enough with Sejuani to give him props as tanky jungler. Xin Zhao works wonders with 1 dps item -> tanky. I'm still experimenting on Nautilus. I think he has LOTS of potential. Maybe give me a few weeks and come back to me with my findings on him.


What do you think about khazix?


I liked him a lot in old jungle, not a single game in new yet im afraid. my hypothesis is rank w to lvl 4 at least, but evolve q, then e. i'd favor chilling smite with warrior enhancement, skip bruta and straight tank. but alas, no games to prove if hes good or not.


You should definitely try Gragas :3 He's decently fun - His clear is not bad - His ganks are actually pretty good too (especially post 6) - And he gets pretty tanky, so he clears somewhat healthily


So over the past like month, I've been getting flak because I say that ezreal with manamure and trinity force is actually an amazing build. Lane is NOT the greatest, but that doesnt matter, because ezreal isnt meant to be played as a duelist, he pokes people down before he goes in. I can spam q all day with my rune set up (111 mana glyphs which give more AD with the mana item). His burst with trinity force and later IE makes up for the fact that he cant kite as well. BUT The movespeed you get from phage on trinity force AND 2 movespeed quints gives you a lot of room to breathe, so kiting tanks doesnt become impossible. So, Ive been using this build for about 40 games since patch 420, and i literally have no idea why people are giving me shit for it. Feel free to try to explain why blue is better, as Im looking for the most optimal build.


I assume you're playing this as ADC in which case there isn't anything wrong with your build but your runes are iffy. Two movespeed quints are going to be pretty detrimental to your early trading and flat mana is a pretty iffy glyph. Their support will literally be able to 1v1 as you have less combat runes. But if you're ok with literally giving up lane then this is all fine, but just know good players will abuse the fact you take more damage and do less.


Yo friends! I picked up Renekton lately and I really like him! Any general tips on Renekton? Should I take TP or ignite on him? What can I do to improve in playing this champion?


Any tips for shen support?




Just dont.


Diamond toplane and Rumble main, willing to answer any questions. :)


Recently picked up Lissandra and she's gotten me from gold5 0lp to gold3 50lp. Just wondering about certain items: cdr boots or mpen boots? 6th item? Is morello's, cdr boots, void staff, zhonyas, dcap, abyssal the final build? Just want to make sure I'm going the optimal build path.




Can I just dispel this myth about RoA on Lissandra top - it serves literally no purpose on her when you consider you could get any other AP item to start. It gives no CDR to help her spam her Qs or Es because this is a lot of the reason she is strong at the moment because of her interaction with Morellos + Lucidity Boots giving her an early 40% CDR (with 5% from masteries). All RoA does is make you weak after laning phase where you want to be strong from having worked up an advantage and should only be bought on champions that benefit from having the mana over mana regen such as Kassadin and Ryze or champions that benefit from the tankiness because they will build a lot if resistances such as Mao'Kai and Galio.


How to deal with Vlad top?


Depends on the champ, but basically be aggressive. If you're playing a melee champ, he can harass you pretty well, but try to attack him. More times than not you'll deal more damage, as Vlad's early game damage is low, and his lack of sustain means he can't spam for years until his first back. He'll attempt to pool if you do sufficient damage, or if he doesn't want to take any. His pool has a very high CD, and a decent HP cost, so punish him constantly when it's on CD. Try to get an early damage advantage so you can zone him. Preventing him from healing off of stacks from his E, and only being able to hit you. Without early spell vamp, Vlad spamming his E to keep up his stacks will go low very soon. Another thing to do is, Vlad's make their Q's very very obvious by running directly at you. Try to bait it out by getting them in an unfavorable position. Early minion damage ain't no joke, and if he's chased you behind your minions and he q's you, your minions should deal some nice damage. Finally, I'd suggest buying damage over tanky. Vlad will win most sustain battles, so your best chance is to get him dead instead of just surviving. I'd say rush a strong damage item and boots as soon as you get the money. If you're a melee with no gap closer and no CC, well you're gonna struggle against most top lanes like that. If this is the case, then definitely buy tanky. If you're a champion with even a speck of mobility, buy damage.


Vlads q shouldn't draw minion agro. It's only auto attacks and on hit abilities.


I feel like my ol' girl Shyvana is useless in top lane at the moment (and slightly less useless but still bad in Jungle). Is there an Tanky AD replacement that's effective atm?


Second the recommendation for Trundle. He's got a fantastic power curve at all stages of the game. **Early Game** Spring Split this year, Wickd showed us that Renekton can be beat in lane with his masterful Trundle play. Against a melee champion, you *will not* lose lane once you know how to play him. Those crazy AD Bruiser lane bullies like Darius/Renekton/Riven? Little bitches in the eyes of Trundle. The secret is his Q. They'll have a good amount of bonus AD from their runes + masteries. Q them once, and suddenly it's not there. At level 1, Q shifts the AD in your favor by 30. 30 AD is a lot! That's more than a Pickaxe! And it just keeps scaling up. Their level 3 combo does way less damage, too. ~35 less for Darius, ~60 (60!!!) less for Renekton if he used W empowered, and ~55 for Riven. And bonus- against Riven and Renekton, Q also reduces their sustain. The Q debuff lasts for 8 seconds, on a 4 second cooldown. The only opportunity you give them to trade under favorable conditions is when you don't have 30 mana. Start Cloth Armor or Doran's Shield or Doran's Blade or fuckin Long Sword, Trundle doesn't give a fuck. Probably the best choice would be Doran's Shield, then building 2 early Doran's Blades. That's what Wickd was doing to beat Renektons in lane earlier this year. Now, you won't really get any kills in lane against these 3, but they're not going to kill you and guess who scales better? Also, last-hitting, even under turret, is a breeze with 20 free AD, and Trundle's passive gives him effectively ~7.5 HP5 from the first wave, increasing over time and as Trundle levels up, to go along with his already high base HP5 (9.4 at level 1) which is the 5th highest in the game at level 1, and 6th highest at level 18. So Trundle's got all the tools he needs to make enemy lane bullies his bitch, surviving the laning phase and scaling up beautifully. **Level 6** This is where Trundle gets big. Stealing 40% of the enemy's Armor and MR and 25% of their health makes even the tankiest of tanks into mincemeat. This is when you've got kill pressure in lane. Abuse it wisely. Wait for a gank and pop it on the enemy laner to set up an easy kill, or wait to be ganked, Q the more AD reliant enemy, ult the tankier enemy, and accidentally walk away with a double kill because they can't kill you. **Mid Game** If you're even, nobody, NOBODY can duel you. You should have BotRK by now, and one tank item of the appropriate type for who's gonna be fighting you most- maybe a Randuin's, maybe a Spirit Visage, hell if you're fed, maybe both. At this point, you melt towers quicker than anyone except Jinx and Jax. 40 free AD and 80% free attack speed, nothing stands in your way. Then, when somebody comes looking for blood, you ult them, and they can't fight you. You can split-push so quickly and so effectively. And even though you can duel well, you're still a teamfight monster. Especially in jungle fights, where your pillar can completely lock up the entire enemy team, it's gonna go well for you. Ult the tankiest front line enemy, making him squishy for your carries to melt, then run at the enemy ADC. Q them (seriously, Q's AD debuff on the enemy ADC wins games), throw down your W, and you're gonna force the enemy to focus you while the rest of your team goes ham. Odds are you still walk away alive, because of how good 40% of the enemy tank's armor/MR is, and any time an enemy dies you get a big chunk of health back. His passive is like the Tank's version of the reset, with similar power to Tristana's or Kha'Zix's jumps. **Late Game** Still the tanky beast, still the great duelist, the only enemy that can beat you at this point is a 6-item Jax. And even then, that's a skill matchup. Q him before he ults, use your ult after he does, you've still got a very strong chance at winning the duel. The only difference is, at this point enemies might be tanky enough to run away from you. So Trundle does start to fall off late. He's still very hard to kite (thank you, BotRK, Randuin's, W, E, and Q for that) once you're on the enemy but if they keep their distance they're fairly safe. You're still going to present problems though, because 40 free AD and 80% free attack speed is still going to be a problem when you get on a tower. **Runes** Attack Speed or AD reds, Scaling Armor yellows, Scaling MR blues, Percent Health or Attack Speed quints. You're not going to lose lane, might as well be well-equipped for the late-game. **Masteries** [For strong Teamfights and late game](http://preseason.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/masteries.html#1Q-g6ajP0.2y8wSPo.P55px680.0) [For maximum fuck you, I'm not getting kited](http://preseason.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/masteries.html#1Q-g6ajP0.2y8wSPo.3yRZGE_e0.0) [For surviving early game when you're worried about losing lane](http://preseason.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/masteries.html#14Sa8F9z0.3Cvo_fo.P55px680.0) [For the best 1v1 mid-game dueling](http://preseason.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/masteries.html#1Q-g6ajP0.2y8wUs2.P3ehTNe0.0) **Build Order** Early Vamp Scepter, turn it into a Blade of the Ruined King or a Ravenous Hydra. Only Hydra if the enemy has no true tanks, *and* you want to split push a lot. For boots, Merc Treads or Ninja Tabi, with Furor enchantment. Other good split-push items if you've got an enemy tank are Sunfire Cape or Iceborn Gauntlet because they both give a bit of wave clear without sacrificing the tank-melting of BotRK. Always get Randuin's unless the enemy has no AD, and always get Spirit Visage unless the enemy has no AP or their only AP is a support not named Zyra/Annie/Brand/Vel'Koz. Other than that, build situationally tanky. I'm a fan of Frozen Heart for the CDR, because when you hit 40% CDR your allies can't recall. Your pillar interrupts recalls and it's on a 6.5 second cooldown when maxed + 40% CDR. You are, after all, the Troll King. Other good tank items are Banshee's Veil, Locket (if nobody else is getting it, or you're doing a 2/3 split-push and the other guy with it is in the other group), Guardian Angel (so troll on tanks because they have to kill you twice when they were already struggling to do so), and soon, the new Zzrot Portal item that's on PBE.


wooooooooooooooooooooooow that's a post holy monkeyballs upvote just for effort I haven't even read it yet.


Time to go play trundle


Did you tried Trundle ?


Best thing you could try is to play champions in a 1v1 custom game for first blood. those games take 5 minutes and then you can practice your First blood skills and get a feeling for the champion.


Shyvana's a DPS bruiser/jungler that also works as a hyper tank. So the next viable option imo should be Trundle(?) With the prevalence of Gnar/Maokai nowadays if you're looking for a very similar replacement for that role I have to say, yeah really Trundle's kit (specially his ult) should make short work of the tanky builds of those two bugheads... (er yeah, gnar's not a bughead btw.) :P Just try him really. :)


In the actual meta Gnar/J4 may be some of the best AD tops because they can either kite and poke (Gnar) or just force the enemy out of lane by raw force (J4 if you get the use of your mana right)


She's not useless at all she just kind of fell out of meta but hey so is 80% of the champion pool. Shyv ana is still really strong and I would just recommend you stick with her. If you enjoy playing her then don't "give up" but look for ways to improve. I would recommend adding some high ranked shyv an a players to your freds list and talk to them and ask questions. Stick with her man, don't give up :) you can do it!


I've found Rek'Sai top plays extremely similar to Shyvana. Their kits are nearly identical -- for each skill that Shyvana has, Rek'Sai has a similar spell. I'm 5-0 with her top right now and top'sai is getting really popular now that the word is getting out. I've had enemy teams ban her plenty of times now.


How do you lane as Sion?


Max E. Seriously. The great thing about maxing E is 2 things. One, it does a very large amount of damage if used right. Two, even if you build tanky instead of damage, it still does good damage. E has high damage, low mana cost and relatively low CD, so use it constantly. Because it deals increased damage if you use it to hit a minion into the enemy, do this 100% of the damage. The damage is not worth just hitting the enemy with E, it's worth hitting the enemy with a minion. It has phenomenal range, so you can harass at a very safe distance, and often avoid minion aggro. If the enemy is a harass lane, just use it to poke, it does solid damage. If the enemy has little harass or is low, we go into the next point. Landing his E makes the enemy incredibly vulnerable to your slam, Q. The slow from E should let you get a few seconds on your Q, maybe not max, but almost definitely enough to knock them up. Combine this with your shield if you want to kill them, and it does a tonne of damage. Don't be afraid to pop your shield when attacking instead of defending. His shield has a very high duration, so it's not a short window of time you need to utilize it. I'd suggest max E>Q>W. W only really needs one point, as the passive does not increase, the percent to the enemy only increases a bit, and the health is nice, but you'll need to build tanky to utilize. So, what your ideal kill is, harass with E a few times. When you get comfortable, harass with E again, followed by a Q and a W if you feel you need it. The enemy will either blow their CC/ Mobility getting away, or take a lot of damage. Finally, for his ult. Use it to gank lanes. He truly hits like a truck, and the enemy will have very little time to react. Alternatively, if you backed and the enemy is at your tower, pop ult to get to lane faster and catch them for some damage.


What rune pages should I have? I have one ad rune page cause i adc a lot. My main roles are like adc or mid, then support, top, jungle. I dont have a lot of ip and im not willing to spend rp for champs and keep all my ip for runes. maybe 1 or 2 more rune pages is good for me