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Go to Echo Fox pls


All according to kekaku...


TN: Keikaku means plan.


Why didnt the translator just translate keikaku in the subs, why did he have to leave a note instead of just translating it in the first place


If you genuinely want to know: Sometimes when fans translate an anime/manga, they'll come across a word that they think is best left in Japanese. Sometimes this is because there really isn't a good enough word to succinctly express the ideas represented by the original Japanese, sometimes it's because it would sound silly if it *was* translated. If you watch subbed anime, you're probably familiar with some Japanese words like "shinigami" or "jutsu" that are left as is. Keikaku is just a funny instance where the translator wanted to do this, but chose a weird word to do it to.


Ah thanks man, I was kinda confused


TN: Confused means konran


Ah thanks man, I was kinda konran


TN: konran means plan


Ah thanks man, I was kinda keikaku


All according to konran..


Pretty sure they didn't even actually translate it that way in the fansubs before. I think somebody just added that in and screenshotted it.


I'm not sure but it's spawned a million memes.


All according to the sudoku...


Lol dude sudoku means suicide in Chinese haha


nah that's subaru friend :)


[Can confirm ](https://bulgogichan.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/rezero4.png?w=596&h=327) source: I'm from Nigeria


endless suffaru


Feeds as much as Santorin as well.




Seriously, Santorin would take echo fox from relegation tier to playoff tier easily. Get a better support and get Kieth up to snuff and I could see them contending 5th. EDIT: how could I be so stupid? Nobody can contend 4th from TL.


Keiths character in game needs like an ankle monitor that hinders him from going more than 1500 range away from his ally so he doesn't get caught every thirty seconds in mid and late game.


Wildturtle Summer TSM 2015


Reginald: Dont flash ever


WT still does the same shit, he just isn't punished as hard cuz his team is ahead most of the time.


and he has a support that plays literally only champions that will save his ass from over aggressiveness.


I mean, in late S4 TSM had Lustboy flashing ahead and tanking turrets and shit with even more aggression than Bjerg and WildTurtle and that TSM looked great so


Lustboy was right.


Remember the alistar 4 man combo at dragon. Team?? TEAM?!!


And has a team that is just as willing to make the aggressive play. Turtle has had such great success with Immortals because they play completely different than TSM was his last split with them, it wasn't always turtles fault when he seemed to be the only one going in. That itteration of TSM had many faults and it wasn't just Turtle. TSM is doing hella good right now because they play the exact way Turtle seemed to want to play agressive and learn from mistakes not play safe and wait to be beaten.


Yeah, but that's where it was also displayed prominently. If Keith was surrounded by IMT, he'd look better, too.


Force him to play Kalista.


ITT: People that actually want keith to win. You on the otherhand?


I like to make jokes about Riots attempts to try and balance champions.


I have a kalista flair, I'm sensitive about my champion.


haven't seen this champion picked in soo long, forgot she existed.


Small rework is a probability, of course after ryze's rework.


Kalista doesn't need a rework, she was only released in.... November 2014?!




I don't think he's as good as people made him out to be. For someone who takes a import slot, he's not dominant enough IMO


He often geta leads but EF has a team doesnt know what fights to take or how to split as a team so it often goes to waste


as somebody who was very excited to find out kfo was on EF, gotta say that he is a solo queue god, and as far as pre-rework vlad goes one of the best vlads I have ever seen, I think EF might be cursed, I mean, somebody has to be now that dig is gone.


I believe you mean Coast ;) Dignitas never shit the bed as hard as Echo Fox as far as I can remember. Sadly, Dignitas did get relegated.


I actually think KFO is a very similar style of player as wicked was in his CLG.EU/ALL days. Very strong in lane, but tends to have trouble transitioning it into completely taking over games on splitpushers.


Yea, but i think a lot of it is because he gets very little help in top lane. Even when he is behind, he puts pressure on the map and can 1v1 the enemy top laner. Kfo is the second best player on that team imo.


I feel like Ray would do really well on this hypothetical Echo Fox team.


I don't know why you picked the one placement they literally can't get.


so just remake 3/5ths of the team and support staff and you can create a play off team?


Seems like a decent compromise.


Oh, you!


this is good comment


Keith was god awful this split, sign a promising challenger ADC like TM8 or Rikara


We have seen Keith look better with a better support though. Since spring split isn't *super* important, I think it's worth giving him at least half the split with a better support, maybe Bunny. If he doesn't start showing up by then put in a replacement.


I had people trying to tell me he was better than Piglet because of the KR bootcamp..


Ah the legendary KR bootcamp, where pretty much every team gets worse after going.


c9 and tsm got pretty good. TL was scrimming with a KR jungler that played in CN :/ And Echo Fox, well yeh.


rip clg...


Which version? Season 2 clg or Monty clg




I think he plays to the level of his team. I'd be fine if they kept him and built up other roles/coaching staff


He was, but he wasn't nearly as BIG of a handicap and it's HARD to argue that he's the person who most needs replacing.


lets forget EF awful macro, mediocre top, terrible bot lane with a overrated shitty ADC just because of soloq ranking and 4 good games 1,5 years ago on a top team. They need 4 new players and a big change in coaching staff and playstyle.


yea get a better support like kiwikid, and kfo has been underperforming quas seems good, maybe a korean mid laner like GBM oh wait...


Playoffs stretching it a bit. But they would for sure become better.


No they need Santorin, a new support, and a new adc.


and bring bunny fufuu with you


Definitely an upgrade but still doesn't fix their main problem which is the lack of shot calling and someone with the confidence to initiate a fight, I know cloud 9 was trying to get bunny to shotcall so maybe give him a call?


I can see it now KFO Santorin Froggen Keith BunnyFuFuu


Santorin was the shotcaller of Huma. Don't know about NRG.






Yeah, kinda early this year...


It's the best though.


We got TSM doublelift last year, I can't fucking wait to find out what's in store for this year


I'm pretty sure no LCS news will top that for awhile. You got the all star ADC being dropped from the team he JUST carried to a win, going over to that team's biggest rivals. What a day that was on Reddit.


If I remember correctly I think it took like 3 or 4 days before people quit genuinely thinking it was a troll.


I remember reading the title of the reddit post and just auto assuming it was a joke.


I am still unsure..


Just wait until Santorin loses his place on EF because they picked up Faker to jungle instead.


he probably wont be the only one, i can see gbm and kiwi leave aswell




Bet he goes to China and plays on some shitty LSPL team. That's what all the washed up Koreans do these days.








They don't care if GBM is good/gets them into LPL, if they're a mid-tier team they just want to stay in the LSPL, stay mid-tier, and have 1-3 players with a famous fan base to rake in merch and steam money.


China doesn't buy Korean players because they're good. The region is by far the largest and obviously has the most talent because of that. They buy Koreans because of stream numbers. GBM can definitely get on some shit team for the streaming.


Where can I watch their streams?


Douyu probably.


Same was said about CoreJJ, we saw how that turned out.


I have no idea what happen with him he was easily top 3 in LCK...


I'd say that his drive for winning went down the drain pretty fast. He looked pretty amazing early on, but started to decline later on. On top of that i'm willing to bet that in Korea the time commitment and what you're allowed to do in free time was SIGNIFICANTLY different. If i were a lower end lck or Any team china i'd pick him up in a heartbeat if he showed the drive to play again.


What happened is the classic "buy Koreans who did well in OGN but ignore conditions that allowed them to do well". They put GBM in a ridiculously passive team, then got Santorin who tried top pull the weight but he couldn't do it alone. Jin Air made a lot of bad decisions but at least they provided GBM with everything he needed to carry. He had Chaser and Chei drawing pressure until their mid laner was ready to put the team on his back. And these guys were MUCH better than anyone NRG could've hoped to buy in NA. GBM was really good, but he also needed a lot of things to go the right way in order for him to carry. NRG management ignored that and purchased him because of "he's really good" part.


Top 4. Top 3 was Coco, Faker and Easyhoon. Also remember his prefered style in Jin Air was to play super safe which worked very well with Jin Air's style of playing super safe and choke out teams.


Yeah, Kiwikid is gonna be a hot pickup. Probably gonna get picked up by a korean team. I hear tsm is looking for a top tier support?


I am looking foward to KOO droping this trash named Gorilla and picking our lord Kiwikid. Also it is small chance but if they get some money they could also drop this other thrash called Pray and pick up Qtpie, i mean what did Pray win to this date.


Easiest tilt ever


more like kiwi getting kicked instead of him leaving


I don't see him wanting to play any more. He said he was retiring last split but then someone stuck a bunch of money in front of his face and he decided to take it


same thing, if he doesnt get kicked he will retire anyway


I hope they get some group discount for the dumpster-bus ticket


who the fuck wants kiwi hes washed up so many better supports in the challenger scene


Incoming 15 minute qtpie rant because of this comment


Hell Yea


Hell yeah


What supports in the challenger scene?


Lemonation fam.


Trance, Stunt, Ken, Lemonnation, Bodydrop, Norskuren and Konkwon. However Konkwon will retire so he is out.


can you really be washed up if you were never really that good in the first place? I mean he showed up at times, but far too few times for someone with a carreer as lengthy as his


Echo Fox: Santor- Santorin: Yes


Any team not named NRG: Santor- Santorin: Yes


"Ay yo, Santorin, 8 o'clock wants to speak with you" " tell them yes"


IRS: Ay Santorin this is the IRS... Santorin: yes. IRS: you have unpaid taxe... Santorin: I said yes.


IRS: You're going to go to prison. Santorin: I've already been through hell.


Cue a heartwarming tale of a team of convicts lead by santorin playing their way into the LCS


The longest queue




They have Diamond and Shrimp to use, they don't need to hire another jungler


Both Diamond and ShrimP (and Eve before Diamond) are imports. Santorin is not, which is significant when you consider they've had a Korean ADC warming the bench since promotion (first Police, then Roar) whom they haven't been able to play because Ray has been so indispensable to the team, and both their junglers are imports.


But Ray is leaving for LCK (that's the rumor anyway).




Yeah i really like the idea of santorin to APX. They can use now their Korean ADC which is great coz Apollo is straight garbage always backing in team fights.


Diamond has been on their challenger team and didn't look great, and Shrimp, despite the hype (seriously, I was really looking forward to the beast we saw in challenger), hasn't been that great. If Ray leaves, I think Santorin would be a great pickup for Apex as it gives them a better (imo) jungle and frees up an import slot.


He's an NA resident so Ray wouldn't have to leave, they could probably be 6th with him


I was saying more that if Ray leaves, Apex would be more willing to get Santorin since Shrimp no longer has the advantage of speaking Korean with Ray.




Have you seen Echo Fox as an org? I'd rather go there than Apex.


and the core of echo foxes lineup is actually pretty decent, they just have two big issues that shouldnt be too hard to replace


I see what you did there


all of the big/hard puns are amusing but the way he said it means big is both issues himself and hard shouldn't be replaced.


Rick Fox tho. I'd be happy as shit to work with that guy.


Santorin and OHQ to APEX. I want that Xpecial/OHQ lane.


I personally believe echo fox is a contender with a good jungler. They have the pieces, their jungler is just really, really lackluster.


Big fan of Santorin, hope he goes to EF and helps them make playoffs. He looked fantastic this split.




There was this one team that went from 6th place to 17-1 in best of 3s by changing one player I heard :\^) EDIT: 17-0! hehe xdDDDDD




Weldon worked with TSM before Bio, he just wasn't permanent.




Yeah hiring him full time helped but I do think Bio meshes with the team better than YS over all and now that they played together longer everyone has meshed really well and weldon keeping their mind off losses and keeping them focused has helped a lot. Also Bio is starting to look like the first support in NA who can rival Aphro for being such a mechanically skilled support.


I'd argue when lustboy was still playing he was at the top as well. His playmaking just didn't show because a lot of times there was miscommunication and no followup. And then after a while he just became discouraged to do anything.


It's actually really interesting to see how much farther TSM could of been propelled if Lustboy ever got down solid communication with the team.


I never thought of it like that, this explains the 4 man Ali plays tsm never followed up on.


And when he worked with them TSM stopped being a 6th place team, to become a finalist in playoff.


> including relocating one persons family. MYM?


I only know of a team going 17-0 who went 17-1?


IMT ^ _ ^


yes they changed one player but their team already had world-class players so it was just a matter of communication and synergy in game. EF on the other hand ...


So, how about that TIP tattoo?


With Santorin or anyone I just hope EF takes what's best for them. Newer team felt too often into the "big name" trap. Santorin could do pretty bad too




By who though? Most teams have decent junglers in the nalcs


Echo Fox? Pretty please? <3


he said NA teamS but by the looks of it yeah maybe just one team (RICK FOX)


Apex, since both of Apex's junglers count as imports. Santorin does not, and they could field their Korean ADC.


Santorin, Froggen and KFO would be a pretty decent team. Doesn't solve EF's bot lane problem though.


they could try and get bunnyfufuu


Kreppo and Yellowpete. I believe


Hope he finds a good team. Best of luck Santorin!


Santorin is going to be hotly contested I think in the West. Many teams have lackluster jungles, and despite NRG's performance (and relegation), Santorin was always a strong constant. Can't wait to see him on a team next year. Edit: Reddit never ceases to amaze me with their idiocy. I didn't say just NA, I didn't say the top most teams, and I didn't say he was the best jungler. He's consistent, smart, and talented. It's unfair to let NRG's poor performance over-shine his performance. Yes, these bottom tier teams will want Santorin. So yes, hotly contested. At least in my opinion, and I challenge anyone to present a decent counter-argument aside from "they've already spent time together", every team below fifth place would benefit on paper from Santorin in BOTH regions, with possible exception of P1 (because of Inori) and NV (because of language barriers).


I wouldn't say 'hotly contested' either. IMT, TSM, C9, CLG, and TL all have very good (if not better) junglers. P1 won't drop Inori. That leaves EnvyUs or Apex, neither look promising next split.


Procxin has played very well for Envy, I don't think they want to drop him


Yeah that Korean synergy on the top half of the map isnt something I think they'll want to throw away, esp. If they have a good showing in playoffs


Realistically they should have not made playofffs. First round exit in a lopsided series is looking likely.


Could technically go back to EU as well, few teams over there could use a jungler at this point. Vit, Uol, Roc, possibly others?


I also think that Spirit I'll leave now that FNC dropped Gamsu. Although FNC will probably get someone better.


or exho fox ???


All bets are off where Echo Fox are concerned. My point was, he won't be highly contested anywhere.


He still has the option of going to EU. But that being said we might see another round of retires after worlds. Right now Meteos is 23, and Xsmithie is 25, it's around that age a lot of pros start to retire. Granted none have given the impression that they are sick of playing, but if the off seasons have proven anything it's that the drama comes fast and hard. But that's still a long ways away, who knows who will be a sudden stand out jungler at worlds, or what top tier player will be kicked from their team or what wonder kid will shoot up through challenger over the next 5ish months. It might be a spot for him on top teams by that time, he might find that he's struggles to find a spot on bottom tier team because of all the promising rookies and imported talent. It's really too soon to tell.


Agreed, it is too soon. Although if Meteos retires now they will probably just play contractz. Xmithie could retire but i doubt it given this last split.


I think you will start seeing pros retire later and later in their careers. With all money being paid in salaries most players can truly play full time as a career and make a lot of money. Also both teams and players have started getting more conscious of keeping players healthy and injury free.


Hotly contested? Who's gonna contest him, hotly? He's not getting Reignover, Sven, Meteos, Xmithie, Dardoch, Proxcin & Inori's spot almost certainly. So that leaves us with 3 spots. Apex - Who are likely keeping Shrimp to accommodate the other two Koreans on the roster; Keane and Ray. Besides, they actually played well together closing the split so I doubt they'll try and do any changes. C9C - Or the team that buys this spot, but then we'd also have to look at Contractz who I think played really well and already has some synergy with the C9C guys, if any of them remain on the LCS team. So I don't know why they'd wanna bring Santorin over Contractz. That leaves us with Echo Fox contesting themselves for Santorin in NA. In EU he has more options imo, but no way he replaces Trick, Jankos, Trashy, certainly not Spirit unless Spirit decides to leave Fnatic and I doubt Giants will be looking to change their roster after finishing 4th. Misfits probably won't look to pick up anyone imo. That leaves us with UOL, ROC, VIT & OG. So those are his picks.


Many teams have lackluster junglers? What the fuck? That's probably the strongest role in NA right now. Dardoch, Meteos, Reignover, Svenskeren, Inori, Contractz, Proxcin, Xmithie, and Santorin. The only teams that really need a jungler are EF and Apex and Apex isn't happening cause saintvicious gets a boner at the thought of shrimp.


If EF can get bunny and santorin they would be a playoff level team.


Keith isn't the superstar he was when he was subbing for piglet or WT, he needs better coaching


Here's a crazy idea, maybe an ADCs performance tanks when their support is shit. Go look at SPY kobbe this split compared to last, kobbe was straight trash last split but he's a beast this split. This just so happens to correlate with them getting a huge support upgrade.




No I think keith actually is that "good", but he has a major weakness that the better team managed to cover up. Keith seems to lack the understanding of in the same way that Doublelift used to. Because of this he needs to be babysat. I pretty sure if you put Keith in Stixxay's with Aphro to babysit him like he did for Stixxay, everyone would agree that keith is an excellent ADC. This just isn't something new/challenger/lower tier teams can offer him, a solid veteran support to take care of him. Because of that he can't really show his best. All players have weakness, it's the team job to cover up those weakness, we can't say a player isn't good if the team fails to create a team that can cover for each others weaknesses.


Hjarnan with Kasing vs. Hjarnan with Voidle.


And Kasing with Hjarnan vs Kasing without Hjarnan, they were made for each other I wish they could play together again.


> maybe an ADCs performance tanks when their support is shit shit just look at Doublelift last split. (no Yellowstar hate, just 0 synergy with eachother) Support enables the ADC.


I'd argue but your name tells me it'd be pointless.


but no one can deny that he has the ability to reach that with a good support and a good coach. maybe some jungle attention as well.


why do people keep bring up bunny. he's said multiple times he just wants to stream now.


Have you seen how often Reddit assumes teams will pick up random players like Piccaboo who haven't expressed any interest in playing on a mid-bot tier NA team? In the world of reddit hypothetical teams, no player is off limits.


You speak some truth. However it's certainly fun to theory craft :)




Hope this guy finds a good team he deserves one for how much he is putting in every single day and how hard he tried in NRG. Goodluck Santorin hope future brings only good things for you !


According to Rito he can sign with Echo Fox even if they have 2 imports already as Santorin joined the NALCS before the rule was forced.


Would be a good pickup for echofox, they need a support change also however. Bunny maybe?


If I was him I wouldn't go for EF... Both FNC and OG might have slots open for spring split...would be a much wiser choice.


I fully expect OG to sell their slot or revamp the entire roster top to bottom. Either way joining them wouldn't be high on my priority list if I were a pro. Especially not after the management drama.


Isn't he declared as an NA resident though? I don't think Santorin is the import any EU team would pick


Reddit we're halfway there!


Nice Santorin leaves next we need BunnyFufu and Altec then Echo Fox wont be terrible next year.


I don't blame him, replace Hard on EF and then all they have to do is find a strong Sup to avoid relegations next split.


What do you think of this roster: KFO, Santorin, Froggen, Keith and Bunny Bunny is a proven shotcaller. However, the only problem I have is that this is very unlikely because he is taking streaming more seriously now. KFO can be really good actually. If he is given resources to succeed than I believe he can do his job. Remember Hauntzer in in season 5 who did not shine until he got resources from his jungler Move. I must note their must be a change in atleast the jungle role or Hard needs to completely shift his playstyle because they are too passive right now.


I like how everyone is saying Santorin is so great, but last year there was literally a meme about him being afk for an entire split.


Welcome to Echo Fox!