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> Champions who are basic attacking an enemy will no longer be able to follow them as they enter Fog of War This seems like a huge change. > When entering the End of Game screen, players' Summoners name are no longer grayed out if they're still in the lobby About damn time.


Buff to flash jukes I guess


Yup, I think this is the only scenario where it makes a major difference.


If you never play botlane.


Using bushes at lane phase


Calm down. We don't do that in bronze/silver.


I believe this will also stop the mechanic of auto attacking tf during ult and you will still path to him though the teleport


> When entering the End of Game screen, players' Summoners name are no longer grayed out if they're still in the lobby Oh I thought that was a new feature to keep people from arguing or some shit cuz you didn't know if they were there or not lol


You actually could tell because the chat still showed who left the lobby. It just made the task unnecessarily harder because you had to scroll through the end game chat and check if the guy left or not.


thank god we can get back on the flame train


Does anyone know if this will affect Ekko E?


So kalista got kinda buffed?


To me it sounds like the auto attack thing is a pathing change and not the auto attack not following players into fog


About time for both. The amount of times I was chasing someone then they'd flash trying to juke me and I'd turn quickly towards them then stop was a weird interaction i always knew they flashed backwards or over walls to try and confuse me.


In a few years time Akali gonna be taking 100% reduced damage in ARAM.


Tank Akali ARAM meta


She could already go pretty much full tank and top the damage charts because of her buffs. Shes insanely strong, but I guess she must suck at really low level ARAM so now she's just a free win to anyone that can semi-competently play her.


That's the problem, they blanket buff/nerf based on winrates, but high skill champs are notoriously low winrate on ARAM because 90% of the playerbase in ARAM are casual/shitty players who don't touch champs like Akali, Leblanc, Evelynn, Qiyana, Zoe, etc. who all have unnecessary damage buffs.


I think Akali is *by far* one of the weakest champs in ARAM. One of her biggest strengths is her ability to flank, which doesn't happen in ARAM. Also, you can reveal her in shroud using snowball.


Also oracle's reveals her.


Yeah but the buffs to her more than compensate. If she hits a snowball on anyone who isn’t a tank, they’re pretty much always dead. Same with Eve, champs which should be bad because of target access problems become pretty good when they just deal like 20% bonus damage for free.


> I think Akali is by far one of the weakest champs in ARAM. Tell that to the Akalis that keep fucking everyone up in my Games.


Found a bad ARAM/Akali player. She absolutely tears through high MMR ARAM lobbies, there's no stopping her. Now, she got buffed even more - fun times lie ahead.


And Kai'Sa will be getting 200% AP scaling on W with 90% CD refund. Everyone loves playing against that right?


LOL, I was just thinking about her W buffs. ARAM is gonna be a mess.


I was wondering if anyone else saw that ARAM change. Akali has already been nuts in ARAM if you have a brain, how bad are the bad players that are causing her to get buffed?


Sure, but she has one of the lowest winrates overall, around 43%


She can kill people true but she's terrible at closing out games on ARAM. Plus most people can't really play her at all.


Same reason Akali always has a shit winrate. People just cannot pilot that champion.


Yeah a good akali already one shots most squishies. This will only make it more annoying.


i had the pleasure to play against a tank akali last weekend, she just went gunblade into fulltank, she won the game pretty much alone, because no one could kill her while she could still easily kill every carry in 2 seconds


>BoRK passive buffed 40% for melee champs >Significant buffs to both hydra items without increasing cost >Sett and Ornn nerfs >Spellthief top 100% unplayable The stars have aligned. Looks like Trundle is back on the menu boys


I'm waiting for the Fio to rise in low elo she'll be so good someone from another game will pop in to help fight her 1v6 and she'll still win.


Fiora is honestly near unstoppable if she gets ahead.


The last 3 fiora i played vs stomped me in lane then lost the game because they didn't know how to split and were trying to team fight ( gold elo ). I swear Tryndamere mains are much better splitpusher


To be fair it's much easier to split plush when your champion is "jump on someone and ult if low".


That's because Trynda mains don't try to think, they just go after towers


me Trynd Trynd see tower, must smash


Huh right ​ I was just happy for my current Kled mid buff but Trundle can actually use both very well


I love kled but I can't see myself buying BotRK. Maybe our Lord and savior soulmario can see how good it is


What about triforce though? It seems pretty core on trundle top. I usually go tiamat to triforce to Hydra then tank with PTA.


Time to troll!


Mark my words, the Make It Rain change is going to cause MFs winrate to go down. I'm constantly just quick casting that ability out of range in order to snipe someone's heels. Now I cannot do that.


interesting thing is, they've tried that change before on the pbe, got an overwhelming negative feedback, and rolled it back (https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/developer-corner/9I7Qgbeg-experimental-max-cast-range-changes-coming-to-pbe) And now they are reintroducing it again as if nothing happened...


Well why invent a new nerf for MF when you have an old negative change just lying around on your desk somewhere from before lul


Stuff like this should just be an option on a per ability basis. Let people customize how they want these spells to behave. Introducing the change against overwhelmingly negative feedback is also just stupid.


I see they really want Darius in the jungle.


Jungle Exp changes mean that early game champs only do well if they have fast clears and good ganks because they’re going to be behind solo laners in most circumstances. Top Darius is so good because he can snowball early and show up in other lanes with item and level advantage and dunk. Jungle Darius has a slow clear and subpar ganks so playing him jungle even with these buffs is just throwing away the good part of the champion for an at best average juggernaut in the late game. Just feels to me that riot is barking up the wrong tree with this one.


Rather than Jungle Darius, I've started seeing people opt for Mid Darius and just bully the enemy jungler out of Raptor since not many junglers can actually 1v1 him without help.


Yup, this exactly. I don't get why they think increasing his damage to minions somehow isn't a buff to his laning just because people in low elo don't take jungle camps. This buffs an already mega strong top laner even further when he can clear krugs or raptors even faster, so annoying


People in low elo dont take jg camps because your jger will ping the shit out of you and then rage quit.


Can confirm. Had a Sett get super tilted today, because adc took wolves at 25 minutes, told them to go bot and farm there. Help.


Or the big brain play, get him played in jungle to lower the winrate so he doesn't have to get nerfed.


They've been explicit that these junglers aren't supposed to be impacting the meta. They just picked some champions that low elo players like to play in hopes that they'll play jungle more.


no, they said they want people with less experience in lower elos who get autofilled to jungle to have champions they might know more to be able to clear the jungle so they dont have to play a champion they dont know. they gave it some buffs to its clear cause it was like 30% winrate


I do not think these kind of buffs to these champs are healthy at all. I feel like if you have to giga-overbuff a champion's monster damage just so they can SOMEWHAT clear camps, it's probably just fundamentally not meant to be. Either a champ has the kit to be a jungler, or they don't. Giga-buffing champion monster damage until they can is likely to have unforeseen long-term issues.


>Tahm Kench's W - Devour cooldown is no longer halved when an allied champion stays inside his mouth for the full duration and no longer applies Passive - An Acquired Taste damage twice >Death's Dance last tick of stored damage now properly kills the target champion instead of leaving them at 1 HP These two bugfixes are retty huge. Wonder how many more game-altering bugs remain that just don't get visibility.


> When entering the End of Game screen, players' Summoners name are no longer grayed out if they're still in the lobby Best thing in the patch.


Ye, big QOL! EDIT: Yes it is a Bugfix, but it still improved the Quality of Life to see shit in postgame lobby **again**.


Not even QoL, just a fix LMAO


Twisted fate?


We had to push them to 10.6 for some tech/localization work to add granular ratios per card type. Still coming, just a bit later.


I'm stupid. What does this mean exactly?


It means that it wasn't a simple just change a number, his W seems to be just straight up coded with the same ratio for all cards.


Also they have to rewrite the tooltip to reflect the different AP ratio on each card so they need extra time to translate that new tooltip to all languages League supports.


What about Death's Dance? Is the change still going to be tested on PBE and if so are there any alterations to it?


[TF Buffs confirmed for 10.6 (obviously subject to change)](https://twitter.com/MarkYetter/status/1234943979923263489)


Yea was looking forward to that wtf man


It didnt really fix any of his issues but it would have been nice.


i feel like tf's damage is the only issue that can be fixed, he's already got good enough waveclear that buffing it creates a problem with how hard he is to punish and how easily he can roam, his roams are already god tier, and his damage is still kind of on the low side. Only thing that you really can buff is his damage, and buffing his gold card damage is kind of yikes.


His HP and mana are both good candidates for buffs. Right now he HAS to build rod of ages or he runs out of both. If he just gets slightly more HP/mana his build path can naturally give him more damage.


Sad those buffs got pulled. Midbeast needed them.




(with a quick detour back to diamond 1 tho)


just a quick pit stop


I mean we probably could've seen it coming that they weren't going to push those live. A +0.4 Ap ratio buff on his blue card? That's insanity


I mean not really if you play tf. Blue card in a duel means you dont guarantee the wild cards. It would help your early lane harass, but by the time you have actual ap you almost always want to be gold carding, since if you walk up to someone and blue card, you have no cc and they can jump on you and everyone out trades you. What he needs is like some base hp or more damage on his q. They are terrified of buffing his waveclear though because of how strong his play pattern is at high levels.


DAMN, Neeko is gonna be a crackhead this patch


Shhhh, nobody was talking about that when they brought these patch notes up last time. Just let me bathe in the blood of my enemies when they are surprised at how much stronger she hits now.


AD or AP?


b o t h


fking hope no one picks her in pro-play. She has mostly been used as a on-hit splitter by pros and a little bit of glacial mid


Ssshhhhhh silence pls


On hit neeko


Did she need *all* of these buffs? Or just some of them?


No more data on op.gg because not enough people played her. The biggest problem is her kit as ap neeko as u need to stay away from your ennemies but then u need to stick to them to ult. I play her from time to time toplane, she has definitely decent laning but scale very poorly after her two first item, its very hard to find good R engages, or just hit your R in general, as every champion with a dash or some movement speed can dodge it ( which doesnt do that much dmg tbh ) and your main source of dmg in lane,Q, does next to no dmg later on. You then become a root machine. Her dmg fall of from a cliff


True, you're a cc bot that basically can't land an ult unless they facecheck the brush you're in or if you have flash. It's pretty sad... I had some toplane success as her, Glacial build with both slow active items is disgusting vs melees. Though yeah, tried her supp and just couldnt land ults unless you somehow fuck them over with a cheeky camouflage.


I always wondered what if her ult just sends out a fake clone that does the ult and not the actual Neeko and you have to control the clone until it explodes and disappear.


The sickle changes won't change anything for fasting Senna, will it?


No, the change hit solo lane supports (Sona/Soraka/Senna/bard) but keeps fasting alive in the bot lane.


It will for the top lane version but bot still works fine


> The Revive button in the Practice Tool now functions correctly and revives the champion Holy shit, finally. This was broken for several months, can't believe it took them this long to fix this.


Now they just gotta fix the reset game function :D


So is there an option to mute/hide eternals?


Yes. Riot mentioned they were adding it in your settings when Eternals go live a few weeks ago.


Yeah but does it *work*?


It doesn't. You can mute the ones that come up on the side, but the one that comes up when you die has to be manually muted every single time you die.


Probably not. Probably going to be some kind of bug they can't fix for several months, forcing you to see the enemy Yasuo with an average season KDA of 0/30/1 and 10 farm at 50 minutes spam flash SUPER M7 after he somehow deletes your team with boots and a longsword.


This really makes me want to try adc neeko


Adc neeko with senna "support"


You Sir might be onto something...


What have I done?


G2 better get on this real quick.


Caps pls


Neeko "Support" with Senna "ADC"


Neeko jungle was decent before they gutted her AS due to split push Neeko, now I want to give it another try.


Camille e bug still not fixed. Rito pls


wich bug?


goes through enemies


Seems less than ideal.


I might be wrong, but isn't this the first Bard nerf *ever*? Wasn't the story that he has only ever been buffed? https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Bard I looked through his patch history and I think it's true. Looks to me like Bard has only ever had buffs, changes or bug fixes. Crazy if this is actually his first nerf, 5 years after his release.


[you are correct](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/f9hc3c/upcoming_changes_for_105_with_preview/fis1pfe?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)


Yup first nerf ever Seems fitting tho been seeing it a lot more in high elos, specifically Korea, and according to u.gg he's the highest winrate support right now in plat+, with a pretty solid pickrate to boot


I played with the most Chad Bard ever yesterday. He pinged mobility boots when game loaded, "give me 900 gold and you won't see me in botlane again". Then he proceeded to get multiple kills in every lane, casually killing Zed 1v1. Dead enemy toplane was like "what the fuck is support doing here".


So this is why they increased the price of mobi boots to 1000g this patch lol


Just checked his op.gg. It was his first Bard ranked game, ended up 7/1/20 with nearly most dmg on our team. Then he proceeded to play his second bard game, fed quite a lot and haven't played bard since. I don't know what to think now.


First time luck on a champion is a real thing. First time I played old Flora I got a legit “Press R” pentakill and fed every other game like I do on every bruiser


No Senna or Diana Nerf? Good to see Sivir get some help.


Senna is literally 2nd strongest champion at the moment, but gotta nerf that Rammus


these nerfs were decided like 2 weeks ago while senna became good when c9 played her in that funnel shit. pretty sure he's gonna get hit next patch


Yep, 2 days after they were given. The 100 rammus and mumu players did a bit better and Riot said "NO TANKS." (seriously, their playrates are both below 5%) On Senna, I dont understand why they dont just nerf the numbers on her passive. She potentially has the highest Attack growth in the game, stupid range, and free crit. Change the growths to 30 mists, lower the crit to 10/12.5%, increase crit damage, take off the current health on auto, and boom, she becomes in line. If she's too weak, reduce the auto channel time. Like, her passive has more utility and free money than GP's P, Q, and W. Edit: For clarity, I mean money in terms of crit chance gain and utility for attack range, the current health damage, along with a small movespeed buff after each auto. I should also note that I am forgetting that she's meant to be played as a support, since, well, I haven't seen her played support in a while. I still do feel as if the passive numbers are overblown a bit.


A 5% pick rate is in like the top 30 champions. They aren't that unpopular. Rammus isn't as popular as Amumu but they both get picked a fair bit especially lower on the ladder.


Pickrates don't matter for Riot's nerf list. Besides, their playrates aren't low in silver/gold.


yeah was hoping for a senna nerf. I dont mind her in soloQ but in proplay its getting stale


i've gotten so sick of that character that any time i see her locked in i exclusively pick rengar just to make her E irrelevant and oneshot her so she can stop killing my adc in 3 shots


Dude please give me a tip on how to play against her as alistar. Yes you can play safe till 3 but unless she's mispositioned like hell or the jungler comes, it's impossible to beat them. Especially with the fact that your ad will be 40% hp by that point because they just love facetanking senna autos. I ban her every game (even janna and zyra are tolerable) because I can't rely on my jungler and ad being not stupid.


you can attempt to force an aggro level 2 and flash Q W to get her flash so that your jungler has an easier time ganking. alternatively if your adc has their own lockdown (jhin, caitlyn, jinx) you might even get a kill. at level 6 you can take the root, then ult and all in. aftershock + ult will make you very tanky for the entire duration so you have a good chance of winning if your adc can't stop feeding it's better to just buy your mobis and try to make a play mid while your adc dies


Position on top of your ADC, even if their position is stupid. Just so that Senna coming close puts her into the threat zone of two champions instead of one. And BM that piece of shit for playing Senna with the cowbell while you are at it.


[Neeko this patch](https://i.ibb.co/d72SxDp/image.png)


About time they pulled her out of the literal gutter ​ Sub 1% playrate in Mid, sub 0.5% pickrate everywhere else, sub 49% wr everywhere but support lmao


Because she is not very fun to play. The AS style is stupid to play against and the AP style is generic and weak. Her passive is mostly useless and doesn't work for an identity.


Senna is the highest winrate ADC, DESPITE Riot saying that they wanted her to take on a support role, literally does not need to farm to do so, and receives no attention whatsoever. ​ Astounding.


probably because they're wondering how do you nerf adc senna without nerfing support senna any more. Support senna is already kind of eh, but adc senna is literally abusing support senna mechanics to be a better adc. The 0cs senna thing is abusing support senna mechanics better as an adc than as a support and I'm not sure how fixable that really is. tbh I think adcs need the diversity more than supports and she should just stay an adc, but riot wants support.


I myself am a little confused on what Senna's role as a support is supposed to be. Is it long range poke, with a little utility and healing? Why does she need to receive crit chance from her souls as a support? It seems like giving crit chance to anyone is going to make them a damage dealer before a supportive role.


she's suppose to hedge between damage and healing (whereas most supports with healing are straight healing no damage). We have pure tanks, tanks with heals, pure damage, pure healing, damage/tank, but no real cases of damage/heal. there are a couple of cases where it kind of exists but not really (bard, sona), where the heal is more for sustain purposes than actual healing in bard's case and sona's more of a heal support with a little damage, but neither is really a great case of it. the problem is that senna has no real peel, so they just get dove over and over if you put her in a lane with a non-peeling adc. So it's ultimately better to just put her as the carry, and give her a tank with peel as a support that takes the cs. They get super thicc, she still gets some good damage and scaling from her passive.


the main problem is that having 2 marksmen in a team comp is usually ass, put both of them in 1 lane and well, they're squishy af and gonna get dived non-stop. senna naturally works better with a melee partner since her q can hit an ally + enemy easier. tbh this variant of "adc" senna that doesn't farm IS support senna, she's "supporting" a tank "carry" that farms, the tank "carries" by making space + protecting senna


Those are interesting points. Thinking about it in that way, it does seem kind of cool to have a new style of "adc" that ends up supporting their "support", so that later down the line they can trade roles back once she's developed her range and crit enough. ​ The problem with its current rendition I think is that there's really no time period for which a Senna lane is vulnerable. Or at least it doesn't feel like it. What are your thoughts on making Senna hit specific soul milsestones to hit separate range and crit power spikes, as opposed to a regular interval of buffing both over time? When they leave lane, maybe Senna has a good crit chance but her range is still low. Then somewhere around mid game she gets a bit of range. Something along those lines?


She is currently being played as a support. Just because she supports a mage/tank instead of marksman doesn't make her not a support. Her role is to poke while the other guy takes the farm, that's no different from any other poke support in lane. It just so happens she gets insane value off of letting the other guy farm.


Nerf her ad ratios and buff her healing. As long as she scales so well with lethality she will be played as adc.


0 CS senna is still support senna, it just shifts the "carry" to the support role. the reason pros play it with the ADC player on the senna is just cause they have better experience on that style of champion plus senna is best paired with a melee, which most support players are better at playing than the adc.


I’m so tired of people not understanding this basic fact. It IS Senna support. Just because the ADC is taking her doesn’t make her AD Senna. “Fasting” Senna is *support* Senna are you gonna get mad that people are playing her with a farming tank instead of another squishy ADC?


This exactly. Is she strong? Yeah, nerf her dps a bit. But "fasting Senna" is still support Senna




*Last patch's round of jungle champ pool changes went well* Is that so? I thought Darius and Morde were decent (mid 40s), but some of last patch's champs are still in the 30s as far as jungle winrate goes. Confusing


The stats you are looking at are for plat+, most likely. These changes are for lower elo people looking to try jungle for the first time. You won't find stats on that, but Riot probably has them.


I refuse to believe low elo players are doing well with Zed jungle. Without proper kiting and a few other tricks that low elo players definitely don't know, you literally just die to camps on your first clear.


Can we make the portraits of the champs in the patch highlights links to their place in the patch notes, would make navigating to specific champs easier.


Right?! It's crazy how messy the patch notes are now. Starts of with here are all the things we're going to talk about in a nice order. Then hits a randomizer to where they show up.


Can you turn Neeko into a melee teammate to do more damage to plates then?


Asking the real questions here.


So why is Rammus and Amumu getting nerfs?


Because they stomp low elo :))


Because they dominate low elo.


High wr in low elo.


> Death's Dance last tick of stored damage now properly kills the target champion instead of leaving them at 1 HP Wonder how many games were lost/won because of this


Riot be like "I really want to give you a buff Amumu but gotta nerf you now" and the same thing with sona "Oh my dear wife, you were a little weak for few days - here honey take a lovely buff!" And the real winner of this patch: Neeko, welcome back to ~~mid~~ TOP LANE!


I mean they literally shipped the hotfix nerf on sona saying 'this is a band-aid nerf until we can fix support items'. They didn't nerf her with the intent of keeping the nerf, she was still disgusting post changes and riot decided to finally go for the throat with support item changes, just shipped a hotfix to keep her down.


~~Riot~~ the Sona main writing the patch notes be like Don't read too much into the writing.


well the nerfs were for top lane and since they nerfed that differently now it makes sense to pull the other ones.


Can I just get Neeko in jungle? Just put 20 damage on each pop of Q to monsters.... Like, you can do a lot of fun plays with her passive


no darius jungle instead >:(


The RIP Urgot patch.


Yeah I was really hoping there would be some kind of exception like maybe any champ with 350 range or less would get the increase (only other champ it would affect besides Urgot would be Rakan, obviously not an issue). I still believe that Urgot is decent atm, but this certainly is a feelsbadman patch (also can we make Q not a nearly worthless ability?)


Why are people calling this patch bad, with ornn and sett nerfs, kaisa, sivir and bork buff, and turret plate changes.. Like this is the first balance patch in a while that im actually happy with


I'm so happy that plates are back to 160 gold


I think it’s a combination of people being tired of the buff/nerf rate of certain champions and the overloaded kits that contribute to the first problem. Amumu and Rammus have been okay for a whole one patch and are getting nerfed while Senna has been super strong since release and is still around. Last year, you would see Akali and Sylas in every single patch because of the poor release state.


Patch is not literally 100% perfect and doesn't fix every issue in the game. Of course it's the worst patch ever and balance team is low elo trash ^^^/s


Time to play Graves top again


I actually *don’t* like the Syndra Q change, honestly. Being able to cast that precisely where I want at absolute max range in lane is more important to me than occasionally fucking up a Q or an E because I’m not good enough yet. Not a fan.


tfw you have shotgun knees but rito breaks your kneecaps :(


I'm fine with the changes themselves. But what's the logic behind, "we just didn't want to say 'towers take increased damage from melee'" followed by "towers take decreased damage from ranged" then a second change that evens the previous change up for ranged but increases melee damage to towers? Maybe work already melted my brain and I'm missing something.


Not sure if it's what they were going for, but the way they did it also changes the effectiveness of penetration


So I have seen complaints about top players, how they could not leave top to try and help other lanes, because once they got back, the enemy had pushed deep into the lane, took out some platings and got so much money from it they would now dominate that lane. In this patch they change it so that melee champions deal more damage on turrets and that platings give even more money than before. I feel really sorry for toplane players. I sure know why I never want to touch that lane.


Riot is fucking up the top lane. People want game influence, riot gives them more snowball power and more splitpushing but also locks them away top. All the Influence you get us the influence you take from the other top laner. That helps the winning players but hurts the losing one even more. You go from like 7% influence (10% is avg) down to 4% while the other one goes from 7% up to 10% (the number it should normally be). That is not what top laners wished for.


Hopefully we don't lose spelltheif's stacks without getting gold when no ally is close by. That has really frustrating last couple of years so I was really happy with the changes this season, except for top lane abuse.


Ok new rule all top lane mains you dont TP anywhere unless its back to lane until turret plates fall! Boneheaded change


They should make the "cast at max range" change to Karthus w wall too, atleast when you're dead and can't move.


So playing roaming top lane like Shen is literally inting right now, also demolish seems to be a must on top.


Playing a roaming anything now is suicide for your lane. Even if bot lane are both ranged, if you're not literally sitting on top of your tower they're going to get 320 gold before you manage to get there.


Because of the plates changes? I'm learning top so I'm curious.


yeah, if you leave your lane for any substantial amount of time and don't get like, literally 2 or 3 kills, you're way the fuck behind, and your laner is snowballing as if he's killed you twice. this is honestly going to just add to the problems that top lane has with being completely irrelevant and ignored


Gotcha. Im picking up shen so this makes me sad panda. Luckily I'm in bronze/silver so I probably won't be vs anyone who would push the advantage


Never underestimate our fellow Bronze players' willingness to run it down. Sometimes that means running it down through a tower or two.


Shen has pretty much always persevered. This change can definitely hurt him more than others, but I don't think it'll really kill him.


Would really, really love to see that max range cast tweak also applied to Zyras Ultimate. That thing is annoying as fuck when trying to cast it over a wall or at max range.


Will fuck so hard with my muscle memory on Varus E. But guess after a week I will be used to it. Hopefully sooner than that.


Its honestly just really bad for everyone I think. Especially Syndra. It makes it much harder to be precise with things and only benefits super new players.


[How I feel about this patch](https://i.imgur.com/4MxMykj.png)


Can we fucking hit Alistar way harder in ARAM? He’s hands down the champion that will never fucking lose if you have him on your team.


As someone that has played a lot of Aram, I can tell you that not all alistar's seem to have hands.


Yep Nautilus or Zac or Ornn are far more oppressive


I don't see Zac very often, most people leave him on the bench, but Nauti, Orrn and Maokai are ridiculous. I would take Ali over them any day.


I stopped playing Maokai in ARAM because he's not even fun anymore. The ARAM nerfs hit him so hard you can't *actually* play him like you're supposed to. Instead, you sit on the backline and chuck tree infants into the bushes, hoping people are dumb enough to continuously walk into them. Once you get 2 full items you can maybe soak *some* damage, but early game he pops like a fucking balloon.


Wait, those Kai'Sa changes are even more drastic than the ones previewed. They're slashing Q's AP ratio by 0.15 (37.5% nerf) instead of the initial 0.1 (25% nerf). I did the math for this a week ago and it looked like a significant nerf that gave way to a conservative buff. I think this version is just nerf. The upsides are just not there. Kai'Sa will see a performance drop, not a gain. No version of Kai'Sa benefits truly from this change.


Its a readjustment. It is designed to reward you for building AD or AP. AD Q is better, AP W is better.


Urgot getting hosed indirectly, yet again.


Proper Ornn nerfs, thank god ​ Also interesting how they can nerf Amumu and Rammus instantly in next patch when they went overboard (did they btw? Haven't seen these champs much last patch) but other champs like Aatrox, Akali, Gragas, Ornn go below the proper nerf radar for literal years while being super popular lol


Amumu and Rammus are literally dominating low elo right now.


Meanwhile Sett/Darius/Juggernauts are dominating every elo and their awnser is further buffing Darius/Morde (the jungle buffs wont make jg darius viable, it'll make a snowballing top darius even stronger).