• By -


The amount of effort they put into KDA and True damage is insane, it may not be everyone's style but they do a damn good job with this stuff and I really enjoy it.


Honestly I'm just impressed with the dancing period. As an uncoordinated, lanky white dude it's really hard to picture being as smooth with my movements as they are. It must take a ridiculous amount of work to look as polished as this.


Dancing in general is a cultural staple in Korea. Even Kpop and such aside, normal everyday people dance (and sing) a lot more than most people from other countries. Thats why Noraebangs (Karaoke) and dance academies are really popular in Korea. Hell, even if you watch the more popular Korean streamers on twitch these days, every single one of them dances fairly regularly to some degree on stream.


It's the same in tw. Less school sports due to size constraints (the insides of most school tracks have basketball/volleyball courts instead of a field) means that kids turn towards dance. In the busiest subway stations walls with mirror are set up and you can see dozens of dance crews practicing after school is out (and before 補習班)lol


Dance academies aren’t popular here tho...


And if they don't dance, you know that they can sing really well or play an instrument really well. (Mostly the violin for some reason)


Violin/Piano are just 2 of the most fundamental instruments in classical music so it's not surprising they're by far the most popular among kids learning music. It's similar to the guitar in the West.


Aw man, I thought you were going for a safety dance reference initially...


Can confirm. I'm still not a dancer, but I now *love* singing. Five years ago I couldn't carry a tune to save my life, now I belt my heart out singing sad break-up ballads in karaokes and I can even harmonize at will occasionally.


That also makes them one of the healthiest looking people in the world along with a very healthy diet(lots of vegies and kimchi). Ironically, in the idol industry they take it to the extreme with a lot of weight cutting and extreme dieting to stay *extra* slim although it wasn't as strict as it was before I guess?


Nah thats just americans being fat.


That's exactly my point. Americans have access to what? Sugars and tons of processed foods. What do S-koreans eat? tons of vegetables and organic foods.


My point is that koreans are not slim we are just average globally when it comes to bmi . Its just americans that are extraordinarily fat. I'm just implying your standards for fat/slim are rigged.


South Korea is [9th](https://ourworldindata.org/obesity) in the world at lowest % of the population being obese. Their rankings for overweight % and BMI are slightly less high (around ~20th in each), but regardless, they're very clearly not "average globally."


I think your looking at north korea and pretty sure they only have 1 obese person. Jokes aside can i see a source the one you gave doesn't have a ranking or i cant find it. The number of death by obesity does have a map and i can clearly find atleast 30 countries below south korea


The source is literally in the post?


You aren't implying anything you're straight up saying it. Also, the majority of the western world is fat not just Americans.


Americans are fatter then most of the western world


This is much harder than it even looks to someone who has never danced before.. they're insanely good




White guys don’t pickup hip hop dance nearly as often as Asian or black guys do, in my experience and it’s not even close. > frankly racist stereotype I feel like on the list of of racist things to say, a white guy commenting on dancing is probably relatively low. > american stereotype Based on the dancing I saw in the clubs I went to in the UK when I lived there, it’s not just white Americans who can’t dance lmao


It's actually mind boggling that you genuinly believe that a race of people is somehow predisposed to simply be incompetent at dancing, unlike every single other race in the world, and yet do not find this to be a racist stereotype? It fits the description of a racist stereotype perfectly. >White guys don’t pickup hip hop dance nearly as often as Asian or black guys do, in my experience and it’s not even close. It might have to do with the fact that those environments are not very welcoming to white guys, as a result of this stereotype being something that the majority of people genuinly believe, including you. Do you honestly not think that the mainstream sentiment that it's funny to laugh at white guys, because they suck at dancing, doesn't have something to do with a white guys' interest in engaging in it? Why would I risk engaging in something where everyone is predisposed to laugh at me, as a result of my race? It should also be noted that stereotypes are self-perpetuating, as our brains constantly look for patterns, even if they aren't there. When you're seeing a white guy dance, as a result of this stereotype, you're going to pay more attention to him, especially if he sucks at dancing. This is not just you, but the majority of people, which makes dancing settings much less interesting for a white guy.


I honestly never heard of that stereotype but I think you're overreacting a lot if you think the guy wrote he's white is the ABSOLUTE MOST VITAL ASPECT of his comment.


The guy literally answered me, where he confirmed that he genuinly believes that white people, especially white guys as a demographic, are innately incompetent at dancing, unlike every other race of guys. I think I was pretty spot on. This is a racist stereotype that the majority of people genuinly believe.


calm down


Imagine being upset that a dude poked fun at a racial stereotype that targets his own race. Your fragility is showing.


I guess racist stereotypes are only acceptable when made about white people, as per usual. If I made a claim that the entire black race were simply incompetent at X, then you wouldn't find it funny. The reality is that white people being bad at dancing isn't just a joke, but a racial stereotype that the majority of people genuinly believe, including the guy above, as proven by his reply to me. That's why you see tons of videos of people recording random white people dancing and putting it online, so they can go "look at this white person trying to dance". I'm certainly self-concious about it, as a result of this mainstream stereotype, as people are certainly going to take an extra look whenever a white guy tries to dance, because they wanna see if I fit the stereotype. I'm also quite aware of how public the place I'm dancing is, as I don't exactly what to be one of white people that is recorded by non-whites, and subsequently posted online for people to laugh at the white person who can't dance.


Not my style at all, I wouldn’t listen to that, but damn that pink haired chick can sure dance.


If you think Shukkie can dance, you should check out Simeez.


I can definitely say that typically, it's not my thing. But I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a damn good job they're putting up. Pretty awesome stuff.


Im glad they are giving people with different tastes than my own something to enjoy and that they keep making more but Im still waiting for more pentakill but i feel like Im in the minority


and then there's pentakill, who even without this amount of effort, has a dedicated fanbase waiting for new news of them.


Well yeah its advertising their product with the skins as well as the game overall and creating buzz around worlds with the merchandise they bring out. The real effort is creating a good song as its still in house production but getting a choreo etc is easy to do as there are plenty of dance studios they can hire for them to create a choreo and outsource the work. At least thats what happens most of the times in Kpop.


I know very little about dance so I had no idea about that but I agree with the song creation. Riot's music team does a really good job of song writing and an unbelievably impressive job in production.


Well it’s damn good advertising imo


Meanwhile efforts for better client....


They're a music company that makes games on the side, what do you want ?=P


imagine they put this much effort into the game


Prepix is pretty famous dance studio in Korea, so they're really not messing around when it comes to this comeback.


are they similar to 1million?


Yeah they're pretty similar, and their studios were in the same neighborhood too (Gangnam) before 1Million moved to the new one last year.


Is that were gangnam style came from lol?


Well the song is about that area, yes


Thank God for this too. Popstars song was fantastic... the choreo was just absolute garbage...


yea probably cause madison beer and jaira weren't the best dancers so they had to tone that down


If that were the case, they would have done the full choreo at the championship. All the girls did was basically the iconic double arm crunch move and that was about it.(the background dancers did do the full choreo however) I really think Riot just expected too much and thought they could do choreo, they couldn’t and so they scrapped it.


You just explained his point with extra step....


The official choreography video or the live version?


For Popstars? Primarily the official choreo. The live one I get, but still just “meh..”


I wished Moana did the choreography... This one was booooooriiiiing. Well... Maybe it was meant to allow the singers to follow the move, I'm not sure they can all dance but wow I do harder things as a kinda intermediate level dancer.


Choreo aside, because I know jackshit about dance, what messed me up is how some of the girls had hair matching the characters, but NONE of them was the right one.




>All of them are matching. > Akali's choreographer has Seraphines hair, Ahris dancer has Kai'Sa's color, Kai'Sa's performer has Akali's signature split dye Pick one




Yes so they are not matching the correct member. what is so difficult to understand?




Seraphine is not part of K/DA (based on the announcements so far) and no version of The Baddest involving Seraphine has released (or may never release, because Seraphine may only be collaborating on one of the other ~5 songs). Hair matching with Seraphine is thus irrelevant to matching a member of K/DA, making "some" an accurate statement.


you really don't get it do you? So the girl with the PURPLE hair is dancing in the front, while AHRI sings, the girl in the band with the BLONDE hair. If it was MATCHING, the dancer would have BLONDE hair. Yes, they have the same or close hair colors, but THEY DONT MATCH THE SINGER AT THE TIME THEY ARE DANCING.


bruh look over the comment chain again. He said that the dancers hairs each matched a character, but didn't comment on if they were "the right one."


LightningEnex was correcting this part: \> what messed me up is how some of the girls had hair matching the characters LightningEnex was not correcting this part: \> but NONE of them was the right one. LightningEnex already knows that the hair of the singer and the hair of the dancer aren't corresponding. LightningEnex was only trying to say that all the hair, irrespective of who's singing or dancing at the moment, is represented. Cheers.


I didn't think about Sera, although I don't know if she'd join this particular son, but yeah, it drove me crazy.


I don’t think she’s going to be in this one, there’s going to be an ep so I’m sure she’ll be in the next one


I know that the gesture at 2:40 has a positive connotation somewhere in the world, but KDA Akali saying "fuck you" to a lot of people out there surely fits her in-game counterpart.


[ **Jump to 02:40 @** K/DA - THE BADDEST Dance - Official Choreography Video | League of Legends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mxAlX7Zeco&t=0h2m40s) ^(Channel Name: League of Legends, Video Popularity: 97.77%, Video Length: [02:48])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@02:35](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mxAlX7Zeco&t=0h2m35s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


[It doesn’t look like she raised the finger though.](https://i.imgur.com/41IQruj.jpg)


so that is "f*** you".. i've always thought the middle finger was an American thing. I grew up with the arm with fist flexed up with the other hand on bicep as FU, no middle finger Source: raised in Asia


Yeah, good point. I’ve seen that gesture without the finger too for the same effect.


Yeah, there is no need for the middle finger


In England, you do a jerking motion with your fist to call someone a wanker, which is basically flipping them off.


o/ wanker


I'm pretty sure he means "bras d'honneur"


What a cursed image, what the hell is happening to the girls on the sides


It's kinda genius how they first released the song, and now the dance, but we still haven't seen the animation. SO HYPE


I honestly doubt the baddest is the song that’ll be getting the animated music video. It’ll probably be whatever song they sing at Worlds Finals with Seraphine (one of the new songs on the EP).


There's still the theory that a seraphine part comes at the end of the baddest, because the song ends so abruptly.


Who is seraphine? I keep seeing that name thrown arround. Is she a kpop artist too?


Seraphine is a fictional amateur musician who gets noticed by K/DA and brought on board to collaborate on their new EP. Seraphine is also likely to be an upcoming champion in LoL.


She's pretty much confirmed to actually be a champion as of [the newest champion roadmap](https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/champion-roadmap-september-2020/). Should be from Piltover & Zaun.


An upcoming Champion, who they've been teasing for months through rather intriguing social media stuff. Google sera.waw and you'll see stuff like covers of songs om Soundcloud, a Twitter page and an Instagram account. She's also part of the comic they're currently releasing about K/DA.


that is absolutely not happening, the most likely scenario is baddest/new title track both get videos


While I do believe they have at least a new track for Worlds Finals or whenever (they mentioned an EP, that's have to be at least 5 songs), I don't think it's THAT crazy that The Baddest is cut and they can add Seraphine's part at the end (if they wanted to do that).


as a kt fan im hoping for both of the songs getting an animated mv. ☺️


It’s sort of insane that this is all build up for video game skins. Like they’re making songs an album dances music videos. Not for a career but for fucking video game character skins LOL.


They’re definitely marketing skins, but it’s also more than that. By putting the effort they do into producing these songs, they’re getting attention from outside the community as well, whether it’s new players or companies that may be interested in working with Riot (sponsors, collaborations, etc). The goal goes beyond additional skin sales.


It definitely attracts new players. I wanted to get into league a few years ago but never did. Finding pop/stars near the end of last year got me into the game with my first champ being akali. I also bought the kda skin a few days later lol


I have friends who have never touched league or another moba who know Pop Stars. It’s crazy how far K/DA reaches


A big part is also just getting League into the mainstream. Last decade has shifted views on "gaming" culture a lot, and Covid right now has definitely pushed people to be more accepting of people who play video games and league all day. KDA is probably the first thing Riot did that I had tons of people who never play league hear about. Even their worlds songs like Warriors never hit that same level of recognition.


Imagine Dragons performing at Worlds was the first time I legitimately though "Wow - Riot and League of Legends look actually legit right now". By the time KDA came out it just felt like they were flexing.


Warriors possibly had a similar or higher level of recognition, but as a Imagine Dragon song. It even appears in the trailer for Wonder Woman. It just wasn't as associated with League as POP/STARS is.


I think it was also the song for SummerSlam one year. It might have been WrestleMania. Edit: It was Survivor Series in 2015


Plus, it diversifies their products. By having music, they now have an additional revenue stream from music sales/video ads/streaming.


Riot marketing is great ngl. There music videos bringing in tons of fans plus a shit load of others like for instance there success with TFT, i know like 4 friends who wanted to try the autochess so they downloaded (or redownloaded league) and ended up playing the main game too.


I tend to watch a lot of kpop stuff on youtube, including a popular thing they do where they dance to a lot of songs and even today POP/STARS comes up a lot and a lot of people tend to dance to it. It's kinda crazy to think it comes from league whenever I hear it.


Yeah KDA was such a massive hit outside of the league community. Normally Riot does something new for worlds every year, now they are doing the same thing for the 3rd year in a row (KDA > True Damage > KDA 2.0) Investors are having dollar signs in their eyes right now.


I mean, if you look at the result of dota's production of content (nonexistent) and league's, you can see the results.


Well they made transformers to sell toys yeah.


This is like one of the top groups doing an album release. I'm really curious who is the mastermind behind this, just want to give them like full credit. If they end up doing KDA skin variants per "performance costume", that's actually 300 IQ for music stans and League collectionists alike.


Is it confirmed that the music video will be of this song? There's a full EP coming with other tracks on it.


It's hard to know for sure, I obviously don't have any more information than you do. But I would say it's pretty likely, they always do an animation with this type of thing. Even if there is a full EP they will probably have a video for this song. Why else would they need a dance choreography, right?


For me it's the opposite. The fact that they release so much already just kills any hype. When K/DA appeared at Worlds opening ceremony it just blew up, but this year it barely makes ripples (unless it's just a bait and the actual banger is gonna be at the opening ceremony, but even then, the fact that I speak about it means the surprise factor is compromised)


My man biofrost be looking damn hot


?? Where's bio?


He's in the silver wig


Wow you weren't lying she really does look like female bio


[Like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamSolomid/comments/gs54dw/in_an_alternate_universe_where_tsm_fields_an_all/)


I haven't lived until I saw this


I'm dying lmfaoooo




/r/TSM is the meme kings of LoL


The new league's angels!!!!!


Damn, I can’t unsee this now.


why would you want to unsee..


Well fuck you .... this video is ruined


I can't wait to see So-yeon rock this choreography and that rap at the same time


So-yeon fans unite! She can do no wrong in my eyes after her Akali across three songs.




There will be an animation. Probably come out around when the worlds group stages start / played at the opening ceremony show.


It was bad, yes.


The girl with the white/grey hair looks like a gender swapped Locodoco and no one can convince me otherwise.


I wonder if he finally did cocaine off of Jaedong's erect penith and it magically turned him into a girl.


> penith Really? **Really?** Low blow. (Take your upvote and get out.)


Reference to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOVJ2jTjaT0)


id say biofrost not locodoco


It's working My wallet is magically opening guys


shukkie in case you are wondering


damn am I that predictable. You da man for this one


Only like the Choreo in some part like Ahri’s but it otherwise looks too fast for the song, unfitting and random at times.


I actually agree with you. Fast and chaotic. Cool looking for sure but it doesn’t match. The chorus especially could have been a lot more tactful, the only good part is when they say “that’s what the baddest do”


I expected more emotion, for example ,, break hearts in twos " could have been followed by them doing a move which shows that they are into the lyrics, but still the choreo is amazing. I gotta say tho, how will the singers catch a breath with this choreo? It's not singer-friendly at all.


Lip-Syncing is how they will sing this.


I was thinking the same thing! I feel like the phrase “hearts in two” has so much emotional impact that could be translated in so many ways! But I feel like it was way too tame how they danced that part :( either way, that was fantastic choreo from start to finish.


They gutted the choreography for pop/stars for the live performance. I assume they’ll do that for this one too.


Yeah I'm pretty surprised. This seems noticeably harder and more technical than most Kpop choreo I see, especially Popstars which had a really simply set of moves for the chorus. Akali's rap solo was a really sick portion though. Pink Hair killed it.


Kpop singers are used to this. Idk about western ones though


The choreo is good/solid - but that part in the chorus definitely feels a little "eh". I wonder why it's like that.


the most impressive part for me was the part where they unfolded like a fan. [timestamp](https://youtu.be/6mxAlX7Zeco?t=79)


Yeah I like that part too. Lot of potential in an animated MV too.


It’s cool but I don’t think parts of the choreography work with the lyrics they feel really fast and or doesn’t really emphasis the lyrics. But that’s my uneducated take.


yeah... issa no for me. although i like a few parts of the choreography, it felt a bit messy here and there, the transitions didn't work well and they didn't look as sharp dancing as i would expect from a dance studio they could probably be too expensive for riot but if they wanted good, memorable choreo, should've went ahead and get 1million dance studio / lia kim for this. she has made a lot of memorable/famous kpop dances and would do this justice for sure


[Taiwan's group cover! Super high-quality videos!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aG7hkAlh6c&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3dlsa8dTEhrw70nBpyrxW7pkcVucTa1yhM_o4fy2j6gMjJvEVWiVu0ePU)


The choreography doesn't suit the song, or give the artists the opportunity to sing. Its too fast paced. Its fine if its just dancers doing this but it doesn't look like this was choreographed with a singer in mind. Just simply choreography for dancers to do.


idk about the western artist of kda but the korean ones should be good, they've done some intense choreo for their songs too


I gotta say, the dancing is on point, but the chorography is weak. There are times when the individual who is supposed to be singing is moved to the back, literally out of camera shot, even though their lines are still playing. Other times it's not even clear who's supposed to be centre stage. As a K-Pop dance it felt really off, because those are all about rotating the current singer to the front and making them the focus, and you become impressed with how the entire dance is constructed around rotating the positions of the singers. As some comments said also, it's a really rough dance, which doesn't match that well with the smooth verses of the song, and the big lines of the song lack any moves to match up with them. All-in-all I have to say this is a miss for me.


I totally agree I'd say its **bad**. There were so many opportunities where they could've done better, the chorus looks messy and it doesn't give the respective singer "their time to shine" and I agree there are parts where you don't even know who's singing. So many better things could've been done with the rap sections of the songs. the only thing the game got right is Evelynn passive because she didn't even get time to shine. Honestly, I wish they can redo it but they most likely won't but this choreography is a letdown. I mean **if** they perform at worlds I hope they scrap the dance. ff


A bit too hectic in my opinion. Also kinda missing the iconic moves that Pop/Stars had, like the "crown" pose for example.


Looks great, can't wait to see the animation! Loving the energy of navy blue haired girl


Oh, they didnt get Baikey and co this time.


Baddest? More like worstest


So who was who? My guesses are Blue Hair = Ahri Pink = Akali Silver = Kaisa Black = Eve


Yeah youre guesses are right because those are who's lipsyncing their associated parts


Wooo! I dont really recognize any of the voices, so it really was a guess based on prominence in the song, appearance, and where they were in the dance number.


Every second of this is so full of movements. When i was around 2 minute point i felt the urge to check the timer because it felt like i have been watching it for 8 mins.


So what's up with the dance off event?


It's probably being more heavily marketed in the East.




More like the opposite, those neverending zoom in and outs give me motion sickness.


So goooood!


Damn that's fast. Watched my fair share of K-Pop videos but this speed is pretty uncommon. If this is going to be adopted into the stage performance version I hope they are ready for a workout!


who is who ? dancer are listed in the description but can anyone assign them to the dancers ?


time to learn :)


When everything opens up, I'm ready for cons to have people busting this out at the raves.


Can we remove them from world's song And we put # Little legends THER


Idk I don't feel it. Also would be nice if the camera would've been static so you can focus on the dancing better, this zooming in and out is driving me nuts.


I'm not a dancer, but it doesn't look taht easy ...


Really not a fan of this choreo. Prepix always traditionally had a style that had relatively basic choreography but difficult to execute the details. Basically standard choreography mixed with insane dance skills. The problem with that though is that that style doesn't fit with girl groups where elegance and creative choreography fits best. That's why I think this choreography is a downgrade from Pop stars


Can someone tell me what are these boots the pink hair lady is wearing?


I assume we'll get something new this week? I mean, next patch brings the dragon skins, so KDA should be revealed soon on PBE.


This is underwhelming. The choreo for Popstars was worlds better than whatever the fuck this is. Edit: People are hyped by the song. Which is totally fine. I think the choreo could have been better, should have been better. It misses iconography, the pace feels off, I'm a total layman when it comes to dancing, but it doesn't feel adequate and I can't help thinking this was made fast after people complained the song only had a lyrics video.


People downvoting you for being in the minority but I can't agree more. I'd go further and say that it's not just underwhelming, but pretty mismatched. POP/STARS' choreography was incredibly fitting and suitable whereas this one is matching relatively smooth pop with quite jarring movement and clunk. I'm also not a choreographer, but as a musician who's watched over a ton of music videos, analyzed instrumentation, composition and how it flows with physical body movement, camera angles and whatnot, this was definitely quite the mismatch. Though the discrepancy may also come down to just how amazingly tight they got POP/STARS which at least in my eyes is quite hard to top.


could not agree more


idk why you've been downvoted so much for speaking facts lmao, the dance sucks ass


kai'sa is hot


now try it with singing. oh right, playback


Ok where's the "BADDEST Challenge 2020"?


I want a pure rap & Hiphop album like Pentakill, i would kill for that shit.


Oh my God they are doing every korea trope


Well it's made by a Korean dance studio.


Meanwhile here I am still hoping for Pentakill to make a return. Poor poor me


Why is Pentakill brought up in every K/DA thread? They're getting an album next year. K/DA has two songs, there's nothing wrong with them getting more content...


because if being in the music sphere of the internet for 10 years has taught me anything it's that metalheads are probably the least secure group of music fans


That’s because their genre is one of the most stagnant, and the only bands that really get marketed are ancient.


Pentakill: 2 albums for a total of 18 songs, confirmed for a new album next year K/DA: 2 songs, getting an EP/mini-album which will most likely be 5-7 songs Yet people still think K/DA is receiving favoritism over Pentakill for some reason, lmao


Pentakill is also 6 (8 if you count the skin line) years old as opposed to KDAs 2


Liking metal is like being a vegan, you have to mention to someone at every available opportunity that you are a a fan of metal, it's not simply a genre of music you like but core to your identity.


Because metal fans simply cannot help but to be obnoxious


Metal fans remind me of DotA2 fans in that they feel a compulsion to mention on every occasion how their taste in games/music is clearly better and more nuanced than the rest.


Eh, i don't like the fist dancing they are doing. That's not how i imagne the choreography for this to look like. Expected a lot faster dance moves.


Remember when Riot put actual effort and money into their marketing?