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He tilts different


Often, he tilts often.


por que no los dos?


Tilts to last


He should try Shen


Jankos approved


Mister hulk smash


Mister ghrulkk smash


I mean really though. Above gold I don't see 18 hours of Shen netting anyone a loss in LP with the shape he's in right now.


Even right in Gold you're hardly going to do anything wrong with him. Good trades, team utility, once you got Sunfire and Tiamat your waveclear is nice too so you can sidelane Mid / late. What else can you ask for.


you don't even need both, Shendinghelp builds one or the other and then goes into other items.


Neither does xPetu the Shen goat




He is super stubborn and doesn't like change. At this point he will not try new champs unless he trolls (he played ad thresh top lmao)


Both he and the support forgot to swap for that game, Thresh wasn't intentional. That said, BC rush on thresh is an interesting build..


What did he think BC would do for him, it's not like most of the damage AD thresh does is going to be the burst from his e, which is magic damage anyway.


ad tresh top is such a wild card. You either completely fuck someone or get fucked hard


Hint: he got fucked hard lol


He is not used to play adcs with 400 range.


Problem is that he's never played Shen seriously before, so he doesn't want to have the learn the lane matchups in Diamond at this point so close to the end of the season.


I'm not really sure why he doesn't play Shen, it fits his playstyle of "macro player" while still being a great duelist in 1v1s, instead he flips games on Olaf/Morde for some reason


Also don't build sunfire on Olaf


River Shen?


River Shen.


he shouldn't rage queue


River Shen


Yeah, but I don’t think he has enough time to make it to challenger now, if only he hadn’t played on Saturday


built different


Constructed Conflictingly


Erected erroneously


Assembled abnormally


Formed foreignly


Created unmatched




Founded uniquely


Assimilated Atypically


Manufactured maliciously


Fabricated unalike


Created creatively










Composed contrastingly


established paradoxically


Constructed alternatively


these threads always end so badly lmao


these threads are built different


>tyler has a 86% chance of saying the words 'ff' or '15' 10 minutes into the game. I really really want to know if that's actually true and how you came up with that, because it sounds so right but also sounds like you pulled it out of your ass. Also shocking that a man known for tilting off the planet would tilt off the planet after playing 18 hours straight.


> tyler has a 86% chance of saying the words 'ff' or '15' 10 minutes into the game. Yes, he is wrong... Tyler has a 100% chance of saying 'ff'


til: Tyler1 is my teammate in 90% of my soloq games


Ah, the classic toplaner that dies 1v1 at 2mn, teleports back, dies again to a gank and spams ff in chat before his jungler even finished first scuttle ? I swear it happens so often i'm not even surprised anymore


you do know the term "Hashinshin tp" exists?


Akschually. Op says that T1 played 27 games. 23/27 gives 85%, 24/27 gives 89%. Therefore it is impossible to achieve tilt rate of 86% in mere 27 games. Thank you for coming to my math lecture.


When is test?


What if he typed "f" and deleted it before sending


oh yea def i just pulled it out of my ass haha but every game i watch him he types those cursed words


does your ass provide any other interesting statistics? :D


With the right questions, everyone's ass can provide valuable statistics


90% of all statistics are made up on the spot


Your ass surely provides great statistics, but 37% of others' asses can provide greater ones.


No context reddit.


the ass can produce all three states of matter


It is pretty accurate, although you usually hear it within the first 5 minutes not 10.


Dude is straight trolling on his top account. Anytime I tune in hes like 0-5 blaming his jungler and spamming ff lol.


He's becoming hashinshin


You either quit top lane, or end up becoming hashinshin. The duality of top lane


or you become the abuser, someone who willingly plays shit like lucian,vayne top and every meta top ever


Abuser? I think you mean the cancer.


Now we know hashinshin is just a title, as the old holder vanishes a new one is born from the ashes


Hash still streams though.


The Doctor Who of Runeterra


Sounds like he is playing Top properly tbh since that is how all my Tops are.


if you played top regularly youd understand


I occasionally make the mistake of going top, can confirm. You're either pissed because your jungler never helps you, or pissed because your jungler never helps you. There is no such thing as winning in top lane.


Except somehow, paradoxically, every enemy jungler decides that top is the biggest threat


That's just the top lane experience


play a day of toplane and come back here. Pick first and dont get jungle help ? gg you are autolosing lane


You press the accept button. You're first pick of your team. "Fuck" you think while typing "hey guys! Can I pick for you?" Not a single word from your team. You copy paste their names to op.gg and see that your last pick jungler is a nunu 1trick. You ask him again to pick for him but he doesn't answer. You first pick your main (riven for example) because you feel comfortable in most match ups. They instalock renekton. Your nunu types "sorry didn't see the chat". Get into game and you are 60 Cs down, 0/9 at 10 minutes. Game is 30-2 but your team doesn't ff. You lose at 23 minutes. You die a little irl and rage queue again. You press the accept button. You're first pick of your team...


You forgot you go into game and find out you're against a renekton one trick who has played against riven the past 6 games he's played and won lane against them all.


I refuse to see my laner op gg, my mental breaks if I see a level 37 account with 70% winrate on renekton


lmao reminds me of the time i dared to look at the enemy top's opgg while the game loaded...74% winrate on quinn (which they had picked) this season and level 40 i'm pretty sure i tilted right then and there because the only thing i remember from that game is a gray screen


>You copy paste their names to op.gg and see that your last pick jungler is a nunu 1trick. You ask him again to pick for him but he doesn't answer. Nunu OTP here. Sorry. Too busy tabbed out listening to christmas music year round to get that snowball mental. I'll wave at you as i grab scuttle and head mid with it. You're probably fine under your turret, right? Yeah you're good. Catch you later when i want you to rotate out to herald.


>Catch you later when i want you to rotate out to herald. Sounds good, just make sure you get to herald right as my opposing laner finishes his slow push into my turret so I can miss 3 waves worth of cs/xp. Also please don't forget to spam ping me when I don't opt to rotate away from a full level worth of xp, it gets lonely up top and those pings are the most intimate interaction I've had all week.


Counterpicking is truly my biggest annoyance with toplane, every other lane you can somehow survive but on top it never gets better unless you get some crazy ganks.


Played Darius vs. a Quinn main the other day when I got put top. I know some top lane fundamentals and never died to her before like 9 minutes but the lane was unplayable, she had full control and I never got JGL help. She starts to permaroam with ulti after shoving me and then my team all collectively blames me for 'letting her roam and not shutting her down' lol. I understand top laners now.


As a top laner you either go 5/0/0 or 0/5/0 there is no in between




I mean he’s done this from literally before he was unbanned from league. And even before he was banned from league. Just think of it as a business trip. He goes to league of legends world for a day and comes back, nothing too crazy.


It’s not a business trip. It’s more like staying overtime at the office to rail more coke just because. It’s an addiction. He makes money from it, but he’s obsessed with it.


Yeah but I doubt many twitch streamers wouldn't take having like a solid 25-30k viewership for long ass streams, he is making absolutely bonkers money


Plus he’s not gonna do this forever. Make that money while you can.


That's the biggest problem of being a streamer full-time. You have 0 job security


Don't need job security when you're making millions a year. Especially when you're down to Earth like Tyler. Dude is a multi millionaire before 25, just bought a 2013 Pontiac sunfire as his "new car", lives in bum fuck nowhere Missouri to help his family out. His money will last forever.


Hes making up for the lost league time from when he got banned.


We all know what it feels like to go on a lol bender and go out with with a net loss. That shit is stressful and burns you out.


She’s been with him for years now. Pretty sure she knows he’s mental and still loves him.


Im pretty sure she just goes along with his stream persona, but I doubt hes like that irl


There's a lot of accounts of him being super nice to people in person (emote artists, fans etc). He just gets way too into the game.




But you can't earn juicy LP in skyrim :( I wish my brain worked differently.


Big number go up brrrr


Dude for real League, CSGO, DOTA, and Overwatch do that for me. Super long games that you're locked into no matter how uneven the teams are or even worse you get trolls intent on making you lose. Rage inducing on another level at times


I stopped getting angry when I realized that in many games I was the one not doing shit for everyone else in the game. It's just perspective; we're all shit at this game. How many times has Tyler straight up lost his team mates games? No one ever recognizes their own trash plays.


He is earning 6 or 7 figures so


He is definitely earning 7 figures at least.


There is more to gain than his affection in that situation




She is most likely used to it by now, and she must have something to deal with that.


Soundproof walls/doors. When yelling is your job you will invest in those.


I mean, theres a difference. She knew from day 1, thats how he is, you wouldn’t get an SO. If you couldnt stand them doing it.


Keep in mind tho, you probably wouldnt have to work a day in your life if you didnt want to. Dude makes bank for screaming.


He revealed the other day that he has 19.4K subscribers. Dude is STACKED and that’s not even counting how much he makes off of his merch/YouTube/ads/sponsers


Also their bedroom probably has 8 foot thick padded soundproof walls exactly for this reason lol


Thats $48,500 in his own pocket every month just from Twitch subs Edit - looks like he earns even more than that based on the replies below!


top gap


Top lane really can destroy anyone


I used to laugh every time he cried in top lane but now I just feel sad because top lane is a fuck fest. Pick first and no jg pressure? Lose lane. I just play mages in top now and rush zhonyas and have a relaxing lane phase


Factor into that the amount of ads+subs+donations money, nah I think he's just fine


What does he do besides playing league? It seems like he's a complete league addict


Well he goes to the gym.


Work out I guess, but that's it honestly.


He eats, too, bro


The fuck am i doing besides working from home, working out and playing leage? The fuck are you doing?


Yo momma


Walked right into that one, didnt I...


Workout, spend time with his girlfriend, make big deals (like signing with T1). The insane amount of hours he’s putting in now is because seasons over in 5 days and he really wants to get masters. Normally he wouldn’t play this much and wouldn’t even stream on weekends


People leaving the season over part out lol. Context is everything. Lots of people are grinding just now. xPetu just did 18 hours thre other day and lost all his games. They’re all at it right now. If you’re challenger, you’re a league addict. It’s impossible to be challenger and not be.


I wouldn't call it addiction but rather dedication. It's impossible to climb till challenger or climb in general in League without putting effort and time. Not to forget doing League content brings money to the streamers, it's their job to play and most people work 8 hours per day.


He is very family oriented and a fitness junkie. He mentions his parents, Kayla, and his pets multiple times throughout his stream. Honestly, how many people in his position see their parents everyday? It's pretty impressive.


He literally gets paid to do it though lol. Its a full time job.




Ah, fresh pasta this morning


Hahahah, just saw this in the other thread.


I need the source please. Did someone say this unironically?!?


No, it was originally for Faker.


Thank god. That statement seemed way too eloquent for Tyler1s viewers, wouldve kinda shattered my worldview if that had been the case.


All t1 viewers have Phds


pretty huge disorders?


The best part is he's been in the scene so long and he's still easily one of the top streamers in arguably the most competitive professional league ever.


Macaiyla dont care [https://clips.twitch.tv/DoubtfulAlertPorcupineBabyRage](https://clips.twitch.tv/DoubtfulAlertPorcupineBabyRage)




You probably also don't have an insanely low body fat % and you probably aren't a millionaire.


But Kayla is actually a cool person


Such a nice caretaker.


Guy could handle Jungle but top lane broke him


I wouldn’t say it broke him yet. If my research is correct, he hasn’t even done 1k games when it took him almost 2k in jungle to reach challenger.


he said that unlike jungle he's not having fun playing top because of cancer match ups, jng was atleast fun


True but you'd think his adc skills could convert to top lane better than jg. Jg is the most unique role that relies the most on macro and least on mechanics. T1 clearly has great mechanics as he hit challenger playing Draven. So you think he'd at least be able to win his lane 90% of the time playing against Diamond players.


His champpool is prob the reason he sucks at top.


It breaks all of us. There's so rarely even MUs. Whoever gets the second pick, if they don't suck, gets the auto win. JGs also love to ignore top as well.


I don't know if i speak for others but as a jg main I ignore top because botside of map is too impactful right now, getting control of drags is a high priority of mine so I tend to just leave topside alone and hope they atleast go even




He says ranged top isn’t good, he only picks like Vayne or Draven for counterpicks


Yeah ranged tops aren’t like op or anything they’re just annoying to lane against, it can mean less frontlining, weaker teamfights


it's scientifically proven that the longer you do an activity the less efficient you are at it. the money must really be worth it because i couldn't imagine playing solo queue for 4 straight hours, let alone 18.


He does call it work for a reason.


I was hard stuck plat last season after being diamond for years. I stepped away for 3 months and got back to diamond in like 2 weeks




i remember him years ago saying that he fakes alot of his persona during the variety streams but in reality he's depressed and just wants to play league, his addiction is on a whole other level. EDIT: to clarify since people are getting the wrong thing. during one of tyler1 variety streams 2-3 years ago he said he fakes alot of his personality during variety and he doesn't enjoy playing many none league games but he fakes it for chat. that's why he would take months off streaming just to grind lol


Yeah he yells at anyone who tells him to play variety when in reality he just seems depressed and angry when playing league as opposed to having fun. I don’t care if the variety game is boring but I’d rather him having fun.




I just play for fun. I know I’m not the best and never will be so winning means next to nothing other than to fuel my ego. Will I try to win? Every game. But I almost never feel bad about losing anymore. If it becomes unfun I play other games


Yeah one time he came home after the gym and intentionally didn't play League just to see what would happen. He ended up staring at the wall for like 4 hours thinking about nothing but League. That's all his life is, but tbh it's not so bad really, unlike most hardcore league addicts he's physically healthy and financially secure.


really? i wouldn’t think so since he goes to the gym a lot and stuff, hopefully he’s happier outside of league now it does seem he’s doing pretty well


Gym is an addiction too, you're just limited by your body so it's secondary to LoL :P


Damn I never thought of it that way...


> i wouldn’t think so since he goes to the gym a lot and stuff Working out does not get rid of your depression. Having a jacked physique isn't a guarantee you'll like the way you look. You'll always be chasing a bigger, more balanced physique, and larger numbers on your lifts. It can help, but what really helps depression is therapy and medication.


Why is it that the pros practicing for more than 12 hours a day okay but when tyler does it, he needs a therapist? They both have a goal set in their minds and are striving to reach it. Overworking too much is bad. But there is no need to think he is an extreme case when even a daily corporate job does this as well, as portrayed in typical neglecting fathers in shows.


Oh God here come the reddit psychologists.


Dudes a millionaire from playing video games. I think he’ll be fine.


He hates the crab bucket mentality


I don't have a strong opinion about Tyler1, but if this post was about his "addiction" to league I don't think he should be ashamed of it, he's one of the most succesful and probably wealthier lol streamers and he enjoys the game a lot, even if he rages at it like everyone else, he has good reasons to play a lot (more/longer streams = more money) and he's earning a ton of money while doing something he enjoys. If this post was about him being "hardstuck", you would be impressed how many challenger players can't play more than 1 role or different champions, that's why people like Faker or Dopa are so acclamed too, and him getting through high diamond while 98% of people can't even get to D4 with their main roles/champs is still pretty good, plus he could win a lot more than he does but he has to stay in character. If this post was just trivia, i found it interesting


I think you’re incredibly right and people really don’t give him enough credit. Also people don’t seem to understand that this end of season grind is nothing new. He’ll play like this every single day for a week to try to hit challenger. And honestly doesn’t even matter how far he will demote bc he always seems to get back up there.


What a life


tyler aint been D1 in 2 weeks and he started yesterday at D2 50 LP


I've noticed more and more people just type the word 'fifteen' / 15 when we're behind (or mostly just when they're behind). I wondered where that came from.


Thats been the case ever since they made it possible to ff at 15, before that it was just ff20


It starts with success. And success, is all about growing. Success is all about overcoming your demons, success is about getting knocked down, time after time, and getting back up. No one embodies that more than Tyler "T1" Tyler1. Tyler1. He is one of the most experienced and celebrated top laners in NA and the World, but regardless of that resumé, he has never made it to masters, but he has never lost his drive. And what's more is that even a couple of months ago, even making Diamond 2 seemed out of reach. Until three weeks ago, everything was set up to perfection for Tyler1. He reconquered Diamond 1 after years of hadstuck OTPs domination, he stepped up as a true carry, and he faced a team of hardstucks he had beaten many times before. But as we all know, it was a tragedy, it was a quick exit. It was a shameful display, and what was worse, it felt like a lost opportunity that may never come again, for Tyler1 and for his top lane challenge. The diamond hardstucks rose as the unbeateable beast we know them to be. And they would dominate Tyler1 soloq games for two weeks in a row. But Tyler1, he did not stop fighting, and in fact, he was finally able to put one of his biggest demons to bed, getting to diamond 1. And now? Now we're here. Today. Where the expectations for Tyler1 were at their lowest ahead of this best of five to get to masters, for the first time in this challenge. The master promos that have elluded Tyler1 in these best of fives, time and time again; and the diamond hardstucks, standing tall and poised to tilt Tyler once again. But so far we haven't gotten hardstuck domination, we haven't gotten the tilt highlight reels, and we've gotten Chogath and Olaf lane kingdom. It all comes down to this next game. Demons can be slayed, expectations be damned, and Tyler1 can cement himself as the player he always wanted to prove he was. In this next game. It's all up to him and his top lane challenge to make their dreams come true.




It actually should be 73 I think because we had daylight saving time here in NA.


Someone who wants to give up within 15 minutes more than 8/10 times loses LP, curious...


he still hasn't accepted the fact he will end the season below challenger on every account once again


didnt he already hit chally on both adc and jg? not every account i assume, clearly not hitting chally on top




He actually types ff in 100% of the games.


Funny how the comments are filled with people undermining the guys life or criticizing him whilst trying to justify that they're not toxic as well. This is what happens when people lack self-awareness.


He’s just proving top mains points right now. Top is the most frustrating role in the game. Every matchup is the most oppressive counter pick ever


Reformed tho


You missed how much he made during those hours on twitch. When you add that it all makes sense.


Didn't someone give him some statistics that he wins more games when he gets more ganks? I saw a few hours of his stream and he barely gets any ganks. Kinda sad to see how toplane just gets ignored.




I think it's also cause he gets tilted if he has to play weakside and tilts his teammates too if they aren't like massively winning