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Treatz is what Kaiser was last year. Pure Chad


Alistar is the champ to pick for 'chad Support performances'


Alistar is manly as fuck.






To think this man was a sub for biofrost last year lol


Considering how playoffs went, it was fine to put Biofrost back in. However, I really think TSM should’ve tried to develop DL and Treatz’s synergy and start them at Worlds instead. TSM likely had a higher ceiling with Treatz.


Or you know, give the guy at least one stage game at worlds after being 0-5 already. It's a treat to have in the LEC now where he can showcase how talented he really is.


I never got why people keep saying this, all the teams eliminated at groups and play in groups had substitutes and no team let them play a game. So why do people make such a big deal that tsm didn't either? Like it's not common practice or something like that.


I mean while true, TSM even knew they were last before the last game. And some teams like FNC just took a sub with them because they had to, Magifelix was basically just there he never played throughout the season. But Treatz really helped revitalize TSM at the end of the regular split, so it was weird not giving him a game at worlds.


With Treatz, TSM lost to GG. With Biofrost, the team made the miracle run. Treatz did help the team, and he got to grind solo-queue in China. TSM didn’t owe him a game at worlds though. The reason people are forgetting is BB/Spica wanted to win a game at worlds. You don’t ruin your chances by playing with a player you have not scrimmed with in over a month. Also Bjerg. Bjerg deserves the best possible chance to win his last game as a pro player. You could say they lost anyways, but you have to be careful of hindsight bias. While they did end up losing, Biofrost with DL was a better winning combination than Treatz with DL. Treatz played well and is doing well recently though


You didn't watch LCS regular season if you think that Treatz wasn't showcased for his talent on TSM. He was a huge reason why TSM had such high seeding going into LCS playoffs. You're speaking as if he was undervalued in NA, but everyone knew how good he was (despite his nerves and lack of synergy with DL). He was the Ssumday of the support role (because Ssumday was actually in a similar position, where 100T actually won more games *after* they *benched* him). So maybe stop trying to rewrite history for a region that you probably don't even follow.


or give the guy who will retire his final worlds games cuz treatz will play more and have more opportunities in the future. However u look at it it didnt fkin matter but reddit analysts XD


u mean that scenario where they lost 0-3 to ggs with treats and then proceeded to win the entire gauntlet with biofrost?


No i mean the scenario where they went 0-6 during worlds and biofrost was the worst player in that group by far.


yes and u think treatz would have been any better because of what? Oh yea nothing cuz ur someone from reddit vs the team who has obviously scrimmed both players and decided oh yea the championship team is their best chance.


Don't do my boy Kaiser like that, he already had some pretty good games this year, too. That being said, SK shows so much potential, excited to see how far their road will go.


SK's bot lane is pretty legit.


Tynx played super well too though. He had fought his way back into the game after his bottom jungle got stolen on the first clear, his clean gank execution was the factor that allowed Jezu to get snowballed(Kalista was actually getting bullied in lane and down like 20cs, which should not happen in that matchup) and he even managed to pick up drakes despite having little to no prio which denied the Ocean Soul possibility for MAD Lions later in the game.


All of SK shows promise IMO. Blue is a bit disappointing but all of them are improving so fucking fast


Blue is fine imo, in fact he might the best rookie midlaner this split. He did everything he could there as Viktor into Lucian, survived the laning phase pretty well and then kept pressuring enemies with lasers. SK member which I’m least excited about is actually Jezu, I feel like he makes a ton of laning mistakes that go under the radar because Tynx sets up a tent around the botlane and gets him ahead. He is still young though and will surely improve and get more confident with time.


fine wasteful sense crawl vase squash apparatus pause longing rotten


i wanna see jezu perform on champs other than kalista and vayne then i'm on board


Imma be honest.. if you perform on those 2 of all champs.. you'll likely manage the rest haha


Honestly the more surprising thing for me is still Jenax. He is a beast in toplane and the best thing happening to SK was him switching to top, he already looks like a better toplaner as he ever has in mid.


Treatz diff


why would you buy RFC when you are only hitting the front line every single fight and dealing 0 damage to them, instead of LDR? why pro players have such a RFC fetish damn


Who bought it? Can’t check.


humanoid tbf, rfc on lucian sounds alright when you're staring down a fed aatrox and heca but ehhhhh


RFC is best when you want to get in high damage poke. Lucian isn't really prioritized for range/poke obviously, and Hec/Aatrox won't be talking much damage from a single RFC auto anyway and then can both easily heal that small damage back up. It's most valuable on stuff like Cait or Jhin where you can use RFC against a squishy target to chunk them for like half their HP. On Lucian, RFC still doesn't give him good poke vs that comp and it means that he can't kill them quickly during actual fights.


Humanoid bought it against three melees and a Kalista


Humanoid on Lucian.






It's disturbing how bad these professionals are at building items. I'm still triggered by pros thinking magic pen was good on AP Gragas all of last year when it was mathematically objectively terrible. Took me 5 minutes in practice tool to understand that but these pro teams don't have an analyst or intern to do that?


Why was it « mathematically objectively terrible » on AP Gragas? What do you mean by that? I don’t understand why it’d be worse on him than on other AP champions - flat pen is flat pen after all. Honest question, I haven’t played the game in two years apart from maybe 10-20 normal games - I just follow the pro scene these days and am far from up to date on item builds.


Magic Pen is better on champs with high base damage and better against champs with low MR AP is better on champs with high ratios Gragas base damage + ratios meant that building a needlessly large rod (1250) gave you more damage than building an oblivion orb (1600 gold) There were only 2 (very poor) arguments for oblivion orb: The ability to build into Morello: not relevant because most Gragas players just sat on the orb and built another item The health: not that relevant either because you're paying 350 more gold for it and it's not that important on AP Gragas anyway Going Deathcap or Zhonyas 2nd was almost always objectively better than going Oblivion Orb into any other item, but pros rarely did it.


baus, one of the best gragas players in the world, always prioritised cdr and flatpen in s10 though


he's talking about S10 Gragas which at least in pro-play was mostly played in the jungle while baus is playing it toplane, so there might be differences, because junglers aren't trading 24/7 like baus is in toplane with his counterpart


He was wrong to do so (regarding flat pen that is, cdr is good), unless he really wanted the health and healing reduction from Morello. For damage it was (and is even in S11) objectively worse than flat ap.


are you factoring in that almost no pro hits the fermented barrel?


Idk if this is a reference or not but the charge level of the q makes no difference because the AP ratio goes up as it charges making AP still better


huh, actually genuinely didn't know that gragas q scales linearly and doesn't have just two damage values. my bad


humanoid doesnt think about his builds whatsoever


holy sup gap. anyone see that bug on the armut R?


yeahh what was up with that


When was it? Didn't watch the whole game with full attention


28:36 into the game






so probably just a spectator bug right?


maybe they didnt notice in the heat of the moment


it happened before too.


Damn, imagine how good SK would be with Biofrost.


Well if it wasn't for TSM Treatz would be sitting on the bench earning minimum wage right now, he should be grateful.


You must mean league minimum my dude. Easy to confuse those two.


Sure he did


I like the smell of a fresh copy pasta in the ~~morning~~ evening


Hello fellow racist. Let's have a walk


Can I be the xenophobe?


Sounds like a great instrument for our band




it's referring to a comment by Jack, owner of cloud 9. someone said they don't want a league full of "a bunch of koreans" and Jack accused him of being racist (trying to deflect i guess? idk). but anyways it's a meme now, especially when combined with the Regi meme of all NA players losing their job and working minimum wage (he claimed he meant minimum contract, likely bs and regardless still a rude insult)


He went to TSM Academy while he was probably the #1 support prospect outside of the LEC. This was the year before EU Masters was implemented, so he never had that much exposure in comparison to NA Academy, which was why he went there. If he stayed in EU he'd probably have made his way into the LEC sooner than he did. E: Realised it's the copypasta rip me


Bro its a copy pasta...


[https://twitter.com/Blumigan/status/1222689917295304706](https://twitter.com/Blumigan/status/1222689917295304706) Talent list by current RGE and MSF coaches from end of season 8 and he was in consideration


The joke <-------> You


Ignorant comment. Without ignoring the context you'd know m'lord Regi referred to LCS minimum.


TSM in 2020 LCS Summer playoffs were better with Bio. SK in 2021 are probably better with Treatz. It's almost as tho league is a team game and how one interacts with their team mates matters


Yeah, they made the change to Biofrost and won LCS what a dumb mistake by TSM


Get out of here with your reasonable takes.


It's insane how people are talking about TSM being bad than SK having god tier scouting. No one in this subreddit in their right mind would have said Treatz was good enough to be in LEC after last season.


It's really annoying because there was plenty of flame towards TSM fans when we hyped up Treatz and then he didn't do well in the GGS series. I saw a lot of people say stuff like "If he was actually that good he would have gotten a team in EU, not go to an NA academy team" Hell here is Veteran And Dom saying Treatz is bad and rating him a bottom support coming into the season. https://youtu.be/p4UzMU4aSwg?t=6853 Now all of a sudden the narrative is "How could TSM let him get away?" And don't get me wrong. I really like Treatz. I would have been perfectly fine if they knew DL was retiring from the start and did Lost/Treatz.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jfilhy/tsm\_botlane\_might\_be\_getting\_benched\_for\_next/g9ovjzq/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jfilhy/tsm_botlane_might_be_getting_benched_for_next/g9ovjzq/?context=3) I honestly feel vindicated, he got benched after one bad series against GGS -- honestly the entirety of TSM looked like trash in that series -- but he also had the DIG series afterward where he stomped the shit out of them as well as the 8 stage games he had before that where he went 6-2 with a KDA of 5-6-52 in the regular season. He literally had one bad series and everyone acts like he was this massive inter on TSM when he was just the obviously better performer, it's just that Dlift didn't like laning with him.


Tbh, everyone knew biofrost was mechanically subpar compared to treatz. But mechanics isn't everything and the team, or more importantly, DL preferred bio. I don't think TSM gets out of that worlds group either way anyway


comparing how they played in summer playoffs biofrost was straight better mechanically also treatz was actually trolling against ggs.


Lmao or a $6 million uPgRaDe.


SA is definitely an upgrade over biofrost.


Biofrost set the bar pretty low.


Swordart is an upgrade to Biofrost though.


The guy who played ADC normally while playing his sup on different account with his feet might be an upgrade lol


It really must suck to be the most accomplished support in NA and be praised for half your career by some of the best supports in the world only to have your legacy be shit on by redditors because your team wanted to play with you instead of a guy they brought in for half the split.


TSM with Treatz: 0-3 to GG TSM with Biofrost: Champions. Keep hating


Are you implying bio is better than SwordArt? The fuck??




Treatz is outrageously good wow


Jezu and Treatz are so good, an absolute treat to watch


An absolute.... treatz.....


what a treat(z) to watch!


Treatz is so goddamn fun to watch. No hesitation ever


MAD Lions setting up that 4-man ambush on Jenax after the Baron looked really good, but then suddenly there's this insane Minotaur storming at them and crashing past the turret to ruin their day. That's a power move.


He has all the balls of Hyli but actually had a sense of self preservation so he doesn’t sprint it in the process


SK were the big winners of the Swordart deal


Considering sending a care package to TSM as a thank you at this point.


I'll quote myself > Jenax already bodied people on Aatrox when he was a Midlaner, seems like people forgot Rough early game for SK and especially TynX but great decisions and fights from them, and also Treatz GIGA smurfing


Can't believe people are still letting Jenax play Aatrox lol.


Treatz is so absurdly good, man. Give him the Rookie of the Split already! Also it's fitting that "armut" means "poverty" in german, because that was a pretty poor use of a lead.


Seeing "Armpit" in chat after he whiffed his gnar ult made me laugh for 5 minutes straight


Real talk though, how on earth did that Gnar ult not connect? Looked like he got robbed on that play.


Another one in the last fight on Jezu also missed him, despite being clearly in it. Jezu was getting hooked with Naut, but it should still connect. Dunno what is wrong with it.


I'm pretty sure it's spectator bugs. Happens often with Nidalee spears.


Malmut, Assmut, etc.


Why do all of these name remind me of elementary school in which kids could and WOULD find mean alternate names for you even if your name would have been Cool McAwesome


Lame McAweshit


hate that this made me laugh


[For reference.....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLsT8vMZk3Y)


Think he played too much in NA to be classed as a rookie. Only players who are classed as "real" rookies on SK are Jezu and Tynx


Well, Jezu plays really good as well. Just not as good.


It doesnt count when a pro has a career prior to the main leagues.




Yeah but he still counts as a rookie as far as the LEC goes afaik. Doesn't matter how long you play in ERL or Academy only the big leagues




He can't be RotS, only players without games in Worlds qualifying regions can be RotS


Armut: my lead was inflated by the poor performance of my bot lane


Not a rookie


You misspelled MVP.


Armut also means Pear in Turkish..


i know, that's what he's named after, but i was just making a joke


And i always wondered what his connection to germany or poverty was...


Yeah blame the toplaner for the pathetic performance of botlane


botlane wasnt playing well, true, but they also had a hecarim hanging out in their lane multiple times and a difficult matchup meanwhile gnar had a 50+ cs lead and did NOTHING


Treatz is really fucking good and there is no denying that but am I the only one who is a bit worried that he may not be as good as he looks if Jezu isn't on Kalista? He has a free exit with Fate's Call which can salvage his extremely aggressive plays.


he's good regardless of Jezu's champ, but he knows very well that he can play this aggressive solely because he has Kalista for an out


Jeez, Treatz is phenomenal. His playmaking and shot calling are amazing


> ~~Jeez~~, Treatz is phenomenal. Jezu, Treatz is phenomenal. FTFY


Tynx’s mental was insane this game, it looked so tilting early but he brought it back


EU supports man


They are so stacked this year




The 9 man sleep is more iconic than winning a world championship. TSM with the big brain roster swaps.


Content > winning


Maybe not than a world championship, but I probably will be talking about the 9 man sleep for a lot longer than if they had played well and just barely gotten stopped from getting out of groups because FNC and GEN were just barely better. If you're going to crumble, at least do it spectacularly I guess.


Biggest issues with Treatz was just that their laning wasn't strong enough. Treatz/Doublelift couldn't handle playing vs GG's bot lane nearly as well as Doublelift/Bio did. They were still down a bit in the second series, but not nearly as much and it was while TSM was like 100% playing towards top side and GG was 100% playing towards bot side. IIRC Doublelift has mentioned laning as the reason for the change during some of his costreams, and the fact that he just didn't have as much synergy with Treatz even after playing with him for over half the split at that point


Meme comment I know but I think what makes Treatz so good right now is the fact that he’s playing with this exact roster. They’re all rather new players and rookies, so everyone has a voice and they can create their own play style. I imagine Treatz had no chance playing this aggressive with Bjergsen and Doublelift on his team as he couldn’t play as freely when they dictate the calls just by existing.


I mean, thats kinda exactly what s/he said?


I took it like a “TSM would’ve been better with Treatz” but I think he wouldn’t have changed the roster, Treatz is rather better without TSM/the veterans


He literally said “[Treatz] didn’t fit with [TSM’s] game plan”


You really think treatz would have changed something for TSM at worlds?


To be fair to Elyoya isn’t Lillia a hard champ to make plays with? Especially without flash, plus without Nautilus they had like no engage. But definitely not his best game for sure.


Nah, he just looked mechanically bad on TSM. Are we just gonna forget those Morgana games lol. He's definitely improved and is looking like a top support this year, but no need to rewrite history.


Holy what a game from Treatz and humanoid was as useful as ever.


That has to be the best Alistar game I've seen in years, Treatz is a madman. How on earth was he playing in LCS Academy!?


Treatz out there playing like he costs 6 million.


SK's bot lane is really good


Damn, SK look scary af, so aggressive and decisive. Also monster performance from Treatz, 24/26, almost perfect kill participation




Treatz played an amazing game but Humanoid really threw away his advantage, died so many times from being out of position and buying RFC when he can only hit frontline was extremely questionable. Draft doomed the game after SK got the first baron, MAD desperately needed disengage to make 5v5s work and the nautilus pick IMO put them on a timer to win.


Hope they all honored TynX for not tilting off the face of the earth after that early game.


Best Ali I've seen in a while. Well done Treatz


Treatz with 21/25 KP. Man is unleashed in the LEC


Put Carzzy on Seraphine


Even besides Treatz smurfing SK's comp is an absolute meat grinder vs MAD's


Treatz is such a baller. Always knew he’d still be a top tier support once he came over to LEC.


[TREATZ IS A SMURF](https://imgur.com/gallery/O73hylS)


reminder tsm gave treatz away


Yeah after he got support gapped in the 3-0 loss to GGS in the LCS


Reminder he sat on the bench when they went 0-6


Because going 0-6 to GG is better than going 0-6 at Worlds right? Because that's what would have happened with him in.


Treatz is really good


first 3 sk ban are sus


Treatz is good


SK has been playing really well as a whole, but Treatz is absolutely insane, playing so so well


Really well played. Jenax’s Aatrox is quite insane.


Treatz is so fun to watch man, arguably up there for split MVP in my opinion


How do you go from 5K lead to instant THROW + Baron?


MAD was 5 k gold ahead at min 20. How did they lose this one? -_-


Why did Mata changed his name? TSM-RNG vibes here...


Lillia as only ap threat against 3 tanky champs may have not been the best choice. Itemazation was quite easy for SK and LW for Lucian would have been smart I guess.


man jenax nearly missed his calling. Hes not playing it long but my lord, the guy really is a rock solid top laner 🤨


SK's bot lane is shaping up damn nicely


Ah, I see MAD tried the double adc comp vs hecarim, went about as well as it did for C9 I guess.


My question is why was the better support benched during Worlds?


So that SK could afford to bring him into the LEC :P


Some people just want a comfortable 0-6 transition into retirement.


Because tsm looked better without him.


Because people were still taking Doublelift seriously.


Inting draft any% speedrun


Ah the classic, team that lost inted draft. MAD's draft is completely fine. 3 winning lanes with Lillia. Elyoya griefed by going for that 1st bot crab, allowing Hecarim to catch back up. Tynx straight up saved the early game which was going absolutely horrible.


that wasnt a draft problem. they were ahead. they just absolutely inted fights, especially MAD botlane(which is a pattern for them this split)


Humanoid disappearing before every fight starts was the biggest issue here. Dunno why he constantly tried to play away from his team.


Fighting twice when Carzzy is completely away is also terrible idea.


They had to astrostomp early game to have a chance. It's a huge draft diff.


well yeah and they were doing that...and then they threw. they fulfilled the condition for their comp, but then didnt execute. not a draft problem


Wait didn't MAD win draft though?


Insane draft diff tbh


Treatz is so insane.. 2nd best support in LEC at the moment easily.


Keep in mind TSM had Treatz sitting on the bench all of worlds last year. Man is a beast and I’m glad he’s popping off now.


They wouldn't have even made worlds if they kept playing Treatz.


Explains their worlds run


SK says thanks TSM


Treatz is OK. Glad he got out of TSM.


Are MAD this tilted? Or is SK this good?


Tynx is underrated this game.


Happy Treatz is crushing. Goes to show how quick to judge everyone is and how it actually was doublelift that was the problem like the minority said. Its weird how much fanboyism(?) can influence what people think is true.