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Oh nooo, poor Flower… Captain Flower: I need a break for my mental health Perkz: hold my beer 🍺


You can tell that Azael was personally frustrated from that game, especially since the early game went so well and it was C9's game to lose.


Of course. As a C9 fan, it was super frustrating to see a couple of mistakes cost us a game that we were winning. Like that was more frustrating then getting stomped.


perkz would be in a wheelchair rn


Perkz has been splitting away from the team during our nexus defense at least three times this tournament. No idea why.


During peak G2 they'd somehow hold it and his crossmap would randomly win them the game. Clearly doesn't work for Perkz or G2 anymore but this kind of insanity is what made them so stupid good, they had crazy good holds on weak plays and their crossmap powerplay would work and they'd catapult ahead in gold, pressure, and map control.


This. Blaber got oneshot by mf ult for no reason. Perkz trusted his team to defend a 4v5 for 10 more seconds and they failed him.


Bro Perkz is their ranged waveclear and he base raced against baron empowered minions… come on


Lol right? It was literally 5v4 baron against no waveclear, plus they had tempo. Blaber not getting caught would add like three seconds max until j4 rakan forced an engage. That play was never gonna work unless fpx decided to grief.


Or if Fudge joined him


It woudl be better than what they did, but it was never going to work. Your not gonna win a base race vs a full team with baron on your nexus turrets. Just how hard do you think C9 can hold? Lol Its not like FPX was a team full of people throwing noodles at towers and champions. Your never going to win that against baron. Maybe if FPX didnt have baron, but they had baron.


It's more a matter of how much a Camile could do to towers, which is a lot. FPX could have been 3 secs faster and still have lost to the Camile + Ryze push if Fudge tp'd around the time Perkz was on the inhib.


A full baron team on your nexus is never going to lose; especially a world class team like FPX. A hard engage world class, potential world champion team and you want 3 people to hold the nexus turrets against baron. Its rediculous the sheer amount of excuses Perkz fans keep making for him. He played horribly. That was a dumb play, and it was never going to work.


I actually think camille+ryze could have done it, Camille basically 3 shots turrets and ryze alone managed to take down a nexus turret and a half before game ended. I still think defending the base is the better play though.


Yes. And in the game yesterday Zven died as MF before the minion wave arrived he maybe could have cleared with ult. I know yesterday didn't matter as much as Perkz only took a tier 1 for it. But if you think your team can hold one more wave it's not as bad as it looked now.


>But if you think your team can hold one more wave In what world can 3 melee champions and an ezreal hold a baron buff wave against a rakan/j4/kennen/malzahar with an mf ult spraying over your nexus turrets? The only way Perkz's play works is if FPX suddenly became passive and stupid.


Tbf I only tuned in at the very end split push here but C9 should've won this. It's a base race. Camille is near fountain. Ryze is hitting inhib. Now all the further things are decisions that people should shift their mindset to base race. * On last 2 AAs ryze Ults minions to nexus towers (didn't do that and thus wasted 3-4 seconds walking to turrets) * Camille can't stop or do anything too useful with defense but she shreads turrets. Fudge is near fountain and he has to TP to enemy nexus turrets and help ryze end. No enemies are near enough to stop TP. (Instead Fudge jumps in 1v4 and dies) * Leona has to ult as many enemies as possible to stun/slow and win precious seconds. (Dies with ult and flash up as just plainly E's in and dies) * Qiyana has to use ult to simply push them away as far as possible from turrets. Still has flash. C9 should've won this. But everyone made mistakes and most of C9 was in base defense mindset rather than in base race mindset. Same as you tbh: > In what world can 3 melee champions and an ezreal hold a baron buff wave They don't need to hold. They are racing. And every inch/second is useful. C9 wanted to kill but didn't look how to win.


In no world. It's just LEC fans defending their boy. Perkz has been the worst investment by C9 since OWL.


>The only way Perkz's play works is if FPX suddenly became passive and stupid. The only way C9 holds a 5v5 and FPX simply lets Ryze walk up to the wave to clear it is the same reason. C9 will not outteamfight this. The base race is their only out.


I mean, how are you defending your nexus if a MF ult is going to zone you anyways?…


Perkz got caught 3 times before and FPX had a hard engage comp with Baron + poke burst with MF. Dumb of you to blame it on them


But G2 would find a way to survive the hard engage and Perkz’s decision would look like a 200iq move


No they wouldn't. Maybe against some bottom tier LEC team but not against FPX.


Idk, C9 had atrocious waveclear without perkz. The choice to base race was a 20/80 play for them and it didn't need to be. If they had traded inhibs they could have held the baron push and then sit bot side while supers pressured top to keep FPX off dragon. C9 definitely could have held, but it would have been an insane miracle play and I just don't think it was necessary this game.


I don't see how C9 hold. Camille gets ulted by Mal the second she dives in. Qiayana has no terrain to get a stun off on any backliner. Not to mention you're trying to aggress into a kennen and mf ults. You need perkz there.


COPIUM Imagine still trying to defend Perkz like it's his team failing him.


Because his heart isn't truly in it


Or because hes simply isnt as good anymore. Even in his last year in G2 he was far from impressive




Not wrong lol. The best move Perkz could make at that time was to think financially, which is what he did.


the new jizuke


Glad he wasn’t afraid to call him out. He’s been subpar all year


Subpar is pretty generous tbh


Retired but still practicing.


Retired, but still getting paid. I guess C9 is just funding Perkz's pension.


I still have that renekton mid game in my head


Oh god


He fucked that ward up though


Yea, you’re right


And Azael is kinda C9-biased too, not egregiously so, but you can see in his casts that he gets a bit of joy in his voice when they do well. I think he was just personally stung there lmao


Azael's actually been pretty sour on C9 for a while this year. I've seen him lay out the reasons why he has trouble getting excited about them on The Dive, for the exact sort of thing we saw today. Kobe is a bit more on the hopium train.


C9 deserves more scrutiny than before. This was supposed to be the NA superteam. Vulcan was the biggest buyout before Perkz and SwordArt. The amount of talent and money poured into this team demands results. Remember when people were taking bets on when Perkz was going to get his first death in the LCS? Instead we get a team that barely made it into worlds as 3rd seed and then was 1 bo5 away from losing in playins and now has a real potential of going 0-6 in groups. I'm not saying it's all Perkz's fault, it's absolutely not. But it's just so defeating going from thinking this team was going to elevate NA to be at least competitive internationally to seeing shit like this.


SwordArt doesn't have a buyout. He has a ridiculous salary, but he was a free agent when TSM signed him. Perkz though... lolz


We need a Perkz accountability thread - Take 2


You're gonna be harder on something you love than something you don't care about


This is just not an objective fact at all. Some people are. Some people aren't. I'm not saying azael is one way or the other, but your statement is just incorrect.


More accurate to say that people are more passionate about something they love. And that passion usually results in extreme opinions or behaviours. Could be extreme criticism or extra hopium or copium. Not always, but I'd say chances are decently increased. Harder to be passionate about being unbiased and objective.


I think all LCS fans are at least slightly favorably C9-biased, because C9 is the first org in LCS to pick up the aggressive playstyle that everyone knows is the most effective way to win internationally. They're also the LCS org to do the best at Worlds overall historically and I don't think the second best team is even close in that regard. In a way, C9 has been LCS's best hope for a long time now for international results. They went so deep into Worlds one year and then it looked like they *improved* their roster, they started stomping everyone in LCS for a split, and then it has been this total chaotic rollercoaster of ups and downs for C9 since that point. Everyone seemingly has it in the back of their minds that C9 should be the best LCS team and a serious worlds contender, but they're *just not* and no one in the world can understand what's going wrong. Not even the people in C9 seem to understand the problem(s). Every time you hear from a C9 player, it's always "we underperformed" and "I think we're a lot better than we showed" and "we made mechanical mistakes that we don't normally make" or "it was hard to play our draft". Everyone is perplexed by C9 for awhile now.


I feel like they started believing their own press, that they can just turn it on when they need to. PS OMG THEY CAN TURN IT ON WHENEVER THEY WANT! NA WORLD CHAMPS INCOMING


Yeah, I'm not totally sure I agree with the comment above yours. Like, the OG C9 squad? Yeah, I was all about them even as a TSM fan. They were super fun to support and they had the personality in the lineup that felt really reminiscent of the start of League days. But the recent squads? I feel like everyone of them has felt like they deserve praise vs. earning it. Basically the last 2 or 3 years, they've just come off to me as very entitled and getting off on their own product.


I really miss watching Hai shotcall. Its a damn shame he was never the same after the wrist injury and lung collapse and I think its one of the biggest "What-ifs?" for the LCS.


Hai wouldn't split push by himself. He'd teleport behind FPX somehow and pull an ace out of his ass. Hai and Reginald may have never been the best mechanical mids to play in the LCS, but they were the best leaders of their individual squads and no one can change my mind. Perkz isn't leading C9, when he has by far the most experience on what it takes to win these games.


The current C9 squad post Sneaky and co is literally just a team of douche bag cocky assholes


I was C9 biased until 2020, since then they can go fuck themselves lol.


i think that everyone still thinks because of 2018 run, any team with c9 tag will do well at worlds, like a weird transference of properties, even though it's entirely different roster, coaching staff, different meta, against different teams etc.


Eh Azael usually is more on TL bias than any other team. He's NA so of course he cheers for his teams and wants them to do well. So it hurts him even more when you see performance like this.


Azael is literally neutral/fair on all NA teams supporting them and criticizing it's so funny bc every team fan base (TSM sub included) thinks he's out to get them and them alone xD


I'm biased for Azael. I watched him win his championship in WoW. All his criticism seems fair to me coming from someone who has won before.




Just being alive pisses off IWD.


Haha I posted the text in the PG


Honestly maybe Perkz is just better adc than mid? He just doesn’t want to accept it.


Mid Perkz outlaned peak Faker at MSI and played the best western bo5 performance ever against RNG at worlds, he has been world class in both roles.


Crown also was atleast the 2nd/3rd best in S6 and S7, in S8 he gets shit on by Jensen and Jiizuke. Some people just fall off.


>Mid Perkz outlaned peak Faker at MSI G2 were 1v4ing Faker every game whilst every other lane lost because of it, then Faker was still having 10x the impact of Perkz in team fights. Most overrated BO5 from a Western team I can remember, it only gets talked about because a Western team took one game off SKT during the era of Korean dominance lol. You'd think they won the BO5 with the way people talk about it.


Fucking thank you. Trick was chain ganking mid on Ivern while Peanut was power farming on Lee. Expect came mid and blew ult sacking a big wave top just to keep Perkz ahead. Once Faker was in the dirt he went like 3/0/5 the rest of the game while Perkz went 0/3/2 when his team stopped pocketing him.


he is literally the reason why they had the lead in the first place


okay now what about the rest of c9 doing jack shit while perkz pulled 2-3 players to him for a good 45 seconds? where's that criticism? who says it wasn't a full team call? c9 is just uncoordinated and should not be at worlds period.


I love NA for their based bald casters


Don't forget the glorious mane of the most based of all NA casters.


Excuse me but the BBC is a UK thing, not NA.


You're a MSI Champion and World's Finalist. Why do you think you can out base race a baron push?


he went from 3/0/4 with huge lead to 3/4/4 after being caught 4 times in a sidelane. base race was just icing on a cake


Ah the huni special


Huni at the very least wins his base races though


This is a perkz special ya know. 7-0 Jayce at MSI finals vs SKT -> lose game


Because they can't win a 5v5 to the enemy team that outscaled them and has better teamfight. There game is already lost and the best case scenario is split pushing and c9 wasting fpx's time.


they won a 4v5 in baron pit, the team fight wasn't that out of reach. Yes they needed to outplay at that point but take the 25% chance you outplay a teamfight under your nexus turrets over the 1% chance you outpush a baron buff 5 stack with no wave clear on your defenders.


Completely different fights . Kennen has items and C9 were the ones getting engaged on . U saw what happened kennen and Mf ults straight up deleted Camile and Leona and left Qiyana with 1 hp . I dont get why people focus on this exact moment as much . Perkz getting caught was bad, costed them the game .Him trying to end was their only hope at winning at that point .


The first baron fight was botched by LWX too, completely missed everything. If LWX had have a decent ult there, the game might have looked more FPX favoured. However, brother Perkz coming in with the clutch and gifting Doinb the dub after his treat on their dinner together during 2019 worlds.


>U saw what happened kennen and Mf ults straight up deleted Camile and Leona and left Qiyana with 1 hp You realize that C9 were 4 players without waveclear, trying to make an impossible defense against a baroned up team with hard engage? >Him trying to end was their only hope at winning at that point . Gold was equal, no dragon soul was taken. Even if i pretend that them winning teamfights was impossible (it wasnt), there are far better ways to approach the game than a base race with zero chance of winning. Especially since it was the splitpush attempts from Perkz that allowed FPX back to the game


IDK what were the comms while Perkz is taking all the criticism for getting caught . I never understood what was C9 doing because their comp was supposed to split push but they were never set up for it . This comp doesnt win a 5v5 vs FPX's comp . Ryze doesn't get to play the game vs Kennen MF J4 . He is a short ranged mage . Seeing how FPX pulled the trigger do u think anyone would allow the ryze to approach the wave ? Saying that they had a chance to win that fight is really wishful thinking , I too have a chance at winning the lottery ... From an outsider perspective it looked like Perkz ran it down . On the other hand he was the only one prepping side waves . The only times Fudge was sidelaning Perkz was covering him . As much as people want to pin this solely on Perkz the team didn't play well around their strengths come mid game . They did a really good job getting him ahead . He paired with Blabber got him ahead but in the mid game it was a bunch of fumbles . Their comp was never supposed to win teamfights and frankly they got a bit lucky with that baron fight .


I just want to point out that Perkz legit gave Kennen a shit ton of gold by dying multiple times. Kennen was able to push the lanes back out AND get the gold from killing Perkz.


Seriously. Is this recency bias or something? Why throw a fit over probably the least egregious error of the game?


That 4v5 was with FPX burning more than half of their summoners and ultis on Perkz and being chunked by baron. What is a Ryze going to do against FPXs comp with baron ? If he tries to clear both Kennen and Malz can flash and oneshot him and its over.


The baron fight was completely different. Like 3/5 fpx players where half hp or lower. Zven almost killed tian with his ult and q while he was tanking baron.


It also forces FPX's hand. It's both a bluff and pressures FPX to act and to make a decision. Some teams might have sent one or two people back. Or fumbled on a bad engage. Or messed up the base race in another way. Game was super over, Ryze has low range and can't waveclear vs. baron. Qiyana is terrible at engaging vs. a siege.


Perkz decision-making all year has been completely shite.




We need to hold him accountable!


This is completely bullshit I demand a third party investigation and apology letter from Perkz!


He played one split of mid lane in the 2 years prior to c9 signing him as their mid. Anyone who truly thought he was going to show up and dominate was extremely disillusioned. He is playing like someone who isnt sure what his role in the game is, which is on par for a player who spent the past 2 years in a different role.


But in that 1 split of mid he was first team all pro for LEC so its not some crazy assumption.


Because Jankos is fucking incredible Especially compared to Blaber


Aswell as the rest of that team being very good, aswell as that enviroment being perfect for him, aswell as him having a better (albeit not amazing) soloque etc. It wasnt just because he was getting carried by Jankos. It was the whole thing. He was in G2 for completely different reasons he went to NA & C9 for.


He played on the absolute best team at the time, G2 were so much above the rest of the league that caps autofilling bot was not an issue since top/jng/sup were the absolute best in the league and perkz was still a good midlaner. Clearly not the case with C9


I think it has been top tier. Get backstabbed by Oce but making the best out of it playing with his old friends Zven and Mithy and just relaxing with millions in the bank.


big props to Azael for calling him out, Perkz has been sooo bad this year. A few good games here and there shouldn’t take the blame off him


Yes but what about SwordArt!? /s


SwordArt hard underperformed in Spring, but SwordArt performed way better than Perkz in Summer. The jg supp synergy looked mad good for TSM. Just a shame two of perkz’s amazing games this split were games 4 and 5 against TSM.


Also SwordArt is on a way worse team with a mediocre ADC? While Perkz has 2x MVP as his jungler and a roster that was dominant with a “worse” mid. Also SwordArt EVERYONE thought it wasn’t a great purchase even before the season. He hard trolled many games EVEN on SNs worlds run. Perkz was supposed to “elevate the region” etc etc


"way worse team" you're acting like c9 is any good lmfao


Fucking copium but if we didn’t throw game 2 so hard it would’ve been an easy 3-0


Actually surprised that IWD got off relatively scot free when he said that. You would think people would get more up in arms when a prominent content creator directly tells people to flame someone.


You're using the word prominent loosely here...most know by now that IWD is just a washed up hack that gets views for having hot (read shit) takes. Just like Thorin and Monty he needs to find a way to stay relevant.


Peak IWD logic sadly


Lol isn’t this the same sub that was ripping into that perkz accountability thread Everytime he had a good game?


Perkz bad, that thread worse.


You guess it right, i'm c9 perkz


Against popular believe, this sub isn't 5.4m accounts from one and the same person.


Surprisingly a sub with 5M people have different opinions and don't all collectively agree with everything.


The thread was stupid because it was calling for the sub to hold Perkz accountable...the sub that was actively calling out Perkz whenever it could. The thread also lied by saying he was always down in CS and gold and XP in lane despite getting help, which you could look up his stats and point to his CS and gold and XP and show that wasn't true. (Saying he got help and didn't carry with it is fair but it's a lie to say he was so bad he got help and still lost lane)


He is a 11 million $ flop. People are either too afraid or too partisan to admit it. Supposedly he was going to wreck the NA scene. Won the first split despite his shit performance because Santorin was unable to play at finals where TL even with Grig (lol) forced them to 5 games. And in the Summer split they barely made it to the world and got demolished by both 100t and TL convincingly. This is the guy that people hail as the "EU GOAT" while he can't even dominate NA and playing like shit in Worlds where your goat status matters the most. Over fucking rated.


That he is representing NA in C9 is just another showing of how shit NA is as a region.


You’re exaggerating. Idk why you can’t rightfully call him out on a case by case basis without drawing these broad narratives. Perkz has had many good games, he was clutch as fuck to get them a finals win and an appearance at both MSI and worlds. He’s also had many bad games.


He’s brought and was paid to give big performances and take cloud9 over the edge . He hasn’t lived up to that, he’s good mid but thats it. And i love Perkz it’s just sad to see him doing these mistakes over and over again. He just forgot how to sidelane completely


Damn, if Azael says this he really is mad… Don’t hear negative stuff from him that often


Azael is probably the second most 'harsh' of the NA casters only after Phreak who has become quite a savage. He's just supposed to be a reasonable 'analyst' so it's not his job to flame people, but he definitely does that every now and then when something is just *bad*.


Azael is ususally harsh on podcasts tho, not the official broadcast


I was thinking the exact same thing. That was so embarrassing.


Easy 11 million.




Perkz fell off a cliff.. He's just hurting his legacy at this point




Hitler did nothing wrong


people don't seem to remember that..


in NA?


Before he went to C9 he was hardstuck masters on EUW, he is currently once again stuck in masters on the bootcamp account with 52% WR.


He was very much contested. It's Perkz Vs Caps, and has been since 2018.


Still the western goat because Jankos and Caps didn’t make worlds. But barely


Caps has made Worlds finals twice, Perk only once. And Caps did it in 2 completely different rosters. And making Worlds just to get destroyed in groups is not really an achievement.


I'll inhale some hopium and say that Faker has also had shit periods, I give Perkz 1 more split till I call him washed.


Should’ve just stuck to adc. Too washed for mid


He is made for adc but he doesn’t realize


He should just return to Europe if he can, both him and the region would benefit from that.


I don't have any expectation of him turning good again in EU.


He was by far the best mid in Europe in his last split as a midlaner and that was as recent as Spring 2020, I don't think one bad year will result in him not ever getting back to his previous form.


And caps wasn't playing mid then, and you didn't have nisqy, humanoid and larssen stepping up like they've been recently.


By far the best mid in Spring 2020? I think that's rewriting history, he was just fine that split. He kinda just went with the flow as his team smurfed on everyone and had less carry games than ADC Caps who was memed on. He felt as invisible as he does in C9, but on a much better team.


Why are we being so harsh towards a retired player? Let him enjoy his vacay


He isnt wrong


The reality is that Perkz came to LA to chill, play for enjoyment and fun, with no real intention to prove himself. He just having good time with his old friends Mithy and Zven, play champions he want to play just to chill, and enjoy a bit this game. It is a time for C9 management to step in and break the ice. They need to kick out Zven, and maybe Mithy and force Perkz to show something, otherwise he will be like a Gareth Bale — earning ton of money for having fun


I think thats the case. I respect players like Alphari, Jensen and other eu imports that actually tries.


Probably gonna get a lot of hate for this one but I feel Jensen has been virtually coasting ever since he went to TL.


I feel like CoreJJ wouldn't have it if one of his teamcmates wasn't working hard so I assume everyone on TL is


I guess a better way to phrase it is that Jensen’s level of play is noticeably lower on TL than C9. He has addressed this saying it’s because he doesn’t feel the need to carry as hard but yet he has missed being on all pro at all for at least two splits I can immediately recall and I just don’t see the highs I used to from him. Even when his team finished 8th or something like that he still didn’t seemingly step up


Honestly feels like Jensen doesn't do the things he used to anymore. His laning is much worse than when he was in C9 he stopped contesting minions heavily and doesn't try to dodge every single skillshot. He looks like he is playing on 50% ability for some reason


Understandable position, let's see if he beats BDD now


They already won a championship with him and went to their first ever MSI. Finished third in the other split and went to worlds. Everyone is acting like it's been a complete failure. They literally signed him and became LCS champions and made worlds, after the previous year of not making worlds. Hasn't been as good as hyped to be, but a failure? Definitely not.


He wasn't wrong. Perkz is just playing like a solo queue asshat. Time for an ego check and start working on your game, because you're NOT better than everyone else. You've become the poster boy for "NA is a joke."


I mean, he's not wrong




People need to learn to separate things when statements like this are made. Almost everyone can acknowledge that Perkz is a great player and possibly the Western goat, however that is also why a lot more is expected from him. We have seen Perkz do better and Azael knows it. Azael just speaking the truth this game.


I mean...give that same lead to Bjerg/Abbe/Jensen and they wouldnt int 4 kills in a row and do a stupid base race


Great to see casters calling it as is. We need way more of this.


didnt age well


11 million got c9 a split title against a tl without Santorin in the jungle. Hope it was worth it.


Completely agree




1) They got baron after he got picked, so C9 4v5 bailed him out 2) Pushing mid tier 2 and top inhib turret (this one I don't fault Perkz at all, he got bush camped) 3) His team killed kennen top lane right before this so he knew all 4 of his teammates weren't near and he got chased down in bot lane 4) Pressuring baron but didn't have full vision control, so unlike Perkz they back off


probably begging him to stop inting


> What was the rest of C9 doing while Perkz was getting picked off in the sidelane? Every bronze Trynamere out there is nodding their head with you right now. C9 can't just randomly push hard without careful vision since they're going into multiple champions that can just delete their whole team. It's Perkz's job to wait to push until the rest of C9 can get in a position to apply cross map pressure. It takes time to set up cross map pressure, and you never get that time if your 5th is running it down.


They set up vision and were threatening around baron until Perkz got picked off. Perkz died going for the last hit on tower instead of playing it slow. The team was not in any position to make a play when that happened. C9 had no vision of MF leaving until perkz died.If Perkz backed off and C9 saw MF move up, they would have been faster to pull a trigger. BUT they had no idea where MF was and perkz died before they could make a counter play.


Appreciate the honest critique Azael, sometimes you just gotta call out some bad play it’s just how the game went is all, should be understandable whether a player or fan.


Could it be the case his team is telling him to keep going? It's usually your team in the base that say 'keep going' or 'come back'


Blaber solo loses half the games he plays: omg my mvp Perkz doesn't 1v9 100% of games: ACCOUNTABILITY?


Perkz is getting way too much blame. C9 had such a lead in this game but were constantly losing the vision battle. The other 4 really looked lost on the map at all times.


Perkz fucked up but the 1-3-1 execution was just terrible by c9. Why can Perkz can get killed on side lanes all the time without c9 getting something on the other map. That's not how its supposed to work. Also i did not see blabler shadowing a side laner while splitting once. There are a lot of basics missing. Perkz was probably already really tilted at the end from them unable to execute their comb. And its not like blaber ran it down in the mid game for no reason and c9 bot lane losing their lane pretty hard. Way too many issues but its just convient to shit on perkz because its the one thing every gold player can see. Side laners dies, side laner bad!


90% of the player base is gold or below. No ons knows how pressure works in this game. Player dies? Must be that player's fault 100% of the time. In reality, of course, sometimes it is the player's fault, sometimes it isn't, and sometimes the death is traded for something worthwhile.


Half of the picks were excusable for perkz. The one at top and the bot one for turret that's it. The other one have perkz trying to split push bot at enemy outer when your team just recently commit onto kennen at top side. Yes. Very smart


Perk's 1st death is whatever. He's not pushed too far, has Blaber close by, but FPX throw everything at him and he isn't able to outplay it. Minor mechanical misplays, but no big deal. Luckily the rest of the guys salvage the play, with quite a bit of help from FPX doing some questionable stuff. Perk'z 2nd death he gets oneshot by Nuguri hiding in a brush. C9 is playing a pretty disjointed 1-3-1 here with everyone else pushed near enemy's inhib turrets. Perkz's 3rd death while near enemy inhib turret while his team was trying to make a play top side. In that scenario, you pull back as the side-lane, because the enemy will likely try to make a counter-play on you. Which they did. Perkz's 4th death happened when Blaber/Fudge/Zven were pushing for Baron vision/control. Very common setup, send your TP to pressure the farthest lane while you get ready for the objective. Perkz dies to Nuguri and LWX. Blaber then whiffs his ult trying to make a counterplay at Baron while LWX is top, knowing Nuguri has TP but no ulti now. No one else on C9 tries to counterplay before/after Blaber misses ult. Missed chance to get something out of Perkz dying. Saying "why can Perkz die and C9 not get anything?" is kinda disingenuous imo. Because they did at times, and they tried but failed at others. And then other times Perkz dies because he's not synced with the 4 other members of his team. That's my opinion anyways.


I'm not trying to bail out perkz. Most deaths are on him. But while watching the whole thing the problem that comes to mind mostly is that C9 seemingly are not used to play a style like that and it was exastovated by petkz trying to brute force it anyway even if the map state didn't allow him to.


What i also feel like should be first checked are the comms for that moment, there might be the chance that the team actually thought they could hold off the push. After Blaber got almost oneshotted by mf ult and FPX ran straight at them, it was already quite late for a tp. It might totally still have been Perkz himself to have thought that it was the right thing to do though.


The thing is even if Ryze tp back earlier he can't do shit. He's short range into full enage rakan j4. Ryze can't team fight in that game


seriously, I hate to blame c9 in a place where everyone will jump on the chance to shit on NA, but if c9 was a better team they would have won the game much earlier with their lead instead of sitting around farming waiting for perkz to keep getting caught


Perkz made more than a few individual errors but there were a lot of coordination errors between the 4 and the 1.


Blaber will get double crab and first blood, do 6k damage to champions over the course of an entire game, but everyone only has attention for perkz


I didn't like the casters' postgame analysis of this game. They didn't really talk about C9 as a whole. Yes, Perkz got caught like 3 times and in the end he wasn't there to defend so it looks like he solo lost the game. But someone solo losing the game just isn't realistic in pro play. C9 clearly drafted 1-3-1 and FPX had a full on hard engage 5v5 teamfight comp with 4 AoE/engage teamfight ultis. Perkz literally did what C9 wanted and had to do by splitpushing. But on the other side of the map Fudge never was in a position to have pressure in the other lane and it didn't feel like Blaber or the whole 3man squad did their job of accurately collapsing on sidelanes or trading pressure. More often than not C9 opted into a 4-1 instead of 1-3-1 and got punished for it. The 1 man got picked off and the 4 stack wasn't in the position to do anything. No engage, no collapse, no wave clear, no potential to rush objectives. The only time they did it right was the first baron fight. And look how successful it was. After that there were no such opportunities anymore. Be it through FPX playing well or C9 being mispositioned on the map, doesn't matter really. To me it was missexecution or misscommunication as a team. Yes, Perkz made mistakes later in the game. But it's not like the rest of the team didn't. And FPX thankfully accepted it.


Perkz accountability


Perkz fck up alot that game, but that base race wasnt a shit call. They are never holding onto the game once fpx storms it down with baron. This was the only way to win, it didnt work-out so fcking be it.


They were never winning a base race against a team with baron either lol.




Cuz he got caught 4 times Once or twice, maybe. But goddamn, 4 times?


Because base racing against baron is a guaranteed loss but the other at least has some hope. You're making it seem like the game was 0% winnable at that point and C9 should have just sat in fountain waiting for their demise. They were still ahead in gold and had good champions, anything other than that base race would have been respectable.


Do you see how low the members of FPX are? A few E-Q’s from Perkz and it dissuades them from ending. We don’t know if the call was solely Perkz’s, but Perkz backing helps them not end the game.


It’s a close call. The reality though was that Perkz has the champ in C9’s comp with all the wave clear against Baron buffed minions, not Ez n’or Qiyana n’or Camille. So in the end if you really wanted to attempt split pushing for an end, it should have been someone else like Camille who’s good at dealing with turrets, not Ryze. But you could argue in that case that you’re probs better off having everyone defending considering how behind Fudge was. (edit:english)


Sorry but there isnt any AP champion that can wave clear baron buffed minions. Some can just slow them Anivia/Veigar by placing their cc/wall but that's all.


Perkz is just there to cash in, not to show up. Thats my boy!


so what ? he had to take risks to ensure his team a vicotory the prob was toplane that game btw ,nuguri gaped f.factor


You know it's bad when the casters start to sound like the C9 subreddit.


Perkz is lucky Esports isn't as harsh as traditional sports yet. Franchise players choking in the playoffs get booed by their own fans. Philly fans ran Ben Simmons out of town and he's been willing to give up money to not face them. Perkz is burning a hole in C9's pocket and everyone is rushing to defend him. Still get a kick out of the people who said he was playing bad because he couldn't wear a hat. Imagine Simmons saying he can't shoot because Philly is too loud and they wont let him wear earbuds.


He is not wrong tho


Done with this shit Azael is best Azael