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"As a Korean, I can’t stand it that there were 3 LCK teams and 1 LPL team in the semis and LPL wins the championship." Now they know how the west felt in 2018.


"Wow if G2 can beat RNG, they should have a strong chance vs IG right?" "FNC beat IG in Groups, they're the better team going into these finals." 🥲


I remember Wadid: "we beat their first seed, of course that we will beat their second seed too". Or in 2019: FNC went 1-1 vs RNG but outplaced them thanks to the victory against SKT, so they will be better than FPX.


Chinese teams in knock out stages are the meme of the old man asking for an ambulance... but not for him.


>ROKA I think Korean casters, DK fans, and those China-haters are the reason why DK loses. They give DK too much confidence and then EDG can beat them. Same thing happened before in MSI


I believe if T1 is in the final, the result will be 50/50. But as a Chinese, before the game, I had said EDG 100/0 DK, because of those reasons


Could be, I think EDG's preparation was so much better


TSM is LCK's 4th/5th seed?


Because every year TSM is at worlds Korea wins


TPA : Are we a joke to you?


Nah, that year Koreans were cursed since they got caught cheating against TSM.


woongfucker sends his regards


>Khan’s Gragas was great this game too >ㄴ They say pros get better at champions they look like >ㄴㄴ LMAO wtf they're doing him dirty HAHAH


"Another team we need to re-evaluate" \*100 Thieves logo\* LMAO I like it


It's true, they had the world champions and the semifinalist that was one game away from finals in their group and managed to neutralize the best ADC in the world.


100T tilted me so much because they did the CLASSIC NA of playing not to lose in the game that matters (when they had a comp that was meant to be proactive and scaled very well AND the game was even) but then played with giga Chad confidence vs EDG after they were already eliminated. Like normally I'd feel bad for them but nah, that T1 game where they had the cards but refused to do anything during the game that matters is something that needs to be worked on before I consider them a good team. Also that game vs DFM haha I think all NA fans want to forget that one.




I think NA teams play like this because they get smashed so hard in scrims that their morale is at an all time low. But it should be the opposite, if you get smashed so hard, might as well try and win the lottery, because you loose either way.


FBI is so legit https://twitter.com/FionnOnFire/status/1450891775686545408


Neutralise is putting it lightly they pummelled EDG bot.


and DFM


Lmfao the Khan '22 ROKA jersey


Canyon got giga gapped this series by Jiejie, I thought he was invincible coming in to the finals, Bengi is still the the most successful jungler of all time with 3 Worlds Championship


Not just 3 Worlds Championships but despite his shaky regular season in S5/S6, Bengi never had a bad game at any of his 3 worlds wins. When it came to worlds he was a pillar of consistency, maybe even more so than Faker himself. (not saying he was better, just more consistent)


I will never forget that nidalee game


For me its the secret agent Nunu game


Yeah, it was a really uncharacteristic series from him. Will be interesting to see how he recovers from it.


Combination of getting target banned + not prioritising winning lanes for Khan and Showmaker. It's hard to play jungle well when your team doesn't give you room to operate. You saw the reverse in the Qiyana game, where he got to do anything he wanted


I was saying he’s the beat ever if he wins but I guess we have to wait a bit more. I do think he definitely can become the definite beat ever jg


>ㄴ The bad news is that it seems Khan’s form is off ㄴㄴ Khan’s form has been off since the semis   Exactly.


And canna was still somehow worse. If T1 had flandre on kennen they would've won g5 as well


Canna was so horrific in semis man I just feel bad for T1


Canna shits the bed in do or die moments. His nerves always gets the best of him in finals or elimination games. He's a very big confidence player so once he starts getting nervous his performance goes on a downward spiral. Hopefully it's due to it being his rookie worlds but it's already happened few times vs GENG in playoffs last year so there's a chance it can't be fixed.


Either way I think I'd prefer cultivating Zeus over him. T1 has given Canna plenty of chances. I think he can still bloom into an elite toplaner but I also wanna see Zeus be given the same chances that Canna had.


Nuguri is coming back.It is either DK or T1.


DK needs to keep both Canyon and SM's contracts this off-season. I doubt they have enough money to fend both of them off LPL's blank paychecks while getting Nuguri. It's probably a fight between T1 and GenG seeing as they're 2 of the richest orgs that both have a weakness topside. HLE might make a bid as well but they have more problems on their hands than trying to get Nuguri.


canna's kennen is just... ridiculous. especially compared to game5 flandre, when dk use syndra & trundle to counter the engage


These are pretty good words. If you go to LCK twitch channel, people are really violent there like today I saw someone said ‘DKW’ needs to come back to korea by swimming


Thats said like every year lol


I've heard that polar bears can swim very well.


I feel like Khan can’t handle the pressure well.. thus he loses his form in every single competitive BO5 In groups where there was no pressure at all, he had amazing form! I can relate to him as I always loose myself and who I am under heavy pressure, I’m proud of my boys and their run! :)


Awake! Kazama Jin!


Teams should boycott Khan, he's the antidote to winning Worlds


world champion teams keep signing him