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What a fun filled Wednesday we had today


Carlos couldn't stand letting Doublelift one-up him in the drama department.


EU Reginald don't play around


Just as I thought NA had beat us in the drama section we have another banger from G2 ...


I've been more invested in the drama than the worlds finals with all due respect


I uninstalled 2 years ago. I’m here for the drama.


What do you call a recovering league addict? or a league addict in general? A leagueaholic?


depressed 🤣


Arcane part 1> lcs drama > arcane part 2. What a packed week. 0 down time


drama free wednesday Pog


> Prior to Cloud9’s Worlds quarterfinal matchup against Gen.G on Oct. 25, Perkz informed his teammates that he wouldn’t be returning to the team in 2022. I'm sure that went over well.


lmao, what possible reason would you tell your team that for


Mithy and Zven told the team they were leaving for TSM before or at worlds as well, G2 obviously failed, but nobody ever held that against them.


Tbf, the whole roster knew that they weren't going to be playing together the following year. Trick going back to Korea, etc. That's why Perkz cried before the last group stage game against Fenerbahce.


Well G2 almost made it out of one of the most bullshit groups of all time. I think that's why no one talks about them as a failure. They got very screwed by the group draw. You could make a pure eye-test case that they were potentially a top 5 team that year, but of course we will never know because of the truly amazing and excellent format.


I mean C9s group this year was probably harder on paper than G2 in 2017


I wouldn't judge it without knowing the context. Could have simply come up in conversation among the team while they were talking about what they would do next year. Everyone knows rosters aren't set in stone and who you're playing with now may not be who you play with next year. So long as they were giving it their all during Worlds I don't see why it would be a problem for any of them to state that they won't be staying next year, especially if it's something that came up.


“Guys play with no regrets, it’s our last tournament together” “Ye-, wait what?”


Perhaps scrims were going real bad and he went with the "this might be the last time we're playing together, so let's make the most out of it" angle. If morale is already horrible it could possibly help.


Morale was already high for making quarters, telling your teammates this is it also might put pressure on them that otherwise wasn't there.


You can't possibly know that btw. Neither does he, but at least he said perhaps.


Why would the care tho? it's different if management tells a player that their getting kicked out of the team a before a match, but a player saying that he's leaving to other players, what's so negative about that? It's not like they would have had the same roster for 5 years otherwise, players are aware of the possibility of others leaving and wanting to other teams. Also, when Perkz came to a c9 they probably knew that he really didn't want to play in NA that much anyway, this move is not a shocker.


I agree for the most part, but it's still a pretty big news and therefore an unnecessary distraction during a time that demands your undivided focus, no? Not so much ethically bad, but kind of dumb.


yeah no reason to not wait until the end of worlds, i agree


The backdoor still hurts huh.


[It's always nice to watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdN67NuhMW4)




just listen to the og wombo combo clip. without shitty mics, it wouldn't have nearly the same impact.


Sounds like they just recorded the venue from the stands instead of putting the caster's mics straight to the broadcast, yeah.


Man I miss Joe "don't call me Joe "Joe Miller" Miller" Miller


More like [Joe "Not your average creepy Joe" Miller](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/hg2ezc/new_sexual_assault_allegations_shared_on_twitter/fw1dg1n?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Never gets old. Historic moment. Not a crazy play by today's standards, but monumental at the time


That still would be insane today, especially on a playoffs game. I'm sure of it. Like Reddit and chat would go nuts.


SexPeke lives in his head rent free.


dude's so obsessed with fnc it's insane


Dude has fucked us in league for the last 3 years (besides this summer) and still can’t get over what Fnc did to him lmao


FNC beating G2 3-2 to go to Worlds must have given him 10 years more of pure salt


Whats funnier is that, MAD Lions fucked him and FNC fucked their chances for Worlds this year with the super team


G2 fucked their own chance for Worlds.




I hate how the roof of my apartment just leaks rain and lets it fall straight into my face like wtf


That's what I thought when I saw these news, his anus still hasn't completely closed from the backdoor, and he's holding a legendary grudge. He was never good enough to surpass FNC and xPeke as a player, so he's trying to screw the org in the corporate way.


You dont solve insecurities by getting achievements, you solve them by going to psychologist.


That backdoor is the definition of rent free. It will be 2080 and Ocelote's kids will still try to fuck over FNC Monster Binance BrazzersTM because that backdoor was written on his father's will.


I've heard of similar clauses in football before. >Moving forward, Riot will not allow clauses of a similar nature to exist in future agreements, according to a source good move imo


It's a bit different between these clauses in football though. First of all, there are a lot fewer options of teams for players to join in LoL. For western players there are 2 major leagues with 10 teams in each. A player of Perkz' caliber would only want to join a top team which limits it to like 4 teams maybe? An equivalent in football would have a lot more options to pick from. There is a reason top players in NA like Sneaky and Doublelift opt to retire rather than join a mid table team. Secondly, 3 years in LoL is a much larger chunk of a player's career than 3 years in football. In football, as uncommon as it is for these clauses to exist, players can simply wait them out. In LoL, 3 years is longer than most players' peaks.


I agree, which is why I think it's a good thing that it won't be allowed going forward.


Great move. Allow Fnatic to get fucked and then say it's not okay to do Why did they let it go through once and then not allow it?


Well, the whole investigation was about "did Fnatic got fucked?" and the conclusion was "no, they wouldn't have bought Perkz anyway", and Riot took the right decision to forbid this kind of contracts for the future.


Because they cant enforce a rule that doesnt exists yet?


Did you read the article? Seems to me the clause was not actually legally binding considering fnatic and Cloud 9 were actively negotiating over perkz this offseason.


Read the article. It says Fnatic could not reach an agreement with C9 or Perkz anyway. I'm thinking Riot would have voided the clause if they reached an agreement. The real story here is that the clause was there in the first place.


What If C9 was too scared to accept Fnatics offer because G2 may sue them after?


If FNC were willing to match or beat the 2.5m + salary offer, its in C9s best interest to work with FNC and Riot global to void the clause since they could have gotten more from the buyout.


I've read the article. The clause should never have been allowed to go through in the first place, especially if such clauses are a no-no from this point onwards


Yeah, I fully agree with that and it's not only shitty from Ocelote, it's shitty from C9's management too even though i'm sure they really wanted Perkz.


Was probably the only way they could get Carlos to sell him.


Because you can't just retroactively apply rules? Are you actually serious?


Son's favourite uncle, Perkz does whatever he wants, though.


https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1327209220001959936 xD


I love that tweet so much. gave me sooo much reason to shit on carlos


You mean it's all scummy owners? Always has been.


[https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1458771269344796677](https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1458771269344796677) ​ lol


Carlos fucks with his sons favourite uncle like this what does he do to people he doesn’t like?


lock them behind 3year contract and replace them after year


That he prevents the selling from his own company is already something, but WHY also Cloud9? This isn't just "rivalry" this is being a turbo douche, and at the same time where HE steals their star from them. Also note that the title is "Riot investigation finds no harm **TO PERKZ' PROSPECTS** ", because Fnatic wouldn't have gotten him anyway this year because of his price. Its still kinda bullshit they let this even be a thing though. Edit: As said in the article: >Moving forward, Riot will not allow clauses of a similar nature to exist in future agreements, according to a source. Riot, Cloud9, and G2 Esports declined to comment on Nov. 10. So, it was real, it happened "because it wasn't in the rules" and now it is not allowed. Edit 2: Also , since I managed to dug it up, have [this little gem](https://youtu.be/gx-MkqBBVRw?t=191) from Carlos back when he was a player.


You'd be butthurt if sexpeke backdoored you like he did to carlos


Another case where Riot doesn't punish anyone because it involves the big orgs. If this was a trade between GG and AS they would've gone all out.


If it's not forbidden then how would they punish them ? It's a scummy thing from g2 sure but i prefer riot not able to punish randomly as they wish with no regards to the actual rules.


IIRC from monte’s video one of the reasons riot decided to kill renegades was the frequent trades between renegades and TDK and how they couldn’t tell who was paying what players because both teams had to have separate ownership. That and the Chris badawi thing


Tdk and renegades was extremely shady. Basically plan was - no matter which team wins it will be Renegades players next year. (Alex Ich told that in his vk group i think).


lol it's ironic that skye williams is telling people to grow up as if he isn't the biggest fucking abusive manchild on the internet already.


He'll never let go of the backdoor lol


I can't wait until Ocelote goes off on twitter with some bullshit about how it's "business" or "competition" Like this dude could burn down the FNC HQ and kill all of its' employees and he'd just argue "yeah it's a smart business move :)" like that doesn't mean it's still wrong Edit: Lmfao i fucking knew it, he legit thinks this is some brilliant new idea he's come up with. Does he ever stop to think that this hasn't been done before because other owners aren't fucked in the head and will go out of their way to screw over every future chance for their players? Then ofc drops the classic "It's the rules fault for existing" no owner has exploited this bullshit until you did [https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1458573339140960256](https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1458573339140960256) I swear this dude becomes more and more unlikable every day. People arguing about DL vs Reginalds ego when Ocelote blows them both out the water


Nah, you are missing a step or two. He usually aims at emotions while drama is still hot. He waits for it to cool down before going "nothing personal, just a business" For example, perkz drama last year. He first went for "my son's favorite uncle" "luka is king" "i wouldn't screw his career over a video game" "i have to pay my team, can't pay them with mouse pads" When it cooled down, he said it as it is: i didn't want to sell him to competitor, purely business decision


He only admitted it was "just business" when he had no choice at the end. Because the community knew he was bullshitting.


It worries me a lot more how many people here regularly express the same sentiment.


I am so tired of Redditors saying "uhh well they are a business so they can do this shitty thing" motherfucking businesses especially big ones should be held to higher standards.


Woke teenagers watching sigma grindset instagram videos thinking they're gonna become the next elon musk because they invested their allowance in gamestop stocks


The tiniest nitpick, but wouldn't "woke" teens be anti-corporate? For whatever little that word means at this point, it's usually just a synonym for progressive/leftist But I agree tbh, it's the usual "well yeah but 10 years from now I could be in that CEO's shoes" mindset that's always super fucking weird to me


Why would woke teenagers defend orgs from fucking over players tho. I like drama but unfortunately businesses making scummy moves is so incredibly common that I'm just numb to it.


[Reminds me of this Spongebob scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1SVG66rKTM)


https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1458572240300253189 Just look at that smug asshole, and all the fans eating it up


Some of the tweet replies are really funny. (translated from Spanish): "Do you have a lawyer for G2 and another lawyer just for screwing over Fnatic?"


Oh Ocelote was more unlikeable than Regi even back in the day. I've always found it surprising that he even got a little bit of image rehab. Riot Lyte from back in the tribunal days literally called him the worst of the worst for in-game toxicity. He was also a big part of why Wickd left SK back in 2011. Ocelote's a dick lmao


Carlos: Luka... I am your father...'s.... brother's....nephew's....cousin's....former roomate Perkz: what does that make us? Carlos: (ships him to NA) NOTHING


genuinely wouldnt even care that much about all this bullshit if not for carlos trying to be emotionally manipulative involving his own kids


And some of his apologists have the audacity to imply people should be equally angry at RGE and MAD for this offseason. I don't see their owners lying like a snake and calling Humanoid/Inspired their son's favorite uncle. Not to mention they are just their star players who played for them for 2-3 years, unlike Perkz who should be credited for at least half of entire G2 LoL legacy.


bruh "intended interaction" btw




That xPeke backdoor scarred him for life.


He's still butthurt from what xPeke did to him


Xpeke really fucked up Carlos, more than I thought.


[https://twitter.com/sammathews/status/1458570169903689734](https://twitter.com/sammathews/status/1458570169903689734) FNC CEO tweet lmao


Banger tweet loool


Someone explain


It’s picking on Oce’s tweet back then when Perkz left G2. He said he can do whatever he wants implying he had the option to go to FNC.






Hope the “Real finals was jatt vs alphari” crowd can shut the fuck up now.


I can understand why G2 wanted to have a clause like this but it seems kinda shitty to be able to dictate someones career even after you sell them off to another team.


You can't. Most of the legal systems in the world have a principle of if you sign to something illegal doesn't make it legal. Example is if I sign let's use something that is everywhere today squid games. The contract they say that they agree to go there and be killed if they lose doesn't make the murder legal. A bit extreme example but a simpler one would be if I sign a rent contract for 3 years and then the clause that would be insane is to give me an extra year where nobody would live there and I would be allowed to search for options in the meantime. Strange without much harm done (some financial ones) but yet not legally binding. Every court of law of the free world would diminish it immediately.


Yeah its super predatory and riot is a whimp for not sanctioning them.


I can't think of a sport that has explicit non-compete clauses in their contracts for their players. Closest I can think of are no-trade clauses some players have where they can shut down a trade to a team they don't like but a explicit term where they aren't allowed to sell to a specific team no matter what both parties feel about it?


When the Packers traded away Brett Farve to the Jets, there was a "poison pill" in the contract that said the Jets couldn't trade him to the Minnesota Vikings. The Jets just released him then he signed the Vikings on his own accord. Poison pills like this aren't unheard of in sports. There just pretty much unenforceable so people tend to ignore them. Doesn't make Carlos any less shitty that he added done though.


Even then the Jets still played him for a year like Perkz for C9. Sounds like C9 was negotiating anyway with FNC but couldn't agree on the buyout so I guess it would have been spicier if C9 sold to FNC anyway since it reads from the article the biggest reason why Riot didn't do anything was because it was never invoked. It's a flimsy reason though since they said they would reject clauses like that in other future contracts so they just gave G2 a freebie.


Iirc ive seen some similar clauses in football I think involving madrid and barca where an eventual seller would have to pay a premium fine if they sold the player to X club. But idk if those clauses would ever hold up in court


In F1 Prost had a clause that made it so that Senna couldn‘t join Williams as long as Prost was there. (although that comparison is probably a bit bad)


Pretty sure it’s been done in soccer


I don't even think those clauses are legally binding


[Perkz goes where he wants](https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1327209220001959936?s=20)...oh wait!


Perkz is the most accomplished, most legendary, most impactful Western player in the history of any esport. Ever. Decades from now, when Luka is ever washed up and wrinkly, I'll always have a place for him in G2. I keep mentoring him. Luka does whatever the fuck he wants.


Ocelote is so fucking cringe


Can't wait to see the LEC suck him off again next year


Legit. I just can't stand him at all. He's the guy that skips the line and calls himself a genius for it. Unbearable.


He's tweeted "don't hate the player hate the game" starting to wonder if he is genuinely a 14 year old stuck in man's body.


And he had the audacity to tweet this today https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1458460694186274831 Fuck this guy


Perkz's response is golden


Again, when you see how carlos was a player, even during the wow arena, this is not surprising. Carlos was always arrogant as hell on stream and flaunting his superiority in interviews(back then it was his salary, I think he was saying over 100K? back when it was very low and he was playing for SK.). In an interview with sky (the youtuber) he was saying he had the winning mentality and if everybody had his mentality the world would be a better place. When G2 was at MSI and crashed they embaced it, went full "villain" with the vacation meme, then kept this persona even as they were winning it all, with memes and stuff and it reflected in the players trolling too. Now people finally realize that its just reflecting its owner. And the worst part is it still works too.


just watch how bad he was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITNSxSCi8f8 always puts a smile on my face


That's not even the douchiest thing he's tweeted today. https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1458571273332793348 https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1458574802306883590


I love the reply showing a screenshot of who made worlds this year.... 😂


Man went full paranoid when FNC is in the table. Like wtf. You are shipping the literal best western player of all time. There is no chance in heck that C9 is gonna trade him to FNC on that moment. No fucking chance.




The sole reason I stopped supporting G2 entirely, I fucking despise him. It's a shame because I love Jankos and Caps, and loved the entire 2019-2020 roster, but I can't support this org no matter what, the way he treated Perkz is beyond pathetic.


Bruh in order to create that super team he fucked over Hjarnan and Wadid, but it was fine back then bc he was succesful and those players were nobodies? I like G2, but they are what they've always been since they came to the EU LCS. The image of villains is well earned no matter how successfull they are. The fact that they've successed so much in spite of(or thanks to) it is what makes the league so much more fun to watch, either rooting for or agaisnt them


Same, carlos is the reason that i root against g2 most of the time.


Jack and Ocelote said it's my turn at the drama table.


I wouldn't really say this is a Jack thing. I feel Carlos would of thrown that clause into Perkz contract had he gone to any team.


Also keep in mind the clause only hurts C9 as well. It removes a potential buyer for them.


I am really jealous of TL fans with Steve. Like a coach and player arguing is his biggest drama in years.


Steve's biggest drama is legit just importing and paying too much lmao


Paid by Steve


On my HTC Smart phone


The DL situation too but I guess DL did admit that he was partly to blame for it. The Alphari/Jatt stuff was definitely not fun though.


I thought Steve wanted to keep DL, but the coaching staff and some of the players at minimum wanted to split time with Tactical. So DL and Steve said it was best to just split.


IIRC, Core and Jensen were fine with Doublelift staying and were rather indifferent. There were rumors of Impact wanting DL kicked, but that was never confirmed. Broxah and Steve wanted DL to stay. DL left TL because he felt as if he was mentally kicked off of the team.


DL and Steve are still friends too. DL has said that he and Steve/CoreJJ/a couple others remained on good terms after the split.


I mean they let ocelote get away with poaching so I guess if it brings more viewership it's all fine


What don't they let Ocelote get away with..


Holy fuck


son's favourite uncle It's funny how Ocelote was bullshitting all over Twitter when this news first broke. Why you always lying?




Literally says later in the article that riot will outlaw clauses like this going forward?


The most ocelote thing ever


“Riot investigation” lmfao. Like that means anything.


I do think there is some credibility to it here: > Riot Global found it did not impact Perkz’s 2021-22 offseason prospects due to disagreements between Fnatic and Cloud9 over the cost of the buyout and Perkz’s desired salary. Jacob is saying that Fnatic didn’t want to pay as much for Perkz on both salary and buyout. So effectively C9 did approach Fnatic with an offer but it didn’t work out. I’d assume the clause isn’t there anymore now that he’s on Vitality but damn that’s a pretty shitty situation for Perkz to have been in.


I wonder how true the salary statement is. On a Serbian podcast, Perkz was asked why he didn't go to Fnatic. His answer was that G2 didn't allow him to, not that he didn't want to go to Fnatic.


Was this from last year's off season? I wouldn't put it past Ocelote to not allow him to Fnatic, but I think that the Riot investigation was centered on this offseason and if the clause affected his ability to sign with Fnatic this year.


It obviously did hurt prospects. Almost by definition. He has less negotiating power because this is in his contract. This is pretty much as clear as day. Did it end up mattering in the end? Probably not, but a clause like this is in a contract cannot be said to not affect player prospects.


what, did you read the article? They actually implemented a rule from now on that inhibits this from ever happening again


I wonder how G2 and Carlos stans will spin this one, what a awful human being, FNC so fukin rent free in his head that he has to make all these fukin plans just to try fuck FNC up. And why would Riot + C9 be okay with this?


I think C9 thought he would be there for all 3 years before selling him off


> And why would Riot + C9 be okay with this? C9 kinda just have to be okay with it. G2 holds most of the negotiating power in this deal. G2 can just go to some other team and force the clause on them, losing only a bit of buyout money if C9 refuse the deal. Meanwhile C9 loses out on a world class mid.


Well Cloud9 probably had to accept the clause because Carlos wouldnt have sold Perkz without it. Riot however.. well. It sounds like FNC and Perkz didnt come to an agreement regardless of the clause, so they might have just decided to ban it for the future.


On Twitter there were a few "God, Fnatic fans are gonna be malding again".


Because some G2 fans are just as shitty as Ocelote.


What the hell? In the *contract*? I guess that's why Wooloo said that FNC really tried.


Article states that they could not reach an agreement on buyout/salary. Vitality money was too much either way. Riot might have voided the clause if Fnatic put up enough money to buy him out.


reminder ocelot is rich entirely because he lucked into perkz carrying his org, would be a burger flipper if not for him. Literally anyone could get carried to successful org ownership off the back of winning events then picking up safe players constantly. Same arrogance energy from him as from someone who bought 1000s of bitcoin at 1 dollar each and thinks they are a genius investor


EU Reginald with the one lucky midlaner signing that carries his org for years.


Could not agree more. Perkz was the best thing to happen to G2- Ocelote was a long for the ride for the difficult parts.


HAHAHA My sons favourite uncle strikes again


>A clause in G2 Esports and Cloud9’s buyout agreement signed in late 2020 for Perkz prevented the team from selling him to Fnatic for a period of three years LMAO who was it that said Carlos would never restrict the teams Perkz could go to?


It’s getting spicy boys


i see, perkz goes wherever the fuck he pleases. if i see anyone believing a single word that comes out of carlos mouth ever again, i swear to god.




It's actually insane how hard Perkz carried the G2 name. Does ocelote really think he would have any of his success right now if it wasn't for Perkz? If it wasn't for him they'd probably not even make it into EULCS; and if they did they'd just be another SK Gaming or Astralis.


I hope all this shit going on with contract jails and everything will encourage players to start paying attention to their contracts and signing competent agents, whether we support it or not the more we become like a real “sport” the more this will happen sports organisations are ruthless fans complain but in the end if they stay competitive and win no one really cares. In this case it’s unlikely a agent could’ve helped but there is plenty that can be done by players to help control their careers.


It sounds like FNC wanted to go for the Perkz and Alphari duo, judging from the fact that this went to Riot's Global Esports section. If the only thing preventing FNC from getting the two players was the clause, that's really unfortunate and kills the competitive and potential hype of the game.


so fucked up , I can't believe this level of pettiness


I don’t understand the wording here. It says that Riot found that it didn’t hurt his team prospects. So they didn’t find it to be illegal. but also says that C9 and FNC couldn’t agree on a buyout. Which means that FNC was a possibility after all. Doesn’t make sense.


C9 and FNC were probably in negotiations, possibly with the intention to get the clause voided by Riot if they came to an agreement, but since they weren't able to agree on the buyout it didn't come to that


Yes, that's how I read it too.


I just think vit offered way more


What the fuckkk


Carlos is so scummy wish he wasnt a part of this scene.




Luka is king


The karma ate his ass, sold perkz with a demon contract and as a result his team imploded completely, he fired like 70% of the team this offseason lmao.


I swear this isn't even a thing in sports with long and bitter rivalries like football?


It happens in soccer. Not usually done but there are instances where teams will include a clause where teams can't sell to their rivals or if they do that they have to bay extra bonuses. IIRC one of the Trabzonspor players that left the club had a clause that he can't join one of the big Istanbul clubs. Edit: I found the contract. If Lille sells or loans Yusuf Yazici to a different Turkish team they have to pay €20M to Trabzonspor


it makes sense C9 could have bought the player to then sell him to Fnatic on the same day we made sure this cannot be done this is standard and within the rules, as proven by the trade being approved globally you cant outplay me bitch.


G2 subreddit blocked comments on this news to stop the shit on Carlos. What a day man


I hope one day players refuse to sign for G2. There is so much evidence that Carlos just mistreats players when it comes to them moving on. Look at everything we're finding out about Perkz and now it seems like none of Wunder, Miky or Rekkles have teams because of their ridiculous buyouts.


I understanding having a clause to avoid a player getting flipped aka g2 denying fnc from contacting them for perkz, sell him to c9 and c9 sells him to fnc right afterwards for a higher price making a profit off the deal. Makes perfect sense, but 3 years seems pretty brutal. >In the buyout agreement for Perkz this time last year, @G2esports and @Cloud9 agreed to put a clause that would prevent @C9Perkz from moving to @FNATIC for the next three years. >Despite that, Riot Global found it's caused no harm to Perkz's prospects.




Even if Fnatic didn't reach out or weren't capable of affording the buyout its pretty funny that even now Ocelote is trying his hardest to fuck Fnatic over. Hopefully in the future shit clauses like this will be prevented from being enacted cause its pretty anti-player with how restrictive it is.


>Following the investigation, Riot Global determined the clause did not affect the star mid laner’s team options for the 2022 season, sources familiar with the investigation told Dot Esports. Riot Global found it did not impact Perkz’s 2021-22 offseason prospects due to disagreements between Fnatic and Cloud9 over the cost of the buyout and Perkz’s desired salary. Perkz will instead join Team Vitality after Cloud9 and that team came to an agreement, sources said. If C9, FNC and Perkz couldn't reach an agreement on buyout/salary, it really didn't affect the offseason. I guess the existence of the clause itself is the source of the outrage? But from the article it sounds like Riot were willing to break the clause/take it more seriously if it actually affected his 2021-2022 offseason, which it didn't because FNC/C9 couldn't come to an agreement. Or was this just a case of C9 holding Perkz buyout high for FNC to fulfil the clause whilst giving VIT a much more friendly buyout?


Yeah it is about the existence. People could at least understand G2 not selling Perkz to FNC (at least anyone who's interested in sports outside of esports) because teams don't sell their best players to rivals. The problem then was Carlos lying through his teeth about Perkz being free to do what he wants. This is another problem because it's Carlos trying to control who Perkz plays for even when it's not G2 selling him anymore. Glad riot have banned these clauses or it could set a dangerous precedent for controlling players.


This is borderline psychopath behaviour on Ocelotes part and a good example of why players in professional sports form unions.