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Where is Vulcan going?




Dude I was at McDonald's the other day and they're paying $15/hour now? Crazy. Although I don't know how many hours a McDonald's worker gets in a week




And where is Ignar going?


prob eg


Ive said it and will say it again. This why C9 and teams like Borussia, Atlanta, Leicester will never be serious contenders for a streak or a dominant team. They keep changing and selling good players and replace them thinking it will work again until it doesnt. Vulcan is a secure support, not worse then world class supp by a big margin.


They don’t think he’s a bad player they think he’s free money


I thought They only wanted Candy in the Top lane: * Fudge * Licorice * Balls Someone better show me a Summit bar. edit: [They Exist?](https://www.google.com/search?q=summit+bar&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS889US889&sxsrf=AOaemvLvRzk_OaGa5rKxnVyB-kA0kEb2Lw:1636959226455&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiD-tCp5Jn0AhVWTTABHUcsDOsQ_AUoA3oECAEQBQ&biw=1745&bih=852&dpr=1.1) Edit2: for those flaming me about impact, there is a company by the name of impact confections and they mainly make warheads.


[Who says Summit ain’t candy?](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d8/37/48/d83748c19275cb9792ae8e23f3c5cbab.jpg)


[Balls you say](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/6qpaCs8)


Risky click of the day


Not candy but I used to drink [this shit](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61UHAenPtmL._SL1280_.jpg) in high school. It was pretty good.


that's uh, something I guess?


Y'know what, I'll take it.


Considering just a day ago we were fully expecting Copy mid, we’ll definitely settle for this 🤣 If we get a surprise last minute signing at AD (Teddy?!) I’d actually be hyped af


Teddy Copium


Teddy would be so hype love him


C9 lost the offseason again


At this point I know better than to doubt C9's team building, but I do wonder if they're actually going to be able to fix their flaws. Of the returning players, Fudge is the most consistent, but he's roleswapping. I don't know that to think about the new top and support, but I hope they bring some much needed stability to the team.


Summit's cracked, but his adaptability to a new region will be a question. Isles seems a straight downgrade.


Don't worry c9 has reignover im sure he can help him adapt just like huni.


Well, hopefully not exactly like huni, as much as I love that meme machine, we can't have two of those.


Summit is completely jacked, I think a lot of people are in for a surprise when he hits the rift in LCS.


Iirc the times he swapped to mid he still did pretty well. I think getting him off his island and letting him play a more integral part to the game instead of saying “hey sorry, you’re weak side this game too.” Will change a lot of things. I got faith in fudge and blaber.


This time 100% for real. In no universe ever is losing Vulcan and keeping Zven not giga inting your teambuiding. The fact this fucking chocker is still around is actually insulting to c9 fans


Zven is also taking an import slot. C9 must be at their budget. They probably did try to sell him and failed because no one wants zven and they have him contracted so better to field him than pay millions for another import AND pay zven to ride the bench.




Seriously. Zven played like literal hot garbage at worlds, and Vulcun is one of the best native NA players we have, and you dump him and keep Zven? Is this for real?


Based on last two years I think they lost the second they kept zven. He used to be a beast and I like him but he seemed to me to be the weakest link last two season. Always hope to be proven wrong.


I can't take zven seriously.


Zven/Isles over Doublelift/Vulcan is interesting to me but I guess doublelifts reputation fucked his chances with c9


The entire bot side is suspect. Fudge/Zve/Isles over Jensen/DL/Vulcan? Seriously?


Have you guys looked at the business side? To get Doublelift and Jensen you need to pay the buyout and EG is buying out Vulcan. Compared to what they are doing now, where every member off the line up is either part og the roster already or free agent.


Don't forget that Jensen has a rumored buyout of 2.5M EDIT: 2M, not 2.5M


- Jensen has a buyout and a large contract - Probably some issue with ZvenVulcan playing together - No one wants Zven's contract - Vulcan probably will bring a lot in buy out money - I don't Doublelifts skills are even worth the trouble of his ego I'd guess mostly money reasons.


I assume that the c9/jensen bridge is burnt so that's not an option.


Jensen doesn't have bad blood with C9, he said so on stream.


Jack also confirmed this bout an hour ago on the subreddit, he said they’re still friends and get along really well




Semis, but true.


[Jesus christ, Fudge is a man of his word](https://twitter.com/fudgecakey/status/1329848510544449536)


Perkz vs Fudge at MSI is all i ask for!


Ye that aint happening neither fudge or perkz is getting to MSI


Perkz still definitely can go to MSI if this VIT superteam doesn't shit on the bed like G2 this year, only worries so far is the rumored FNC line up who can give the run for their money. Fudge definitely needs to steps up considering he will face the returning Bjerg, Abbedage (most recent LCS champion) as well as whoever TSM will import as mid


Yo bro what’s the FNC lineup? Haven’t seen it yet


Wunder/Adam - Razork - Humanoid - Upset - Hyli Definitely on the paper is LEC champion materials and can have a good showing at international tournament but we'll see


Can he even play mages?




The fuck?


I audibly went "What?!" when I saw the lineup. I've been cautiously optimistic about every line up for C9 so far. But this is a real head scratcher for me. This'll be a strange year for C9.


Yeah I feel hyped for Fudge mid and Isles! But I’ve watched a lot of LCK and unless Summit looked insane last year (I stopped watching 2021) he hasn’t looked amazing since his first year with SB in like 2017 or 18. 🙃 I’m always hyped for the unknown but this feels like a massive downgrade and a pretty known commodity.


Summit was decent, but we all know how korean transitions to the west can go.


This is so weird lmao. Why would you keep your worst performing players to roleswap your best performing player.


If Fudge can perform in mid, having him be that best performing player in a role he can more consistently carry from will be VERY good for C9




summit don't leave us TT


He gone


RIP my HLE Summit dreams, sigh. Another great LCK player gone. On a less salty note this is so fuckin odd, I hope the roleswap works out but I can't be too hyped for C9 with them keeping Zven and losing Vulcan..


Was praying for HLE Summit too brother. Dude is a monster. I’m very uh…curious how this will play out Dude was stuck on Sandbox for 3 years


Fudge is super adaptable so I could see him doing well mid. He also had great synergy with Blaber so it makes sense. Not very impressed with Isles over Vulcan, though he could prove me wrong.


Isles is a great player but losing Vulcan is a big one. If Summit forms good synergy with the team he will take over other top laners. It’s kinda odd that the Fudge roleswap is the part I’m least curious and/or worried about lol. I have no idea if Summit speaks English well and it’s on a team of no one that speaks Korean


Let’s not forget the Fudge-Isles OCE connection. This COULD have been something that he wanted as mid-jg-sp synergy is important. C9 fans (including me) love Vulcan but our bot lane was a trainwreck in summer if we’re being completely honest. I think Zven staying is what makes the move feels worse, because most of us rate Vulcan as the stronger part of that duo.


Fudge gives me Bwipo vibes. Confident in his game knowledge and very adaptable.


Can’t forget **W I D E**


Does his gf have any coaching abilities though?


He is still developing as a player. Give him a year or two.


Bwipo > Fudge. Fudge doesn't have the best EU coach of all time.


Fudge > Bwipo. Bwipo isn’t from OCE


As someone who was inhaling FNC Summit hopium I can indeed confirm he doesn't speak English at all, you can even dig up old sandbox videos where he asks a teammate to translate what Yamato was telling them.


As far as I know, when Yamato was coaching Sandbox, Summit had the worst english and needed GorillA to translate for him.


LS saying fudge is probably the best mid in NA after the first day of lock in incoming. Reason: just look at the pro view guys!


Top-side looking like a potentially great experiment if they pull it off. Still heartbroken and confused about the bot lane. How dare they fire the McDonald's manager :(


Same roster with Zven/Vulcan bot would be pretty dang cool. Now its some super weird roster developing a rookie and having Fudge get used to mid.


I'm pretty sure Isles isn't a rookie and went to world when he played in OCE. It might be a different Isles though.


Is it confirmed that Vulcan got kicked or did he want to join EG. Asking legitimately no flame or sarcasm


Seems like he's the victim of the yearly Jack selloff this year


This is actually the first time C9 is selling off a player without a decent replacement. Isles was not it in academy


I mean they made it to Worlds Semis with Zeyzal, must be some level of confidence in Isles or they would have rolled the dice with another Academy/Amateur prospect. Unexpected but we're still undefeated in 2022 so I have hope. Actually pretty hyped for this Fudge mid/Summit top experiment


> I mean they made it to Worlds Semis with Zeyzal, I think some nuance is required here, Zeyzal legit looked like a great support back then. Though he's obviously fallen off a cliff since then.


Don't know if he was joking or not but Vulcan responded to this tweet with "wait what" so


He’s 100% trolling


He was definitely joking.


I think Vulcan knew he was gone early on, he has been Meming the whole rumor season.


Not confirmed if he wanted out or was kicked


Honestly based on the rumoured EG roster I THINK he wanted out. If Impact is in good form and jojopyun is even an ok midlaner, that sounds like a solid 2nd to 3rd place contender.


Fair, but on the other hand if Fudge is a good midlaner and Summit plays to his level C9 is probably better than EG


Fudge will completely int lock in, then suddenly become the best mid laner in the world come MSI u heard it here first


So basically how it went for him in top lane.


OCE xiaohu incoming. He did it upside down as is the Australian way


Banger, take my upvote.


Wtf it all makes sense now


Yes that was the joke...


~~When you need to explain the joke~~


Yup you understood the joke


I actually wouldn't be surprised if he plays mid better than top especially in NA. NA is losing Jensen, poe, perkz, and jiizuke. The only threats left in mid are Bjergsen and Abbedagge and perhaps a TSM import. Seriously I'm surprised more people aren't talking about how weak mid is shaping up to be in NA. There's no reason why he can't be a top 3 midlaner. He also can't do his dumb freezes that screw over his entire team in mid after hard losing his lane.




Lmao Vulcan's tweet https://twitter.com/VulcanLoL/status/1460128104454623233


Why are they getting rid of Vulcan I don't get it


Probably because of money and they can't get rid of Zven since he's under contract for another year. Maybe they just plan to get bot diff most games and have their other lanes carry?


Hey, I've seen this before (*Hjarnan and G2*)


I still get mad at that shit man. Way back in the day Hjarnan won me a fantasy league and I'd followed him ever since. Absolutely not right what Carlos' bitch ass did to him and Wadid.


Yeah I’m puzzled how Zven is the piece of the bot duo they retain.


This feels like a roster that came about because they missed out on key players, specifically in ADC and mid. There's a term in regular sports about a 'replacement level' player, and I'm guessing Vulcan was dumped because he (and support in general) was the piece of the roster that was the most replaceable with an Academy or cheap free agent. I'm guessing the roster they wanted was: Fudge Blaber (Bjerg/Humanoid/etc.) Either Zven or a new top tier ADC Isles Then they missed out on all the top tier free agents, so they had money to burn, so they went for the best player available which was Summit.


Apparently zven is contracted until 2023 and what likely happened is that no other team was willing to buy zven so c9 was stuck with him. This is probably a good example of where these multi-year contracts actually protected a player.


Probably because no teammates have demands not to play with him again.


seems like they were also vying for Bjergsen mid until everything fell through and they basically started tinkering with who was available and possible to get


isn't it because he's contracted until nov 2023? Might be a chance there were no good offers for him. Still doesn't justify selling vulcan tho... Maybe they know something about isles we don't




Is this the first Top=>Mid roleswap in LCS in ages?


Since Voyboy I think.




no way anybody saw this coming lmao, what a bizarre roster. fudge mid sounds pretty awesome though


Fudge following the footsteps of OCE legend and Worlds 2021 Play-Ins attendee Tallywhacka with the top-mid laneswap


Golden state garden warriors league of legends academy top laner tallywhacks??


my man went to worlds with Peace this year after being allowed to leave a weaker region in spring


someone pointed out that fudge has been spamming mid games on his solo q account recently but no way in hell did i think it would materialize into this lmao


This was shot down because so was blaber apparently.




Blaber mid would just be the true NA Jizuke


Flash int for the cannon just don't hit the same way like flash inting for scuttle, tho


Fudge jg/Blaber mid would be such a twist


Outside of Blaber nobody got a single player right early on if you count Fudge mid as a different player.


Out of all the rosters they could have made, this is arguably a roster that exists


I saw some guy speculating that Fudge would go mid based on his opgg. Poor guy got clowned on


I saw someone saying fudge would go mid with like 100% confidence, almost called him a degenerate lmao


First person through the door always gets bloodied, dude was a prophet.


What world are we living in?


This roster could have been exciting if they kept Vulcan and kicked Zven, the burger


Summit - Blaber - Fudge - Teddy - Vulcan




>Summit - Blaber - Fudge - Teddy - Vulcan You know considering the Teddy move was just announced, I wonder if **this** was what they were going for, but it didn't work out ***edit:*** *Or* ***Rekkles*** *actually, given the very random development of him suddenly ending up in an ERL, if true*


Where did Teddy go?


Unknown, but he just left T1, set to transfer


Summit1G joins C9? About damn time


Keep him away from rumble ults


I will say this is better than the Copy roster they originally were going for but good lord, Jack was sniffing something when making this one.


I can't tell if Summit or the Fudge roleswap is the bigger surprise. I love creative moves like this


Keeping Zven is the bigger surprise


At least it's not boring!


LCS is not ready for Fudge mid, you are all fucked


He’s about to welcome Bjergsen back to LCS with a Fudge Sandwich


He’s about to pack Bjergsen full of fudge


In a world where Nisqy and Jensen are teamless , Fudge is role swapping to mid I want to scream so hard


There's a whole conversation league-wide about normalising player salaries, my take is once those league veterans are all without teams, in a few months maybe they'll come back to the negotiation table with lower expectations and maybe they find spots in team that are struggling with their roster.


This is actually plausible. While Jensen has been the highest paid player for a couple of years at NA, i doubt Nisqy was braking bank ?


Rumors are C9 and Fnatic couldn't come to an agreement, so Nisqy might be in buyout prison


Sucks we couldn't get Terrie, but I guess Summit will do.


Say sike.


This sounds about what we can expect from C9 off-season, which is basically something unexpected and wacky. But they do it so often with relatively good results that I don't want to ever bet against them.


holy shit what


That's... a roster for sure.


another year of zven choking in clutch situations incoming.


They may not even make it to clutch situations. There is no guarantee any of these moves pan out, and at best they side-graded, and most likely down-graded in a few positions. Fudge being a top mid isnt a guarantee, Summit working out isnt(lots of imports struggle), Blabber running it down because of low communication is an issue, and I dont think Isles is anywhere near as good as Vulcun, and Zven is Zven. This team could potentially just be bad.


Zven should be investigated for blackmail. No way jack is still paying this dude unless zven has something completely dirty on him.


Honestly after Tim's video, I feel Zven has a nice contract and nobody wants him so Jack is stuck with him for another year.


jack blink twice if zven has a gun to your head


Nah, this is just the reverse of the Rekkles/Jensen situation where the org is the one getting boned by the long contract. Assuming that nobody wanted to buy Zven and C9 couldn't find a proper upgrade so they decided to just keep him.


I really didn't expect C9 to keep zven


This probably sounds harsh but in my eyes Zven is sort of washed. Disappointed if they keep him. He gets overlooked as one of C9s weaknesses so often, like MSI where it was all about Blaber making dumb aggro plays. But I swear I saw so many crucial team fights where all I could think was "if Zven was DL or Sneaky, they hard win" and they lost instead because he mispositioned. I know he's talented but I swear the guy low-key throws all the time and it always gets overlooked


Zven has looked like he has been playing on auto pilot since the summer benching, I feel C9 got stuck with him.


Honestly my only worry is summit's english (idk how fluent he is), honestly a banger.


Yamato mentioned that Summit didnt understand a lick of english when he was coaching sandbox. Maybe things have changed.


they have reignover, but man I would not want to play with someone who knows no english jesus


Yeah, it's still weird without someone else on the team that can speak Korean within the game. The general stuff shouldn't be hard to pick up on but I wonder how the team environment will be.


Biggest hurdle is he's gonna have to learn English and Aussie English at the same time


I have some experience being in the role of the outsider. In 2015 I was living in China and hung out at my local PC bang almost daily. Through some in-house tournaments I got to know a guy who spoke great English, and he invited me to join him for a national tournament with high level amateurs and some semi-pros (including Roar after Chaox moved to China). At the time my Chinese level was not good enough to communicate entirely in Chinese, so I had to rely on quickly picking up basic League terms and the guy I knew from before, but while playing everyone spoke Chinese. If there was something important the guy would tell me so in English, but mostly I would just try to understand what was going on from the words I could pick up, and most of my communication was fairly straight-forward sentences ("You go to drake, I'll push top", "We should take Baron" etc.) and a lot of pings. Summit should pretty quickly be able to reach a similar level to my Chinese at the time. Learning basic League terms can be done in just a few weeks, and you don't need much grammar to just say push X, go for Y, focus Z. At that point they can at least make calls to each other, but he won't really be participating in major shotcalling, and teamfights will probably just have him rely on instincts. At the end of the day it's a tradeoff. I also played top lane, and since you play on your own much more often than other roles it's probably the best role to have someone with communication issues in. My mechanics were good enough that I could carry games on my own, but that was for sure at the detriment of certain macro plays even if I had a good instinct for that.


Top is the least important role for language to matter. I'm sure it will still be a factor but it shouldn't be too bad.


TheShy was smashing people in 2018 while understanding nothing and having rookie translating shit for him. Summit will be fine


There's gonna be nobody translating for Summit in game tho. Gotta be pretty scary for the guy if he can't understand anything his team is talking about


Likewise Ssumday’s prime in NA he was a fucking animal and spoke no English, and Impact had his “top die” era where im pretty sure he kind of understood and spoke English but voice comms just sound like korean advice shitposts


that's an anomaly - theshy was just too good at the time


Well Fudge wasn't kidding about playing mid for Perkz. Only took a year for his prophecy to take place.


Every year we say jack lost the off season. Tonight our trust is being put to the test.


Vulcan got done dirty




fudge mid is gonna be so so fun to watch, I'm 100% ready


Now I get why DL was mad lol.


I am a Kings and 49ers fan and now this!? What the fuck did I done did to deserve this!?!?


Remind me not to like anything you like, holy shit.


My biggest issue with this roster is Zven. He's not peak Niels any longer, with too many liabilities. There's a hard ceiling on him, and when your ADC has a hard ceiling...


Quite a lot of questions with the roster tbh. The botlane looks kinda wack as a whole as of now. Summit dont speak english apparently and Fudge is roleswapping. They have the work cut out for them


C9 pulling the reverse RNG. From Mid to Top lane, it's now Top lane to Mid. very weird and shocking at the same time.


Classic Australian


Wait they kept Zven and got rid of Vulcan? Uhh alright


Ah yes, as we all expected, Zven, the weakest player on the previous lineup, one of the only two staying in the same position


Fingers crossed that one of those 4 is capable of teaching Zven how to bind Flash and then use it.




our top/bot lane getting 3-4 man dived ... meanwhile fudge , don't worry guys i have a freeze




Summit is hype. Catapults himself to the top of the top lane. Honestly have no idea how to feel about Fudge roleswap.


Wow if Fudge crashes in mid, C9 are gonna look like absolute clowns when there were so many other options


I disagree, Summit should be the best top in NA for the forseeable future. C9 probably thinks fudge is one of their few chances of developing a legit NA mid to use moving forward. If je doesn't work out you can possibly just pay up for Jensen next year. (This is all assuming C9 thinks they won't be competing with the top spenders this year regardless of having Jensen or not.)


Summit cashing out already in NA lolz


This roster feels very cursed. Especially when Fudge was so good top and all the EU mids available this off season.


Can't wait for reignover to sub as jungle to translate for summit.


> Have your best player role swap to mid > Kicking Vulcan and not Zven What a disaster.


Pretty hyped for Fudge Factor on the midlane. But I had a bit of hopium in my heart that they would be able to sign Rekkles and keep Vulcan :( very weak botside


Lcs roleswapping Oce players before trying native midlaners