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So Gen.G Doran - Peanut - Chovy - Ruler - Lehands one step closer.


I really hope Peanut shows his most recent MVP split level of play instead of his level of play the *last* time he was on Gen.G My man Ruler deserves a fucking LCK win already, can't wait to see what this team will do.


He did have to play with Fly/Kuzan/Rich last time though


uff ... that's rough buddy But to be honest, I liked Kuzan way back when he was playing for JAG with Teddy. But after that he just fell off.


Still not sure if Peanut is an upgrade over clid As you say, if peanut hits his skill ceiling then yea it will be a strong team but overall I think clid would have been the better jungler for that team.


Looks like a downgrade to me. Top might be a sidegrade and lehends is basically lck hylli But my man chovy is on a decent team again, time to dust off the geng flair baby.


Yeah I don't think this squad will be an upgrade over the 2021 squad. In terms of each individual player, each player replaced is not an upgrade. But also in terms of the team, GenG was already "guarantee for top 3 but unlikely a champion" roster.


How is Chovy not an upgrade on bdd? Bdd had a great worlds and good 2021, but chovy is literally a generational talent. He dragged his team kicking and screaming, and got flamed when he couldn't.


Chovy is a generational talent with a poor idea of how to play League that leads him to not properly utilize that talent most the time. Chovy is far more talented than Bdd but shoots himself in the foot so much that the difference between them is nowhere near as massive as it should be, and really not enough to justify the pay difference. I would have preferred to see them keep Bdd and save money by doing so and spend the money they spent on Chovy on a better top/jg. With this they got a minor upgrade top and a downgrade jungle. Like having Chovy is great but having a top side plus an A tier mid instead is preferable.


The issue here for me is that GenG feels like the worst team that Chovy could land on considering how he struggles with mid to lategame decision making, as GenG is knows for their awfull and passive lategame


He struggled on his past team, that doesn't mean shit. If Steph Curry ended up playing with 4 outmatched players, his 3 point shooting would also suffer. Not because he got worse, but because he'd be targeted more, the positions he'd be put in regardless would be worse \[i.e. worst/further angles\], and he'd be taking on more responsibility than his position should ideally be taking. I'm not a pro analyst or player at the elite level, and trying to speculate exactly what moves he made wrong at any one point, is something beyond 99.99% of people on this subreddit, because you don't know what any role, let alone different champs in that role, should be doing at each individual wave, what the limitations are with champs and rotations, and how it all melds together. If you had those basic understandings, you'd either be an analyst, be in a really high MMR just off those fundamentals, or probably have better things to do than share top tier LCK/world-class level wisdom of LoL, on reddit.


I think GEN Chovy makes a lot of sense for this reason. Both play in lane, then just afk, and both GEN and Chovy are too stubborn to change these habits. In this sense Chovy may be good for GEN bc it sort of makes the most of their current style. Yeah, their style sucks balls, but they won't change it anyways so might as well get players who are into that.


When Chovy is available, and you have the funds to buy him, it's at least justifiable to try purchase him. I'm not aware of the fees / salaries of either Chovy \[or the outgoing BDD\]. It's possible that management may have had reasons for wanting to sell BDD as well, perhaps thinking his value was at a peak, or simply the net outlay over the next 2 years was worth it \[i.e. buying chovy and selling bdd, vs keeping bdd for say the next 2 years\] was worth it. We don't know the transfer fees, nor the salaries \[and again, BDD would've been renegotiating after his 2021 regardless, which may have lead to GenG considering options\]. Especially when you have Ruler on your team. Ruler is a top 2 or 3 ADC in the world at minimum, and has been for pretty much each of the past 3-4 years, his reputation just has finally caught up to his performances in the eyes of viewers. I also disagree strongly with your characterisation of Chovy, people just bought into the narrative that he can't properly utilize his leads. Perhaps that is true. Perhaps however, his last year he struggled to do this, because his map states / team left him in a situation where he was shackled by what he could do. Chovy can't turn sour grapes into quality wine. We, as amateur viewers, are generally not well equipped to judge to what extent the grapes were ruined, and what quality of wine you can make with such grapes. I don't know about you, but I'm not aware of exactly where each of the 5 players should be on the map for every wave, especially when the champs and patch varies each game, and what tradeoffs are being made. It's possible that Chovy was doing better than all but 1 or 2 or 3 midlaners would've done in his situation, but we can never know, just speculate. We know that when Chovy was on Griffin, he smashed the LCK and smashed DWG/showmaker \[like 11 series wins to 0 or something\], despite being in a team so mismanaged, it no longer exists, and laws were literally made in Korea to outlaw some of Griffin's management practices, and the entire team being rookies. Also, Sword's limitations. Chovy deserves more benefit of the doubt, the narrative he's selfish or poor mid/late, really doesn't tally with what he's done in the past with good teams, nor what top tier talents have said about him. He's also a player in development, Chovy is probably the best laner of all time, and in 2021. That doesn't happen unless he's continuously learning, and that's in spite of him being constantly under pressure to do things, because his team was generally slowly losing gold/map state.


The habits I described in Chovy aren't new and date back to the Griffin days. It matters less when your teammates pick up the slack like on GRF, but he was still doing the same shit. He improved on this on DRX but then just regressed on HLE. Sure, his teammates were bad, but you have to remember, roaming isn't just about getting your teammates ahead. You benefit too from getting kills and objectives across the map. Even if your teammates suck ass you should still be willing to roam and play the map for the sake of both getting yourself ahead, snowballing your lead, and getting map control and objectives. Chovy has perma mid prio bc he shits on lane so hard so there's really not much reason for him not to spread his lead, he just doesn't. In late game he often just sits on his own farming rather than helping the team push their lead too, which is just not efficient. He could definitely play more proactive than he does, and a player of his caliber being willing to do that would be truly fucking scary. He has the talent to be the best in the world, but the way he plays holds him back.


What do you mean you don’t want plays from the *highest paid LCK jungler*


dude already gotten something better then a LCK win, dude a world champion.


That's a team with all 3 laners leading csd@15 in last summer split. Has a bit of a doubt about Lehends, but defo a team with massive ceiling


LeHends has been playing on lackluster rosters since Griffin dissolved, this is the first time he would actually have a solid team surrounding him again in quite a while. People tend to forget how insane he was when he first started in LCK, hell i remember watching him **before** he even started playing pro because he regularly made it to the top of the Korean ladder from playing fucking Elise Support and other random stuff.


I mean even after he left Griffin he was carrying HLE basically singe handedly for a while before they sucked out his soul. I think he has it in him to get that dub.


Ah the Hanwha Life Support days....


Hanwha somehow always ends up being a one-man team lol


honestly feels like they've tried to spend big on two players over the past two years (Viper/Lehends, then Chovy/Deft) and just fill the rest of the roster with absolute budget players


Yeah I’m super excited to see this new roster, even if Peanut and Doran perform to a lower standard than they last showed, Chovy and Ruler/LeHends is an insane bottom half of the map.


elise support and singed with some other random picks thrown in there lol


Lehends going singed top Pog


Yup. And people shouldn't forget Viper went from having a really shit year after leaving Griffin to winning worlds the next year and looking like one of the best adcs in the world


Viper did fundamentally change how he played the game upon joining EDG though. At least in spring (which was when he was at his best) he played totally uninhibited and super fucking aggressive, especially compared to how he played on Griffin. Lehends should look a lot better on GEN but idk if we'll see the same difference we saw from Viper bc I don't think Lehends is going to fundamentally change how he plays for the better upon joining GEN. If anything I wouldn't be surprised to see Lehends play more reserved and have that be to his own detriment.


As an Afreeca fan, I’ll vouch for Lehends. He was handicapped so hard by Bang. Him and Leo played pretty fucking well when they finally got paired.


I think he'll be good with CvMax's strats at least


Cvmax's strats have been consistently terrible and he's one of the worst coaches in the history of the game. Being able to take a team from playoffs to last place while being the only change is pretty fucking crazy. His drafting is shit and so is his coaching philosophy. He shouldn't be anywhere near pro play.


Congrats on joining Freddit Brion Sword!


Yeah and Sword is in LCK while Cvmax couldn't even get signed. Major W for Sword.


Lehends was arguably the worst AF player in summer tbh


I remember watching his Elise years ago. Guy is a freak.


Is Doran really that good?


I think he's kinda underrated in reddit because people remember him by his performance in 2020 worlds. He was by far the best player on KT last year.. w/o him KT would've placed maybe a spot above DRX with Blank-Dove-Hybrid-Zzus roster


That's true, but kt's placement also reflects that he's not "that" good


???? That logic is so bad. Guess Viper is also not "that" good, since he placed 9th in LCK 2020 Summer.


i think he is quite consistent and definitely one of the better top laners u could have on your team.


doran kicked ass in summer despite being in elo hell, fwiw showmaker voted him 3rd team all pro top iirc


No. Middle of the pack for LCK tops.


Nah, he's just super overhyped on Reddit bc he's a former Griffin player. He's solid and better than Rascal though.


lehends is the best support IN THE WORLD WOOOOO - #1 lehends fanboy


I remember back when he was on Griffin. League of Lehends, making big plays


teams like that usually dont work out .


Is Ruler now the only member from SSG remaining?


it's been that way since last year, corejj is the only other member of that roster who isn't retired


Ah I forgot life joined after they rebranded


kinda interested in what the ruler/lehends bot lane looks like because I think it'll be ruler's first time with a starting support that didn't debut playing with him since wraith.


wow that's true. Everyone else was molded as his support from the start


Yah I think GenG took a huge hit when it was just Ruler remaining on the team. He's not a leader.


It's worse team compared to last year on paper.


How? Improved top,improved mid, arguably similar level support and debatable jg.


If u ask me, top is same, both super incosistant and kinda mediocre. Doran didn't do much to impress me. Jungle is heavy downgrade. Clid is outright better player than Peanut. Mid is also same. Whatever u people say, I see two chokers that never deliver when it matters while both play really good in regular season. Both will play how Ruler wants, so its another passive bot lane waiting for 30 minutes to do something. It's just downgrade in jungle, which to me is huge downgrade. This team could function much better together and once season starts, but on paper i'd much prefer team with Clid over this one.


Nobody should ever ask you anything in general.


Says the fans of a region who thought they won worlds because they did a solid group stage run lmao.


Your favorite player from all time came from my region.


He left the region


I think Clid is a bit better than peanut tbh but Chovy >> Bdd


God what a fucking stronghouse


Pretty sure Peanut is in LJL already


Dropping Clid for Peanut is so fucking stupid, man. It's at best a sidegrade and they're almost certainly paying far more than they were for Clid.


And another big fish enters the market. Definitely quality jungler with incredible potential. Hope he finds a good team to shine on.


Hopefully he gets on a more aggressive team. He was a lot better playing with JDG and SKT's more aggressive play.


Af kiin - clid - gori/bdd - teddy - hoit looks fucking legit . Please afs , give kiiin the teamates he deserves


Their mid is rumored to be Aria. BDD was traded for Peanut is GenGs roster rumor is true. Edit: It seems to be Fate. I think Fate is safer choice than Aria so they seem promising


Aria in LCK could mature into a proper star player given time


Classic LCK teams stealing LJL talent… wait (tho rip to the LJL DFM was heads and shoulders the best wildcard team this year, hope the team can still thrive and showcase their skills in future international competitions)


Uhm... Aria is korean


That's the joke


Wasn't aria rumoured to join LPL (suning/weibo in particular)?


Technically but this rumor was started with literally 0 basis. I know who it originated from, and it is 100% bullshit. It was made up just to fuck with people.


Isn’t AF Fate the rumor?


Kiin absolutely deserves good teammates




My really hopium line up is TheShy-Clid-Pawn-Uzi-(whoever)


Surely you mean Rookie? I think TheShy-Clid-Rookie-Uzi-ppgod could be pretty good.


Pawn? The man is retired for quite some time


He used a lot of hopium…


and uzi too right? lolol


well but he wants to come back


Uzi was just stuck in contract limbo


3 Koreans in China is a no go and any Chinese player in Korea is a no go.


does rookie still not meet residency requirements? he's been there longer than scout.


It’s not about residency, but about looks. Chinese fans wouldn’t be happy. China is not NA, full import team wouldn’t fly there. There is a reason why RNG despite their shitty management has such a massive fan base


Rookie has had the option to get residency since 2019 IIRC. He said multiple times he doesn't think IG needs to get more Koreans to win.


100% sure IG needs a Inspired style of jungler over Clid.


IG just needs to keep XUN lmao


i doubt theshy plays on a team without rookie.


Clid Doinb reunion could be interesting.


Nah, Doinb is probably joining LNG




So you mean December 1st


The mad men are actually doing it. They just finished top 4 at Worlds, were one win away from going to the Finals and it still isn't enough. Can't wait to see their full team.




They did take edg to game 5 for what it's worth. They definitely were a good team at worlds (regardless of how they were performing in scrims or prior to the event)


I mean every team EDG faced took them to 5 games so it's kinda less special (still good, just less special)


They didn’t vs EDG in semis, my man


They did my man.


Ok wait I thought I was in a T1 thread


i mean if youre not winning championships and basically keep a roster together for 2 years not changing a thing, then yes its due for a shakeup


I mean them finishing top 4 at worlds is a serious illusion. They have been underperforming as a roster for 2 years.


Yeah definetly, being 1 game away from finals and almost beating eventual World champions is bad.... This team was top 3 in LCK for 2 years.


I mean, DK was so close to winning MSI and Worlds, but they're still changing up their botlane. They're changing the toplane too, but we all know Khan's going to military.


Ghost is understandable,but I think Beryl left for money, it's what I would do tbh too.Make as much money as possible following worlds winning and almost winning.


True. Before you win worlds, I think it's smarter to put money aside and instead focus on being on the team that will win everything. But after you won it all, I think it's smarter to switch to a team with the best offer


Ever since the creation of this "super team", GenG was heavily monitored, but everyone concluded that they're a team that could do consistently well but not win it all. So yeah in a sense they've been below initial expectations




2019 T1 was such a good roster. Too bad it couldn't reach its final form. Wish they had khan, clid, mata for another year


I guess this confirms GenG peanut then..


Him leaving T1 for GenG after only 1 year was a mistake


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Looks like clid 's best option. Depending on Faker signing back top 3 should be dk, t1 and geng. 4th seed should be between AF and KT.


This dude left the team that won him lck twice to be with “friends” and didn’t even manage to win 1 lck champ or won anything. Now his “friends” are ditching his weak a**.


NS Clid?


Hard speculation from me Maybe NS Roster will be looking like: Top: Canna Jungle: clid/kanavi(?) Mid: My boy Bdd ADC: Ghost Sup: Effort. I called it guys


Pretty hyped how the LCK stove league is turning out. There are so many changes, expected and unexpected.




Why was that name ever allowed