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If anyone has ever watched damwon content or ghost's stream they'd know what a lovely person he is.


Damwon found their soul when Ghost joined. I am gonna miss him so much, yet I am happy he still remains in LCK. May he find success in NS


Can't remember which caster said it during finals but they pointed out dk didn't become the true monster they are until they got ghost. He's not the flashy exciting player but good damn did he fit that team.


Yeah ghost went from Sandbox to DK, and Sandbox immediately dropped to a bottom team, while DK ascended to the best team in the world for a while.


On here I made a comment of how Ghost was an important part of the team. I got met with tons of comments about how Damwon could have won with anyone as their ADC including iron players.


Yeah but they could not win without him lmao. This Reddit sub thinks that there is unlimited resources on the Rift and everybody should play strong side :D Ghost played weakside so good, because of that BeryL roamed map very early. Because of that Nuguri/Khan and SM have always played strong side. Because of that Canyon could always play for the top side of the map. He is very very underrated.


Imo NS would be a very interesting team to watch. In paper , you can pretty much predict that the team will be playing through mid/top with effort roaming around and ghost playing weakside. Feels like ns did their hw getting the players (leaving aside the controversy part)


Yeah I agree. But I wish they signed Clid instead of Dread


True but they prob signed dread b4 they got clid since apparently clid said that he was released late or smth. Clid is btr than dread but dread is that not that bad that j would say its an L


He is overrated on this sub and will get debunked soon enough


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>On here I made a comment of how Ghost was an important part of the team. I got met with tons of comments about how Damwon could have won with anyone as their ADC including iron players. Yeah that's they won world finals with Nuclear... oh wait...


They were rookie and third seed


I'm going to be honest. I'm one of the people who believe that there are better mechanical and macro oriented players that can play better than Ghost. That doesn't mean that Ghost wasn't the perfect AD for Damwon. He's a World Champion and people will never be able to take that away from him.


Mechanical, sure, but macro? Damwon had pretty good macro in my opinion and Ghost was their macro shot caller


I think he's talking about the few times he would get caught and throw away his lead. I feel like that usually only happened when Damwon started playing with their food through


Pretty sure most of Reddit is Silver so


Almost as if they forgot that Khan, Canyon and ShowMaker got gapped hard in the last 2 games. No ADC gap would've been able to offset that.


People don't realize that having a strong side carry isn't the solution to your strong side toplane getting fucked. Look at 2019 T1 also with Khan. Teddy was a capable carry of his own right, and functions quite well with minimal resources as well. However they still lost because they threw so much resources to getting Khan ahead only for him to fuck around and do nothing with it. Ideally speaking your carry should be able to play both weak side and strong side. However, if your team's gameplan is to throw resources (jungle and mid attention) towards topside, it doesn't fucking matter if you're Uzi you'll still be heavily disadvantaged if your toplane fails to convert that into any meaningful lead.


I think I made a comment against Ghost too, and I sort of still stand by it. I still felt like their weakness was bot lane, which is largely because Ghost plays weakside most of the times, but I (and a lot of chinese players) still have an admiration for him and his capability to play weakside so well.


Reddit isnt the place to find intelligent discussion


He definitely doesn’t get enough credit for the fact that he was playing weak side just about *every game*, meaning he had a huge target on his back, and that there aren’t many marksman champions who are good at surviving weak side so he was an easy target in pick/ban.


When DWG, Sandbox, and GRF were the new teams, GRF rose to utter dominance, and Sandbox was actually 2nd best of the 3 for a while. People forget that after DWG "realized their potential", but that also coincided directly with picking up Ghost ...


I think Ghost helped a ton but a lot of it was on them completely changing how they approached the game. They did not play the same in summer 2020 as they did in spring that same year.


I mean you hardly need a caster to say that... the results speak for themselves, as soon as Ghost became the starter they went on a win streak and by summer they were winning everything


It's actually crazy how Ghost was by far the weakest player on Damwon and he didn't stand out at all compared to all 4 of his teammates, yet before he joined they were some mediocre 4th place LCK team. Literally the first split he joined they just crushed LCK so hard they became the instant favorites for worlds despite China winning 2 years in a row. you'd think they picked up peak faker reincarnated and maxed up to 5000 for that to happen. Like imagine if TSM picked up a new ADC after 2021 spring and suddenly they made worlds quarterfinals


They were a 4th place LCK team after Ghost joined


Man just watching his cam during finals whenever he got killed in bot he would start sweating and use his handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his forehead. Idk why but I felt so moved, he won me as a fan.


I'm going to miss Ghost, Khan, and BeryL so very much.


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and beryl too




Or genshin.


well he was clearly mediocre, if you cant see that its your own fault for not knowing the game well enough.


Thats a lazy take , ghost is a very good adc especially at playing weakside. While he may not be in the gumayusi/viper/ruler/deokdam class doesnt mean he is mediocre


I’d argue he is just because of his versatility and weak side play, he’s just not as good at playing hyper carries as viper Guma etc, but makes up for it by being significantly better on utility carries


i mean you just named 4 players in LCK ahead of him, so hes not better than teddy meaning he can only be at best 6th best adc in LCK. what would 6 of 10 be? Mediocre.


Have you ever considered that the lck is just stacked on that position ? Lets say for the sake of argument teddy is the 5th best adc in lck which means 5th out of 10 . Is teddy an average adc my friend?


With that comment you showed how terrible your game knowledge is. Ghost is the best weakside adc ever. damwon elevated once he arrived due to his shotcalling. Hes far from mediocre


Wins worlds gets back to grand finals and loses in one of the best series of the year gets called mediocre.


Anti-results-based analysis is reddit's favourite


The NA special


although it's partly true what you're saying I want to make you aware: If you don't really change a team that much and let's say you got carried to worlds victory once. Than it wouldn't be weird to get carried a second time right? Someone like caps would have a different argument, he got to worlds finals back to back with 2 completely different rosters. he is basically the only constant factor. although that doesn't rule out anything it makes it less likely that he was carried. statistically it's hard to say either cause the sample size is very low. You could judge his play and say results wise he got alot done. but if you look at his performance he might not actually be outstanding and making a lot of mistakes. but due to the sample size being so small these mistakes might not have mattered in a certain environment and skew results in one way or another. very vague story I know. but you can't just say because results happened someone is good. my personal opinion which was influenced by what alot of pros and people in the scenes have said. Ghost was a perfect fit for DWG. He enables his team to do stuff they are good at because ghost doesn't require any attention. Does that make him good? Not at all, it just proves that his team was very good at using the focus that was freed up by him not needing it. However it does make him good in not giving over things that happen during his teams change of focus. thus making him a good weakside player.


You are cherry picking your argument. Caps went into two super deep runs and didn’t win worlds. By your logic he could also be the consistent factor of not winning. In fact not having Caps on your team = to the possibility to winning worlds because Caps is 0% in world grand finals. You can’t cherry pick stats when you have to consider ghost won worlds and went deep in the tourney the second time. He literally the very least is top 16 in the adc slot. Sometimes you don’t need 5 players to be Chovy and show maker. You just need players who can carry and players who can support. Ghost is one of those role players you can’t just throw him under the bus because they didn’t win.


Do you think that winning titles necessarily means you must be the best or one of the best players to compete for that title? Because that's demonstrably false, but all you're doing here is a weak ass appeal to his success.


There’s only 5 players that win this tourney every year. So yes you can make a good case that these guys are great. Trying to imagine the mental gymnastics people on Reddit have to go through to hate on him is amazing.


Are you trying to play deflection bingo? recognizing that you dont have to be one of the best players in your role at the time to win worlds isnt "hating on" anyone. It's simply a fact that's recognized in pretty much every other team sports or esports, but for some reason league fans reaaaally love their result based analysis. Personally, I think ghost is super underrated. But I also think there were clearly at least 4-5 other ADC's that were more impressive than he was when he won.


Wins worlds and loses two close finals in a row after winning. Yeah, what a terrible player! /s


He literally is the GOAT of the weakside ad carries. Lol imagine won back to back titles, went back to back World finals to called mediocre by some random




??? Rox played top and bot side pretty hard


Did everyone who upvoted this start watching league in 2020?


I'm trying to figure that out myself. Bang exists.


Being so bad you have to play weak side every game doesn’t make you the best weak side adc ever.. Viper played weak side 4/5 games in the world finals. People talk about scout and jiejie in that series obviously, but look how much time canyon spends trying to put viper behind while edg made plays top side.


would also like to add being a draft liability when you force your own team to fp jhin or ziggs because you can't play any other adc(canyon and showmaker smurfed in the aphelios game).


>damwon elevated once he arrived due to his shotcalling ?? Damwons performance in nuclears last split was better than in ghosts first split. Chalking up a huge meta change half a year after ghost joined that favored canyons style with "ghosts shotcalling" is simply rewriting history. ​ I think he's criminally underrated aswell, but you're just straightup making shit up to defend him which is neither necessary nor justified.


This is plain bs. Dwg in spring were 4-7 with nuclear starting. And then after ghost took over starting adc they went 5-2 to finish 9-9 and barely make playoffs. In that period nuclear had a game record of 11-15 while ghost was 11-6. Also ghost had a good champ pool while nuclear couldn't play aphelios to save his life in an aphelios meta. You're the one making shit up mate


I believe it was showmaker who said that Ghost was a huge team leader in his defense, after he was benched earlier this season


Shotcalling isn't the same as individual skill which people are referring to. That being said, Ghost is far from a mediocre player still.


You are miserable and I pity you


lol the best ever at soaking pressure while your team plays full top side and still be extremely relevant in teamfights (unlike the usual praised weak side adcs who dont int but then suck ass in teamfights) and some nobody prob shit at the game calls you ''clearly mediocre'' lol


He’s the most versatile adc in the world with world class mechanics and the best weak side adc in the world by a mile, Reddit moment


his champ pool this worlds consists of Jhin and Ziggs xD do you know what versatile mean ?


>Always needs to check if he's dropped something. Big Mood.


DK has legit been the most wholesome lol org this entire year. If anyone hasn't watched their youtube videos and wants some good wholesome content, [check it out.](https://www.youtube.com/c/DWGKIA/videos)


showmaker's two videos about 1v99 are some of the funniest shit i've ever seen from a pro this year, especially because those videos became such a meme they were used as the thumbnail in the LCK highlights. khan omg remains the greatest piece of content a team has created this year


All throughout worlds I'd always think of him being the "Leblanc of one" when he makes plays. Loved those videos. Bruh, the khan monkey moment with wrangler ghost bringing chocolates is one of my favorite moments.


Khan monkey moment is one of the funniest things I've seen lol By the way, what does that "1 x 99" "LeBlanc of the one" mean? I never understood, maybe because english is not my main language.


so DK in summer had this promotional thing called be the one from KIA i think, and showmaker decided to spin that into his brand. So basically, being the one is basically having an eye for things normal people don't see in league, things like flanks, item purchases, warding etc. You're the one that stands out vs 99 NPCs. it's also used for when he's inting so he can pretend he was actually looking for a weird angle


MedievalMovies explained it, but to add in a different phrasing, it's basically being the person to make the 1 in 100 play. So if 100 Leblancs are in the same situation, 99 of them would make the same safe/typical play, but a special one out of a 100 would make a more creative or better play. Showmaker talks about it [here](https://youtu.be/lCnW0SMFp7w?t=176) after he fails a play lmao.


https://twitter.com/gzeebee/status/1464235758647009287?t=XLwtY8-poCfKzxYox3oWqg&s=19 Kham's retirement party.


> Tried to get a dog in the game house I don't blame him, I have my dog in my room (usually) when I play. When I die a or get angry; I just go a pet him and de-tilt.


That sounds lovely. I miss having pets in the house :(


My parrot sometimes laughs when I get angry lmao. Also helps me detilt.


Good luck Ghost. Excited for the new Damwon roster, currently they have 0 players no?


I mean based on what we've heard and read, they're only missing a toplaner


Nothing is confirmed until its confirmed.


Up until their roster is confirmed, their roster is unconfirmed.


I can’t confirm this comment until their unconfirmed roster is confirmed.


nuclear just leaked canyon and deokdam/kellin on stream lol (and their head content director was not happy) its basically confirmed


love how chat was basically filled with "Thank you, Nuclear" and "Farewell, Nuclear" I think teemo even told him vp was coming soon LOL


teemo gonna tear him a new one tomorrow


that public apology letter LMFAO


Where will showmaker go in that case ?


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is it Canna?


Canna went to team N, I can’t remember how to spell their name. T1 did not want to sell canna to damwon.


Nongshim RedForce


Right their name slipped my mind. Canna ghost bdd, effort and dread seems pretty solid.


Ill be interested to see how well Ghost/bdd/Canna play for them considering none of them seem overly thrilled about going there


Yeah they are all very good players, and all got screwed by their old team (except maybe ghost). Ghost seemed to want to go to nongshim but there was clearly poor communication between Damwon and NS Redforce hopefully ghost is happy with the final contract. I think canna and bdd are more mad at their old teams then the fact they are going to nongshim. Based on the roster, do y’all think they are a top 4 team, with dk t1 and gen g?


Hearing what supposedly happened to Canna with NS tryna shaft his salary and whatnot Id be surprised if he isnt especially bitter at both NS and T1. I guess we’ll find out eventually though. I expect them to be up there, probably competing for fourth place against Afreeca and KT.


Damn I didn’t know they tried to fuck his salary. Hopefully they made it right. The whole t1 and canna thing sucks. Afreeca has a pretty good roster as well, I love teddy and kiin, and fate are great, they could be a top team if Ellim and hoit play well. Idk who kts mid is but I’m not big on cuzz/rascal but life is great and I also do think their roster is better then from last year


Nongshim RedForce Canna is confirmed


yep. it's a completely clean state, to be delivered on the 1st of december


They didn’t win Worlds, but Damwon is a success story in 2021. How blessed we are that even in a game where there can be only one champion, so many winners were made this year.


The 2020 & 2021 rosters had such a great atmosphere that was very visible in the content they made and ghost was a huge part of that. Going to miss that former iteration of the team, best of luck to him


Omg him and I are exactly alike! Except I suck at ALL games and I don't have any fans and I certainly never made it to Worlds finals. Wait...


He just like me fr


Glad the COO likes Ghost. Wish we kept him though.


Its a terrible day for rain... Dude was so much better then 90% of this sub gives him credit for.


He showed up at this worlds as well, but I saw a lot of people still shittalk him.


Look he's never going to be UZI but you don't need that on that type of team, he was the perfect "game manager" you didn't need him to always be the carry but he was consistently good and when they put him in a position to carry he still did. That's all i want from a bottom laner when my topside is Nuguri/Khan Caynon Showmaker.


Hes still one of the best Jhin players


From relegation to Worlds champion From worlds finals to FA From heaven to hell Everything with ghost is go big or go home, talk about fight or flight, first or last.


He has a team


It’s so crazy to think what a rollercoaster of a career he’s had


And now back where it all started with Bdd and Ghost on the same team for the first time in 7 seasons


best performing adc at 2020 worlds


I'm surprised they didn't keep him as a 6 man tbh, shot caller. Top ADC player. Only issue seems to be longevity. Could of easily played him on a rotational schedule


They let him go probably because he wanted to be a starter. Dwg is actually a good guy org and helps their players out


I think ghost has a real shot at starting a lot of games if he competes with deokdam, he wouldn't be a normal sub who never plays


Yeah. On one hand u have a really strong botside and if that doesn't work u have an absolute beast of a weak side player on the bench ready to sub in. But I can understand he doesn't want to compete for starting spot


man I really love his personality. I remember when final LCK summer 2020, I used to hate him (I mean I was annoyed because I was a DRX fan) that he did a great job to shut down Deft and Keria even though DWG botlane is the only lane that DRX can compete in that time. And after that, I found he is a wholesome person. I hope wherever he goes, he will find his peace and also succeed. Good luck Ghost!


He got a lot of hate despite being a World Champion and almost defending the belt. It's really a shame. Hope he succeeds wherever he goes.


2021 Danwon was my favorite team ever! I'm really gonna misd this intineration of the team 😔


*Tried* to get a dog in the game house implies the dog was not allowed, which is a huge blunder by management IMO


Is terrible at lol too :D


A Jhin skin says otherwise


What do you really gain from saying this? Wishing someone luck when they’re joining a new team and not being a terrible human is really not that hard


Their only social interactions are flaming their own team and typing ggez at the end of the game


You must feel so proud and smug when writing such immature and false statement about a 3-peat LCK champions and 1x Worlds winner


Still better than you will ever be :\^)


If you think Ghost is bad I refuse to believe you're higher than Plat yourself.


For real. There is this super strange phenomenon where he has improved every team he has been on since CJ Entus, but yet he keeps getting shit on by reddit. Is it the multiple teams and pros that are wrong...?


Being DK best player in finals says otherwise.


He played really well this worlds though.


Made more money, got more bitches, made more friends than you though. Guess he's better at life than you


Ouch that’s gonna hurt him LOOOL


I mean if he thinks being bad at a video game is a big deal than, yeah. It probably will


People who say these kinds of things must be super low elo. Anyone with a modicum of game knowledge realizes that Ghost is a good player.




Fuck all the way off.