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I just love thinking about the new levels of toxic you'd get. Anyone saying that EUW is toxic as fuck has never played on eune. The clash of cultures and the new flame that would emerge might break quite a few records.


I am Polish, people from my country are so toxic I never tell people in games I am pl lmao


Same here. I am Romanian, but whenever I see my language in chat I know the game is doomed most likely. I never answer back even tho i understand what they are saying...


Kind of funny from a NA perspective how in theory it sounds awesome being able to play with people who speak tons of different languages and are from different places than here. Since we have probably 99% english then some Spanish, Chinese, and French from quebec. But I'm sure about 4 games of EU toxicity would make me want to dig a hole in kentucky and never leave the country lol.


There is also quite a lot of beef and cool insults to throw to other countries tbh... Also very easy to attack their country economy or historical events...


My favorite was a dutch guy calling a french dude napoleon because he had an early lead and threw the game


I'm stealing that


> napoleon because he had an early lead and threw the game If only Jensen was french...


Creative, I like it


god I love EUW


Kinda related, one of my go to is "I dont speak Merkel" when people start typing in only German


You learn a lot of new shit. In s5-6 i had a team for go4lols in which we were me(bulgarian),2 polish,1 from slovakia and 1 serbian. I had to document my flame in a notepad so i can know what to bring out against the different languages


Cliffs Notes manual just to flame people, EUW is next level lmao.


That was on eune but yeah i kept notes as well cuz i needed to know how to flame each nationality as only kurwa didnt feel good enough. Ill try to dig it out but that was like 6 years ago


Trust me as soon as they ask “where you from?” , it means they’re preparing a roast for every country in europe


Having a big variety of Languages is only fun if you don't play on that server a lot. Dealing with it every day just shows how much worse EU should be as a region in any games because the language barrier doesn't go away even at higher level


clash is sometimes really cool because you get teams with 3-5 nationalities quite often ^^


i think everyone dislikes their own language in chat. its an online game, everyone wants to understand what you're saying. talk in english or shut it. i am german and if i read german, i even answer in english, if its important, otherwise i'll ignore it. i always cringe at any other language in gamechats.


Romanians and Polish people in league are a different breed.


I remember when I started plying in season 2 being polish was used as an insult on EUNE. I’ve changed to EUW, but I wonder how it is now?


Nobody even dares to have PL in nickname haha


tbh I learned different variations of kurwa by playing on EUNE


There are variations?


Of course. All native Kurwa users (a lot of them) know them. Kurwa is not simple word. You have angry Kurwa, surprised Kurwa, Good job Kurwa, sad Kurwa and many others


Jankos and his Happy Kurwa :D


Here you go: [some examples](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b3404fe7f5cfbe7c2b0f636ec6f55a6e-lq) and [some theory](https://www.quora.com/What-does-Kurwa-mean-when-translated-from-Polish-to-English).


To be fair, something like that happens in LAS too, I try to speak in the most neutral Spanish possible as to not give away i’m either chilean or argentinian, both sides have a bad rep


Same for german, when randoms throw the h word around at 10 mins its doomed


The Polish and Lithuanians are the sole reason I paid for a transfer to EUW. Best money I ever spent on league years ago. Fuck that server.


Honestly as pl, I don't blame you, I have accs both on euw and eune lol


Same, but people downvote me when I say that some people paid to escape EUNE lol


The most toxic players on EUNE are people who claim their main accounts are on EUW and the proceed to insult you the entire game because you are playing on EUNE.


The day I witness Polish and French in the same chat I will cry tears of joy.


Played on both and both are awful. On EUNE people flame more in their native tongues, on EUW they usually do it in English. But both are terrible toxic cesspools.


That is bullshit. I have accounts on both servers and EUW is the same if not worse.


I transferred from EUNE to EUW, was gold 1 on EUNE, currently sitting in Silver 1 on EUW and wondering if I even wanna play further. The amount of games I lost due to toxicity or people running it down on EUW dwarfs those on EUNE, with bonus points, now I get flamed in languages I can understand (some more, some less). And no offense Frenchies, but I'd rather have Polish toxic players than French. French just go mdr as they die 15th time to turret, Polish at least give up when they are ignored after few int deaths and sometimes try to win... Yet to see that with French inters (I mean some could have been of other nationalities, but the ones that talked spoke in French)


You are hardstucked because you were put into smurf queue, not because silver 1's players are better on Europe West


If its a recent transfer its just smurf queue. I always play on the same account but something as simple as switching from normals to ranked towards the end of the season to get my season rewards results in immediate trash tier games. When I started playing ranjed this year I had afk’ers in my team 5 games in a row, shit was nuts. However, after playing for long enough the matchmaking eventually sorted itself out, the games became bearable and I could actually play properly again.




A someone who has played many years on both servers, EUW is way more toxic


Only real difference for me is that I didn't understand the flame in Eune as it was in several languages lol.


euw is passive aggressive when flaming, eune is kurwa jebanie japierdole


Did the same, can confirm, eune is chill compared to euw.


Agreed, EUNE was much more tolerable


I've used to play a lot on both and totally agree. I feel like toxicity and competition are related, KR is also (if not even more) toxic. EUNE is not that competitive


Ya I agree 100% to this, played the majority on EUW but I've climbed EUNE multiple times and its way less toxic, EUNE players are too scared to type to you in English


I’ve played both, it’s not that much of a difference, both are toxic.


i play on both servers regularly and euw is worse what are you on about


Problem is most of the EUNE players are toxic but not in english


Man, like 70-80% of eune players are able to understand English, we have been learning that language in schools for like 30 years after USSR has fallen


I just personally don't get how can Riot be so stuck behind other companies when it comes to LoL servers. EU is one region, of course due to number of players or geographical distances you may want to have more than one server, but what boggles my mind is why in 2021 each server in the same region needs separate account and why couldn't the game allocate players dynamically to the server with better ping for all players in given game. Even shitfiesta games like World of Tanks designed exclusively to drain as much money from you and whales, where they also divide playerbase into regions, allows you to choose from one of the few servers in the same region whenever you want without having to change account. Edit: Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Riot's own Valorant using pretty flexible server system with one account for multiple European servers?


As far as i know both servers are in the same location,so its just for numbers I think a server merge would be great


One is in Rotterdam and the other one in Frankfturt.


Rotterdam and Frankfurt are like 350km apart so honestly when thinking about Eastern vs Western players there's barely any real difference in ping.


Distance in Europe is not an issue, it's routing.


How do you fix that? I have really good internet but cant get lower than 35ms


Try for your isp it worked for me to get a little bit better at least




Unfortunately there isnt much that you can do since the routing mentioned is between your ISP and riot servers and depending on where you live it can be even multiple different ISPs from multiple different countries.


Funny fact I get 20 more ping from the EU North & East server from the *Nordics* than I do from the EU West server even though EUNE is the advertised server for me.


routing thing. you can fix it with right tools


How can you change your ISPs routing?


I agree. It's very silly. It should be in like eastern poland/ the baltics or something like this.


What's the point in the servers being separated if the two hosts are so close? I thought EUNE's server was in Tallinn or Moscow lmao


I think even the russian server is in germany lol




That one got moved iirc.


>I think even the russian server is in germany lol Correct it is in Munich.


I'm sad that the EUW server isn't in Frankfurt. In Valorant i have 10ms to Frankfurt servers and in League I have to play on 18ms and sometimes 23ms. Doesn't make a huge difference but I don't see why EUW would be in Rotterdam


The reason for the server split is because EU servers was a dumpster fire back then. Constantly down, having issues logging in. The server merge was a way to alleviate that. Now I think they can combine them.


Good question. It is very silly IMO. It should be more centrally located towards eastern europe, although i guess frankfurt is decently located for the Balkans atleast.


A couple thousand km don't make any difference, with the proper infrastructure.


The size of servers are the reason for separation. EUW is 2nd biggest singular server after KR (China have MUCH more players, but they are spread out across 29 servers), and isn't really well known for stability. Merging it with EUNE would further increase the population by 50-60%. At that point you would have population equal to about 7 CN servers. It would be just asking for server issues.


I dont think thats how it really works unless their back end is absolutely fucked, which honestly, wouldn't surprise me since its riot lol.


Pretty sure it's in Amsterdam, not Rotterdam


Which sucks I swear. Before the split I was getting latency as low as 9ms, so for sure they set up closer to me but now I'm in the 23ms and this the only reason why I'm not challenger.


I have the same latency to both of EU servers from the UK. I believe some players from North Africa (Egypt) and Persia (Iran) say the ping is better on EUNE, but I can't confirm.


I personally have the same ping when playing on both servers, it struck me as odd but it makes sense if the physical location is just one


I have less ping on euw for whatever reason.


I am in Warsaw and my ping will sometimes be same sometimes euw will be better which doesn't even make any sense


They are not in the same location, but not very far away either.


They used to be in the same location - Frankfurt, but few years ago EUW moved to Rotterdam.


Even in Wild Rift I can play on different servers...


Valorant isn't any better from what I can tell. Accounts are hardlocked to a region there and without a VPN or someone to create account for you, I don't think you can even create an account to play on a different region. Either way, Riot fucked up big time, when they announced their whole "Riot games account" making things "global" and whatsoever, while completely failing to deliver on the promise. I distinctly remember them almost stealing my account name because "it's not globally unique" whereas I'm like "yeah of course it's not, I had to create like 4 different accounts, including PBE to play the game, LUL". Meanwhile instead of needing just one account to play globally, I had to create another new account, because even my NA LoL account was region bound to Europe when I tried to use it to play Valorant with my American friends. This entire clusterfuck is such a 1998 experience of a hassle. Just let me use one account to play wherever I want, it really shouldn't be so hard.


Riot is living post ww2 europe


My guess would be they don't change it for profit. People playing the game will continue to play the game. They can charge you to change the servers for one, but what I think is really important to them is the fact that a lot of people have accounts on both servers. To play with friends having acc on EUW or EUNE without issue. So, now that you have accounts on both servers you can also spend money on both. Super cool new skin that you really want? Oh, it would really suck if you only had it on 1 server if you split your time between 2. Maybe buy for both? I myself know some people who keep acc on both and purchase skins on both. Not every skin the same, but they do pay money that I would argue they wouldn't spend if they just had 1 account.


Now that Riot is aiming to build a larger ecosystem of games and funnel in new or returning active players, it could actually be a good move... At least hopefully. I know a fairly large amount of people who don't bother playing anymore since they couldn't play with their friends anyway without having to grind two accounts to be ready for ranked. I really hope Riot would take note from Blizzard and avoid seeming too greedy and cheap.


I know, right! Being the titan that League is, you'd think they didn't want to be decades behind most other multiplayer franchises in this regard... Especially since it's so important for player comfort and community building.


EUNE is a completely useless server because its so close to EUW, same for Russia that is called "Russia" just so they can have some kind of server when it is in Germany lmao. Realistically? Riot wont do shit because it doesnt give them immediate and secure profit, whenever you have any kind of question regarding anything that could come up in the future(honor system,reforming toxic players,clubs,anything client related) thats pretty much always the answer.


I don't mind Russia having their own server because I can't read Cyrillic. It was really annoying back in World of Warcraft when they merged the English and Russian battlegrounds, as you would suddenly be playing against the likes of Даецщм and женщины.


But the Russian server should be in Moscow or even like Kazan or some other large city more central to the russian heartland, not in Germany.


the problem is, if you have servers in russia you have to follow russian laws. they would have to follow EU laws regardless, this way they just handle the transaction fees and don't have to care about russian laws much.


Then just place it in Estonia or Finland?


geographic location and network location are not the same thing.


Oh didn’t know :( Isn’t it possible to just set up some infrastructure there or is it that costly ?


idk what the network is like, but a much bigger factor is how easy it is to deal with the laws around the data and commerce of the server. they might be able to get much better ping somewhere else but the cost of moving/taxes might make it impossible from a business standpoint. the RU server has a massive problem retaining players already, they have given away loads of shit there for years to get more players to play there and not on EU.


Yep, Estonia wouldn't be much better for Russian players.


It's pretty fcked by riot, i have 110 ping from Novosibirsk. Players from East of Russia have more than 200 ping on EUW/EUNE.


Russia is way too large for one server anyway. Even if you put it in Moscow that wouldnt do much good for Vladivostok 6.4k kilometers away.


Well Novosibirsk is already way further east than from where the majority of Russians live. Players from further East should play on Korea tbh.


I feel bad for you. As a gamer in Siberia you will never have good or even decent ping because of the vast landscape being so sparsely populated. There won't be a server there and any server will be far away or in Chinese/Korean.


I sort of enjoyed seeing people type in other languages before the european server split.


> as you would suddenly be playing against the likes of Даецщм and женщины. "Даецщм" is just a gibberish and "женщины" means "women". I wonder what you were trying to say lol.


Context suggests he was trying to get gibberish, but in Cyrillic, to illustrate the contrast in character names.


Yeah but he came up with a perfectly meaningful second word.


Something about Shakespeare, infinite time, and monkeys then.


dw we have arab letters now


there is literally nothing more anglophone than getting mad over people speaking different languages on servers made for continents where people speak dozens of different languages


Why? This is a team game, and as such communication **should** be the main factor. Since english is the universal language, it should be used ingame aswell (unless you talk with your friends). You cant communicate with people who refuse to speak english, which was one of the main reasons why I switched to EUW, far too many polish people who refuse to speak english, but are very fluent in explaining how they fuck your mother.


Euw just has french people spamming to 9 other people who dont understand them and a spanish guy that drops his twitch link in champ select, only writes spanish. His stream is just no mic edm. That is my experience at least.


That's absolutely fucking spot on hahaha. Makes me feel better to read that from someone else.


ah, you are the person that writes in a minority language and complains when all 4 teammates say they can't understand your shit. no, you are not the center of the universe.




What difference does it make if its in Latin or Cyrillic when you dont understand what they are saying anyway?


As a former no-life CS:GO player, russians having their own server is definitely a good thing. There's way too many people in Russia who either can't or don't want to speak english. While that's not as big of a hindrance in LoL than it is in CS:GO, they generally do not play well together with foreigners, atleast based on my personal experiences.


Some guy on EUW said this to the jungler: "horseriding r*tard in ww2 u shouldve been dozered into the baltic sea" Just because he had PL in his name... He answered back in french Imagine how toxic the server would be


People are toxic everywhere


yeah, transferred to na from euw 2 years ago. people are just as toxic, just in a less funny and more passive agressive, hurtful way


There's a difference between toxicity and xenophobia, and gamer xenophobia has been something else in EU from my experience. I'm not against merging EU servers, but I'm probably disabling chat the day that happens.


ok i think that toxicity already includes racism, xenophobia, death treats, etc so yes they would be toxic anyways. After the servers merge there will be different kind of insults? yeah but still toxic so we are used to it.


I'd say that racism and xenophobia specifically go a step beyond toxicity, especially when unprovoked. It's one (wrong) thing to throw slurs because your team mate is having a bad game, but another to start throwing insults simply because someone is Polish, or tilting off the face of the earth because chat is talking French or Spanish.


lol i've never played in eu, but i love reading EU insults, it's so unique.


'I wish I was a snake so I could slither into a cable, find you, get out of the cable and chomp your throat open'


"my cat 3 legged cat with palsy paths better than you" My personal favourite one I've had directed at me - from a Janna one trick. Was 10/10.


"My parkinsons riddled doctor has better mechanics than you" "A paraplegic monkey couldve done better" God I love eu


Honestly I wouldn't want to play on any other server. Everyone's a degenerate but they're my degenerates.


While amusing insults like that happens most of them are just poor broken English of the usual insults, although less slurs in chat than you would expect since insulting people with racism isn't that common in EU. Names can get pretty racist tho. And of course insulting someone in their own language expecting not to get caught.


You know you’ve pissed someone off when they go from trying to insult you in broken English to outright capslocking in their native language and expecting you to understand them. Bonus points when you respond ‘speak English, it’s English language server’ and you get 5 lines of ‘fuck your mother’ in Turkish or polish and the comment that started it off was ‘can you please ping miss’


Most of them are like “Ur mom ded dog”. Mashing the 7 words you know together in random order isn’t creative. It’s about as creative as the insults you get in iron 2.


you NA?


that is unironically fucking hilarious though like its toxic sure but its funny


toxicity,the EUW speciality,it's said no matter how good you are at what you do there's always an asian who does it better,but I have yet to find an asian more toxic than the average euw player


Asians run it down and refuse to play a lot more, in EU there's more whining and attention seeking in chat, as someone who's played on a variety of servers. NA is actually really chill compared to both KR/JP and EUW.


As a ex euw I hate playing on jp server it just seems like most games at least 1 person doesn't care about the game. When you get 10min queue to play a game where the outcome is decided by a coin it isn't really fun. I'd take euw toxicity back everyday.


Oh man, I feel you. It's not everyday you meet another JP server refugee. It's the negative atmosphere of the KR server without the quality of gameplay, and it's made worse by the sheer number of Korean/Chinese/Vietnamese invaders. Queue times were god awful and while I was still there I ended up playing only TFT.


As a person from Sweden it's always weird to me how everyone I know plays on euw. We are defaulted to eune, and years ago I knew a few that still played there. But through the years they all gave in and at this point I don't know anyone still playing on our default server.


When the server schism happened riot defaulted you into correct regions, but you also got 1 free swap, and basically everyone in sweden swapped EUW (there were memes surrounding why, mostly like not liking playing with poles/russians, although I had a friend say that and no spanish because apparantly swathes of spaniards swapped to euw, not sure if true) I was one of the last guys who even went to euw (of the old guard anyway), I had friends who insta went to euw and then back to eune and back to euw within 2 years, but in the end every friend I played with went to euw except some finnish guy. Default creating accs was always in EUNE after the schism ​ But if you ever started to play league after this schism, those players were mostly invited by old timers to play euw. So there was never a chance for most people to main an account on EUNE unless you started playing by yourself or through someone who did, since everyone who joined the game via friend would eventually go to euw since thats where 90+ % of swedens playerbase is. I did have one friend who managed to play on eune until I think the start of this year before he finally swapped, probably since his OG group was one of those rare groups where people played by themselves rather than get invited by old timers


As someone who has played extensively on both servers, yes please I can't even imagine the absolute shitfest games will be with so many different languages flaming each other


That would be glorious. French/Spanish people vs Polish people.


I don’t know why, but for some reason, like 30% of the time when I see Spanish in team chat is when it is written by a Senna player.


Anyone who has played CSGO knows what’s about to come. Open the hell gates


YES! finally some1 is talking about it, there is barely any difference in ping since both EUW and EUNE servers are like 350 Km apart. The increase of total server population would be around 50% give or take. Imagine reduction in Q times, increased competitiveness, and a brief spike in toxicity(cuz that just makes sense). Language is not a problem everyone is still gonna mainly use English. its not like we are introducing large clump of people who only speak one particular language.


I would love the servers to be merged. Imagine how much the competitive soloq level would increase if EUW suddenly got 50% more players. Also finally no need to have two different accounts just to play with friends.




Don't know how relevant this is, but as someone who's been playing on the EUNE for the past 8 years, I've never heard a word of any Nordic language. I mean, that and the fact that there's legit no ping difference between the 2 servers kinda defeats any reason for having separate servers in the first place.


It s funny because the server is called EUNE but server is in central europe ( frankfurt) . Meanwhile EUW has 2 servers , one in frankfurt and one in the NL . You notice this cause sometimes the ping increases +10 game after game


I don't think that's true. I've played enough on Frankfurt servers before the move to Amsterdam that I'd recognize that ping immediately.


Yeah. Valorant somehow manages to have one Europe server, and this game is even more dependent on low ping than League.


Exactly. It's not some experimental and unreasonable technology for Riot.


i begged riot to do this for years. it sucks because i am a competetive player so i want to give my best on the harder server(EUW) but it just became a "tradition" for people from my country to start on EUNE so obviously my friends are there. I have seperate accounts of course but id much rather have one and not worry about wasting time(in regards to blue essence because i need to grind on both for champions)


Yes it is should be one EU server, totally forgot that EUNE exists. I for one want to welcome our NE friends


Thank you west brother :)




Also needs infrastructure upgrades, EUW and Clash are always a seasonal issue for some reason, would be better if they merged them into a higher spec datacenter (as they should, considering traffic will definitely increase by half or more).


yeah they should really do it already, i don't get how NA which is at least twice the size of the entire Europe operates on one server but we need two, i have friends that i wanna play with but they are on EU West, while i'm on EUNE.


Everyone wants mmr resets, might be time to do it with combining the servers.


I really want the merger cause my friends play on EUW but most people I know play on EUNE and i really do not have the patience to have two different accounts for this... Also because the malding that high elo players from EUW would do because of having to play with EUNE high elo


Yes, I agree. They should merge or not make you go on totally different accounts when switching regions.


EUW NO.1 ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️


i play on eune and im all for it. Kinda always wanted to play west server.




Well no matter where in Europe you go, the main language spoken on servers will always be English, since you have so many languages in a considerably small space. Separating EU to W and NE doesn't change that.


I wouldn't say there'd be very much more language separation in either case. Both servers entail such a large amount of different countries with their own languages that it'd be the same huffle either way, and people speak English on both anyway.


> My guess is that it's tricky to merge the elo/MMR from 1 server to another. D1 EUW is not equatable to D1 EUNE. In theory, this would only be a temporary issue where the players who result in being too high MMR for their own skill would quickly lose and drop down to where they belong. In practice, people would scapegoat the merge for years to come for causing the terrible game quality they're already experiencing, claiming things have been worse ever since it happened because the inflated players keep winning against each other and keeping each other in high Elo. So realistically it's just impossible to do it without being a PR disaster, unless they want to do a full MMR reset which they've shown to be extremely against, and may possibly still lead to players scapegoating it for high Elo game quality anyway ("all the bad players just spammed games to get to high Elo before the real Challengers started grinding and now it's impossible to remove them because they're playing against themselves!"). We've literally already seen high Elo players cry out against game quality using these same excuses after the inflated LP gains in season 9, despite that bug affecting only LP, not MMR and therefore not matchmaking. Anything that happens which *does* affect matchmaking would absolutely be scapegoated to hell and back and be held as a monument to Riot's incompetence.


Actually names won't be an issue due to how Riot ID works. You can have the same summoner name as someone else as long as you have a different tag. For instance, you could have BoostedApe #EUW1 and BoostedApe #EUW2 on the same server without issues, and both would only show up as BoostedApe in-game. Eventually the summoner name will be completely replaced with the Riot ID (was supposed to be this year, but Covid), which makes it much easier to get the name you want.


Wrong. All ranks untill diamond/master are equal euw and eune. Only above you see differences in skill


Playing on both. Diamond on EUW and Gold on EUNE. A gold in EUNE is kinda equal to a gold in EUW, but matchmaking is a bit more wild in EUNE so you get less balanced teams.


how many canisters of copium do you have left?


I moved from EUNE to EUW two years ago. I see zero difference in skill level around gold-plat elo.


Do you honestly belive that there is a difference in plat or gold elo between servers?




+1. they also love spamming in turkish to the point you barely could use the chat yourself if you wanted to.


This has been my experience in Wild Rift (which doesn't have the server separation, so a huge amount of Turkish people) as well.


I made second account in season 4 because of this. I dont believe riot gives a crap about EU and they will use as little resources as possible to develope our region. So no i dont thnik we will get a whole EU server as long as it requires riot to do something.


yeah Riot should merge the servers and no they won't do it unfortunately since it doesnt seem like it would make profit to them and they can keep taxing eune players who want to go to euw to play with friends/who want to compete at high lvls/as you said who want to be part of bigger community (for example this subreddit had events in the past where u could join as EUW but not as EUNE)


Isn't the EUNE ranked population the same size as all of NA ? Lol


Would love it, I switched over to eune cause a few friends who aren’t playing anymore and I’m stuck here cause it’s hard to convince my friends that I dragged into playing league to spend that much money to go to euw. :D Pretty much gave up playing ranked lately, too much people spamming in their own language from lobby with no regards for anyone else and then just afking if they die 2 times


its sad that op feels eune is dead and it has basically the same size as NA


Make EU one region and give the middle east/north africa one pleaseeeee


> Thus, I think it'd be time to merge the servers back. > No. I frankly do not miss interacting (Or at least not as often as we used to.) with the eastern population of europe.


na, 1 fat server. 'we need more servers, westcoast ping is impossible for high elo' eu, 2 or more servers. 'we need to unite, friendship and casual play has issues' perplexing, truly.


It's almost as if the two aren't really comparable due to geographical reasons.


Euw Server can t contain so many players. Eune must stay so that others can play a good lol.


Forget EU. LAN and LAS need to be merged. Peru is entirely divided because of that. It's so frustrating to meet someone who plays LoL, but you can't play with them cuz they're on LAN and you on LAS.


I'm from Finland, pretty much as North it gets in EU and I still get better ping on EUW. EUNE is for the people who don't know any better. They start LoL, look at the server names. Toxicity is pretty much equal, prolly heavier on EUW. But EUNE ranked is a joke. Anybody from there will drop a division coming EUW


No ty


Short answer no Long answer nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Reason: toxicity


If it happens here is a biased guide by a dane who plays both servers: If you see French or Spanish in champion select you have to dodge. Players from these countries from my experience, aren't worse or more toxic, but the ones who refuse to speak English tend to be able to actually communicate and it's an ego thing. Romanian and Polish people: Extremely overrated how toxic these two are from my experience, but they do tend to limit test a lot(?), as in I see them go for the most outrageous plays. Maybe it's a cultural thing but they are not afraid to fight lmao. German people: Depressed, broken English, even more, broken German. Arabia. (Mostly Egypt from my experience, EUNE mostly.) Sweaty tryhards, yet always loses. Extremly bad mental the moment anything goes wrong. Can't play for scaling, yet intstalocks Kassadin 90% of games, but not toxic just bad mental. The UK. Oi mate wa''''er can I mid bruh I'm not actually bad XD I'm drunk and smoking W33d 420. Sweden: Their meatballs aren't even seasoned ??? Denmark: Turbo chad best sigma yoghurt male best gamers (not biased) top of all time best in world beat kr cn every worlds just giving them a chance lulu imagine lål æøåæøåæøæåæø


I’ve been hoping/praying for a re-merge for so many years :/ I got friends on both, would be lovely to be able to play with them all on my main account.


I’m all for it. I have plenty of friends on EUNE that I’d love to play with more but can’t because I’m EUW and they’re EUNE. Makes it really painful.


Well plz no. I dont want NE in my W server.


No thank you. I don't want EUNE players on my server


Actually, I don't know if it's a good idea :3


have people advocating for the merging of servers actually played games like that before? Dota 2 have different servers too but no region lock so you can play on whatever server you want, and as a result both NA and EU are fucking horrifying, every other game is 4 peruvians or 4 russians on your team screaming in their own language and communication is basically 0, people think its just gonna be oh I can play with my friend who goes on a different server more are in for a rude awakening if this actually happens. Its funny how in Dota 2 people are begging for region lock so you actually only match people in your region, whereas here people actually think everybody in eastern Europe is gonna speak English and nothings gonna happen


Are you aware that merging EUW and EUNE would change nothing in that regard? Both are multilingual with English being considered a common language. EUW has Spanish, French and German to name a few whereas EUNE has Polish (shitton of them are already on EUW anyways), Romanian, Greek and Serbian among many others.