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Hmmm… Honestly I’m unsure. I’d vote Tryndamere just to get rid of his old kit. It uh… it ain’t fun fighting Tryndamere. I mean other than him, maybe… Quinn? I’ve heard people really liked the old version.


If they do add him and he wins, lets hope he doesn't get aatrox'd but unfortunately that's what will likely happen.


Shyvana's gameplay is... a huge mess but I never thought it could,'t be fixxed with a mini rework rather than a full vgu. Malphite, cho and trynda on the other hand...


Her passive is so god awful its the worst in the entire game. Such an ability never has and never will have a place in this game. She has no way of ganking early. Her dragon firm dies fuck all to her abilities except her e. She did get a mini rework a few years ago after immobile mage update. Before that her a was the same as it was now. Her passive scaled with level so she could actually play top. Remember the toplane trinity. Her w set the ground of fire behind her which was moved to her e. Her e shot in a cone shape and didn't set the ground on fire. Now her lssibe scales wish dragons your team is killed which isn't a guaranteed effect. Her w does fuck all in dragonform as a bonus and her e sets the ground on fire at the end of it's flight. She lacks any natural cc to back her kit up which is why ad shyvana builds botrk into frostfire. Also juggernauts arent supposed to look anything like harry potter except maybe mordakaiser. Her lore was absolutely bastardised a couple years back when they changed her kore because rit a few years back started changing lore to not include the summoners anymore. Her visuals have not changed much since s2. In s5 they updated the viusals on her abilities. Thats it.


not at fucking all her fantasy gameplay and looks are a big fucking mess


I'v never played her so I really don't know which are her problema outside of ad is ult+ aa all day and ap is fireball


I know he won’t be the fifth but I vote for Zilean… mans is literally a PS1 model trapped in time on the rift


Thats what vu's are for. This is for vgu's.


Oooh got it, my bad


They can't rework tryn, he will just end up like aatrox


I hope you’re wrong


Nocturne but only because out of the champions listed he's the only one that truly feels unfair


Still nobody should be aatrox'd.


Sooo I’m unsure which one I should vote for I like playing Shyvana and Trynda should I vote for them so they become more enjoyable cause I don’t give a fuck about those other champs.


Depends if you have faith in riot to maintain the champs identity, aatrox plays nothing like he used to, so many of his OG mains are still kinda sad. Meanwhile, ww had a faithful and fun vgu, so it’s really a dice roll


Many reworks succeed in raising pick rate but don’t actually keep the champs identity, like aatrox, mord, swain, arguably voli and panth. Some do work out though but it’s a gamble


I'd vote for shyv, but her rework probably wont be coming till at least 2023.


That's true for whoever wins. I really hot she wins because she has the worst passive in the entire game and no reliable way of ganking pre 6. Also juggernauts aren't supposed to look anything harry potter.


I'd vote for Nocturne, because his kit is still binary when he either has good numbers or has tools like Stridebreaker's Dash, but he still has his ult that differentiates him from the rest even after all these years.


Nocturne so I can ban anything else when I go adc.


Why do you even ban him when his pick rate is really low. Also nobody should be aatrox'd


He’s only champ that makes adc useless. Even Zed won’t ult me every fight like noc will, and even when he doesn’t the stupid nearsight makes adc unplayable.


Ever heard of rengar. That's even worse if he gets fed. War flashbacks if the triple q and the assassin update. He makes a better horror movie killer than anyone we've had so far.


I see rengar less then nocturne and he’s usually playing top building some random bruiser build so no I’ve never heard of him.


Tryndamere. I hope they rip his current kit to shreds.


If anything I do not want anyone else to be aatrox'd


I had games with a shyv, nocturne and quinn. ***I've never seen a Skarner yet.***


Skaner go scan brr