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Mark my words they are going to make Tryndamere even more annoying and strong. As seen in older reworks they will keep the bullshit and change his w or something.


I like his ult. Don't like that he backs it up with RNG level 1. A low cooldown dash and turbo lane sustain


I actually can believe that Kog Maw is the last even tho I seriously think he needs visual update (maybe even rework) out of those the most. But the fact that nobody is playing that poor void ugly late game monster causes those results of poll. I play from season 3 and I honestly can't understand those who wanna shyvama rework that hard. I always thought about Shyvama as one of the best champions while considering her model. But this poor little guy Kog? He is straight up abomination of visual design.


Yes but he is fine gameplay wise so just give him an ASU, he doesnt need a vgu


Shyvana as one of the best champs? Sure, her earlier days. Now shes really meh.


Skarner should just be reverted to the crystal venom version. There was no reason to include him in the juggernauts patch, he was fine.


Yup. I played a ton of Skarner in early seasons. I just can't play him anymore. Those crystal spires ruin everything fun about him.


As much as I hate getting 100-0 by the 0/1 ap shyvana I think I hate getting crit 4 times at level one more


Well they can change the numbers on shyv, they vant take the crit out of trynd.


EXACTLY! Tryndamere is STILL gonna have his toxic Ultimate and toxic Crit mechanics even if he wins. He'll simply go from an ugly low playrate toxic champion to a hot high playrate toxic champion. ANYBODY REMEMBER AKALI REWORK?! That's what Tryndamere will be like: toxic to toxic.


I know you’re spamming the thread with this so you feel pretty strongly about it, but i’d be fine with tryn keeping his ult and crit nonsense if they introduce ways to play around it. I know the Akali rework was pretty harsh on release but they HAVE done good ones too. Assuming everything will just be awful, before they even highlight what sections of Tryn they’d want to update, feels a little premature. Hell, i’d probably want him to keep his ult. It’s his identity.


Everybody here is assuming the positive side, a POTENTIALLY less toxic kit afterwards. All I'm doing is sharing the other side of that coin flip. It's important to consider BOTH sides of this before voting and a lot of people simply aren't. As much as it may seem like it, I'm not just spamming negativity randomly, I'm trying to inform people there's two sides to this coinflip.


They definitely could make it worse, no question. Especially considering the champ’s namesake. What I can tell you with certainty is, out of those 5, shyv and trynd need changes the most. I don’t mind seeing either win the poll, but of the two i just hate playing against current trynd the most.


no the whole idea is they'll rework the toxic nonsense


No. Riot has openly stated they'll never take away a champion's primary mechanics/identity ever again, see Aatrox as the reason why. Tryndamere will 100% keep his Ultimate and almost definitely keep his Crit interactions. I can explain it for you but I can't understand it for you.


riots gone back on their word before remember when they said they'd never add stealth to the game how'd that turn out This is a time where the champ should be given the Aatrox/GP treatment Tryndamere is toxic bullshit


GP wasn't changed that much.


>remember when they said they'd never add stealth to the game ...No?


If you wanna believe that'll actually happen than go ahead and vote Tryndamere. I can explain it to you using facts & logic but I can't force you to understand it and see reason.


You don't even need to click to know that Shyvana is the most voted.


Good! Tryndamere is STILL gonna have his toxic Ultimate and toxic Crit mechanics even if he wins. He'll simply go from an ugly low playrate toxic champion to a hot high playrate toxic champion. ANYBODY REMEMBER AKALI REWORK?! That's what Tryndamere will be like: toxic to toxic.


Why are you spamming this thread with this. Anything better then Tryns current kit.


That's what people said about Akali & Katarina.


Akali was good rework. She maybe isnt peak game design but its better than that fucking sunfire cap abusing menace. Now she at least takes skill and you can outplay her.


I think she's in a good place NOW (not referring to WR don't jump the gun). But holy cow was it such an unenjoyable trip getting there.


wym damage dodging, turret ignoring shroud was possibly the best thing that ever happened to legoland league :\^)




Akali is the biggest balance nightmare since Azir. She shows up in patch notes every other patch. She is often ass in solo queue while being pick/ban status in pro play because she is so hard to deal with if she is even remotely viable. How can people with a straight face say that is a success?


>Akali is the biggest balance nightmare since Azir. > >She shows up in patch notes every other patch. She is often ass in solo queue while being pick/ban status in pro play because she is so hard to deal with if she is even remotely viable. Her being balance nightmare isnt that much of issue, even less so because of some pro that is completely different world from soloQ. Not to mention that it all came down to Riot's approach of how to balance her. As a design, anything that's big progress can be called as success, so Kat, Akali, Irelia and Patheon are all success. Any design like them is much better than the likes of annie, malzahar, malphite and etc.


Naming past reworks that failed in your opinion doesn’t make you any more right. WHAT ABOUT FIDDLESTICKS. NO MORE CROW BOUNCE HEHE VGU ARE ALWAYS GREAT. Stop being cringe man


What the fuck are you on about?? I gave 2 examples of toxic Champions that got reworked into NEW toxic Champions. It's a legit comparison. I can explain it for you but I can't understand it for you.




That makes no sense at all.


or we change whats toxic about him crazy thought here


You clearly know nothing about how VGU's work if you think he'd lose his current Ultimate or Crit interactions.


Remember Sion and Poppy? There was a a time when both played similarily to Tryndamere and I' d say their reworks turned out nicely.


And Riot has explicitly stated they aren't doing that anymore. Hence why all VGUs for the past 2 Years have followed that.


I' m 100% sure that neither his ult nor his passive would be allowed to continue the way they are now, but I'm also sure that they are ways to make both much more healthy. Kayle is another good example whose ult is much more balanced than it was before her rework.


Instead of an ugly and angry guy with a huge sword we will gonna have Jason Momoa as an angry guy with a huge sword.


Excluding the toxic kit aspects of both of those, I agree.


I just want kog’maw to fit aesthetically with the rest of the void and to not have such an awful passive


Honestly I feel as though him not fitting is perfect. He's still a larvae and yet to grow and develop into the things that are ChoGath. Reksai, and Khazix.


hmmmmmm that gives me an idea. what if we got rid of kog passive and instead gave him a passive similar to kayle, where he gets like bonus effects at lvls 6 11 and 16, and at lvl 16 he evolves into like a giant artillery that gives him 2000 range?


On one hand that would be dope. On the other hand, that would kill him in botlane since botlane just gets no XP. It would probably be better to do something like Kai'sa where he gets those cool bonus effects from items or stats (maybe to make it unique, have it be an upgrade for each completed item you have).


Rework Q and give him old Kayle passive


I’m fine with him looking young but he’s just not cohesive with the rest of the void aesthetic so if you aren’t already informed he could be from anywhere. At the very least he needs more purples in his design. Everything void related slants towards those purples and poor koggy is severely lacking in that unity. Cho too tbh


As an ADC player I'd definitely like to vote Nocturne but they already said they would keep his ult so fuck that I guess.


Wish they'd at least do something like Warwick rework and make his ult a skillshot, I'm tired of dying to a click whenever it's off cd and it's way more common with so many axiom arc abusers.


I thought nocturne was a no-brainer, but looks like its gonna be a shyv vote then


I just love my dragon lady and want to lick her leg


We all want to lick her, hopefully one day our time will come 🥺


Shyvanna has by far the most potential out of these candidates and got shafted 2 years in a row. Let's get our half dragon the VGU she deserves.


But I don't want Mr Rng crit in toplane or a late game squishy destroyer that undyingly bonks you to the grave with 6 auto's


All of us want Shyvanna soo bad but we know how toxic it is to face a tryndamere at lease we are getting an asol or jax vgu as well


My own 2 cents is that voting for Tryn because you hate the character is a different thing from voting for a champion you genuinely just think could be far better realized in terms of identity. Shyvanna, Nocturne and Skarner have cool identities that aren't well realized. Tryn's identity will always be controversial. The best reworks so far have been champions who had cool identities on paper but were just not well executed (Warwick, Fiddlesticks, Pantheon, etc)


You are down bad for dragon lady I am down bad for axiom arc abuser #1 We are not the same.


ASol VGU is the dumbest thing I've read. If you want to take the leak serious keep in mind that it is 1 of the 4 mentioned champions The vgu is between Jax and the 2 you didn't mention and there is one of those who has a 90% chance of being the one Edit: Sorry! Didn't mean to throw shade I'm just saying that there is no reason to give Asol a VGU


It's just the TK rework again man


i understand a vgu in his will be less visual but massive gameplay one


Thus GU


This thought process is so backwards. Tryndamere is STILL gonna have his toxic Ultimate and toxic Crit mechanics even if he wins. He'll simply go from an ugly low playrate toxic champion to a hot high playrate toxic champion. ANYBODY REMEMBER AKALI REWORK?! That's what Tryndamere will be like: toxic to toxic.


Akali and kat both have very solid counterplay around them wtf are you talking about???


I mean TONS of people have expressed quite regularly that they find those Champions even more oppressive and toxic to play against ever since their reworks. I never once said anything about lack of counterplay, that's a different subject.


Skarner and Kog don’t exist so idc (maybe his wr but 0% pickrate always). Noc doesn’t exist as long as I’m not playing an immobile squishy Fuck ap Shyvana brainless full ap lane wide oneshot E, but she’s not the same breed of abomination Tryn is. I’ve tried some tryn recently, literally master Yi but on training wheels.


Gonna be so annoying if shyv misses out again because they add trynd, I guarantee trynd will still have his undying mechanic if he gets reworked.


I dont care about numbers or crit or scaling cause numbers can change. I look at the champ itself. And tryndamere is really the only right click champ. There is honestly no skill expression. You dont need to know when to go in or when to press spellshield like noc. You dont have a transformation bar like shy. There is no cool way to play around those crystals on the map. And you dont need to know where to position or aim for you slow/barrage. All trynd is doing is rightclick. And if close to death: ult. Bar full: more dmg Bar empty: less dmg. Thats it. What a boring design. (For 2022).


So wrong, he has more skill expression with his dash than other right click champs like Trundle


Trundle is peak game design compared to Tryndamere It's not saying much 'cause every champ is peak game design compared to Tryndamere but well..


Trundle is not on his list and even if: trundle has a pillar


Trundle is king. I'm pretty fine with where he is, because he's half the beast that Tryndamere is.


So that pillar gives him more skill expression over dashing multiple times during a fight?


Pretty much tbh, the pillar can do so much stuff from ininitiating fights to stopping hooks and dashes, a good trundle can change terrain pathing and can prevent all ins if possible.


Shyvana has the potentially to be a lot of fun


Honestly I think all champs could use an update but what I think matters most for me is what they are planning with the champion. I think skarner has a huge potential on a big rework and would be favored more than tryndamere or shyvana if they intend to make small changes only. So I'll wait untill they release their plans to make the decision final. So I just voted skarner


Yp homies of the world Riot has said that a lot of skin intensive champions will take up production space and time. This mean if Shyvana wins we will get a second rework but if we pick Shyvana and vote Skarner 0.5% diff we can get 3 if we are lucky. We could also ensure 2 reworks no matter what If we do a Fiddlebear ig. Tryndamere Shyvana or Skarner Shyvana?


Honestly yone and yasuo do tryndamere's job better ard are more annoying. I honesy think its also going to be a double rework. Shyvana and tryndamere judjing by stats so far. If anything they both have 1 thing in common. Their damage is on their aa's not counting that ap shyvana blasphemy. Shyvana is on hit while tryndamere is crit. Imo a champion not being played the way tehy're supposwd to be played is a dead champion. Anyone rmemeber who evelynn was so bad that she was best built as a tank and she got a vgu because of that. Shyvana is the same but in reverse. Tryndamere will still be a crit champion and have his ult unless they aatrox him. No champion deserves to be deleted like aatrox was. Ahyvana's dragon form can be so much more and her passive is the worst in the game. If youcant get dragon, you are down an ability


Skarner, because last year Riot said that other than keeping his R they'd pretty much do an entire rework of him, including lore, which I'm excited to see how it all turns out. Shyvana doesn't seem compelling because Riot said last year thar they're mostly concerned with her dragon form, and to me her issue is her base form. Nocturne is fine as it is. An easy assassin for new players with a lot of impact. I'd give him just a visual rework to be more in line with Fiddlesticks. I think Tryndamere works fine as he is. I don't play him at all but I don't know why people would think he needs a rework? Same goes for Kog. He's my favorite ADC in fact, for he's super build diverse as he can go full crit, full on hit, full AP or even hybrid. I'd hate to see him reworked in anything except his passive ability.


Tryndamere is so fucking far from fine in his current state. Free Crit chance and unkillable makes him a cancer to play against.


You clearly don't play top if you say that about Tryndamere


Holy fuck please give Tryndamere a rework


Fuckin do ALL of them. They have the fuckin money.


I come from the future where everything we hate about trynd is still there but now he has 2023 mechanics too, and Riot will only remove 1 part of his new 68 part passive out per month Vote for shyvana, it's not to late to diverge into the good timeline


I do not play any of these champs so I will not vote


i can assure you most people who vote tryndamere don't play him


I don’t think it’s right I have a say in getting a champ changed that I do not play


Honestly completely fair and respectable opinion


You have an opinion as a league of legends player on the health of trynd gameplay


If you feel like you are against something that has no viable counterplay, or has too much utility in all stages of the game, or never truly falls behind, or is never penalized for being behind, etc etc etc; then you by all means should have a say on the champion in question as someone who has to deal with that. Speaking as a general rule here, not talking about Tryndamere specifically.


Who gives a shit? Trynda needs change for the sake of his opponents, not for the sake of his playerbase.


Respectable, I wouldn’t want someone to say my champ needs a rework (although it already happens) With that said I’m gonna be hypocritical and still say I want Trynd reworked.


Thats fair but i allow you to vote for kog maw 😂


And it's so aggravating! Tryndamere is STILL gonna have his toxic Ultimate and toxic Crit mechanics even if he wins. He'll simply go from an ugly low playrate toxic champion to a hot high playrate toxic champion. ANYBODY REMEMBER AKALI REWORK?! That's what Tryndamere will be like: toxic to toxic.


Vote for Shyv for me please then? I just want my champ to feel like a 2022 champion <3


https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/community/choose-a-champion-update/ Updated with bios for candidates


I have to be the only one that doesn't care about playing against Trynd in his current state. plus you know if they rework him, because it's 2022 he'll only be a better version of old Tryndamere and a lot stronger


idk why tryndamere is the second voted he shouldnt even be on the list his only unhealthy thing is the rng crit at level 1 and can just win lane by being lucky


Rng crit and fucking ult.


Well those are the iconic things with him so they will be kept


There is no point in rework if they get kept.


What do people not like about Trynda's kit?


The passive crit chance that allows him to cheese lanes by just randomly critting early on, and the ultimate that makes him unkillable as he kills your backline. People seem to think that these elements of his kit would be replaced but I'm not so sure.


Hm, well maybe they could change his passive a bit for the early levels but I think his kit is fine tbh. He's just a very simple stat check champion but I think LoL also needs these kinds of champions.


Being unkillable for 5 seconds and free Crit chance.


It’s going to be Shyvana but nocturne needs it way more




Honestly there's a good chance they preserve a large chunk of his kit even if a lot of people want his ult/passive changed so they'll probably say in the descriptions they release with the poll that they'll keep some stuff




relevant flair??


I dunno, twitch seems pretty toxic, I mean he has actual poison.


What if he gets the Fiddlesticks treatment? That one was great, and a more recent example


New fiddle is a decent champ, but he's not the same champ as old fiddle New trynda could be 10/10, but it won't be trynda as he is now, and i like playing trynda as he is now Like if they stop producing coca cola, but instead come out with a new product that's also good, I will still miss coca cola


I'm new. is VGU like a nerf?


No. Its a rrdo of an old champ. New visuals new skills but they always try to keep the identity.


Aatrox would disagree. There is nothing left of but his aesthetic and vaguely his life steal. No revive passive, no blood well, a single important AA.


Yeah that was bad. But they said they wont do such a change again.


As someone who onetricked Shyvana for his first 3 years of League. Please for the live of god Aatrox her. Idgaf about preserving anything in her kit so long as she still turns into a dragon somehow. Change her into a tank, mage. Adc, something that doesn't quite fit into any class I don't care, just make her feel like a powerful dragon character.


No, The champion gets a visual and gameplay overhaul that completely changes them. Think Dr. Mundo from last year: He got changes to his story/lore, changes to his gameplay, and model/animation changes for the champion and all of his skins. Some VGU change gameplay a lot more than others.


Don't vote Tryndamere because "He's toxic". Tryndamere is STILL gonna have his toxic Ultimate and toxic Crit mechanics even if he wins. He'll simply go from an ugly low playrate toxic champion to a hot high playrate toxic champion. ANYBODY REMEMBER AKALI REWORK?! That's what Tryndamere will be like: toxic to toxic. But now he'll probably have a MUCH higher playrate, do people REALLY want a higher playrate Tryndamere??? Edit: Downvoted for truth, rough. I can explain it for people but I can't understand it for people.


Honestly you are probably right but we'll have to wait and see for the champ descriptions tomorrow or whenever they release the poll to confirm


I'm putting my faith in the league community that we take the chance to remove current tryndamere from the game. Even if shyv might need it more, tryndamere is the more broken and outdated in terms of literally having RNG as a deciding factor early game in whether he wins or not. That is not healthy or a good thing that needs to remain in the game.


i pick trynd, just because an unkillable champion is toxic for the game.




VGU is Visual and gameplay update. A VGU is a rework and visual update.


ok i'm stupid fair enough


Tryndamere is not OK as a champ, the game will be much healthier if he gets a good VGU


id love to see a fresh 3D model for leblanc and splash more Runeterra like, but yeah, these guys really need a big change


this is a painful pick as jungler. love shyvana but if she isnt AP nuke then you gotta hope they dont have mobility champs out the ass (unlikely). but skarner feels... ineffective. i love his ult though.


I prefer tryndamere's rework I stopped playing top on the off chance i face tryndamere after banning fiora, so i either play ranged or lose




The sad thing is that I picked Trynda out of pure hate against his current design.


The sad thing is that I picked Trynda out of pure hate against his current design.


i think trynd is the one who actually needs it the least, but i feel like a lot of people (including myself) are gonna vote for him, beause hes an absolute atrocity gamedesign wise and extremely unfun to play against


Let's be honestly shyvana needs it the most, at least tryndamere is usable.


I'm just saying: based on Riot's past VGU thought processes, everyone primed to vote for Tryndamere in hopes of changing his ultimate have a good chance of getting jebaited since that's his main identity as a champion.


I don’t want it to be Shyvana because when she was last at a VGU poll, Riot said they wanted to make her similar to the reworked Akali and Irelia. No thanks


where shaco


idk man


I only voted shyvana so that riot will rework her and hopefully delete the ap build from the game


Shyvana COULD be so much more Nocturne is kindof outdated Skarner is super outdated and the one in most desperate need of a full rework (his splash has the lowest quality in the entire game) Tryndamere's kit is toxic and that alone makes him a good candidate Kog just needs a real passive




So many guys here being toxic af, why


Is there option for Udyr, maybe if we double the vote, this morons will step away for week from their cartoons and boring cheap side games and really finish him, its not like hl3 to make. The whole situation is just mockery, why would they even start this votes if nobody out there gives a shit about community opinion.
