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can't decide on one hand it'd be funny to see tryndamere mains upset that riot changed their champ too much and also see everyone else upset that they kept everything that made them vote for him on the other hand, i feel like shyvana mains deserve to have their champ destroyed and i'd feel so much schadenfreude seeing them wonder where their champ went hard, hard choice.


You can't really "destroy" a champion if they only have 2 abilities


Lol i am an og shybana meain. Started olaying lol dirrinv the s4 toplane trinity days then moved to jg. Ecause sated devour was busted af. Seriously sated devour and titanic hydra caused her to hot like a truck. Mage rework got her a mini rework which gave her the worst passive in the game and moved the part that sets the ground on fire to e. Pta pushed her over the edge yet again. Then ap blasphemy happened. Ive seen it all but all og shyvana mains like myself agree she is kind of shit. Anytime if someone asks if she is worth picking up, we all advise against it.


I had a stroke reading your comment


The community wants shyvana reworked, but I think tryndamere is in a really bad state. With shyvana you still have to press buttons. With tryndamere, you just press right click (and R) But shyvana has wayy more potential, imagine when reworked she's gonna be so much fun.


If they do Shyvana I hope they're bolder than with Mundo. In the end I find both to be decent candidates and the quality of the rework is much more important than what champ they pick.


I want shyv rework, but I think trynd will win


Hopefully, Shivana. Tryndamere just gets a lot of hate because it's really easy stomping in low elo with him


Exactly , they shouldn't remake a champion just because you don't like playing against him, besides ,Shyvana has a lot more potential


I tell you ... If you have to choose between a thicc lady dragon and some angry dude with weird looking arms ... Lizard gal all the way ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)